// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. // Validation logic in this file is shared with registry/api/src/ids.rs use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_config::glob::FileCollector; use deno_config::glob::FilePatterns; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use thiserror::Error; use super::diagnostics::PublishDiagnostic; use super::diagnostics::PublishDiagnosticsCollector; use crate::args::CliOptions; use crate::sys::CliSys; /// A package path, like '/foo' or '/foo/bar'. The path is prefixed with a slash /// and does not end with a slash. /// /// The path must not contain any double slashes, dot segments, or dot dot /// segments. /// /// The path must be less than 160 characters long, including the slash prefix. /// /// The path must not contain any windows reserved characters, like CON, PRN, /// AUX, NUL, or COM1. /// /// The path must not contain any windows path separators, like backslash or /// colon. /// /// The path must only contain ascii alphanumeric characters, and the characters /// '$', '(', ')', '+', '-', '.', '@', '[', ']', '_', '{', '}', '~'. /// /// Path's are case sensitive, but comparisons and hashing are case insensitive. /// This matches the behaviour of the Windows FS APIs. #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct PackagePath { path: String, lower: Option, } impl PartialEq for PackagePath { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { let self_lower = self.lower.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.path); let other_lower = other.lower.as_ref().unwrap_or(&other.path); self_lower == other_lower } } impl Eq for PackagePath {} impl std::hash::Hash for PackagePath { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { let lower = self.lower.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.path); lower.hash(state); } } impl PackagePath { pub fn new(path: String) -> Result { let len = path.len(); if len > 160 { return Err(PackagePathValidationError::TooLong(len)); } if len == 0 { return Err(PackagePathValidationError::MissingPrefix); } let mut components = path.split('/').peekable(); let Some("") = components.next() else { return Err(PackagePathValidationError::MissingPrefix); }; let mut has_upper = false; let mut valid_char_mapper = |c: char| { if c.is_ascii_uppercase() { has_upper = true; } valid_char(c) }; while let Some(component) = components.next() { if component.is_empty() { if components.peek().is_none() { return Err(PackagePathValidationError::TrailingSlash); } return Err(PackagePathValidationError::EmptyComponent); } if component == "." || component == ".." { return Err(PackagePathValidationError::DotSegment); } if let Some(err) = component.chars().find_map(&mut valid_char_mapper) { return Err(err); } let basename = match component.rsplit_once('.') { Some((_, "")) => { return Err(PackagePathValidationError::TrailingDot( component.to_owned(), )); } Some((basename, _)) => basename, None => component, }; let lower_basename = basename.to_ascii_lowercase(); if WINDOWS_RESERVED_NAMES .binary_search(&&*lower_basename) .is_ok() { return Err(PackagePathValidationError::ReservedName( component.to_owned(), )); } } let lower = has_upper.then(|| path.to_ascii_lowercase()); Ok(Self { path, lower }) } } const WINDOWS_RESERVED_NAMES: [&str; 22] = [ "aux", "com1", "com2", "com3", "com4", "com5", "com6", "com7", "com8", "com9", "con", "lpt1", "lpt2", "lpt3", "lpt4", "lpt5", "lpt6", "lpt7", "lpt8", "lpt9", "nul", "prn", ]; fn valid_char(c: char) -> Option { match c { 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' | '$' | '(' | ')' | '+' | '-' | '.' | '@' | '[' | ']' | '_' | '{' | '}' | '~' => None, // informative error messages for some invalid characters '\\' | ':' => Some( PackagePathValidationError::InvalidWindowsPathSeparatorChar(c), ), '<' | '>' | '"' | '|' | '?' | '*' => { Some(PackagePathValidationError::InvalidWindowsChar(c)) } ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' => { Some(PackagePathValidationError::InvalidWhitespace(c)) } '%' | '#' => Some(PackagePathValidationError::InvalidSpecialUrlChar(c)), // other invalid characters c => Some(PackagePathValidationError::InvalidOtherChar(c)), } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)] pub enum PackagePathValidationError { #[error("package path must be at most 160 characters long, but is {0} characters long")] TooLong(usize), #[error("package path must be prefixed with a slash")] MissingPrefix, #[error("package path must not end with a slash")] TrailingSlash, #[error("package path must not contain empty components")] EmptyComponent, #[error("package path must not contain dot segments like '.' or '..'")] DotSegment, #[error( "package path must not contain windows reserved names like 'CON' or 'PRN' (found '{0}')" )] ReservedName(String), #[error("path segment must not end in a dot (found '{0}')")] TrailingDot(String), #[error( "package path must not contain windows path separators like '\\' or ':' (found '{0}')" )] InvalidWindowsPathSeparatorChar(char), #[error( "package path must not contain windows reserved characters like '<', '>', '\"', '|', '?', or '*' (found '{0}')" )] InvalidWindowsChar(char), #[error("package path must not contain whitespace (found '{}')", .0.escape_debug())] InvalidWhitespace(char), #[error("package path must not contain special URL characters (found '{}')", .0.escape_debug())] InvalidSpecialUrlChar(char), #[error("package path must not contain invalid characters (found '{}')", .0.escape_debug())] InvalidOtherChar(char), } pub struct CollectedPublishPath { pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, pub path: PathBuf, /// Relative path to use in the tarball. This should be prefixed with a `/`. pub relative_path: String, /// Specify the contents for any injected paths. pub maybe_content: Option>, } pub struct CollectPublishPathsOptions<'a> { pub root_dir: &'a Path, pub cli_options: &'a CliOptions, pub file_patterns: FilePatterns, pub force_include_paths: Vec, pub diagnostics_collector: &'a PublishDiagnosticsCollector, } pub fn collect_publish_paths( opts: CollectPublishPathsOptions, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let diagnostics_collector = opts.diagnostics_collector; let publish_paths = collect_paths(opts.cli_options, diagnostics_collector, opts.file_patterns); let publish_paths_set = publish_paths.iter().cloned().collect::>(); let capacity = publish_paths.len() + opts.force_include_paths.len(); let mut paths = HashSet::with_capacity(capacity); let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(capacity); let force_include_paths = opts .force_include_paths .into_iter() .filter(|path| !publish_paths_set.contains(path)); for path in publish_paths.into_iter().chain(force_include_paths) { let Ok(specifier) = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&path) else { diagnostics_collector .to_owned() .push(PublishDiagnostic::InvalidPath { path: path.to_path_buf(), message: "unable to convert path to url".to_string(), }); continue; }; let Ok(relative_path) = path.strip_prefix(opts.root_dir) else { diagnostics_collector .to_owned() .push(PublishDiagnostic::InvalidPath { path: path.to_path_buf(), message: "path is not in publish directory".to_string(), }); continue; }; let relative_path = relative_path .components() .fold("".to_string(), |mut path, component| { path.push('/'); match component { std::path::Component::Normal(normal) => { path.push_str(&normal.to_string_lossy()) } std::path::Component::CurDir => path.push('.'), std::path::Component::ParentDir => path.push_str(".."), _ => unreachable!(), } path }); match PackagePath::new(relative_path.clone()) { Ok(package_path) => { if !paths.insert(package_path) { diagnostics_collector.to_owned().push( PublishDiagnostic::DuplicatePath { path: path.to_path_buf(), }, ); } } Err(err) => { diagnostics_collector .to_owned() .push(PublishDiagnostic::InvalidPath { path: path.to_path_buf(), message: err.to_string(), }); } } result.push(CollectedPublishPath { specifier, path, relative_path, maybe_content: None, }); } Ok(result) } fn collect_paths( cli_options: &CliOptions, diagnostics_collector: &PublishDiagnosticsCollector, file_patterns: FilePatterns, ) -> Vec { FileCollector::new(|e| { if !e.metadata.file_type().is_file() { if let Ok(specifier) = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(e.path) { diagnostics_collector.push(PublishDiagnostic::UnsupportedFileType { specifier, kind: if e.metadata.file_type().is_symlink() { "symlink".to_string() } else { "Unknown".to_string() }, }); } return false; } e.path .file_name() .map(|s| s != ".DS_Store" && s != ".gitignore") .unwrap_or(true) }) .ignore_git_folder() .ignore_node_modules() .set_vendor_folder(cli_options.vendor_dir_path().map(ToOwned::to_owned)) .use_gitignore() .collect_file_patterns(&CliSys::default(), file_patterns) }