// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::deno_error::too_many_redirects; use crate::deno_error::DenoError; use crate::deno_error::ErrorKind; use crate::deno_error::GetErrorKind; use crate::disk_cache::DiskCache; use crate::http_util; use crate::http_util::FetchOnceResult; use crate::msg; use crate::progress::Progress; use crate::tokio_util; use deno::ErrBox; use deno::ModuleSpecifier; use futures::future::Either; use futures::Future; use serde_json; use std; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::result::Result; use std::str; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Mutex; use url; use url::Url; /// Structure representing local or remote file. /// /// In case of remote file `url` might be different than originally requested URL, if so /// `redirect_source_url` will contain original URL and `url` will be equal to final location. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct SourceFile { pub url: Url, pub filename: PathBuf, pub media_type: msg::MediaType, pub source_code: Vec, } pub type SourceFileFuture = dyn Future + Send; /// Simple struct implementing in-process caching to prevent multiple /// fs reads/net fetches for same file. #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct SourceFileCache(Arc>>); impl SourceFileCache { pub fn set(&self, key: String, source_file: SourceFile) { let mut c = self.0.lock().unwrap(); c.insert(key, source_file); } pub fn get(&self, key: String) -> Option { let c = self.0.lock().unwrap(); match c.get(&key) { Some(source_file) => Some(source_file.clone()), None => None, } } } const SUPPORTED_URL_SCHEMES: [&str; 3] = ["http", "https", "file"]; /// `DenoDir` serves as coordinator for multiple `DiskCache`s containing them /// in single directory that can be controlled with `$DENO_DIR` env variable. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SourceFileFetcher { deps_cache: DiskCache, progress: Progress, source_file_cache: SourceFileCache, cache_blacklist: Vec, use_disk_cache: bool, no_remote_fetch: bool, } impl SourceFileFetcher { pub fn new( deps_cache: DiskCache, progress: Progress, use_disk_cache: bool, cache_blacklist: Vec, no_remote_fetch: bool, ) -> std::io::Result { let file_fetcher = Self { deps_cache, progress, source_file_cache: SourceFileCache::default(), cache_blacklist, use_disk_cache, no_remote_fetch, }; Ok(file_fetcher) } fn check_if_supported_scheme(url: &Url) -> Result<(), ErrBox> { if !SUPPORTED_URL_SCHEMES.contains(&url.scheme()) { return Err( DenoError::new( ErrorKind::UnsupportedFetchScheme, format!("Unsupported scheme \"{}\" for module \"{}\". Supported schemes: {:#?}", url.scheme(), url, SUPPORTED_URL_SCHEMES), ).into() ); } Ok(()) } /// Required for TS compiler. pub fn fetch_source_file( self: &Self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { tokio_util::block_on(self.fetch_source_file_async(specifier)) } pub fn fetch_source_file_async( self: &Self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Box { let module_url = specifier.as_url().to_owned(); debug!("fetch_source_file. specifier {} ", &module_url); // Check if this file was already fetched and can be retrieved from in-process cache. if let Some(source_file) = self.source_file_cache.get(specifier.to_string()) { return Box::new(futures::future::ok(source_file)); } let source_file_cache = self.source_file_cache.clone(); let specifier_ = specifier.clone(); let fut = self .get_source_file_async( &module_url, self.use_disk_cache, self.no_remote_fetch, ) .then(move |result| { let mut out = result.map_err(|err| { if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound { // For NotFound, change the message to something better. DenoError::new( ErrorKind::NotFound, format!("Cannot resolve module \"{}\"", module_url.to_string()), ) .into() } else { err } })?; // TODO: move somewhere? if out.source_code.starts_with(b"#!") { out.source_code = filter_shebang(out.source_code); } // Cache in-process for subsequent access. source_file_cache.set(specifier_.to_string(), out.clone()); Ok(out) }); Box::new(fut) } /// This is main method that is responsible for fetching local or remote files. /// /// If this is a remote module, and it has not yet been cached, the resulting /// download will be cached on disk for subsequent access. /// /// If `use_disk_cache` is true then remote files are fetched from disk cache. /// /// If `no_remote_fetch` is true then if remote file is not found it disk /// cache this method will fail. fn get_source_file_async( self: &Self, module_url: &Url, use_disk_cache: bool, no_remote_fetch: bool, ) -> impl Future { let url_scheme = module_url.scheme(); let is_local_file = url_scheme == "file"; if let Err(err) = SourceFileFetcher::check_if_supported_scheme(&module_url) { return Either::A(futures::future::err(err)); } // Local files are always fetched from disk bypassing cache entirely. if is_local_file { match self.fetch_local_file(&module_url) { Ok(source_file) => { return Either::A(futures::future::ok(source_file)); } Err(err) => { return Either::A(futures::future::err(err)); } } } // Fetch remote file and cache on-disk for subsequent access Either::B(self.fetch_remote_source_async( &module_url, use_disk_cache, no_remote_fetch, 10, )) } /// Fetch local source file. fn fetch_local_file( self: &Self, module_url: &Url, ) -> Result { let filepath = module_url.to_file_path().map_err(|()| { ErrBox::from(DenoError::new( ErrorKind::InvalidPath, "File URL contains invalid path".to_owned(), )) })?; let source_code = match fs::read(filepath.clone()) { Ok(c) => c, Err(e) => return Err(e.into()), }; let media_type = map_content_type(&filepath, None); Ok(SourceFile { url: module_url.clone(), filename: filepath, media_type, source_code, }) } /// Fetch cached remote file. /// /// This is a recursive operation if source file has redirections. /// /// It will keep reading .headers.json for information about redirection. /// `module_initial_source_name` would be None on first call, /// and becomes the name of the very first module that initiates the call /// in subsequent recursions. /// /// AKA if redirection occurs, module_initial_source_name is the source path /// that user provides, and the final module_name is the resolved path /// after following all redirections. fn fetch_cached_remote_source( self: &Self, module_url: &Url, ) -> Result, ErrBox> { let source_code_headers = self.get_source_code_headers(&module_url); // If source code headers says that it would redirect elsewhere, // (meaning that the source file might not exist; only .headers.json is present) // Abort reading attempts to the cached source file and and follow the redirect. if let Some(redirect_to) = source_code_headers.redirect_to { // E.g. // module_name https://import-meta.now.sh/redirect.js // filename /Users/kun/Library/Caches/deno/deps/https/import-meta.now.sh/redirect.js // redirect_to https://import-meta.now.sh/sub/final1.js // real_filename /Users/kun/Library/Caches/deno/deps/https/import-meta.now.sh/sub/final1.js // real_module_name = https://import-meta.now.sh/sub/final1.js let redirect_url = Url::parse(&redirect_to).expect("Should be valid URL"); // Recurse. // TODO(bartlomieju): I'm pretty sure we should call `fetch_remote_source_async` here. // Should we expect that all redirects are cached? return self.fetch_cached_remote_source(&redirect_url); } // No redirect needed or end of redirects. // We can try read the file let filepath = self .deps_cache .location .join(self.deps_cache.get_cache_filename(&module_url)); let source_code = match fs::read(filepath.clone()) { Err(e) => { if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { return Ok(None); } else { return Err(e.into()); } } Ok(c) => c, }; let media_type = map_content_type( &filepath, source_code_headers.mime_type.as_ref().map(String::as_str), ); Ok(Some(SourceFile { url: module_url.clone(), filename: filepath, media_type, source_code, })) } /// Asynchronously fetch remote source file specified by the URL following redirects. fn fetch_remote_source_async( self: &Self, module_url: &Url, use_disk_cache: bool, no_remote_fetch: bool, redirect_limit: i64, ) -> Box { if redirect_limit < 0 { return Box::new(futures::future::err(too_many_redirects())); } let is_blacklisted = check_cache_blacklist(module_url, self.cache_blacklist.as_ref()); // First try local cache if use_disk_cache && !is_blacklisted { match self.fetch_cached_remote_source(&module_url) { Ok(Some(source_file)) => { return Box::new(futures::future::ok(source_file)); } Ok(None) => { // there's no cached version } Err(err) => { return Box::new(futures::future::err(err)); } } } // If file wasn't found in cache check if we can fetch it if no_remote_fetch { // We can't fetch remote file - bail out return Box::new(futures::future::err( std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, format!( "cannot find remote file '{}' in cache", module_url.to_string() ), ) .into(), )); } let download_job = self.progress.add("Download", &module_url.to_string()); let dir = self.clone(); let module_url = module_url.clone(); // Single pass fetch, either yields code or yields redirect. let f = http_util::fetch_string_once(&module_url).and_then(move |r| { match r { FetchOnceResult::Redirect(new_module_url) => { // If redirects, update module_name and filename for next looped call. dir .save_source_code_headers( &module_url, None, Some(new_module_url.to_string()), ) .unwrap(); // Explicit drop to keep reference alive until future completes. drop(download_job); // Recurse Either::A(dir.fetch_remote_source_async( &new_module_url, use_disk_cache, no_remote_fetch, redirect_limit - 1, )) } FetchOnceResult::Code(source, maybe_content_type) => { // We land on the code. dir .save_source_code_headers( &module_url, maybe_content_type.clone(), None, ) .unwrap(); dir.save_source_code(&module_url, &source).unwrap(); let filepath = dir .deps_cache .location .join(dir.deps_cache.get_cache_filename(&module_url)); let media_type = map_content_type( &filepath, maybe_content_type.as_ref().map(String::as_str), ); let source_file = SourceFile { url: module_url.clone(), filename: filepath, media_type, source_code: source.as_bytes().to_owned(), }; // Explicit drop to keep reference alive until future completes. drop(download_job); Either::B(futures::future::ok(source_file)) } } }); Box::new(f) } /// Get header metadata associated with a remote file. /// /// NOTE: chances are that the source file was downloaded due to redirects. /// In this case, the headers file provides info about where we should go and get /// the file that redirect eventually points to. fn get_source_code_headers(self: &Self, url: &Url) -> SourceCodeHeaders { let cache_key = self .deps_cache .get_cache_filename_with_extension(url, "headers.json"); if let Ok(bytes) = self.deps_cache.get(&cache_key) { if let Ok(json_string) = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes) { return SourceCodeHeaders::from_json_string(json_string.to_string()); } } SourceCodeHeaders::default() } /// Save contents of downloaded remote file in on-disk cache for subsequent access. fn save_source_code( self: &Self, url: &Url, source: &str, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let cache_key = self.deps_cache.get_cache_filename(url); // May not exist. DON'T unwrap. let _ = self.deps_cache.remove(&cache_key); self.deps_cache.set(&cache_key, source.as_bytes()) } /// Save headers related to source file to {filename}.headers.json file, /// only when there is actually something necessary to save. /// /// For example, if the extension ".js" already mean JS file and we have /// content type of "text/javascript", then we would not save the mime type. /// /// If nothing needs to be saved, the headers file is not created. fn save_source_code_headers( self: &Self, url: &Url, mime_type: Option, redirect_to: Option, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let cache_key = self .deps_cache .get_cache_filename_with_extension(url, "headers.json"); // Remove possibly existing stale .headers.json file. // May not exist. DON'T unwrap. let _ = self.deps_cache.remove(&cache_key); let headers = SourceCodeHeaders { mime_type, redirect_to, }; let cache_filename = self.deps_cache.get_cache_filename(url); if let Ok(maybe_json_string) = headers.to_json_string(&cache_filename) { if let Some(json_string) = maybe_json_string { return self.deps_cache.set(&cache_key, json_string.as_bytes()); } } Ok(()) } } fn map_file_extension(path: &Path) -> msg::MediaType { match path.extension() { None => msg::MediaType::Unknown, Some(os_str) => match os_str.to_str() { Some("ts") => msg::MediaType::TypeScript, Some("tsx") => msg::MediaType::TSX, Some("js") => msg::MediaType::JavaScript, Some("jsx") => msg::MediaType::JSX, Some("mjs") => msg::MediaType::JavaScript, Some("json") => msg::MediaType::Json, Some("wasm") => msg::MediaType::Wasm, _ => msg::MediaType::Unknown, }, } } // convert a ContentType string into a enumerated MediaType fn map_content_type(path: &Path, content_type: Option<&str>) -> msg::MediaType { match content_type { Some(content_type) => { // sometimes there is additional data after the media type in // Content-Type so we have to do a bit of manipulation so we are only // dealing with the actual media type let ct_vector: Vec<&str> = content_type.split(';').collect(); let ct: &str = ct_vector.first().unwrap(); match ct.to_lowercase().as_ref() { "application/typescript" | "text/typescript" | "video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts" | "video/mp2t" | "application/x-typescript" => { map_js_like_extension(path, msg::MediaType::TypeScript) } "application/javascript" | "text/javascript" | "application/ecmascript" | "text/ecmascript" | "application/x-javascript" => { map_js_like_extension(path, msg::MediaType::JavaScript) } "application/json" | "text/json" => msg::MediaType::Json, "text/plain" => map_file_extension(path), _ => { debug!("unknown content type: {}", content_type); msg::MediaType::Unknown } } } None => map_file_extension(path), } } fn map_js_like_extension( path: &Path, default: msg::MediaType, ) -> msg::MediaType { match path.extension() { None => default, Some(os_str) => match os_str.to_str() { None => default, Some("jsx") => msg::MediaType::JSX, Some("tsx") => msg::MediaType::TSX, Some(_) => default, }, } } fn filter_shebang(bytes: Vec) -> Vec { let string = str::from_utf8(&bytes).unwrap(); if let Some(i) = string.find('\n') { let (_, rest) = string.split_at(i); rest.as_bytes().to_owned() } else { Vec::new() } } fn check_cache_blacklist(url: &Url, black_list: &[String]) -> bool { let mut url_without_fragmets = url.clone(); url_without_fragmets.set_fragment(None); if black_list.contains(&String::from(url_without_fragmets.as_str())) { return true; } let mut url_without_query_strings = url_without_fragmets; url_without_query_strings.set_query(None); let mut path_buf = PathBuf::from(url_without_query_strings.as_str()); loop { if black_list.contains(&String::from(path_buf.to_str().unwrap())) { return true; } if !path_buf.pop() { break; } } false } #[derive(Debug, Default)] /// Header metadata associated with a particular "symbolic" source code file. /// (the associated source code file might not be cached, while remaining /// a user accessible entity through imports (due to redirects)). pub struct SourceCodeHeaders { /// MIME type of the source code. pub mime_type: Option, /// Where should we actually look for source code. /// This should be an absolute path! pub redirect_to: Option, } static MIME_TYPE: &str = "mime_type"; static REDIRECT_TO: &str = "redirect_to"; impl SourceCodeHeaders { pub fn from_json_string(headers_string: String) -> Self { // TODO: use serde for deserialization let maybe_headers_json: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_str(&headers_string); if let Ok(headers_json) = maybe_headers_json { let mime_type = headers_json[MIME_TYPE].as_str().map(String::from); let redirect_to = headers_json[REDIRECT_TO].as_str().map(String::from); return SourceCodeHeaders { mime_type, redirect_to, }; } SourceCodeHeaders::default() } // TODO: remove this nonsense `cache_filename` param, this should be // done when instantiating SourceCodeHeaders pub fn to_json_string( self: &Self, cache_filename: &Path, ) -> Result, serde_json::Error> { // TODO(kevinkassimo): consider introduce serde::Deserialize to make things simpler. // This is super ugly at this moment... // Had trouble to make serde_derive work: I'm unable to build proc-macro2. let mut value_map = serde_json::map::Map::new(); if let Some(mime_type) = &self.mime_type { let resolved_mime_type = map_content_type(Path::new(""), Some(mime_type.clone().as_str())); // TODO: fix this let ext_based_mime_type = map_file_extension(cache_filename); // Add mime to headers only when content type is different from extension. if ext_based_mime_type == msg::MediaType::Unknown || resolved_mime_type != ext_based_mime_type { value_map.insert(MIME_TYPE.to_string(), json!(mime_type)); } } if let Some(redirect_to) = &self.redirect_to { value_map.insert(REDIRECT_TO.to_string(), json!(redirect_to)); } if value_map.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } serde_json::to_string(&value_map) .and_then(|serialized| Ok(Some(serialized))) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::fs as deno_fs; use tempfile::TempDir; fn setup_file_fetcher(dir_path: &Path) -> SourceFileFetcher { SourceFileFetcher::new( DiskCache::new(&dir_path.to_path_buf().join("deps")), Progress::new(), true, vec![], false, ) .expect("setup fail") } fn test_setup() -> (TempDir, SourceFileFetcher) { let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail"); let fetcher = setup_file_fetcher(temp_dir.path()); (temp_dir, fetcher) } macro_rules! file_url { ($path:expr) => { if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { concat!("file:///C:", $path) } else { concat!("file://", $path) } }; } #[test] fn test_cache_blacklist() { let args = crate::flags::resolve_urls(vec![ String::from("http://deno.land/std"), String::from("http://github.com/example/mod.ts"), String::from("http://fragment.com/mod.ts#fragment"), String::from("http://query.com/mod.ts?foo=bar"), String::from("http://queryandfragment.com/mod.ts?foo=bar#fragment"), ]); let u: Url = "http://deno.land/std/fs/mod.ts".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://github.com/example/file.ts".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), false); let u: Url = "http://github.com/example/mod.ts".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://github.com/example/mod.ts?foo=bar".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://github.com/example/mod.ts#fragment".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://fragment.com/mod.ts".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://query.com/mod.ts".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), false); let u: Url = "http://fragment.com/mod.ts#fragment".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://query.com/mod.ts?foo=bar".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://queryandfragment.com/mod.ts".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), false); let u: Url = "http://queryandfragment.com/mod.ts?foo=bar" .parse() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://queryandfragment.com/mod.ts#fragment" .parse() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), false); let u: Url = "http://query.com/mod.ts?foo=bar#fragment".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); let u: Url = "http://fragment.com/mod.ts?foo=bar#fragment" .parse() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(check_cache_blacklist(&u, &args), true); } #[test] fn test_source_code_headers_get_and_save() { let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let url = Url::parse("http://example.com/f.js").unwrap(); let headers_filepath = fetcher.deps_cache.location.join( fetcher .deps_cache .get_cache_filename_with_extension(&url, "headers.json"), ); if let Some(ref parent) = headers_filepath.parent() { fs::create_dir_all(parent).unwrap(); }; let _ = deno_fs::write_file( headers_filepath.as_path(), "{\"mime_type\":\"text/javascript\",\"redirect_to\":\"http://example.com/a.js\"}", 0o666 ); let headers = fetcher.get_source_code_headers(&url); assert_eq!(headers.mime_type.clone().unwrap(), "text/javascript"); assert_eq!( headers.redirect_to.clone().unwrap(), "http://example.com/a.js" ); let _ = fetcher.save_source_code_headers( &url, Some("text/typescript".to_owned()), Some("http://deno.land/a.js".to_owned()), ); let headers2 = fetcher.get_source_code_headers(&url); assert_eq!(headers2.mime_type.clone().unwrap(), "text/typescript"); assert_eq!( headers2.redirect_to.clone().unwrap(), "http://deno.land/a.js" ); } #[test] fn test_fetch_local_file_no_panic() { let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); if cfg!(windows) { // Should fail: missing drive letter. let u = Url::parse("file:///etc/passwd").unwrap(); fetcher.fetch_local_file(&u).unwrap_err(); } else { // Should fail: local network paths are not supported on unix. let u = Url::parse("file://server/etc/passwd").unwrap(); fetcher.fetch_local_file(&u).unwrap_err(); } } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_1() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let fetcher_1 = fetcher.clone(); let fetcher_2 = fetcher.clone(); let module_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mod2.ts").unwrap(); let module_url_1 = module_url.clone(); let module_url_2 = module_url.clone(); let headers_file_name = fetcher.deps_cache.location.join( fetcher .deps_cache .get_cache_filename_with_extension(&module_url, "headers.json"), ); let headers_file_name_1 = headers_file_name.clone(); let headers_file_name_2 = headers_file_name.clone(); let headers_file_name_3 = headers_file_name.clone(); let fut = fetcher .get_source_file_async(&module_url, true, false) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( r.source_code, "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n".as_bytes() ); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // Should not create .headers.json file due to matching ext assert!(fs::read_to_string(&headers_file_name_1).is_err()); // Modify .headers.json, write using fs write and read using save_source_code_headers let _ = fs::write( &headers_file_name_1, "{ \"mime_type\": \"text/javascript\" }", ); fetcher_1.get_source_file_async(&module_url, true, false) }) .then(move |result2| { assert!(result2.is_ok()); let r2 = result2.unwrap(); assert_eq!( r2.source_code, "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n".as_bytes() ); // If get_source_file_async does not call remote, this should be JavaScript // as we modified before! (we do not overwrite .headers.json due to no http fetch) assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); assert_eq!( fetcher_2 .get_source_code_headers(&module_url_1) .mime_type .unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); // Modify .headers.json again, but the other way around let _ = fetcher_2.save_source_code_headers( &module_url_1, Some("application/json".to_owned()), None, ); fetcher_2.get_source_file_async(&module_url_1, true, false) }) .then(move |result3| { assert!(result3.is_ok()); let r3 = result3.unwrap(); assert_eq!( r3.source_code, "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n".as_bytes() ); // If get_source_file_async does not call remote, this should be JavaScript // as we modified before! (we do not overwrite .headers.json due to no http fetch) assert_eq!(&(r3.media_type), &msg::MediaType::Json); assert!(fs::read_to_string(&headers_file_name_2) .unwrap() .contains("application/json")); // let's create fresh instance of DenoDir (simulating another freshh Deno process) // and don't use cache let fetcher = setup_file_fetcher(temp_dir.path()); fetcher.get_source_file_async(&module_url_2, false, false) }) .then(move |result4| { assert!(result4.is_ok()); let r4 = result4.unwrap(); let expected4 = "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n".as_bytes(); assert_eq!(r4.source_code, expected4); // Now the old .headers.json file should have gone! Resolved back to TypeScript assert_eq!(&(r4.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); assert!(fs::read_to_string(&headers_file_name_3).is_err()); Ok(()) }); // http_util::fetch_sync_string requires tokio tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_2() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let fetcher_1 = fetcher.clone(); let module_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts").unwrap(); let module_url_1 = module_url.clone(); let module_url_2 = module_url.clone(); let headers_file_name = fetcher.deps_cache.location.join( fetcher .deps_cache .get_cache_filename_with_extension(&module_url, "headers.json"), ); let fut = fetcher .get_source_file_async(&module_url, true, false) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap(); let expected = "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes(); assert_eq!(r.source_code, expected); // Mismatch ext with content type, create .headers.json assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); assert_eq!( fetcher .get_source_code_headers(&module_url) .mime_type .unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); // Modify .headers.json let _ = fetcher.save_source_code_headers( &module_url, Some("text/typescript".to_owned()), None, ); fetcher.get_source_file_async(&module_url, true, false) }) .then(move |result2| { assert!(result2.is_ok()); let r2 = result2.unwrap(); let expected2 = "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes(); assert_eq!(r2.source_code, expected2); // If get_source_file_async does not call remote, this should be TypeScript // as we modified before! (we do not overwrite .headers.json due to no http fetch) assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); assert!(fs::read_to_string(&headers_file_name).is_err()); // let's create fresh instance of DenoDir (simulating another freshh Deno process) // and don't use cache let fetcher = setup_file_fetcher(temp_dir.path()); fetcher.get_source_file_async(&module_url_1, false, false) }) .then(move |result3| { assert!(result3.is_ok()); let r3 = result3.unwrap(); let expected3 = "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes(); assert_eq!(r3.source_code, expected3); // Now the old .headers.json file should be overwritten back to JavaScript! // (due to http fetch) assert_eq!(&(r3.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); assert_eq!( fetcher_1 .get_source_code_headers(&module_url_2) .mime_type .unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_multiple_downloads_of_same_file() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); // http_util::fetch_sync_string requires tokio tokio_util::init(|| { let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url( "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts", ) .unwrap(); let headers_file_name = fetcher.deps_cache.location.join( fetcher.deps_cache.get_cache_filename_with_extension( specifier.as_url(), "headers.json", ), ); // first download let result = fetcher.fetch_source_file(&specifier); assert!(result.is_ok()); let result = fs::File::open(&headers_file_name); assert!(result.is_ok()); let headers_file = result.unwrap(); // save modified timestamp for headers file let headers_file_metadata = headers_file.metadata().unwrap(); let headers_file_modified = headers_file_metadata.modified().unwrap(); // download file again, it should use already fetched file even though `use_disk_cache` is set to // false, this can be verified using source header file creation timestamp (should be // the same as after first download) let result = fetcher.fetch_source_file(&specifier); assert!(result.is_ok()); let result = fs::File::open(&headers_file_name); assert!(result.is_ok()); let headers_file_2 = result.unwrap(); // save modified timestamp for headers file let headers_file_metadata_2 = headers_file_2.metadata().unwrap(); let headers_file_modified_2 = headers_file_metadata_2.modified().unwrap(); assert_eq!(headers_file_modified, headers_file_modified_2); }); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_3() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let redirect_module_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4546/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirect_source_filepath = fetcher .deps_cache .location .join("http/localhost_PORT4546/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js"); let redirect_source_filename = redirect_source_filepath.to_str().unwrap().to_string(); let target_module_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirect_target_filepath = fetcher .deps_cache .location .join("http/localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js"); let redirect_target_filename = redirect_target_filepath.to_str().unwrap().to_string(); // Test basic follow and headers recording let fut = fetcher .get_source_file_async(&redirect_module_url, true, false) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let mod_meta = result.unwrap(); // File that requires redirection is not downloaded. assert!(fs::read_to_string(&redirect_source_filename).is_err()); // ... but its .headers.json is created. let redirect_source_headers = fetcher.get_source_code_headers(&redirect_module_url); assert_eq!( redirect_source_headers.redirect_to.unwrap(), "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js" ); // The target of redirection is downloaded instead. assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&redirect_target_filename).unwrap(), "export const redirect = 1;\n" ); let redirect_target_headers = fetcher.get_source_code_headers(&target_module_url); assert!(redirect_target_headers.redirect_to.is_none()); // Examine the meta result. assert_eq!(mod_meta.url.clone(), target_module_url); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_4() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let double_redirect_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4548/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let double_redirect_path = fetcher .deps_cache .location .join("http/localhost_PORT4548/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js"); let redirect_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4546/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirect_path = fetcher .deps_cache .location .join("http/localhost_PORT4546/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js"); let target_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let target_path = fetcher .deps_cache .location .join("http/localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js"); // Test double redirects and headers recording let fut = fetcher .get_source_file_async(&double_redirect_url, true, false) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let mod_meta = result.unwrap(); assert!(fs::read_to_string(&double_redirect_path).is_err()); assert!(fs::read_to_string(&redirect_path).is_err()); let double_redirect_headers = fetcher.get_source_code_headers(&double_redirect_url); assert_eq!( double_redirect_headers.redirect_to.unwrap(), redirect_url.to_string() ); let redirect_headers = fetcher.get_source_code_headers(&redirect_url); assert_eq!( redirect_headers.redirect_to.unwrap(), target_url.to_string() ); // The target of redirection is downloaded instead. assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(&target_path).unwrap(), "export const redirect = 1;\n" ); let redirect_target_headers = fetcher.get_source_code_headers(&target_url); assert!(redirect_target_headers.redirect_to.is_none()); // Examine the meta result. assert_eq!(mod_meta.url.clone(), target_url); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_5() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let double_redirect_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4548/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirect_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4546/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let target_path = fetcher .deps_cache .location .join("http/localhost_PORT4545/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js"); let target_path_ = target_path.clone(); // Test that redirect target is not downloaded twice for different redirect source. let fut = fetcher .get_source_file_async(&double_redirect_url, true, false) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let result = fs::File::open(&target_path); assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); // save modified timestamp for headers file of redirect target let file_metadata = file.metadata().unwrap(); let file_modified = file_metadata.modified().unwrap(); // When another file is fetched that also point to redirect target, then redirect target // shouldn't be downloaded again. It can be verified using source header file creation // timestamp (should be the same as after first `get_source_file`) fetcher .get_source_file_async(&redirect_url, true, false) .map(move |r| (r, file_modified)) }) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let (_, file_modified) = result.unwrap(); let result = fs::File::open(&target_path_); assert!(result.is_ok()); let file_2 = result.unwrap(); // save modified timestamp for headers file let file_metadata_2 = file_2.metadata().unwrap(); let file_modified_2 = file_metadata_2.modified().unwrap(); assert_eq!(file_modified, file_modified_2); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_6() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let double_redirect_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4548/tests/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); // Test that redirections can be limited let fut = fetcher .fetch_remote_source_async(&double_redirect_url, false, false, 2) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); fetcher.fetch_remote_source_async(&double_redirect_url, false, false, 1) }) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::TooManyRedirects); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_get_source_code_no_fetch() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let fetcher_1 = fetcher.clone(); let fetcher_2 = fetcher.clone(); let module_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/002_hello.ts").unwrap(); let module_url_1 = module_url.clone(); let module_url_2 = module_url.clone(); // file hasn't been cached before and remote downloads are not allowed let fut = fetcher .get_source_file_async(&module_url, true, true) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::NotFound); // download and cache file fetcher_1.get_source_file_async(&module_url_1, true, false) }) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); // module is already cached, should be ok even with `no_remote_fetch` fetcher_2.get_source_file_async(&module_url_2, true, true) }) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_async_1() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let module_url = Url::parse("") .unwrap(); let headers_file_name = fetcher.deps_cache.location.join( fetcher .deps_cache .get_cache_filename_with_extension(&module_url, "headers.json"), ); let fut = fetcher .fetch_remote_source_async(&module_url, false, false, 10) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(r.source_code, b"export const loaded = true;\n"); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // matching ext, no .headers.json file created assert!(fs::read_to_string(&headers_file_name).is_err()); // Modify .headers.json, make sure read from local let _ = fetcher.save_source_code_headers( &module_url, Some("text/javascript".to_owned()), None, ); let result2 = fetcher.fetch_cached_remote_source(&module_url); assert!(result2.is_ok()); let r2 = result2.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(r2.source_code, b"export const loaded = true;\n"); // Not MediaType::TypeScript due to .headers.json modification assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_1() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let module_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mt_video_mp2t.t3.ts") .unwrap(); let headers_file_name = fetcher.deps_cache.location.join( fetcher .deps_cache .get_cache_filename_with_extension(&module_url, "headers.json"), ); let fut = fetcher .fetch_remote_source_async(&module_url, false, false, 10) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(r.source_code, "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // matching ext, no .headers.json file created assert!(fs::read_to_string(&headers_file_name).is_err()); // Modify .headers.json, make sure read from local let _ = fetcher.save_source_code_headers( &module_url, Some("text/javascript".to_owned()), None, ); let result2 = fetcher.fetch_cached_remote_source(&module_url); assert!(result2.is_ok()); let r2 = result2.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(r2.source_code, "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes()); // Not MediaType::TypeScript due to .headers.json modification assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); Ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_2() { let http_server_guard = crate::test_util::http_server(); let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); let fetcher_1 = fetcher.clone(); let fetcher_2 = fetcher.clone(); let fetcher_3 = fetcher.clone(); let module_url = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/no_ext").unwrap(); let module_url_2 = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts").unwrap(); let module_url_2_ = module_url_2.clone(); let module_url_3 = Url::parse("http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/unknown_ext.deno") .unwrap(); let module_url_3_ = module_url_3.clone(); let fut = fetcher .fetch_remote_source_async(&module_url, false, false, 10) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let r = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(r.source_code, "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(&(r.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // no ext, should create .headers.json file assert_eq!( fetcher_1 .get_source_code_headers(&module_url) .mime_type .unwrap(), "text/typescript" ); fetcher_1.fetch_remote_source_async(&module_url_2, false, false, 10) }) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let r2 = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(r2.source_code, "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(&(r2.media_type), &msg::MediaType::JavaScript); // mismatch ext, should create .headers.json file assert_eq!( fetcher_2 .get_source_code_headers(&module_url_2_) .mime_type .unwrap(), "text/javascript" ); // test unknown extension fetcher_2.fetch_remote_source_async(&module_url_3, false, false, 10) }) .then(move |result| { assert!(result.is_ok()); let r3 = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(r3.source_code, "export const loaded = true;\n".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(&(r3.media_type), &msg::MediaType::TypeScript); // unknown ext, should create .headers.json file assert_eq!( fetcher_3 .get_source_code_headers(&module_url_3_) .mime_type .unwrap(), "text/typescript" ); futures::future::ok(()) }); tokio_util::run(fut); drop(http_server_guard); } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_file() { let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); tokio_util::init(|| { // Test failure case. let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url(file_url!("/baddir/hello.ts")).unwrap(); let r = fetcher.fetch_source_file(&specifier); assert!(r.is_err()); let p = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("js/main.ts") .to_owned(); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path(p.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let r = fetcher.fetch_source_file(&specifier); assert!(r.is_ok()); }) } #[test] fn test_fetch_source_file_1() { /*recompile ts file*/ let (_temp_dir, fetcher) = test_setup(); tokio_util::init(|| { // Test failure case. let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url(file_url!("/baddir/hello.ts")).unwrap(); let r = fetcher.fetch_source_file(&specifier); assert!(r.is_err()); let p = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("js/main.ts") .to_owned(); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path(p.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let r = fetcher.fetch_source_file(&specifier); assert!(r.is_ok()); }) } #[test] fn test_resolve_module_3() { // unsupported schemes let test_cases = [ "ftp://localhost:4545/testdata/subdir/print_hello.ts", "blob:https://whatwg.org/d0360e2f-caee-469f-9a2f-87d5b0456f6f", ]; for &test in test_cases.iter() { let url = Url::parse(test).unwrap(); assert_eq!( SourceFileFetcher::check_if_supported_scheme(&url) .unwrap_err() .kind(), ErrorKind::UnsupportedFetchScheme ); } } #[test] fn test_map_file_extension() { assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.ts")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.tsx")), msg::MediaType::TSX ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.d.ts")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.js")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.jsx")), msg::MediaType::JSX ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.json")), msg::MediaType::Json ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.wasm")), msg::MediaType::Wasm ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar.txt")), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); assert_eq!( map_file_extension(Path::new("foo/bar")), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); } #[test] fn test_map_content_type_extension_only() { // Extension only assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.ts"), None), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.tsx"), None), msg::MediaType::TSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.d.ts"), None), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.js"), None), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.txt"), None), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.jsx"), None), msg::MediaType::JSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.json"), None), msg::MediaType::Json ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.wasm"), None), msg::MediaType::Wasm ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), None), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); } #[test] fn test_map_content_type_media_type_with_no_extension() { // Media Type assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/typescript")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/typescript")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("video/mp2t")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/x-typescript")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/javascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/javascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/ecmascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/ecmascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/x-javascript")), msg::MediaType::JavaScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("application/json")), msg::MediaType::Json ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar"), Some("text/json")), msg::MediaType::Json ); } #[test] fn test_map_file_extension_media_type_with_extension() { assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.ts"), Some("text/plain")), msg::MediaType::TypeScript ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.ts"), Some("foo/bar")), msg::MediaType::Unknown ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.tsx"), Some("application/typescript") ), msg::MediaType::TSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.tsx"), Some("application/javascript") ), msg::MediaType::TSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.tsx"), Some("application/x-typescript") ), msg::MediaType::TSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.tsx"), Some("video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts") ), msg::MediaType::TSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.tsx"), Some("video/mp2t")), msg::MediaType::TSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.jsx"), Some("application/javascript") ), msg::MediaType::JSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.jsx"), Some("application/x-typescript") ), msg::MediaType::JSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.jsx"), Some("application/ecmascript") ), msg::MediaType::JSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type(Path::new("foo/bar.jsx"), Some("text/ecmascript")), msg::MediaType::JSX ); assert_eq!( map_content_type( Path::new("foo/bar.jsx"), Some("application/x-javascript") ), msg::MediaType::JSX ); } #[test] fn test_filter_shebang() { assert_eq!(filter_shebang(b"#!"[..].to_owned()), b""); assert_eq!( filter_shebang("#!\n\n".as_bytes().to_owned()), "\n\n".as_bytes() ); let code = "#!/usr/bin/env deno\nconsole.log('hello');\n" .as_bytes() .to_owned(); assert_eq!(filter_shebang(code), "\nconsole.log('hello');\n".as_bytes()); } }