// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. //! There are many types of errors in Deno: //! - AnyError: a generic wrapper that can encapsulate any type of error. //! - JsError: a container for the error message and stack trace for exceptions //! thrown in JavaScript code. We use this to pretty-print stack traces. //! - Diagnostic: these are errors that originate in TypeScript's compiler. //! They're similar to JsError, in that they have line numbers. But //! Diagnostics are compile-time type errors, whereas JsErrors are runtime //! exceptions. use deno_broadcast_channel::BroadcastChannelError; use deno_cache::CacheError; use deno_canvas::CanvasError; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::url; use deno_core::ModuleResolutionError; use deno_cron::CronError; use std::env; use std::error::Error; use std::io; use std::sync::Arc; fn get_dlopen_error_class(error: &dlopen2::Error) -> &'static str { use dlopen2::Error::*; match error { NullCharacter(_) => "InvalidData", OpeningLibraryError(ref e) => get_io_error_class(e), SymbolGettingError(ref e) => get_io_error_class(e), AddrNotMatchingDll(ref e) => get_io_error_class(e), NullSymbol => "NotFound", } } fn get_env_var_error_class(error: &env::VarError) -> &'static str { use env::VarError::*; match error { NotPresent => "NotFound", NotUnicode(..) => "InvalidData", } } fn get_io_error_class(error: &io::Error) -> &'static str { use io::ErrorKind::*; match error.kind() { NotFound => "NotFound", PermissionDenied => "PermissionDenied", ConnectionRefused => "ConnectionRefused", ConnectionReset => "ConnectionReset", ConnectionAborted => "ConnectionAborted", NotConnected => "NotConnected", AddrInUse => "AddrInUse", AddrNotAvailable => "AddrNotAvailable", BrokenPipe => "BrokenPipe", AlreadyExists => "AlreadyExists", InvalidInput => "TypeError", InvalidData => "InvalidData", TimedOut => "TimedOut", Interrupted => "Interrupted", WriteZero => "WriteZero", UnexpectedEof => "UnexpectedEof", Other => "Error", WouldBlock => "WouldBlock", // Non-exhaustive enum - might add new variants // in the future kind => { let kind_str = kind.to_string(); match kind_str.as_str() { "FilesystemLoop" => "FilesystemLoop", "IsADirectory" => "IsADirectory", "NetworkUnreachable" => "NetworkUnreachable", "NotADirectory" => "NotADirectory", _ => "Error", } } } } fn get_module_resolution_error_class( _: &ModuleResolutionError, ) -> &'static str { "URIError" } fn get_notify_error_class(error: ¬ify::Error) -> &'static str { use notify::ErrorKind::*; match error.kind { Generic(_) => "Error", Io(ref e) => get_io_error_class(e), PathNotFound => "NotFound", WatchNotFound => "NotFound", InvalidConfig(_) => "InvalidData", MaxFilesWatch => "Error", } } fn get_regex_error_class(error: ®ex::Error) -> &'static str { use regex::Error::*; match error { Syntax(_) => "SyntaxError", CompiledTooBig(_) => "RangeError", _ => "Error", } } fn get_serde_json_error_class( error: &serde_json::error::Error, ) -> &'static str { use deno_core::serde_json::error::*; match error.classify() { Category::Io => error .source() .and_then(|e| e.downcast_ref::()) .map(get_io_error_class) .unwrap(), Category::Syntax => "SyntaxError", Category::Data => "InvalidData", Category::Eof => "UnexpectedEof", } } fn get_url_parse_error_class(_error: &url::ParseError) -> &'static str { "URIError" } fn get_hyper_error_class(_error: &hyper::Error) -> &'static str { "Http" } fn get_hyper_util_error_class( _error: &hyper_util::client::legacy::Error, ) -> &'static str { "Http" } fn get_hyper_v014_error_class(_error: &hyper_v014::Error) -> &'static str { "Http" } #[cfg(unix)] pub fn get_nix_error_class(error: &nix::Error) -> &'static str { match error { nix::Error::ECHILD => "NotFound", nix::Error::EINVAL => "TypeError", nix::Error::ENOENT => "NotFound", nix::Error::ENOTTY => "BadResource", nix::Error::EPERM => "PermissionDenied", nix::Error::ESRCH => "NotFound", nix::Error::ELOOP => "FilesystemLoop", nix::Error::ENOTDIR => "NotADirectory", nix::Error::ENETUNREACH => "NetworkUnreachable", nix::Error::EISDIR => "IsADirectory", nix::Error::UnknownErrno => "Error", &nix::Error::ENOTSUP => unreachable!(), _ => "Error", } } pub fn get_cron_error_class(e: &CronError) -> &'static str { match e { CronError::Resource(e) => { deno_core::error::get_custom_error_class(e).unwrap_or("Error") } CronError::NameExceeded(_) => "TypeError", CronError::NameInvalid => "TypeError", CronError::AlreadyExists => "TypeError", CronError::TooManyCrons => "TypeError", CronError::InvalidCron => "TypeError", CronError::InvalidBackoff => "TypeError", CronError::AcquireError(_) => "Error", CronError::Other(e) => get_error_class_name(e).unwrap_or("Error"), } } fn get_canvas_error(e: &CanvasError) -> &'static str { match e { CanvasError::UnsupportedColorType(_) => "TypeError", CanvasError::Image(_) => "Error", } } pub fn get_cache_error(error: &CacheError) -> &'static str { match error { CacheError::Sqlite(_) => "Error", CacheError::JoinError(_) => "Error", CacheError::Resource(err) => { deno_core::error::get_custom_error_class(err).unwrap_or("Error") } CacheError::Other(e) => get_error_class_name(e).unwrap_or("Error"), CacheError::Io(err) => get_io_error_class(err), } } fn get_broadcast_channel_error(error: &BroadcastChannelError) -> &'static str { match error { BroadcastChannelError::Resource(err) => { deno_core::error::get_custom_error_class(err).unwrap() } BroadcastChannelError::MPSCSendError(_) => "Error", BroadcastChannelError::BroadcastSendError(_) => "Error", BroadcastChannelError::Other(err) => { get_error_class_name(err).unwrap_or("Error") } } } pub fn get_error_class_name(e: &AnyError) -> Option<&'static str> { deno_core::error::get_custom_error_class(e) .or_else(|| deno_webgpu::error::get_error_class_name(e)) .or_else(|| deno_web::get_error_class_name(e)) .or_else(|| deno_webstorage::get_not_supported_error_class_name(e)) .or_else(|| deno_websocket::get_network_error_class_name(e)) .or_else(|| e.downcast_ref::().map(get_cron_error_class)) .or_else(|| e.downcast_ref::().map(get_canvas_error)) .or_else(|| e.downcast_ref::().map(get_cache_error)) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_broadcast_channel_error) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_dlopen_error_class) }) .or_else(|| e.downcast_ref::().map(get_hyper_error_class)) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_hyper_util_error_class) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_hyper_v014_error_class) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::>() .map(|e| get_hyper_v014_error_class(e)) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::().map(|e| { let io_err: io::Error = e.to_owned().into(); get_io_error_class(&io_err) }) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_env_var_error_class) }) .or_else(|| e.downcast_ref::().map(get_io_error_class)) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_module_resolution_error_class) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_notify_error_class) }) .or_else(|| e.downcast_ref::().map(get_regex_error_class)) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_serde_json_error_class) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(get_url_parse_error_class) }) .or_else(|| { e.downcast_ref::() .map(|_| "TypeError") }) .or_else(|| { #[cfg(unix)] let maybe_get_nix_error_class = || e.downcast_ref::().map(get_nix_error_class); #[cfg(not(unix))] let maybe_get_nix_error_class = || Option::<&'static str>::None; (maybe_get_nix_error_class)() }) }