#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-write --allow-read --allow-run --allow-net // Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { buildMode, getPrebuilt, getSources, join, ROOT_PATH } from "./util.js"; import { checkCopyright } from "./copyright_checker.js"; import * as ciFile from "../.github/workflows/ci.generate.ts"; const promises = []; let js = Deno.args.includes("--js"); let rs = Deno.args.includes("--rs"); if (!js && !rs) { js = true; rs = true; } if (rs) { promises.push(clippy()); } if (js) { promises.push(dlint()); promises.push(dlintPreferPrimordials()); promises.push(ensureCiYmlUpToDate()); if (rs) { promises.push(checkCopyright()); } } const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises); for (const result of results) { if (result.status === "rejected") { console.error(result.reason); Deno.exit(1); } } async function dlint() { const configFile = join(ROOT_PATH, ".dlint.json"); const execPath = await getPrebuilt("dlint"); const sourceFiles = await getSources(ROOT_PATH, [ "*.js", "*.ts", ":!:.github/mtime_cache/action.js", ":!:tests/testdata/swc_syntax_error.ts", ":!:tests/testdata/error_008_checkjs.js", ":!:cli/bench/testdata/npm/*", ":!:cli/bench/testdata/express-router.js", ":!:cli/bench/testdata/react-dom.js", ":!:cli/compilers/wasm_wrap.js", ":!:cli/tsc/dts/**", ":!:tests/testdata/encoding/**", ":!:tests/testdata/error_syntax.js", ":!:tests/testdata/file_extensions/ts_with_js_extension.js", ":!:tests/testdata/fmt/**", ":!:tests/testdata/npm/**", ":!:tests/testdata/lint/**", ":!:tests/testdata/run/**", ":!:tests/testdata/tsc/**", ":!:tests/testdata/test/glob/**", ":!:cli/tsc/*typescript.js", ":!:cli/tsc/compiler.d.ts", ":!:tests/wpt/suite/**", ]); if (!sourceFiles.length) { return; } const chunks = splitToChunks(sourceFiles, `${execPath} run`.length); const pending = []; for (const chunk of chunks) { const cmd = new Deno.Command(execPath, { cwd: ROOT_PATH, args: ["run", "--config=" + configFile, ...chunk], // capture to not conflict with clippy output stderr: "piped", }); pending.push( cmd.output().then(({ stderr, code }) => { if (code > 0) { const decoder = new TextDecoder(); console.log("\n------ dlint ------"); console.log(decoder.decode(stderr)); throw new Error("dlint failed"); } }), ); } await Promise.all(pending); } // `prefer-primordials` has to apply only to files related to bootstrapping, // which is different from other lint rules. This is why this dedicated function // is needed. async function dlintPreferPrimordials() { const execPath = await getPrebuilt("dlint"); const sourceFiles = await getSources(ROOT_PATH, [ "runtime/**/*.js", "runtime/**/*.ts", "ext/**/*.js", "ext/**/*.ts", ":!:ext/**/*.d.ts", "ext/node/polyfills/*.mjs", ]); if (!sourceFiles.length) { return; } const chunks = splitToChunks(sourceFiles, `${execPath} run`.length); for (const chunk of chunks) { const cmd = new Deno.Command(execPath, { cwd: ROOT_PATH, args: ["run", "--rule", "prefer-primordials", ...chunk], stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", }); const { code } = await cmd.output(); if (code > 0) { throw new Error("prefer-primordials failed"); } } } function splitToChunks(paths, initCmdLen) { let cmdLen = initCmdLen; const MAX_COMMAND_LEN = 30000; const chunks = [[]]; for (const p of paths) { if (cmdLen + p.length > MAX_COMMAND_LEN) { chunks.push([p]); cmdLen = initCmdLen; } else { chunks[chunks.length - 1].push(p); cmdLen += p.length; } } return chunks; } async function clippy() { const currentBuildMode = buildMode(); const cmd = ["clippy", "--all-targets", "--all-features", "--locked"]; if (currentBuildMode != "debug") { cmd.push("--release"); } const cargoCmd = new Deno.Command("cargo", { cwd: ROOT_PATH, args: [ ...cmd, "--", "-D", "warnings", "--deny", "clippy::unused_async", ], stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", }); const { code } = await cargoCmd.output(); if (code > 0) { throw new Error("clippy failed"); } } async function ensureCiYmlUpToDate() { const expectedCiFileText = ciFile.generate(); const actualCiFileText = await Deno.readTextFile(ciFile.CI_YML_URL); if (expectedCiFileText !== actualCiFileText) { throw new Error( "./.github/workflows/ci.yml is out of date. Run: ./.github/workflows/ci.generate.ts", ); } }