// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { ModuleInfo } from "./types"; import { deno as fbs } from "gen/msg_generated"; import { assert } from "./util"; import * as util from "./util"; import { flatbuffers } from "flatbuffers"; import { send } from "./fbs_util"; export function exit(exitCode = 0): never { const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); fbs.Exit.startExit(builder); fbs.Exit.addCode(builder, exitCode); const msg = fbs.Exit.endExit(builder); send(builder, fbs.Any.Exit, msg); return util.unreachable(); } export function codeFetch( moduleSpecifier: string, containingFile: string ): ModuleInfo { util.log("os.ts codeFetch", moduleSpecifier, containingFile); // Send CodeFetch message const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const moduleSpecifier_ = builder.createString(moduleSpecifier); const containingFile_ = builder.createString(containingFile); fbs.CodeFetch.startCodeFetch(builder); fbs.CodeFetch.addModuleSpecifier(builder, moduleSpecifier_); fbs.CodeFetch.addContainingFile(builder, containingFile_); const msg = fbs.CodeFetch.endCodeFetch(builder); const baseRes = send(builder, fbs.Any.CodeFetch, msg); assert(baseRes != null); assert(fbs.Any.CodeFetchRes === baseRes!.msgType()); const codeFetchRes = new fbs.CodeFetchRes(); assert(baseRes!.msg(codeFetchRes) != null); return { moduleName: codeFetchRes.moduleName(), filename: codeFetchRes.filename(), sourceCode: codeFetchRes.sourceCode(), outputCode: codeFetchRes.outputCode() }; } export function codeCache( filename: string, sourceCode: string, outputCode: string ): void { util.log("os.ts codeCache", filename, sourceCode, outputCode); const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const filename_ = builder.createString(filename); const sourceCode_ = builder.createString(sourceCode); const outputCode_ = builder.createString(outputCode); fbs.CodeCache.startCodeCache(builder); fbs.CodeCache.addFilename(builder, filename_); fbs.CodeCache.addSourceCode(builder, sourceCode_); fbs.CodeCache.addOutputCode(builder, outputCode_); const msg = fbs.CodeCache.endCodeCache(builder); const baseRes = send(builder, fbs.Any.CodeCache, msg); assert(baseRes == null); // Expect null or error. } /** * makeTempDirSync creates a new temporary directory in the directory `dir`, its * name beginning with `prefix` and ending with `suffix`. * It returns the full path to the newly created directory. * If `dir` is unspecified, tempDir uses the default directory for temporary * files. Multiple programs calling tempDir simultaneously will not choose the * same directory. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the directory * when no longer needed. */ export interface MakeTempDirOptions { dir?: string; prefix?: string; suffix?: string; } export function makeTempDirSync({ dir, prefix, suffix }: MakeTempDirOptions = {}): string { const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const fbDir = dir == null ? -1 : builder.createString(dir); const fbPrefix = prefix == null ? -1 : builder.createString(prefix); const fbSuffix = suffix == null ? -1 : builder.createString(suffix); fbs.MakeTempDir.startMakeTempDir(builder); if (dir != null) { fbs.MakeTempDir.addDir(builder, fbDir); } if (prefix != null) { fbs.MakeTempDir.addPrefix(builder, fbPrefix); } if (suffix != null) { fbs.MakeTempDir.addSuffix(builder, fbSuffix); } const msg = fbs.MakeTempDir.endMakeTempDir(builder); const baseRes = send(builder, fbs.Any.MakeTempDir, msg); assert(baseRes != null); assert(fbs.Any.MakeTempDirRes === baseRes!.msgType()); const res = new fbs.MakeTempDirRes(); assert(baseRes!.msg(res) != null); const path = res.path(); assert(path != null); return path!; } // mkdir creates a new directory with the specified name // and permission bits (before umask). export function mkdirSync(path: string, mode = 0o777): void { /* Ideally we could write: const res = send({ command: fbs.Command.MKDIR_SYNC, mkdirSyncPath: path, mkdirSyncMode: mode, }); */ const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const path_ = builder.createString(path); fbs.MkdirSync.startMkdirSync(builder); fbs.MkdirSync.addPath(builder, path_); fbs.MkdirSync.addMode(builder, mode); const msg = fbs.MkdirSync.endMkdirSync(builder); send(builder, fbs.Any.MkdirSync, msg); } export function readFileSync(filename: string): Uint8Array { /* Ideally we could write const res = send({ command: fbs.Command.READ_FILE_SYNC, readFileSyncFilename: filename }); return res.readFileSyncData; */ const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const filename_ = builder.createString(filename); fbs.ReadFileSync.startReadFileSync(builder); fbs.ReadFileSync.addFilename(builder, filename_); const msg = fbs.ReadFileSync.endReadFileSync(builder); const baseRes = send(builder, fbs.Any.ReadFileSync, msg); assert(baseRes != null); assert(fbs.Any.ReadFileSyncRes === baseRes!.msgType()); const res = new fbs.ReadFileSyncRes(); assert(baseRes!.msg(res) != null); const dataArray = res.dataArray(); assert(dataArray != null); return new Uint8Array(dataArray!); } function createEnv(_msg: fbs.EnvironRes): { [index: string]: string } { const env: { [index: string]: string } = {}; for (let i = 0; i < _msg.mapLength(); i++) { const item = _msg.map(i)!; env[item.key()!] = item.value()!; } return new Proxy(env, { set(obj, prop: string, value: string | number) { setEnv(prop, value.toString()); return Reflect.set(obj, prop, value); } }); } function setEnv(key: string, value: string): void { const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const _key = builder.createString(key); const _value = builder.createString(value); fbs.SetEnv.startSetEnv(builder); fbs.SetEnv.addKey(builder, _key); fbs.SetEnv.addValue(builder, _value); const msg = fbs.SetEnv.endSetEnv(builder); send(builder, fbs.Any.SetEnv, msg); } /** * Returns a snapshot of the environment variables at invocation. Mutating a * property in the object will set that variable in the environment for * the process. The environment object will only accept `string`s or `number`s * as values. * import { env } from "deno"; * const env = deno.env(); * console.log(env.SHELL) * env.TEST_VAR = "HELLO"; * * const newEnv = deno.env(); * console.log(env.TEST_VAR == newEnv.TEST_VAR); */ export function env(): { [index: string]: string } { /* Ideally we could write const res = send({ command: fbs.Command.ENV, }); */ const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); fbs.Environ.startEnviron(builder); const msg = fbs.Environ.endEnviron(builder); const baseRes = send(builder, fbs.Any.Environ, msg)!; assert(fbs.Any.EnvironRes === baseRes.msgType()); const res = new fbs.EnvironRes(); assert(baseRes.msg(res) != null); // TypeScript cannot track assertion above, therefore not null assertion return createEnv(res); } /** * A FileInfo describes a file and is returned by `stat`, `lstat`, * `statSync`, `lstatSync`. */ export class FileInfo { private readonly _isFile: boolean; private readonly _isSymlink: boolean; /** The size of the file, in bytes. */ len: number; /** * The last modification time of the file. This corresponds to the `mtime` * field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastWriteTime` on Windows. This may not * be available on all platforms. */ modified: number | null; /** * The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `atime` * field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastAccessTime` on Windows. This may not * be available on all platforms. */ accessed: number | null; /** * The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `birthtime` * field from `stat` on Unix and `ftCreationTime` on Windows. This may not * be available on all platforms. */ created: number | null; /* @internal */ constructor(private _msg: fbs.StatSyncRes) { const modified = this._msg.modified().toFloat64(); const accessed = this._msg.accessed().toFloat64(); const created = this._msg.created().toFloat64(); this._isFile = this._msg.isFile(); this._isSymlink = this._msg.isSymlink(); this.len = this._msg.len().toFloat64(); this.modified = modified ? modified : null; this.accessed = accessed ? accessed : null; this.created = created ? created : null; } /** * Returns whether this is info for a regular file. This result is mutually * exclusive to `FileInfo.isDirectory` and `FileInfo.isSymlink`. */ isFile() { return this._isFile; } /** * Returns whether this is info for a regular directory. This result is * mutually exclusive to `FileInfo.isFile` and `FileInfo.isSymlink`. */ isDirectory() { return !this._isFile && !this._isSymlink; } /** * Returns whether this is info for a symlink. This result is * mutually exclusive to `FileInfo.isFile` and `FileInfo.isDirectory`. */ isSymlink() { return this._isSymlink; } } /** * Queries the file system for information on the path provided. * If the given path is a symlink information about the symlink will * be returned. * @returns FileInfo */ export function lStatSync(filename: string): FileInfo { return statSyncInner(filename, true); } /** * Queries the file system for information on the path provided. * `statSync` Will always follow symlinks. * @returns FileInfo */ export function statSync(filename: string): FileInfo { return statSyncInner(filename, false); } function statSyncInner(filename: string, lstat: boolean): FileInfo { /* Ideally we could write const res = send({ command: fbs.Command.STAT_FILE_SYNC, StatFilename: filename, StatLStat: lstat, }); return new FileInfo(res); */ const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const filename_ = builder.createString(filename); fbs.StatSync.startStatSync(builder); fbs.StatSync.addFilename(builder, filename_); fbs.StatSync.addLstat(builder, lstat); const msg = fbs.StatSync.endStatSync(builder); const baseRes = send(builder, fbs.Any.StatSync, msg); assert(baseRes != null); assert(fbs.Any.StatSyncRes === baseRes!.msgType()); const res = new fbs.StatSyncRes(); assert(baseRes!.msg(res) != null); return new FileInfo(res); } export function writeFileSync( filename: string, data: Uint8Array, perm = 0o666 ): void { /* Ideally we could write: const res = send({ command: fbs.Command.WRITE_FILE_SYNC, writeFileSyncFilename: filename, writeFileSyncData: data, writeFileSyncPerm: perm }); */ const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const filename_ = builder.createString(filename); const dataOffset = fbs.WriteFileSync.createDataVector(builder, data); fbs.WriteFileSync.startWriteFileSync(builder); fbs.WriteFileSync.addFilename(builder, filename_); fbs.WriteFileSync.addData(builder, dataOffset); fbs.WriteFileSync.addPerm(builder, perm); const msg = fbs.WriteFileSync.endWriteFileSync(builder); send(builder, fbs.Any.WriteFileSync, msg); } /** * Renames (moves) oldpath to newpath. * import { renameSync } from "deno"; * const oldpath = 'from/path'; * const newpath = 'to/path'; * * renameSync(oldpath, newpath); */ export function renameSync(oldpath: string, newpath: string): void { /* Ideally we could write: const res = send({ command: fbs.Command.RENAME_SYNC, renameOldPath: oldpath, renameNewPath: newpath }); */ const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const _oldpath = builder.createString(oldpath); const _newpath = builder.createString(newpath); fbs.RenameSync.startRenameSync(builder); fbs.RenameSync.addOldpath(builder, _oldpath); fbs.RenameSync.addNewpath(builder, _newpath); const msg = fbs.RenameSync.endRenameSync(builder); send(builder, fbs.Any.RenameSync, msg); }