// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Public deno module. export { env, exit, isTTY, execPath, homeDir, hostname } from "./os.ts"; export { chdir, cwd } from "./dir.ts"; export { File, open, openSync, stdin, stdout, stderr, read, readSync, write, writeSync, seek, seekSync, close, OpenMode } from "./files.ts"; export { EOF, copy, toAsyncIterator, SeekMode, Reader, SyncReader, Writer, SyncWriter, Closer, Seeker, SyncSeeker, ReadCloser, WriteCloser, ReadSeeker, WriteSeeker, ReadWriteCloser, ReadWriteSeeker } from "./io.ts"; export { Buffer, readAll, readAllSync, writeAll, writeAllSync } from "./buffer.ts"; export { mkdirSync, mkdir } from "./mkdir.ts"; export { makeTempDirSync, makeTempDir, MakeTempDirOptions } from "./make_temp_dir.ts"; export { chmodSync, chmod } from "./chmod.ts"; export { chownSync, chown } from "./chown.ts"; export { utimeSync, utime } from "./utime.ts"; export { removeSync, remove, RemoveOption } from "./remove.ts"; export { renameSync, rename } from "./rename.ts"; export { readFileSync, readFile } from "./read_file.ts"; export { readDirSync, readDir } from "./read_dir.ts"; export { copyFileSync, copyFile } from "./copy_file.ts"; export { readlinkSync, readlink } from "./read_link.ts"; export { statSync, lstatSync, stat, lstat } from "./stat.ts"; export { linkSync, link } from "./link.ts"; export { symlinkSync, symlink } from "./symlink.ts"; export { writeFileSync, writeFile, WriteFileOptions } from "./write_file.ts"; export { applySourceMap } from "./error_stack.ts"; export { ErrorKind, DenoError } from "./errors.ts"; export { permissions, revokePermission, Permission, Permissions } from "./permissions.ts"; export { truncateSync, truncate } from "./truncate.ts"; export { FileInfo } from "./file_info.ts"; export { connect, dial, listen, Listener, Conn } from "./net.ts"; export { dialTLS, listenTLS } from "./tls.ts"; export { metrics, Metrics } from "./metrics.ts"; export { resources } from "./resources.ts"; export { kill, run, RunOptions, Process, ProcessStatus, Signal } from "./process.ts"; export { inspect, customInspect } from "./console.ts"; export { build, OperatingSystem, Arch } from "./build.ts"; export { version } from "./version.ts"; export const args: string[] = []; // These are internal Deno APIs. We are marking them as internal so they do not // appear in the runtime type library. /** @internal */ export { core } from "./core.ts"; /** @internal */ export { setPrepareStackTrace } from "./error_stack.ts"; // TODO Don't expose Console nor stringifyArgs. /** @internal */ export { Console, stringifyArgs } from "./console.ts"; // TODO Don't expose DomIterableMixin. /** @internal */ export { DomIterableMixin } from "./mixins/dom_iterable.ts"; /** The current process id of the runtime. */ export let pid: number; /** Reflects the NO_COLOR environment variable: https://no-color.org/ */ export let noColor: boolean; // TODO(ry) This should not be exposed to Deno. export function _setGlobals(pid_: number, noColor_: boolean): void { pid = pid_; noColor = noColor_; }