// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::common; use super::fmt::to_relative_path_or_remote_url; use super::*; pub struct PrettyTestReporter { parallel: bool, echo_output: bool, in_new_line: bool, filter: bool, repl: bool, scope_test_id: Option, cwd: Url, did_have_user_output: bool, started_tests: bool, child_results_buffer: HashMap>, summary: TestSummary, writer: Box, } impl PrettyTestReporter { pub fn new( parallel: bool, echo_output: bool, filter: bool, repl: bool, ) -> PrettyTestReporter { PrettyTestReporter { parallel, echo_output, in_new_line: true, filter, repl, scope_test_id: None, cwd: Url::from_directory_path(std::env::current_dir().unwrap()).unwrap(), did_have_user_output: false, started_tests: false, child_results_buffer: Default::default(), summary: TestSummary::new(), writer: Box::new(std::io::stdout()), } } fn force_report_wait(&mut self, description: &TestDescription) { if !self.in_new_line { writeln!(&mut self.writer).unwrap(); } if self.parallel { write!( &mut self.writer, "{}", colors::gray(format!( "{} => ", to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&self.cwd, &description.origin) )) ) .unwrap(); } write!(&mut self.writer, "{} ...", description.name).unwrap(); self.in_new_line = false; // flush for faster feedback when line buffered std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); self.scope_test_id = Some(description.id); } fn force_report_step_wait(&mut self, description: &TestStepDescription) { self.write_output_end(); if !self.in_new_line { writeln!(&mut self.writer).unwrap(); } write!( &mut self.writer, "{}{} ...", " ".repeat(description.level), description.name ) .unwrap(); self.in_new_line = false; // flush for faster feedback when line buffered std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); self.scope_test_id = Some(description.id); } fn force_report_step_result( &mut self, description: &TestStepDescription, result: &TestStepResult, elapsed: u64, ) { self.write_output_end(); if self.in_new_line || self.scope_test_id != Some(description.id) { self.force_report_step_wait(description); } if !self.parallel { let child_results = self .child_results_buffer .remove(&description.id) .unwrap_or_default(); for (desc, result, elapsed) in child_results.values() { self.force_report_step_result(desc, result, *elapsed); } if !child_results.is_empty() { self.force_report_step_wait(description); } } let status = match &result { TestStepResult::Ok => colors::green("ok").to_string(), TestStepResult::Ignored => colors::yellow("ignored").to_string(), TestStepResult::Failed(failure) => failure.format_label(), }; write!(&mut self.writer, " {}", status).unwrap(); if let TestStepResult::Failed(failure) = result { if let Some(inline_summary) = failure.format_inline_summary() { write!(&mut self.writer, " ({})", inline_summary).unwrap() } } if !matches!(result, TestStepResult::Failed(TestFailure::Incomplete)) { write!( &mut self.writer, " {}", colors::gray(format!("({})", display::human_elapsed(elapsed.into()))) ) .unwrap(); } writeln!(&mut self.writer).unwrap(); self.in_new_line = true; if self.parallel { self.scope_test_id = None; } else { self.scope_test_id = Some(description.parent_id); } self .child_results_buffer .entry(description.parent_id) .or_default() .remove(&description.id); } fn write_output_end(&mut self) { if self.did_have_user_output { writeln!( &mut self.writer, "{}", colors::gray("----- output end -----") ) .unwrap(); self.in_new_line = true; self.did_have_user_output = false; } } } impl TestReporter for PrettyTestReporter { fn report_register(&mut self, _description: &TestDescription) {} fn report_plan(&mut self, plan: &TestPlan) { self.summary.total += plan.total; self.summary.filtered_out += plan.filtered_out; if self.repl { return; } if self.parallel || (self.filter && plan.total == 0) { return; } let inflection = if plan.total == 1 { "test" } else { "tests" }; writeln!( &mut self.writer, "{}", colors::gray(format!( "running {} {} from {}", plan.total, inflection, to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&self.cwd, &plan.origin) )) ) .unwrap(); self.in_new_line = true; } fn report_wait(&mut self, description: &TestDescription) { if !self.parallel { self.force_report_wait(description); } self.started_tests = true; } fn report_output(&mut self, output: &[u8]) { if !self.echo_output { return; } if !self.did_have_user_output && self.started_tests { self.did_have_user_output = true; if !self.in_new_line { writeln!(&mut self.writer).unwrap(); } writeln!( &mut self.writer, "{}", colors::gray("------- output -------") ) .unwrap(); self.in_new_line = true; } // output everything to stdout in order to prevent // stdout and stderr racing std::io::stdout().write_all(output).unwrap(); } fn report_result( &mut self, description: &TestDescription, result: &TestResult, elapsed: u64, ) { match &result { TestResult::Ok => { self.summary.passed += 1; } TestResult::Ignored => { self.summary.ignored += 1; } TestResult::Failed(failure) => { self.summary.failed += 1; self .summary .failures .push((description.clone(), failure.clone())); } TestResult::Cancelled => { self.summary.failed += 1; } } if self.parallel { self.force_report_wait(description); } self.write_output_end(); if self.in_new_line || self.scope_test_id != Some(description.id) { self.force_report_wait(description); } let status = match result { TestResult::Ok => colors::green("ok").to_string(), TestResult::Ignored => colors::yellow("ignored").to_string(), TestResult::Failed(failure) => failure.format_label(), TestResult::Cancelled => colors::gray("cancelled").to_string(), }; write!(&mut self.writer, " {}", status).unwrap(); if let TestResult::Failed(failure) = result { if let Some(inline_summary) = failure.format_inline_summary() { write!(&mut self.writer, " ({})", inline_summary).unwrap(); } } writeln!( &mut self.writer, " {}", colors::gray(format!("({})", display::human_elapsed(elapsed.into()))) ) .unwrap(); self.in_new_line = true; self.scope_test_id = None; } fn report_uncaught_error(&mut self, origin: &str, error: Box) { self.summary.failed += 1; self .summary .uncaught_errors .push((origin.to_string(), error)); if !self.in_new_line { writeln!(&mut self.writer).unwrap(); } writeln!( &mut self.writer, "Uncaught error from {} {}", to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&self.cwd, origin), colors::red("FAILED") ) .unwrap(); self.in_new_line = true; self.did_have_user_output = false; } fn report_step_register(&mut self, _description: &TestStepDescription) {} fn report_step_wait(&mut self, description: &TestStepDescription) { if !self.parallel && self.scope_test_id == Some(description.parent_id) { self.force_report_step_wait(description); } } fn report_step_result( &mut self, desc: &TestStepDescription, result: &TestStepResult, elapsed: u64, tests: &IndexMap, test_steps: &IndexMap, ) { match &result { TestStepResult::Ok => { self.summary.passed_steps += 1; } TestStepResult::Ignored => { self.summary.ignored_steps += 1; } TestStepResult::Failed(failure) => { self.summary.failed_steps += 1; self.summary.failures.push(( TestDescription { id: desc.id, name: common::format_test_step_ancestry(desc, tests, test_steps), ignore: false, only: false, origin: desc.origin.clone(), location: desc.location.clone(), }, failure.clone(), )) } } if self.parallel { self.write_output_end(); write!( &mut self.writer, "{} {} ...", colors::gray(format!( "{} =>", to_relative_path_or_remote_url(&self.cwd, &desc.origin) )), common::format_test_step_ancestry(desc, tests, test_steps) ) .unwrap(); self.in_new_line = false; self.scope_test_id = Some(desc.id); self.force_report_step_result(desc, result, elapsed); } else { let sibling_results = self.child_results_buffer.entry(desc.parent_id).or_default(); if self.scope_test_id == Some(desc.id) || self.scope_test_id == Some(desc.parent_id) { let sibling_results = std::mem::take(sibling_results); self.force_report_step_result(desc, result, elapsed); // Flush buffered sibling results. for (desc, result, elapsed) in sibling_results.values() { self.force_report_step_result(desc, result, *elapsed); } } else { sibling_results .insert(desc.id, (desc.clone(), result.clone(), elapsed)); } } } fn report_summary( &mut self, elapsed: &Duration, _tests: &IndexMap, _test_steps: &IndexMap, ) { common::report_summary(&mut self.writer, &self.cwd, &self.summary, elapsed); self.in_new_line = true; } fn report_sigint( &mut self, tests_pending: &HashSet, tests: &IndexMap, test_steps: &IndexMap, ) { common::report_sigint( &mut self.writer, &self.cwd, tests_pending, tests, test_steps, ); self.in_new_line = true; } fn flush_report( &mut self, _elapsed: &Duration, _tests: &IndexMap, _test_steps: &IndexMap, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.writer.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } }