// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. //! This module provides file linting utilities using //! [`deno_lint`](https://github.com/denoland/deno_lint). use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_ast::ParsedSource; use deno_config::deno_json::LintRulesConfig; use deno_config::glob::FileCollector; use deno_config::glob::FilePatterns; use deno_config::workspace::WorkspaceDirectory; use deno_core::anyhow::anyhow; use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::future::LocalBoxFuture; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::unsync::future::LocalFutureExt; use deno_core::unsync::future::SharedLocal; use deno_graph::ModuleGraph; use deno_lint::diagnostic::LintDiagnostic; use deno_lint::linter::LintConfig; use deno_runtime::tokio_util; use log::debug; use reporters::create_reporter; use reporters::LintReporter; use serde::Serialize; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::fs; use std::io::stdin; use std::io::Read; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use crate::args::CliOptions; use crate::args::Flags; use crate::args::LintFlags; use crate::args::LintOptions; use crate::args::WorkspaceLintOptions; use crate::cache::Caches; use crate::cache::IncrementalCache; use crate::colors; use crate::factory::CliFactory; use crate::graph_util::ModuleGraphCreator; use crate::tools::fmt::run_parallelized; use crate::util::display; use crate::util::file_watcher; use crate::util::fs::canonicalize_path; use crate::util::path::is_script_ext; use crate::util::sync::AtomicFlag; mod linter; mod plugins; mod reporters; mod rules; pub use linter::CliLinter; pub use linter::CliLinterOptions; pub use rules::collect_no_slow_type_diagnostics; pub use rules::ConfiguredRules; pub use rules::LintRuleProvider; const JSON_SCHEMA_VERSION: u8 = 1; static STDIN_FILE_NAME: &str = "$deno$stdin.mts"; pub async fn lint( flags: Arc, lint_flags: LintFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if let Some(watch_flags) = &lint_flags.watch { if lint_flags.is_stdin() { return Err(generic_error( "Lint watch on standard input is not supported.", )); } file_watcher::watch_func( flags, file_watcher::PrintConfig::new("Lint", !watch_flags.no_clear_screen), move |flags, watcher_communicator, changed_paths| { let lint_flags = lint_flags.clone(); watcher_communicator.show_path_changed(changed_paths.clone()); Ok(async move { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; let lint_config = cli_options.resolve_deno_lint_config()?; let mut paths_with_options_batches = resolve_paths_with_options_batches(cli_options, &lint_flags)?; for paths_with_options in &mut paths_with_options_batches { _ = watcher_communicator .watch_paths(paths_with_options.paths.clone()); let files = std::mem::take(&mut paths_with_options.paths); paths_with_options.paths = if let Some(paths) = &changed_paths { // lint all files on any changed (https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/12446) files .iter() .any(|path| { canonicalize_path(path) .map(|p| paths.contains(&p)) .unwrap_or(false) }) .then_some(files) .unwrap_or_else(|| [].to_vec()) } else { files }; } let mut linter = WorkspaceLinter::new( factory.caches()?.clone(), factory.lint_rule_provider().await?, factory.module_graph_creator().await?.clone(), cli_options.start_dir.clone(), &cli_options.resolve_workspace_lint_options(&lint_flags)?, ); for paths_with_options in paths_with_options_batches { linter .lint_files( cli_options, paths_with_options.options, lint_config.clone(), paths_with_options.dir, paths_with_options.paths, lint_flags.maybe_plugins.clone(), ) .await?; } linter.finish(); Ok(()) }) }, ) .await?; } else { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; let is_stdin = lint_flags.is_stdin(); let deno_lint_config = cli_options.resolve_deno_lint_config()?; let workspace_lint_options = cli_options.resolve_workspace_lint_options(&lint_flags)?; let success = if is_stdin { let start_dir = &cli_options.start_dir; let reporter_lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(create_reporter( workspace_lint_options.reporter_kind, ))); let lint_config = start_dir .to_lint_config(FilePatterns::new_with_base(start_dir.dir_path()))?; let lint_options = LintOptions::resolve(lint_config, &lint_flags); let lint_rules = factory .lint_rule_provider() .await? .resolve_lint_rules_err_empty( lint_options.rules, start_dir.maybe_deno_json().map(|c| c.as_ref()), )?; let mut file_path = cli_options.initial_cwd().join(STDIN_FILE_NAME); if let Some(ext) = cli_options.ext_flag() { file_path.set_extension(ext); } let r = lint_stdin(&file_path, lint_rules, deno_lint_config); let success = handle_lint_result( &file_path.to_string_lossy(), r, reporter_lock.clone(), ); reporter_lock.lock().close(1); success } else { let mut linter = WorkspaceLinter::new( factory.caches()?.clone(), factory.lint_rule_provider().await?, factory.module_graph_creator().await?.clone(), cli_options.start_dir.clone(), &workspace_lint_options, ); let paths_with_options_batches = resolve_paths_with_options_batches(cli_options, &lint_flags)?; for paths_with_options in paths_with_options_batches { linter .lint_files( cli_options, paths_with_options.options, deno_lint_config.clone(), paths_with_options.dir, paths_with_options.paths, lint_flags.maybe_plugins.clone(), ) .await?; } linter.finish() }; if !success { deno_runtime::exit(1); } } Ok(()) } struct PathsWithOptions { dir: WorkspaceDirectory, paths: Vec, options: LintOptions, } fn resolve_paths_with_options_batches( cli_options: &CliOptions, lint_flags: &LintFlags, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let members_lint_options = cli_options.resolve_lint_options_for_members(lint_flags)?; let mut paths_with_options_batches = Vec::with_capacity(members_lint_options.len()); for (dir, lint_options) in members_lint_options { let files = collect_lint_files(cli_options, lint_options.files.clone())?; if !files.is_empty() { paths_with_options_batches.push(PathsWithOptions { dir, paths: files, options: lint_options, }); } } if paths_with_options_batches.is_empty() { return Err(generic_error("No target files found.")); } Ok(paths_with_options_batches) } type WorkspaceModuleGraphFuture = SharedLocal, Rc>>>; struct WorkspaceLinter { caches: Arc, lint_rule_provider: LintRuleProvider, module_graph_creator: Arc, workspace_dir: Arc, reporter_lock: Arc>>, workspace_module_graph: Option, has_error: Arc, file_count: usize, } impl WorkspaceLinter { pub fn new( caches: Arc, lint_rule_provider: LintRuleProvider, module_graph_creator: Arc, workspace_dir: Arc, workspace_options: &WorkspaceLintOptions, ) -> Self { let reporter_lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(create_reporter(workspace_options.reporter_kind))); Self { caches, lint_rule_provider, module_graph_creator, workspace_dir, reporter_lock, workspace_module_graph: None, has_error: Default::default(), file_count: 0, } } pub async fn lint_files( &mut self, cli_options: &Arc, lint_options: LintOptions, lint_config: LintConfig, member_dir: WorkspaceDirectory, paths: Vec, maybe_plugins: Option>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.file_count += paths.len(); let lint_rules = self.lint_rule_provider.resolve_lint_rules_err_empty( lint_options.rules, member_dir.maybe_deno_json().map(|c| c.as_ref()), )?; let maybe_incremental_cache = lint_rules.incremental_cache_state().map(|state| { Arc::new(IncrementalCache::new( self.caches.lint_incremental_cache_db(), &state, &paths, )) }); let maybe_plugins = if maybe_plugins.is_some() { maybe_plugins } else { if lint_options.plugins.is_empty() { None } else { Some(lint_options.plugins.clone()) } }; let plugin_specifiers = if let Some(plugins) = maybe_plugins { let mut plugin_specifiers = Vec::with_capacity(plugins.len()); let cwd = cli_options.initial_cwd(); for plugin in plugins { let path = cwd.join(plugin); let url = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&path).map_err(|_| { custom_error( "NotFound", format!("Bad plugin path: {}", path.display()), ) })?; plugin_specifiers.push(url); } plugin_specifiers } else { vec![] }; let maybe_plugin_runner = Some(Arc::new(Mutex::new({ let r = plugins::create_runner_and_load_plugins(plugin_specifiers).await; eprintln!("r {:#?}", r); r? }))); let linter = Arc::new(CliLinter::new(CliLinterOptions { configured_rules: lint_rules, fix: lint_options.fix, deno_lint_config: lint_config, maybe_plugin_runner, })); let mut futures = Vec::with_capacity(2); if linter.has_package_rules() { if self.workspace_module_graph.is_none() { let module_graph_creator = self.module_graph_creator.clone(); let packages = self.workspace_dir.jsr_packages_for_publish(); self.workspace_module_graph = Some( async move { module_graph_creator .create_and_validate_publish_graph(&packages, true) .await .map(Rc::new) .map_err(Rc::new) } .boxed_local() .shared_local(), ); } let workspace_module_graph_future = self.workspace_module_graph.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); let publish_config = member_dir.maybe_package_config(); if let Some(publish_config) = publish_config { let has_error = self.has_error.clone(); let reporter_lock = self.reporter_lock.clone(); let linter = linter.clone(); let path_urls = paths .iter() .filter_map(|p| ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(p).ok()) .collect::>(); futures.push( async move { let graph = workspace_module_graph_future .await .map_err(|err| anyhow!("{:#}", err))?; let export_urls = publish_config.config_file.resolve_export_value_urls()?; if !export_urls.iter().any(|url| path_urls.contains(url)) { return Ok(()); // entrypoint is not specified, so skip } let diagnostics = linter.lint_package(&graph, &export_urls); if !diagnostics.is_empty() { has_error.raise(); let mut reporter = reporter_lock.lock(); for diagnostic in &diagnostics { reporter.visit_diagnostic(diagnostic); } } Ok(()) } .boxed_local(), ); } } futures.push({ let has_error = self.has_error.clone(); let reporter_lock = self.reporter_lock.clone(); let maybe_incremental_cache = maybe_incremental_cache.clone(); let linter = linter.clone(); let cli_options = cli_options.clone(); async move { run_parallelized(paths, { move |file_path| { let file_text = deno_ast::strip_bom(fs::read_to_string(&file_path)?); // don't bother rechecking this file if it didn't have any diagnostics before // if let Some(incremental_cache) = &maybe_incremental_cache { // if incremental_cache.is_file_same(&file_path, &file_text) { // return Ok(()); // } // } let r = linter.lint_file( &file_path, file_text, cli_options.ext_flag().as_deref(), ); let r = match r { Ok((file_source, mut file_diagnostics)) => { let file_source_ = file_source.clone(); let source_text_info = file_source.text_info_lazy().clone(); let tmp_file_path = file_path.clone(); let plugin_diagnostics = tokio_util::create_and_run_current_thread( async move { let plugin_runner = linter.get_plugin_runner().unwrap(); #[allow(clippy::await_holding_lock)] let mut plugin_runner = plugin_runner.lock(); let serialized_ast = plugins::serialize_ast(file_source_)?; plugins::run_rules_for_ast( &mut plugin_runner, &tmp_file_path, serialized_ast, source_text_info, ) .await } .boxed_local(), )?; file_diagnostics.extend_from_slice(&plugin_diagnostics); if let Some(incremental_cache) = &maybe_incremental_cache { if file_diagnostics.is_empty() { // update the incremental cache if there were no diagnostics incremental_cache.update_file( &file_path, // ensure the returned text is used here as it may have been modified via --fix file_source.text(), ) } } Ok((file_source, file_diagnostics)) } Err(err) => Err(err), }; let success = handle_lint_result( &file_path.to_string_lossy(), r, reporter_lock.clone(), ); if !success { has_error.raise(); } Ok(()) } }) .await } .boxed_local() }); if lint_options.fix { // run sequentially when using `--fix` to lower the chances of weird // bugs where a file level fix affects a package level diagnostic though // it probably will happen anyway for future in futures { future.await?; } } else { deno_core::futures::future::try_join_all(futures).await?; } if let Some(incremental_cache) = &maybe_incremental_cache { incremental_cache.wait_completion().await; } Ok(()) } pub fn finish(self) -> bool { debug!("Found {} files", self.file_count); self.reporter_lock.lock().close(self.file_count); !self.has_error.is_raised() // success } } fn collect_lint_files( cli_options: &CliOptions, files: FilePatterns, ) -> Result, AnyError> { FileCollector::new(|e| { is_script_ext(e.path) || (e.path.extension().is_none() && cli_options.ext_flag().is_some()) }) .ignore_git_folder() .ignore_node_modules() .use_gitignore() .set_vendor_folder(cli_options.vendor_dir_path().map(ToOwned::to_owned)) .collect_file_patterns(&deno_config::fs::RealDenoConfigFs, files) } #[allow(clippy::print_stdout)] pub fn print_rules_list(json: bool, maybe_rules_tags: Option>) { let rule_provider = LintRuleProvider::new(None, None); let lint_rules = rule_provider .resolve_lint_rules( LintRulesConfig { tags: maybe_rules_tags.clone(), include: None, exclude: None, }, None, ) .rules; if json { let json_output = serde_json::json!({ "version": JSON_SCHEMA_VERSION, "rules": lint_rules .iter() .map(|rule| { serde_json::json!({ "code": rule.code(), "tags": rule.tags(), "docs": rule.docs(), }) }) .collect::>(), }); display::write_json_to_stdout(&json_output).unwrap(); } else { // The rules should still be printed even if `--quiet` option is enabled, // so use `println!` here instead of `info!`. println!("Available rules:"); for rule in lint_rules.iter() { print!(" - {}", colors::cyan(rule.code())); if rule.tags().is_empty() { println!(); } else { println!(" [{}]", colors::gray(rule.tags().join(", "))) } println!( "{}", colors::gray(format!(" help: {}", rule.help_docs_url())) ); println!(); } } } /// Lint stdin and write result to stdout. /// Treats input as TypeScript. /// Compatible with `--json` flag. fn lint_stdin( file_path: &Path, configured_rules: ConfiguredRules, deno_lint_config: LintConfig, ) -> Result<(ParsedSource, Vec), AnyError> { let mut source_code = String::new(); if stdin().read_to_string(&mut source_code).is_err() { return Err(generic_error("Failed to read from stdin")); } let linter = CliLinter::new(CliLinterOptions { fix: false, configured_rules, deno_lint_config, maybe_plugin_runner: None, }); linter .lint_file(file_path, deno_ast::strip_bom(source_code), None) .map_err(AnyError::from) } fn handle_lint_result( file_path: &str, result: Result<(ParsedSource, Vec), AnyError>, reporter_lock: Arc>>, ) -> bool { let mut reporter = reporter_lock.lock(); match result { Ok((source, mut file_diagnostics)) => { if !source.diagnostics().is_empty() { for parse_diagnostic in source.diagnostics() { log::warn!("{}: {}", colors::yellow("warn"), parse_diagnostic); } } file_diagnostics.sort_by(|a, b| match a.specifier.cmp(&b.specifier) { std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => { let a_start = a.range.as_ref().map(|r| r.range.start); let b_start = b.range.as_ref().map(|r| r.range.start); match a_start.cmp(&b_start) { std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => a.details.code.cmp(&b.details.code), other => other, } } file_order => file_order, }); for d in &file_diagnostics { reporter.visit_diagnostic(d); } file_diagnostics.is_empty() } Err(err) => { reporter.visit_error(file_path, &err); false } } } #[derive(Serialize)] struct LintError { file_path: String, message: String, }