// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Usage: provide a port as argument to run hyper_hello benchmark server // otherwise this starts multiple servers on many ports for test endpoints. use anyhow::anyhow; use futures::FutureExt; use futures::Stream; use futures::StreamExt; use hyper::header::HeaderValue; use hyper::server::Server; use hyper::service::make_service_fn; use hyper::service::service_fn; use hyper::Body; use hyper::Request; use hyper::Response; use hyper::StatusCode; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use os_pipe::pipe; use regex::Regex; use rustls::Certificate; use rustls::PrivateKey; use serde::Serialize; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::Infallible; use std::env; use std::io; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; use std::mem::replace; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::pin::Pin; use std::process::Child; use std::process::Command; use std::process::Output; use std::process::Stdio; use std::result::Result; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::sync::MutexGuard; use std::task::Context; use std::task::Poll; use tempfile::TempDir; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tokio::net::TcpListener; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio_rustls::rustls; use tokio_rustls::TlsAcceptor; use tokio_tungstenite::accept_async; pub mod lsp; pub mod pty; const PORT: u16 = 4545; const TEST_AUTH_TOKEN: &str = "abcdef123456789"; const TEST_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME: &str = "testuser123"; const TEST_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: &str = "testpassabc"; const REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4546; const ANOTHER_REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4547; const DOUBLE_REDIRECTS_PORT: u16 = 4548; const INF_REDIRECTS_PORT: u16 = 4549; const REDIRECT_ABSOLUTE_PORT: u16 = 4550; const AUTH_REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4551; const TLS_CLIENT_AUTH_PORT: u16 = 4552; const BASIC_AUTH_REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4554; const TLS_PORT: u16 = 4557; const HTTPS_PORT: u16 = 5545; const H1_ONLY_PORT: u16 = 5546; const H2_ONLY_PORT: u16 = 5547; const HTTPS_CLIENT_AUTH_PORT: u16 = 5552; const WS_PORT: u16 = 4242; const WSS_PORT: u16 = 4243; const WS_CLOSE_PORT: u16 = 4244; pub const PERMISSION_VARIANTS: [&str; 5] = ["read", "write", "env", "net", "run"]; pub const PERMISSION_DENIED_PATTERN: &str = "PermissionDenied"; lazy_static! { // STRIP_ANSI_RE and strip_ansi_codes are lifted from the "console" crate. // Copyright 2017 Armin Ronacher . MIT License. static ref STRIP_ANSI_RE: Regex = Regex::new( r"[\x1b\x9b][\[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-PRZcf-nqry=><]" ).unwrap(); static ref GUARD: Mutex = Mutex::new(HttpServerCount::default()); } pub fn root_path() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))) .parent() .unwrap() .to_path_buf() } pub fn prebuilt_path() -> PathBuf { third_party_path().join("prebuilt") } pub fn tests_path() -> PathBuf { root_path().join("cli").join("tests") } pub fn testdata_path() -> PathBuf { tests_path().join("testdata") } pub fn third_party_path() -> PathBuf { root_path().join("third_party") } pub fn std_path() -> PathBuf { root_path().join("test_util").join("std") } pub fn target_dir() -> PathBuf { let current_exe = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); let target_dir = current_exe.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap(); target_dir.into() } pub fn deno_exe_path() -> PathBuf { // Something like /Users/rld/src/deno/target/debug/deps/deno let mut p = target_dir().join("deno"); if cfg!(windows) { p.set_extension("exe"); } p } pub fn prebuilt_tool_path(tool: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut exe = tool.to_string(); exe.push_str(if cfg!(windows) { ".exe" } else { "" }); prebuilt_path().join(platform_dir_name()).join(exe) } fn platform_dir_name() -> &'static str { if cfg!(target_os = "linux") { "linux64" } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { "mac" } else if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { "win" } else { unreachable!() } } pub fn test_server_path() -> PathBuf { let mut p = target_dir().join("test_server"); if cfg!(windows) { p.set_extension("exe"); } p } fn ensure_test_server_built() { // if the test server doesn't exist then remind the developer to build first if !test_server_path().exists() { panic!( "Test server not found. Please cargo build before running the tests." ); } } /// Benchmark server that just serves "hello world" responses. async fn hyper_hello(port: u16) { println!("hyper hello"); let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], port)); let hello_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async move { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(move |_: Request| async move { Ok::<_, Infallible>(Response::new(Body::from("Hello World!"))) })) }); let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(hello_svc); if let Err(e) = server.await { eprintln!("server error: {}", e); } } fn redirect_resp(url: String) -> Response { let mut redirect_resp = Response::new(Body::empty()); *redirect_resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::MOVED_PERMANENTLY; redirect_resp.headers_mut().insert( hyper::header::LOCATION, HeaderValue::from_str(&url[..]).unwrap(), ); redirect_resp } async fn redirect(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> { let p = req.uri().path(); assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/"); let url = format!("http://localhost:{}{}", PORT, p); Ok(redirect_resp(url)) } async fn double_redirects(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> { let p = req.uri().path(); assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/"); let url = format!("http://localhost:{}{}", REDIRECT_PORT, p); Ok(redirect_resp(url)) } async fn inf_redirects(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> { let p = req.uri().path(); assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/"); let url = format!("http://localhost:{}{}", INF_REDIRECTS_PORT, p); Ok(redirect_resp(url)) } async fn another_redirect(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> { let p = req.uri().path(); assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/"); let url = format!("http://localhost:{}/subdir{}", PORT, p); Ok(redirect_resp(url)) } async fn auth_redirect(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> { if let Some(auth) = req .headers() .get("authorization") .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap()) { if auth.to_lowercase() == format!("bearer {}", TEST_AUTH_TOKEN) { let p = req.uri().path(); assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/"); let url = format!("http://localhost:{}{}", PORT, p); return Ok(redirect_resp(url)); } } let mut resp = Response::new(Body::empty()); *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; Ok(resp) } async fn basic_auth_redirect( req: Request, ) -> hyper::Result> { if let Some(auth) = req .headers() .get("authorization") .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap()) { let credentials = format!("{}:{}", TEST_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME, TEST_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD); if auth == format!("Basic {}", base64::encode(credentials)) { let p = req.uri().path(); assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/"); let url = format!("http://localhost:{}{}", PORT, p); return Ok(redirect_resp(url)); } } let mut resp = Response::new(Body::empty()); *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; Ok(resp) } async fn run_ws_server(addr: &SocketAddr) { let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap(); println!("ready: ws"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount while let Ok((stream, _addr)) = listener.accept().await { tokio::spawn(async move { let ws_stream_fut = accept_async(stream); let ws_stream = ws_stream_fut.await; if let Ok(ws_stream) = ws_stream { let (tx, rx) = ws_stream.split(); rx.forward(tx) .map(|result| { if let Err(e) = result { println!("websocket server error: {:?}", e); } }) .await; } }); } } async fn run_ws_close_server(addr: &SocketAddr) { let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap(); while let Ok((stream, _addr)) = listener.accept().await { tokio::spawn(async move { let ws_stream_fut = accept_async(stream); let ws_stream = ws_stream_fut.await; if let Ok(mut ws_stream) = ws_stream { ws_stream.close(None).await.unwrap(); } }); } } enum SupportedHttpVersions { All, Http1Only, Http2Only, } impl Default for SupportedHttpVersions { fn default() -> SupportedHttpVersions { SupportedHttpVersions::All } } async fn get_tls_config( cert: &str, key: &str, ca: &str, http_versions: SupportedHttpVersions, ) -> io::Result> { let cert_path = testdata_path().join(cert); let key_path = testdata_path().join(key); let ca_path = testdata_path().join(ca); let cert_file = std::fs::File::open(cert_path)?; let key_file = std::fs::File::open(key_path)?; let ca_file = std::fs::File::open(ca_path)?; let certs: Vec = { let mut cert_reader = io::BufReader::new(cert_file); rustls_pemfile::certs(&mut cert_reader) .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(Certificate) .collect() }; let mut ca_cert_reader = io::BufReader::new(ca_file); let ca_cert = rustls_pemfile::certs(&mut ca_cert_reader) .expect("Cannot load CA certificate") .remove(0); let mut key_reader = io::BufReader::new(key_file); let key = { let pkcs8_key = rustls_pemfile::pkcs8_private_keys(&mut key_reader) .expect("Cannot load key file"); let rsa_key = rustls_pemfile::rsa_private_keys(&mut key_reader) .expect("Cannot load key file"); if !pkcs8_key.is_empty() { Some(pkcs8_key[0].clone()) } else if !rsa_key.is_empty() { Some(rsa_key[0].clone()) } else { None } }; match key { Some(key) => { let mut root_cert_store = rustls::RootCertStore::empty(); root_cert_store.add(&rustls::Certificate(ca_cert)).unwrap(); // Allow (but do not require) client authentication. let mut config = rustls::ServerConfig::builder() .with_safe_defaults() .with_client_cert_verifier( rustls::server::AllowAnyAnonymousOrAuthenticatedClient::new( root_cert_store, ), ) .with_single_cert(certs, PrivateKey(key)) .map_err(|e| { anyhow!("Error setting cert: {:?}", e); }) .unwrap(); match http_versions { SupportedHttpVersions::All => { config.alpn_protocols = vec!["h2".into(), "http/1.1".into()]; } SupportedHttpVersions::Http1Only => {} SupportedHttpVersions::Http2Only => { config.alpn_protocols = vec!["h2".into()]; } } Ok(Arc::new(config)) } None => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Cannot find key")), } } async fn run_wss_server(addr: &SocketAddr) { let cert_file = "tls/localhost.crt"; let key_file = "tls/localhost.key"; let ca_cert_file = "tls/RootCA.pem"; let tls_config = get_tls_config(cert_file, key_file, ca_cert_file, Default::default()) .await .unwrap(); let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_config); let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap(); println!("ready: wss"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount while let Ok((stream, _addr)) = listener.accept().await { let acceptor = tls_acceptor.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { match acceptor.accept(stream).await { Ok(tls_stream) => { let ws_stream_fut = accept_async(tls_stream); let ws_stream = ws_stream_fut.await; if let Ok(ws_stream) = ws_stream { let (tx, rx) = ws_stream.split(); rx.forward(tx) .map(|result| { if let Err(e) = result { println!("Websocket server error: {:?}", e); } }) .await; } } Err(e) => { eprintln!("TLS accept error: {:?}", e); } } }); } } /// This server responds with 'PASS' if client authentication was successful. Try it by running /// test_server and /// curl --key cli/tests/testdata/tls/localhost.key \ /// --cert cli/tests/testsdata/tls/localhost.crt \ /// --cacert cli/tests/testdata/tls/RootCA.crt https://localhost:4552/ async fn run_tls_client_auth_server() { let cert_file = "tls/localhost.crt"; let key_file = "tls/localhost.key"; let ca_cert_file = "tls/RootCA.pem"; let tls_config = get_tls_config(cert_file, key_file, ca_cert_file, Default::default()) .await .unwrap(); let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_config); // Listen on ALL addresses that localhost can resolves to. let accept = |listener: tokio::net::TcpListener| { async { let result = listener.accept().await; Some((result, listener)) } .boxed() }; let host_and_port = &format!("localhost:{}", TLS_CLIENT_AUTH_PORT); let listeners = tokio::net::lookup_host(host_and_port) .await .expect(host_and_port) .inspect(|address| println!("{} -> {}", host_and_port, address)) .map(tokio::net::TcpListener::bind) .collect::>() .collect::>() .await .into_iter() .map(|s| s.unwrap()) .map(|listener| futures::stream::unfold(listener, accept)) .collect::>(); println!("ready: tls client auth"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount let mut listeners = futures::stream::select_all(listeners); while let Some(Ok((stream, _addr))) = listeners.next().await { let acceptor = tls_acceptor.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { match acceptor.accept(stream).await { Ok(mut tls_stream) => { let (_, tls_session) = tls_stream.get_mut(); // We only need to check for the presence of client certificates // here. Rusttls ensures that they are valid and signed by the CA. let response = match tls_session.peer_certificates() { Some(_certs) => b"PASS", None => b"FAIL", }; tls_stream.write_all(response).await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("TLS accept error: {:?}", e); } } }); } } /// This server responds with 'PASS' if client authentication was successful. Try it by running /// test_server and /// curl --cacert cli/tests/testdata/tls/RootCA.crt https://localhost:4553/ async fn run_tls_server() { let cert_file = "tls/localhost.crt"; let key_file = "tls/localhost.key"; let ca_cert_file = "tls/RootCA.pem"; let tls_config = get_tls_config(cert_file, key_file, ca_cert_file, Default::default()) .await .unwrap(); let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_config); // Listen on ALL addresses that localhost can resolves to. let accept = |listener: tokio::net::TcpListener| { async { let result = listener.accept().await; Some((result, listener)) } .boxed() }; let host_and_port = &format!("localhost:{}", TLS_PORT); let listeners = tokio::net::lookup_host(host_and_port) .await .expect(host_and_port) .inspect(|address| println!("{} -> {}", host_and_port, address)) .map(tokio::net::TcpListener::bind) .collect::>() .collect::>() .await .into_iter() .map(|s| s.unwrap()) .map(|listener| futures::stream::unfold(listener, accept)) .collect::>(); println!("ready: tls"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount let mut listeners = futures::stream::select_all(listeners); while let Some(Ok((stream, _addr))) = listeners.next().await { let acceptor = tls_acceptor.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { match acceptor.accept(stream).await { Ok(mut tls_stream) => { tls_stream.write_all(b"PASS").await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("TLS accept error: {:?}", e); } } }); } } async fn absolute_redirect( req: Request, ) -> hyper::Result> { let path = req.uri().path(); if path.starts_with("/REDIRECT") { let url = &req.uri().path()[9..]; println!("URL: {:?}", url); let redirect = redirect_resp(url.to_string()); return Ok(redirect); } if path.starts_with("/a/b/c") { if let Some(x_loc) = req.headers().get("x-location") { let loc = x_loc.to_str().unwrap(); return Ok(redirect_resp(loc.to_string())); } } let mut file_path = testdata_path(); file_path.push(&req.uri().path()[1..]); if file_path.is_dir() || !file_path.exists() { let mut not_found_resp = Response::new(Body::empty()); *not_found_resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; return Ok(not_found_resp); } let file = tokio::fs::read(file_path).await.unwrap(); let file_resp = custom_headers(req.uri().path(), file); Ok(file_resp) } async fn main_server( req: Request, ) -> Result, hyper::http::Error> { return match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) { (&hyper::Method::POST, "/echo_server") => { let (parts, body) = req.into_parts(); let mut response = Response::new(body); if let Some(status) = parts.headers.get("x-status") { *response.status_mut() = StatusCode::from_bytes(status.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } if let Some(content_type) = parts.headers.get("content-type") { response .headers_mut() .insert("content-type", content_type.clone()); } if let Some(user_agent) = parts.headers.get("user-agent") { response .headers_mut() .insert("user-agent", user_agent.clone()); } Ok(response) } (&hyper::Method::POST, "/echo_multipart_file") => { let body = req.into_body(); let bytes = &hyper::body::to_bytes(body).await.unwrap()[0..]; let start = b"--boundary\t \r\n\ Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_1\"\r\n\ \r\n\ value_1 \r\n\ \r\n--boundary\r\n\ Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; \ filename=\"file.bin\"\r\n\ Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\ \r\n"; let end = b"\r\n--boundary--\r\n"; let b = [start as &[u8], bytes, end].concat(); let mut response = Response::new(Body::from(b)); response.headers_mut().insert( "content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary"), ); Ok(response) } (_, "/multipart_form_data.txt") => { let b = "Preamble\r\n\ --boundary\t \r\n\ Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_1\"\r\n\ \r\n\ value_1 \r\n\ \r\n--boundary\r\n\ Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_2\";\ filename=\"file.js\"\r\n\ Content-Type: text/javascript\r\n\ \r\n\ console.log(\"Hi\")\ \r\n--boundary--\r\n\ Epilogue"; let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(b)); res.headers_mut().insert( "content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/multipart_form_bad_content_type") => { let b = "Preamble\r\n\ --boundary\t \r\n\ Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_1\"\r\n\ \r\n\ value_1 \r\n\ \r\n--boundary\r\n\ Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_2\";\ filename=\"file.js\"\r\n\ Content-Type: text/javascript\r\n\ \r\n\ console.log(\"Hi\")\ \r\n--boundary--\r\n\ Epilogue"; let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(b)); res.headers_mut().insert( "content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("multipart/form-datatststs;boundary=boundary"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/bad_redirect") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty()); *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::FOUND; Ok(res) } (_, "/x_deno_warning.js") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty()); *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MOVED_PERMANENTLY; res .headers_mut() .insert("X-Deno-Warning", HeaderValue::from_static("foobar")); res.headers_mut().insert( "location", HeaderValue::from_bytes(b"/x_deno_warning_redirect.js").unwrap(), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/non_ascii_redirect") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty()); *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MOVED_PERMANENTLY; res.headers_mut().insert( "location", HeaderValue::from_bytes(b"/redirect\xae").unwrap(), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/etag_script.ts") => { let if_none_match = req.headers().get("if-none-match"); if if_none_match == Some(&HeaderValue::from_static("33a64df551425fcc55e")) { let mut resp = Response::new(Body::empty()); *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED; resp.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); resp .headers_mut() .insert("ETag", HeaderValue::from_static("33a64df551425fcc55e")); Ok(resp) } else { let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from("console.log('etag')")); resp.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); resp .headers_mut() .insert("ETag", HeaderValue::from_static("33a64df551425fcc55e")); Ok(resp) } } (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.js") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo = 'foo';")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); res.headers_mut().insert( "X-TypeScript-Types", HeaderValue::from_static("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.jsx") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo = 'foo';")); res .headers_mut() .insert("Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("text/jsx")); res.headers_mut().insert( "X-TypeScript-Types", HeaderValue::from_static("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.ts") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo: string = 'foo';")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); res.headers_mut().insert( "X-TypeScript-Types", HeaderValue::from_static("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo: 'foo';")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/type_directives_redirect.js") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo = 'foo';")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); res.headers_mut().insert( "X-TypeScript-Types", HeaderValue::from_static( "http://localhost:4547/xTypeScriptTypesRedirect.d.ts", ), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/type_headers_deno_types.foo.js") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from( "export function foo(text) { console.log(text); }", )); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); res.headers_mut().insert( "X-TypeScript-Types", HeaderValue::from_static( "http://localhost:4545/type_headers_deno_types.d.ts", ), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/type_headers_deno_types.d.ts") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export function foo(text: number): void;")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/type_headers_deno_types.foo.d.ts") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export function foo(text: string): void;")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/subdir/xTypeScriptTypesRedirect.d.ts") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from( "import './xTypeScriptTypesRedirected.d.ts';", )); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/subdir/xTypeScriptTypesRedirected.d.ts") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo: 'foo';")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/referenceTypes.js") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("/// \r\nexport const foo = \"foo\";\r\n")); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/subdir/file_with_:_in_name.ts") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from( "console.log('Hello from file_with_:_in_name.ts');", )); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/v1/extensionless") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(r#"export * from "/subdir/mod1.ts";"#)); res.headers_mut().insert( "content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/subdir/no_js_ext@1.0.0") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from( r#"import { printHello } from "./mod2.ts"; printHello(); "#, )); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/.well-known/deno-import-intellisense.json") => { let file_path = testdata_path().join("lsp/registries/deno-import-intellisense.json"); if let Ok(body) = tokio::fs::read(file_path).await { Ok(custom_headers( "/.well-known/deno-import-intellisense.json", body, )) } else { Ok(Response::new(Body::empty())) } } (_, "/http_version") => { let version = format!("{:?}", req.version()); Ok(Response::new(version.into())) } (_, "/content_length") => { let content_length = format!("{:?}", req.headers().get("content-length")); Ok(Response::new(content_length.into())) } (_, "/jsx/jsx-runtime") | (_, "/jsx/jsx-dev-runtime") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from( r#"export function jsx( _type, _props, _key, _source, _self, ) {} export const jsxs = jsx; export const jsxDEV = jsx; export const Fragment = Symbol("Fragment"); console.log("imported", import.meta.url); "#, )); res.headers_mut().insert( "Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/dynamic") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from( serde_json::to_string_pretty(&std::time::SystemTime::now()).unwrap(), )); res .headers_mut() .insert("cache-control", HeaderValue::from_static("no-cache")); Ok(res) } (_, "/dynamic_cache") => { let mut res = Response::new(Body::from( serde_json::to_string_pretty(&std::time::SystemTime::now()).unwrap(), )); res.headers_mut().insert( "cache-control", HeaderValue::from_static("public, max-age=604800, immutable"), ); Ok(res) } (_, "/echo_accept") => { let accept = req.headers().get("accept").map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap()); let res = Response::new(Body::from( serde_json::json!({ "accept": accept }).to_string(), )); Ok(res) } _ => { let mut file_path = testdata_path(); file_path.push(&req.uri().path()[1..]); if let Ok(file) = tokio::fs::read(file_path).await { let file_resp = custom_headers(req.uri().path(), file); return Ok(file_resp); } Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) .body(Body::empty()) } }; } /// Taken from example in https://github.com/ctz/hyper-rustls/blob/a02ef72a227dcdf102f86e905baa7415c992e8b3/examples/server.rs struct HyperAcceptor<'a> { acceptor: Pin< Box< dyn Stream>> + 'a, >, >, } impl hyper::server::accept::Accept for HyperAcceptor<'_> { type Conn = tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream; type Error = io::Error; fn poll_accept( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context, ) -> Poll>> { Pin::new(&mut self.acceptor).poll_next(cx) } } #[allow(clippy::non_send_fields_in_send_ty)] unsafe impl std::marker::Send for HyperAcceptor<'_> {} async fn wrap_redirect_server() { let redirect_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(redirect)) }); let redirect_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], REDIRECT_PORT)); let redirect_server = Server::bind(&redirect_addr).serve(redirect_svc); if let Err(e) = redirect_server.await { eprintln!("Redirect error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_double_redirect_server() { let double_redirects_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(double_redirects)) }); let double_redirects_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], DOUBLE_REDIRECTS_PORT)); let double_redirects_server = Server::bind(&double_redirects_addr).serve(double_redirects_svc); if let Err(e) = double_redirects_server.await { eprintln!("Double redirect error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_inf_redirect_server() { let inf_redirects_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(inf_redirects)) }); let inf_redirects_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], INF_REDIRECTS_PORT)); let inf_redirects_server = Server::bind(&inf_redirects_addr).serve(inf_redirects_svc); if let Err(e) = inf_redirects_server.await { eprintln!("Inf redirect error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_another_redirect_server() { let another_redirect_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(another_redirect)) }); let another_redirect_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], ANOTHER_REDIRECT_PORT)); let another_redirect_server = Server::bind(&another_redirect_addr).serve(another_redirect_svc); if let Err(e) = another_redirect_server.await { eprintln!("Another redirect error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_auth_redirect_server() { let auth_redirect_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(auth_redirect)) }); let auth_redirect_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], AUTH_REDIRECT_PORT)); let auth_redirect_server = Server::bind(&auth_redirect_addr).serve(auth_redirect_svc); if let Err(e) = auth_redirect_server.await { eprintln!("Auth redirect error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_basic_auth_redirect_server() { let basic_auth_redirect_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(basic_auth_redirect)) }); let basic_auth_redirect_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], BASIC_AUTH_REDIRECT_PORT)); let basic_auth_redirect_server = Server::bind(&basic_auth_redirect_addr).serve(basic_auth_redirect_svc); if let Err(e) = basic_auth_redirect_server.await { eprintln!("Basic auth redirect error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_abs_redirect_server() { let abs_redirect_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(absolute_redirect)) }); let abs_redirect_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], REDIRECT_ABSOLUTE_PORT)); let abs_redirect_server = Server::bind(&abs_redirect_addr).serve(abs_redirect_svc); if let Err(e) = abs_redirect_server.await { eprintln!("Absolute redirect error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_main_server() { let main_server_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(main_server)) }); let main_server_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], PORT)); let main_server = Server::bind(&main_server_addr).serve(main_server_svc); if let Err(e) = main_server.await { eprintln!("HTTP server error: {:?}", e); } } async fn wrap_main_https_server() { let main_server_https_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], HTTPS_PORT)); let cert_file = "tls/localhost.crt"; let key_file = "tls/localhost.key"; let ca_cert_file = "tls/RootCA.pem"; let tls_config = get_tls_config(cert_file, key_file, ca_cert_file, Default::default()) .await .unwrap(); loop { let tcp = TcpListener::bind(&main_server_https_addr) .await .expect("Cannot bind TCP"); println!("ready: https"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_config.clone()); // Prepare a long-running future stream to accept and serve cients. let incoming_tls_stream = async_stream::stream! { loop { let (socket, _) = tcp.accept().await?; let stream = tls_acceptor.accept(socket); yield stream.await; } } .boxed(); let main_server_https_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(main_server)) }); let main_server_https = Server::builder(HyperAcceptor { acceptor: incoming_tls_stream, }) .serve(main_server_https_svc); //continue to prevent TLS error stopping the server if main_server_https.await.is_err() { continue; } } } async fn wrap_https_h1_only_server() { let main_server_https_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], H1_ONLY_PORT)); let cert_file = "tls/localhost.crt"; let key_file = "tls/localhost.key"; let ca_cert_file = "tls/RootCA.pem"; let tls_config = get_tls_config( cert_file, key_file, ca_cert_file, SupportedHttpVersions::Http1Only, ) .await .unwrap(); loop { let tcp = TcpListener::bind(&main_server_https_addr) .await .expect("Cannot bind TCP"); println!("ready: https"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_config.clone()); // Prepare a long-running future stream to accept and serve cients. let incoming_tls_stream = async_stream::stream! { loop { let (socket, _) = tcp.accept().await?; let stream = tls_acceptor.accept(socket); yield stream.await; } } .boxed(); let main_server_https_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(main_server)) }); let main_server_https = Server::builder(HyperAcceptor { acceptor: incoming_tls_stream, }) .http1_only(true) .serve(main_server_https_svc); //continue to prevent TLS error stopping the server if main_server_https.await.is_err() { continue; } } } async fn wrap_https_h2_only_server() { let main_server_https_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], H2_ONLY_PORT)); let cert_file = "tls/localhost.crt"; let key_file = "tls/localhost.key"; let ca_cert_file = "tls/RootCA.pem"; let tls_config = get_tls_config( cert_file, key_file, ca_cert_file, SupportedHttpVersions::Http2Only, ) .await .unwrap(); loop { let tcp = TcpListener::bind(&main_server_https_addr) .await .expect("Cannot bind TCP"); println!("ready: https"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_config.clone()); // Prepare a long-running future stream to accept and serve cients. let incoming_tls_stream = async_stream::stream! { loop { let (socket, _) = tcp.accept().await?; let stream = tls_acceptor.accept(socket); yield stream.await; } } .boxed(); let main_server_https_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(main_server)) }); let main_server_https = Server::builder(HyperAcceptor { acceptor: incoming_tls_stream, }) .http2_only(true) .serve(main_server_https_svc); //continue to prevent TLS error stopping the server if main_server_https.await.is_err() { continue; } } } async fn wrap_client_auth_https_server() { let main_server_https_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], HTTPS_CLIENT_AUTH_PORT)); let cert_file = "tls/localhost.crt"; let key_file = "tls/localhost.key"; let ca_cert_file = "tls/RootCA.pem"; let tls_config = get_tls_config(cert_file, key_file, ca_cert_file, Default::default()) .await .unwrap(); loop { let tcp = TcpListener::bind(&main_server_https_addr) .await .expect("Cannot bind TCP"); println!("ready: https_client_auth on :{:?}", HTTPS_CLIENT_AUTH_PORT); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_config.clone()); // Prepare a long-running future stream to accept and serve cients. let incoming_tls_stream = async_stream::stream! { loop { let (socket, _) = tcp.accept().await?; match tls_acceptor.accept(socket).await { Ok(mut tls_stream) => { let (_, tls_session) = tls_stream.get_mut(); // We only need to check for the presence of client certificates // here. Rusttls ensures that they are valid and signed by the CA. match tls_session.peer_certificates() { Some(_certs) => { yield Ok(tls_stream); }, None => { eprintln!("https_client_auth: no valid client certificate"); }, }; } Err(e) => { eprintln!("https-client-auth accept error: {:?}", e); yield Err(e); } } } } .boxed(); let main_server_https_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(main_server)) }); let main_server_https = Server::builder(HyperAcceptor { acceptor: incoming_tls_stream, }) .serve(main_server_https_svc); //continue to prevent TLS error stopping the server if main_server_https.await.is_err() { continue; } } } // Use the single-threaded scheduler. The hyper server is used as a point of // comparison for the (single-threaded!) benchmarks in cli/bench. We're not // comparing apples to apples if we use the default multi-threaded scheduler. #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] pub async fn run_all_servers() { if let Some(port) = env::args().nth(1) { return hyper_hello(port.parse::().unwrap()).await; } let redirect_server_fut = wrap_redirect_server(); let double_redirects_server_fut = wrap_double_redirect_server(); let inf_redirects_server_fut = wrap_inf_redirect_server(); let another_redirect_server_fut = wrap_another_redirect_server(); let auth_redirect_server_fut = wrap_auth_redirect_server(); let basic_auth_redirect_server_fut = wrap_basic_auth_redirect_server(); let abs_redirect_server_fut = wrap_abs_redirect_server(); let ws_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], WS_PORT)); let ws_server_fut = run_ws_server(&ws_addr); let wss_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], WSS_PORT)); let wss_server_fut = run_wss_server(&wss_addr); let ws_close_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], WS_CLOSE_PORT)); let ws_close_server_fut = run_ws_close_server(&ws_close_addr); let tls_server_fut = run_tls_server(); let tls_client_auth_server_fut = run_tls_client_auth_server(); let client_auth_server_https_fut = wrap_client_auth_https_server(); let main_server_fut = wrap_main_server(); let main_server_https_fut = wrap_main_https_server(); let h1_only_server_fut = wrap_https_h1_only_server(); let h2_only_server_fut = wrap_https_h2_only_server(); let mut server_fut = async { futures::join!( redirect_server_fut, ws_server_fut, wss_server_fut, tls_server_fut, tls_client_auth_server_fut, ws_close_server_fut, another_redirect_server_fut, auth_redirect_server_fut, basic_auth_redirect_server_fut, inf_redirects_server_fut, double_redirects_server_fut, abs_redirect_server_fut, main_server_fut, main_server_https_fut, client_auth_server_https_fut, h1_only_server_fut, h2_only_server_fut ) } .boxed(); let mut did_print_ready = false; futures::future::poll_fn(move |cx| { let poll_result = server_fut.poll_unpin(cx); if !replace(&mut did_print_ready, true) { println!("ready: server_fut"); // Eye catcher for HttpServerCount } poll_result }) .await; } fn custom_headers(p: &str, body: Vec) -> Response { let mut response = Response::new(Body::from(body)); if p.ends_with("/053_import_compression/brotli") { response .headers_mut() .insert("Content-Encoding", HeaderValue::from_static("br")); response.headers_mut().insert( "Content-Type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); response .headers_mut() .insert("Content-Length", HeaderValue::from_static("26")); return response; } if p.ends_with("/053_import_compression/gziped") { response .headers_mut() .insert("Content-Encoding", HeaderValue::from_static("gzip")); response.headers_mut().insert( "Content-Type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"), ); response .headers_mut() .insert("Content-Length", HeaderValue::from_static("39")); return response; } if p.contains("/encoding/") { let charset = p .split_terminator('/') .last() .unwrap() .trim_end_matches(".ts"); response.headers_mut().insert( "Content-Type", HeaderValue::from_str( &format!("application/typescript;charset={}", charset)[..], ) .unwrap(), ); return response; } let content_type = if p.contains(".t1.") { Some("text/typescript") } else if p.contains(".t2.") { Some("video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts") } else if p.contains(".t3.") { Some("video/mp2t") } else if p.contains(".t4.") { Some("application/x-typescript") } else if p.contains(".j1.") { Some("text/javascript") } else if p.contains(".j2.") { Some("application/ecmascript") } else if p.contains(".j3.") { Some("text/ecmascript") } else if p.contains(".j4.") { Some("application/x-javascript") } else if p.contains("form_urlencoded") { Some("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") } else if p.contains("unknown_ext") || p.contains("no_ext") { Some("text/typescript") } else if p.contains("mismatch_ext") || p.contains("no_js_ext") { Some("text/javascript") } else if p.ends_with(".ts") || p.ends_with(".tsx") { Some("application/typescript") } else if p.ends_with(".js") || p.ends_with(".jsx") { Some("application/javascript") } else if p.ends_with(".json") { Some("application/json") } else if p.ends_with(".wasm") { Some("application/wasm") } else { None }; if let Some(t) = content_type { response .headers_mut() .insert("Content-Type", HeaderValue::from_str(t).unwrap()); return response; } response } #[derive(Default)] struct HttpServerCount { count: usize, test_server: Option, } impl HttpServerCount { fn inc(&mut self) { self.count += 1; if self.test_server.is_none() { assert_eq!(self.count, 1); println!("test_server starting..."); let mut test_server = Command::new(test_server_path()) .current_dir(testdata_path()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("failed to execute test_server"); let stdout = test_server.stdout.as_mut().unwrap(); use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; let lines = BufReader::new(stdout).lines(); // Wait for all the servers to report being ready. let mut ready_count = 0; for maybe_line in lines { if let Ok(line) = maybe_line { if line.starts_with("ready:") { ready_count += 1; } if ready_count == 6 { break; } } else { panic!("{}", maybe_line.unwrap_err()); } } self.test_server = Some(test_server); } } fn dec(&mut self) { assert!(self.count > 0); self.count -= 1; if self.count == 0 { let mut test_server = self.test_server.take().unwrap(); match test_server.try_wait() { Ok(None) => { test_server.kill().expect("failed to kill test_server"); let _ = test_server.wait(); } Ok(Some(status)) => { panic!("test_server exited unexpectedly {}", status) } Err(e) => panic!("test_server error: {}", e), } } } } impl Drop for HttpServerCount { fn drop(&mut self) { assert_eq!(self.count, 0); assert!(self.test_server.is_none()); } } fn lock_http_server<'a>() -> MutexGuard<'a, HttpServerCount> { let r = GUARD.lock(); if let Err(poison_err) = r { // If panics happened, ignore it. This is for tests. poison_err.into_inner() } else { r.unwrap() } } pub struct HttpServerGuard {} impl Drop for HttpServerGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { let mut g = lock_http_server(); g.dec(); } } /// Adds a reference to a shared target/debug/test_server subprocess. When the /// last instance of the HttpServerGuard is dropped, the subprocess will be /// killed. pub fn http_server() -> HttpServerGuard { ensure_test_server_built(); let mut g = lock_http_server(); g.inc(); HttpServerGuard {} } /// Helper function to strip ansi codes. pub fn strip_ansi_codes(s: &str) -> std::borrow::Cow { STRIP_ANSI_RE.replace_all(s, "") } pub fn run( cmd: &[&str], input: Option<&[&str]>, envs: Option>, current_dir: Option<&str>, expect_success: bool, ) { let mut process_builder = Command::new(cmd[0]); process_builder.args(&cmd[1..]).stdin(Stdio::piped()); if let Some(dir) = current_dir { process_builder.current_dir(dir); } if let Some(envs) = envs { process_builder.envs(envs); } let mut prog = process_builder.spawn().expect("failed to spawn script"); if let Some(lines) = input { let stdin = prog.stdin.as_mut().expect("failed to get stdin"); stdin .write_all(lines.join("\n").as_bytes()) .expect("failed to write to stdin"); } let status = prog.wait().expect("failed to wait on child"); if expect_success != status.success() { panic!("Unexpected exit code: {:?}", status.code()); } } pub fn run_collect( cmd: &[&str], input: Option<&[&str]>, envs: Option>, current_dir: Option<&str>, expect_success: bool, ) -> (String, String) { let mut process_builder = Command::new(cmd[0]); process_builder .args(&cmd[1..]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()); if let Some(dir) = current_dir { process_builder.current_dir(dir); } if let Some(envs) = envs { process_builder.envs(envs); } let mut prog = process_builder.spawn().expect("failed to spawn script"); if let Some(lines) = input { let stdin = prog.stdin.as_mut().expect("failed to get stdin"); stdin .write_all(lines.join("\n").as_bytes()) .expect("failed to write to stdin"); } let Output { stdout, stderr, status, } = prog.wait_with_output().expect("failed to wait on child"); let stdout = String::from_utf8(stdout).unwrap(); let stderr = String::from_utf8(stderr).unwrap(); if expect_success != status.success() { eprintln!("stdout: <<<{}>>>", stdout); eprintln!("stderr: <<<{}>>>", stderr); panic!("Unexpected exit code: {:?}", status.code()); } (stdout, stderr) } pub fn run_and_collect_output( expect_success: bool, args: &str, input: Option>, envs: Option>, need_http_server: bool, ) -> (String, String) { run_and_collect_output_with_args( expect_success, args.split_whitespace().collect(), input, envs, need_http_server, ) } pub fn run_and_collect_output_with_args( expect_success: bool, args: Vec<&str>, input: Option>, envs: Option>, need_http_server: bool, ) -> (String, String) { let mut deno_process_builder = deno_cmd(); deno_process_builder .args(args) .current_dir(&testdata_path()) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()); if let Some(envs) = envs { deno_process_builder.envs(envs); } let _http_guard = if need_http_server { Some(http_server()) } else { None }; let mut deno = deno_process_builder .spawn() .expect("failed to spawn script"); if let Some(lines) = input { let stdin = deno.stdin.as_mut().expect("failed to get stdin"); stdin .write_all(lines.join("\n").as_bytes()) .expect("failed to write to stdin"); } let Output { stdout, stderr, status, } = deno.wait_with_output().expect("failed to wait on child"); let stdout = String::from_utf8(stdout).unwrap(); let stderr = String::from_utf8(stderr).unwrap(); if expect_success != status.success() { eprintln!("stdout: <<<{}>>>", stdout); eprintln!("stderr: <<<{}>>>", stderr); panic!("Unexpected exit code: {:?}", status.code()); } (stdout, stderr) } pub fn new_deno_dir() -> TempDir { TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail") } pub fn deno_cmd() -> Command { let deno_dir = new_deno_dir(); deno_cmd_with_deno_dir(deno_dir.path()) } pub fn deno_cmd_with_deno_dir(deno_dir: &std::path::Path) -> Command { let e = deno_exe_path(); assert!(e.exists()); let mut c = Command::new(e); c.env("DENO_DIR", deno_dir); c } pub fn run_powershell_script_file( script_file_path: &str, args: Vec<&str>, ) -> std::result::Result<(), i64> { let deno_dir = new_deno_dir(); let mut command = Command::new("powershell.exe"); command .env("DENO_DIR", deno_dir.path()) .current_dir(testdata_path()) .arg("-file") .arg(script_file_path); for arg in args { command.arg(arg); } let output = command.output().expect("failed to spawn script"); let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); let stderr = String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap(); println!("{}", stdout); if !output.status.success() { panic!( "{} executed with failing error code\n{}{}", script_file_path, stdout, stderr ); } Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct CheckOutputIntegrationTest { pub args: &'static str, pub output: &'static str, pub input: Option<&'static str>, pub output_str: Option<&'static str>, pub exit_code: i32, pub http_server: bool, pub envs: Vec<(String, String)>, } impl CheckOutputIntegrationTest { pub fn run(&self) { let args = self.args.split_whitespace(); let deno_exe = deno_exe_path(); println!("deno_exe path {}", deno_exe.display()); let _http_server_guard = if self.http_server { Some(http_server()) } else { None }; let (mut reader, writer) = pipe().unwrap(); let testdata_dir = testdata_path(); let mut command = deno_cmd(); println!("deno_exe args {}", self.args); println!("deno_exe testdata path {:?}", &testdata_dir); command.args(args); command.envs(self.envs.clone()); command.current_dir(&testdata_dir); command.stdin(Stdio::piped()); let writer_clone = writer.try_clone().unwrap(); command.stderr(writer_clone); command.stdout(writer); let mut process = command.spawn().expect("failed to execute process"); if let Some(input) = self.input { let mut p_stdin = process.stdin.take().unwrap(); write!(p_stdin, "{}", input).unwrap(); } // Very important when using pipes: This parent process is still // holding its copies of the write ends, and we have to close them // before we read, otherwise the read end will never report EOF. The // Command object owns the writers now, and dropping it closes them. drop(command); let mut actual = String::new(); reader.read_to_string(&mut actual).unwrap(); let status = process.wait().expect("failed to finish process"); if let Some(exit_code) = status.code() { if self.exit_code != exit_code { println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual); panic!( "bad exit code, expected: {:?}, actual: {:?}", self.exit_code, exit_code ); } } else { #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt; let signal = status.signal().unwrap(); println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual); panic!( "process terminated by signal, expected exit code: {:?}, actual signal: {:?}", self.exit_code, signal ); } #[cfg(not(unix))] { println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual); panic!("process terminated without status code on non unix platform, expected exit code: {:?}", self.exit_code); } } actual = strip_ansi_codes(&actual).to_string(); let expected = if let Some(s) = self.output_str { s.to_owned() } else { let output_path = testdata_dir.join(self.output); println!("output path {}", output_path.display()); std::fs::read_to_string(output_path).expect("cannot read output") }; if !wildcard_match(&expected, &actual) { println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual); println!("EXPECTED\n{}\nEXPECTED", expected); panic!("pattern match failed"); } } } pub fn wildcard_match(pattern: &str, s: &str) -> bool { pattern_match(pattern, s, "[WILDCARD]") } pub fn pattern_match(pattern: &str, s: &str, wildcard: &str) -> bool { // Normalize line endings let mut s = s.replace("\r\n", "\n"); let pattern = pattern.replace("\r\n", "\n"); if pattern == wildcard { return true; } let parts = pattern.split(wildcard).collect::>(); if parts.len() == 1 { return pattern == s; } if !s.starts_with(parts[0]) { return false; } // If the first line of the pattern is just a wildcard the newline character // needs to be pre-pended so it can safely match anything or nothing and // continue matching. if pattern.lines().next() == Some(wildcard) { s.insert(0, '\n'); } let mut t = s.split_at(parts[0].len()); for (i, part) in parts.iter().enumerate() { if i == 0 { continue; } dbg!(part, i); if i == parts.len() - 1 && (part.is_empty() || *part == "\n") { dbg!("exit 1 true", i); return true; } if let Some(found) = t.1.find(*part) { dbg!("found ", found); t = t.1.split_at(found + part.len()); } else { dbg!("exit false ", i); return false; } } dbg!("end ", t.1.len()); t.1.is_empty() } pub enum PtyData { Input(&'static str), Output(&'static str), } pub fn test_pty2(args: &str, data: Vec) { use std::io::BufRead; with_pty(&args.split_whitespace().collect::>(), |console| { let mut buf_reader = std::io::BufReader::new(console); for d in data.iter() { match d { PtyData::Input(s) => { println!("INPUT {}", s.escape_debug()); buf_reader.get_mut().write_text(s); // Because of tty echo, we should be able to read the same string back. assert!(s.ends_with('\n')); let mut echo = String::new(); buf_reader.read_line(&mut echo).unwrap(); println!("ECHO: {}", echo.escape_debug()); // Windows may also echo the previous line, so only check the end assert!(normalize_text(&echo).ends_with(&normalize_text(s))); } PtyData::Output(s) => { let mut line = String::new(); if s.ends_with('\n') { buf_reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap(); } else { // assumes the buffer won't have overlapping virtual terminal sequences while normalize_text(&line).len() < normalize_text(s).len() { let mut buf = [0; 64 * 1024]; let bytes_read = buf_reader.read(&mut buf).unwrap(); assert!(bytes_read > 0); let buf_str = std::str::from_utf8(&buf) .unwrap() .trim_end_matches(char::from(0)); line += buf_str; } } println!("OUTPUT {}", line.escape_debug()); assert_eq!(normalize_text(&line), normalize_text(s)); } } } }); // This normalization function is not comprehensive // and may need to updated as new scenarios emerge. fn normalize_text(text: &str) -> String { lazy_static! { static ref MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT_ONE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"\x1b\[1C").unwrap(); static ref FOUND_SEQUENCES_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(\x1b\]0;[^\x07]*\x07)*(\x08)*(\x1b\[\d+X)*").unwrap(); static ref CARRIAGE_RETURN_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"[^\n]*\r([^\n])").unwrap(); } // any "move cursor right" sequences should just be a space let text = MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT_ONE_RE.replace_all(text, " "); // replace additional virtual terminal sequences that strip ansi codes doesn't catch let text = FOUND_SEQUENCES_RE.replace_all(&text, ""); // strip any ansi codes, which also strips more terminal sequences let text = strip_ansi_codes(&text); // get rid of any text that is overwritten with only a carriage return let text = CARRIAGE_RETURN_RE.replace_all(&text, "$1"); // finally, trim surrounding whitespace text.trim().to_string() } } pub fn with_pty(deno_args: &[&str], mut action: impl FnMut(Box)) { if !atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdin) || !atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr) { eprintln!("Ignoring non-tty environment."); return; } let deno_dir = new_deno_dir(); let mut env_vars = std::collections::HashMap::new(); env_vars.insert("NO_COLOR".to_string(), "1".to_string()); env_vars.insert( "DENO_DIR".to_string(), deno_dir.path().to_string_lossy().to_string(), ); let pty = pty::create_pty( &deno_exe_path().to_string_lossy().to_string(), deno_args, testdata_path(), Some(env_vars), ); action(pty); } pub struct WrkOutput { pub latency: f64, pub requests: u64, } pub fn parse_wrk_output(output: &str) -> WrkOutput { lazy_static! { static ref REQUESTS_RX: Regex = Regex::new(r"Requests/sec:\s+(\d+)").unwrap(); static ref LATENCY_RX: Regex = Regex::new(r"\s+99%(?:\s+(\d+.\d+)([a-z]+))").unwrap(); } let mut requests = None; let mut latency = None; for line in output.lines() { if requests == None { if let Some(cap) = REQUESTS_RX.captures(line) { requests = Some(str::parse::(cap.get(1).unwrap().as_str()).unwrap()); } } if latency == None { if let Some(cap) = LATENCY_RX.captures(line) { let time = cap.get(1).unwrap(); let unit = cap.get(2).unwrap(); latency = Some( str::parse::(time.as_str()).unwrap() * match unit.as_str() { "ms" => 1.0, "us" => 0.001, "s" => 1000.0, _ => unreachable!(), }, ); } } } WrkOutput { requests: requests.unwrap(), latency: latency.unwrap(), } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] pub struct StraceOutput { pub percent_time: f64, pub seconds: f64, pub usecs_per_call: Option, pub calls: u64, pub errors: u64, } pub fn parse_strace_output(output: &str) -> HashMap { let mut summary = HashMap::new(); // Filter out non-relevant lines. See the error log at // https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/3715/checks?check_run_id=397365887 // This is checked in testdata/strace_summary2.out let mut lines = output .lines() .filter(|line| !line.is_empty() && !line.contains("detached ...")); let count = lines.clone().count(); if count < 4 { return summary; } let total_line = lines.next_back().unwrap(); lines.next_back(); // Drop separator let data_lines = lines.skip(2); for line in data_lines { let syscall_fields = line.split_whitespace().collect::>(); let len = syscall_fields.len(); let syscall_name = syscall_fields.last().unwrap(); if (5..=6).contains(&len) { summary.insert( syscall_name.to_string(), StraceOutput { percent_time: str::parse::(syscall_fields[0]).unwrap(), seconds: str::parse::(syscall_fields[1]).unwrap(), usecs_per_call: Some(str::parse::(syscall_fields[2]).unwrap()), calls: str::parse::(syscall_fields[3]).unwrap(), errors: if syscall_fields.len() < 6 { 0 } else { str::parse::(syscall_fields[4]).unwrap() }, }, ); } } let total_fields = total_line.split_whitespace().collect::>(); summary.insert( "total".to_string(), StraceOutput { percent_time: str::parse::(total_fields[0]).unwrap(), seconds: str::parse::(total_fields[1]).unwrap(), usecs_per_call: None, calls: str::parse::(total_fields[2]).unwrap(), errors: str::parse::(total_fields[3]).unwrap(), }, ); summary } pub fn parse_max_mem(output: &str) -> Option { // Takes the output from "time -v" as input and extracts the 'maximum // resident set size' and returns it in bytes. for line in output.lines() { if line .to_lowercase() .contains("maximum resident set size (kbytes)") { let value = line.split(": ").nth(1).unwrap(); return Some(str::parse::(value).unwrap() * 1024); } } None } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn parse_wrk_output_1() { const TEXT: &str = include_str!("./testdata/wrk1.txt"); let wrk = parse_wrk_output(TEXT); assert_eq!(wrk.requests, 1837); assert!((wrk.latency - 6.25).abs() < f64::EPSILON); } #[test] fn parse_wrk_output_2() { const TEXT: &str = include_str!("./testdata/wrk2.txt"); let wrk = parse_wrk_output(TEXT); assert_eq!(wrk.requests, 53435); assert!((wrk.latency - 6.22).abs() < f64::EPSILON); } #[test] fn parse_wrk_output_3() { const TEXT: &str = include_str!("./testdata/wrk3.txt"); let wrk = parse_wrk_output(TEXT); assert_eq!(wrk.requests, 96037); assert!((wrk.latency - 6.36).abs() < f64::EPSILON); } #[test] fn strace_parse_1() { const TEXT: &str = include_str!("./testdata/strace_summary.out"); let strace = parse_strace_output(TEXT); // first syscall line let munmap = strace.get("munmap").unwrap(); assert_eq!(munmap.calls, 60); assert_eq!(munmap.errors, 0); // line with errors assert_eq!(strace.get("mkdir").unwrap().errors, 2); // last syscall line let prlimit = strace.get("prlimit64").unwrap(); assert_eq!(prlimit.calls, 2); assert!((prlimit.percent_time - 0.0).abs() < f64::EPSILON); // summary line assert_eq!(strace.get("total").unwrap().calls, 704); assert_eq!(strace.get("total").unwrap().errors, 5); } #[test] fn strace_parse_2() { const TEXT: &str = include_str!("./testdata/strace_summary2.out"); let strace = parse_strace_output(TEXT); // first syscall line let futex = strace.get("futex").unwrap(); assert_eq!(futex.calls, 449); assert_eq!(futex.errors, 94); // summary line assert_eq!(strace.get("total").unwrap().calls, 821); assert_eq!(strace.get("total").unwrap().errors, 107); } #[test] fn test_wildcard_match() { let fixtures = vec![ ("foobarbaz", "foobarbaz", true), ("[WILDCARD]", "foobarbaz", true), ("foobar", "foobarbaz", false), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz", "foobarbaz", true), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz", "foobazbar", false), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz[WILDCARD]qux", "foobarbazqatqux", true), ("foo[WILDCARD]", "foobar", true), ("foo[WILDCARD]baz[WILDCARD]", "foobarbazqat", true), // check with different line endings ("foo[WILDCARD]\nbaz[WILDCARD]\n", "foobar\nbazqat\n", true), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\nbaz[WILDCARD]\n", "foobar\r\nbazqat\r\n", true, ), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\r\nbaz[WILDCARD]\n", "foobar\nbazqat\r\n", true, ), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\r\nbaz[WILDCARD]\r\n", "foobar\nbazqat\n", true, ), ( "foo[WILDCARD]\r\nbaz[WILDCARD]\r\n", "foobar\r\nbazqat\r\n", true, ), ]; // Iterate through the fixture lists, testing each one for (pattern, string, expected) in fixtures { let actual = wildcard_match(pattern, string); dbg!(pattern, string, expected); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } } #[test] fn test_pattern_match() { // foo, bar, baz, qux, quux, quuz, corge, grault, garply, waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy let wildcard = "[BAR]"; assert!(pattern_match("foo[BAR]baz", "foobarbaz", wildcard)); assert!(!pattern_match("foo[BAR]baz", "foobazbar", wildcard)); let multiline_pattern = "[BAR] foo: [BAR]baz[BAR]"; fn multi_line_builder(input: &str, leading_text: Option<&str>) -> String { // If there is leading text add a newline so it's on it's own line let head = match leading_text { Some(v) => format!("{}\n", v), None => "".to_string(), }; format!( "{}foo: quuz {} corge grault", head, input ) } // Validate multi-line string builder assert_eq!( "QUUX=qux foo: quuz BAZ corge grault", multi_line_builder("BAZ", Some("QUUX=qux")) ); // Correct input & leading line assert!(pattern_match( multiline_pattern, &multi_line_builder("baz", Some("QUX=quux")), wildcard )); // Correct input & no leading line assert!(pattern_match( multiline_pattern, &multi_line_builder("baz", None), wildcard )); // Incorrect input & leading line assert!(!pattern_match( multiline_pattern, &multi_line_builder("garply", Some("QUX=quux")), wildcard )); // Incorrect input & no leading line assert!(!pattern_match( multiline_pattern, &multi_line_builder("garply", None), wildcard )); } #[test] fn max_mem_parse() { const TEXT: &str = include_str!("./testdata/time.out"); let size = parse_max_mem(TEXT); assert_eq!(size, Some(120380 * 1024)); } }