// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { relative, resolve } from "../path/mod.ts"; const CLOCKID_REALTIME = 0; const CLOCKID_MONOTONIC = 1; const CLOCKID_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 2; const CLOCKID_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 3; const ERRNO_SUCCESS = 0; const _ERRNO_2BIG = 1; const ERRNO_ACCES = 2; const ERRNO_ADDRINUSE = 3; const ERRNO_ADDRNOTAVAIL = 4; const _ERRNO_AFNOSUPPORT = 5; const _ERRNO_AGAIN = 6; const _ERRNO_ALREADY = 7; const ERRNO_BADF = 8; const _ERRNO_BADMSG = 9; const ERRNO_BUSY = 10; const _ERRNO_CANCELED = 11; const _ERRNO_CHILD = 12; const ERRNO_CONNABORTED = 13; const ERRNO_CONNREFUSED = 14; const ERRNO_CONNRESET = 15; const _ERRNO_DEADLK = 16; const _ERRNO_DESTADDRREQ = 17; const _ERRNO_DOM = 18; const _ERRNO_DQUOT = 19; const _ERRNO_EXIST = 20; const _ERRNO_FAULT = 21; const _ERRNO_FBIG = 22; const _ERRNO_HOSTUNREACH = 23; const _ERRNO_IDRM = 24; const _ERRNO_ILSEQ = 25; const _ERRNO_INPROGRESS = 26; const ERRNO_INTR = 27; const ERRNO_INVAL = 28; const _ERRNO_IO = 29; const _ERRNO_ISCONN = 30; const _ERRNO_ISDIR = 31; const _ERRNO_LOOP = 32; const _ERRNO_MFILE = 33; const _ERRNO_MLINK = 34; const _ERRNO_MSGSIZE = 35; const _ERRNO_MULTIHOP = 36; const _ERRNO_NAMETOOLONG = 37; const _ERRNO_NETDOWN = 38; const _ERRNO_NETRESET = 39; const _ERRNO_NETUNREACH = 40; const _ERRNO_NFILE = 41; const _ERRNO_NOBUFS = 42; const _ERRNO_NODEV = 43; const ERRNO_NOENT = 44; const _ERRNO_NOEXEC = 45; const _ERRNO_NOLCK = 46; const _ERRNO_NOLINK = 47; const _ERRNO_NOMEM = 48; const _ERRNO_NOMSG = 49; const _ERRNO_NOPROTOOPT = 50; const _ERRNO_NOSPC = 51; const ERRNO_NOSYS = 52; const ERRNO_NOTCONN = 53; const ERRNO_NOTDIR = 54; const _ERRNO_NOTEMPTY = 55; const _ERRNO_NOTRECOVERABLE = 56; const _ERRNO_NOTSOCK = 57; const _ERRNO_NOTSUP = 58; const _ERRNO_NOTTY = 59; const _ERRNO_NXIO = 60; const _ERRNO_OVERFLOW = 61; const _ERRNO_OWNERDEAD = 62; const _ERRNO_PERM = 63; const ERRNO_PIPE = 64; const _ERRNO_PROTO = 65; const _ERRNO_PROTONOSUPPORT = 66; const _ERRNO_PROTOTYPE = 67; const _ERRNO_RANGE = 68; const _ERRNO_ROFS = 69; const _ERRNO_SPIPE = 70; const _ERRNO_SRCH = 71; const _ERRNO_STALE = 72; const ERRNO_TIMEDOUT = 73; const _ERRNO_TXTBSY = 74; const _ERRNO_XDEV = 75; const ERRNO_NOTCAPABLE = 76; const RIGHTS_FD_DATASYNC = 0x0000000000000001n; const RIGHTS_FD_READ = 0x0000000000000002n; const _RIGHTS_FD_SEEK = 0x0000000000000004n; const _RIGHTS_FD_FDSTAT_SET_FLAGS = 0x0000000000000008n; const _RIGHTS_FD_SYNC = 0x0000000000000010n; const _RIGHTS_FD_TELL = 0x0000000000000020n; const RIGHTS_FD_WRITE = 0x0000000000000040n; const _RIGHTS_FD_ADVISE = 0x0000000000000080n; const RIGHTS_FD_ALLOCATE = 0x0000000000000100n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY = 0x0000000000000200n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_CREATE_FILE = 0x0000000000000400n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_LINK_SOURCE = 0x0000000000000800n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_LINK_TARGET = 0x0000000000001000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_OPEN = 0x0000000000002000n; const RIGHTS_FD_READDIR = 0x0000000000004000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_READLINK = 0x0000000000008000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_RENAME_SOURCE = 0x0000000000010000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_RENAME_TARGET = 0x0000000000020000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_FILESTAT_GET = 0x0000000000040000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE = 0x0000000000080000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES = 0x0000000000100000n; const _RIGHTS_FD_FILESTAT_GET = 0x0000000000200000n; const RIGHTS_FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE = 0x0000000000400000n; const _RIGHTS_FD_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES = 0x0000000000800000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_SYMLINK = 0x0000000001000000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY = 0x0000000002000000n; const _RIGHTS_PATH_UNLINK_FILE = 0x0000000004000000n; const _RIGHTS_POLL_FD_READWRITE = 0x0000000008000000n; const _RIGHTS_SOCK_SHUTDOWN = 0x0000000010000000n; const _WHENCE_SET = 0; const _WHENCE_CUR = 1; const _WHENCE_END = 2; const FILETYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const _FILETYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE = 1; const FILETYPE_CHARACTER_DEVICE = 2; const FILETYPE_DIRECTORY = 3; const FILETYPE_REGULAR_FILE = 4; const _FILETYPE_SOCKET_DGRAM = 5; const _FILETYPE_SOCKET_STREAM = 6; const FILETYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK = 7; const _ADVICE_NORMAL = 0; const _ADVICE_SEQUENTIAL = 1; const _ADVICE_RANDOM = 2; const _ADVICE_WILLNEED = 3; const _ADVICE_DONTNEED = 4; const _ADVICE_NOREUSE = 5; const FDFLAGS_APPEND = 0x0001; const FDFLAGS_DSYNC = 0x0002; const FDFLAGS_NONBLOCK = 0x0004; const FDFLAGS_RSYNC = 0x0008; const FDFLAGS_SYNC = 0x0010; const _FSTFLAGS_ATIM = 0x0001; const FSTFLAGS_ATIM_NOW = 0x0002; const _FSTFLAGS_MTIM = 0x0004; const FSTFLAGS_MTIM_NOW = 0x0008; const LOOKUPFLAGS_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x0001; const OFLAGS_CREAT = 0x0001; const OFLAGS_DIRECTORY = 0x0002; const OFLAGS_EXCL = 0x0004; const OFLAGS_TRUNC = 0x0008; const _EVENTTYPE_CLOCK = 0; const _EVENTTYPE_FD_READ = 1; const _EVENTTYPE_FD_WRITE = 2; const _EVENTRWFLAGS_FD_READWRITE_HANGUP = 1; const _SUBCLOCKFLAGS_SUBSCRIPTION_CLOCK_ABSTIME = 1; const _SIGNAL_NONE = 0; const _SIGNAL_HUP = 1; const _SIGNAL_INT = 2; const _SIGNAL_QUIT = 3; const _SIGNAL_ILL = 4; const _SIGNAL_TRAP = 5; const _SIGNAL_ABRT = 6; const _SIGNAL_BUS = 7; const _SIGNAL_FPE = 8; const _SIGNAL_KILL = 9; const _SIGNAL_USR1 = 10; const _SIGNAL_SEGV = 11; const _SIGNAL_USR2 = 12; const _SIGNAL_PIPE = 13; const _SIGNAL_ALRM = 14; const _SIGNAL_TERM = 15; const _SIGNAL_CHLD = 16; const _SIGNAL_CONT = 17; const _SIGNAL_STOP = 18; const _SIGNAL_TSTP = 19; const _SIGNAL_TTIN = 20; const _SIGNAL_TTOU = 21; const _SIGNAL_URG = 22; const _SIGNAL_XCPU = 23; const _SIGNAL_XFSZ = 24; const _SIGNAL_VTALRM = 25; const _SIGNAL_PROF = 26; const _SIGNAL_WINCH = 27; const _SIGNAL_POLL = 28; const _SIGNAL_PWR = 29; const _SIGNAL_SYS = 30; const _RIFLAGS_RECV_PEEK = 0x0001; const _RIFLAGS_RECV_WAITALL = 0x0002; const _ROFLAGS_RECV_DATA_TRUNCATED = 0x0001; const _SDFLAGS_RD = 0x0001; const _SDFLAGS_WR = 0x0002; const PREOPENTYPE_DIR = 0; function syscall(target: T) { return function (...args: unknown[]) { try { return target(...args); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ExitStatus) { throw err; } switch (err.name) { case "NotFound": return ERRNO_NOENT; case "PermissionDenied": return ERRNO_ACCES; case "ConnectionRefused": return ERRNO_CONNREFUSED; case "ConnectionReset": return ERRNO_CONNRESET; case "ConnectionAborted": return ERRNO_CONNABORTED; case "NotConnected": return ERRNO_NOTCONN; case "AddrInUse": return ERRNO_ADDRINUSE; case "AddrNotAvailable": return ERRNO_ADDRNOTAVAIL; case "BrokenPipe": return ERRNO_PIPE; case "InvalidData": return ERRNO_INVAL; case "TimedOut": return ERRNO_TIMEDOUT; case "Interrupted": return ERRNO_INTR; case "BadResource": return ERRNO_BADF; case "Busy": return ERRNO_BUSY; default: return ERRNO_INVAL; } } }; } interface FileDescriptor { rid?: number; type?: number; flags?: number; path?: string; vpath?: string; entries?: Deno.DirEntry[]; } export class ExitStatus { code: number; constructor(code: number) { this.code = code; } } export interface ContextOptions { /** * An array of strings that the WebAssembly instance will see as command-line * arguments. * * The first argument is the virtual path to the command itself. */ args?: string[]; /** * An object of string keys mapped to string values that the WebAssembly module will see as its environment. */ env?: { [key: string]: string | undefined }; /** * An object of string keys mapped to string values that the WebAssembly module will see as it's filesystem. * * The string keys of are treated as directories within the sandboxed * filesystem, the values are the real paths to those directories on the host * machine. * */ preopens?: { [key: string]: string }; /** * Determines if calls to exit from within the WebAssembly module will terminate the proess or return. */ exitOnReturn?: boolean; /** * The resource descriptor used as standard input in the WebAssembly module. */ stdin?: number; /** * The resource descriptor used as standard output in the WebAssembly module. */ stdout?: number; /** * The resource descriptor used as standard error in the WebAssembly module. */ stderr?: number; } /** * The Context class provides the environment required to run WebAssembly * modules compiled to run with the WebAssembly System Interface. * * Each context represents a distinct sandboxed environment and must have its * command-line arguments, environment variables, and pre-opened directory * structure configured explicitly. */ export default class Context { #args: string[]; #env: { [key: string]: string | undefined }; #exitOnReturn: boolean; #memory: WebAssembly.Memory; #fds: FileDescriptor[]; #started: boolean; exports: Record; constructor(options: ContextOptions) { this.#args = options.args ?? []; this.#env = options.env ?? {}; this.#exitOnReturn = options.exitOnReturn ?? true; this.#memory = null!; this.#fds = [ { rid: options.stdin ?? Deno.stdin.rid, type: FILETYPE_CHARACTER_DEVICE, flags: FDFLAGS_APPEND, }, { rid: options.stdout ?? Deno.stdout.rid, type: FILETYPE_CHARACTER_DEVICE, flags: FDFLAGS_APPEND, }, { rid: options.stderr ?? Deno.stderr.rid, type: FILETYPE_CHARACTER_DEVICE, flags: FDFLAGS_APPEND, }, ]; if (options.preopens) { for (const [vpath, path] of Object.entries(options.preopens)) { const type = FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; const entries = Array.from(Deno.readDirSync(path)); const entry = { type, entries, path, vpath, }; this.#fds.push(entry); } } this.exports = { "args_get": syscall(( argvOffset: number, argvBufferOffset: number, ): number => { const args = this.#args; const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const memoryData = new Uint8Array(this.#memory.buffer); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); for (const arg of args) { memoryView.setUint32(argvOffset, argvBufferOffset, true); argvOffset += 4; const data = textEncoder.encode(`${arg}\0`); memoryData.set(data, argvBufferOffset); argvBufferOffset += data.length; } return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "args_sizes_get": syscall(( argcOffset: number, argvBufferSizeOffset: number, ): number => { const args = this.#args; const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); memoryView.setUint32(argcOffset, args.length, true); memoryView.setUint32( argvBufferSizeOffset, args.reduce(function (acc, arg) { return acc + textEncoder.encode(`${arg}\0`).length; }, 0), true, ); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "environ_get": syscall(( environOffset: number, environBufferOffset: number, ): number => { const entries = Object.entries(this.#env); const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const memoryData = new Uint8Array(this.#memory.buffer); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); for (const [key, value] of entries) { memoryView.setUint32(environOffset, environBufferOffset, true); environOffset += 4; const data = textEncoder.encode(`${key}=${value}\0`); memoryData.set(data, environBufferOffset); environBufferOffset += data.length; } return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "environ_sizes_get": syscall(( environcOffset: number, environBufferSizeOffset: number, ): number => { const entries = Object.entries(this.#env); const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); memoryView.setUint32(environcOffset, entries.length, true); memoryView.setUint32( environBufferSizeOffset, entries.reduce(function (acc, [key, value]) { return acc + textEncoder.encode(`${key}=${value}\0`).length; }, 0), true, ); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "clock_res_get": syscall(( id: number, resolutionOffset: number, ): number => { const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); switch (id) { case CLOCKID_REALTIME: { const resolution = BigInt(1e6); memoryView.setBigUint64( resolutionOffset, resolution, true, ); break; } case CLOCKID_MONOTONIC: case CLOCKID_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: case CLOCKID_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: { const resolution = BigInt(1e3); memoryView.setBigUint64(resolutionOffset, resolution, true); break; } default: return ERRNO_INVAL; } return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "clock_time_get": syscall(( id: number, precision: bigint, timeOffset: number, ): number => { const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); switch (id) { case CLOCKID_REALTIME: { const time = BigInt(Date.now()) * BigInt(1e6); memoryView.setBigUint64(timeOffset, time, true); break; } case CLOCKID_MONOTONIC: case CLOCKID_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: case CLOCKID_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: { const t = performance.now(); const s = Math.trunc(t); const ms = Math.floor((t - s) * 1e3); const time = BigInt(s) * BigInt(1e9) + BigInt(ms) * BigInt(1e6); memoryView.setBigUint64(timeOffset, time, true); break; } default: return ERRNO_INVAL; } return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_advise": syscall(( _fd: number, _offset: bigint, _length: bigint, _advice: number, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "fd_allocate": syscall(( _fd: number, _offset: bigint, _length: bigint, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "fd_close": syscall(( fd: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (entry.rid) { Deno.close(entry.rid); } delete this.#fds[fd]; return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_datasync": syscall(( fd: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } Deno.fdatasyncSync(entry.rid!); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_fdstat_get": syscall(( fd: number, offset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); memoryView.setUint8(offset, entry.type!); memoryView.setUint16(offset + 2, entry.flags!, true); memoryView.setBigUint64(offset + 8, 0n, true); // TODO memoryView.setBigUint64(offset + 16, 0n, true); // TODO return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_fdstat_set_flags": syscall(( _fd: number, _flags: number, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "fd_fdstat_set_rights": syscall(( _fd: number, _rightsBase: bigint, _rightsInheriting: bigint, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "fd_filestat_get": syscall(( fd: number, offset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); const info = Deno.fstatSync(entry.rid!); if (entry.type === undefined) { switch (true) { case info.isFile: entry.type = FILETYPE_REGULAR_FILE; break; case info.isDirectory: entry.type = FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; break; case info.isSymlink: entry.type = FILETYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK; break; default: entry.type = FILETYPE_UNKNOWN; break; } } memoryView.setBigUint64(offset, BigInt(info.dev ? info.dev : 0), true); offset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64(offset, BigInt(info.ino ? info.ino : 0), true); offset += 8; memoryView.setUint8(offset, entry.type); offset += 8; memoryView.setUint32(offset, Number(info.nlink), true); offset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64(offset, BigInt(info.size), true); offset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64( offset, BigInt(info.atime ? info.atime.getTime() * 1e6 : 0), true, ); offset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64( offset, BigInt(info.mtime ? info.mtime.getTime() * 1e6 : 0), true, ); offset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64( offset, BigInt(info.birthtime ? info.birthtime.getTime() * 1e6 : 0), true, ); offset += 8; return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_filestat_set_size": syscall(( fd: number, size: bigint, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } Deno.ftruncateSync(entry.rid!, Number(size)); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_filestat_set_times": syscall(( fd: number, atim: bigint, mtim: bigint, flags: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } if ((flags & FSTFLAGS_ATIM_NOW) == FSTFLAGS_ATIM_NOW) { atim = BigInt(Date.now() * 1e6); } if ((flags & FSTFLAGS_MTIM_NOW) == FSTFLAGS_MTIM_NOW) { mtim = BigInt(Date.now() * 1e6); } Deno.utimeSync(entry.path!, Number(atim), Number(mtim)); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_pread": syscall(( fd: number, iovsOffset: number, iovsLength: number, offset: bigint, nreadOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (entry == null) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const seek = Deno.seekSync(entry.rid!, 0, Deno.SeekMode.Current); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); let nread = 0; for (let i = 0; i < iovsLength; i++) { const dataOffset = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const dataLength = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, dataOffset, dataLength, ); nread += Deno.readSync(entry.rid!, data) as number; } Deno.seekSync(entry.rid!, seek, Deno.SeekMode.Start); memoryView.setUint32(nreadOffset, nread, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_prestat_get": syscall(( fd: number, prestatOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.vpath) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); memoryView.setUint8(prestatOffset, PREOPENTYPE_DIR); memoryView.setUint32( prestatOffset + 4, new TextEncoder().encode(entry.vpath).byteLength, true, ); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_prestat_dir_name": syscall(( fd: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.vpath) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); data.set(new TextEncoder().encode(entry.vpath)); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_pwrite": syscall(( fd: number, iovsOffset: number, iovsLength: number, offset: bigint, nwrittenOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const seek = Deno.seekSync(entry.rid!, 0, Deno.SeekMode.Current); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); let nwritten = 0; for (let i = 0; i < iovsLength; i++) { const dataOffset = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const dataLength = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, dataOffset, dataLength, ); nwritten += Deno.writeSync(entry.rid!, data) as number; } Deno.seekSync(entry.rid!, seek, Deno.SeekMode.Start); memoryView.setUint32(nwrittenOffset, nwritten, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_read": syscall(( fd: number, iovsOffset: number, iovsLength: number, nreadOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); let nread = 0; for (let i = 0; i < iovsLength; i++) { const dataOffset = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const dataLength = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, dataOffset, dataLength, ); nread += Deno.readSync(entry.rid!, data) as number; } memoryView.setUint32(nreadOffset, nread, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_readdir": syscall(( fd: number, bufferOffset: number, bufferLength: number, cookie: bigint, bufferUsedOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryData = new Uint8Array(this.#memory.buffer); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); let bufferUsed = 0; const entries = Array.from(Deno.readDirSync(entry.path!)); for (let i = Number(cookie); i < entries.length; i++) { const nameData = new TextEncoder().encode(entries[i].name); const entryInfo = Deno.statSync( resolve(entry.path!, entries[i].name), ); const entryData = new Uint8Array(24 + nameData.byteLength); const entryView = new DataView(entryData.buffer); entryView.setBigUint64(0, BigInt(i + 1), true); entryView.setBigUint64( 8, BigInt(entryInfo.ino ? entryInfo.ino : 0), true, ); entryView.setUint32(16, nameData.byteLength, true); let type: number; switch (true) { case entries[i].isFile: type = FILETYPE_REGULAR_FILE; break; case entries[i].isDirectory: type = FILETYPE_REGULAR_FILE; break; case entries[i].isSymlink: type = FILETYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK; break; default: type = FILETYPE_REGULAR_FILE; break; } entryView.setUint8(20, type); entryData.set(nameData, 24); const data = entryData.slice( 0, Math.min(entryData.length, bufferLength - bufferUsed), ); memoryData.set(data, bufferOffset + bufferUsed); bufferUsed += data.byteLength; } memoryView.setUint32(bufferUsedOffset, bufferUsed, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_renumber": syscall(( fd: number, to: number, ): number => { if (!this.#fds[fd]) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!this.#fds[to]) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (this.#fds[to].rid) { Deno.close(this.#fds[to].rid!); } this.#fds[to] = this.#fds[fd]; delete this.#fds[fd]; return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_seek": syscall(( fd: number, offset: bigint, whence: number, newOffsetOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); // FIXME Deno does not support seeking with big integers const newOffset = Deno.seekSync(entry.rid!, Number(offset), whence); memoryView.setBigUint64(newOffsetOffset, BigInt(newOffset), true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_sync": syscall(( fd: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } Deno.fsyncSync(entry.rid!); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_tell": syscall(( fd: number, offsetOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); const offset = Deno.seekSync(entry.rid!, 0, Deno.SeekMode.Current); memoryView.setBigUint64(offsetOffset, BigInt(offset), true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "fd_write": syscall(( fd: number, iovsOffset: number, iovsLength: number, nwrittenOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); let nwritten = 0; for (let i = 0; i < iovsLength; i++) { const dataOffset = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const dataLength = memoryView.getUint32(iovsOffset, true); iovsOffset += 4; const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, dataOffset, dataLength, ); nwritten += Deno.writeSync(entry.rid!, data) as number; } memoryView.setUint32(nwrittenOffset, nwritten, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_create_directory": syscall(( fd: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); const path = resolve(entry.path!, textDecoder.decode(data)); Deno.mkdirSync(path); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_filestat_get": syscall(( fd: number, flags: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, bufferOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); const path = resolve(entry.path!, textDecoder.decode(data)); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); const info = (flags & LOOKUPFLAGS_SYMLINK_FOLLOW) != 0 ? Deno.statSync(path) : Deno.lstatSync(path); memoryView.setBigUint64( bufferOffset, BigInt(info.dev ? info.dev : 0), true, ); bufferOffset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64( bufferOffset, BigInt(info.ino ? info.ino : 0), true, ); bufferOffset += 8; switch (true) { case info.isFile: memoryView.setUint8(bufferOffset, FILETYPE_REGULAR_FILE); bufferOffset += 8; break; case info.isDirectory: memoryView.setUint8(bufferOffset, FILETYPE_DIRECTORY); bufferOffset += 8; break; case info.isSymlink: memoryView.setUint8(bufferOffset, FILETYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK); bufferOffset += 8; break; default: memoryView.setUint8(bufferOffset, FILETYPE_UNKNOWN); bufferOffset += 8; break; } memoryView.setUint32(bufferOffset, Number(info.nlink), true); bufferOffset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64(bufferOffset, BigInt(info.size), true); bufferOffset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64( bufferOffset, BigInt(info.atime ? info.atime.getTime() * 1e6 : 0), true, ); bufferOffset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64( bufferOffset, BigInt(info.mtime ? info.mtime.getTime() * 1e6 : 0), true, ); bufferOffset += 8; memoryView.setBigUint64( bufferOffset, BigInt(info.birthtime ? info.birthtime.getTime() * 1e6 : 0), true, ); bufferOffset += 8; return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_filestat_set_times": syscall(( fd: number, flags: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, atim: bigint, mtim: bigint, fstflags: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); const path = resolve(entry.path!, textDecoder.decode(data)); if ((fstflags & FSTFLAGS_ATIM_NOW) == FSTFLAGS_ATIM_NOW) { atim = BigInt(Date.now()) * BigInt(1e6); } if ((fstflags & FSTFLAGS_MTIM_NOW) == FSTFLAGS_MTIM_NOW) { mtim = BigInt(Date.now()) * BigInt(1e6); } Deno.utimeSync(path, Number(atim), Number(mtim)); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_link": syscall(( oldFd: number, oldFlags: number, oldPathOffset: number, oldPathLength: number, newFd: number, newPathOffset: number, newPathLength: number, ): number => { const oldEntry = this.#fds[oldFd]; const newEntry = this.#fds[newFd]; if (!oldEntry || !newEntry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!oldEntry.path || !newEntry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const oldData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, oldPathOffset, oldPathLength, ); const oldPath = resolve(oldEntry.path!, textDecoder.decode(oldData)); const newData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, newPathOffset, newPathLength, ); const newPath = resolve(newEntry.path!, textDecoder.decode(newData)); Deno.linkSync(oldPath, newPath); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_open": syscall(( fd: number, dirflags: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, oflags: number, rightsBase: bigint, rightsInheriting: bigint, fdflags: number, openedFdOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const pathData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); const resolvedPath = resolve(entry.path!, textDecoder.decode(pathData)); if (relative(entry.path, resolvedPath).startsWith("..")) { return ERRNO_NOTCAPABLE; } let path; if ( (dirflags & LOOKUPFLAGS_SYMLINK_FOLLOW) == LOOKUPFLAGS_SYMLINK_FOLLOW ) { try { path = Deno.realPathSync(resolvedPath); if (relative(entry.path, path).startsWith("..")) { return ERRNO_NOTCAPABLE; } } catch (_err) { path = resolvedPath; } } else { path = resolvedPath; } if ((oflags & OFLAGS_DIRECTORY) !== 0) { // XXX (caspervonb) this isn't ideal as we can't get a rid for the // directory this way so there's no native fstat but Deno.open // doesn't work with directories on windows so we'll have to work // around it for now. const entries = Array.from(Deno.readDirSync(path)); const openedFd = this.#fds.push({ flags: fdflags, path, entries, }) - 1; const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); memoryView.setUint32(openedFdOffset, openedFd, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; } const options = { read: false, write: false, append: false, truncate: false, create: false, createNew: false, }; if ((oflags & OFLAGS_CREAT) !== 0) { options.create = true; options.write = true; } if ((oflags & OFLAGS_EXCL) !== 0) { options.createNew = true; } if ((oflags & OFLAGS_TRUNC) !== 0) { options.truncate = true; options.write = true; } const read = ( RIGHTS_FD_READ | RIGHTS_FD_READDIR ); if ((rightsBase & read) != 0n) { options.read = true; } const write = ( RIGHTS_FD_DATASYNC | RIGHTS_FD_WRITE | RIGHTS_FD_ALLOCATE | RIGHTS_FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE ); if ((rightsBase & write) != 0n) { options.write = true; } if ((fdflags & FDFLAGS_APPEND) != 0) { options.append = true; } if ((fdflags & FDFLAGS_DSYNC) != 0) { // TODO (caspervonb) review if we can emulate this. } if ((fdflags & FDFLAGS_NONBLOCK) != 0) { // TODO (caspervonb) review if we can emulate this. } if ((fdflags & FDFLAGS_RSYNC) != 0) { // TODO (caspervonb) review if we can emulate this. } if ((fdflags & FDFLAGS_SYNC) != 0) { // TODO (caspervonb) review if we can emulate this. } if (!options.read && !options.write && !options.truncate) { options.read = true; } const { rid } = Deno.openSync(path, options); const openedFd = this.#fds.push({ rid, flags: fdflags, path, }) - 1; const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); memoryView.setUint32(openedFdOffset, openedFd, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_readlink": syscall(( fd: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, bufferOffset: number, bufferLength: number, bufferUsedOffset: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const memoryData = new Uint8Array(this.#memory.buffer); const memoryView = new DataView(this.#memory.buffer); const pathData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); const path = resolve(entry.path!, new TextDecoder().decode(pathData)); const link = Deno.readLinkSync(path); const linkData = new TextEncoder().encode(link); memoryData.set(new Uint8Array(linkData, 0, bufferLength), bufferOffset); const bufferUsed = Math.min(linkData.byteLength, bufferLength); memoryView.setUint32(bufferUsedOffset, bufferUsed, true); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_remove_directory": syscall(( fd: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); const path = resolve(entry.path!, textDecoder.decode(data)); if (!Deno.statSync(path).isDirectory) { return ERRNO_NOTDIR; } Deno.removeSync(path); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_rename": syscall(( fd: number, oldPathOffset: number, oldPathLength: number, newFd: number, newPathOffset: number, newPathLength: number, ): number => { const oldEntry = this.#fds[fd]; const newEntry = this.#fds[newFd]; if (!oldEntry || !newEntry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!oldEntry.path || !newEntry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const oldData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, oldPathOffset, oldPathLength, ); const oldPath = resolve(oldEntry.path!, textDecoder.decode(oldData)); const newData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, newPathOffset, newPathLength, ); const newPath = resolve(newEntry.path!, textDecoder.decode(newData)); Deno.renameSync(oldPath, newPath); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_symlink": syscall(( oldPathOffset: number, oldPathLength: number, fd: number, newPathOffset: number, newPathLength: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const oldData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, oldPathOffset, oldPathLength, ); const oldPath = textDecoder.decode(oldData); const newData = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, newPathOffset, newPathLength, ); const newPath = resolve(entry.path!, textDecoder.decode(newData)); Deno.symlinkSync(oldPath, newPath); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "path_unlink_file": syscall(( fd: number, pathOffset: number, pathLength: number, ): number => { const entry = this.#fds[fd]; if (!entry) { return ERRNO_BADF; } if (!entry.path) { return ERRNO_INVAL; } const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const data = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, pathOffset, pathLength, ); const path = resolve(entry.path!, textDecoder.decode(data)); Deno.removeSync(path); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "poll_oneoff": syscall(( _inOffset: number, _outOffset: number, _nsubscriptions: number, _neventsOffset: number, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "proc_exit": syscall(( rval: number, ): never => { if (this.#exitOnReturn) { Deno.exit(rval); } throw new ExitStatus(rval); }), "proc_raise": syscall(( _sig: number, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "sched_yield": syscall((): number => { return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "random_get": syscall(( bufferOffset: number, bufferLength: number, ): number => { const buffer = new Uint8Array( this.#memory.buffer, bufferOffset, bufferLength, ); crypto.getRandomValues(buffer); return ERRNO_SUCCESS; }), "sock_recv": syscall(( _fd: number, _riDataOffset: number, _riDataLength: number, _riFlags: number, _roDataLengthOffset: number, _roFlagsOffset: number, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "sock_send": syscall(( _fd: number, _siDataOffset: number, _siDataLength: number, _siFlags: number, _soDataLengthOffset: number, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), "sock_shutdown": syscall(( _fd: number, _how: number, ): number => { return ERRNO_NOSYS; }), }; this.#started = false; } /** * Attempt to begin execution of instance as a command by invoking its * _start() export. * * If the instance does not contain a _start() export, or if the instance * contains an _initialize export an error will be thrown. * * The instance must also have a WebAssembly.Memory export named "memory" * which will be used as the address space, if it does not an error will be * thrown. */ start(instance: WebAssembly.Instance) { if (this.#started) { throw new Error("WebAssembly.Instance has already started"); } this.#started = true; const { _start, _initialize, memory } = instance.exports; if (!(memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)) { throw new TypeError("WebAsembly.instance must provide a memory export"); } this.#memory = memory; if (typeof _initialize == "function") { throw new TypeError( "WebAsembly.instance export _initialize must not be a function", ); } if (typeof _start != "function") { throw new TypeError( "WebAssembly.Instance export _start must be a function", ); } _start(); } /** * Attempt to initialize instance as a reactor by invoking its _initialize() export. * * If instance contains a _start() export, then an exception is thrown. * * The instance must also have a WebAssembly.Memory export named "memory" * which will be used as the address space, if it does not an error will be * thrown. */ initialize(instance: WebAssembly.Instance) { if (this.#started) { throw new Error("WebAssembly.Instance has already started"); } this.#started = true; const { _start, _initialize, memory } = instance.exports; if (!(memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)) { throw new TypeError("WebAsembly.instance must provide a memory export"); } this.#memory = memory; if (typeof _start == "function") { throw new TypeError( "WebAssembly.Instance export _start must not be a function", ); } if (typeof _initialize != "function") { throw new TypeError( "WebAsembly.instance export _initialize must be a function", ); } _initialize(); } }