// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Interfaces 100% copied from Go. // Documentation liberally lifted from them too. // Thank you! We love Go! <3 "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const { Uint8Array, ArrayPrototypePush, TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray, TypedArrayPrototypeSet, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 32 * 1024; // Seek whence values. // https://golang.org/pkg/io/#pkg-constants const SeekMode = { 0: "Start", 1: "Current", 2: "End", Start: 0, Current: 1, End: 2, }; async function copy( src, dst, options, ) { let n = 0; const bufSize = options?.bufSize ?? DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; const b = new Uint8Array(bufSize); let gotEOF = false; while (gotEOF === false) { const result = await src.read(b); if (result === null) { gotEOF = true; } else { let nwritten = 0; while (nwritten < result) { nwritten += await dst.write( TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(b, nwritten, result), ); } n += nwritten; } } return n; } async function* iter( r, options, ) { const bufSize = options?.bufSize ?? DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; const b = new Uint8Array(bufSize); while (true) { const result = await r.read(b); if (result === null) { break; } yield TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(b, 0, result); } } function* iterSync( r, options, ) { const bufSize = options?.bufSize ?? DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; const b = new Uint8Array(bufSize); while (true) { const result = r.readSync(b); if (result === null) { break; } yield TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(b, 0, result); } } function readSync(rid, buffer) { if (buffer.length === 0) { return 0; } const nread = core.opSync("op_read_sync", rid, buffer); return nread === 0 ? null : nread; } async function read( rid, buffer, ) { if (buffer.length === 0) { return 0; } const nread = await core.opAsync("op_read_async", rid, buffer); return nread === 0 ? null : nread; } function writeSync(rid, data) { return core.opSync("op_write_sync", rid, data); } async function write(rid, data) { return await core.opAsync("op_write_async", rid, data); } const READ_PER_ITER = 32 * 1024; async function readAll(r) { return await readAllInner(r); } async function readAllInner(r, options) { const buffers = []; const signal = options?.signal ?? null; while (!signal?.aborted) { const buf = new Uint8Array(READ_PER_ITER); const read = await r.read(buf); if (typeof read == "number") { ArrayPrototypePush(buffers, new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, 0, read)); } else { break; } } if (signal?.aborted) { throw new DOMException("The read operation was aborted.", "AbortError"); } let totalLen = 0; for (const buf of buffers) { totalLen += buf.byteLength; } const contents = new Uint8Array(totalLen); let n = 0; for (const buf of buffers) { TypedArrayPrototypeSet(contents, buf, n); n += buf.byteLength; } return contents; } function readAllSync(r) { const buffers = []; while (true) { const buf = new Uint8Array(READ_PER_ITER); const read = r.readSync(buf); if (typeof read == "number") { ArrayPrototypePush(buffers, new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, 0, read)); } else { break; } } let totalLen = 0; for (const buf of buffers) { totalLen += buf.byteLength; } const contents = new Uint8Array(totalLen); let n = 0; for (const buf of buffers) { TypedArrayPrototypeSet(contents, buf, n); n += buf.byteLength; } return contents; } window.__bootstrap.io = { iterSync, iter, copy, SeekMode, read, readSync, write, writeSync, readAll, readAllInner, readAllSync, }; })(this);