// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. //! This module provides file formatting utilities using //! [`dprint-plugin-typescript`](https://github.com/dprint/dprint-plugin-typescript). //! //! At the moment it is only consumed using CLI but in //! the future it can be easily extended to provide //! the same functions as ops available in JS runtime. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fs; use std::io::stdin; use std::io::stdout; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::sync::Arc; use async_trait::async_trait; use deno_ast::ParsedSource; use deno_config::glob::FileCollector; use deno_config::glob::FilePatterns; use deno_core::anyhow::anyhow; use deno_core::anyhow::bail; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::unsync::spawn_blocking; use deno_core::url::Url; use log::debug; use log::info; use log::warn; use crate::args::CliOptions; use crate::args::Flags; use crate::args::FmtFlags; use crate::args::FmtOptions; use crate::args::FmtOptionsConfig; use crate::args::ProseWrap; use crate::args::UnstableFmtOptions; use crate::cache::CacheDBHash; use crate::cache::Caches; use crate::cache::IncrementalCache; use crate::colors; use crate::factory::CliFactory; use crate::sys::CliSys; use crate::util::diff::diff; use crate::util::file_watcher; use crate::util::fs::canonicalize_path; use crate::util::path::get_extension; /// Format JavaScript/TypeScript files. pub async fn format( flags: Arc, fmt_flags: FmtFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if fmt_flags.is_stdin() { let cli_options = CliOptions::from_flags(&CliSys::default(), flags)?; let start_dir = &cli_options.start_dir; let fmt_config = start_dir .to_fmt_config(FilePatterns::new_with_base(start_dir.dir_path()))?; let fmt_options = FmtOptions::resolve( fmt_config, cli_options.resolve_config_unstable_fmt_options(), &fmt_flags, ); return format_stdin( &fmt_flags, fmt_options, cli_options .ext_flag() .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("ts"), ); } if let Some(watch_flags) = &fmt_flags.watch { file_watcher::watch_func( flags, file_watcher::PrintConfig::new("Fmt", !watch_flags.no_clear_screen), move |flags, watcher_communicator, changed_paths| { let fmt_flags = fmt_flags.clone(); watcher_communicator.show_path_changed(changed_paths.clone()); Ok(async move { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; let caches = factory.caches()?; let mut paths_with_options_batches = resolve_paths_with_options_batches(cli_options, &fmt_flags)?; for paths_with_options in &mut paths_with_options_batches { let _ = watcher_communicator .watch_paths(paths_with_options.paths.clone()); let files = std::mem::take(&mut paths_with_options.paths); paths_with_options.paths = if let Some(paths) = &changed_paths { if fmt_flags.check { // check all files on any changed (https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/12446) files .iter() .any(|path| { canonicalize_path(path) .map(|path| paths.contains(&path)) .unwrap_or(false) }) .then_some(files) .unwrap_or_else(|| [].to_vec()) } else { files .into_iter() .filter(|path| { canonicalize_path(path) .map(|path| paths.contains(&path)) .unwrap_or(false) }) .collect::>() } } else { files }; } format_files( caches, cli_options, &fmt_flags, paths_with_options_batches, ) .await?; Ok(()) }) }, ) .await?; } else { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; let caches = factory.caches()?; let paths_with_options_batches = resolve_paths_with_options_batches(cli_options, &fmt_flags)?; format_files(caches, cli_options, &fmt_flags, paths_with_options_batches) .await?; } Ok(()) } struct PathsWithOptions { base: PathBuf, paths: Vec, options: FmtOptions, } fn resolve_paths_with_options_batches( cli_options: &CliOptions, fmt_flags: &FmtFlags, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let members_fmt_options = cli_options.resolve_fmt_options_for_members(fmt_flags)?; let mut paths_with_options_batches = Vec::with_capacity(members_fmt_options.len()); for (_ctx, member_fmt_options) in members_fmt_options { let files = collect_fmt_files(cli_options, member_fmt_options.files.clone())?; if !files.is_empty() { paths_with_options_batches.push(PathsWithOptions { base: member_fmt_options.files.base.clone(), paths: files, options: member_fmt_options, }); } } if paths_with_options_batches.is_empty() { return Err(generic_error("No target files found.")); } Ok(paths_with_options_batches) } async fn format_files( caches: &Arc, cli_options: &Arc, fmt_flags: &FmtFlags, paths_with_options_batches: Vec, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let formatter: Box = if fmt_flags.check { Box::new(CheckFormatter::default()) } else { Box::new(RealFormatter::default()) }; for paths_with_options in paths_with_options_batches { log::debug!( "Formatting {} file(s) in {}", paths_with_options.paths.len(), paths_with_options.base.display() ); let fmt_options = paths_with_options.options; let paths = paths_with_options.paths; let incremental_cache = Arc::new(IncrementalCache::new( caches.fmt_incremental_cache_db(), CacheDBHash::from_hashable((&fmt_options.options, &fmt_options.unstable)), &paths, )); formatter .handle_files( paths, fmt_options.options, fmt_options.unstable, incremental_cache.clone(), cli_options.ext_flag().clone(), ) .await?; incremental_cache.wait_completion().await; } formatter.finish() } fn collect_fmt_files( cli_options: &CliOptions, files: FilePatterns, ) -> Result, AnyError> { FileCollector::new(|e| { is_supported_ext_fmt(e.path) || (e.path.extension().is_none() && cli_options.ext_flag().is_some()) }) .ignore_git_folder() .ignore_node_modules() .use_gitignore() .set_vendor_folder(cli_options.vendor_dir_path().map(ToOwned::to_owned)) .collect_file_patterns(&CliSys::default(), files) } /// Formats markdown (using ) and its code blocks /// (ts/tsx, js/jsx). fn format_markdown( file_text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, unstable_options: &UnstableFmtOptions, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let markdown_config = get_resolved_markdown_config(fmt_options); dprint_plugin_markdown::format_text( file_text, &markdown_config, move |tag, text, line_width| { let tag = tag.to_lowercase(); if matches!( tag.as_str(), "ts" | "tsx" | "js" | "jsx" | "cjs" | "cts" | "mjs" | "mts" | "javascript" | "typescript" | "json" | "jsonc" | "css" | "scss" | "sass" | "less" | "html" | "svelte" | "vue" | "astro" | "vto" | "njk" | "yml" | "yaml" | "sql" ) { // It's important to tell dprint proper file extension, otherwise // it might parse the file twice. let extension = match tag.as_str() { "javascript" => "js", "typescript" => "ts", rest => rest, }; let fake_filename = PathBuf::from(format!("deno_fmt_stdin.{extension}")); match extension { "json" | "jsonc" => { let mut json_config = get_resolved_json_config(fmt_options); json_config.line_width = line_width; dprint_plugin_json::format_text(&fake_filename, text, &json_config) } "css" | "scss" | "sass" | "less" => { format_css(&fake_filename, text, fmt_options) } "html" => format_html(&fake_filename, text, fmt_options), "svelte" | "vue" | "astro" | "vto" | "njk" => { if unstable_options.component { format_html(&fake_filename, text, fmt_options) } else { Ok(None) } } "yml" | "yaml" => format_yaml(text, fmt_options), "sql" => { if unstable_options.sql { format_sql(text, fmt_options) } else { Ok(None) } } _ => { let mut codeblock_config = get_resolved_typescript_config(fmt_options); codeblock_config.line_width = line_width; dprint_plugin_typescript::format_text( &fake_filename, None, text.to_string(), &codeblock_config, ) } } } else { Ok(None) } }, ) } /// Formats JSON and JSONC using the rules provided by .deno() /// of configuration builder of . /// See for configuration. pub fn format_json( file_path: &Path, file_text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let config = get_resolved_json_config(fmt_options); dprint_plugin_json::format_text(file_path, file_text, &config) } pub fn format_css( file_path: &Path, file_text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let formatted_str = malva::format_text( file_text, malva::detect_syntax(file_path).unwrap_or(malva::Syntax::Css), &get_resolved_malva_config(fmt_options), ) .map_err(AnyError::from)?; Ok(if formatted_str == file_text { None } else { Some(formatted_str) }) } fn format_yaml( file_text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let ignore_file = file_text .lines() .take_while(|line| line.starts_with('#')) .any(|line| { line .strip_prefix('#') .unwrap() .trim() .starts_with("deno-fmt-ignore-file") }); if ignore_file { return Ok(None); } let formatted_str = pretty_yaml::format_text(file_text, &get_resolved_yaml_config(fmt_options)) .map_err(AnyError::from)?; Ok(if formatted_str == file_text { None } else { Some(formatted_str) }) } pub fn format_html( file_path: &Path, file_text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let format_result = markup_fmt::format_text( file_text, markup_fmt::detect_language(file_path) .unwrap_or(markup_fmt::Language::Html), &get_resolved_markup_fmt_config(fmt_options), |text, hints| { let mut file_name = file_path.file_name().expect("missing file name").to_owned(); file_name.push("."); file_name.push(hints.ext); let path = file_path.with_file_name(file_name); match hints.ext { "css" | "scss" | "sass" | "less" => { let mut malva_config = get_resolved_malva_config(fmt_options); malva_config.layout.print_width = hints.print_width; if hints.attr { malva_config.language.quotes = if let Some(true) = fmt_options.single_quote { malva::config::Quotes::AlwaysDouble } else { malva::config::Quotes::AlwaysSingle }; malva_config.language.single_line_top_level_declarations = true; } malva::format_text( text, malva::detect_syntax(path).unwrap_or(malva::Syntax::Css), &malva_config, ) .map(Cow::from) .map_err(AnyError::from) } "json" | "jsonc" => { let mut json_config = get_resolved_json_config(fmt_options); json_config.line_width = hints.print_width as u32; dprint_plugin_json::format_text(&path, text, &json_config).map( |formatted| { if let Some(formatted) = formatted { Cow::from(formatted) } else { Cow::from(text) } }, ) } _ => { let mut typescript_config_builder = get_typescript_config_builder(fmt_options); typescript_config_builder.file_indent_level(hints.indent_level); let mut typescript_config = typescript_config_builder.build(); typescript_config.line_width = hints.print_width as u32; dprint_plugin_typescript::format_text( &path, None, text.to_string(), &typescript_config, ) .map(|formatted| { if let Some(formatted) = formatted { Cow::from(formatted) } else { Cow::from(text) } }) } } }, ) .map_err(|error| match error { markup_fmt::FormatError::Syntax(error) => { fn inner( error: &markup_fmt::SyntaxError, file_path: &Path, ) -> Option { let url = Url::from_file_path(file_path).ok()?; let error_msg = format!( "Syntax error ({}) at {}:{}:{}\n", error.kind, url.as_str(), error.line, error.column ); Some(error_msg) } if let Some(error_msg) = inner(&error, file_path) { AnyError::from(generic_error(error_msg)) } else { AnyError::from(error) } } markup_fmt::FormatError::External(errors) => { let last = errors.len() - 1; AnyError::msg( errors .into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, error)| { if i == last { format!("{error}") } else { format!("{error}\n\n") } }) .collect::(), ) } }); let formatted_str = format_result?; Ok(if formatted_str == file_text { None } else { Some(formatted_str) }) } pub fn format_sql( file_text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let ignore_file = file_text .lines() .take_while(|line| line.starts_with("--")) .any(|line| { line .strip_prefix("--") .unwrap() .trim() .starts_with("deno-fmt-ignore-file") }); if ignore_file { return Ok(None); } let mut formatted_str = sqlformat::format( file_text, &sqlformat::QueryParams::None, &sqlformat::FormatOptions { ignore_case_convert: None, indent: if fmt_options.use_tabs.unwrap_or_default() { sqlformat::Indent::Tabs } else { sqlformat::Indent::Spaces(fmt_options.indent_width.unwrap_or(2)) }, // leave one blank line between queries. lines_between_queries: 2, uppercase: Some(true), }, ); // Add single new line to the end of file. formatted_str.push('\n'); Ok(if formatted_str == file_text { None } else { Some(formatted_str) }) } /// Formats a single TS, TSX, JS, JSX, JSONC, JSON, MD, IPYNB or SQL file. pub fn format_file( file_path: &Path, file_text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, unstable_options: &UnstableFmtOptions, ext: Option, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let ext = ext .or_else(|| get_extension(file_path)) .unwrap_or("ts".to_string()); match ext.as_str() { "md" | "mkd" | "mkdn" | "mdwn" | "mdown" | "markdown" => { format_markdown(file_text, fmt_options, unstable_options) } "json" | "jsonc" => format_json(file_path, file_text, fmt_options), "css" | "scss" | "sass" | "less" => { format_css(file_path, file_text, fmt_options) } "html" => format_html(file_path, file_text, fmt_options), "svelte" | "vue" | "astro" | "vto" | "njk" => { if unstable_options.component { format_html(file_path, file_text, fmt_options) } else { Ok(None) } } "yml" | "yaml" => format_yaml(file_text, fmt_options), "ipynb" => dprint_plugin_jupyter::format_text( file_text, |file_path: &Path, file_text: String| { format_file(file_path, &file_text, fmt_options, unstable_options, None) }, ), "sql" => { if unstable_options.sql { format_sql(file_text, fmt_options) } else { Ok(None) } } _ => { let config = get_resolved_typescript_config(fmt_options); dprint_plugin_typescript::format_text( file_path, Some(&ext), file_text.to_string(), &config, ) } } } pub fn format_parsed_source( parsed_source: &ParsedSource, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> Result, AnyError> { dprint_plugin_typescript::format_parsed_source( parsed_source, &get_resolved_typescript_config(fmt_options), ) } #[async_trait] trait Formatter { async fn handle_files( &self, paths: Vec, fmt_options: FmtOptionsConfig, unstable_options: UnstableFmtOptions, incremental_cache: Arc, ext: Option, ) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn finish(&self) -> Result<(), AnyError>; } #[derive(Default)] struct CheckFormatter { not_formatted_files_count: Arc, checked_files_count: Arc, } #[async_trait] impl Formatter for CheckFormatter { async fn handle_files( &self, paths: Vec, fmt_options: FmtOptionsConfig, unstable_options: UnstableFmtOptions, incremental_cache: Arc, ext: Option, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // prevent threads outputting at the same time let output_lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); run_parallelized(paths, { let not_formatted_files_count = self.not_formatted_files_count.clone(); let checked_files_count = self.checked_files_count.clone(); move |file_path| { checked_files_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let file_text = read_file_contents(&file_path)?.text; // skip checking the file if we know it's formatted if incremental_cache.is_file_same(&file_path, &file_text) { return Ok(()); } match format_file( &file_path, &file_text, &fmt_options, &unstable_options, ext.clone(), ) { Ok(Some(formatted_text)) => { not_formatted_files_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let _g = output_lock.lock(); let diff = diff(&file_text, &formatted_text); info!(""); info!("{} {}:", colors::bold("from"), file_path.display()); info!("{}", diff); } Ok(None) => { // When checking formatting, only update the incremental cache when // the file is the same since we don't bother checking for stable // formatting here. Additionally, ensure this is done during check // so that CIs that cache the DENO_DIR will get the benefit of // incremental formatting incremental_cache.update_file(&file_path, &file_text); } Err(e) => { not_formatted_files_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let _g = output_lock.lock(); warn!("Error checking: {}", file_path.to_string_lossy()); warn!( "{}", format!("{e}") .split('\n') .map(|l| { if l.trim().is_empty() { String::new() } else { format!(" {l}") } }) .collect::>() .join("\n") ); } } Ok(()) } }) .await?; Ok(()) } fn finish(&self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let not_formatted_files_count = self.not_formatted_files_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed); let checked_files_count = self.checked_files_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed); let checked_files_str = format!("{} {}", checked_files_count, files_str(checked_files_count)); if not_formatted_files_count == 0 { info!("Checked {}", checked_files_str); Ok(()) } else { let not_formatted_files_str = files_str(not_formatted_files_count); Err(generic_error(format!( "Found {not_formatted_files_count} not formatted {not_formatted_files_str} in {checked_files_str}", ))) } } } #[derive(Default)] struct RealFormatter { formatted_files_count: Arc, checked_files_count: Arc, } #[async_trait] impl Formatter for RealFormatter { async fn handle_files( &self, paths: Vec, fmt_options: FmtOptionsConfig, unstable_options: UnstableFmtOptions, incremental_cache: Arc, ext: Option, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let output_lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); // prevent threads outputting at the same time run_parallelized(paths, { let formatted_files_count = self.formatted_files_count.clone(); let checked_files_count = self.checked_files_count.clone(); move |file_path| { checked_files_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let file_contents = read_file_contents(&file_path)?; // skip formatting the file if we know it's formatted if incremental_cache.is_file_same(&file_path, &file_contents.text) { return Ok(()); } match format_ensure_stable( &file_path, &file_contents.text, |file_path, file_text| { format_file( file_path, file_text, &fmt_options, &unstable_options, ext.clone(), ) }, ) { Ok(Some(formatted_text)) => { incremental_cache.update_file(&file_path, &formatted_text); write_file_contents( &file_path, FileContents { had_bom: file_contents.had_bom, text: formatted_text, }, )?; formatted_files_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let _g = output_lock.lock(); info!("{}", file_path.to_string_lossy()); } Ok(None) => { incremental_cache.update_file(&file_path, &file_contents.text); } Err(e) => { let _g = output_lock.lock(); log::error!("Error formatting: {}", file_path.to_string_lossy()); log::error!(" {e}"); } } Ok(()) } }) .await?; Ok(()) } fn finish(&self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let formatted_files_count = self.formatted_files_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed); debug!( "Formatted {} {}", formatted_files_count, files_str(formatted_files_count), ); let checked_files_count = self.checked_files_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed); info!( "Checked {} {}", checked_files_count, files_str(checked_files_count) ); Ok(()) } } /// When storing any formatted text in the incremental cache, we want /// to ensure that anything stored when formatted will have itself as /// the output as well. This is to prevent "double format" issues where /// a user formats their code locally and it fails on the CI afterwards. fn format_ensure_stable( file_path: &Path, file_text: &str, fmt_func: impl Fn(&Path, &str) -> Result, AnyError>, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let formatted_text = fmt_func(file_path, file_text)?; match formatted_text { Some(mut current_text) => { let mut count = 0; loop { match fmt_func(file_path, ¤t_text) { Ok(Some(next_pass_text)) => { // just in case if next_pass_text == current_text { return Ok(Some(next_pass_text)); } current_text = next_pass_text; } Ok(None) => { return Ok(Some(current_text)); } Err(err) => { bail!( concat!( "Formatting succeeded initially, but failed when ensuring a ", "stable format. This indicates a bug in the formatter where ", "the text it produces is not syntactically correct. As a temporary ", "workaround you can ignore this file.\n\n{:#}" ), err, ) } } count += 1; if count == 5 { bail!( concat!( "Formatting not stable. Bailed after {} tries. This indicates a bug ", "in the formatter where it formats the file differently each time. As a ", "temporary workaround you can ignore this file." ), count, ) } } } None => Ok(None), } } /// Format stdin and write result to stdout. /// Treats input as set by `--ext` flag. /// Compatible with `--check` flag. fn format_stdin( fmt_flags: &FmtFlags, fmt_options: FmtOptions, ext: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut source = String::new(); if stdin().read_to_string(&mut source).is_err() { bail!("Failed to read from stdin"); } let file_path = PathBuf::from(format!("_stdin.{ext}")); let formatted_text = format_file( &file_path, &source, &fmt_options.options, &fmt_options.unstable, None, )?; if fmt_flags.check { #[allow(clippy::print_stdout)] if formatted_text.is_some() { println!("Not formatted stdin"); } } else { stdout().write_all(formatted_text.unwrap_or(source).as_bytes())?; } Ok(()) } fn files_str(len: usize) -> &'static str { if len <= 1 { "file" } else { "files" } } fn get_typescript_config_builder( options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> dprint_plugin_typescript::configuration::ConfigurationBuilder { let mut builder = dprint_plugin_typescript::configuration::ConfigurationBuilder::new(); builder.deno(); if let Some(use_tabs) = options.use_tabs { builder.use_tabs(use_tabs); } if let Some(line_width) = options.line_width { builder.line_width(line_width); } if let Some(indent_width) = options.indent_width { builder.indent_width(indent_width); } if let Some(single_quote) = options.single_quote { if single_quote { builder.quote_style( dprint_plugin_typescript::configuration::QuoteStyle::PreferSingle, ); } } if let Some(semi_colons) = options.semi_colons { builder.semi_colons(match semi_colons { true => dprint_plugin_typescript::configuration::SemiColons::Prefer, false => dprint_plugin_typescript::configuration::SemiColons::Asi, }); } builder } fn get_resolved_typescript_config( options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> dprint_plugin_typescript::configuration::Configuration { get_typescript_config_builder(options).build() } fn get_resolved_markdown_config( options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> dprint_plugin_markdown::configuration::Configuration { let mut builder = dprint_plugin_markdown::configuration::ConfigurationBuilder::new(); builder.deno(); if let Some(line_width) = options.line_width { builder.line_width(line_width); } if let Some(prose_wrap) = options.prose_wrap { builder.text_wrap(match prose_wrap { ProseWrap::Always => { dprint_plugin_markdown::configuration::TextWrap::Always } ProseWrap::Never => { dprint_plugin_markdown::configuration::TextWrap::Never } ProseWrap::Preserve => { dprint_plugin_markdown::configuration::TextWrap::Maintain } }); } builder.build() } fn get_resolved_json_config( options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> dprint_plugin_json::configuration::Configuration { let mut builder = dprint_plugin_json::configuration::ConfigurationBuilder::new(); builder.deno(); if let Some(use_tabs) = options.use_tabs { builder.use_tabs(use_tabs); } if let Some(line_width) = options.line_width { builder.line_width(line_width); } if let Some(indent_width) = options.indent_width { builder.indent_width(indent_width); } builder.build() } fn get_resolved_malva_config( options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> malva::config::FormatOptions { use malva::config::*; let layout_options = LayoutOptions { print_width: options.line_width.unwrap_or(80) as usize, use_tabs: options.use_tabs.unwrap_or_default(), indent_width: options.indent_width.unwrap_or(2) as usize, line_break: LineBreak::Lf, }; let language_options = LanguageOptions { align_comments: true, hex_case: HexCase::Lower, hex_color_length: None, quotes: if let Some(true) = options.single_quote { Quotes::PreferSingle } else { Quotes::PreferDouble }, operator_linebreak: OperatorLineBreak::Before, block_selector_linebreak: BlockSelectorLineBreak::Consistent, omit_number_leading_zero: false, trailing_comma: true, format_comments: false, linebreak_in_pseudo_parens: true, declaration_order: None, single_line_block_threshold: None, keyframe_selector_notation: None, attr_value_quotes: AttrValueQuotes::Always, prefer_single_line: false, selectors_prefer_single_line: None, function_args_prefer_single_line: None, sass_content_at_rule_prefer_single_line: None, sass_include_at_rule_prefer_single_line: None, sass_map_prefer_single_line: None, sass_module_config_prefer_single_line: None, sass_params_prefer_single_line: None, less_import_options_prefer_single_line: None, less_mixin_args_prefer_single_line: None, less_mixin_params_prefer_single_line: None, single_line_top_level_declarations: false, selector_override_comment_directive: "deno-fmt-selector-override".into(), ignore_comment_directive: "deno-fmt-ignore".into(), ignore_file_comment_directive: "deno-fmt-ignore-file".into(), }; FormatOptions { layout: layout_options, language: language_options, } } fn get_resolved_markup_fmt_config( options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> markup_fmt::config::FormatOptions { use markup_fmt::config::*; let layout_options = LayoutOptions { print_width: options.line_width.unwrap_or(80) as usize, use_tabs: options.use_tabs.unwrap_or_default(), indent_width: options.indent_width.unwrap_or(2) as usize, line_break: LineBreak::Lf, }; let language_options = LanguageOptions { script_formatter: Some(markup_fmt::config::ScriptFormatter::Dprint), quotes: Quotes::Double, format_comments: false, script_indent: true, html_script_indent: None, vue_script_indent: Some(false), svelte_script_indent: None, astro_script_indent: None, style_indent: true, html_style_indent: None, vue_style_indent: Some(false), svelte_style_indent: None, astro_style_indent: None, closing_bracket_same_line: false, closing_tag_line_break_for_empty: ClosingTagLineBreakForEmpty::Fit, max_attrs_per_line: None, prefer_attrs_single_line: false, html_normal_self_closing: None, html_void_self_closing: None, component_self_closing: None, svg_self_closing: None, mathml_self_closing: None, whitespace_sensitivity: WhitespaceSensitivity::Css, component_whitespace_sensitivity: None, doctype_keyword_case: DoctypeKeywordCase::Upper, v_bind_style: None, v_on_style: None, v_for_delimiter_style: None, v_slot_style: None, component_v_slot_style: None, default_v_slot_style: None, named_v_slot_style: None, v_bind_same_name_short_hand: None, strict_svelte_attr: false, svelte_attr_shorthand: Some(true), svelte_directive_shorthand: Some(true), astro_attr_shorthand: Some(true), ignore_comment_directive: "deno-fmt-ignore".into(), ignore_file_comment_directive: "deno-fmt-ignore-file".into(), }; FormatOptions { layout: layout_options, language: language_options, } } fn get_resolved_yaml_config( options: &FmtOptionsConfig, ) -> pretty_yaml::config::FormatOptions { use pretty_yaml::config::*; let layout_options = LayoutOptions { print_width: options.line_width.unwrap_or(80) as usize, indent_width: options.indent_width.unwrap_or(2) as usize, line_break: LineBreak::Lf, }; let language_options = LanguageOptions { quotes: if let Some(true) = options.single_quote { Quotes::PreferSingle } else { Quotes::PreferDouble }, trailing_comma: true, format_comments: false, indent_block_sequence_in_map: true, brace_spacing: true, bracket_spacing: false, dash_spacing: DashSpacing::OneSpace, prefer_single_line: false, flow_sequence_prefer_single_line: None, flow_map_prefer_single_line: None, trim_trailing_whitespaces: true, trim_trailing_zero: false, ignore_comment_directive: "deno-fmt-ignore".into(), }; FormatOptions { layout: layout_options, language: language_options, } } struct FileContents { text: String, had_bom: bool, } fn read_file_contents(file_path: &Path) -> Result { let file_bytes = fs::read(file_path) .with_context(|| format!("Error reading {}", file_path.display()))?; let had_bom = file_bytes.starts_with(&[0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF]); // will have the BOM stripped let text = deno_graph::source::decode_owned_file_source(file_bytes) .with_context(|| { anyhow!("{} is not a valid UTF-8 file", file_path.display()) })?; Ok(FileContents { text, had_bom }) } fn write_file_contents( file_path: &Path, mut file_contents: FileContents, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let file_text = if file_contents.had_bom { // add back the BOM file_contents.text.insert(0, '\u{FEFF}'); file_contents.text } else { file_contents.text }; Ok(fs::write(file_path, file_text)?) } pub async fn run_parallelized( file_paths: Vec, f: F, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where F: FnOnce(PathBuf) -> Result<(), AnyError> + Send + 'static + Clone, { let handles = file_paths.iter().map(|file_path| { let f = f.clone(); let file_path = file_path.clone(); spawn_blocking(move || f(file_path)) }); let join_results = futures::future::join_all(handles).await; // find the tasks that panicked and let the user know which files let panic_file_paths = join_results .iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, join_result)| { join_result .as_ref() .err() .map(|_| file_paths[i].to_string_lossy()) }) .collect::>(); if !panic_file_paths.is_empty() { panic!("Panic formatting: {}", panic_file_paths.join(", ")) } // check for any errors and if so return the first one let mut errors = join_results.into_iter().filter_map(|join_result| { join_result .ok() .and_then(|handle_result| handle_result.err()) }); if let Some(e) = errors.next() { Err(e) } else { Ok(()) } } /// This function is similar to is_supported_ext but adds additional extensions /// supported by `deno fmt`. fn is_supported_ext_fmt(path: &Path) -> bool { get_extension(path).is_some_and(|ext| { matches!( ext.as_str(), "ts" | "tsx" | "js" | "jsx" | "cjs" | "cts" | "mjs" | "mts" | "json" | "jsonc" | "css" | "scss" | "sass" | "less" | "html" | "svelte" | "vue" | "astro" | "vto" | "njk" | "md" | "mkd" | "mkdn" | "mdwn" | "mdown" | "markdown" | "yml" | "yaml" | "ipynb" | "sql" ) }) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use test_util::assert_starts_with; use super::*; #[test] fn test_is_supported_ext_fmt() { assert!(!is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("tests/subdir/redirects"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("README.md"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("readme.MD"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("readme.mkd"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("readme.mkdn"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("readme.mdwn"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("readme.mdown"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("readme.markdown"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("lib/typescript.d.ts"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("testdata/run/001_hello.js"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("testdata/run/002_hello.ts"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.jsx"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.tsx"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.TS"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.TSX"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.JS"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.JSX"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.mjs"))); assert!(!is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.mjsx"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.jsonc"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.JSONC"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.json"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.JsON"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.css"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.Css"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.scss"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.SCSS"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.sass"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.Sass"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.less"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.LeSS"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.html"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.HTML"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.svelte"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.Svelte"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.vue"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.VUE"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.astro"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.AsTrO"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.vto"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.Vto"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.njk"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.NJk"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.yml"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.Yml"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.yaml"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.YaML"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.ipynb"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.sql"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.Sql"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.sQl"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.sqL"))); assert!(is_supported_ext_fmt(Path::new("foo.SQL"))); } #[test] fn test_format_ensure_stable_unstable_format() { let err = format_ensure_stable(&PathBuf::from("mod.ts"), "1", |_, file_text| { Ok(Some(format!("1{file_text}"))) }) .unwrap_err(); assert_starts_with!( err.to_string(), "Formatting not stable. Bailed after 5 tries." ); } #[test] fn test_format_ensure_stable_error_first() { let err = format_ensure_stable(&PathBuf::from("mod.ts"), "1", |_, _| { bail!("Error formatting.") }) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "Error formatting."); } #[test] fn test_format_ensure_stable_error_second() { let err = format_ensure_stable(&PathBuf::from("mod.ts"), "1", |_, file_text| { if file_text == "1" { Ok(Some("11".to_string())) } else { bail!("Error formatting.") } }) .unwrap_err(); assert_starts_with!( err.to_string(), "Formatting succeeded initially, but failed when" ); } #[test] fn test_format_stable_after_two() { let result = format_ensure_stable(&PathBuf::from("mod.ts"), "1", |_, file_text| { if file_text == "1" { Ok(Some("11".to_string())) } else if file_text == "11" { Ok(None) } else { unreachable!(); } }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, Some("11".to_string())); } #[test] fn test_single_quote_true_prefers_single_quote() { let file_text = format_file( &PathBuf::from("test.ts"), "console.log(\"there's\");\nconsole.log('hi');\nconsole.log(\"bye\")\n", &FmtOptionsConfig { single_quote: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, &UnstableFmtOptions::default(), None, ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( file_text, // should use double quotes for the string with a single quote "console.log(\"there's\");\nconsole.log('hi');\nconsole.log('bye');\n", ); } }