// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as ts from "typescript"; import * as msg from "gen/msg_generated"; import { window } from "./window"; import { assetSourceCode } from "./assets"; import { Console } from "./console"; import { libdeno } from "./libdeno"; import * as os from "./os"; import { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } from "./text_encoding"; import { clearTimer, setTimeout } from "./timers"; import { postMessage, workerClose, workerMain } from "./workers"; import { assert, log, notImplemented } from "./util"; const EOL = "\n"; const ASSETS = "$asset$"; const LIB_RUNTIME = `${ASSETS}/lib.deno_runtime.d.ts`; // An instance of console const console = new Console(libdeno.print); /** The location that a module is being loaded from. This could be a directory, * like `.`, or it could be a module specifier like * `http://gist.github.com/somefile.ts` */ type ContainingFile = string; /** The internal local filename of a compiled module. It will often be something * like `/home/ry/.deno/gen/f7b4605dfbc4d3bb356e98fda6ceb1481e4a8df5.js` */ type ModuleFileName = string; /** The original resolved resource name. * Path to cached module file or URL from which dependency was retrieved */ type ModuleId = string; /** The external name of a module - could be a URL or could be a relative path. * Examples `http://gist.github.com/somefile.ts` or `./somefile.ts` */ type ModuleSpecifier = string; /** The compiled source code which is cached in `.deno/gen/` */ type OutputCode = string; /** The original source code */ type SourceCode = string; /** The output source map */ type SourceMap = string; /** The format of the work message payload coming from the privileged side */ interface CompilerLookup { specifier: ModuleSpecifier; referrer: ContainingFile; } /** Abstraction of the APIs required from the `os` module so they can be * easily mocked. */ interface Os { fetchModuleMetaData: typeof os.fetchModuleMetaData; exit: typeof os.exit; } /** Abstraction of the APIs required from the `typescript` module so they can * be easily mocked. */ interface Ts { createLanguageService: typeof ts.createLanguageService; /* tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length */ formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext: typeof ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext; formatDiagnostics: typeof ts.formatDiagnostics; } /** A simple object structure for caching resolved modules and their contents. * * Named `ModuleMetaData` to clarify it is just a representation of meta data of * the module, not the actual module instance. */ class ModuleMetaData implements ts.IScriptSnapshot { public scriptVersion = ""; constructor( public readonly moduleId: ModuleId, public readonly fileName: ModuleFileName, public readonly mediaType: msg.MediaType, public readonly sourceCode: SourceCode = "", public outputCode: OutputCode = "", public sourceMap: SourceMap = "" ) { if (outputCode !== "" || fileName.endsWith(".d.ts")) { this.scriptVersion = "1"; } } /** TypeScript IScriptSnapshot Interface */ public getText(start: number, end: number): string { return start === 0 && end === this.sourceCode.length ? this.sourceCode : this.sourceCode.substring(start, end); } public getLength(): number { return this.sourceCode.length; } public getChangeRange(): undefined { // Required `IScriptSnapshot` API, but not implemented/needed in deno return undefined; } } /** Returns the TypeScript Extension enum for a given media type. */ function getExtension( fileName: ModuleFileName, mediaType: msg.MediaType ): ts.Extension { switch (mediaType) { case msg.MediaType.JavaScript: return ts.Extension.Js; case msg.MediaType.TypeScript: return fileName.endsWith(".d.ts") ? ts.Extension.Dts : ts.Extension.Ts; case msg.MediaType.Json: return ts.Extension.Json; case msg.MediaType.Unknown: default: throw TypeError("Cannot resolve extension."); } } /** Generate output code for a provided JSON string along with its source. */ function jsonEsmTemplate( jsonString: string, sourceFileName: string ): OutputCode { return ( `const _json = JSON.parse(\`${jsonString}\`);\n` + `export default _json;\n` + `//# sourceURL=${sourceFileName}\n` ); } /** A singleton class that combines the TypeScript Language Service host API * with Deno specific APIs to provide an interface for compiling and running * TypeScript and JavaScript modules. */ class Compiler implements ts.LanguageServiceHost, ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost { // Modules are usually referenced by their ModuleSpecifier and ContainingFile, // and keeping a map of the resolved module file name allows more efficient // future resolution private readonly _fileNamesMap = new Map< ContainingFile, Map >(); // A reference to the log utility, so it can be monkey patched during testing private _log = log; // A map of module file names to module meta data private readonly _moduleMetaDataMap = new Map< ModuleFileName, ModuleMetaData >(); // TODO ideally this are not static and can be influenced by command line // arguments private readonly _options: ts.CompilerOptions = { allowJs: true, allowNonTsExtensions: true, checkJs: true, esModuleInterop: true, module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, outDir: "$deno$", resolveJsonModule: true, sourceMap: true, stripComments: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext }; // A reference to the `./os.ts` module, so it can be monkey patched during // testing private _os: Os = os; // Used to contain the script file we are currently running private _scriptFileNames: string[] = []; // A reference to the TypeScript LanguageService instance so it can be // monkey patched during testing private _service: ts.LanguageService; // A reference to `typescript` module so it can be monkey patched during // testing private _ts: Ts = ts; /** The TypeScript language service often refers to the resolved fileName of * a module, this is a shortcut to avoid unnecessary module resolution logic * for modules that may have been initially resolved by a `moduleSpecifier` * and `containingFile`. Also, `resolveModule()` throws when the module * cannot be resolved, which isn't always valid when dealing with the * TypeScript compiler, but the TypeScript compiler shouldn't be asking about * external modules that we haven't told it about yet. */ private _getModuleMetaData( fileName: ModuleFileName ): ModuleMetaData | undefined { return ( this._moduleMetaDataMap.get(fileName) || (fileName.startsWith(ASSETS) ? this._resolveModule(fileName, "") : undefined) ); } /** Given a `moduleSpecifier` and `containingFile` retrieve the cached * `fileName` for a given module. If the module has yet to be resolved * this will return `undefined`. */ private _resolveFileName( moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier, containingFile: ContainingFile ): ModuleFileName | undefined { this._log("compiler._resolveFileName", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile }); const innerMap = this._fileNamesMap.get(containingFile); if (innerMap) { return innerMap.get(moduleSpecifier); } return undefined; } /** Given a `moduleSpecifier` and `containingFile`, resolve the module and * return the `ModuleMetaData`. */ private _resolveModule( moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier, containingFile: ContainingFile ): ModuleMetaData { this._log("compiler._resolveModule", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile }); assert(moduleSpecifier != null && moduleSpecifier.length > 0); let fileName = this._resolveFileName(moduleSpecifier, containingFile); if (fileName && this._moduleMetaDataMap.has(fileName)) { return this._moduleMetaDataMap.get(fileName)!; } let moduleId: ModuleId | undefined; let mediaType = msg.MediaType.Unknown; let sourceCode: SourceCode | undefined; if ( moduleSpecifier.startsWith(ASSETS) || containingFile.startsWith(ASSETS) ) { // Assets are compiled into the runtime javascript bundle. // we _know_ `.pop()` will return a string, but TypeScript doesn't so // not null assertion moduleId = moduleSpecifier.split("/").pop()!; const assetName = moduleId.includes(".") ? moduleId : `${moduleId}.d.ts`; assert(assetName in assetSourceCode, `No such asset "${assetName}"`); mediaType = msg.MediaType.TypeScript; sourceCode = assetSourceCode[assetName]; fileName = `${ASSETS}/${assetName}`; } else { // We query Rust with a CodeFetch message. It will load the sourceCode, // and if there is any outputCode cached, will return that as well. const fetchResponse = this._os.fetchModuleMetaData( moduleSpecifier, containingFile ); moduleId = fetchResponse.moduleName; fileName = fetchResponse.filename; mediaType = fetchResponse.mediaType; sourceCode = fetchResponse.sourceCode; } assert(moduleId != null, "No module ID."); assert(fileName != null, "No file name."); assert( mediaType !== msg.MediaType.Unknown, `Unknown media type for: "${moduleSpecifier}" from "${containingFile}".` ); this._log( "resolveModule sourceCode length:", sourceCode && sourceCode.length ); this._log("resolveModule has media type:", msg.MediaType[mediaType]); // fileName is asserted above, but TypeScript does not track so not null this._setFileName(moduleSpecifier, containingFile, fileName!); if (fileName && this._moduleMetaDataMap.has(fileName)) { return this._moduleMetaDataMap.get(fileName)!; } const moduleMetaData = new ModuleMetaData( moduleId!, fileName!, mediaType, sourceCode ); this._moduleMetaDataMap.set(fileName!, moduleMetaData); return moduleMetaData; } /** Caches the resolved `fileName` in relationship to the `moduleSpecifier` * and `containingFile` in order to reduce calls to the privileged side * to retrieve the contents of a module. */ private _setFileName( moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier, containingFile: ContainingFile, fileName: ModuleFileName ): void { this._log("compiler._setFileName", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile }); let innerMap = this._fileNamesMap.get(containingFile); if (!innerMap) { innerMap = new Map(); this._fileNamesMap.set(containingFile, innerMap); } innerMap.set(moduleSpecifier, fileName); } constructor() { this._service = this._ts.createLanguageService(this); } // Deno specific compiler API /** Retrieve the output of the TypeScript compiler for a given module. */ compile( moduleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier, containingFile: ContainingFile ): { outputCode: OutputCode; sourceMap: SourceMap } { this._log("compiler.compile", { moduleSpecifier, containingFile }); const moduleMetaData = this._resolveModule(moduleSpecifier, containingFile); const { fileName, mediaType, moduleId, sourceCode } = moduleMetaData; this._scriptFileNames = [fileName]; console.warn("Compiling", moduleId); let outputCode: string; let sourceMap = ""; // Instead of using TypeScript to transpile JSON modules, we will just do // it directly. if (mediaType === msg.MediaType.Json) { outputCode = moduleMetaData.outputCode = jsonEsmTemplate( sourceCode, fileName ); } else { const service = this._service; assert( mediaType === msg.MediaType.TypeScript || mediaType === msg.MediaType.JavaScript ); const output = service.getEmitOutput(fileName); // Get the relevant diagnostics - this is 3x faster than // `getPreEmitDiagnostics`. const diagnostics = [ // TypeScript is overly opinionated that only CommonJS modules kinds can // support JSON imports. Allegedly this was fixed in // Microsoft/TypeScript#26825 but that doesn't seem to be working here, // so we will ignore complaints about this compiler setting. ...service .getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics() .filter(diagnostic => diagnostic.code !== 5070), ...service.getSyntacticDiagnostics(fileName), ...service.getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName) ]; if (diagnostics.length > 0) { const errMsg = os.noColor ? this._ts.formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, this) : this._ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics, this); console.log(errMsg); // All TypeScript errors are terminal for deno this._os.exit(1); } assert( !output.emitSkipped, "The emit was skipped for an unknown reason." ); assert( output.outputFiles.length === 2, `Expected 2 files to be emitted, got ${output.outputFiles.length}.` ); const [sourceMapFile, outputFile] = output.outputFiles; assert( sourceMapFile.name.endsWith(".map"), "Expected first emitted file to be a source map" ); assert( outputFile.name.endsWith(".js"), "Expected second emitted file to be JavaScript" ); outputCode = moduleMetaData.outputCode = `${ outputFile.text }\n//# sourceURL=${fileName}`; sourceMap = moduleMetaData.sourceMap = sourceMapFile.text; } moduleMetaData.scriptVersion = "1"; return { outputCode, sourceMap }; } // TypeScript Language Service and Format Diagnostic Host API getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { this._log("getCanonicalFileName", fileName); return fileName; } getCompilationSettings(): ts.CompilerOptions { this._log("getCompilationSettings()"); return this._options; } getNewLine(): string { return EOL; } getScriptFileNames(): string[] { // This is equal to `"files"` in the `tsconfig.json`, therefore we only need // to include the actual base source files we are evaluating at the moment, // which would be what is set during the `.compile()` return this._scriptFileNames; } getScriptKind(fileName: ModuleFileName): ts.ScriptKind { this._log("getScriptKind()", fileName); const moduleMetaData = this._getModuleMetaData(fileName); if (moduleMetaData) { switch (moduleMetaData.mediaType) { case msg.MediaType.TypeScript: return ts.ScriptKind.TS; case msg.MediaType.JavaScript: return ts.ScriptKind.JS; case msg.MediaType.Json: return ts.ScriptKind.JSON; default: return this._options.allowJs ? ts.ScriptKind.JS : ts.ScriptKind.TS; } } else { return this._options.allowJs ? ts.ScriptKind.JS : ts.ScriptKind.TS; } } getScriptVersion(fileName: ModuleFileName): string { const moduleMetaData = this._getModuleMetaData(fileName); const version = (moduleMetaData && moduleMetaData.scriptVersion) || ""; this._log("getScriptVersion()", fileName, version); return version; } getScriptSnapshot(fileName: ModuleFileName): ts.IScriptSnapshot | undefined { this._log("getScriptSnapshot()", fileName); return this._getModuleMetaData(fileName); } getCurrentDirectory(): string { this._log("getCurrentDirectory()"); return ""; } getDefaultLibFileName(): string { this._log("getDefaultLibFileName()"); const moduleSpecifier = LIB_RUNTIME; const moduleMetaData = this._getModuleMetaData(moduleSpecifier); assert(moduleMetaData != null); return moduleMetaData!.fileName; } useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean { this._log("useCaseSensitiveFileNames()"); return true; } readFile(path: string): string | undefined { this._log("readFile()", path); return notImplemented(); } fileExists(fileName: string): boolean { const moduleMetaData = this._getModuleMetaData(fileName); const exists = moduleMetaData != null; this._log("fileExists()", fileName, exists); return exists; } resolveModuleNames( moduleNames: ModuleSpecifier[], containingFile: ContainingFile ): Array { this._log("resolveModuleNames()", { moduleNames, containingFile }); const resolvedModuleNames: ts.ResolvedModuleFull[] = []; for (const moduleName of moduleNames) { const moduleMetaData = this._resolveModule(moduleName, containingFile); // According to the interface we shouldn't return `undefined` but if we // fail to return the same length of modules to those we cannot resolve // then TypeScript fails on an assertion that the lengths can't be // different, so we have to return an "empty" resolved module // TODO: all this does is push the problem downstream, and TypeScript // will complain it can't identify the type of the file and throw // a runtime exception, so we need to handle missing modules better const resolvedFileName = moduleMetaData.fileName || ""; // This flags to the compiler to not go looking to transpile functional // code, anything that is in `/$asset$/` is just library code const isExternalLibraryImport = resolvedFileName.startsWith(ASSETS); resolvedModuleNames.push({ resolvedFileName, isExternalLibraryImport, extension: getExtension(resolvedFileName, moduleMetaData.mediaType) }); } return resolvedModuleNames; } } const compiler = new Compiler(); // set global objects for compiler web worker window.clearTimeout = clearTimer; window.console = console; window.postMessage = postMessage; window.setTimeout = setTimeout; window.workerMain = workerMain; window.close = workerClose; window.TextDecoder = TextDecoder; window.TextEncoder = TextEncoder; // provide the "main" function that will be called by the privileged side when // lazy instantiating the compiler web worker window.compilerMain = function compilerMain() { // workerMain should have already been called since a compiler is a worker. const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); window.onmessage = ({ data }: { data: Uint8Array }) => { const json = decoder.decode(data); const { specifier, referrer } = JSON.parse(json) as CompilerLookup; const result = compiler.compile(specifier, referrer); const responseJson = JSON.stringify(result); const response = encoder.encode(responseJson); postMessage(response); }; }; /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-default-export */ export default function denoMain() { os.start("TS"); }