// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. // @ts-check /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").LintState} LintState */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").AstContext} AstContext */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").MatchContext} MatchCtx */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").AttrExists} AttrExists */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").AttrBin} AttrBin */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").AttrSelector} AttrSelector */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").ElemSelector} ElemSelector */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").FieldSelector} FieldSelector */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").PseudoNthChild} PseudoNthChild */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").PseudoHas} PseudoHas */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").PseudoNot} PseudoNot */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").Relation} SRelation */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").Selector} Selector */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").SelectorParseCtx} SelectorParseCtx */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").NextFn} NextFn */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").MatcherFn} MatcherFn */ /** @typedef {import("./40_lint_types.d.ts").TransformFn} Transformer */ const Char = { Tab: 9, Space: 32, Bang: 33, DoubleQuote: 34, Quote: 39, BraceOpen: 40, BraceClose: 41, Plus: 43, Comma: 44, Minus: 45, Dot: 46, Slash: 47, n0: 49, n9: 57, Colon: 58, Less: 60, Equal: 61, Greater: 62, A: 65, Z: 90, BracketOpen: 91, BackSlash: 92, BracketClose: 93, Underscore: 95, a: 97, z: 122, Tilde: 126, }; export const Token = { EOF: 0, Word: 1, Space: 2, Op: 3, Colon: 4, Comma: 7, BraceOpen: 8, BraceClose: 9, BracketOpen: 10, BracketClose: 11, String: 12, Number: 13, Bool: 14, Null: 15, Undefined: 16, Dot: 17, Minus: 17, }; export const BinOp = { /** [attr="value"] or [attr=value] */ Equal: 1, /** [attr!="value"] or [attr!=value] */ NotEqual: 2, /** [attr>1] */ Greater: 3, /** [attr>=1] */ GreaterThan: 4, /** [attr<1] */ Less: 5, /** [attr<=1] */ LessThan: 6, Tilde: 7, Plus: 8, Space: 9, }; /** * @param {string} s * @returns {number} */ function getAttrOp(s) { switch (s) { case "=": return BinOp.Equal; case "!=": return BinOp.NotEqual; case ">": return BinOp.Greater; case ">=": return BinOp.GreaterThan; case "<": return BinOp.Less; case "<=": return BinOp.LessThan; case "~": return BinOp.Tilde; case "+": return BinOp.Plus; default: throw new Error(`Unknown attribute operator: '${s}'`); } } export class Lexer { token = Token.Word; start = 0; end = 0; ch = 0; i = -1; value = ""; /** * @param {string} input */ constructor(input) { this.input = input; this.step(); this.next(); } /** * @param {number} token */ expect(token) { if (this.token !== token) { throw new Error( `Expected token '${token}', but got '${this.token}'.\n\n${this.input}\n${ " ".repeat(this.i) }^`, ); } } /** * @param {number} token */ readAsWordUntil(token) { const s = this.i; while (this.token !== Token.EOF && this.token !== token) { this.next(); } this.start = s; this.end = this.i - 1; this.value = this.getSlice(); } getSlice() { return this.input.slice(this.start, this.end); } step() { this.i++; if (this.i >= this.input.length) { this.ch = -1; } else { this.ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.i); } } next() { this.value = ""; if (this.i >= this.input.length) { this.token = Token.EOF; return; } // console.log( // "NEXT", // this.input, // this.i, // JSON.stringify(String.fromCharCode(this.ch)), // ); while (true) { switch (this.ch) { case Char.Space: while (this.isWhiteSpace()) { this.step(); } // Check if space preceeded operator if (this.isOpContinue()) { continue; } this.token = Token.Space; return; case Char.BracketOpen: this.token = Token.BracketOpen; this.step(); return; case Char.BracketClose: this.token = Token.BracketClose; this.step(); return; case Char.BraceOpen: this.token = Token.BraceOpen; this.step(); return; case Char.BraceClose: this.token = Token.BraceClose; this.step(); return; case Char.Colon: this.token = Token.Colon; this.step(); return; case Char.Comma: this.token = Token.Comma; this.step(); return; case Char.Dot: this.token = Token.Dot; this.step(); return; case Char.Minus: this.token = Token.Minus; this.step(); return; case Char.Plus: case Char.Tilde: case Char.Greater: case Char.Equal: case Char.Less: case Char.Bang: { this.token = Token.Op; this.start = this.i; this.step(); while (this.isOpContinue()) { this.step(); } this.end = this.i; this.value = this.getSlice(); // Consume remaining space while (this.isWhiteSpace()) { this.step(); } return; } case Char.Quote: case Char.DoubleQuote: { this.token = Token.String; const ch = this.ch; this.step(); this.start = this.i; while (this.ch > 0 && this.ch !== ch) { this.step(); } this.end = this.i; this.value = this.getSlice(); this.step(); return; } default: this.start = this.i; this.step(); while (this.isWordContinue()) { this.step(); } this.end = this.i; this.value = this.getSlice(); this.token = Token.Word; return; } } } isWordContinue() { const ch = this.ch; switch (ch) { case Char.Minus: case Char.Underscore: return true; default: return (ch >= Char.a && ch <= Char.z) || (ch >= Char.A && ch <= Char.Z) || (ch >= Char.n0 && ch <= Char.n9); } } isOpContinue() { const ch = this.ch; switch (ch) { case Char.Equal: case Char.Bang: case Char.Greater: case Char.Less: case Char.Tilde: case Char.Plus: return true; default: return false; } } isWhiteSpace() { return this.ch === Char.Space || this.ch === Char.Tab; } } const NUMBER_REG = /^(\d+\.)?\d+$/; const BIGINT_REG = /^\d+n$/; /** * @param {string} raw * @returns {any} */ function getFromRawValue(raw) { switch (raw) { case "true": return true; case "false": return false; case "null": return null; case "undefined": return undefined; default: if (raw.startsWith("'") && raw.endsWith("'")) { if (raw.length === 2) return ""; return raw.slice(1, -1); } else if (raw.startsWith('"') && raw.endsWith('"')) { if (raw.length === 2) return ""; return raw.slice(1, -1); } else if (raw.startsWith("/")) { const end = raw.lastIndexOf("/"); if (end === -1) throw new Error(`Invalid RegExp pattern: ${raw}`); const pattern = raw.slice(1, end); const flags = end < raw.length - 1 ? raw.slice(end + 1) : undefined; return new RegExp(pattern, flags); } else if (NUMBER_REG.test(raw)) { return Number(raw); } else if (BIGINT_REG.test(raw)) { return BigInt(raw.slice(0, -1)); } return raw; } } export const ELEM_NODE = 1; export const RELATION_NODE = 2; export const ATTR_EXISTS_NODE = 3; export const ATTR_BIN_NODE = 4; export const PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD = 5; export const PSEUDO_HAS = 6; export const PSEUDO_NOT = 7; export const PSEUDO_FIRST_CHILD = 8; export const PSEUDO_LAST_CHILD = 9; export const FIELD_NODE = 10; /** * Parse out all unique selectors of a selector list. * @param {string} input * @returns {string[]} */ export function splitSelectors(input) { /** @type {string[]} */ const out = []; let last = 0; let depth = 0; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { const ch = input.charCodeAt(i); switch (ch) { case Char.BraceOpen: depth++; break; case Char.BraceClose: depth--; break; case Char.Comma: if (depth === 0) { out.push(input.slice(last, i).trim()); last = i + 1; } break; } } const remaining = input.slice(last).trim(); if (remaining.length > 0) { out.push(remaining); } return out; } /** * @param {string} input * @param {Transformer} toElem * @param {Transformer} toAttr * @returns {Selector[]} */ export function parseSelector(input, toElem, toAttr) { /** @type {Selector[]} */ const result = []; /** @type {Selector[]} */ const stack = [[]]; const lex = new Lexer(input); // Some subselectors like `:nth-child(.. of )` must have // a single selector instead of selector list. let throwOnComma = false; while (lex.token !== Token.EOF) { const current = /** @type {Selector} */ (stack.at(-1)); if (lex.token === Token.Word) { const value = lex.value; const wildcard = value === "*"; const elem = !wildcard ? toElem(value) : 0; current.push({ type: ELEM_NODE, elem, wildcard, }); lex.next(); continue; } else if (lex.token === Token.Space) { lex.next(); if (lex.token === Token.Word) { current.push({ type: RELATION_NODE, op: BinOp.Space, }); } continue; } else if (lex.token === Token.BracketOpen) { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.Word); // Check for value comparison const prop = [toAttr(lex.value)]; lex.next(); while (lex.token === Token.Dot) { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.Word); prop.push(toAttr(lex.value)); lex.next(); } if (lex.token === Token.Op) { const op = getAttrOp(lex.value); lex.readAsWordUntil(Token.BracketClose); const value = getFromRawValue(lex.value); current.push({ type: ATTR_BIN_NODE, prop, op, value }); } else { current.push({ type: ATTR_EXISTS_NODE, prop, }); } lex.expect(Token.BracketClose); lex.next(); continue; } else if (lex.token === Token.Dot) { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.Word); const props = [toAttr(lex.value)]; lex.next(); while (lex.token === Token.Dot) { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.Word); props.push(toAttr(lex.value)); lex.next(); } current.push({ type: FIELD_NODE, props, }); continue; } else if (lex.token === Token.Colon) { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.Word); switch (lex.value) { case "first-child": current.push({ type: PSEUDO_FIRST_CHILD, }); break; case "last-child": current.push({ type: PSEUDO_LAST_CHILD, }); break; case "nth-child": { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.BraceOpen); lex.next(); let mul = 1; let repeat = false; let step = 0; if (lex.token === Token.Minus) { mul = -1; lex.next(); } lex.expect(Token.Word); const value = lex.getSlice(); if (value.endsWith("n")) { repeat = true; step = +value.slice(0, -1) * mul; } else { step = +value * mul; } lex.next(); /** @type {PseudoNthChild} */ const node = { type: PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD, of: null, op: null, step, stepOffset: 0, repeat, }; current.push(node); if (lex.token === Token.Space) lex.next(); if (lex.token !== Token.BraceClose) { if (lex.token === Token.Op) { node.op = lex.value; lex.next(); if (lex.token === Token.Space) lex.next(); } else if (lex.token === Token.Minus) { node.op = "-"; lex.next(); if (lex.token === Token.Space) { lex.next(); } } lex.expect(Token.Word); node.stepOffset = +lex.value; lex.next(); if (lex.token !== Token.BraceClose) { lex.next(); // Space if (lex.token === Token.Word) { if (/** @type {string} */ (lex.value) !== "of") { throw new Error( `Expected 'of' keyword in ':nth-child' but got: ${lex.value}`, ); } lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.Space); lex.next(); throwOnComma = true; stack.push([]); } continue; } lex.expect(Token.BraceClose); } else if (!node.repeat) { // :nth-child(2) -> step is actually stepOffset node.stepOffset = node.step - 1; node.step = 0; } lex.next(); continue; } case "has": case "where": case "is": { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.BraceOpen); lex.next(); current.push({ type: PSEUDO_HAS, selectors: [], }); stack.push([]); continue; } case "not": { lex.next(); lex.expect(Token.BraceOpen); lex.next(); current.push({ type: PSEUDO_NOT, selectors: [], }); stack.push([]); continue; } default: throw new Error(`Unknown pseudo selector: '${lex.value}'`); } } else if (lex.token === Token.Comma) { if (throwOnComma) { throw new Error(`Multiple selector arguments not supported here`); } lex.next(); if (lex.token === Token.Space) { lex.next(); } popSelector(result, stack); stack.push([]); continue; } else if (lex.token === Token.BraceClose) { throwOnComma = false; popSelector(result, stack); } else if (lex.token === Token.Op) { current.push({ type: RELATION_NODE, op: getAttrOp(lex.value), }); } lex.next(); } if (stack.length > 0) { result.push(stack[0]); } return result; } /** * @param {Selector[]} result * @param {Selector[]} stack */ function popSelector(result, stack) { const sel = /** @type {Selector} */ (stack.pop()); if (stack.length === 0) { result.push(sel); stack.push([]); } else { const prev = /** @type {Selector} */ (stack.at(-1)); if (prev.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Empty selector`); } const node = prev.at(-1); if (node === undefined) { throw new Error(`Empty node`); } if (node.type === PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD) { node.of = sel; } else if (node.type === PSEUDO_HAS || node.type === PSEUDO_NOT) { node.selectors.push(sel); } else { throw new Error(`Multiple selectors not allowed here`); } } } const TRUE_FN = () => { return true; }; /** * @param {Selector} selector * @returns {MatcherFn} */ export function compileSelector(selector) { /** @type {MatcherFn} */ let fn = TRUE_FN; for (let i = 0; i < selector.length; i++) { const node = selector[i]; switch (node.type) { case ELEM_NODE: fn = matchElem(node, fn); break; case FIELD_NODE: fn = matchField(node, fn); break; case RELATION_NODE: switch (node.op) { case BinOp.Space: fn = matchDescendant(fn); break; case BinOp.Greater: fn = matchChild(fn); break; case BinOp.Plus: fn = matchAdjacent(fn); break; case BinOp.Tilde: fn = matchFollowing(fn); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown relation op ${node.op}`); } break; case ATTR_EXISTS_NODE: fn = matchAttrExists(node, fn); break; case ATTR_BIN_NODE: fn = matchAttrBin(node, fn); break; case PSEUDO_FIRST_CHILD: fn = matchFirstChild(fn); break; case PSEUDO_LAST_CHILD: fn = matchLastChild(fn); break; case PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD: fn = matchNthChild(node, fn); break; case PSEUDO_HAS: // TODO(@marvinhagemeister) throw new Error("TODO: :has"); case PSEUDO_NOT: fn = matchNot(node.selectors, fn); break; default: // @ts-ignore error handling // deno-lint-ignore no-console console.log(node); throw new Error(`Unknown selector node`); } } return fn; } /** * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchFirstChild(next) { return (ctx, id) => { const first = ctx.getFirstChild(id); return first === id && next(ctx, first); }; } /** * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchLastChild(next) { return (ctx, id) => { const last = ctx.getLastChild(id); return last === id && next(ctx, id); }; } /** * @param {PseudoNthChild} node * @param {number} i * @returns {number} */ function getNthAnB(node, i) { const n = node.step * i; if (node.op === null) return n; switch (node.op) { case "+": return n + node.stepOffset; case "-": return n - node.stepOffset; default: throw new Error("Not supported nth-child operator: " + node.op); } } /** * @param {PseudoNthChild} node * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchNthChild(node, next) { const ofSelector = node.of !== null ? compileSelector(node.of) : TRUE_FN; // TODO(@marvinhagemeister): we should probably cache results here return (ctx, id) => { const siblings = ctx.getSiblings(id); const idx = siblings.indexOf(id); if (!node.repeat) { return idx === node.stepOffset && next(ctx, id); } for (let i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) { const n = getNthAnB(node, i); if (n > siblings.length - 1) return false; const search = siblings[n]; if (id === search) { if (node.of !== null && !ofSelector(ctx, id)) { continue; } else if (next(ctx, id)) { return true; } } else if (n > idx) { return false; } } return false; }; } /** * @param {Selector[]} selectors * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchNot(selectors, next) { /** @type {MatcherFn[]} */ const compiled = []; for (let i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) { const sel = selectors[i]; compiled.push(compileSelector(sel)); } return (ctx, id) => { for (let i = 0; i < compiled.length; i++) { const fn = compiled[i]; if (fn(ctx, id)) { return false; } } return next(ctx, id); }; } /** * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchDescendant(next) { // TODO(@marvinhagemeister): we should probably cache results here return (ctx, id) => { let current = ctx.getParent(id); while (current > 0) { if (next(ctx, current)) { return true; } current = ctx.getParent(current); } return false; }; } /** * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchChild(next) { return (ctx, id) => { const parent = ctx.getParent(id); if (parent < 0) return false; return next(ctx, parent); }; } /** * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchAdjacent(next) { return (ctx, id) => { const siblings = ctx.getSiblings(id); const idx = siblings.indexOf(id) - 1; if (idx < 0) return false; const prev = siblings[idx]; return next(ctx, prev); }; } /** * @param {NextFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchFollowing(next) { return (ctx, id) => { const siblings = ctx.getSiblings(id); const idx = siblings.indexOf(id) - 1; if (idx < 0) return false; for (let i = idx; i >= 0; i--) { const sib = siblings[i]; if (next(ctx, sib)) return true; } return false; }; } /** * @param {ElemSelector} part * @param {MatcherFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchElem(part, next) { return (ctx, id) => { // Placeholder node cannot be matched if (id === 0) return false; // Wildcard always matches else if (part.wildcard) return next(ctx, id); // 0 means it's the placeholder node which // can never be matched. else if (part.elem === 0) return false; const type = ctx.getType(id); if (type > 0 && type === part.elem) { return next(ctx, id); } return false; }; } /** * @param {FieldSelector} part * @param {MatcherFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchField(part, next) { return (ctx, id) => { let child = id; let parent = ctx.getParent(id); if (parent === 0) return false; // Fields are stored left-ro-right but we need to match // them right-to-left because we're matching selectors // in that direction. Matching right to left is done for // performance and reduces the number of potential mismatches. for (let i = part.props.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const prop = part.props[i]; const value = ctx.getField(parent, prop); if (value === -1) return false; if (value !== child) return false; if (i > 0) { child = parent; parent = ctx.getParent(parent); if (parent === 0) return false; } } return next(ctx, parent); }; } /** * @param {AttrExists} attr * @param {MatcherFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchAttrExists(attr, next) { return (ctx, id) => { try { ctx.getAttrPathValue(id, attr.prop, 0); return next(ctx, id); } catch (err) { if (err === -1) { return false; } throw err; } }; } /** * @param {AttrBin} attr * @param {MatcherFn} next * @returns {MatcherFn} */ function matchAttrBin(attr, next) { return (ctx, id) => { try { const value = ctx.getAttrPathValue(id, attr.prop, 0); if (!matchAttrValue(attr, value)) return false; } catch (err) { if (err === -1) { return false; } throw err; } return next(ctx, id); }; } /** * @param {AttrBin} attr * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} */ function matchAttrValue(attr, value) { switch (attr.op) { case BinOp.Equal: return attr.value instanceof RegExp ? attr.value.test(value) : value === attr.value; case BinOp.NotEqual: return attr.value instanceof RegExp ? !attr.value.test(value) : value !== attr.value; case BinOp.Greater: return typeof value === "number" && typeof attr.value === "number" && value > attr.value; case BinOp.GreaterThan: return typeof value === "number" && typeof attr.value === "number" && value >= attr.value; case BinOp.Less: return typeof value === "number" && typeof attr.value === "number" && value < attr.value; case BinOp.LessThan: return typeof value === "number" && typeof attr.value === "number" && value <= attr.value; default: return false; } }