// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // This module ports: // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/stream_base-inl.h // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/stream_base.h // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/stream_base.cc // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/stream_wrap.h // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/stream_wrap.cc // TODO(petamoriken): enable prefer-primordials for node polyfills // deno-lint-ignore-file prefer-primordials import { core } from "ext:core/mod.js"; const { internalRidSymbol } = core; const { op_can_write_vectored, op_raw_write_vectored, } = core.ensureFastOps(); import { TextEncoder } from "ext:deno_web/08_text_encoding.js"; import { Buffer } from "node:buffer"; import { notImplemented } from "ext:deno_node/_utils.ts"; import { HandleWrap } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/handle_wrap.ts"; import { AsyncWrap, providerType, } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/async_wrap.ts"; import { codeMap } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/uv.ts"; interface Reader { read(p: Uint8Array): Promise; } interface Writer { write(p: Uint8Array): Promise; } export interface Closer { close(): void; } type Ref = { ref(): void; unref(): void }; const enum StreamBaseStateFields { kReadBytesOrError, kArrayBufferOffset, kBytesWritten, kLastWriteWasAsync, kNumStreamBaseStateFields, } export const kReadBytesOrError = StreamBaseStateFields.kReadBytesOrError; export const kArrayBufferOffset = StreamBaseStateFields.kArrayBufferOffset; export const kBytesWritten = StreamBaseStateFields.kBytesWritten; export const kLastWriteWasAsync = StreamBaseStateFields.kLastWriteWasAsync; export const kNumStreamBaseStateFields = StreamBaseStateFields.kNumStreamBaseStateFields; export const streamBaseState = new Uint8Array(5); // This is Deno, it always will be async. streamBaseState[kLastWriteWasAsync] = 1; export class WriteWrap extends AsyncWrap { handle!: H; oncomplete!: (status: number) => void; async!: boolean; bytes!: number; buffer!: unknown; callback!: unknown; _chunks!: unknown[]; constructor() { super(providerType.WRITEWRAP); } } export class ShutdownWrap extends AsyncWrap { handle!: H; oncomplete!: (status: number) => void; callback!: () => void; constructor() { super(providerType.SHUTDOWNWRAP); } } export const kStreamBaseField = Symbol("kStreamBaseField"); const SUGGESTED_SIZE = 64 * 1024; export class LibuvStreamWrap extends HandleWrap { [kStreamBaseField]?: Reader & Writer & Closer & Ref; reading!: boolean; #reading = false; destroyed = false; writeQueueSize = 0; bytesRead = 0; bytesWritten = 0; #buf = new Uint8Array(SUGGESTED_SIZE); onread!: (_arrayBuffer: Uint8Array, _nread: number) => Uint8Array | undefined; constructor( provider: providerType, stream?: Reader & Writer & Closer & Ref, ) { super(provider); this.#attachToObject(stream); } /** * Start the reading of the stream. * @return An error status code. */ readStart(): number { if (!this.#reading) { this.#reading = true; this.#read(); } return 0; } /** * Stop the reading of the stream. * @return An error status code. */ readStop(): number { this.#reading = false; return 0; } /** * Shutdown the stream. * @param req A shutdown request wrapper. * @return An error status code. */ shutdown(req: ShutdownWrap): number { const status = this._onClose(); try { req.oncomplete(status); } catch { // swallow callback error. } return 0; } /** * @param userBuf * @return An error status code. */ useUserBuffer(_userBuf: unknown): number { // TODO(cmorten) notImplemented("LibuvStreamWrap.prototype.useUserBuffer"); } /** * Write a buffer to the stream. * @param req A write request wrapper. * @param data The Uint8Array buffer to write to the stream. * @return An error status code. */ writeBuffer(req: WriteWrap, data: Uint8Array): number { this.#write(req, data); return 0; } /** * Write multiple chunks at once. * @param req A write request wrapper. * @param chunks * @param allBuffers * @return An error status code. */ writev( req: WriteWrap, chunks: Buffer[] | (string | Buffer)[], allBuffers: boolean, ): number { const supportsWritev = this.provider === providerType.TCPSERVERWRAP; const rid = this[kStreamBaseField]![internalRidSymbol]; // Fast case optimization: two chunks, and all buffers. if ( chunks.length === 2 && allBuffers && supportsWritev && op_can_write_vectored(rid) ) { // String chunks. if (typeof chunks[0] === "string") chunks[0] = Buffer.from(chunks[0]); if (typeof chunks[1] === "string") chunks[1] = Buffer.from(chunks[1]); op_raw_write_vectored( rid, chunks[0], chunks[1], ).then((nwritten) => { try { req.oncomplete(0); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } streamBaseState[kBytesWritten] = nwritten; this.bytesWritten += nwritten; }); return 0; } const count = allBuffers ? chunks.length : chunks.length >> 1; const buffers: Buffer[] = new Array(count); if (!allBuffers) { for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const chunk = chunks[i * 2]; if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) { buffers[i] = chunk; } // String chunk const encoding: string = chunks[i * 2 + 1] as string; buffers[i] = Buffer.from(chunk as string, encoding); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { buffers[i] = chunks[i] as Buffer; } } return this.writeBuffer(req, Buffer.concat(buffers)); } /** * Write an ASCII string to the stream. * @return An error status code. */ writeAsciiString(req: WriteWrap, data: string): number { const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(data); return this.writeBuffer(req, buffer); } /** * Write an UTF8 string to the stream. * @return An error status code. */ writeUtf8String(req: WriteWrap, data: string): number { const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(data); return this.writeBuffer(req, buffer); } /** * Write an UCS2 string to the stream. * @return An error status code. */ writeUcs2String(_req: WriteWrap, _data: string): number { notImplemented("LibuvStreamWrap.prototype.writeUcs2String"); } /** * Write an LATIN1 string to the stream. * @return An error status code. */ writeLatin1String(req: WriteWrap, data: string): number { const buffer = Buffer.from(data, "latin1"); return this.writeBuffer(req, buffer); } override _onClose(): number { let status = 0; this.#reading = false; try { this[kStreamBaseField]?.close(); } catch { status = codeMap.get("ENOTCONN")!; } return status; } /** * Attaches the class to the underlying stream. * @param stream The stream to attach to. */ #attachToObject(stream?: Reader & Writer & Closer & Ref) { this[kStreamBaseField] = stream; } /** Internal method for reading from the attached stream. */ async #read() { let buf = this.#buf; let nread: number | null; const ridBefore = this[kStreamBaseField]![internalRidSymbol]; try { nread = await this[kStreamBaseField]!.read(buf); } catch (e) { // Try to read again if the underlying stream resource // changed. This can happen during TLS upgrades (eg. STARTTLS) if ( ridBefore != this[kStreamBaseField]![internalRidSymbol] ) { return this.#read(); } if ( e instanceof Deno.errors.Interrupted || e instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource ) { nread = codeMap.get("EOF")!; } else if ( e instanceof Deno.errors.ConnectionReset || e instanceof Deno.errors.ConnectionAborted ) { nread = codeMap.get("ECONNRESET")!; } else { nread = codeMap.get("UNKNOWN")!; } } nread ??= codeMap.get("EOF")!; streamBaseState[kReadBytesOrError] = nread; if (nread > 0) { this.bytesRead += nread; } buf = buf.slice(0, nread); streamBaseState[kArrayBufferOffset] = 0; try { this.onread!(buf, nread); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } if (nread >= 0 && this.#reading) { this.#read(); } } /** * Internal method for writing to the attached stream. * @param req A write request wrapper. * @param data The Uint8Array buffer to write to the stream. */ async #write(req: WriteWrap, data: Uint8Array) { const { byteLength } = data; const ridBefore = this[kStreamBaseField]![internalRidSymbol]; let nwritten = 0; try { // TODO(crowlKats): duplicate from runtime/js/13_buffer.js while (nwritten < data.length) { nwritten += await this[kStreamBaseField]!.write( data.subarray(nwritten), ); } } catch (e) { // Try to read again if the underlying stream resource // changed. This can happen during TLS upgrades (eg. STARTTLS) if ( ridBefore != this[kStreamBaseField]![internalRidSymbol] ) { return this.#write(req, data.subarray(nwritten)); } let status: number; // TODO(cmorten): map err to status codes if ( e instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource || e instanceof Deno.errors.BrokenPipe ) { status = codeMap.get("EBADF")!; } else { status = codeMap.get("UNKNOWN")!; } try { req.oncomplete(status); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } return; } streamBaseState[kBytesWritten] = byteLength; this.bytesWritten += byteLength; try { req.oncomplete(0); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } return; } }