// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::bindings; use crate::error::attach_handle_to_error; use crate::error::generic_error; use crate::error::ErrWithV8Handle; use crate::error::JsError; use crate::inspector::JsRuntimeInspector; use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier; use crate::modules::ModuleId; use crate::modules::ModuleLoadId; use crate::modules::ModuleLoader; use crate::modules::ModuleMap; use crate::modules::NoopModuleLoader; use crate::ops::*; use crate::Extension; use crate::OpMiddlewareFn; use crate::OpPayload; use crate::OpResult; use crate::OpState; use crate::PromiseId; use anyhow::Error; use futures::channel::oneshot; use futures::future::poll_fn; use futures::future::FutureExt; use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use futures::task::AtomicWaker; use std::any::Any; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::c_void; use std::mem::forget; use std::option::Option; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::sync::Once; use std::task::Context; use std::task::Poll; type PendingOpFuture = OpCall<(PromiseId, OpId, OpResult)>; pub enum Snapshot { Static(&'static [u8]), JustCreated(v8::StartupData), Boxed(Box<[u8]>), } pub type JsErrorCreateFn = dyn Fn(JsError) -> Error; pub type GetErrorClassFn = &'static dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e Error) -> &'static str; /// Objects that need to live as long as the isolate #[derive(Default)] struct IsolateAllocations { near_heap_limit_callback_data: Option<(Box>, v8::NearHeapLimitCallback)>, } /// A single execution context of JavaScript. Corresponds roughly to the "Web /// Worker" concept in the DOM. A JsRuntime is a Future that can be used with /// an event loop (Tokio, async_std). //// /// The JsRuntime future completes when there is an error or when all /// pending ops have completed. /// /// Pending ops are created in JavaScript by calling Deno.core.opAsync(), and in Rust /// by implementing an async function that takes a serde::Deserialize "control argument" /// and an optional zero copy buffer, each async Op is tied to a Promise in JavaScript. pub struct JsRuntime { // This is an Option instead of just OwnedIsolate to workaround // a safety issue with SnapshotCreator. See JsRuntime::drop. v8_isolate: Option, // This is an Option instead of just Box // to workaround a safety issue. See JsRuntime::drop. inspector: Option>, snapshot_creator: Option, has_snapshotted: bool, allocations: IsolateAllocations, extensions: Vec, } struct DynImportModEvaluate { load_id: ModuleLoadId, module_id: ModuleId, promise: v8::Global, module: v8::Global, } struct ModEvaluate { promise: v8::Global, sender: oneshot::Sender>, } pub struct CrossIsolateStore(Arc>>); struct CrossIsolateStoreInner { map: HashMap, last_id: u32, } impl CrossIsolateStore { pub(crate) fn insert(&self, value: T) -> u32 { let mut store = self.0.lock().unwrap(); let last_id = store.last_id; store.map.insert(last_id, value); store.last_id += 1; last_id } pub(crate) fn take(&self, id: u32) -> Option { let mut store = self.0.lock().unwrap(); store.map.remove(&id) } } impl Default for CrossIsolateStore { fn default() -> Self { CrossIsolateStore(Arc::new(Mutex::new(CrossIsolateStoreInner { map: Default::default(), last_id: 0, }))) } } impl Clone for CrossIsolateStore { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0.clone()) } } pub type SharedArrayBufferStore = CrossIsolateStore>; pub type CompiledWasmModuleStore = CrossIsolateStore; struct AsyncOpIterator<'a, 'b, 'c> { ops: &'b mut FuturesUnordered, cx: &'a mut Context<'c>, } impl Iterator for AsyncOpIterator<'_, '_, '_> { type Item = (PromiseId, OpId, OpResult); #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self.ops.poll_next_unpin(self.cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(item)) => Some(item), _ => None, } } } /// Internal state for JsRuntime which is stored in one of v8::Isolate's /// embedder slots. pub(crate) struct JsRuntimeState { pub global_context: Option>, pub(crate) js_recv_cb: Option>, pub(crate) js_sync_cb: Option>, pub(crate) js_macrotask_cbs: Vec>, pub(crate) js_nexttick_cbs: Vec>, pub(crate) has_tick_scheduled: bool, pub(crate) js_wasm_streaming_cb: Option>, pub(crate) pending_promise_exceptions: HashMap, v8::Global>, pending_dyn_mod_evaluate: Vec, pending_mod_evaluate: Option, /// A counter used to delay our dynamic import deadlock detection by one spin /// of the event loop. dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter: u32, pub(crate) js_error_create_fn: Rc, pub(crate) pending_ops: FuturesUnordered, pub(crate) pending_unref_ops: FuturesUnordered, pub(crate) have_unpolled_ops: bool, pub(crate) op_state: Rc>, pub(crate) shared_array_buffer_store: Option, pub(crate) compiled_wasm_module_store: Option, waker: AtomicWaker, } impl Drop for JsRuntime { fn drop(&mut self) { // The Isolate object must outlive the Inspector object, but this is // currently not enforced by the type system. self.inspector.take(); if let Some(creator) = self.snapshot_creator.take() { // TODO(ry): in rusty_v8, `SnapShotCreator::get_owned_isolate()` returns // a `struct OwnedIsolate` which is not actually owned, hence the need // here to leak the `OwnedIsolate` in order to avoid a double free and // the segfault that it causes. let v8_isolate = self.v8_isolate.take().unwrap(); forget(v8_isolate); // TODO(ry) V8 has a strange assert which prevents a SnapshotCreator from // being deallocated if it hasn't created a snapshot yet. // https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/73212783fbd534fac76cc4b66aac899c13f71fc8/src/api.cc#L603 // If that assert is removed, this if guard could be removed. // WARNING: There may be false positive LSAN errors here. if self.has_snapshotted { drop(creator); } } } } fn v8_init(v8_platform: Option>) { // Include 10MB ICU data file. #[repr(C, align(16))] struct IcuData([u8; 10144432]); static ICU_DATA: IcuData = IcuData(*include_bytes!("icudtl.dat")); v8::icu::set_common_data_69(&ICU_DATA.0).unwrap(); let v8_platform = v8_platform .unwrap_or_else(|| v8::new_default_platform(0, false).make_shared()); v8::V8::initialize_platform(v8_platform); v8::V8::initialize(); let flags = concat!( " --experimental-wasm-threads", " --wasm-test-streaming", " --harmony-import-assertions", " --no-validate-asm", ); v8::V8::set_flags_from_string(flags); } #[derive(Default)] pub struct RuntimeOptions { /// Allows a callback to be set whenever a V8 exception is made. This allows /// the caller to wrap the JsError into an error. By default this callback /// is set to `JsError::create()`. pub js_error_create_fn: Option>, /// Allows to map error type to a string "class" used to represent /// error in JavaScript. pub get_error_class_fn: Option, /// Implementation of `ModuleLoader` which will be /// called when V8 requests to load ES modules. /// /// If not provided runtime will error if code being /// executed tries to load modules. pub module_loader: Option>, /// JsRuntime extensions, not to be confused with ES modules /// these are sets of ops and other JS code to be initialized. pub extensions: Vec, /// V8 snapshot that should be loaded on startup. /// /// Currently can't be used with `will_snapshot`. pub startup_snapshot: Option, /// Prepare runtime to take snapshot of loaded code. /// /// Currently can't be used with `startup_snapshot`. pub will_snapshot: bool, /// Isolate creation parameters. pub create_params: Option, /// V8 platform instance to use. Used when Deno initializes V8 /// (which it only does once), otherwise it's silenty dropped. pub v8_platform: Option>, /// The store to use for transferring SharedArrayBuffers between isolates. /// If multiple isolates should have the possibility of sharing /// SharedArrayBuffers, they should use the same [SharedArrayBufferStore]. If /// no [SharedArrayBufferStore] is specified, SharedArrayBuffer can not be /// serialized. pub shared_array_buffer_store: Option, /// The store to use for transferring `WebAssembly.Module` objects between /// isolates. /// If multiple isolates should have the possibility of sharing /// `WebAssembly.Module` objects, they should use the same /// [CompiledWasmModuleStore]. If no [CompiledWasmModuleStore] is specified, /// `WebAssembly.Module` objects cannot be serialized. pub compiled_wasm_module_store: Option, } impl JsRuntime { /// Only constructor, configuration is done through `options`. pub fn new(mut options: RuntimeOptions) -> Self { let v8_platform = options.v8_platform.take(); static DENO_INIT: Once = Once::new(); DENO_INIT.call_once(move || v8_init(v8_platform)); let has_startup_snapshot = options.startup_snapshot.is_some(); let global_context; let (mut isolate, maybe_snapshot_creator) = if options.will_snapshot { // TODO(ry) Support loading snapshots before snapshotting. assert!(options.startup_snapshot.is_none()); let mut creator = v8::SnapshotCreator::new(Some(&bindings::EXTERNAL_REFERENCES)); let isolate = unsafe { creator.get_owned_isolate() }; let mut isolate = JsRuntime::setup_isolate(isolate); { let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut isolate); let context = bindings::initialize_context(scope); global_context = v8::Global::new(scope, context); creator.set_default_context(context); } (isolate, Some(creator)) } else { let mut params = options .create_params .take() .unwrap_or_else(v8::Isolate::create_params) .external_references(&**bindings::EXTERNAL_REFERENCES); let snapshot_loaded = if let Some(snapshot) = options.startup_snapshot { params = match snapshot { Snapshot::Static(data) => params.snapshot_blob(data), Snapshot::JustCreated(data) => params.snapshot_blob(data), Snapshot::Boxed(data) => params.snapshot_blob(data), }; true } else { false }; let isolate = v8::Isolate::new(params); let mut isolate = JsRuntime::setup_isolate(isolate); { let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut isolate); let context = if snapshot_loaded { v8::Context::new(scope) } else { // If no snapshot is provided, we initialize the context with empty // main source code and source maps. bindings::initialize_context(scope) }; global_context = v8::Global::new(scope, context); } (isolate, None) }; let inspector = JsRuntimeInspector::new(&mut isolate, global_context.clone()); let loader = options .module_loader .unwrap_or_else(|| Rc::new(NoopModuleLoader)); let js_error_create_fn = options .js_error_create_fn .unwrap_or_else(|| Rc::new(JsError::create)); let mut op_state = OpState::new(); if let Some(get_error_class_fn) = options.get_error_class_fn { op_state.get_error_class_fn = get_error_class_fn; } let op_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(op_state)); isolate.set_slot(Rc::new(RefCell::new(JsRuntimeState { global_context: Some(global_context), pending_promise_exceptions: HashMap::new(), pending_dyn_mod_evaluate: vec![], pending_mod_evaluate: None, dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter: 0, js_recv_cb: None, js_sync_cb: None, js_macrotask_cbs: vec![], js_nexttick_cbs: vec![], has_tick_scheduled: false, js_wasm_streaming_cb: None, js_error_create_fn, pending_ops: FuturesUnordered::new(), pending_unref_ops: FuturesUnordered::new(), shared_array_buffer_store: options.shared_array_buffer_store, compiled_wasm_module_store: options.compiled_wasm_module_store, op_state: op_state.clone(), have_unpolled_ops: false, waker: AtomicWaker::new(), }))); let module_map = ModuleMap::new(loader, op_state); isolate.set_slot(Rc::new(RefCell::new(module_map))); // Add builtins extension options .extensions .insert(0, crate::ops_builtin::init_builtins()); let mut js_runtime = Self { v8_isolate: Some(isolate), inspector: Some(inspector), snapshot_creator: maybe_snapshot_creator, has_snapshotted: false, allocations: IsolateAllocations::default(), extensions: options.extensions, }; // TODO(@AaronO): diff extensions inited in snapshot and those provided // for now we assume that snapshot and extensions always match if !has_startup_snapshot { js_runtime.init_extension_js().unwrap(); } // Init extension ops js_runtime.init_extension_ops().unwrap(); // Init callbacks (opresolve & syncOpsCache) js_runtime.init_cbs(); // Sync ops cache js_runtime.sync_ops_cache(); js_runtime } pub fn global_context(&mut self) -> v8::Global { let state = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let state = state.borrow(); state.global_context.clone().unwrap() } pub fn v8_isolate(&mut self) -> &mut v8::OwnedIsolate { self.v8_isolate.as_mut().unwrap() } pub fn inspector(&mut self) -> &mut Box { self.inspector.as_mut().unwrap() } pub fn handle_scope(&mut self) -> v8::HandleScope { let context = self.global_context(); v8::HandleScope::with_context(self.v8_isolate(), context) } fn setup_isolate(mut isolate: v8::OwnedIsolate) -> v8::OwnedIsolate { isolate.set_capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions(true, 10); isolate.set_promise_reject_callback(bindings::promise_reject_callback); isolate.set_host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback( bindings::host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, ); isolate.set_host_import_module_dynamically_callback( bindings::host_import_module_dynamically_callback, ); isolate } pub(crate) fn state(isolate: &v8::Isolate) -> Rc> { let s = isolate.get_slot::>>().unwrap(); s.clone() } pub(crate) fn module_map(isolate: &v8::Isolate) -> Rc> { let module_map = isolate.get_slot::>>().unwrap(); module_map.clone() } /// Initializes JS of provided Extensions fn init_extension_js(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { // Take extensions to avoid double-borrow let mut extensions: Vec = std::mem::take(&mut self.extensions); for m in extensions.iter_mut() { let js_files = m.init_js(); for (filename, source) in js_files { let source = source()?; // TODO(@AaronO): use JsRuntime::execute_static() here to move src off heap self.execute_script(filename, &source)?; } } // Restore extensions self.extensions = extensions; Ok(()) } /// Initializes ops of provided Extensions fn init_extension_ops(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let op_state = self.op_state(); // Take extensions to avoid double-borrow let mut extensions: Vec = std::mem::take(&mut self.extensions); // Middleware let middleware: Vec> = extensions .iter_mut() .filter_map(|e| e.init_middleware()) .collect(); // macroware wraps an opfn in all the middleware let macroware = move |name, opfn| middleware.iter().fold(opfn, |opfn, m| m(name, opfn)); // Register ops for e in extensions.iter_mut() { e.init_state(&mut op_state.borrow_mut())?; // Register each op after middlewaring it let ops = e.init_ops().unwrap_or_default(); for (name, opfn) in ops { self.register_op(name, macroware(name, opfn)); } } // Restore extensions self.extensions = extensions; Ok(()) } /// Grab a Global handle to a function returned by the given expression fn grab_fn( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, code: &str, ) -> v8::Global { let code = v8::String::new(scope, code).unwrap(); let script = v8::Script::compile(scope, code, None).unwrap(); let v8_value = script.run(scope).unwrap(); let cb = v8::Local::::try_from(v8_value).unwrap(); v8::Global::new(scope, cb) } /// Grabs a reference to core.js' opresolve & syncOpsCache() fn init_cbs(&mut self) { let mut scope = self.handle_scope(); let recv_cb = Self::grab_fn(&mut scope, "Deno.core.opresolve"); let sync_cb = Self::grab_fn(&mut scope, "Deno.core.syncOpsCache"); // Put global handles in state let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(&scope); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); state.js_recv_cb.replace(recv_cb); state.js_sync_cb.replace(sync_cb); } /// Ensures core.js has the latest op-name to op-id mappings pub fn sync_ops_cache(&mut self) { let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let js_sync_cb_handle = state_rc.borrow().js_sync_cb.clone().unwrap(); let js_sync_cb = js_sync_cb_handle.open(scope); let this = v8::undefined(scope).into(); js_sync_cb.call(scope, this, &[]); } /// Returns the runtime's op state, which can be used to maintain ops /// and access resources between op calls. pub fn op_state(&mut self) -> Rc> { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let state = state_rc.borrow(); state.op_state.clone() } /// Executes traditional JavaScript code (traditional = not ES modules). /// /// The execution takes place on the current global context, so it is possible /// to maintain local JS state and invoke this method multiple times. /// /// `name` can be a filepath or any other string, eg. /// /// - "/some/file/path.js" /// - "" /// - "[native code]" /// /// The same `name` value can be used for multiple executions. /// /// `Error` can be downcast to a type that exposes additional information /// about the V8 exception. By default this type is `JsError`, however it may /// be a different type if `RuntimeOptions::js_error_create_fn` has been set. pub fn execute_script( &mut self, name: &str, source_code: &str, ) -> Result, Error> { let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let source = v8::String::new(scope, source_code).unwrap(); let name = v8::String::new(scope, name).unwrap(); let origin = bindings::script_origin(scope, name); let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let script = match v8::Script::compile(tc_scope, source, Some(&origin)) { Some(script) => script, None => { let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap(); return exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false); } }; match script.run(tc_scope) { Some(value) => { let value_handle = v8::Global::new(tc_scope, value); Ok(value_handle) } None => { assert!(tc_scope.has_caught()); let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap(); exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false) } } } /// Takes a snapshot. The isolate should have been created with will_snapshot /// set to true. /// /// `Error` can be downcast to a type that exposes additional information /// about the V8 exception. By default this type is `JsError`, however it may /// be a different type if `RuntimeOptions::js_error_create_fn` has been set. pub fn snapshot(&mut self) -> v8::StartupData { assert!(self.snapshot_creator.is_some()); let state = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); // Note: create_blob() method must not be called from within a HandleScope. // TODO(piscisaureus): The rusty_v8 type system should enforce this. state.borrow_mut().global_context.take(); self.inspector.take(); // Overwrite existing ModuleMap to drop v8::Global handles self .v8_isolate() .set_slot(Rc::new(RefCell::new(ModuleMap::new( Rc::new(NoopModuleLoader), state.borrow().op_state.clone(), )))); // Drop other v8::Global handles before snapshotting std::mem::take(&mut state.borrow_mut().js_recv_cb); std::mem::take(&mut state.borrow_mut().js_sync_cb); let snapshot_creator = self.snapshot_creator.as_mut().unwrap(); let snapshot = snapshot_creator .create_blob(v8::FunctionCodeHandling::Keep) .unwrap(); self.has_snapshotted = true; snapshot } /// Registers an op that can be called from JavaScript. /// /// The _op_ mechanism allows to expose Rust functions to the JS runtime, /// which can be called using the provided `name`. /// /// This function provides byte-level bindings. To pass data via JSON, the /// following functions can be passed as an argument for `op_fn`: /// * [op_sync()](fn.op_sync.html) /// * [op_async()](fn.op_async.html) pub fn register_op(&mut self, name: &str, op_fn: F) -> OpId where F: Fn(Rc>, OpPayload) -> Op + 'static, { Self::state(self.v8_isolate()) .borrow_mut() .op_state .borrow_mut() .op_table .register_op(name, op_fn) } /// Registers a callback on the isolate when the memory limits are approached. /// Use this to prevent V8 from crashing the process when reaching the limit. /// /// Calls the closure with the current heap limit and the initial heap limit. /// The return value of the closure is set as the new limit. pub fn add_near_heap_limit_callback(&mut self, cb: C) where C: FnMut(usize, usize) -> usize + 'static, { let boxed_cb = Box::new(RefCell::new(cb)); let data = boxed_cb.as_ptr() as *mut c_void; let prev = self .allocations .near_heap_limit_callback_data .replace((boxed_cb, near_heap_limit_callback::)); if let Some((_, prev_cb)) = prev { self .v8_isolate() .remove_near_heap_limit_callback(prev_cb, 0); } self .v8_isolate() .add_near_heap_limit_callback(near_heap_limit_callback::, data); } pub fn remove_near_heap_limit_callback(&mut self, heap_limit: usize) { if let Some((_, cb)) = self.allocations.near_heap_limit_callback_data.take() { self .v8_isolate() .remove_near_heap_limit_callback(cb, heap_limit); } } fn pump_v8_message_loop(&mut self) { let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); while v8::Platform::pump_message_loop( &v8::V8::get_current_platform(), scope, false, // don't block if there are no tasks ) { // do nothing } scope.perform_microtask_checkpoint(); } /// Waits for the given value to resolve while polling the event loop. /// /// This future resolves when either the value is resolved or the event loop runs to /// completion. pub async fn resolve_value( &mut self, global: v8::Global, ) -> Result, Error> { poll_fn(|cx| { let state = self.poll_event_loop(cx, false); let mut scope = self.handle_scope(); let local = v8::Local::::new(&mut scope, &global); if let Ok(promise) = v8::Local::::try_from(local) { match promise.state() { v8::PromiseState::Pending => match state { Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => { let msg = "Promise resolution is still pending but the event loop has already resolved."; Poll::Ready(Err(generic_error(msg))) }, Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)), Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending, }, v8::PromiseState::Fulfilled => { let value = promise.result(&mut scope); let value_handle = v8::Global::new(&mut scope, value); Poll::Ready(Ok(value_handle)) } v8::PromiseState::Rejected => { let exception = promise.result(&mut scope); Poll::Ready(exception_to_err_result(&mut scope, exception, false)) } } } else { let value_handle = v8::Global::new(&mut scope, local); Poll::Ready(Ok(value_handle)) } }) .await } /// Runs event loop to completion /// /// This future resolves when: /// - there are no more pending dynamic imports /// - there are no more pending ops /// - there are no more active inspector sessions (only if `wait_for_inspector` is set to true) pub async fn run_event_loop( &mut self, wait_for_inspector: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_event_loop(cx, wait_for_inspector)).await } /// Runs a single tick of event loop /// /// If `wait_for_inspector` is set to true event loop /// will return `Poll::Pending` if there are active inspector sessions. pub fn poll_event_loop( &mut self, cx: &mut Context, wait_for_inspector: bool, ) -> Poll> { // We always poll the inspector first let _ = self.inspector().poll_unpin(cx); let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); { let state = state_rc.borrow(); state.waker.register(cx.waker()); } self.pump_v8_message_loop(); // Ops { self.resolve_async_ops(cx)?; self.drain_nexttick()?; self.drain_macrotasks()?; self.check_promise_exceptions()?; } // Dynamic module loading - ie. modules loaded using "import()" { let poll_imports = self.prepare_dyn_imports(cx)?; assert!(poll_imports.is_ready()); let poll_imports = self.poll_dyn_imports(cx)?; assert!(poll_imports.is_ready()); self.evaluate_dyn_imports(); self.check_promise_exceptions()?; } // Top level module self.evaluate_pending_module(); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); let module_map = module_map_rc.borrow(); let has_pending_ops = !state.pending_ops.is_empty(); let has_pending_dyn_imports = module_map.has_pending_dynamic_imports(); let has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation = !state.pending_dyn_mod_evaluate.is_empty(); let has_pending_module_evaluation = state.pending_mod_evaluate.is_some(); let has_pending_background_tasks = self.v8_isolate().has_pending_background_tasks(); let inspector_has_active_sessions = self .inspector .as_ref() .map(|i| i.has_active_sessions()) .unwrap_or(false); if !has_pending_ops && !has_pending_dyn_imports && !has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation && !has_pending_module_evaluation && !has_pending_background_tasks { if wait_for_inspector && inspector_has_active_sessions { return Poll::Pending; } return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } // Check if more async ops have been dispatched // during this turn of event loop. // If there are any pending background tasks, we also wake the runtime to // make sure we don't miss them. // TODO(andreubotella) The event loop will spin as long as there are pending // background tasks. We should look into having V8 notify us when a // background task is done. if state.have_unpolled_ops || has_pending_background_tasks { state.waker.wake(); } if has_pending_module_evaluation { if has_pending_ops || has_pending_dyn_imports || has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation || has_pending_background_tasks { // pass, will be polled again } else { let msg = "Module evaluation is still pending but there are no pending ops or dynamic imports. This situation is often caused by unresolved promise."; return Poll::Ready(Err(generic_error(msg))); } } if has_pending_dyn_module_evaluation { if has_pending_ops || has_pending_dyn_imports || has_pending_background_tasks { // pass, will be polled again } else if state.dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter >= 1 { let mut msg = "Dynamically imported module evaluation is still pending but there are no pending ops. This situation is often caused by unresolved promise. Pending dynamic modules:\n".to_string(); for pending_evaluate in &state.pending_dyn_mod_evaluate { let module_info = module_map .get_info_by_id(&pending_evaluate.module_id) .unwrap(); msg.push_str(&format!("- {}", module_info.name.as_str())); } return Poll::Ready(Err(generic_error(msg))); } else { // Delay the above error by one spin of the event loop. A dynamic import // evaluation may complete during this, in which case the counter will // reset. state.dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter += 1; state.waker.wake(); } } Poll::Pending } } extern "C" fn near_heap_limit_callback( data: *mut c_void, current_heap_limit: usize, initial_heap_limit: usize, ) -> usize where F: FnMut(usize, usize) -> usize, { let callback = unsafe { &mut *(data as *mut F) }; callback(current_heap_limit, initial_heap_limit) } impl JsRuntimeState { /// Called by `bindings::host_import_module_dynamically_callback` /// after initiating new dynamic import load. pub fn notify_new_dynamic_import(&mut self) { // Notify event loop to poll again soon. self.waker.wake(); } } pub(crate) fn exception_to_err_result<'s, T>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, exception: v8::Local, in_promise: bool, ) -> Result { let is_terminating_exception = scope.is_execution_terminating(); let mut exception = exception; if is_terminating_exception { // TerminateExecution was called. Cancel exception termination so that the // exception can be created.. scope.cancel_terminate_execution(); // Maybe make a new exception object. if exception.is_null_or_undefined() { let message = v8::String::new(scope, "execution terminated").unwrap(); exception = v8::Exception::error(scope, message); } } let mut js_error = JsError::from_v8_exception(scope, exception); if in_promise { js_error.message = format!( "Uncaught (in promise) {}", js_error.message.trim_start_matches("Uncaught ") ); } let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let state = state_rc.borrow(); let js_error = (state.js_error_create_fn)(js_error); if is_terminating_exception { // Re-enable exception termination. scope.terminate_execution(); } Err(js_error) } // Related to module loading impl JsRuntime { pub(crate) fn instantiate_module( &mut self, id: ModuleId, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let module = module_map_rc .borrow() .get_handle(id) .map(|handle| v8::Local::new(tc_scope, handle)) .expect("ModuleInfo not found"); if module.get_status() == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored { let exception = module.get_exception(); let err = exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false) .map_err(|err| attach_handle_to_error(tc_scope, err, exception)); return err; } // IMPORTANT: No borrows to `ModuleMap` can be held at this point because // `module_resolve_callback` will be calling into `ModuleMap` from within // the isolate. let instantiate_result = module.instantiate_module(tc_scope, bindings::module_resolve_callback); if instantiate_result.is_none() { let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap(); let err = exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false) .map_err(|err| attach_handle_to_error(tc_scope, err, exception)); return err; } Ok(()) } fn dynamic_import_module_evaluate( &mut self, load_id: ModuleLoadId, id: ModuleId, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); let module_handle = module_map_rc .borrow() .get_handle(id) .expect("ModuleInfo not found"); let status = { let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let module = module_handle.open(scope); module.get_status() }; match status { v8::ModuleStatus::Instantiated | v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated => {} _ => return Ok(()), } // IMPORTANT: Top-level-await is enabled, which means that return value // of module evaluation is a promise. // // This promise is internal, and not the same one that gets returned to // the user. We add an empty `.catch()` handler so that it does not result // in an exception if it rejects. That will instead happen for the other // promise if not handled by the user. // // For more details see: // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/4908 // https://v8.dev/features/top-level-await#module-execution-order let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let module = v8::Local::new(scope, &module_handle); let maybe_value = module.evaluate(scope); // Update status after evaluating. let status = module.get_status(); if let Some(value) = maybe_value { assert!( status == v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated || status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored ); let promise = v8::Local::::try_from(value) .expect("Expected to get promise as module evaluation result"); let empty_fn = |_scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, _args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue| {}; let empty_fn = v8::FunctionTemplate::new(scope, empty_fn); let empty_fn = empty_fn.get_function(scope).unwrap(); promise.catch(scope, empty_fn); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); let promise_global = v8::Global::new(scope, promise); let module_global = v8::Global::new(scope, module); let dyn_import_mod_evaluate = DynImportModEvaluate { load_id, module_id: id, promise: promise_global, module: module_global, }; state.pending_dyn_mod_evaluate.push(dyn_import_mod_evaluate); } else { assert!(status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored); } Ok(()) } // TODO(bartlomieju): make it return `ModuleEvaluationFuture`? /// Evaluates an already instantiated ES module. /// /// Returns a receiver handle that resolves when module promise resolves. /// Implementors must manually call `run_event_loop()` to drive module /// evaluation future. /// /// `Error` can be downcast to a type that exposes additional information /// about the V8 exception. By default this type is `JsError`, however it may /// be a different type if `RuntimeOptions::js_error_create_fn` has been set. /// /// This function panics if module has not been instantiated. pub fn mod_evaluate( &mut self, id: ModuleId, ) -> oneshot::Receiver> { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let module = module_map_rc .borrow() .get_handle(id) .map(|handle| v8::Local::new(scope, handle)) .expect("ModuleInfo not found"); let mut status = module.get_status(); assert_eq!(status, v8::ModuleStatus::Instantiated); let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel(); // IMPORTANT: Top-level-await is enabled, which means that return value // of module evaluation is a promise. // // Because that promise is created internally by V8, when error occurs during // module evaluation the promise is rejected, and since the promise has no rejection // handler it will result in call to `bindings::promise_reject_callback` adding // the promise to pending promise rejection table - meaning JsRuntime will return // error on next poll(). // // This situation is not desirable as we want to manually return error at the // end of this function to handle it further. It means we need to manually // remove this promise from pending promise rejection table. // // For more details see: // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/4908 // https://v8.dev/features/top-level-await#module-execution-order let maybe_value = module.evaluate(scope); // Update status after evaluating. status = module.get_status(); if let Some(value) = maybe_value { assert!( status == v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated || status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored ); let promise = v8::Local::::try_from(value) .expect("Expected to get promise as module evaluation result"); let promise_global = v8::Global::new(scope, promise); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); state.pending_promise_exceptions.remove(&promise_global); let promise_global = v8::Global::new(scope, promise); assert!( state.pending_mod_evaluate.is_none(), "There is already pending top level module evaluation" ); state.pending_mod_evaluate = Some(ModEvaluate { promise: promise_global, sender, }); scope.perform_microtask_checkpoint(); } else { assert!(status == v8::ModuleStatus::Errored); } receiver } fn dynamic_import_reject(&mut self, id: ModuleLoadId, err: Error) { let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let resolver_handle = module_map_rc .borrow_mut() .dynamic_import_map .remove(&id) .expect("Invalid dynamic import id"); let resolver = resolver_handle.open(scope); let exception = err .downcast_ref::() .map(|err| err.get_handle(scope)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { let message = err.to_string(); let message = v8::String::new(scope, &message).unwrap(); v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message) }); // IMPORTANT: No borrows to `ModuleMap` can be held at this point because // rejecting the promise might initiate another `import()` which will // in turn call `bindings::host_import_module_dynamically_callback` which // will reach into `ModuleMap` from within the isolate. resolver.reject(scope, exception).unwrap(); scope.perform_microtask_checkpoint(); } fn dynamic_import_resolve(&mut self, id: ModuleLoadId, mod_id: ModuleId) { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let resolver_handle = module_map_rc .borrow_mut() .dynamic_import_map .remove(&id) .expect("Invalid dynamic import id"); let resolver = resolver_handle.open(scope); let module = { module_map_rc .borrow() .get_handle(mod_id) .map(|handle| v8::Local::new(scope, handle)) .expect("Dyn import module info not found") }; // Resolution success assert_eq!(module.get_status(), v8::ModuleStatus::Evaluated); // IMPORTANT: No borrows to `ModuleMap` can be held at this point because // resolving the promise might initiate another `import()` which will // in turn call `bindings::host_import_module_dynamically_callback` which // will reach into `ModuleMap` from within the isolate. let module_namespace = module.get_module_namespace(); resolver.resolve(scope, module_namespace).unwrap(); state_rc.borrow_mut().dyn_module_evaluate_idle_counter = 0; scope.perform_microtask_checkpoint(); } fn prepare_dyn_imports( &mut self, cx: &mut Context, ) -> Poll> { let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); if module_map_rc.borrow().preparing_dynamic_imports.is_empty() { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } loop { let poll_result = module_map_rc .borrow_mut() .preparing_dynamic_imports .poll_next_unpin(cx); if let Poll::Ready(Some(prepare_poll)) = poll_result { let dyn_import_id = prepare_poll.0; let prepare_result = prepare_poll.1; match prepare_result { Ok(load) => { module_map_rc .borrow_mut() .pending_dynamic_imports .push(load.into_future()); } Err(err) => { self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, err); } } // Continue polling for more prepared dynamic imports. continue; } // There are no active dynamic import loads, or none are ready. return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } } fn poll_dyn_imports(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); if module_map_rc.borrow().pending_dynamic_imports.is_empty() { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } loop { let poll_result = module_map_rc .borrow_mut() .pending_dynamic_imports .poll_next_unpin(cx); if let Poll::Ready(Some(load_stream_poll)) = poll_result { let maybe_result = load_stream_poll.0; let mut load = load_stream_poll.1; let dyn_import_id = load.id; if let Some(load_stream_result) = maybe_result { match load_stream_result { Ok(info) => { // A module (not necessarily the one dynamically imported) has been // fetched. Create and register it, and if successful, poll for the // next recursive-load event related to this dynamic import. let register_result = load.register_and_recurse(&mut self.handle_scope(), &info); match register_result { Ok(()) => { // Keep importing until it's fully drained module_map_rc .borrow_mut() .pending_dynamic_imports .push(load.into_future()); } Err(err) => self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, err), } } Err(err) => { // A non-javascript error occurred; this could be due to a an invalid // module specifier, or a problem with the source map, or a failure // to fetch the module source code. self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, err) } } } else { // The top-level module from a dynamic import has been instantiated. // Load is done. let module_id = load.root_module_id.expect("Root module should be loaded"); let result = self.instantiate_module(module_id); if let Err(err) = result { self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, err); } self.dynamic_import_module_evaluate(dyn_import_id, module_id)?; } // Continue polling for more ready dynamic imports. continue; } // There are no active dynamic import loads, or none are ready. return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } } /// "deno_core" runs V8 with Top Level Await enabled. It means that each /// module evaluation returns a promise from V8. /// Feature docs: https://v8.dev/features/top-level-await /// /// This promise resolves after all dependent modules have also /// resolved. Each dependent module may perform calls to "import()" and APIs /// using async ops will add futures to the runtime's event loop. /// It means that the promise returned from module evaluation will /// resolve only after all futures in the event loop are done. /// /// Thus during turn of event loop we need to check if V8 has /// resolved or rejected the promise. If the promise is still pending /// then another turn of event loop must be performed. fn evaluate_pending_module(&mut self) { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let maybe_module_evaluation = state_rc.borrow_mut().pending_mod_evaluate.take(); if maybe_module_evaluation.is_none() { return; } let module_evaluation = maybe_module_evaluation.unwrap(); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let promise = module_evaluation.promise.open(scope); let promise_state = promise.state(); match promise_state { v8::PromiseState::Pending => { // NOTE: `poll_event_loop` will decide if // runtime would be woken soon state_rc.borrow_mut().pending_mod_evaluate = Some(module_evaluation); } v8::PromiseState::Fulfilled => { scope.perform_microtask_checkpoint(); // Receiver end might have been already dropped, ignore the result let _ = module_evaluation.sender.send(Ok(())); } v8::PromiseState::Rejected => { let exception = promise.result(scope); scope.perform_microtask_checkpoint(); let err1 = exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false) .map_err(|err| attach_handle_to_error(scope, err, exception)) .unwrap_err(); // Receiver end might have been already dropped, ignore the result let _ = module_evaluation.sender.send(Err(err1)); } } } fn evaluate_dyn_imports(&mut self) { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let mut still_pending = vec![]; let pending = std::mem::take(&mut state_rc.borrow_mut().pending_dyn_mod_evaluate); for pending_dyn_evaluate in pending { let maybe_result = { let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let module_id = pending_dyn_evaluate.module_id; let promise = pending_dyn_evaluate.promise.open(scope); let _module = pending_dyn_evaluate.module.open(scope); let promise_state = promise.state(); match promise_state { v8::PromiseState::Pending => { still_pending.push(pending_dyn_evaluate); None } v8::PromiseState::Fulfilled => { Some(Ok((pending_dyn_evaluate.load_id, module_id))) } v8::PromiseState::Rejected => { let exception = promise.result(scope); let err1 = exception_to_err_result::<()>(scope, exception, false) .map_err(|err| attach_handle_to_error(scope, err, exception)) .unwrap_err(); Some(Err((pending_dyn_evaluate.load_id, err1))) } } }; if let Some(result) = maybe_result { match result { Ok((dyn_import_id, module_id)) => { self.dynamic_import_resolve(dyn_import_id, module_id); } Err((dyn_import_id, err1)) => { self.dynamic_import_reject(dyn_import_id, err1); } } } } state_rc.borrow_mut().pending_dyn_mod_evaluate = still_pending; } /// Asynchronously load specified module and all of its dependencies. /// /// The module will be marked as "main", and because of that /// "import.meta.main" will return true when checked inside that module. /// /// User must call `JsRuntime::mod_evaluate` with returned `ModuleId` /// manually after load is finished. pub async fn load_main_module( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, code: Option, ) -> Result { let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); if let Some(code) = code { module_map_rc.borrow_mut().new_module( &mut self.handle_scope(), // main module true, specifier.as_str(), &code, )?; } let mut load = ModuleMap::load_main(module_map_rc.clone(), specifier.as_str()).await?; while let Some(info_result) = load.next().await { let info = info_result?; let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); load.register_and_recurse(scope, &info)?; } let root_id = load.root_module_id.expect("Root module should be loaded"); self.instantiate_module(root_id)?; Ok(root_id) } /// Asynchronously load specified ES module and all of its dependencies. /// /// This method is meant to be used when loading some utility code that /// might be later imported by the main module (ie. an entry point module). /// /// User must call `JsRuntime::mod_evaluate` with returned `ModuleId` /// manually after load is finished. pub async fn load_side_module( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, code: Option, ) -> Result { let module_map_rc = Self::module_map(self.v8_isolate()); if let Some(code) = code { module_map_rc.borrow_mut().new_module( &mut self.handle_scope(), // not main module false, specifier.as_str(), &code, )?; } let mut load = ModuleMap::load_side(module_map_rc.clone(), specifier.as_str()).await?; while let Some(info_result) = load.next().await { let info = info_result?; let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); load.register_and_recurse(scope, &info)?; } let root_id = load.root_module_id.expect("Root module should be loaded"); self.instantiate_module(root_id)?; Ok(root_id) } fn check_promise_exceptions(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); if state.pending_promise_exceptions.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let key = { state .pending_promise_exceptions .keys() .next() .unwrap() .clone() }; let handle = state.pending_promise_exceptions.remove(&key).unwrap(); drop(state); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); let exception = v8::Local::new(scope, handle); exception_to_err_result(scope, exception, true) } // Send finished responses to JS fn resolve_async_ops(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Result<(), Error> { let state_rc = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); let js_recv_cb_handle = state_rc.borrow().js_recv_cb.clone().unwrap(); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); // We return async responses to JS in unbounded batches (may change), // each batch is a flat vector of tuples: // `[promise_id1, op_result1, promise_id2, op_result2, ...]` // promise_id is a simple integer, op_result is an ops::OpResult // which contains a value OR an error, encoded as a tuple. // This batch is received in JS via the special `arguments` variable // and then each tuple is used to resolve or reject promises let mut args: Vec> = vec![]; // Now handle actual ops. { let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); state.have_unpolled_ops = false; let op_state = state.op_state.clone(); let ops = AsyncOpIterator { ops: &mut state.pending_ops, cx, }; for (promise_id, op_id, resp) in ops { op_state.borrow().tracker.track_async_completed(op_id); args.push(v8::Integer::new(scope, promise_id as i32).into()); args.push(resp.to_v8(scope).unwrap()); } let ops = AsyncOpIterator { ops: &mut state.pending_unref_ops, cx, }; for (promise_id, op_id, resp) in ops { op_state.borrow().tracker.track_unref_completed(op_id); args.push(v8::Integer::new(scope, promise_id as i32).into()); args.push(resp.to_v8(scope).unwrap()); } } if args.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let js_recv_cb = js_recv_cb_handle.open(tc_scope); let this = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into(); js_recv_cb.call(tc_scope, this, args.as_slice()); match tc_scope.exception() { None => Ok(()), Some(exception) => exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false), } } fn drain_macrotasks(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let state = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); if state.borrow().js_macrotask_cbs.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let js_macrotask_cb_handles = state.borrow().js_macrotask_cbs.clone(); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); for js_macrotask_cb_handle in js_macrotask_cb_handles { let js_macrotask_cb = js_macrotask_cb_handle.open(scope); // Repeatedly invoke macrotask callback until it returns true (done), // such that ready microtasks would be automatically run before // next macrotask is processed. let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let this = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into(); loop { let is_done = js_macrotask_cb.call(tc_scope, this, &[]); if let Some(exception) = tc_scope.exception() { return exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false); } if tc_scope.has_terminated() || tc_scope.is_execution_terminating() { return Ok(()); } let is_done = is_done.unwrap(); if is_done.is_true() { break; } } } Ok(()) } fn drain_nexttick(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let state = Self::state(self.v8_isolate()); if state.borrow().js_nexttick_cbs.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } if !state.borrow().has_tick_scheduled { let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); scope.perform_microtask_checkpoint(); } // TODO(bartlomieju): Node also checks for absence of "rejection_to_warn" if !state.borrow().has_tick_scheduled { return Ok(()); } let js_nexttick_cb_handles = state.borrow().js_nexttick_cbs.clone(); let scope = &mut self.handle_scope(); for js_nexttick_cb_handle in js_nexttick_cb_handles { let js_nexttick_cb = js_nexttick_cb_handle.open(scope); let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let this = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into(); js_nexttick_cb.call(tc_scope, this, &[]); if let Some(exception) = tc_scope.exception() { return exception_to_err_result(tc_scope, exception, false); } } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use super::*; use crate::error::custom_error; use crate::modules::ModuleSourceFuture; use crate::op_async; use crate::op_sync; use crate::ZeroCopyBuf; use futures::future::lazy; use std::ops::FnOnce; use std::pin::Pin; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; pub fn run_in_task(f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut Context) + Send + 'static, { futures::executor::block_on(lazy(move |cx| f(cx))); } enum Mode { Async, AsyncZeroCopy(bool), } struct TestState { mode: Mode, dispatch_count: Arc, } fn dispatch(rc_op_state: Rc>, payload: OpPayload) -> Op { let rc_op_state2 = rc_op_state.clone(); let op_state_ = rc_op_state2.borrow(); let test_state = op_state_.borrow::(); test_state.dispatch_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let (control, buf): (u8, Option) = payload.deserialize().unwrap(); match test_state.mode { Mode::Async => { assert_eq!(control, 42); let resp = (0, 1, serialize_op_result(Ok(43), rc_op_state)); Op::Async(OpCall::ready(resp)) } Mode::AsyncZeroCopy(has_buffer) => { assert_eq!(buf.is_some(), has_buffer); if let Some(buf) = buf { assert_eq!(buf.len(), 1); } let resp = (0, 1, serialize_op_result(Ok(43), rc_op_state)); Op::Async(OpCall::ready(resp)) } } } fn setup(mode: Mode) -> (JsRuntime, Arc) { let dispatch_count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default()); let op_state = runtime.op_state(); op_state.borrow_mut().put(TestState { mode, dispatch_count: dispatch_count.clone(), }); runtime.register_op("op_test", dispatch); runtime.sync_ops_cache(); runtime .execute_script( "setup.js", r#" function assert(cond) { if (!cond) { throw Error("assert"); } } "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); (runtime, dispatch_count) } #[test] fn test_dispatch() { let (mut runtime, dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async); runtime .execute_script( "filename.js", r#" let control = 42; Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", control); async function main() { Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", control); } main(); "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2); } #[test] fn test_dispatch_no_zero_copy_buf() { let (mut runtime, dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::AsyncZeroCopy(false)); runtime .execute_script( "filename.js", r#" Deno.core.opAsync("op_test"); "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); } #[test] fn test_dispatch_stack_zero_copy_bufs() { let (mut runtime, dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::AsyncZeroCopy(true)); runtime .execute_script( "filename.js", r#" let zero_copy_a = new Uint8Array([0]); Deno.core.opAsync("op_test", null, zero_copy_a); "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(dispatch_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); } #[test] fn test_execute_script_return_value() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default()); let value_global = runtime.execute_script("a.js", "a = 1 + 2").unwrap(); { let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope(); let value = value_global.open(scope); assert_eq!(value.integer_value(scope).unwrap(), 3); } let value_global = runtime.execute_script("b.js", "b = 'foobar'").unwrap(); { let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope(); let value = value_global.open(scope); assert!(value.is_string()); assert_eq!( value.to_string(scope).unwrap().to_rust_string_lossy(scope), "foobar" ); } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_resolve_value() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default()); let value_global = runtime .execute_script("a.js", "Promise.resolve(1 + 2)") .unwrap(); let result_global = runtime.resolve_value(value_global).await.unwrap(); { let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope(); let value = result_global.open(scope); assert_eq!(value.integer_value(scope).unwrap(), 3); } let value_global = runtime .execute_script( "a.js", "Promise.resolve(new Promise(resolve => resolve(2 + 2)))", ) .unwrap(); let result_global = runtime.resolve_value(value_global).await.unwrap(); { let scope = &mut runtime.handle_scope(); let value = result_global.open(scope); assert_eq!(value.integer_value(scope).unwrap(), 4); } let value_global = runtime .execute_script("a.js", "Promise.reject(new Error('fail'))") .unwrap(); let err = runtime.resolve_value(value_global).await.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( "Uncaught Error: fail", err.downcast::().unwrap().message ); let value_global = runtime .execute_script("a.js", "new Promise(resolve => {})") .unwrap(); let error_string = runtime .resolve_value(value_global) .await .unwrap_err() .to_string(); assert_eq!( "Promise resolution is still pending but the event loop has already resolved.", error_string, ); } #[test] fn terminate_execution() { let (mut isolate, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async); // TODO(piscisaureus): in rusty_v8, the `thread_safe_handle()` method // should not require a mutable reference to `struct rusty_v8::Isolate`. let v8_isolate_handle = isolate.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle(); let terminator_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || { // allow deno to boot and run std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); // terminate execution let ok = v8_isolate_handle.terminate_execution(); assert!(ok); }); // Rn an infinite loop, which should be terminated. match isolate.execute_script("infinite_loop.js", "for(;;) {}") { Ok(_) => panic!("execution should be terminated"), Err(e) => { assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Uncaught Error: execution terminated") } }; // Cancel the execution-terminating exception in order to allow script // execution again. let ok = isolate.v8_isolate().cancel_terminate_execution(); assert!(ok); // Verify that the isolate usable again. isolate .execute_script("simple.js", "1 + 1") .expect("execution should be possible again"); terminator_thread.join().unwrap(); } #[test] fn dangling_shared_isolate() { let v8_isolate_handle = { // isolate is dropped at the end of this block let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async); // TODO(piscisaureus): in rusty_v8, the `thread_safe_handle()` method // should not require a mutable reference to `struct rusty_v8::Isolate`. runtime.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle() }; // this should not SEGFAULT v8_isolate_handle.terminate_execution(); } #[test] fn test_pre_dispatch() { run_in_task(|mut cx| { let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async); runtime .execute_script( "bad_op_id.js", r#" let thrown; try { Deno.core.opcallSync(100, null, null); } catch (e) { thrown = e; } assert(String(thrown) === "TypeError: Unknown op id: 100"); "#, ) .unwrap(); if let Poll::Ready(Err(_)) = runtime.poll_event_loop(&mut cx, false) { unreachable!(); } }); } #[test] fn syntax_error() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default()); let src = "hocuspocus("; let r = runtime.execute_script("i.js", src); let e = r.unwrap_err(); let js_error = e.downcast::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(js_error.end_column, Some(11)); } #[test] fn test_encode_decode() { run_in_task(|mut cx| { let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async); runtime .execute_script( "encode_decode_test.js", include_str!("encode_decode_test.js"), ) .unwrap(); if let Poll::Ready(Err(_)) = runtime.poll_event_loop(&mut cx, false) { unreachable!(); } }); } #[test] fn test_serialize_deserialize() { run_in_task(|mut cx| { let (mut runtime, _dispatch_count) = setup(Mode::Async); runtime .execute_script( "serialize_deserialize_test.js", include_str!("serialize_deserialize_test.js"), ) .unwrap(); if let Poll::Ready(Err(_)) = runtime.poll_event_loop(&mut cx, false) { unreachable!(); } }); } #[test] fn test_error_builder() { fn op_err(_: &mut OpState, _: (), _: ()) -> Result<(), Error> { Err(custom_error("DOMExceptionOperationError", "abc")) } pub fn get_error_class_name(_: &Error) -> &'static str { "DOMExceptionOperationError" } run_in_task(|mut cx| { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { get_error_class_fn: Some(&get_error_class_name), ..Default::default() }); runtime.register_op("op_err", op_sync(op_err)); runtime.sync_ops_cache(); runtime .execute_script( "error_builder_test.js", include_str!("error_builder_test.js"), ) .unwrap(); if let Poll::Ready(Err(_)) = runtime.poll_event_loop(&mut cx, false) { unreachable!(); } }); } #[test] fn will_snapshot() { let snapshot = { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { will_snapshot: true, ..Default::default() }); runtime.execute_script("a.js", "a = 1 + 2").unwrap(); runtime.snapshot() }; let snapshot = Snapshot::JustCreated(snapshot); let mut runtime2 = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { startup_snapshot: Some(snapshot), ..Default::default() }); runtime2 .execute_script("check.js", "if (a != 3) throw Error('x')") .unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_from_boxed_snapshot() { let snapshot = { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { will_snapshot: true, ..Default::default() }); runtime.execute_script("a.js", "a = 1 + 2").unwrap(); let snap: &[u8] = &*runtime.snapshot(); Vec::from(snap).into_boxed_slice() }; let snapshot = Snapshot::Boxed(snapshot); let mut runtime2 = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { startup_snapshot: Some(snapshot), ..Default::default() }); runtime2 .execute_script("check.js", "if (a != 3) throw Error('x')") .unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_heap_limits() { let create_params = v8::Isolate::create_params().heap_limits(0, 3 * 1024 * 1024); let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { create_params: Some(create_params), ..Default::default() }); let cb_handle = runtime.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle(); let callback_invoke_count = Rc::new(AtomicUsize::default()); let inner_invoke_count = Rc::clone(&callback_invoke_count); runtime.add_near_heap_limit_callback( move |current_limit, _initial_limit| { inner_invoke_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); cb_handle.terminate_execution(); current_limit * 2 }, ); let err = runtime .execute_script( "script name", r#"let s = ""; while(true) { s += "Hello"; }"#, ) .expect_err("script should fail"); assert_eq!( "Uncaught Error: execution terminated", err.downcast::().unwrap().message ); assert!(callback_invoke_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0) } #[test] fn test_heap_limit_cb_remove() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default()); runtime.add_near_heap_limit_callback(|current_limit, _initial_limit| { current_limit * 2 }); runtime.remove_near_heap_limit_callback(3 * 1024 * 1024); assert!(runtime.allocations.near_heap_limit_callback_data.is_none()); } #[test] fn test_heap_limit_cb_multiple() { let create_params = v8::Isolate::create_params().heap_limits(0, 3 * 1024 * 1024); let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { create_params: Some(create_params), ..Default::default() }); let cb_handle = runtime.v8_isolate().thread_safe_handle(); let callback_invoke_count_first = Rc::new(AtomicUsize::default()); let inner_invoke_count_first = Rc::clone(&callback_invoke_count_first); runtime.add_near_heap_limit_callback( move |current_limit, _initial_limit| { inner_invoke_count_first.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); current_limit * 2 }, ); let callback_invoke_count_second = Rc::new(AtomicUsize::default()); let inner_invoke_count_second = Rc::clone(&callback_invoke_count_second); runtime.add_near_heap_limit_callback( move |current_limit, _initial_limit| { inner_invoke_count_second.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); cb_handle.terminate_execution(); current_limit * 2 }, ); let err = runtime .execute_script( "script name", r#"let s = ""; while(true) { s += "Hello"; }"#, ) .expect_err("script should fail"); assert_eq!( "Uncaught Error: execution terminated", err.downcast::().unwrap().message ); assert_eq!(0, callback_invoke_count_first.load(Ordering::SeqCst)); assert!(callback_invoke_count_second.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0); } #[test] fn es_snapshot() { #[derive(Default)] struct ModsLoader; impl ModuleLoader for ModsLoader { fn resolve( &self, specifier: &str, referrer: &str, _is_main: bool, ) -> Result { assert_eq!(specifier, "file:///main.js"); assert_eq!(referrer, "."); let s = crate::resolve_import(specifier, referrer).unwrap(); Ok(s) } fn load( &self, _module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, _maybe_referrer: Option, _is_dyn_import: bool, ) -> Pin> { unreachable!() } } let loader = std::rc::Rc::new(ModsLoader::default()); let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { module_loader: Some(loader), will_snapshot: true, ..Default::default() }); let specifier = crate::resolve_url("file:///main.js").unwrap(); let source_code = "Deno.core.print('hello\\n')".to_string(); let module_id = futures::executor::block_on( runtime.load_main_module(&specifier, Some(source_code)), ) .unwrap(); let _ = runtime.mod_evaluate(module_id); futures::executor::block_on(runtime.run_event_loop(false)).unwrap(); let _snapshot = runtime.snapshot(); } #[test] fn test_error_without_stack() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default()); // SyntaxError let result = runtime.execute_script( "error_without_stack.js", r#" function main() { console.log("asdf); } main(); "#, ); let expected_error = r#"Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token at error_without_stack.js:3:14"#; assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().to_string(), expected_error); } #[test] fn test_error_stack() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default()); let result = runtime.execute_script( "error_stack.js", r#" function assert(cond) { if (!cond) { throw Error("assert"); } } function main() { assert(false); } main(); "#, ); let expected_error = r#"Error: assert at assert (error_stack.js:4:11) at main (error_stack.js:9:3) at error_stack.js:12:1"#; assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().to_string(), expected_error); } #[test] fn test_error_async_stack() { run_in_task(|cx| { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default()); runtime .execute_script( "error_async_stack.js", r#" (async () => { const p = (async () => { await Promise.resolve().then(() => { throw new Error("async"); }); })(); try { await p; } catch (error) { console.log(error.stack); throw error; } })();"#, ) .unwrap(); let expected_error = r#"Error: async at error_async_stack.js:5:13 at async error_async_stack.js:4:5 at async error_async_stack.js:10:5"#; match runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false) { Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => { assert_eq!(e.to_string(), expected_error); } _ => panic!(), }; }) } #[test] fn test_pump_message_loop() { run_in_task(|cx| { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default()); runtime .execute_script( "pump_message_loop.js", r#" function assertEquals(a, b) { if (a === b) return; throw a + " does not equal " + b; } const sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(16); const i32a = new Int32Array(sab); globalThis.resolved = false; (function() { const result = Atomics.waitAsync(i32a, 0, 0); result.value.then( (value) => { assertEquals("ok", value); globalThis.resolved = true; }, () => { assertUnreachable(); }); })(); const notify_return_value = Atomics.notify(i32a, 0, 1); assertEquals(1, notify_return_value); "#, ) .unwrap(); match runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, false) { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {} _ => panic!(), }; // noop script, will resolve promise from first script runtime .execute_script("pump_message_loop2.js", r#"assertEquals(1, 1);"#) .unwrap(); // check that promise from `Atomics.waitAsync` has been resolved runtime .execute_script( "pump_message_loop3.js", r#"assertEquals(globalThis.resolved, true);"#, ) .unwrap(); }) } #[test] fn test_core_js_stack_frame() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default()); // Call non-existent op so we get error from `core.js` let error = runtime .execute_script( "core_js_stack_frame.js", "Deno.core.opSync('non_existent');", ) .unwrap_err(); let error_string = error.to_string(); // Test that the script specifier is a URL: `deno:`. assert!(error_string.contains("deno:core/01_core.js")); } #[test] fn test_v8_platform() { let options = RuntimeOptions { v8_platform: Some(v8::new_default_platform(0, false).make_shared()), ..Default::default() }; let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(options); runtime.execute_script("", "").unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_is_proxy() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default()); let all_true: v8::Global = runtime .execute_script( "is_proxy.js", r#" (function () { const { isProxy } = Deno.core; const o = { a: 1, b: 2}; const p = new Proxy(o, {}); return isProxy(p) && !isProxy(o) && !isProxy(42); })() "#, ) .unwrap(); let mut scope = runtime.handle_scope(); let all_true = v8::Local::::new(&mut scope, &all_true); assert!(all_true.is_true()); } #[test] fn test_binding_names() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions::default()); let all_true: v8::Global = runtime .execute_script( "binding_names.js", "Deno.core.encode.toString() === 'function encode() { [native code] }'", ) .unwrap(); let mut scope = runtime.handle_scope(); let all_true = v8::Local::::new(&mut scope, &all_true); assert!(all_true.is_true()); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_opstate_borrow() { struct InnerState(u64); async fn op_async_borrow( op_state: Rc>, _: (), _: (), ) -> Result<(), Error> { let n = { let op_state = op_state.borrow(); let inner_state = op_state.borrow::(); inner_state.0 }; // Future must be Poll::Pending on first call tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)).await; if n != 42 { unreachable!(); } Ok(()) } let extension = Extension::builder() .ops(vec![("op_async_borrow", op_async(op_async_borrow))]) .state(|state| { state.put(InnerState(42)); Ok(()) }) .build(); let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { extensions: vec![extension], ..Default::default() }); runtime .execute_script( "op_async_borrow.js", "Deno.core.opAsync('op_async_borrow')", ) .unwrap(); runtime.run_event_loop(false).await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_set_macrotask_callback_set_next_tick_callback() { async fn op_async_sleep( _op_state: Rc>, _: (), _: (), ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Future must be Poll::Pending on first call tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)).await; Ok(()) } let extension = Extension::builder() .ops(vec![("op_async_sleep", op_async(op_async_sleep))]) .build(); let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { extensions: vec![extension], ..Default::default() }); runtime .execute_script( "macrotasks_and_nextticks.js", r#" (async function () { const results = []; Deno.core.setMacrotaskCallback(() => { results.push("macrotask"); return true; }); Deno.core.setNextTickCallback(() => { results.push("nextTick"); Deno.core.setHasTickScheduled(false); }); Deno.core.setHasTickScheduled(true); await Deno.core.opAsync('op_async_sleep'); if (results[0] != "nextTick") { throw new Error(`expected nextTick, got: ${results[0]}`); } if (results[1] != "macrotask") { throw new Error(`expected macrotask, got: ${results[1]}`); } })(); "#, ) .unwrap(); runtime.run_event_loop(false).await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_set_macrotask_callback_set_next_tick_callback_multiple() { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(Default::default()); runtime .execute_script( "multiple_macrotasks_and_nextticks.js", r#" Deno.core.setMacrotaskCallback(() => { return true; }); Deno.core.setMacrotaskCallback(() => { return true; }); Deno.core.setNextTickCallback(() => {}); Deno.core.setNextTickCallback(() => {}); "#, ) .unwrap(); let isolate = runtime.v8_isolate(); let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(isolate); let state = state_rc.borrow(); assert_eq!(state.js_macrotask_cbs.len(), 2); assert_eq!(state.js_nexttick_cbs.len(), 2); } }