// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use serde::de::SeqAccess as _; use serde::de::Visitor; use serde::de::{self}; use serde::Deserialize; use crate::error::value_to_type_str; use crate::error::Error; use crate::error::Result; use crate::keys::v8_struct_key; use crate::keys::KeyCache; use crate::magic; use crate::magic::transl8::visit_magic; use crate::magic::transl8::FromV8; use crate::magic::transl8::MagicType; use crate::payload::ValueType; use crate::AnyValue; use crate::BigInt; use crate::ByteString; use crate::DetachedBuffer; use crate::JsBuffer; use crate::StringOrBuffer; use crate::U16String; pub struct Deserializer<'a, 'b, 's> { input: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, scope: &'b mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, _key_cache: Option<&'b mut KeyCache>, } impl<'a, 'b, 's> Deserializer<'a, 'b, 's> { pub fn new( scope: &'b mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, input: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, key_cache: Option<&'b mut KeyCache>, ) -> Self { Deserializer { input, scope, _key_cache: key_cache, } } } // from_v8 deserializes a v8::Value into a Deserializable / rust struct pub fn from_v8<'de, 'a, 'b, 's, T>( scope: &'b mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, input: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, ) -> Result where T: Deserialize<'de>, { let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(scope, input, None); let t = T::deserialize(&mut deserializer)?; Ok(t) } // like from_v8 except accepts a KeyCache to optimize struct key decoding pub fn from_v8_cached<'de, 'a, 'b, 's, T>( scope: &'b mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, input: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, key_cache: &mut KeyCache, ) -> Result where T: Deserialize<'de>, { let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(scope, input, Some(key_cache)); let t = T::deserialize(&mut deserializer)?; Ok(t) } macro_rules! deserialize_signed { ($dmethod:ident, $vmethod:ident, $t:tt) => { fn $dmethod(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { visitor.$vmethod( if let Ok(x) = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) { x.value() as $t } else if let Ok(x) = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) { x.i64_value().0 as $t } else { return Err(Error::ExpectedInteger(value_to_type_str(self.input))); }, ) } }; } macro_rules! deserialize_unsigned { ($dmethod:ident, $vmethod:ident, $t:tt) => { fn $dmethod(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { visitor.$vmethod( if let Ok(x) = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) { x.value() as $t } else if let Ok(x) = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) { x.u64_value().0 as $t } else { return Err(Error::ExpectedInteger(value_to_type_str(self.input))); }, ) } }; } impl<'de, 'a, 'b, 's, 'x> de::Deserializer<'de> for &'x mut Deserializer<'a, 'b, 's> { type Error = Error; fn deserialize_any(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { match ValueType::from_v8(self.input) { ValueType::Null => self.deserialize_unit(visitor), ValueType::Bool => self.deserialize_bool(visitor), // Handle floats & ints separately to work with loosely-typed serde_json ValueType::Number => { if self.input.is_uint32() { self.deserialize_u32(visitor) } else if self.input.is_int32() { self.deserialize_i32(visitor) } else { self.deserialize_f64(visitor) } } ValueType::BigInt => Err(Error::UnsupportedType), ValueType::String => self.deserialize_string(visitor), ValueType::Array => self.deserialize_seq(visitor), ValueType::Object => self.deserialize_map(visitor), // Map to Vec when deserialized via deserialize_any // e.g: for untagged enums or StringOrBuffer ValueType::ArrayBufferView | ValueType::ArrayBuffer => { magic::v8slice::V8Slice::from_v8(&mut *self.scope, self.input) .and_then(|zb| visitor.visit_byte_buf(Vec::from(&*zb))) } } } fn deserialize_bool(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { // Relaxed typechecking, will map all non-true vals to false visitor.visit_bool(self.input.is_true()) } // signed deserialize_signed!(deserialize_i8, visit_i8, i8); deserialize_signed!(deserialize_i16, visit_i16, i16); deserialize_signed!(deserialize_i32, visit_i32, i32); deserialize_signed!(deserialize_i64, visit_i64, i64); // unsigned deserialize_unsigned!(deserialize_u8, visit_u8, u8); deserialize_unsigned!(deserialize_u16, visit_u16, u16); deserialize_unsigned!(deserialize_u32, visit_u32, u32); deserialize_unsigned!(deserialize_u64, visit_u64, u64); fn deserialize_f32(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { self.deserialize_f64(visitor) } fn deserialize_f64(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { visitor.visit_f64( if let Ok(x) = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) { x.value() } else if let Ok(x) = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) { bigint_to_f64(x) } else { return Err(Error::ExpectedNumber(value_to_type_str(self.input))); }, ) } fn deserialize_char(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { self.deserialize_str(visitor) } fn deserialize_str(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { self.deserialize_string(visitor) } fn deserialize_string(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { if self.input.is_string() || self.input.is_string_object() { let v8_string = self.input.to_string(self.scope).unwrap(); let string = to_utf8(v8_string, self.scope); visitor.visit_string(string) } else { Err(Error::ExpectedString(value_to_type_str(self.input))) } } fn deserialize_option(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { if self.input.is_null_or_undefined() { visitor.visit_none() } else { visitor.visit_some(self) } } fn deserialize_unit(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { visitor.visit_unit() } fn deserialize_unit_struct( self, _name: &'static str, visitor: V, ) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { self.deserialize_unit(visitor) } // As is done here, serializers are encouraged to treat newtype structs as // insignificant wrappers around the data they contain. That means not // parsing anything other than the contained value. fn deserialize_newtype_struct( self, _name: &'static str, visitor: V, ) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { visitor.visit_newtype_struct(self) } fn deserialize_seq(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { let arr = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) .map_err(|_| Error::ExpectedArray(value_to_type_str(self.input)))?; visitor.visit_seq(SeqAccess::new(arr.into(), self.scope, 0..arr.length())) } // Like deserialize_seq except it prefers tuple's length over input array's length fn deserialize_tuple(self, len: usize, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { let obj = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input).unwrap(); if obj.is_array() { // If the obj is an array fail if it's length differs from the tuple length let array = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input).unwrap(); let array_len = array.length() as usize; if array_len != len { return Err(Error::LengthMismatch(array_len, len)); } } visitor.visit_seq(SeqAccess::new(obj, self.scope, 0..len as u32)) } // Tuple structs look just like sequences in JSON. fn deserialize_tuple_struct( self, _name: &'static str, len: usize, visitor: V, ) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { self.deserialize_tuple(len, visitor) } fn deserialize_map(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: de::Visitor<'de>, { // Assume object, then get_own_property_names let obj = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) .map_err(|_| Error::ExpectedObject(value_to_type_str(self.input)))?; if v8::Local::::try_from(self.input).is_ok() { let pairs_array = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) .unwrap() .as_array(self.scope); let map = MapPairsAccess { pos: 0, len: pairs_array.length(), obj: pairs_array, scope: self.scope, }; visitor.visit_map(map) } else { visitor.visit_map(MapObjectAccess::new(obj, self.scope)) } } fn deserialize_struct( self, name: &'static str, fields: &'static [&'static str], visitor: V, ) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { match name { JsBuffer::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, JsBuffer::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } DetachedBuffer::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, DetachedBuffer::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } ByteString::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, ByteString::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } U16String::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, U16String::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } StringOrBuffer::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, StringOrBuffer::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } BigInt::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, BigInt::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } magic::Value::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, magic::Value::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } AnyValue::MAGIC_NAME => { visit_magic(visitor, AnyValue::from_v8(self.scope, self.input)?) } _ => { // Regular struct let obj = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input) .map_err(|_| Error::ExpectedObject(value_to_type_str(self.input)))?; // Fields names are a hint and must be inferred when not provided if fields.is_empty() { visitor.visit_map(MapObjectAccess::new(obj, self.scope)) } else { visitor.visit_map(StructAccess { obj, scope: self.scope, keys: fields.iter(), next_value: None, }) } } } } /// To be compatible with `serde-json`, we expect enums to be: /// - `"Variant"`: strings for unit variants, i.e: Enum::Variant /// - `{ Variant: payload }`: single K/V pairs, converted to `Enum::Variant { payload }` fn deserialize_enum( self, _name: &str, _variants: &'static [&'static str], visitor: V, ) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { // Unit variant if self.input.is_string() || self.input.is_string_object() { let payload = v8::undefined(self.scope).into(); visitor.visit_enum(EnumAccess { scope: self.scope, tag: self.input, payload, }) } // Struct or tuple variant else if self.input.is_object() { // Assume object let obj = v8::Local::::try_from(self.input).unwrap(); // Unpack single-key let tag = { let prop_names = obj.get_own_property_names(self.scope, Default::default()); let prop_names = prop_names .ok_or_else(|| Error::ExpectedEnum(value_to_type_str(self.input)))?; let prop_names_len = prop_names.length(); if prop_names_len != 1 { return Err(Error::LengthMismatch(prop_names_len as usize, 1)); } prop_names.get_index(self.scope, 0).unwrap() }; let payload = obj.get(self.scope, tag).unwrap(); visitor.visit_enum(EnumAccess { scope: self.scope, tag, payload, }) } else { Err(Error::ExpectedEnum(value_to_type_str(self.input))) } } // An identifier in Serde is the type that identifies a field of a struct or // the variant of an enum. In JSON, struct fields and enum variants are // represented as strings. In other formats they may be represented as // numeric indices. fn deserialize_identifier(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { self.deserialize_str(visitor) } fn deserialize_ignored_any(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { visitor.visit_none() } fn deserialize_bytes(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { magic::buffer::JsBuffer::from_v8(self.scope, self.input) .and_then(|zb| visitor.visit_bytes(&zb)) } fn deserialize_byte_buf(self, visitor: V) -> Result where V: Visitor<'de>, { magic::buffer::JsBuffer::from_v8(self.scope, self.input) .and_then(|zb| visitor.visit_byte_buf(Vec::from(&*zb))) } } struct MapObjectAccess<'a, 's> { obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>, keys: SeqAccess<'a, 's>, next_value: Option>, } impl<'a, 's> MapObjectAccess<'a, 's> { pub fn new( obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>, scope: &'a mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, ) -> Self { let keys = match obj.get_own_property_names( scope, v8::GetPropertyNamesArgsBuilder::new() .key_conversion(v8::KeyConversionMode::ConvertToString) .build(), ) { Some(keys) => SeqAccess::new(keys.into(), scope, 0..keys.length()), None => SeqAccess::new(obj, scope, 0..0), }; Self { obj, keys, next_value: None, } } } impl<'de> de::MapAccess<'de> for MapObjectAccess<'_, '_> { type Error = Error; fn next_key_seed>( &mut self, seed: K, ) -> Result> { while let Some(key) = self.keys.next_element::()? { let v8_val = self.obj.get(self.keys.scope, key.v8_value).unwrap(); if v8_val.is_undefined() { // Historically keys/value pairs with undefined values are not added to the output continue; } self.next_value = Some(v8_val); let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(self.keys.scope, key.v8_value, None); return seed.deserialize(&mut deserializer).map(Some); } Ok(None) } fn next_value_seed>( &mut self, seed: V, ) -> Result { let v8_val = self .next_value .take() .expect("Call next_key_seed before next_value_seed"); let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(self.keys.scope, v8_val, None); seed.deserialize(&mut deserializer) } fn size_hint(&self) -> Option { self.keys.size_hint() } } struct MapPairsAccess<'a, 's> { obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Array>, pos: u32, len: u32, scope: &'a mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, } impl<'de> de::MapAccess<'de> for MapPairsAccess<'_, '_> { type Error = Error; fn next_key_seed>( &mut self, seed: K, ) -> Result> { if self.pos < self.len { let v8_key = self.obj.get_index(self.scope, self.pos).unwrap(); self.pos += 1; let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(self.scope, v8_key, None); let k = seed.deserialize(&mut deserializer)?; Ok(Some(k)) } else { Ok(None) } } fn next_value_seed>( &mut self, seed: V, ) -> Result { debug_assert!(self.pos < self.len); let v8_val = self.obj.get_index(self.scope, self.pos).unwrap(); self.pos += 1; let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(self.scope, v8_val, None); seed.deserialize(&mut deserializer) } fn size_hint(&self) -> Option { Some((self.len - self.pos) as usize / 2) } } struct StructAccess<'a, 's> { obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>, scope: &'a mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, keys: std::slice::Iter<'static, &'static str>, next_value: Option>, } impl<'de> de::MapAccess<'de> for StructAccess<'_, '_> { type Error = Error; fn next_key_seed(&mut self, seed: K) -> Result> where K: de::DeserializeSeed<'de>, { for field in self.keys.by_ref() { let key = v8_struct_key(self.scope, field).into(); let val = self.obj.get(self.scope, key).unwrap(); if val.is_undefined() { // Historically keys/value pairs with undefined values are not added to the output continue; } self.next_value = Some(val); let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(self.scope, key, None); return seed.deserialize(&mut deserializer).map(Some); } Ok(None) } fn next_value_seed(&mut self, seed: V) -> Result where V: de::DeserializeSeed<'de>, { let val = self .next_value .take() .expect("Call next_key_seed before next_value_seed"); let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(self.scope, val, None); seed.deserialize(&mut deserializer) } } struct SeqAccess<'a, 's> { obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>, scope: &'a mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, range: std::ops::Range, } impl<'a, 's> SeqAccess<'a, 's> { pub fn new( obj: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>, scope: &'a mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, range: std::ops::Range, ) -> Self { Self { obj, scope, range } } } impl<'de> de::SeqAccess<'de> for SeqAccess<'_, '_> { type Error = Error; fn next_element_seed>( &mut self, seed: T, ) -> Result> { if let Some(pos) = self.range.next() { let val = self.obj.get_index(self.scope, pos).unwrap(); let mut deserializer = Deserializer::new(self.scope, val, None); seed.deserialize(&mut deserializer).map(Some) } else { Ok(None) } } fn size_hint(&self) -> Option { self.range.size_hint().1 } } struct EnumAccess<'a, 'b, 's> { tag: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, payload: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, scope: &'b mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, // p1: std::marker::PhantomData<&'x ()>, } impl<'de, 'a, 'b, 's> de::EnumAccess<'de> for EnumAccess<'a, 'b, 's> { type Error = Error; type Variant = VariantDeserializer<'a, 'b, 's>; fn variant_seed>( self, seed: V, ) -> Result<(V::Value, Self::Variant)> { let seed = { let mut dtag = Deserializer::new(self.scope, self.tag, None); seed.deserialize(&mut dtag) }; let dpayload = VariantDeserializer::<'a, 'b, 's> { scope: self.scope, value: self.payload, }; Ok((seed?, dpayload)) } } struct VariantDeserializer<'a, 'b, 's> { value: v8::Local<'a, v8::Value>, scope: &'b mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, } impl<'de, 'a, 'b, 's> de::VariantAccess<'de> for VariantDeserializer<'a, 'b, 's> { type Error = Error; fn unit_variant(self) -> Result<()> { let mut d = Deserializer::new(self.scope, self.value, None); de::Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d) } fn newtype_variant_seed>( self, seed: T, ) -> Result { let mut d = Deserializer::new(self.scope, self.value, None); seed.deserialize(&mut d) } fn tuple_variant>( self, len: usize, visitor: V, ) -> Result { let mut d = Deserializer::new(self.scope, self.value, None); de::Deserializer::deserialize_tuple(&mut d, len, visitor) } fn struct_variant>( self, fields: &'static [&'static str], visitor: V, ) -> Result { let mut d = Deserializer::new(self.scope, self.value, None); de::Deserializer::deserialize_struct(&mut d, "", fields, visitor) } } fn bigint_to_f64(b: v8::Local) -> f64 { // log2(f64::MAX) == log2(1.7976931348623157e+308) == 1024 let mut words: [u64; 16] = [0; 16]; // 1024/64 => 16 64bit words let (neg, words) = b.to_words_array(&mut words); if b.word_count() > 16 { return match neg { true => f64::NEG_INFINITY, false => f64::INFINITY, }; } let sign = if neg { -1.0 } else { 1.0 }; let x: f64 = words .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, w)| (*w as f64) * 2.0f64.powi(64 * i as i32)) .sum(); sign * x } pub fn to_utf8( s: v8::Local, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, ) -> String { to_utf8_fast(s, scope).unwrap_or_else(|| to_utf8_slow(s, scope)) } fn to_utf8_fast( s: v8::Local, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, ) -> Option { // Over-allocate by 20% to avoid checking string twice let str_chars = s.length(); let capacity = (str_chars as f64 * 1.2) as usize; let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(capacity); let mut nchars = 0; let bytes_len = s.write_utf8_uninit( scope, buf.spare_capacity_mut(), Some(&mut nchars), v8::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION | v8::WriteOptions::REPLACE_INVALID_UTF8, ); if nchars < str_chars { return None; } // SAFETY: write_utf8_uninit guarantees `bytes_len` bytes are initialized & valid utf8 unsafe { buf.set_len(bytes_len); Some(String::from_utf8_unchecked(buf)) } } fn to_utf8_slow( s: v8::Local, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, ) -> String { let capacity = s.utf8_length(scope); let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(capacity); let bytes_len = s.write_utf8_uninit( scope, buf.spare_capacity_mut(), None, v8::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION | v8::WriteOptions::REPLACE_INVALID_UTF8, ); // SAFETY: write_utf8_uninit guarantees `bytes_len` bytes are initialized & valid utf8 unsafe { buf.set_len(bytes_len); String::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) } }