// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::collections::BTreeMap; use deno_ast::LineAndColumnIndex; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_graph::Module; use deno_graph::ModuleGraph; use deno_graph::Position; use deno_graph::Range; use deno_graph::Resolved; use serde::Serialize; use super::mappings::Mappings; use super::specifiers::is_remote_specifier; use super::specifiers::is_remote_specifier_text; #[derive(Serialize)] struct SerializableImportMap { imports: BTreeMap, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "BTreeMap::is_empty")] scopes: BTreeMap>, } struct ImportMapBuilder<'a> { mappings: &'a Mappings, imports: ImportsBuilder<'a>, scopes: BTreeMap>, } impl<'a> ImportMapBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(mappings: &'a Mappings) -> Self { ImportMapBuilder { mappings, imports: ImportsBuilder::new(mappings), scopes: Default::default(), } } pub fn scope( &mut self, base_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> &mut ImportsBuilder<'a> { self .scopes .entry( self .mappings .relative_specifier_text(self.mappings.output_dir(), base_specifier), ) .or_insert_with(|| ImportsBuilder::new(self.mappings)) } pub fn into_serializable(self) -> SerializableImportMap { SerializableImportMap { imports: self.imports.imports, scopes: self .scopes .into_iter() .map(|(key, value)| (key, value.imports)) .collect(), } } pub fn into_file_text(self) -> String { let mut text = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&self.into_serializable()).unwrap(); text.push('\n'); text } } struct ImportsBuilder<'a> { mappings: &'a Mappings, imports: BTreeMap, } impl<'a> ImportsBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(mappings: &'a Mappings) -> Self { Self { mappings, imports: Default::default(), } } pub fn add(&mut self, key: String, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) { self.imports.insert( key, self .mappings .relative_specifier_text(self.mappings.output_dir(), specifier), ); } } pub fn build_import_map( graph: &ModuleGraph, modules: &[&Module], mappings: &Mappings, ) -> String { let mut import_map = ImportMapBuilder::new(mappings); visit_modules(graph, modules, mappings, &mut import_map); for base_specifier in mappings.base_specifiers() { import_map .imports .add(base_specifier.to_string(), base_specifier); } import_map.into_file_text() } fn visit_modules( graph: &ModuleGraph, modules: &[&Module], mappings: &Mappings, import_map: &mut ImportMapBuilder, ) { for module in modules { let text_info = match &module.maybe_parsed_source { Some(source) => source.text_info(), None => continue, }; let source_text = match &module.maybe_source { Some(source) => source, None => continue, }; for dep in module.dependencies.values() { visit_maybe_resolved( &dep.maybe_code, graph, import_map, &module.specifier, mappings, text_info, source_text, ); visit_maybe_resolved( &dep.maybe_type, graph, import_map, &module.specifier, mappings, text_info, source_text, ); } if let Some((_, maybe_resolved)) = &module.maybe_types_dependency { visit_maybe_resolved( maybe_resolved, graph, import_map, &module.specifier, mappings, text_info, source_text, ); } } } fn visit_maybe_resolved( maybe_resolved: &Resolved, graph: &ModuleGraph, import_map: &mut ImportMapBuilder, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, mappings: &Mappings, text_info: &SourceTextInfo, source_text: &str, ) { if let Resolved::Ok { specifier, range, .. } = maybe_resolved { let text = text_from_range(text_info, source_text, range); // if the text is empty then it's probably an x-TypeScript-types if !text.is_empty() { handle_dep_specifier( text, specifier, graph, import_map, referrer, mappings, ); } } } fn handle_dep_specifier( text: &str, unresolved_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, graph: &ModuleGraph, import_map: &mut ImportMapBuilder, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, mappings: &Mappings, ) { let specifier = graph.resolve(unresolved_specifier); // do not handle specifiers pointing at local modules if !is_remote_specifier(&specifier) { return; } let base_specifier = mappings.base_specifier(&specifier); if is_remote_specifier_text(text) { if !text.starts_with(base_specifier.as_str()) { panic!("Expected {} to start with {}", text, base_specifier); } let sub_path = &text[base_specifier.as_str().len()..]; let expected_relative_specifier_text = mappings.relative_path(base_specifier, &specifier); if expected_relative_specifier_text == sub_path { return; } import_map.imports.add(text.to_string(), &specifier); } else { let expected_relative_specifier_text = mappings.relative_specifier_text(referrer, &specifier); if expected_relative_specifier_text == text { return; } let key = if text.starts_with("./") || text.starts_with("../") { // resolve relative specifier key let mut local_base_specifier = mappings.local_uri(base_specifier); local_base_specifier.set_query(unresolved_specifier.query()); local_base_specifier = local_base_specifier // path includes "/" so make it relative .join(&format!(".{}", unresolved_specifier.path())) .unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Error joining {} to {}", unresolved_specifier.path(), local_base_specifier ) }); local_base_specifier.set_query(unresolved_specifier.query()); mappings .relative_specifier_text(mappings.output_dir(), &local_base_specifier) } else { // absolute (`/`) or bare specifier should be left as-is text.to_string() }; let imports = import_map.scope(base_specifier); imports.add(key, &specifier); } } fn text_from_range<'a>( text_info: &SourceTextInfo, text: &'a str, range: &Range, ) -> &'a str { let result = &text[byte_range(text_info, range)]; if result.starts_with('"') || result.starts_with('\'') { // remove the quotes &result[1..result.len() - 1] } else { result } } fn byte_range( text_info: &SourceTextInfo, range: &Range, ) -> std::ops::Range { let start = byte_index(text_info, &range.start); let end = byte_index(text_info, &range.end); start..end } fn byte_index(text_info: &SourceTextInfo, pos: &Position) -> usize { // todo(https://github.com/denoland/deno_graph/issues/79): use byte indexes all the way down text_info.loc_to_source_pos(LineAndColumnIndex { line_index: pos.line, column_index: pos.character, }) - text_info.range().start }