// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. //! This mod provides DenoError to unify errors across Deno. use deno_core::error::format_frame; use deno_core::error::JsError; use deno_terminal::colors::cyan; use deno_terminal::colors::italic_bold; use deno_terminal::colors::red; use deno_terminal::colors::yellow; use std::fmt::Write as _; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ErrorReference<'a> { from: &'a JsError, to: &'a JsError, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct IndexedErrorReference<'a> { reference: ErrorReference<'a>, index: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] enum FixSuggestionKind { Info, Hint, } #[derive(Debug)] enum FixSuggestionMessage<'a> { Single(&'a str), Multiline(&'a [&'a str]), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FixSuggestion<'a> { kind: FixSuggestionKind, message: FixSuggestionMessage<'a>, } impl<'a> FixSuggestion<'a> { pub fn info(message: &'a str) -> Self { Self { kind: FixSuggestionKind::Info, message: FixSuggestionMessage::Single(message), } } pub fn info_multiline(messages: &'a [&'a str]) -> Self { Self { kind: FixSuggestionKind::Info, message: FixSuggestionMessage::Multiline(messages), } } pub fn hint(message: &'a str) -> Self { Self { kind: FixSuggestionKind::Hint, message: FixSuggestionMessage::Single(message), } } pub fn hint_multiline(messages: &'a [&'a str]) -> Self { Self { kind: FixSuggestionKind::Hint, message: FixSuggestionMessage::Multiline(messages), } } } struct AnsiColors; impl deno_core::error::ErrorFormat for AnsiColors { fn fmt_element( element: deno_core::error::ErrorElement, s: &str, ) -> std::borrow::Cow<'_, str> { use deno_core::error::ErrorElement::*; match element { Anonymous | NativeFrame | FileName | EvalOrigin => { cyan(s).to_string().into() } LineNumber | ColumnNumber => yellow(s).to_string().into(), FunctionName | PromiseAll => italic_bold(s).to_string().into(), } } } /// Take an optional source line and associated information to format it into /// a pretty printed version of that line. fn format_maybe_source_line( source_line: Option<&str>, column_number: Option, is_error: bool, level: usize, ) -> String { if source_line.is_none() || column_number.is_none() { return "".to_string(); } let source_line = source_line.unwrap(); // sometimes source_line gets set with an empty string, which then outputs // an empty source line when displayed, so need just short circuit here. if source_line.is_empty() { return "".to_string(); } if source_line.contains("Couldn't format source line: ") { return format!("\n{source_line}"); } let mut s = String::new(); let column_number = column_number.unwrap(); if column_number as usize > source_line.len() { return format!( "\n{} Couldn't format source line: Column {} is out of bounds (source may have changed at runtime)", yellow("Warning"), column_number, ); } for _i in 0..(column_number - 1) { if source_line.chars().nth(_i as usize).unwrap() == '\t' { s.push('\t'); } else { s.push(' '); } } s.push('^'); let color_underline = if is_error { red(&s).to_string() } else { cyan(&s).to_string() }; let indent = format!("{:indent$}", "", indent = level); format!("\n{indent}{source_line}\n{indent}{color_underline}") } fn find_recursive_cause(js_error: &JsError) -> Option { let mut history = Vec::<&JsError>::new(); let mut current_error: &JsError = js_error; while let Some(cause) = ¤t_error.cause { history.push(current_error); if let Some(seen) = history.iter().find(|&el| cause.is_same_error(el)) { return Some(ErrorReference { from: current_error, to: seen, }); } else { current_error = cause; } } None } fn format_aggregated_error( aggregated_errors: &Vec, circular_reference_index: usize, ) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); let mut nested_circular_reference_index = circular_reference_index; for js_error in aggregated_errors { let aggregated_circular = find_recursive_cause(js_error); if aggregated_circular.is_some() { nested_circular_reference_index += 1; } let error_string = format_js_error_inner( js_error, aggregated_circular.map(|reference| IndexedErrorReference { reference, index: nested_circular_reference_index, }), false, vec![], ); for line in error_string.trim_start_matches("Uncaught ").lines() { write!(s, "\n {line}").unwrap(); } } s } fn format_js_error_inner( js_error: &JsError, circular: Option, include_source_code: bool, suggestions: Vec, ) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); s.push_str(&js_error.exception_message); if let Some(circular) = &circular { if js_error.is_same_error(circular.reference.to) { write!(s, " {}", cyan(format!("", circular.index))).unwrap(); } } if let Some(aggregated) = &js_error.aggregated { let aggregated_message = format_aggregated_error( aggregated, circular .as_ref() .map(|circular| circular.index) .unwrap_or(0), ); s.push_str(&aggregated_message); } let column_number = js_error .source_line_frame_index .and_then(|i| js_error.frames.get(i).unwrap().column_number); s.push_str(&format_maybe_source_line( if include_source_code { js_error.source_line.as_deref() } else { None }, column_number, true, 0, )); for frame in &js_error.frames { write!(s, "\n at {}", format_frame::(frame)).unwrap(); } if let Some(cause) = &js_error.cause { let is_caused_by_circular = circular .as_ref() .map(|circular| js_error.is_same_error(circular.reference.from)) .unwrap_or(false); let error_string = if is_caused_by_circular { cyan(format!("[Circular *{}]", circular.unwrap().index)).to_string() } else { format_js_error_inner(cause, circular, false, vec![]) }; write!( s, "\nCaused by: {}", error_string.trim_start_matches("Uncaught ") ) .unwrap(); } if !suggestions.is_empty() { write!(s, "\n\n").unwrap(); for (index, suggestion) in suggestions.iter().enumerate() { write!(s, " ").unwrap(); match suggestion.kind { FixSuggestionKind::Hint => write!(s, "{} ", cyan("hint:")).unwrap(), FixSuggestionKind::Info => write!(s, "{} ", yellow("info:")).unwrap(), }; match suggestion.message { FixSuggestionMessage::Single(msg) => { write!(s, "{}", msg).unwrap(); } FixSuggestionMessage::Multiline(messages) => { for (idx, message) in messages.iter().enumerate() { if idx != 0 { writeln!(s).unwrap(); write!(s, " ").unwrap(); } write!(s, "{}", message).unwrap(); } } } if index != (suggestions.len() - 1) { writeln!(s).unwrap(); } } } s } fn get_suggestions_for_terminal_errors(e: &JsError) -> Vec { if let Some(msg) = &e.message { if msg.contains("module is not defined") || msg.contains("exports is not defined") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info( "Deno does not support CommonJS modules without `.cjs` extension.", ), FixSuggestion::hint( "Rewrite this module to ESM or change the file extension to `.cjs`.", ), ]; } else if msg.contains("openKv is not a function") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info("Deno.openKv() is an unstable API."), FixSuggestion::hint( "Run again with `--unstable-kv` flag to enable this API.", ), ]; } else if msg.contains("cron is not a function") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info("Deno.cron() is an unstable API."), FixSuggestion::hint( "Run again with `--unstable-cron` flag to enable this API.", ), ]; } else if msg.contains("WebSocketStream is not defined") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info("new WebSocketStream() is an unstable API."), FixSuggestion::hint( "Run again with `--unstable-net` flag to enable this API.", ), ]; } else if msg.contains("Temporal is not defined") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info("Temporal is an unstable API."), FixSuggestion::hint( "Run again with `--unstable-temporal` flag to enable this API.", ), ]; } else if msg.contains("BroadcastChannel is not defined") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info("BroadcastChannel is an unstable API."), FixSuggestion::hint( "Run again with `--unstable-broadcast-channel` flag to enable this API.", ), ]; } else if msg.contains("window is not defined") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info("window global is not available in Deno 2."), FixSuggestion::hint("Replace `window` with `globalThis`."), ]; } else if msg.contains("UnsafeWindowSurface is not a constructor") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info("Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface is an unstable API."), FixSuggestion::hint( "Run again with `--unstable-webgpu` flag to enable this API.", ), ]; // Try to capture errors like: // ``` // Uncaught Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/canvas.node' // Require stack: // - /.../deno/npm/registry.npmjs.org/canvas/2.11.2/lib/bindings.js // - /.../.cache/deno/npm/registry.npmjs.org/canvas/2.11.2/lib/canvas.js // ``` } else if msg.contains("Cannot find module") && msg.contains("Require stack") && msg.contains(".node'") { return vec![ FixSuggestion::info_multiline( &[ "Trying to execute an npm package using Node-API addons,", "these packages require local `node_modules` directory to be present." ] ), FixSuggestion::hint_multiline( &[ "Add `\"nodeModulesDir\": \"auto\" option to `deno.json`, and then run", "`deno install --allow-scripts=npm: --entrypoint