// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::config::Config; use super::config::WorkspaceSettings; use super::language_server; use super::text::LineIndex; use super::tsc; use super::tsc::NavigationTree; use deno_ast::swc::ast; use deno_ast::swc::common::Span; use deno_ast::swc::visit::Visit; use deno_ast::swc::visit::VisitWith; use deno_ast::ParsedSource; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::resolve_url; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde::Serialize; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use lspower::lsp; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use regex::Regex; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; static ABSTRACT_MODIFIER: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"\babstract\b").unwrap()); static EXPORT_MODIFIER: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"\bexport\b").unwrap()); #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum CodeLensSource { #[serde(rename = "implementations")] Implementations, #[serde(rename = "references")] References, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CodeLensData { pub source: CodeLensSource, pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, } fn span_to_range(span: &Span, parsed_source: &ParsedSource) -> lsp::Range { let start = parsed_source.source().line_and_column_index(span.lo); let end = parsed_source.source().line_and_column_index(span.hi); lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: start.line_index as u32, character: start.column_index as u32, }, end: lsp::Position { line: end.line_index as u32, character: end.column_index as u32, }, } } struct DenoTestCollector { code_lenses: Vec, parsed_source: ParsedSource, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, test_vars: HashSet, } impl DenoTestCollector { pub fn new(specifier: ModuleSpecifier, parsed_source: ParsedSource) -> Self { Self { code_lenses: Vec::new(), parsed_source, specifier, test_vars: HashSet::new(), } } fn add_code_lenses>(&mut self, name: N, span: &Span) { let range = span_to_range(span, &self.parsed_source); self.add_code_lens(&name, range, "▶\u{fe0e} Run Test", false); self.add_code_lens(&name, range, "Debug", true); } fn add_code_lens>( &mut self, name: &N, range: lsp::Range, title: &str, inspect: bool, ) { let options = json!({ "inspect": inspect, }); self.code_lenses.push(lsp::CodeLens { range, command: Some(lsp::Command { title: title.to_string(), command: "deno.test".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!(self.specifier), json!(name.as_ref()), options, ]), }), data: None, }); } fn check_call_expr(&mut self, node: &ast::CallExpr, span: &Span) { if let Some(expr) = node.args.get(0).map(|es| es.expr.as_ref()) { match expr { ast::Expr::Object(obj_lit) => { for prop in &obj_lit.props { if let ast::PropOrSpread::Prop(prop) = prop { if let ast::Prop::KeyValue(key_value_prop) = prop.as_ref() { if let ast::PropName::Ident(ast::Ident { sym, .. }) = &key_value_prop.key { if sym == "name" { if let ast::Expr::Lit(ast::Lit::Str(lit_str)) = key_value_prop.value.as_ref() { let name = lit_str.value.to_string(); self.add_code_lenses(name, span); } } } } } } } ast::Expr::Fn(fn_expr) => { if let Some(ast::Ident { sym, .. }) = fn_expr.ident.as_ref() { let name = sym.to_string(); self.add_code_lenses(name, span); } } ast::Expr::Lit(ast::Lit::Str(lit_str)) => { let name = lit_str.value.to_string(); self.add_code_lenses(name, span); } _ => (), } } } /// Move out the code lenses from the collector. fn take(self) -> Vec { self.code_lenses } } impl Visit for DenoTestCollector { fn visit_call_expr(&mut self, node: &ast::CallExpr) { if let ast::Callee::Expr(callee_expr) = &node.callee { match callee_expr.as_ref() { ast::Expr::Ident(ident) => { if self.test_vars.contains(&ident.sym.to_string()) { self.check_call_expr(node, &ident.span); } } ast::Expr::Member(member_expr) => { if let ast::MemberProp::Ident(ns_prop_ident) = &member_expr.prop { if ns_prop_ident.sym.to_string() == "test" { if let ast::Expr::Ident(ident) = member_expr.obj.as_ref() { if ident.sym.to_string() == "Deno" { self.check_call_expr(node, &ns_prop_ident.span); } } } } } _ => (), } } } fn visit_var_decl(&mut self, node: &ast::VarDecl) { for decl in &node.decls { if let Some(init) = &decl.init { match init.as_ref() { // Identify destructured assignments of `test` from `Deno` ast::Expr::Ident(ident) => { if ident.sym.to_string() == "Deno" { if let ast::Pat::Object(object_pat) = &decl.name { for prop in &object_pat.props { match prop { ast::ObjectPatProp::Assign(prop) => { let name = prop.key.sym.to_string(); if name == "test" { self.test_vars.insert(name); } } ast::ObjectPatProp::KeyValue(prop) => { if let ast::PropName::Ident(key_ident) = &prop.key { if key_ident.sym.to_string() == "test" { if let ast::Pat::Ident(value_ident) = &prop.value.as_ref() { self .test_vars .insert(value_ident.id.sym.to_string()); } } } } _ => (), } } } } } // Identify variable assignments where the init is `Deno.test` ast::Expr::Member(member_expr) => { if let ast::Expr::Ident(obj_ident) = member_expr.obj.as_ref() { if obj_ident.sym.to_string() == "Deno" { if let ast::MemberProp::Ident(prop_ident) = &member_expr.prop { if prop_ident.sym.to_string() == "test" { if let ast::Pat::Ident(binding_ident) = &decl.name { self.test_vars.insert(binding_ident.id.sym.to_string()); } } } } } } _ => (), } } } } } async fn resolve_implementation_code_lens( code_lens: lsp::CodeLens, data: CodeLensData, language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Result { let asset_or_doc = language_server.get_cached_asset_or_document(&data.specifier)?; let line_index = asset_or_doc.line_index(); let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetImplementation(( data.specifier.clone(), line_index.offset_tsc(code_lens.range.start)?, )); let snapshot = language_server.snapshot()?; let maybe_implementations: Option> = language_server.ts_server.request(snapshot, req).await?; if let Some(implementations) = maybe_implementations { let mut locations = Vec::new(); for implementation in implementations { let implementation_specifier = resolve_url(&implementation.document_span.file_name)?; let implementation_location = implementation.to_location(line_index.clone(), language_server); if !(implementation_specifier == data.specifier && implementation_location.range.start == code_lens.range.start) { locations.push(implementation_location); } } let command = if !locations.is_empty() { let title = if locations.len() > 1 { format!("{} implementations", locations.len()) } else { "1 implementation".to_string() }; lsp::Command { title, command: "deno.showReferences".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!(data.specifier), json!(code_lens.range.start), json!(locations), ]), } } else { lsp::Command { title: "0 implementations".to_string(), command: "".to_string(), arguments: None, } }; Ok(lsp::CodeLens { range: code_lens.range, command: Some(command), data: None, }) } else { let command = Some(lsp::Command { title: "0 implementations".to_string(), command: "".to_string(), arguments: None, }); Ok(lsp::CodeLens { range: code_lens.range, command, data: None, }) } } async fn resolve_references_code_lens( code_lens: lsp::CodeLens, data: CodeLensData, language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Result { let asset_or_document = language_server.get_cached_asset_or_document(&data.specifier)?; let line_index = asset_or_document.line_index(); let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetReferences(( data.specifier.clone(), line_index.offset_tsc(code_lens.range.start)?, )); let snapshot = language_server.snapshot()?; let maybe_references: Option> = language_server.ts_server.request(snapshot, req).await?; if let Some(references) = maybe_references { let mut locations = Vec::new(); for reference in references { if reference.is_definition { continue; } let reference_specifier = resolve_url(&reference.document_span.file_name)?; let asset_or_doc = language_server .get_asset_or_document(&reference_specifier) .await?; locations.push( reference.to_location(asset_or_doc.line_index(), language_server), ); } let command = if !locations.is_empty() { let title = if locations.len() > 1 { format!("{} references", locations.len()) } else { "1 reference".to_string() }; lsp::Command { title, command: "deno.showReferences".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!(data.specifier), json!(code_lens.range.start), json!(locations), ]), } } else { lsp::Command { title: "0 references".to_string(), command: "".to_string(), arguments: None, } }; Ok(lsp::CodeLens { range: code_lens.range, command: Some(command), data: None, }) } else { let command = lsp::Command { title: "0 references".to_string(), command: "".to_string(), arguments: None, }; Ok(lsp::CodeLens { range: code_lens.range, command: Some(command), data: None, }) } } pub(crate) async fn resolve_code_lens( code_lens: lsp::CodeLens, language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Result { let data: CodeLensData = serde_json::from_value(code_lens.data.clone().unwrap())?; match data.source { CodeLensSource::Implementations => { resolve_implementation_code_lens(code_lens, data, language_server).await } CodeLensSource::References => { resolve_references_code_lens(code_lens, data, language_server).await } } } pub(crate) async fn collect( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, parsed_source: Option, config: &Config, line_index: Arc, navigation_tree: &NavigationTree, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mut code_lenses = collect_test(specifier, parsed_source, config)?; code_lenses.extend( collect_tsc( specifier, &config.get_workspace_settings(), line_index, navigation_tree, ) .await?, ); Ok(code_lenses) } fn collect_test( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, parsed_source: Option, config: &Config, ) -> Result, AnyError> { if config.specifier_code_lens_test(specifier) { if let Some(parsed_source) = parsed_source { let mut collector = DenoTestCollector::new(specifier.clone(), parsed_source.clone()); parsed_source.module().visit_with(&mut collector); return Ok(collector.take()); } } Ok(Vec::new()) } /// Return tsc navigation tree code lenses. async fn collect_tsc( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, workspace_settings: &WorkspaceSettings, line_index: Arc, navigation_tree: &NavigationTree, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let code_lenses = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())); navigation_tree.walk(&|i, mp| { let mut code_lenses = code_lenses.borrow_mut(); // TSC Implementations Code Lens if workspace_settings.code_lens.implementations { let source = CodeLensSource::Implementations; match i.kind { tsc::ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement => { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } tsc::ScriptElementKind::ClassElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberFunctionElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberGetAccessorElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberSetAccessorElement => { if ABSTRACT_MODIFIER.is_match(&i.kind_modifiers) { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } } _ => (), } } // TSC References Code Lens if workspace_settings.code_lens.references { let source = CodeLensSource::References; if let Some(parent) = &mp { if parent.kind == tsc::ScriptElementKind::EnumElement { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } } match i.kind { tsc::ScriptElementKind::FunctionElement => { if workspace_settings.code_lens.references_all_functions { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } } tsc::ScriptElementKind::ConstElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::LetElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::VariableElement => { if EXPORT_MODIFIER.is_match(&i.kind_modifiers) { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } } tsc::ScriptElementKind::ClassElement => { if i.text != "" { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } } tsc::ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::TypeElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::EnumElement => { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } tsc::ScriptElementKind::LocalFunctionElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberGetAccessorElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberSetAccessorElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::ConstructorImplementationElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement => { if let Some(parent) = &mp { if parent.spans[0].start != i.spans[0].start { match parent.kind { tsc::ScriptElementKind::ClassElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::TypeElement => { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( line_index.clone(), specifier, &source, )); } _ => (), } } } } _ => (), } } }); Ok(Rc::try_unwrap(code_lenses).unwrap().into_inner()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo; use super::*; #[test] fn test_deno_test_collector() { let specifier = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts").unwrap(); let source = Arc::new( r#" Deno.test({ name: "test a", fn() {} }); Deno.test(function useFnName() {}); Deno.test("test b", function anotherTest() {}); "# .to_string(), ); let parsed_module = deno_ast::parse_module(deno_ast::ParseParams { specifier: specifier.to_string(), source: SourceTextInfo::new(source), media_type: MediaType::TypeScript, capture_tokens: true, scope_analysis: true, maybe_syntax: None, }) .unwrap(); let mut collector = DenoTestCollector::new(specifier, parsed_module.clone()); parsed_module.module().visit_with(&mut collector); assert_eq!( collector.take(), vec![ lsp::CodeLens { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 11 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 15 } }, command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "▶\u{fe0e} Run Test".to_string(), command: "deno.test".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts"), json!("test a"), json!({ "inspect": false, }), ]) }), data: None, }, lsp::CodeLens { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 11 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 15 } }, command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "Debug".to_string(), command: "deno.test".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts"), json!("test a"), json!({ "inspect": true, }), ]) }), data: None, }, lsp::CodeLens { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 6, character: 11 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 6, character: 15 } }, command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "▶\u{fe0e} Run Test".to_string(), command: "deno.test".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts"), json!("useFnName"), json!({ "inspect": false, }), ]) }), data: None, }, lsp::CodeLens { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 6, character: 11 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 6, character: 15 } }, command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "Debug".to_string(), command: "deno.test".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts"), json!("useFnName"), json!({ "inspect": true, }), ]) }), data: None, }, lsp::CodeLens { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 8, character: 11 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 8, character: 15 } }, command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "▶\u{fe0e} Run Test".to_string(), command: "deno.test".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts"), json!("test b"), json!({ "inspect": false, }), ]) }), data: None, }, lsp::CodeLens { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 8, character: 11 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 8, character: 15 } }, command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "Debug".to_string(), command: "deno.test".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ json!("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts"), json!("test b"), json!({ "inspect": true, }), ]) }), data: None, } ] ); } }