// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import { assert, assertEquals, AssertionError, assertIsError, assertThrows, pathToAbsoluteFileUrl, } from "./test_util.ts"; function assertMissing(path: string) { let caughtErr = false; let info; try { info = Deno.lstatSync(path); } catch (e) { caughtErr = true; assert(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound); } assert(caughtErr); assertEquals(info, undefined); } function assertFile(path: string) { const info = Deno.lstatSync(path); assert(info.isFile); } function assertDirectory(path: string, mode?: number) { const info = Deno.lstatSync(path); assert(info.isDirectory); if (Deno.build.os !== "windows" && mode !== undefined) { assertEquals(info.mode! & 0o777, mode & ~Deno.umask()); } } Deno.test( { permissions: { read: true, write: true } }, function renameSyncSuccess() { const testDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const oldpath = testDir + "/oldpath"; const newpath = testDir + "/newpath"; Deno.mkdirSync(oldpath); Deno.renameSync(oldpath, newpath); assertDirectory(newpath); assertMissing(oldpath); }, ); Deno.test( { permissions: { read: true, write: true } }, function renameSyncWithURL() { const testDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const oldpath = testDir + "/oldpath"; const newpath = testDir + "/newpath"; Deno.mkdirSync(oldpath); Deno.renameSync( pathToAbsoluteFileUrl(oldpath), pathToAbsoluteFileUrl(newpath), ); assertDirectory(newpath); assertMissing(oldpath); }, ); Deno.test( { permissions: { read: false, write: true } }, function renameSyncReadPerm() { assertThrows(() => { const oldpath = "/oldbaddir"; const newpath = "/newbaddir"; Deno.renameSync(oldpath, newpath); }, Deno.errors.NotCapable); }, ); Deno.test( { permissions: { read: true, write: false } }, function renameSyncWritePerm() { assertThrows(() => { const oldpath = "/oldbaddir"; const newpath = "/newbaddir"; Deno.renameSync(oldpath, newpath); }, Deno.errors.NotCapable); }, ); Deno.test( { permissions: { read: true, write: true } }, async function renameSuccess() { const testDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const oldpath = testDir + "/oldpath"; const newpath = testDir + "/newpath"; Deno.mkdirSync(oldpath); await Deno.rename(oldpath, newpath); assertDirectory(newpath); assertMissing(oldpath); }, ); Deno.test( { permissions: { read: true, write: true } }, async function renameWithURL() { const testDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const oldpath = testDir + "/oldpath"; const newpath = testDir + "/newpath"; Deno.mkdirSync(oldpath); await Deno.rename( pathToAbsoluteFileUrl(oldpath), pathToAbsoluteFileUrl(newpath), ); assertDirectory(newpath); assertMissing(oldpath); }, ); function readFileString(filename: string): string { const dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); return dec.decode(dataRead); } function writeFileString(filename: string, s: string) { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode(s); Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { mode: 0o666 }); } Deno.test( { ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows", permissions: { read: true, write: true }, }, function renameSyncErrorsUnix() { const testDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const oldfile = testDir + "/oldfile"; const olddir = testDir + "/olddir"; const emptydir = testDir + "/empty"; const fulldir = testDir + "/dir"; const file = fulldir + "/file"; writeFileString(oldfile, "Hello"); Deno.mkdirSync(olddir); Deno.mkdirSync(emptydir); Deno.mkdirSync(fulldir); writeFileString(file, "world"); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(oldfile, emptydir); }, Error, "Is a directory", ); try { assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, fulldir); }, Error, "Directory not empty", ); } catch (e) { // rename syscall may also return EEXIST, e.g. with XFS assertIsError( e, AssertionError, `Expected error message to include "Directory not empty", but got "File exists`, ); } assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, file); }, Error, "Not a directory", ); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, file); }, Error, `rename '${olddir}' -> '${file}'`, ); const fileLink = testDir + "/fileLink"; const dirLink = testDir + "/dirLink"; const danglingLink = testDir + "/danglingLink"; Deno.symlinkSync(file, fileLink); Deno.symlinkSync(emptydir, dirLink); Deno.symlinkSync(testDir + "/nonexistent", danglingLink); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, fileLink); }, Error, "Not a directory", ); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, dirLink); }, Error, "Not a directory", ); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, danglingLink); }, Error, "Not a directory", ); // should succeed on Unix Deno.renameSync(olddir, emptydir); Deno.renameSync(oldfile, dirLink); Deno.renameSync(dirLink, danglingLink); assertFile(danglingLink); assertEquals("Hello", readFileString(danglingLink)); }, ); Deno.test( { ignore: Deno.build.os !== "windows", permissions: { read: true, write: true }, }, function renameSyncErrorsWin() { const testDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const oldfile = testDir + "/oldfile"; const olddir = testDir + "/olddir"; const emptydir = testDir + "/empty"; const fulldir = testDir + "/dir"; const file = fulldir + "/file"; writeFileString(oldfile, "Hello"); Deno.mkdirSync(olddir); Deno.mkdirSync(emptydir); Deno.mkdirSync(fulldir); writeFileString(file, "world"); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(oldfile, emptydir); }, Deno.errors.PermissionDenied, "Access is denied", ); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, fulldir); }, Error, "The directory is not empty", ); assertThrows( () => { Deno.renameSync(olddir, file); }, Error, "The directory name is invalid", ); // should succeed on Windows Deno.renameSync(olddir, emptydir); assertDirectory(emptydir); }, );