// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::OnceLock; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::located_script_name; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::resolve_url_or_path; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde::Deserializer; use deno_core::serde::Serialize; use deno_core::serde::Serializer; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::JsRuntime; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::RuntimeOptions; use deno_graph::GraphKind; use deno_graph::Module; use deno_graph::ModuleGraph; use deno_graph::ResolutionResolved; use deno_lib::util::checksum; use deno_lib::util::hash::FastInsecureHasher; use deno_lib::worker::create_isolate_create_params; use deno_resolver::npm::managed::ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoModuleError; use deno_resolver::npm::ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoReqError; use deno_semver::npm::NpmPackageReqReference; use node_resolver::errors::NodeJsErrorCode; use node_resolver::errors::NodeJsErrorCoded; use node_resolver::errors::PackageSubpathResolveError; use node_resolver::resolve_specifier_into_node_modules; use node_resolver::NodeResolutionKind; use node_resolver::ResolutionMode; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use thiserror::Error; use crate::args::TsConfig; use crate::args::TypeCheckMode; use crate::cache::ModuleInfoCache; use crate::node::CliNodeResolver; use crate::npm::CliNpmResolver; use crate::resolver::CliCjsTracker; use crate::sys::CliSys; use crate::util::path::mapped_specifier_for_tsc; mod diagnostics; pub use self::diagnostics::Diagnostic; pub use self::diagnostics::DiagnosticCategory; pub use self::diagnostics::Diagnostics; pub use self::diagnostics::Position; pub fn get_types_declaration_file_text() -> String { let mut assets = get_asset_texts() .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(|a| (a.specifier, a.text)) .collect::>(); let lib_names = vec![ "deno.ns", "deno.console", "deno.url", "deno.web", "deno.fetch", "deno.webgpu", "deno.websocket", "deno.webstorage", "deno.canvas", "deno.crypto", "deno.broadcast_channel", "deno.net", "deno.shared_globals", "deno.cache", "deno.window", "deno.unstable", ]; lib_names .into_iter() .map(|name| { let asset_url = format!("asset:///lib.{name}.d.ts"); assets.remove(&asset_url).unwrap() }) .collect::>() .join("\n") } fn get_asset_texts() -> Result, AnyError> { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(LAZILY_LOADED_STATIC_ASSETS.len()); for (name, text) in LAZILY_LOADED_STATIC_ASSETS.iter() { out.push(AssetText { specifier: format!("asset:///{name}"), text: text.to_string(), }); } Ok(out) } macro_rules! maybe_compressed_source { ($file: expr) => {{ maybe_compressed_source!(compressed = $file, uncompressed = $file) }}; (compressed = $comp: expr, uncompressed = $uncomp: expr) => {{ #[cfg(feature = "hmr")] { StaticAssetSource::Owned( concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/", $uncomp), std::sync::OnceLock::new(), ) } #[cfg(not(feature = "hmr"))] { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] { StaticAssetSource::Uncompressed(include_str!(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/", $uncomp ))) } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] { StaticAssetSource::Compressed(CompressedSource::new(include_bytes!( concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/", $comp, ".zstd") ))) } } }}; } macro_rules! maybe_compressed_lib { ($name: expr, $file: expr) => { ($name, maybe_compressed_source!(concat!("tsc/dts/", $file))) }; ($e: expr) => { maybe_compressed_lib!($e, $e) }; } macro_rules! maybe_compressed_ext_lib { ($name: expr, $file: expr) => { ( $name, maybe_compressed_source!( compressed = concat!("ext/", $file), uncompressed = concat!("../ext/", $file) ), ) }; } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum StaticAssetSource { #[cfg_attr(any(debug_assertions, feature = "hmr"), allow(dead_code))] Compressed(CompressedSource), Uncompressed(&'static str), #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "hmr"), allow(dead_code))] Owned(&'static str, std::sync::OnceLock>), } /// Like a `Cow` but the owned form is an `Arc` instead of `String` #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] #[serde(untagged)] pub enum MaybeStaticSource { Computed(Arc), Static(&'static str), } impl std::fmt::Display for MaybeStaticSource { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { MaybeStaticSource::Computed(arc) => write!(f, "{}", arc), MaybeStaticSource::Static(s) => write!(f, "{}", s), } } } impl From for Cow<'static, str> { fn from(value: MaybeStaticSource) -> Self { match value { MaybeStaticSource::Computed(arc) => Cow::Owned(arc.to_string()), MaybeStaticSource::Static(s) => Cow::Borrowed(s), } } } impl AsRef for MaybeStaticSource { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { match self { MaybeStaticSource::Computed(arc) => arc.as_ref(), MaybeStaticSource::Static(s) => s, } } } impl From for String { fn from(value: MaybeStaticSource) -> Self { match value { MaybeStaticSource::Computed(arc) => arc.to_string(), MaybeStaticSource::Static(s) => s.into(), } } } impl From for Arc { fn from(value: MaybeStaticSource) -> Self { match value { MaybeStaticSource::Computed(arc) => arc, MaybeStaticSource::Static(s) => Arc::from(s), } } } impl StaticAssetSource { pub fn get(&self) -> MaybeStaticSource { match self { StaticAssetSource::Compressed(compressed_source) => { MaybeStaticSource::Computed(compressed_source.get()) } StaticAssetSource::Uncompressed(src) => MaybeStaticSource::Static(src), StaticAssetSource::Owned(path, cell) => { let str = cell.get_or_init(|| std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap().into()); MaybeStaticSource::Computed((*str).clone()) } } } #[allow(clippy::inherent_to_string)] pub fn to_string(&self) -> String { self.get().into() } } /// Contains static assets that are not preloaded in the compiler snapshot. /// /// We lazily load these because putting them in the compiler snapshot will /// increase memory usage when not used (last time checked by about 0.5MB). pub static LAZILY_LOADED_STATIC_ASSETS: Lazy< HashMap<&'static str, StaticAssetSource>, > = Lazy::new(|| { ([ // compressed in build.rs maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.console.d.ts", "console/lib.deno_console.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!("lib.deno.url.d.ts", "url/lib.deno_url.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!("lib.deno.web.d.ts", "web/lib.deno_web.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.fetch.d.ts", "fetch/lib.deno_fetch.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.websocket.d.ts", "websocket/lib.deno_websocket.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.webstorage.d.ts", "webstorage/lib.deno_webstorage.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.canvas.d.ts", "canvas/lib.deno_canvas.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.crypto.d.ts", "crypto/lib.deno_crypto.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.broadcast_channel.d.ts", "broadcast_channel/lib.deno_broadcast_channel.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!("lib.deno.net.d.ts", "net/lib.deno_net.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_ext_lib!( "lib.deno.cache.d.ts", "cache/lib.deno_cache.d.ts" ), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.deno.webgpu.d.ts", "lib.deno_webgpu.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.deno.window.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.deno.worker.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.deno.shared_globals.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.deno.ns.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.deno.unstable.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.decorators.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.decorators.legacy.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.dom.asynciterable.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.dom.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.dom.extras.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.dom.iterable.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.collection.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.core.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.generator.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.promise.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2016.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2016.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2016.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.arraybuffer.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.date.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.object.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.string.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2017.typedarrays.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2018.asyncgenerator.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2018.asynciterable.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2018.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2018.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2018.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2018.promise.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2018.regexp.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2019.array.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2019.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2019.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2019.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2019.object.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2019.string.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2019.symbol.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.bigint.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.date.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.number.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.promise.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.sharedmemory.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.string.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2020.symbol.wellknown.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2021.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2021.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2021.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2021.promise.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2021.string.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2021.weakref.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.array.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.error.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.object.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.regexp.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2022.string.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2023.array.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2023.collection.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2023.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2023.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2023.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.arraybuffer.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.collection.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.object.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.promise.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.regexp.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.sharedmemory.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es2024.string.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es5.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.es6.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.array.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.collection.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.decorators.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.disposable.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.full.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.intl.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.esnext.iterator.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.scripthost.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.webworker.asynciterable.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.webworker.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.webworker.importscripts.d.ts"), maybe_compressed_lib!("lib.webworker.iterable.d.ts"), ( // Special file that can be used to inject the @types/node package. // This is used for `node:` specifiers. "node_types.d.ts", StaticAssetSource::Uncompressed( "/// \n", ), ), ]) .iter() .cloned() .collect() }); /// A structure representing stats from a type check operation for a graph. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Stats(pub Vec<(String, u32)>); impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Stats { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let items: Vec<(String, u32)> = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; Ok(Stats(items)) } } impl Serialize for Stats { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { Serialize::serialize(&self.0, serializer) } } impl fmt::Display for Stats { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "Compilation statistics:")?; for (key, value) in self.0.clone() { writeln!(f, " {key}: {value}")?; } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct AssetText { pub specifier: String, pub text: String, } /// Retrieve a static asset that are included in the binary. fn get_lazily_loaded_asset(asset: &str) -> Option { LAZILY_LOADED_STATIC_ASSETS.get(asset).map(|s| s.get()) } fn get_maybe_hash( maybe_source: Option<&str>, hash_data: u64, ) -> Option { maybe_source.map(|source| get_hash(source, hash_data)) } fn get_hash(source: &str, hash_data: u64) -> String { FastInsecureHasher::new_without_deno_version() .write_str(source) .write_u64(hash_data) .finish() .to_string() } /// Hash the URL so it can be sent to `tsc` in a supportable way fn hash_url(specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, media_type: MediaType) -> String { let hash = checksum::gen(&[specifier.path().as_bytes()]); format!( "{}:///{}{}", specifier.scheme(), hash, media_type.as_ts_extension() ) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct EmittedFile { pub data: String, pub maybe_specifiers: Option>, pub media_type: MediaType, } pub fn into_specifier_and_media_type( specifier: Option, ) -> (ModuleSpecifier, MediaType) { match specifier { Some(specifier) => { let media_type = MediaType::from_specifier(&specifier); (specifier, media_type) } None => ( Url::parse(MISSING_DEPENDENCY_SPECIFIER).unwrap(), MediaType::Dts, ), } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TypeCheckingCjsTracker { cjs_tracker: Arc, module_info_cache: Arc, } impl TypeCheckingCjsTracker { pub fn new( cjs_tracker: Arc, module_info_cache: Arc, ) -> Self { Self { cjs_tracker, module_info_cache, } } pub fn is_cjs( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, media_type: MediaType, code: &Arc, ) -> bool { let maybe_is_script = self .module_info_cache .as_module_analyzer() .analyze_sync(specifier, media_type, code) .ok() .map(|info| info.is_script); maybe_is_script .and_then(|is_script| { self .cjs_tracker .is_cjs_with_known_is_script(specifier, media_type, is_script) .ok() }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { self .cjs_tracker .is_maybe_cjs(specifier, media_type) .unwrap_or(false) }) } pub fn is_cjs_with_known_is_script( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, media_type: MediaType, is_script: bool, ) -> Result { self .cjs_tracker .is_cjs_with_known_is_script(specifier, media_type, is_script) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RequestNpmState { pub cjs_tracker: Arc, pub node_resolver: Arc, pub npm_resolver: CliNpmResolver, } /// A structure representing a request to be sent to the tsc runtime. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Request { /// The TypeScript compiler options which will be serialized and sent to /// tsc. pub config: Arc, /// Indicates to the tsc runtime if debug logging should occur. pub debug: bool, pub graph: Arc, pub hash_data: u64, pub maybe_npm: Option, pub maybe_tsbuildinfo: Option, /// A vector of strings that represent the root/entry point modules for the /// program. pub root_names: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, MediaType)>, pub check_mode: TypeCheckMode, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Response { /// Any diagnostics that have been returned from the checker. pub diagnostics: Diagnostics, /// If there was any build info associated with the exec request. pub maybe_tsbuildinfo: Option, /// Statistics from the check. pub stats: Stats, } // TODO(bartlomieju): we have similar struct in `tsc.rs` - maybe at least change // the name of the struct to avoid confusion? #[derive(Debug)] struct State { hash_data: u64, graph: Arc, maybe_tsbuildinfo: Option, maybe_response: Option, maybe_npm: Option, // todo(dsherret): it looks like the remapped_specifiers and // root_map could be combined... what is the point of the separation? remapped_specifiers: HashMap, root_map: HashMap, current_dir: PathBuf, } impl Default for State { fn default() -> Self { Self { hash_data: Default::default(), graph: Arc::new(ModuleGraph::new(GraphKind::All)), maybe_tsbuildinfo: Default::default(), maybe_response: Default::default(), maybe_npm: Default::default(), remapped_specifiers: Default::default(), root_map: Default::default(), current_dir: Default::default(), } } } impl State { pub fn new( graph: Arc, hash_data: u64, maybe_npm: Option, maybe_tsbuildinfo: Option, root_map: HashMap, remapped_specifiers: HashMap, current_dir: PathBuf, ) -> Self { State { hash_data, graph, maybe_npm, maybe_tsbuildinfo, maybe_response: None, remapped_specifiers, root_map, current_dir, } } pub fn maybe_remapped_specifier( &self, specifier: &str, ) -> Option<&ModuleSpecifier> { self .remapped_specifiers .get(specifier) .or_else(|| self.root_map.get(specifier)) } } #[op2] #[string] fn op_create_hash(s: &mut OpState, #[string] text: &str) -> String { op_create_hash_inner(s, text) } #[inline] fn op_create_hash_inner(s: &mut OpState, text: &str) -> String { let state = s.borrow_mut::(); get_hash(text, state.hash_data) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct EmitArgs { /// The text data/contents of the file. data: String, /// The _internal_ filename for the file. This will be used to determine how /// the file is cached and stored. file_name: String, } #[op2(fast)] fn op_emit( state: &mut OpState, #[string] data: String, #[string] file_name: String, ) -> bool { op_emit_inner(state, EmitArgs { data, file_name }) } #[inline] fn op_emit_inner(state: &mut OpState, args: EmitArgs) -> bool { let state = state.borrow_mut::(); match args.file_name.as_ref() { "internal:///.tsbuildinfo" => state.maybe_tsbuildinfo = Some(args.data), _ => { if cfg!(debug_assertions) { panic!("Unhandled emit write: {}", args.file_name); } } } true } pub fn as_ts_script_kind(media_type: MediaType) -> i32 { match media_type { MediaType::JavaScript => 1, MediaType::Jsx => 2, MediaType::Mjs => 1, MediaType::Cjs => 1, MediaType::TypeScript => 3, MediaType::Mts => 3, MediaType::Cts => 3, MediaType::Dts => 3, MediaType::Dmts => 3, MediaType::Dcts => 3, MediaType::Tsx => 4, MediaType::Json => 6, MediaType::SourceMap | MediaType::Css | MediaType::Wasm | MediaType::Unknown => 0, } } pub const MISSING_DEPENDENCY_SPECIFIER: &str = "internal:///missing_dependency.d.ts"; #[derive(Debug, Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum LoadError { #[class(generic)] #[error("Unable to load {path}: {error}")] LoadFromNodeModule { path: String, error: std::io::Error }, #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] ResolveUrlOrPathError(#[from] deno_path_util::ResolveUrlOrPathError), #[class(inherit)] #[error( "Error converting a string module specifier for \"op_resolve\": {0}" )] ModuleResolution(#[from] deno_core::ModuleResolutionError), #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] ClosestPkgJson(#[from] node_resolver::errors::ClosestPkgJsonError), } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct LoadResponse { data: String, version: Option, script_kind: i32, is_cjs: bool, } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_load( state: &mut OpState, #[string] load_specifier: &str, ) -> Result, LoadError> { op_load_inner(state, load_specifier) } fn op_load_inner( state: &mut OpState, load_specifier: &str, ) -> Result, LoadError> { fn load_from_node_modules( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, npm_state: Option<&RequestNpmState>, media_type: &mut MediaType, is_cjs: &mut bool, ) -> Result { *media_type = MediaType::from_specifier(specifier); let file_path = specifier.to_file_path().unwrap(); let code = std::fs::read_to_string(&file_path).map_err(|err| { LoadError::LoadFromNodeModule { path: file_path.display().to_string(), error: err, } })?; let code: Arc = code.into(); *is_cjs = npm_state .map(|npm_state| { npm_state.cjs_tracker.is_cjs(specifier, *media_type, &code) }) .unwrap_or(false); // todo(dsherret): how to avoid cloning here? Ok(code.to_string()) } let state = state.borrow_mut::(); let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(load_specifier, &state.current_dir)?; let mut hash: Option = None; let mut media_type = MediaType::Unknown; let graph = &state.graph; let mut is_cjs = false; let data = if load_specifier == "internal:///.tsbuildinfo" { state.maybe_tsbuildinfo.as_deref().map(Cow::Borrowed) // in certain situations we return a "blank" module to tsc and we need to // handle the request for that module here. } else if load_specifier == MISSING_DEPENDENCY_SPECIFIER { None } else if let Some(name) = load_specifier.strip_prefix("asset:///") { let maybe_source = get_lazily_loaded_asset(name).map(Cow::from); hash = get_maybe_hash(maybe_source.as_deref(), state.hash_data); media_type = MediaType::from_str(load_specifier); maybe_source } else { let specifier = if let Some(remapped_specifier) = state.maybe_remapped_specifier(load_specifier) { remapped_specifier } else { &specifier }; let maybe_module = match graph.try_get(specifier) { Ok(maybe_module) => maybe_module, Err(err) => match err { deno_graph::ModuleError::UnsupportedMediaType(_, media_type, _) => { return Ok(Some(LoadResponse { data: "".to_string(), version: Some("1".to_string()), script_kind: as_ts_script_kind(*media_type), is_cjs: false, })) } _ => None, }, }; let maybe_source = if let Some(module) = maybe_module { match module { Module::Js(module) => { media_type = module.media_type; if let Some(npm_state) = &state.maybe_npm { is_cjs = npm_state.cjs_tracker.is_cjs_with_known_is_script( specifier, module.media_type, module.is_script, )?; } let source = module .fast_check_module() .map(|m| &*m.source) .unwrap_or(&*module.source); Some(Cow::Borrowed(source)) } Module::Json(module) => { media_type = MediaType::Json; Some(Cow::Borrowed(&*module.source)) } Module::Wasm(module) => { media_type = MediaType::Dts; Some(Cow::Borrowed(&*module.source_dts)) } Module::Npm(_) | Module::Node(_) => None, Module::External(module) => { if module.specifier.scheme() != "file" { None } else { // means it's Deno code importing an npm module let specifier = resolve_specifier_into_node_modules( &CliSys::default(), &module.specifier, ); Some(Cow::Owned(load_from_node_modules( &specifier, state.maybe_npm.as_ref(), &mut media_type, &mut is_cjs, )?)) } } } } else if let Some(npm) = state .maybe_npm .as_ref() .filter(|npm| npm.node_resolver.in_npm_package(specifier)) { Some(Cow::Owned(load_from_node_modules( specifier, Some(npm), &mut media_type, &mut is_cjs, )?)) } else { None }; hash = get_maybe_hash(maybe_source.as_deref(), state.hash_data); maybe_source }; let Some(data) = data else { return Ok(None); }; Ok(Some(LoadResponse { data: data.into_owned(), version: hash, script_kind: as_ts_script_kind(media_type), is_cjs, })) } #[derive(Debug, Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum ResolveError { #[class(inherit)] #[error( "Error converting a string module specifier for \"op_resolve\": {0}" )] ModuleResolution(#[from] deno_core::ModuleResolutionError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] FilePathToUrl(#[from] deno_path_util::PathToUrlError), #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] PackageSubpathResolve(PackageSubpathResolveError), #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] ResolveUrlOrPathError(#[from] deno_path_util::ResolveUrlOrPathError), #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoModule(#[from] ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoModuleError), #[class(inherit)] #[error("{0}")] ResolveNonGraphSpecifierTypes(#[from] ResolveNonGraphSpecifierTypesError), } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ResolveArgs { /// The base specifier that the supplied specifier strings should be resolved /// relative to. pub base: String, /// A list of specifiers that should be resolved. /// (is_cjs: bool, raw_specifier: String) pub specifiers: Vec<(bool, String)>, } #[op2] #[string] fn op_remap_specifier( state: &mut OpState, #[string] specifier: &str, ) -> Option { let state = state.borrow::(); state .maybe_remapped_specifier(specifier) .map(|url| url.to_string()) } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_libs() -> Vec { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(LAZILY_LOADED_STATIC_ASSETS.len()); for key in LAZILY_LOADED_STATIC_ASSETS.keys() { let lib = key .replace("lib.", "") .replace(".d.ts", "") .replace("deno_", "deno."); out.push(lib); } out } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_resolve( state: &mut OpState, #[string] base: String, #[serde] specifiers: Vec<(bool, String)>, ) -> Result)>, ResolveError> { op_resolve_inner(state, ResolveArgs { base, specifiers }) } #[inline] fn op_resolve_inner( state: &mut OpState, args: ResolveArgs, ) -> Result)>, ResolveError> { let state = state.borrow_mut::(); let mut resolved: Vec<(String, Option<&'static str>)> = Vec::with_capacity(args.specifiers.len()); let referrer = if let Some(remapped_specifier) = state.maybe_remapped_specifier(&args.base) { remapped_specifier.clone() } else { resolve_url_or_path(&args.base, &state.current_dir)? }; let referrer_module = state.graph.get(&referrer); for (is_cjs, specifier) in args.specifiers { if specifier.starts_with("node:") { resolved.push(( MISSING_DEPENDENCY_SPECIFIER.to_string(), Some(MediaType::Dts.as_ts_extension()), )); continue; } if specifier.starts_with("asset:///") { let ext = MediaType::from_str(&specifier).as_ts_extension(); resolved.push((specifier, Some(ext))); continue; } let resolved_dep = referrer_module .and_then(|m| match m { Module::Js(m) => m.dependencies_prefer_fast_check().get(&specifier), Module::Json(_) => None, Module::Wasm(m) => m.dependencies.get(&specifier), Module::Npm(_) | Module::Node(_) | Module::External(_) => None, }) .and_then(|d| d.maybe_type.ok().or_else(|| d.maybe_code.ok())); let resolution_mode = if is_cjs { ResolutionMode::Require } else { ResolutionMode::Import }; let maybe_result = match resolved_dep { Some(ResolutionResolved { specifier, .. }) => { resolve_graph_specifier_types( specifier, &referrer, // we could get this from the resolved dep, but for now assume // the value resolved in TypeScript is better resolution_mode, state, )? } _ => { match resolve_non_graph_specifier_types( &specifier, &referrer, resolution_mode, state, ) { Ok(maybe_result) => maybe_result, Err( err @ ResolveNonGraphSpecifierTypesError::ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoReq( ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoReqError::Managed(_), ), ) => { // it's most likely requesting the jsxImportSource, which isn't loaded // into the graph when not using jsx, so just ignore this error if specifier.ends_with("/jsx-runtime") { None } else { return Err(err.into()); } } Err(err) => return Err(err.into()), } } }; let result = match maybe_result { Some((specifier, media_type)) => { let specifier_str = match specifier.scheme() { "data" | "blob" => { let specifier_str = hash_url(&specifier, media_type); state .remapped_specifiers .insert(specifier_str.clone(), specifier); specifier_str } _ => { if let Some(specifier_str) = mapped_specifier_for_tsc(&specifier, media_type) { state .remapped_specifiers .insert(specifier_str.clone(), specifier); specifier_str } else { specifier.to_string() } } }; ( specifier_str, match media_type { MediaType::Css => Some(".js"), // surface these as .js for typescript MediaType::Unknown => None, media_type => Some(media_type.as_ts_extension()), }, ) } None => ( MISSING_DEPENDENCY_SPECIFIER.to_string(), Some(MediaType::Dts.as_ts_extension()), ), }; log::debug!("Resolved {} from {} to {:?}", specifier, referrer, result); resolved.push(result); } Ok(resolved) } fn resolve_graph_specifier_types( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, resolution_mode: ResolutionMode, state: &State, ) -> Result, ResolveError> { let graph = &state.graph; let maybe_module = match graph.try_get(specifier) { Ok(Some(module)) => Some(module), Ok(None) => None, Err(err) => match err { deno_graph::ModuleError::UnsupportedMediaType( specifier, media_type, _, ) => { return Ok(Some((specifier.clone(), *media_type))); } _ => None, }, }; // follow the types reference directive, which may be pointing at an npm package let maybe_module = match maybe_module { Some(Module::Js(module)) => { let maybe_types_dep = module .maybe_types_dependency .as_ref() .map(|d| &d.dependency); match maybe_types_dep.and_then(|d| d.maybe_specifier()) { Some(specifier) => graph.get(specifier), _ => maybe_module, } } maybe_module => maybe_module, }; // now get the types from the resolved module match maybe_module { Some(Module::Js(module)) => { Ok(Some((module.specifier.clone(), module.media_type))) } Some(Module::Json(module)) => { Ok(Some((module.specifier.clone(), module.media_type))) } Some(Module::Wasm(module)) => { Ok(Some((module.specifier.clone(), MediaType::Dmts))) } Some(Module::Npm(module)) => { if let Some(npm) = &state.maybe_npm.as_ref() { let package_folder = npm .npm_resolver .as_managed() .unwrap() // should never be byonm because it won't create Module::Npm .resolve_pkg_folder_from_deno_module(module.nv_reference.nv())?; let res_result = npm.node_resolver.resolve_package_subpath_from_deno_module( &package_folder, module.nv_reference.sub_path(), Some(referrer), resolution_mode, NodeResolutionKind::Types, ); let maybe_url = match res_result { Ok(path_or_url) => Some(path_or_url.into_url()?), Err(err) => match err.code() { NodeJsErrorCode::ERR_TYPES_NOT_FOUND | NodeJsErrorCode::ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND => None, _ => return Err(ResolveError::PackageSubpathResolve(err)), }, }; Ok(Some(into_specifier_and_media_type(maybe_url))) } else { Ok(None) } } Some(Module::External(module)) => { // we currently only use "External" for when the module is in an npm package Ok(state.maybe_npm.as_ref().map(|_| { let specifier = resolve_specifier_into_node_modules( &CliSys::default(), &module.specifier, ); into_specifier_and_media_type(Some(specifier)) })) } Some(Module::Node(_)) | None => Ok(None), } } #[derive(Debug, Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum ResolveNonGraphSpecifierTypesError { #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] FilePathToUrl(#[from] deno_path_util::PathToUrlError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoReq(#[from] ResolvePkgFolderFromDenoReqError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] PackageSubpathResolve(#[from] PackageSubpathResolveError), } fn resolve_non_graph_specifier_types( raw_specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, resolution_mode: ResolutionMode, state: &State, ) -> Result< Option<(ModuleSpecifier, MediaType)>, ResolveNonGraphSpecifierTypesError, > { let npm = match state.maybe_npm.as_ref() { Some(npm) => npm, None => return Ok(None), // we only support non-graph types for npm packages }; let node_resolver = &npm.node_resolver; if node_resolver.in_npm_package(referrer) { // we're in an npm package, so use node resolution Ok(Some(into_specifier_and_media_type( node_resolver .resolve( raw_specifier, referrer, resolution_mode, NodeResolutionKind::Types, ) .and_then(|res| res.into_url()) .ok(), ))) } else if let Ok(npm_req_ref) = NpmPackageReqReference::from_str(raw_specifier) { debug_assert_eq!(resolution_mode, ResolutionMode::Import); // todo(dsherret): add support for injecting this in the graph so // we don't need this special code here. // This could occur when resolving npm:@types/node when it is // injected and not part of the graph let package_folder = npm .npm_resolver .resolve_pkg_folder_from_deno_module_req(npm_req_ref.req(), referrer)?; let res_result = node_resolver.resolve_package_subpath_from_deno_module( &package_folder, npm_req_ref.sub_path(), Some(referrer), resolution_mode, NodeResolutionKind::Types, ); let maybe_url = match res_result { Ok(url_or_path) => Some(url_or_path.into_url()?), Err(err) => match err.code() { NodeJsErrorCode::ERR_TYPES_NOT_FOUND | NodeJsErrorCode::ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND => None, _ => return Err(err.into()), }, }; Ok(Some(into_specifier_and_media_type(maybe_url))) } else { Ok(None) } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_is_node_file(state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: &str) -> bool { let state = state.borrow::(); ModuleSpecifier::parse(path) .ok() .and_then(|specifier| { state .maybe_npm .as_ref() .map(|n| n.node_resolver.in_npm_package(&specifier)) }) .unwrap_or(false) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)] struct RespondArgs { pub diagnostics: Diagnostics, pub stats: Stats, } // TODO(bartlomieju): this mechanism is questionable. // Can't we use something more efficient here? #[op2] fn op_respond(state: &mut OpState, #[serde] args: RespondArgs) { op_respond_inner(state, args) } #[inline] fn op_respond_inner(state: &mut OpState, args: RespondArgs) { let state = state.borrow_mut::(); state.maybe_response = Some(args); } #[derive(Debug, Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum ExecError { #[class(generic)] #[error("The response for the exec request was not set.")] ResponseNotSet, #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Core(deno_core::error::CoreError), } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct CompressedSource { bytes: &'static [u8], uncompressed: OnceLock>, } impl CompressedSource { #[cfg_attr(any(debug_assertions, feature = "hmr"), allow(dead_code))] pub(crate) const fn new(bytes: &'static [u8]) -> Self { Self { bytes, uncompressed: OnceLock::new(), } } pub(crate) fn get(&self) -> Arc { self .uncompressed .get_or_init(|| decompress_source(self.bytes)) .clone() } } pub(crate) static MAIN_COMPILER_SOURCE: StaticAssetSource = maybe_compressed_source!("tsc/99_main_compiler.js"); pub(crate) static LSP_SOURCE: StaticAssetSource = maybe_compressed_source!("tsc/98_lsp.js"); pub(crate) static TS_HOST_SOURCE: StaticAssetSource = maybe_compressed_source!("tsc/97_ts_host.js"); pub(crate) static TYPESCRIPT_SOURCE: StaticAssetSource = maybe_compressed_source!("tsc/00_typescript.js"); pub(crate) fn decompress_source(contents: &[u8]) -> Arc { let len_bytes = contents[0..4].try_into().unwrap(); let len = u32::from_le_bytes(len_bytes); let uncompressed = zstd::bulk::decompress(&contents[4..], len as usize).unwrap(); String::from_utf8(uncompressed).unwrap().into() } deno_core::extension!(deno_cli_tsc, ops = [ op_create_hash, op_emit, op_is_node_file, op_load, op_remap_specifier, op_resolve, op_respond, op_libs, ], options = { request: Request, root_map: HashMap, remapped_specifiers: HashMap, }, state = |state, options| { state.put(State::new( options.request.graph, options.request.hash_data, options.request.maybe_npm, options.request.maybe_tsbuildinfo, options.root_map, options.remapped_specifiers, std::env::current_dir() .context("Unable to get CWD") .unwrap(), )); }, customizer = |ext: &mut deno_core::Extension| { use deno_core::ExtensionFileSource; ext.esm_files.to_mut().push(ExtensionFileSource::new_computed("ext:deno_cli_tsc/99_main_compiler.js", crate::tsc::MAIN_COMPILER_SOURCE.get().into())); ext.esm_files.to_mut().push(ExtensionFileSource::new_computed("ext:deno_cli_tsc/97_ts_host.js", crate::tsc::TS_HOST_SOURCE.get().into())); ext.esm_files.to_mut().push(ExtensionFileSource::new_computed("ext:deno_cli_tsc/98_lsp.js", crate::tsc::LSP_SOURCE.get().into())); ext.js_files.to_mut().push(ExtensionFileSource::new_computed("ext:deno_cli_tsc/00_typescript.js", crate::tsc::TYPESCRIPT_SOURCE.get().into())); ext.esm_entry_point = Some("ext:deno_cli_tsc/99_main_compiler.js"); } ); pub struct TscExtCodeCache { cache: Arc, } impl TscExtCodeCache { pub fn new(cache: Arc) -> Self { Self { cache } } } impl deno_core::ExtCodeCache for TscExtCodeCache { fn get_code_cache_info( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, code: &deno_core::ModuleSourceCode, esm: bool, ) -> deno_core::SourceCodeCacheInfo { use deno_runtime::code_cache::CodeCacheType; let code_hash = FastInsecureHasher::new_deno_versioned() .write_hashable(code) .finish(); let data = self .cache .get_sync( specifier, if esm { CodeCacheType::EsModule } else { CodeCacheType::Script }, code_hash, ) .map(Cow::from) .inspect(|_| { log::debug!( "V8 code cache hit for Extension module: {specifier}, [{code_hash:?}]" ); }); deno_core::SourceCodeCacheInfo { hash: code_hash, data, } } fn code_cache_ready( &self, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, source_hash: u64, code_cache: &[u8], esm: bool, ) { use deno_runtime::code_cache::CodeCacheType; log::debug!( "Updating V8 code cache for Extension module: {specifier}, [{source_hash:?}]" ); self.cache.set_sync( specifier, if esm { CodeCacheType::EsModule } else { CodeCacheType::Script }, source_hash, code_cache, ); } } /// Execute a request on the supplied snapshot, returning a response which /// contains information, like any emitted files, diagnostics, statistics and /// optionally an updated TypeScript build info. pub fn exec( request: Request, code_cache: Option>, ) -> Result { // tsc cannot handle root specifiers that don't have one of the "acceptable" // extensions. Therefore, we have to check the root modules against their // extensions and remap any that are unacceptable to tsc and add them to the // op state so when requested, we can remap to the original specifier. let mut root_map = HashMap::new(); let mut remapped_specifiers = HashMap::new(); let root_names: Vec = request .root_names .iter() .map(|(s, mt)| match s.scheme() { "data" | "blob" => { let specifier_str = hash_url(s, *mt); remapped_specifiers.insert(specifier_str.clone(), s.clone()); specifier_str } _ => { if let Some(new_specifier) = mapped_specifier_for_tsc(s, *mt) { root_map.insert(new_specifier.clone(), s.clone()); new_specifier } else { s.to_string() } } }) .collect(); let request_value = json!({ "config": request.config, "debug": request.debug, "rootNames": root_names, "localOnly": request.check_mode == TypeCheckMode::Local, }); let exec_source = format!("globalThis.exec({request_value})"); let mut extensions = deno_runtime::snapshot_info::get_extensions_in_snapshot(); extensions.push(deno_cli_tsc::init_ops_and_esm( request, root_map, remapped_specifiers, )); let extension_code_cache = code_cache.map(|cache| { Rc::new(TscExtCodeCache::new(cache)) as Rc }); let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { extensions, create_params: create_isolate_create_params(), startup_snapshot: deno_snapshots::CLI_SNAPSHOT, extension_code_cache, ..Default::default() }); runtime .execute_script(located_script_name!(), exec_source) .map_err(ExecError::Core)?; let op_state = runtime.op_state(); let mut op_state = op_state.borrow_mut(); let state = op_state.take::(); if let Some(response) = state.maybe_response { let diagnostics = response.diagnostics; let maybe_tsbuildinfo = state.maybe_tsbuildinfo; let stats = response.stats; Ok(Response { diagnostics, maybe_tsbuildinfo, stats, }) } else { Err(ExecError::ResponseNotSet) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use deno_core::futures::future; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_error::JsErrorBox; use deno_graph::GraphKind; use deno_graph::ModuleGraph; use deno_runtime::code_cache::CodeCacheType; use test_util::PathRef; use super::Diagnostic; use super::DiagnosticCategory; use super::*; use crate::args::TsConfig; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct MockLoader { pub fixtures: PathRef, } impl deno_graph::source::Loader for MockLoader { fn load( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, _options: deno_graph::source::LoadOptions, ) -> deno_graph::source::LoadFuture { let specifier_text = specifier .to_string() .replace(":///", "_") .replace("://", "_") .replace('/', "-"); let source_path = self.fixtures.join(specifier_text); let response = source_path .read_to_bytes_if_exists() .map(|c| { Some(deno_graph::source::LoadResponse::Module { specifier: specifier.clone(), maybe_headers: None, content: c.into(), }) }) .map_err(|e| { deno_graph::source::LoadError::Other(Arc::new(JsErrorBox::generic( e.to_string(), ))) }); Box::pin(future::ready(response)) } } async fn setup( maybe_specifier: Option, maybe_hash_data: Option, maybe_tsbuildinfo: Option, ) -> OpState { let specifier = maybe_specifier .unwrap_or_else(|| ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///main.ts").unwrap()); let hash_data = maybe_hash_data.unwrap_or(0); let fixtures = test_util::testdata_path().join("tsc2"); let loader = MockLoader { fixtures }; let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(GraphKind::TypesOnly); graph .build(vec![specifier], &loader, Default::default()) .await; let state = State::new( Arc::new(graph), hash_data, None, maybe_tsbuildinfo, HashMap::new(), HashMap::new(), std::env::current_dir() .context("Unable to get CWD") .unwrap(), ); let mut op_state = OpState::new(None, None); op_state.put(state); op_state } async fn test_exec( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { test_exec_with_cache(specifier, None).await } async fn test_exec_with_cache( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, code_cache: Option>, ) -> Result { let hash_data = 123; // something random let fixtures = test_util::testdata_path().join("tsc2"); let loader = MockLoader { fixtures }; let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(GraphKind::TypesOnly); graph .build(vec![specifier.clone()], &loader, Default::default()) .await; let config = Arc::new(TsConfig::new(json!({ "allowJs": true, "checkJs": false, "esModuleInterop": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": false, "incremental": true, "jsx": "react", "jsxFactory": "React.createElement", "jsxFragmentFactory": "React.Fragment", "lib": ["deno.window"], "noEmit": true, "outDir": "internal:///", "strict": true, "target": "esnext", "tsBuildInfoFile": "internal:///.tsbuildinfo", }))); let request = Request { config, debug: false, graph: Arc::new(graph), hash_data, maybe_npm: None, maybe_tsbuildinfo: None, root_names: vec![(specifier.clone(), MediaType::TypeScript)], check_mode: TypeCheckMode::All, }; exec(request, code_cache) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_create_hash() { let mut state = setup(None, Some(123), None).await; let actual = op_create_hash_inner(&mut state, "some sort of content"); assert_eq!(actual, "11905938177474799758"); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_hash_url() { let specifier = deno_core::resolve_url( "data:application/javascript,console.log(\"Hello%20Deno\");", ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(hash_url(&specifier, MediaType::JavaScript), "data:///d300ea0796bd72b08df10348e0b70514c021f2e45bfe59cec24e12e97cd79c58.js"); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_emit_tsbuildinfo() { let mut state = setup(None, None, None).await; let actual = op_emit_inner( &mut state, EmitArgs { data: "some file content".to_string(), file_name: "internal:///.tsbuildinfo".to_string(), }, ); assert!(actual); let state = state.borrow::(); assert_eq!( state.maybe_tsbuildinfo, Some("some file content".to_string()) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_load() { let mut state = setup( Some(ModuleSpecifier::parse("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap()), None, Some("some content".to_string()), ) .await; let actual = op_load_inner(&mut state, "https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap(); assert_eq!( serde_json::to_value(actual).unwrap(), json!({ "data": "console.log(\"hello deno\");\n", "version": "7821807483407828376", "scriptKind": 3, "isCjs": false, }) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_load_asset() { let mut state = setup( Some(ModuleSpecifier::parse("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap()), None, Some("some content".to_string()), ) .await; let actual = op_load_inner(&mut state, "asset:///lib.dom.d.ts") .expect("should have invoked op") .expect("load should have succeeded"); let expected = get_lazily_loaded_asset("lib.dom.d.ts").unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual.data, expected.to_string()); assert!(actual.version.is_some()); assert_eq!(actual.script_kind, 3); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_load_tsbuildinfo() { let mut state = setup( Some(ModuleSpecifier::parse("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap()), None, Some("some content".to_string()), ) .await; let actual = op_load_inner(&mut state, "internal:///.tsbuildinfo") .expect("should have invoked op") .expect("load should have succeeded"); assert_eq!( serde_json::to_value(actual).unwrap(), json!({ "data": "some content", "version": null, "scriptKind": 0, "isCjs": false, }) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_load_missing_specifier() { let mut state = setup(None, None, None).await; let actual = op_load_inner(&mut state, "https://deno.land/x/mod.ts") .expect("should have invoked op"); assert_eq!(serde_json::to_value(actual).unwrap(), json!(null)); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_resolve() { let mut state = setup( Some(ModuleSpecifier::parse("https://deno.land/x/a.ts").unwrap()), None, None, ) .await; let actual = op_resolve_inner( &mut state, ResolveArgs { base: "https://deno.land/x/a.ts".to_string(), specifiers: vec![(false, "./b.ts".to_string())], }, ) .expect("should have invoked op"); assert_eq!( actual, vec![("https://deno.land/x/b.ts".into(), Some(".ts"))] ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_resolve_empty() { let mut state = setup( Some(ModuleSpecifier::parse("https://deno.land/x/a.ts").unwrap()), None, None, ) .await; let actual = op_resolve_inner( &mut state, ResolveArgs { base: "https://deno.land/x/a.ts".to_string(), specifiers: vec![(false, "./bad.ts".to_string())], }, ) .expect("should have not errored"); assert_eq!( actual, vec![(MISSING_DEPENDENCY_SPECIFIER.into(), Some(".d.ts"))] ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_respond() { let mut state = setup(None, None, None).await; let args = serde_json::from_value(json!({ "diagnostics": [ { "messageText": "Unknown compiler option 'invalid'.", "category": 1, "code": 5023 } ], "stats": [["a", 12]] })) .unwrap(); op_respond_inner(&mut state, args); let state = state.borrow::(); assert_eq!( state.maybe_response, Some(RespondArgs { diagnostics: Diagnostics::new(vec![Diagnostic { category: DiagnosticCategory::Error, code: 5023, start: None, end: None, original_source_start: None, message_text: Some( "Unknown compiler option \'invalid\'.".to_string() ), message_chain: None, source: None, source_line: None, file_name: None, related_information: None, reports_deprecated: None, reports_unnecessary: None, other: Default::default(), }]), stats: Stats(vec![("a".to_string(), 12)]) }) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_exec_basic() { let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("https://deno.land/x/a.ts").unwrap(); let actual = test_exec(&specifier) .await .expect("exec should not have errored"); assert!(!actual.diagnostics.has_diagnostic()); assert!(actual.maybe_tsbuildinfo.is_some()); assert_eq!(actual.stats.0.len(), 12); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_exec_reexport_dts() { let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///reexports.ts").unwrap(); let actual = test_exec(&specifier) .await .expect("exec should not have errored"); assert!(!actual.diagnostics.has_diagnostic()); assert!(actual.maybe_tsbuildinfo.is_some()); assert_eq!(actual.stats.0.len(), 12); } #[tokio::test] async fn fix_lib_ref() { let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///libref.ts").unwrap(); let actual = test_exec(&specifier) .await .expect("exec should not have errored"); assert!(!actual.diagnostics.has_diagnostic()); } pub type SpecifierWithType = (ModuleSpecifier, CodeCacheType); #[derive(Default)] struct TestExtCodeCache { cache: Mutex>>, hits: Mutex>, misses: Mutex>, } impl deno_runtime::code_cache::CodeCache for TestExtCodeCache { fn get_sync( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, code_cache_type: CodeCacheType, source_hash: u64, ) -> Option> { let result = self .cache .lock() .get(&((specifier.clone(), code_cache_type), source_hash)) .cloned(); if result.is_some() { *self .hits .lock() .entry((specifier.clone(), code_cache_type)) .or_default() += 1; } else { *self .misses .lock() .entry((specifier.clone(), code_cache_type)) .or_default() += 1; } result } fn set_sync( &self, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, code_cache_type: CodeCacheType, source_hash: u64, data: &[u8], ) { self .cache .lock() .insert(((specifier, code_cache_type), source_hash), data.to_vec()); } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_exec_code_cache() { let code_cache = Arc::new(TestExtCodeCache::default()); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("https://deno.land/x/a.ts").unwrap(); let actual = test_exec_with_cache(&specifier, Some(code_cache.clone())) .await .expect("exec should not have errored"); assert!(!actual.diagnostics.has_diagnostic()); let expect = [ ( "ext:deno_cli_tsc/99_main_compiler.js", CodeCacheType::EsModule, ), ("ext:deno_cli_tsc/98_lsp.js", CodeCacheType::EsModule), ("ext:deno_cli_tsc/97_ts_host.js", CodeCacheType::EsModule), ("ext:deno_cli_tsc/00_typescript.js", CodeCacheType::Script), ]; { let mut files = HashMap::new(); for (((specifier, ty), _), _) in code_cache.cache.lock().iter() { let specifier = specifier.to_string(); if files.contains_key(&specifier) { panic!("should have only 1 entry per specifier"); } files.insert(specifier, *ty); } // 99_main_compiler, 98_lsp, 97_ts_host, 00_typescript assert_eq!(files.len(), 4); assert_eq!(code_cache.hits.lock().len(), 0); assert_eq!(code_cache.misses.lock().len(), 4); for (specifier, ty) in &expect { assert_eq!(files.get(*specifier), Some(ty)); } code_cache.hits.lock().clear(); code_cache.misses.lock().clear(); } { let _ = test_exec_with_cache(&specifier, Some(code_cache.clone())) .await .expect("exec should not have errored"); // 99_main_compiler, 98_lsp, 97_ts_host, 00_typescript assert_eq!(code_cache.hits.lock().len(), 4); assert_eq!(code_cache.misses.lock().len(), 0); for (specifier, ty) in expect { let url = ModuleSpecifier::parse(specifier).unwrap(); assert_eq!(code_cache.hits.lock().get(&(url, ty)), Some(&1)); } } } }