// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. mod errors; mod esm_resolver; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::located_script_name; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::JsRuntime; pub use esm_resolver::NodeEsmResolver; // TODO(bartlomieju): this needs to be bumped manually for // each release, a better mechanism is preferable, but it's a quick and dirty // solution to avoid printing `X-Deno-Warning` headers when the compat layer is // downloaded static STD_URL_STR: &str = "https://deno.land/std@0.112.0/"; static SUPPORTED_MODULES: &[&str] = &[ "assert", "assert/strict", "async_hooks", "buffer", "child_process", "cluster", "console", "constants", "crypto", "dgram", "dns", "domain", "events", "fs", "fs/promises", "http", "https", "module", "net", "os", "path", "path/posix", "path/win32", "perf_hooks", "process", "querystring", "readline", "stream", "stream/promises", "stream/web", "string_decoder", "sys", "timers", "timers/promises", "tls", "tty", "url", "util", "util/types", "v8", "vm", "zlib", ]; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref GLOBAL_URL_STR: String = format!("{}node/global.ts", STD_URL_STR); pub(crate) static ref GLOBAL_URL: Url = Url::parse(&GLOBAL_URL_STR).unwrap(); static ref MODULE_URL_STR: String = format!("{}node/module.ts", STD_URL_STR); pub(crate) static ref MODULE_URL: Url = Url::parse(&MODULE_URL_STR).unwrap(); static ref COMPAT_IMPORT_URL: Url = Url::parse("flags:compat").unwrap(); } /// Provide imports into a module graph when the compat flag is true. pub(crate) fn get_node_imports() -> Vec<(Url, Vec)> { vec![(COMPAT_IMPORT_URL.clone(), vec![GLOBAL_URL_STR.clone()])] } fn try_resolve_builtin_module(specifier: &str) -> Option { if SUPPORTED_MODULES.contains(&specifier) { let module_url = format!("{}node/{}.ts", STD_URL_STR, specifier); Some(Url::parse(&module_url).unwrap()) } else { None } } pub async fn check_if_should_use_esm_loader( js_runtime: &mut JsRuntime, main_module: &str, ) -> Result { // Decide if we're running with Node ESM loader or CJS loader. let source_code = &format!( r#"(async function checkIfEsm(main) {{ const {{ resolveMainPath, shouldUseESMLoader }} = await import("{}"); const resolvedMain = resolveMainPath(main); const useESMLoader = shouldUseESMLoader(resolvedMain); return useESMLoader; }})('{}');"#, MODULE_URL_STR.as_str(), escape_for_single_quote_string(main_module), ); let result = js_runtime.execute_script(&located_script_name!(), source_code)?; let use_esm_loader_global = js_runtime.resolve_value(result).await?; let use_esm_loader = { let scope = &mut js_runtime.handle_scope(); let use_esm_loader_local = use_esm_loader_global.get(scope); use_esm_loader_local.boolean_value(scope) }; Ok(use_esm_loader) } pub fn load_cjs_module( js_runtime: &mut JsRuntime, main_module: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let source_code = &format!( r#"(async function loadCjsModule(main) {{ const Module = await import("{}"); Module.default._load(main, null, true); }})('{}');"#, MODULE_URL_STR.as_str(), escape_for_single_quote_string(main_module), ); js_runtime.execute_script(&located_script_name!(), source_code)?; Ok(()) } fn escape_for_single_quote_string(text: &str) -> String { text.replace(r"\", r"\\").replace("'", r"\'") }