// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// /// /// /// "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const { add, remove, signalAbort, newSignal, AbortSignalPrototype } = window.__bootstrap.abortSignal; const { ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferPrototype, ArrayBufferIsView, ArrayPrototypeMap, ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeShift, BigInt64ArrayPrototype, BigUint64ArrayPrototype, DataView, Int8ArrayPrototype, Int16ArrayPrototype, Int32ArrayPrototype, NumberIsInteger, NumberIsNaN, MathMin, ObjectCreate, ObjectDefineProperties, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectGetPrototypeOf, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, ObjectSetPrototypeOf, Promise, PromiseAll, PromisePrototypeCatch, PromisePrototypeThen, PromiseReject, PromiseResolve, queueMicrotask, RangeError, ReflectHas, SharedArrayBuffer, Symbol, SymbolAsyncIterator, SymbolFor, TypeError, Uint8Array, Uint8ArrayPrototype, Uint16ArrayPrototype, Uint32ArrayPrototype, Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, WeakMap, WeakMapPrototypeGet, WeakMapPrototypeHas, WeakMapPrototypeSet, } = globalThis.__bootstrap.primordials; const consoleInternal = window.__bootstrap.console; const { AssertionError, assert } = window.__bootstrap.infra; /** @template T */ class Deferred { /** @type {Promise} */ #promise; /** @type {(reject?: any) => void} */ #reject; /** @type {(value: T | PromiseLike) => void} */ #resolve; /** @type {"pending" | "fulfilled"} */ #state = "pending"; constructor() { this.#promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.#resolve = resolve; this.#reject = reject; }); } /** @returns {Promise} */ get promise() { return this.#promise; } /** @returns {"pending" | "fulfilled"} */ get state() { return this.#state; } /** @param {any=} reason */ reject(reason) { // already settled promises are a no-op if (this.#state !== "pending") { return; } this.#state = "fulfilled"; this.#reject(reason); } /** @param {T | PromiseLike} value */ resolve(value) { // already settled promises are a no-op if (this.#state !== "pending") { return; } this.#state = "fulfilled"; this.#resolve(value); } } /** * @template T * @param {T | PromiseLike} value * @returns {Promise} */ function resolvePromiseWith(value) { return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(value)); } /** @param {any} e */ function rethrowAssertionErrorRejection(e) { if (e && ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(AssertionError.prototype, e)) { queueMicrotask(() => { console.error(`Internal Error: ${e.stack}`); }); } } /** @param {Promise} promise */ function setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(promise) { PromisePrototypeThen(promise, undefined, rethrowAssertionErrorRejection); } /** * @template T * @template TResult1 * @template TResult2 * @param {Promise} promise * @param {(value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike} fulfillmentHandler * @param {(reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike=} rejectionHandler * @returns {Promise} */ function transformPromiseWith(promise, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) { return PromisePrototypeThen(promise, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler); } /** * @template T * @template TResult * @param {Promise} promise * @param {(value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike} onFulfilled * @returns {void} */ function uponFulfillment(promise, onFulfilled) { uponPromise(promise, onFulfilled); } /** * @template T * @template TResult * @param {Promise} promise * @param {(value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike} onRejected * @returns {void} */ function uponRejection(promise, onRejected) { uponPromise(promise, undefined, onRejected); } /** * @template T * @template TResult1 * @template TResult2 * @param {Promise} promise * @param {(value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike} onFulfilled * @param {(reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike=} onRejected * @returns {void} */ function uponPromise(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) { PromisePrototypeThen( PromisePrototypeThen(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected), undefined, rethrowAssertionErrorRejection, ); } const isFakeDetached = Symbol("<>"); /** * @param {ArrayBufferLike} O * @returns {boolean} */ function isDetachedBuffer(O) { return ReflectHas(O, isFakeDetached); } /** * @param {ArrayBufferLike} O * @returns {boolean} */ function canTransferArrayBuffer(O) { assert(typeof O === "object"); assert( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ArrayBufferPrototype, O) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(SharedArrayBuffer.prototype, O), ); if (isDetachedBuffer(O)) { return false; } // TODO(@crowlKats): 4. If SameValue(O.[[ArrayBufferDetachKey]], undefined) is false, return false. return true; } /** * @param {ArrayBufferLike} O * @returns {ArrayBufferLike} */ function transferArrayBuffer(O) { assert(!isDetachedBuffer(O)); const transferredIshVersion = O.slice(0); ObjectDefineProperty(O, "byteLength", { get() { return 0; }, }); O[isFakeDetached] = true; return transferredIshVersion; } /** * @param {ArrayBufferView} O * @returns {Uint8Array} */ function cloneAsUint8Array(O) { assert(typeof O === "object"); assert(ArrayBufferIsView(O)); assert(!isDetachedBuffer(O.buffer)); const buffer = O.buffer.slice(O.byteOffset, O.byteOffset + O.byteLength); return new Uint8Array(buffer); } const _abortAlgorithm = Symbol("[[abortAlgorithm]]"); const _abortSteps = Symbol("[[AbortSteps]]"); const _autoAllocateChunkSize = Symbol("[[autoAllocateChunkSize]]"); const _backpressure = Symbol("[[backpressure]]"); const _backpressureChangePromise = Symbol("[[backpressureChangePromise]]"); const _byobRequest = Symbol("[[byobRequest]]"); const _cancelAlgorithm = Symbol("[[cancelAlgorithm]]"); const _cancelSteps = Symbol("[[CancelSteps]]"); const _close = Symbol("close sentinel"); const _closeAlgorithm = Symbol("[[closeAlgorithm]]"); const _closedPromise = Symbol("[[closedPromise]]"); const _closeRequest = Symbol("[[closeRequest]]"); const _closeRequested = Symbol("[[closeRequested]]"); const _controller = Symbol("[[controller]]"); const _detached = Symbol("[[Detached]]"); const _disturbed = Symbol("[[disturbed]]"); const _errorSteps = Symbol("[[ErrorSteps]]"); const _flushAlgorithm = Symbol("[[flushAlgorithm]]"); const _globalObject = Symbol("[[globalObject]]"); const _highWaterMark = Symbol("[[highWaterMark]]"); const _inFlightCloseRequest = Symbol("[[inFlightCloseRequest]]"); const _inFlightWriteRequest = Symbol("[[inFlightWriteRequest]]"); const _pendingAbortRequest = Symbol("[pendingAbortRequest]"); const _pendingPullIntos = Symbol("[[pendingPullIntos]]"); const _preventCancel = Symbol("[[preventCancel]]"); const _pullAgain = Symbol("[[pullAgain]]"); const _pullAlgorithm = Symbol("[[pullAlgorithm]]"); const _pulling = Symbol("[[pulling]]"); const _pullSteps = Symbol("[[PullSteps]]"); const _releaseSteps = Symbol("[[ReleaseSteps]]"); const _queue = Symbol("[[queue]]"); const _queueTotalSize = Symbol("[[queueTotalSize]]"); const _readable = Symbol("[[readable]]"); const _reader = Symbol("[[reader]]"); const _readRequests = Symbol("[[readRequests]]"); const _readIntoRequests = Symbol("[[readIntoRequests]]"); const _readyPromise = Symbol("[[readyPromise]]"); const _signal = Symbol("[[signal]]"); const _started = Symbol("[[started]]"); const _state = Symbol("[[state]]"); const _storedError = Symbol("[[storedError]]"); const _strategyHWM = Symbol("[[strategyHWM]]"); const _strategySizeAlgorithm = Symbol("[[strategySizeAlgorithm]]"); const _stream = Symbol("[[stream]]"); const _transformAlgorithm = Symbol("[[transformAlgorithm]]"); const _view = Symbol("[[view]]"); const _writable = Symbol("[[writable]]"); const _writeAlgorithm = Symbol("[[writeAlgorithm]]"); const _writer = Symbol("[[writer]]"); const _writeRequests = Symbol("[[writeRequests]]"); /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} */ function acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream) { return new ReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {ReadableStreamBYOBReader} */ function acquireReadableStreamBYOBReader(stream) { const reader = webidl.createBranded(ReadableStreamBYOBReader); setUpReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader, stream); return reader; } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStream} stream * @returns {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} */ function acquireWritableStreamDefaultWriter(stream) { return new WritableStreamDefaultWriter(stream); } /** * @template R * @param {() => void} startAlgorithm * @param {() => Promise} pullAlgorithm * @param {(reason: any) => Promise} cancelAlgorithm * @param {number=} highWaterMark * @param {((chunk: R) => number)=} sizeAlgorithm * @returns {ReadableStream} */ function createReadableStream( startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark = 1, sizeAlgorithm = () => 1, ) { assert(isNonNegativeNumber(highWaterMark)); /** @type {ReadableStream} */ const stream = webidl.createBranded(ReadableStream); initializeReadableStream(stream); const controller = webidl.createBranded(ReadableStreamDefaultController); setUpReadableStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ); return stream; } /** * @template W * @param {(controller: WritableStreamDefaultController) => Promise} startAlgorithm * @param {(chunk: W) => Promise} writeAlgorithm * @param {() => Promise} closeAlgorithm * @param {(reason: any) => Promise} abortAlgorithm * @param {number} highWaterMark * @param {(chunk: W) => number} sizeAlgorithm * @returns {WritableStream} */ function createWritableStream( startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ) { assert(isNonNegativeNumber(highWaterMark)); const stream = webidl.createBranded(WritableStream); initializeWritableStream(stream); const controller = webidl.createBranded(WritableStreamDefaultController); setUpWritableStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ); return stream; } /** * @template T * @param {{ [_queue]: Array>, [_queueTotalSize]: number }} container * @returns {T} */ function dequeueValue(container) { assert( ReflectHas(container, _queue) && ReflectHas(container, _queueTotalSize), ); assert(container[_queue].length); const valueWithSize = ArrayPrototypeShift(container[_queue]); container[_queueTotalSize] -= valueWithSize.size; if (container[_queueTotalSize] < 0) { container[_queueTotalSize] = 0; } return valueWithSize.value; } /** * @template T * @param {{ [_queue]: Array>, [_queueTotalSize]: number }} container * @param {T} value * @param {number} size * @returns {void} */ function enqueueValueWithSize(container, value, size) { assert( ReflectHas(container, _queue) && ReflectHas(container, _queueTotalSize), ); if (isNonNegativeNumber(size) === false) { throw RangeError("chunk size isn't a positive number"); } if (size === Infinity) { throw RangeError("chunk size is invalid"); } ArrayPrototypePush(container[_queue], { value, size }); container[_queueTotalSize] += size; } /** * @param {QueuingStrategy} strategy * @param {number} defaultHWM */ function extractHighWaterMark(strategy, defaultHWM) { if (strategy.highWaterMark === undefined) { return defaultHWM; } const highWaterMark = strategy.highWaterMark; if (NumberIsNaN(highWaterMark) || highWaterMark < 0) { throw RangeError( `Expected highWaterMark to be a positive number or Infinity, got "${highWaterMark}".`, ); } return highWaterMark; } /** * @template T * @param {QueuingStrategy} strategy * @return {(chunk: T) => number} */ function extractSizeAlgorithm(strategy) { if (strategy.size === undefined) { return () => 1; } return (chunk) => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( strategy.size, [chunk], undefined, webidl.converters["unrestricted double"], { prefix: "Failed to call `sizeAlgorithm`" }, ); } /** * @param {() => void} startAlgorithm * @param {() => Promise} pullAlgorithm * @param {(reason: any) => Promise} cancelAlgorithm * @returns {ReadableStream} */ function createReadableByteStream( startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, ) { const stream = webidl.createBranded(ReadableStream); initializeReadableStream(stream); const controller = webidl.createBranded(ReadableByteStreamController); setUpReadableByteStreamController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, 0, undefined, ); return stream; } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {void} */ function initializeReadableStream(stream) { stream[_state] = "readable"; stream[_reader] = stream[_storedError] = undefined; stream[_disturbed] = false; } /** * @template I * @template O * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {Deferred} startPromise * @param {number} writableHighWaterMark * @param {(chunk: I) => number} writableSizeAlgorithm * @param {number} readableHighWaterMark * @param {(chunk: O) => number} readableSizeAlgorithm */ function initializeTransformStream( stream, startPromise, writableHighWaterMark, writableSizeAlgorithm, readableHighWaterMark, readableSizeAlgorithm, ) { function startAlgorithm() { return startPromise.promise; } function writeAlgorithm(chunk) { return transformStreamDefaultSinkWriteAlgorithm(stream, chunk); } function abortAlgorithm(reason) { return transformStreamDefaultSinkAbortAlgorithm(stream, reason); } function closeAlgorithm() { return transformStreamDefaultSinkCloseAlgorithm(stream); } stream[_writable] = createWritableStream( startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, writableHighWaterMark, writableSizeAlgorithm, ); function pullAlgorithm() { return transformStreamDefaultSourcePullAlgorithm(stream); } function cancelAlgorithm(reason) { transformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, reason); return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } stream[_readable] = createReadableStream( startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, readableHighWaterMark, readableSizeAlgorithm, ); stream[_backpressure] = stream[_backpressureChangePromise] = undefined; transformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, true); stream[_controller] = undefined; } /** @param {WritableStream} stream */ function initializeWritableStream(stream) { stream[_state] = "writable"; stream[_storedError] = stream[_writer] = stream[_controller] = stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] = stream[_closeRequest] = stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] = stream[_pendingAbortRequest] = undefined; stream[_writeRequests] = []; stream[_backpressure] = false; } /** * @param {unknown} v * @returns {v is number} */ function isNonNegativeNumber(v) { if (typeof v !== "number") { return false; } if (NumberIsNaN(v)) { return false; } if (v < 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param {unknown} value * @returns {value is ReadableStream} */ function isReadableStream(value) { return !(typeof value !== "object" || value === null || !ReflectHas(value, _controller)); } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {boolean} */ function isReadableStreamLocked(stream) { if (stream[_reader] === undefined) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param {unknown} value * @returns {value is ReadableStreamDefaultReader} */ function isReadableStreamDefaultReader(value) { return !(typeof value !== "object" || value === null || !ReflectHas(value, _readRequests)); } /** * @param {unknown} value * @returns {value is ReadableStreamBYOBReader} */ function isReadableStreamBYOBReader(value) { return !(typeof value !== "object" || value === null || !ReflectHas(value, _readIntoRequests)); } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {boolean} */ function isReadableStreamDisturbed(stream) { assert(isReadableStream(stream)); return stream[_disturbed]; } const DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024; // 64 KiB /** * @callback unrefCallback * @param {Promise} promise * @returns {undefined} */ /** * @param {number} rid * @param {unrefCallback=} unrefCallback * @returns {ReadableStream} */ function readableStreamForRid(rid, unrefCallback) { const stream = webidl.createBranded(ReadableStream); stream[_maybeRid] = rid; const underlyingSource = { type: "bytes", async pull(controller) { const v = controller.byobRequest.view; try { const promise = core.read(rid, v); unrefCallback?.(promise); const bytesRead = await promise; if (bytesRead === 0) { core.tryClose(rid); controller.close(); controller.byobRequest.respond(0); } else { controller.byobRequest.respond(bytesRead); } } catch (e) { controller.error(e); core.tryClose(rid); } }, cancel() { core.tryClose(rid); }, autoAllocateChunkSize: DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, }; initializeReadableStream(stream); setUpReadableByteStreamControllerFromUnderlyingSource( stream, underlyingSource, underlyingSource, 0, ); return stream; } function getReadableStreamRid(stream) { return stream[_maybeRid]; } /** * @param {unknown} value * @returns {value is WritableStream} */ function isWritableStream(value) { return !(typeof value !== "object" || value === null || !ReflectHas(value, _controller)); } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @returns {boolean} */ function isWritableStreamLocked(stream) { if (stream[_writer] === undefined) { return false; } return true; } /** * @template T * @param {{ [_queue]: Array>, [_queueTotalSize]: number }} container * @returns {T | _close} */ function peekQueueValue(container) { assert( ReflectHas(container, _queue) && ReflectHas(container, _queueTotalSize), ); assert(container[_queue].length); const valueWithSize = container[_queue][0]; return valueWithSize.value; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller) { const shouldPull = readableByteStreamControllerShouldCallPull(controller); if (!shouldPull) { return; } if (controller[_pulling]) { controller[_pullAgain] = true; return; } assert(controller[_pullAgain] === false); controller[_pulling] = true; /** @type {Promise} */ const pullPromise = controller[_pullAlgorithm](controller); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue( PromisePrototypeThen( pullPromise, () => { controller[_pulling] = false; if (controller[_pullAgain]) { controller[_pullAgain] = false; readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } }, (e) => { readableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e); }, ), ); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller[_pullAlgorithm] = undefined; controller[_cancelAlgorithm] = undefined; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {any} e */ function readableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e) { /** @type {ReadableStream} */ const stream = controller[_stream]; if (stream[_state] !== "readable") { return; } readableByteStreamControllerClearPendingPullIntos(controller); resetQueue(controller); readableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); readableStreamError(stream, e); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerClearPendingPullIntos(controller) { readableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller); controller[_pendingPullIntos] = []; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerClose(controller) { /** @type {ReadableStream} */ const stream = controller[_stream]; if (controller[_closeRequested] || stream[_state] !== "readable") { return; } if (controller[_queueTotalSize] > 0) { controller[_closeRequested] = true; return; } if (controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { const firstPendingPullInto = controller[_pendingPullIntos][0]; if (firstPendingPullInto.bytesFilled > 0) { const e = new TypeError( "Insufficient bytes to fill elements in the given buffer", ); readableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e); throw e; } } readableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); readableStreamClose(stream); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {ArrayBufferView} chunk */ function readableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk) { /** @type {ReadableStream} */ const stream = controller[_stream]; if ( controller[_closeRequested] || controller[_stream][_state] !== "readable" ) { return; } const { buffer, byteOffset, byteLength } = chunk; if (isDetachedBuffer(buffer)) { throw new TypeError( "chunk's buffer is detached and so cannot be enqueued", ); } const transferredBuffer = transferArrayBuffer(buffer); if (controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { const firstPendingPullInto = controller[_pendingPullIntos][0]; if (isDetachedBuffer(firstPendingPullInto.buffer)) { throw new TypeError( "The BYOB request's buffer has been detached and so cannot be filled with an enqueued chunk", ); } readableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller); firstPendingPullInto.buffer = transferArrayBuffer( firstPendingPullInto.buffer, ); if (firstPendingPullInto.readerType === "none") { readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueDetachedPullIntoToQueue( controller, firstPendingPullInto, ); } } if (readableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream)) { readableByteStreamControllerProcessReadRequestsUsingQueue(controller); if (readableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) === 0) { assert(controller[_pendingPullIntos].length === 0); readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue( controller, transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength, ); } else { assert(controller[_queue].length === 0); if (controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { assert(controller[_pendingPullIntos][0].readerType === "default"); readableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); } const transferredView = new Uint8Array( transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength, ); readableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, transferredView, false); } } else if (readableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream)) { readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue( controller, transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength, ); readableByteStreamControllerProcessPullIntoDescriptorsUsingQueue( controller, ); } else { assert(isReadableStreamLocked(stream) === false); readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue( controller, transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength, ); } readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {ArrayBufferLike} buffer * @param {number} byteOffset * @param {number} byteLength * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue( controller, buffer, byteOffset, byteLength, ) { ArrayPrototypePush(controller[_queue], { buffer, byteOffset, byteLength }); controller[_queueTotalSize] += byteLength; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {ArrayBufferLike} buffer * @param {number} byteOffset * @param {number} byteLength * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueClonedChunkToQueue( controller, buffer, byteOffset, byteLength, ) { let cloneResult; try { cloneResult = buffer.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength); } catch (e) { readableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e); } readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue( controller, cloneResult, 0, byteLength, ); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {PullIntoDescriptor} pullIntoDescriptor * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueDetachedPullIntoToQueue( controller, pullIntoDescriptor, ) { assert(pullIntoDescriptor.readerType === "none"); if (pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled > 0) { readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueClonedChunkToQueue( controller, pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset, pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled, ); } readableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {ReadableStreamBYOBRequest | null} */ function readableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest(controller) { if ( controller[_byobRequest] === null && controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0 ) { const firstDescriptor = controller[_pendingPullIntos][0]; const view = new Uint8Array( firstDescriptor.buffer, firstDescriptor.byteOffset + firstDescriptor.bytesFilled, firstDescriptor.byteLength - firstDescriptor.bytesFilled, ); const byobRequest = webidl.createBranded(ReadableStreamBYOBRequest); byobRequest[_controller] = controller; byobRequest[_view] = view; controller[_byobRequest] = byobRequest; } return controller[_byobRequest]; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {number | null} */ function readableByteStreamControllerGetDesiredSize(controller) { const state = controller[_stream][_state]; if (state === "errored") { return null; } if (state === "closed") { return 0; } return controller[_strategyHWM] - controller[_queueTotalSize]; } /** * @param {{ [_queue]: any[], [_queueTotalSize]: number }} container * @returns {void} */ function resetQueue(container) { container[_queue] = []; container[_queueTotalSize] = 0; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerHandleQueueDrain(controller) { assert(controller[_stream][_state] === "readable"); if ( controller[_queueTotalSize] === 0 && controller[_closeRequested] ) { readableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); readableStreamClose(controller[_stream]); } else { readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {boolean} */ function readableByteStreamControllerShouldCallPull(controller) { /** @type {ReadableStream} */ const stream = controller[_stream]; if ( stream[_state] !== "readable" || controller[_closeRequested] || !controller[_started] ) { return false; } if ( readableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream) && readableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) > 0 ) { return true; } if ( readableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream) && readableStreamGetNumReadIntoRequests(stream) > 0 ) { return true; } const desiredSize = readableByteStreamControllerGetDesiredSize(controller); assert(desiredSize !== null); return desiredSize > 0; } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {ReadRequest} readRequest * @returns {void} */ function readableStreamAddReadRequest(stream, readRequest) { assert(isReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream[_reader])); assert(stream[_state] === "readable"); ArrayPrototypePush(stream[_reader][_readRequests], readRequest); } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {ReadIntoRequest} readRequest * @returns {void} */ function readableStreamAddReadIntoRequest(stream, readRequest) { assert(isReadableStreamBYOBReader(stream[_reader])); assert(stream[_state] === "readable" || stream[_state] === "closed"); ArrayPrototypePush(stream[_reader][_readIntoRequests], readRequest); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {any=} reason * @returns {Promise} */ function readableStreamCancel(stream, reason) { stream[_disturbed] = true; if (stream[_state] === "closed") { return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } if (stream[_state] === "errored") { return PromiseReject(stream[_storedError]); } readableStreamClose(stream); const reader = stream[_reader]; if (reader !== undefined && isReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader)) { const readIntoRequests = reader[_readIntoRequests]; reader[_readIntoRequests] = []; for (const readIntoRequest of readIntoRequests) { readIntoRequest.closeSteps(undefined); } } /** @type {Promise} */ const sourceCancelPromise = stream[_controller][_cancelSteps](reason); return PromisePrototypeThen(sourceCancelPromise, () => undefined); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {void} */ function readableStreamClose(stream) { assert(stream[_state] === "readable"); stream[_state] = "closed"; /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader | undefined} */ const reader = stream[_reader]; if (!reader) { return; } if (isReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { /** @type {Array>} */ const readRequests = reader[_readRequests]; reader[_readRequests] = []; for (const readRequest of readRequests) { readRequest.closeSteps(); } } // This promise can be double resolved. // See: https://github.com/whatwg/streams/issues/1100 reader[_closedPromise].resolve(undefined); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {void} */ function readableStreamDisturb(stream) { stream[_disturbed] = true; } /** @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller */ function readableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller) { const shouldPull = readableStreamDefaultcontrollerShouldCallPull( controller, ); if (shouldPull === false) { return; } if (controller[_pulling] === true) { controller[_pullAgain] = true; return; } assert(controller[_pullAgain] === false); controller[_pulling] = true; const pullPromise = controller[_pullAlgorithm](controller); uponFulfillment(pullPromise, () => { controller[_pulling] = false; if (controller[_pullAgain] === true) { controller[_pullAgain] = false; readableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } }); uponRejection(pullPromise, (e) => { readableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e); }); } /** * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller * @returns {boolean} */ function readableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller) { const state = controller[_stream][_state]; if (controller[_closeRequested] === false && state === "readable") { return true; } else { return false; } } /** @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller */ function readableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller[_pullAlgorithm] = undefined; controller[_cancelAlgorithm] = undefined; controller[_strategySizeAlgorithm] = undefined; } /** @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller */ function readableStreamDefaultControllerClose(controller) { if ( readableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller) === false ) { return; } const stream = controller[_stream]; controller[_closeRequested] = true; if (controller[_queue].length === 0) { readableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); readableStreamClose(stream); } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {R} chunk * @returns {void} */ function readableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk) { if ( readableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller) === false ) { return; } const stream = controller[_stream]; if ( isReadableStreamLocked(stream) === true && readableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) > 0 ) { readableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, chunk, false); } else { let chunkSize; try { chunkSize = controller[_strategySizeAlgorithm](chunk); } catch (e) { readableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e); throw e; } try { enqueueValueWithSize(controller, chunk, chunkSize); } catch (e) { readableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e); throw e; } } readableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } /** * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {any} e */ function readableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e) { const stream = controller[_stream]; if (stream[_state] !== "readable") { return; } resetQueue(controller); readableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); readableStreamError(stream, e); } /** * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller * @returns {number | null} */ function readableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(controller) { const state = controller[_stream][_state]; if (state === "errored") { return null; } if (state === "closed") { return 0; } return controller[_strategyHWM] - controller[_queueTotalSize]; } /** @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller */ function readableStreamDefaultcontrollerHasBackpressure(controller) { if (readableStreamDefaultcontrollerShouldCallPull(controller) === true) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller * @returns {boolean} */ function readableStreamDefaultcontrollerShouldCallPull(controller) { const stream = controller[_stream]; if ( readableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller) === false ) { return false; } if (controller[_started] === false) { return false; } if ( isReadableStreamLocked(stream) && readableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) > 0 ) { return true; } const desiredSize = readableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize( controller, ); assert(desiredSize !== null); if (desiredSize > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param {ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader * @param {ArrayBufferView} view * @param {ReadIntoRequest} readIntoRequest * @returns {void} */ function readableStreamBYOBReaderRead(reader, view, readIntoRequest) { const stream = reader[_stream]; assert(stream); stream[_disturbed] = true; if (stream[_state] === "errored") { readIntoRequest.errorSteps(stream[_storedError]); } else { readableByteStreamControllerPullInto( stream[_controller], view, readIntoRequest, ); } } /** * @param {ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader */ function readableStreamBYOBReaderRelease(reader) { readableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); const e = new TypeError("The reader was released."); readableStreamBYOBReaderErrorReadIntoRequests(reader, e); } /** * @param {ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader * @param {any} e */ function readableStreamDefaultReaderErrorReadRequests(reader, e) { const readRequests = reader[_readRequests]; reader[_readRequests] = []; for (const readRequest of readRequests) { readRequest.errorSteps(e); } } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller */ function readableByteStreamControllerProcessPullIntoDescriptorsUsingQueue( controller, ) { assert(!controller[_closeRequested]); while (controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { if (controller[_queueTotalSize] === 0) { return; } const pullIntoDescriptor = controller[_pendingPullIntos][0]; if ( readableByteStreamControllerFillPullIntoDescriptorFromQueue( controller, pullIntoDescriptor, ) ) { readableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); readableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor( controller[_stream], pullIntoDescriptor, ); } } } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller */ function readableByteStreamControllerProcessReadRequestsUsingQueue( controller, ) { const reader = controller[_stream][_reader]; assert(isReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)); while (reader[_readRequests].length !== 0) { if (controller[_queueTotalSize] === 0) { return; } const readRequest = ArrayPrototypeShift(reader[_readRequests]); readableByteStreamControllerFillReadRequestFromQueue( controller, readRequest, ); } } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {ArrayBufferView} view * @param {ReadIntoRequest} readIntoRequest * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerPullInto( controller, view, readIntoRequest, ) { const stream = controller[_stream]; let elementSize = 1; let ctor = DataView; if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Int8ArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint8ArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Int16ArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint16ArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Int32ArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint32ArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BigInt64ArrayPrototype, view) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BigUint64ArrayPrototype, view) ) { elementSize = view.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; ctor = view.constructor; } const byteOffset = view.byteOffset; const byteLength = view.byteLength; /** @type {ArrayBufferLike} */ let buffer; try { buffer = transferArrayBuffer(view.buffer); } catch (e) { readIntoRequest.errorSteps(e); return; } /** @type {PullIntoDescriptor} */ const pullIntoDescriptor = { buffer, bufferByteLength: buffer.byteLength, byteOffset, byteLength, bytesFilled: 0, elementSize, viewConstructor: ctor, readerType: "byob", }; if (controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { ArrayPrototypePush(controller[_pendingPullIntos], pullIntoDescriptor); readableStreamAddReadIntoRequest(stream, readIntoRequest); return; } if (stream[_state] === "closed") { const emptyView = new ctor( pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset, 0, ); readIntoRequest.closeSteps(emptyView); return; } if (controller[_queueTotalSize] > 0) { if ( readableByteStreamControllerFillPullIntoDescriptorFromQueue( controller, pullIntoDescriptor, ) ) { const filledView = readableByteStreamControllerConvertPullIntoDescriptor( pullIntoDescriptor, ); readableByteStreamControllerHandleQueueDrain(controller); readIntoRequest.chunkSteps(filledView); return; } if (controller[_closeRequested]) { const e = new TypeError( "Insufficient bytes to fill elements in the given buffer", ); readableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e); readIntoRequest.errorSteps(e); return; } } controller[_pendingPullIntos].push(pullIntoDescriptor); readableStreamAddReadIntoRequest(stream, readIntoRequest); readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {number} bytesWritten * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerRespond(controller, bytesWritten) { assert(controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0); const firstDescriptor = controller[_pendingPullIntos][0]; const state = controller[_stream][_state]; if (state === "closed") { if (bytesWritten !== 0) { throw new TypeError( "bytesWritten must be 0 when calling respond() on a closed stream", ); } } else { assert(state === "readable"); if (bytesWritten === 0) { throw new TypeError( "bytesWritten must be greater than 0 when calling respond() on a readable stream", ); } if ( (firstDescriptor.bytesFilled + bytesWritten) > firstDescriptor.byteLength ) { throw new RangeError("bytesWritten out of range"); } } firstDescriptor.buffer = transferArrayBuffer(firstDescriptor.buffer); readableByteStreamControllerRespondInternal(controller, bytesWritten); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {number} bytesWritten * @param {PullIntoDescriptor} pullIntoDescriptor * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerRespondInReadableState( controller, bytesWritten, pullIntoDescriptor, ) { assert( (pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled + bytesWritten) <= pullIntoDescriptor.byteLength, ); readableByteStreamControllerFillHeadPullIntoDescriptor( controller, bytesWritten, pullIntoDescriptor, ); if (pullIntoDescriptor.readerType === "none") { readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueDetachedPullIntoToQueue( controller, pullIntoDescriptor, ); readableByteStreamControllerProcessPullIntoDescriptorsUsingQueue( controller, ); return; } if (pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled < pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize) { return; } readableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); const remainderSize = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled % pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize; if (remainderSize > 0) { const end = pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset + pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; readableByteStreamControllerEnqueueClonedChunkToQueue( controller, pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, end - remainderSize, remainderSize, ); } pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled -= remainderSize; readableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor( controller[_stream], pullIntoDescriptor, ); readableByteStreamControllerProcessPullIntoDescriptorsUsingQueue( controller, ); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {number} bytesWritten * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerRespondInternal( controller, bytesWritten, ) { const firstDescriptor = controller[_pendingPullIntos][0]; assert(canTransferArrayBuffer(firstDescriptor.buffer)); readableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller); const state = controller[_stream][_state]; if (state === "closed") { assert(bytesWritten === 0); readableByteStreamControllerRespondInClosedState( controller, firstDescriptor, ); } else { assert(state === "readable"); assert(bytesWritten > 0); readableByteStreamControllerRespondInReadableState( controller, bytesWritten, firstDescriptor, ); } readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller */ function readableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller) { if (controller[_byobRequest] === null) { return; } controller[_byobRequest][_controller] = undefined; controller[_byobRequest][_view] = null; controller[_byobRequest] = null; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {PullIntoDescriptor} firstDescriptor */ function readableByteStreamControllerRespondInClosedState( controller, firstDescriptor, ) { assert(firstDescriptor.bytesFilled === 0); if (firstDescriptor.readerType === "none") { readableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); } const stream = controller[_stream]; if (readableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream)) { while (readableStreamGetNumReadIntoRequests(stream) > 0) { const pullIntoDescriptor = readableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); readableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor( stream, pullIntoDescriptor, ); } } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {PullIntoDescriptor} pullIntoDescriptor */ function readableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor( stream, pullIntoDescriptor, ) { assert(stream[_state] !== "errored"); assert(pullIntoDescriptor.readerType !== "none"); let done = false; if (stream[_state] === "closed") { assert(pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled === 0); done = true; } const filledView = readableByteStreamControllerConvertPullIntoDescriptor( pullIntoDescriptor, ); if (pullIntoDescriptor.readerType === "default") { readableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, filledView, done); } else { assert(pullIntoDescriptor.readerType === "byob"); readableStreamFulfillReadIntoRequest(stream, filledView, done); } } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {ArrayBufferView} view */ function readableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(controller, view) { assert(controller[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0); assert(!isDetachedBuffer(view.buffer)); const firstDescriptor = controller[_pendingPullIntos][0]; const state = controller[_stream][_state]; if (state === "closed") { if (view.byteLength !== 0) { throw new TypeError( "The view's length must be 0 when calling respondWithNewView() on a closed stream", ); } } else { assert(state === "readable"); if (view.byteLength === 0) { throw new TypeError( "The view's length must be greater than 0 when calling respondWithNewView() on a readable stream", ); } } if ( (firstDescriptor.byteOffset + firstDescriptor.bytesFilled) !== view.byteOffset ) { throw new RangeError( "The region specified by view does not match byobRequest", ); } if (firstDescriptor.bufferByteLength !== view.buffer.byteLength) { throw new RangeError( "The buffer of view has different capacity than byobRequest", ); } if ( (firstDescriptor.bytesFilled + view.byteLength) > firstDescriptor.byteLength ) { throw new RangeError( "The region specified by view is larger than byobRequest", ); } const viewByteLength = view.byteLength; firstDescriptor.buffer = transferArrayBuffer(view.buffer); readableByteStreamControllerRespondInternal(controller, viewByteLength); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @returns {PullIntoDescriptor} */ function readableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller) { assert(controller[_byobRequest] === null); return ArrayPrototypeShift(controller[_pendingPullIntos]); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {PullIntoDescriptor} pullIntoDescriptor * @returns {boolean} */ function readableByteStreamControllerFillPullIntoDescriptorFromQueue( controller, pullIntoDescriptor, ) { const elementSize = pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize; const currentAlignedBytes = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled - (pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled % elementSize); const maxBytesToCopy = MathMin( controller[_queueTotalSize], pullIntoDescriptor.byteLength - pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled, ); const maxBytesFilled = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled + maxBytesToCopy; const maxAlignedBytes = maxBytesFilled - (maxBytesFilled % elementSize); let totalBytesToCopyRemaining = maxBytesToCopy; let ready = false; if (maxAlignedBytes > currentAlignedBytes) { totalBytesToCopyRemaining = maxAlignedBytes - pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; ready = true; } const queue = controller[_queue]; while (totalBytesToCopyRemaining > 0) { const headOfQueue = queue[0]; const bytesToCopy = MathMin( totalBytesToCopyRemaining, headOfQueue.byteLength, ); const destStart = pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset + pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; const destBuffer = new Uint8Array( pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, destStart, bytesToCopy, ); const srcBuffer = new Uint8Array( headOfQueue.buffer, headOfQueue.byteOffset, bytesToCopy, ); destBuffer.set(srcBuffer); if (headOfQueue.byteLength === bytesToCopy) { ArrayPrototypeShift(queue); } else { headOfQueue.byteOffset += bytesToCopy; headOfQueue.byteLength -= bytesToCopy; } controller[_queueTotalSize] -= bytesToCopy; readableByteStreamControllerFillHeadPullIntoDescriptor( controller, bytesToCopy, pullIntoDescriptor, ); totalBytesToCopyRemaining -= bytesToCopy; } if (!ready) { assert(controller[_queueTotalSize] === 0); assert(pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled > 0); assert(pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled < pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize); } return ready; } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {ReadRequest} readRequest * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerFillReadRequestFromQueue( controller, readRequest, ) { assert(controller[_queueTotalSize] > 0); const entry = ArrayPrototypeShift(controller[_queue]); controller[_queueTotalSize] -= entry.byteLength; readableByteStreamControllerHandleQueueDrain(controller); const view = new Uint8Array( entry.buffer, entry.byteOffset, entry.byteLength, ); readRequest.chunkSteps(view); } /** * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {number} size * @param {PullIntoDescriptor} pullIntoDescriptor * @returns {void} */ function readableByteStreamControllerFillHeadPullIntoDescriptor( controller, size, pullIntoDescriptor, ) { assert( controller[_pendingPullIntos].length === 0 || controller[_pendingPullIntos][0] === pullIntoDescriptor, ); assert(controller[_byobRequest] === null); pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled += size; } /** * @param {PullIntoDescriptor} pullIntoDescriptor * @returns {ArrayBufferView} */ function readableByteStreamControllerConvertPullIntoDescriptor( pullIntoDescriptor, ) { const bytesFilled = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; const elementSize = pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize; assert(bytesFilled <= pullIntoDescriptor.byteLength); assert((bytesFilled % elementSize) === 0); const buffer = transferArrayBuffer(pullIntoDescriptor.buffer); return new pullIntoDescriptor.viewConstructor( buffer, pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset, bytesFilled / elementSize, ); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} reader * @param {ReadRequest} readRequest * @returns {void} */ function readableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest) { const stream = reader[_stream]; assert(stream); stream[_disturbed] = true; if (stream[_state] === "closed") { readRequest.closeSteps(); } else if (stream[_state] === "errored") { readRequest.errorSteps(stream[_storedError]); } else { assert(stream[_state] === "readable"); stream[_controller][_pullSteps](readRequest); } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} reader */ function readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(reader) { readableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); const e = new TypeError("The reader was released."); readableStreamDefaultReaderErrorReadRequests(reader, e); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {any} e */ function readableStreamError(stream, e) { assert(stream[_state] === "readable"); stream[_state] = "errored"; stream[_storedError] = e; /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader | undefined} */ const reader = stream[_reader]; if (reader === undefined) { return; } /** @type {Deferred} */ const closedPromise = reader[_closedPromise]; closedPromise.reject(e); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(closedPromise.promise); if (isReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { readableStreamDefaultReaderErrorReadRequests(reader, e); } else { assert(isReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader)); readableStreamBYOBReaderErrorReadIntoRequests(reader, e); } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {R} chunk * @param {boolean} done */ function readableStreamFulfillReadIntoRequest(stream, chunk, done) { assert(readableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream)); /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} */ const reader = stream[_reader]; assert(reader[_readIntoRequests].length !== 0); /** @type {ReadIntoRequest} */ const readIntoRequest = ArrayPrototypeShift(reader[_readIntoRequests]); if (done) { readIntoRequest.closeSteps(chunk); } else { readIntoRequest.chunkSteps(chunk); } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {R} chunk * @param {boolean} done */ function readableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, chunk, done) { assert(readableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream) === true); /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} */ const reader = stream[_reader]; assert(reader[_readRequests].length); /** @type {ReadRequest} */ const readRequest = ArrayPrototypeShift(reader[_readRequests]); if (done) { readRequest.closeSteps(); } else { readRequest.chunkSteps(chunk); } } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @return {number} */ function readableStreamGetNumReadIntoRequests(stream) { assert(readableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream) === true); return stream[_reader][_readIntoRequests].length; } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @return {number} */ function readableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) { assert(readableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream) === true); return stream[_reader][_readRequests].length; } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {boolean} */ function readableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream) { const reader = stream[_reader]; if (reader === undefined) { return false; } if (isReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {boolean} */ function readableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream) { const reader = stream[_reader]; if (reader === undefined) { return false; } if (isReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @template T * @param {ReadableStream} source * @param {WritableStream} dest * @param {boolean} preventClose * @param {boolean} preventAbort * @param {boolean} preventCancel * @param {AbortSignal=} signal * @returns {Promise} */ function readableStreamPipeTo( source, dest, preventClose, preventAbort, preventCancel, signal, ) { assert(isReadableStream(source)); assert(isWritableStream(dest)); assert( typeof preventClose === "boolean" && typeof preventAbort === "boolean" && typeof preventCancel === "boolean", ); assert( signal === undefined || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(AbortSignalPrototype, signal), ); assert(!isReadableStreamLocked(source)); assert(!isWritableStreamLocked(dest)); // We use acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader even in case of ReadableByteStreamController // as the spec allows us, and the only reason to use BYOBReader is to do some smart things // with it, but the spec does not specify what things, so to simplify we stick to DefaultReader. const reader = acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(source); const writer = acquireWritableStreamDefaultWriter(dest); source[_disturbed] = true; let shuttingDown = false; let currentWrite = resolvePromiseWith(undefined); /** @type {Deferred} */ const promise = new Deferred(); /** @type {() => void} */ let abortAlgorithm; if (signal) { abortAlgorithm = () => { const error = signal.reason; /** @type {Array<() => Promise>} */ const actions = []; if (preventAbort === false) { ArrayPrototypePush(actions, () => { if (dest[_state] === "writable") { return writableStreamAbort(dest, error); } else { return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } }); } if (preventCancel === false) { ArrayPrototypePush(actions, () => { if (source[_state] === "readable") { return readableStreamCancel(source, error); } else { return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } }); } shutdownWithAction( () => PromiseAll(ArrayPrototypeMap(actions, (action) => action())), true, error, ); }; if (signal.aborted) { abortAlgorithm(); return promise.promise; } signal[add](abortAlgorithm); } function pipeLoop() { return new Promise((resolveLoop, rejectLoop) => { /** @param {boolean} done */ function next(done) { if (done) { resolveLoop(); } else { uponPromise(pipeStep(), next, rejectLoop); } } next(false); }); } /** @returns {Promise} */ function pipeStep() { if (shuttingDown === true) { return resolvePromiseWith(true); } return transformPromiseWith(writer[_readyPromise].promise, () => { return new Promise((resolveRead, rejectRead) => { readableStreamDefaultReaderRead( reader, { chunkSteps(chunk) { currentWrite = transformPromiseWith( writableStreamDefaultWriterWrite(writer, chunk), undefined, () => {}, ); resolveRead(false); }, closeSteps() { resolveRead(true); }, errorSteps: rejectRead, }, ); }); }); } isOrBecomesErrored( source, reader[_closedPromise].promise, (storedError) => { if (preventAbort === false) { shutdownWithAction( () => writableStreamAbort(dest, storedError), true, storedError, ); } else { shutdown(true, storedError); } }, ); isOrBecomesErrored(dest, writer[_closedPromise].promise, (storedError) => { if (preventCancel === false) { shutdownWithAction( () => readableStreamCancel(source, storedError), true, storedError, ); } else { shutdown(true, storedError); } }); isOrBecomesClosed(source, reader[_closedPromise].promise, () => { if (preventClose === false) { shutdownWithAction(() => writableStreamDefaultWriterCloseWithErrorPropagation(writer) ); } else { shutdown(); } }); if ( writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest) === true || dest[_state] === "closed" ) { const destClosed = new TypeError( "The destination writable stream closed before all the data could be piped to it.", ); if (preventCancel === false) { shutdownWithAction( () => readableStreamCancel(source, destClosed), true, destClosed, ); } else { shutdown(true, destClosed); } } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(pipeLoop()); return promise.promise; /** @returns {Promise} */ function waitForWritesToFinish() { const oldCurrentWrite = currentWrite; return transformPromiseWith( currentWrite, () => oldCurrentWrite !== currentWrite ? waitForWritesToFinish() : undefined, ); } /** * @param {ReadableStream | WritableStream} stream * @param {Promise} promise * @param {(e: any) => void} action */ function isOrBecomesErrored(stream, promise, action) { if (stream[_state] === "errored") { action(stream[_storedError]); } else { uponRejection(promise, action); } } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {Promise} promise * @param {() => void} action */ function isOrBecomesClosed(stream, promise, action) { if (stream[_state] === "closed") { action(); } else { uponFulfillment(promise, action); } } /** * @param {() => Promise} action * @param {boolean=} originalIsError * @param {any=} originalError */ function shutdownWithAction(action, originalIsError, originalError) { function doTheRest() { uponPromise( action(), () => finalize(originalIsError, originalError), (newError) => finalize(true, newError), ); } if (shuttingDown === true) { return; } shuttingDown = true; if ( dest[_state] === "writable" && writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest) === false ) { uponFulfillment(waitForWritesToFinish(), doTheRest); } else { doTheRest(); } } /** * @param {boolean=} isError * @param {any=} error */ function shutdown(isError, error) { if (shuttingDown) { return; } shuttingDown = true; if ( dest[_state] === "writable" && writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest) === false ) { uponFulfillment( waitForWritesToFinish(), () => finalize(isError, error), ); } else { finalize(isError, error); } } /** * @param {boolean=} isError * @param {any=} error */ function finalize(isError, error) { writableStreamDefaultWriterRelease(writer); readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(reader); if (signal !== undefined) { signal[remove](abortAlgorithm); } if (isError) { promise.reject(error); } else { promise.resolve(undefined); } } } /** * @param {ReadableStreamGenericReader | ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ function readableStreamReaderGenericCancel(reader, reason) { const stream = reader[_stream]; assert(stream !== undefined); return readableStreamCancel(stream, reason); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultReader | ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader * @param {ReadableStream} stream */ function readableStreamReaderGenericInitialize(reader, stream) { reader[_stream] = stream; stream[_reader] = reader; if (stream[_state] === "readable") { reader[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); } else if (stream[_state] === "closed") { reader[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); reader[_closedPromise].resolve(undefined); } else { assert(stream[_state] === "errored"); reader[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); reader[_closedPromise].reject(stream[_storedError]); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(reader[_closedPromise].promise); } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStreamGenericReader | ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader */ function readableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader) { const stream = reader[_stream]; assert(stream !== undefined); assert(stream[_reader] === reader); if (stream[_state] === "readable") { reader[_closedPromise].reject( new TypeError( "Reader was released and can no longer be used to monitor the stream's closedness.", ), ); } else { reader[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); reader[_closedPromise].reject( new TypeError( "Reader was released and can no longer be used to monitor the stream's closedness.", ), ); } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(reader[_closedPromise].promise); stream[_controller][_releaseSteps](); stream[_reader] = undefined; reader[_stream] = undefined; } /** * @param {ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader * @param {any} e */ function readableStreamBYOBReaderErrorReadIntoRequests(reader, e) { const readIntoRequests = reader[_readIntoRequests]; reader[_readIntoRequests] = []; for (const readIntoRequest of readIntoRequests) { readIntoRequest.errorSteps(e); } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {boolean} cloneForBranch2 * @returns {[ReadableStream, ReadableStream]} */ function readableStreamTee(stream, cloneForBranch2) { assert(isReadableStream(stream)); assert(typeof cloneForBranch2 === "boolean"); if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype, stream[_controller], ) ) { return readableByteStreamTee(stream); } else { return readableStreamDefaultTee(stream, cloneForBranch2); } } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {boolean} cloneForBranch2 * @returns {[ReadableStream, ReadableStream]} */ function readableStreamDefaultTee(stream, cloneForBranch2) { assert(isReadableStream(stream)); assert(typeof cloneForBranch2 === "boolean"); const reader = acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); let reading = false; let canceled1 = false; let canceled2 = false; /** @type {any} */ let reason1; /** @type {any} */ let reason2; /** @type {ReadableStream} */ // deno-lint-ignore prefer-const let branch1; /** @type {ReadableStream} */ // deno-lint-ignore prefer-const let branch2; /** @type {Deferred} */ const cancelPromise = new Deferred(); function pullAlgorithm() { if (reading === true) { return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } reading = true; /** @type {ReadRequest} */ const readRequest = { chunkSteps(value) { queueMicrotask(() => { reading = false; const value1 = value; const value2 = value; // TODO(lucacasonato): respect clonedForBranch2. if (canceled1 === false) { readableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ branch1[ _controller ], value1, ); } if (canceled2 === false) { readableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ branch2[ _controller ], value2, ); } }); }, closeSteps() { reading = false; if (canceled1 === false) { readableStreamDefaultControllerClose( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ branch1[ _controller ], ); } if (canceled2 === false) { readableStreamDefaultControllerClose( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ branch2[ _controller ], ); } cancelPromise.resolve(undefined); }, errorSteps() { reading = false; }, }; readableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest); return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } /** * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ function cancel1Algorithm(reason) { canceled1 = true; reason1 = reason; if (canceled2 === true) { const compositeReason = [reason1, reason2]; const cancelResult = readableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); cancelPromise.resolve(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise.promise; } /** * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ function cancel2Algorithm(reason) { canceled2 = true; reason2 = reason; if (canceled1 === true) { const compositeReason = [reason1, reason2]; const cancelResult = readableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); cancelPromise.resolve(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise.promise; } function startAlgorithm() {} branch1 = createReadableStream( startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancel1Algorithm, ); branch2 = createReadableStream( startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancel2Algorithm, ); uponRejection(reader[_closedPromise].promise, (r) => { readableStreamDefaultControllerError( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ branch1[ _controller ], r, ); readableStreamDefaultControllerError( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ branch2[ _controller ], r, ); if (canceled1 === false || canceled2 === false) { cancelPromise.resolve(undefined); } }); return [branch1, branch2]; } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @returns {[ReadableStream, ReadableStream]} */ function readableByteStreamTee(stream) { assert(isReadableStream(stream)); assert( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype, stream[_controller], ), ); let reader = acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); let reading = false; let readAgainForBranch1 = false; let readAgainForBranch2 = false; let canceled1 = false; let canceled2 = false; let reason1 = undefined; let reason2 = undefined; let branch1 = undefined; let branch2 = undefined; /** @type {Deferred} */ const cancelPromise = new Deferred(); /** * @param {ReadableStreamBYOBReader} thisReader */ function forwardReaderError(thisReader) { PromisePrototypeCatch(thisReader[_closedPromise].promise, (e) => { if (thisReader !== reader) { return; } readableByteStreamControllerError(branch1[_controller], e); readableByteStreamControllerError(branch2[_controller], e); if (!canceled1 || !canceled2) { cancelPromise.resolve(undefined); } }); } function pullWithDefaultReader() { if (isReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader)) { assert(reader[_readIntoRequests].length === 0); readableStreamBYOBReaderRelease(reader); reader = acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); forwardReaderError(reader); } /** @type {ReadRequest} */ const readRequest = { chunkSteps(chunk) { queueMicrotask(() => { readAgainForBranch1 = false; readAgainForBranch2 = false; const chunk1 = chunk; let chunk2 = chunk; if (!canceled1 && !canceled2) { try { chunk2 = cloneAsUint8Array(chunk); } catch (e) { readableByteStreamControllerError(branch1[_controller], e); readableByteStreamControllerError(branch2[_controller], e); cancelPromise.resolve(readableStreamCancel(stream, e)); return; } } if (!canceled1) { readableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(branch1[_controller], chunk1); } if (!canceled2) { readableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(branch2[_controller], chunk2); } reading = false; if (readAgainForBranch1) { pull1Algorithm(); } else if (readAgainForBranch2) { pull2Algorithm(); } }); }, closeSteps() { reading = false; if (!canceled1) { readableByteStreamControllerClose(branch1[_controller]); } if (!canceled2) { readableByteStreamControllerClose(branch2[_controller]); } if (branch1[_controller][_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { readableByteStreamControllerRespond(branch1[_controller], 0); } if (branch2[_controller][_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { readableByteStreamControllerRespond(branch2[_controller], 0); } if (!canceled1 || !canceled2) { cancelPromise.resolve(undefined); } }, errorSteps() { reading = false; }, }; readableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest); } function pullWithBYOBReader(view, forBranch2) { if (isReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { assert(reader[_readRequests].length === 0); readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(reader); reader = acquireReadableStreamBYOBReader(stream); forwardReaderError(reader); } const byobBranch = forBranch2 ? branch2 : branch1; const otherBranch = forBranch2 ? branch1 : branch2; /** @type {ReadIntoRequest} */ const readIntoRequest = { chunkSteps(chunk) { queueMicrotask(() => { readAgainForBranch1 = false; readAgainForBranch2 = false; const byobCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled2 : canceled1; const otherCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled1 : canceled2; if (!otherCanceled) { let clonedChunk; try { clonedChunk = cloneAsUint8Array(chunk); } catch (e) { readableByteStreamControllerError(byobBranch[_controller], e); readableByteStreamControllerError(otherBranch[_controller], e); cancelPromise.resolve(readableStreamCancel(stream, e)); return; } if (!byobCanceled) { readableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView( byobBranch[_controller], chunk, ); } readableByteStreamControllerEnqueue( otherBranch[_controller], clonedChunk, ); } else if (!byobCanceled) { readableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView( byobBranch[_controller], chunk, ); } reading = false; if (readAgainForBranch1) { pull1Algorithm(); } else if (readAgainForBranch2) { pull2Algorithm(); } }); }, closeSteps(chunk) { reading = false; const byobCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled2 : canceled1; const otherCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled1 : canceled2; if (!byobCanceled) { readableByteStreamControllerClose(byobBranch[_controller]); } if (!otherCanceled) { readableByteStreamControllerClose(otherBranch[_controller]); } if (chunk !== undefined) { assert(chunk.byteLength === 0); if (!byobCanceled) { readableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView( byobBranch[_controller], chunk, ); } if ( !otherCanceled && otherBranch[_controller][_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0 ) { readableByteStreamControllerRespond(otherBranch[_controller], 0); } } if (!byobCanceled || !otherCanceled) { cancelPromise.resolve(undefined); } }, errorSteps() { reading = false; }, }; readableStreamBYOBReaderRead(reader, view, readIntoRequest); } function pull1Algorithm() { if (reading) { readAgainForBranch1 = true; return PromiseResolve(undefined); } reading = true; const byobRequest = readableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest( branch1[_controller], ); if (byobRequest === null) { pullWithDefaultReader(); } else { pullWithBYOBReader(byobRequest[_view], false); } return PromiseResolve(undefined); } function pull2Algorithm() { if (reading) { readAgainForBranch2 = true; return PromiseResolve(undefined); } reading = true; const byobRequest = readableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest( branch2[_controller], ); if (byobRequest === null) { pullWithDefaultReader(); } else { pullWithBYOBReader(byobRequest[_view], true); } return PromiseResolve(undefined); } function cancel1Algorithm(reason) { canceled1 = true; reason1 = reason; if (canceled2) { const compositeReason = [reason1, reason2]; const cancelResult = readableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); cancelPromise.resolve(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise.promise; } function cancel2Algorithm(reason) { canceled2 = true; reason2 = reason; if (canceled1) { const compositeReason = [reason1, reason2]; const cancelResult = readableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); cancelPromise.resolve(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise.promise; } function startAlgorithm() { return undefined; } branch1 = createReadableByteStream( startAlgorithm, pull1Algorithm, cancel1Algorithm, ); branch2 = createReadableByteStream( startAlgorithm, pull2Algorithm, cancel2Algorithm, ); forwardReaderError(reader); return [branch1, branch2]; } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller * @param {() => void} startAlgorithm * @param {() => Promise} pullAlgorithm * @param {(reason: any) => Promise} cancelAlgorithm * @param {number} highWaterMark * @param {number | undefined} autoAllocateChunkSize */ function setUpReadableByteStreamController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, autoAllocateChunkSize, ) { assert(stream[_controller] === undefined); if (autoAllocateChunkSize !== undefined) { assert(NumberIsInteger(autoAllocateChunkSize)); assert(autoAllocateChunkSize >= 0); } controller[_stream] = stream; controller[_pullAgain] = controller[_pulling] = false; controller[_byobRequest] = null; resetQueue(controller); controller[_closeRequested] = controller[_started] = false; controller[_strategyHWM] = highWaterMark; controller[_pullAlgorithm] = pullAlgorithm; controller[_cancelAlgorithm] = cancelAlgorithm; controller[_autoAllocateChunkSize] = autoAllocateChunkSize; controller[_pendingPullIntos] = []; stream[_controller] = controller; const startResult = startAlgorithm(); const startPromise = resolvePromiseWith(startResult); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue( PromisePrototypeThen( startPromise, () => { controller[_started] = true; assert(controller[_pulling] === false); assert(controller[_pullAgain] === false); readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); }, (r) => { readableByteStreamControllerError(controller, r); }, ), ); } /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {UnderlyingSource} underlyingSource * @param {UnderlyingSource} underlyingSourceDict * @param {number} highWaterMark */ function setUpReadableByteStreamControllerFromUnderlyingSource( stream, underlyingSource, underlyingSourceDict, highWaterMark, ) { const controller = webidl.createBranded(ReadableByteStreamController); /** @type {() => void} */ let startAlgorithm = () => undefined; /** @type {() => Promise} */ let pullAlgorithm = () => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); /** @type {(reason: any) => Promise} */ let cancelAlgorithm = (_reason) => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); if (underlyingSourceDict.start !== undefined) { startAlgorithm = () => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSourceDict.start, [controller], underlyingSource, webidl.converters.any, { prefix: "Failed to call 'startAlgorithm' on 'ReadableByteStreamController'", }, ); } if (underlyingSourceDict.pull !== undefined) { pullAlgorithm = () => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSourceDict.pull, [controller], underlyingSource, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'pullAlgorithm' on 'ReadableByteStreamController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } if (underlyingSourceDict.cancel !== undefined) { cancelAlgorithm = (reason) => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSourceDict.cancel, [reason], underlyingSource, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'cancelAlgorithm' on 'ReadableByteStreamController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } const autoAllocateChunkSize = underlyingSourceDict["autoAllocateChunkSize"]; if (autoAllocateChunkSize === 0) { throw new TypeError("autoAllocateChunkSize must be greater than 0"); } setUpReadableByteStreamController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, autoAllocateChunkSize, ); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {(controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController) => void | Promise} startAlgorithm * @param {(controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController) => Promise} pullAlgorithm * @param {(reason: any) => Promise} cancelAlgorithm * @param {number} highWaterMark * @param {(chunk: R) => number} sizeAlgorithm */ function setUpReadableStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ) { assert(stream[_controller] === undefined); controller[_stream] = stream; resetQueue(controller); controller[_started] = controller[_closeRequested] = controller[_pullAgain] = controller[_pulling] = false; controller[_strategySizeAlgorithm] = sizeAlgorithm; controller[_strategyHWM] = highWaterMark; controller[_pullAlgorithm] = pullAlgorithm; controller[_cancelAlgorithm] = cancelAlgorithm; stream[_controller] = controller; const startResult = startAlgorithm(controller); const startPromise = resolvePromiseWith(startResult); uponPromise(startPromise, () => { controller[_started] = true; assert(controller[_pulling] === false); assert(controller[_pullAgain] === false); readableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); }, (r) => { readableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, r); }); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {UnderlyingSource} underlyingSource * @param {UnderlyingSource} underlyingSourceDict * @param {number} highWaterMark * @param {(chunk: R) => number} sizeAlgorithm */ function setUpReadableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSource( stream, underlyingSource, underlyingSourceDict, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ) { const controller = webidl.createBranded(ReadableStreamDefaultController); /** @type {() => Promise} */ let startAlgorithm = () => undefined; /** @type {() => Promise} */ let pullAlgorithm = () => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); /** @type {(reason?: any) => Promise} */ let cancelAlgorithm = () => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); if (underlyingSourceDict.start !== undefined) { startAlgorithm = () => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSourceDict.start, [controller], underlyingSource, webidl.converters.any, { prefix: "Failed to call 'startAlgorithm' on 'ReadableStreamDefaultController'", }, ); } if (underlyingSourceDict.pull !== undefined) { pullAlgorithm = () => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSourceDict.pull, [controller], underlyingSource, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'pullAlgorithm' on 'ReadableStreamDefaultController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } if (underlyingSourceDict.cancel !== undefined) { cancelAlgorithm = (reason) => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSourceDict.cancel, [reason], underlyingSource, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'cancelAlgorithm' on 'ReadableStreamDefaultController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } setUpReadableStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ); } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStreamBYOBReader} reader * @param {ReadableStream} stream */ function setUpReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader, stream) { if (isReadableStreamLocked(stream)) { throw new TypeError("ReadableStream is locked."); } if ( !(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype, stream[_controller], )) ) { throw new TypeError("Cannot use a BYOB reader with a non-byte stream"); } readableStreamReaderGenericInitialize(reader, stream); reader[_readIntoRequests] = []; } /** * @template R * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} reader * @param {ReadableStream} stream */ function setUpReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader, stream) { if (isReadableStreamLocked(stream)) { throw new TypeError("ReadableStream is locked."); } readableStreamReaderGenericInitialize(reader, stream); reader[_readRequests] = []; } /** * @template O * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {TransformStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {(chunk: O, controller: TransformStreamDefaultController) => Promise} transformAlgorithm * @param {(controller: TransformStreamDefaultController) => Promise} flushAlgorithm */ function setUpTransformStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, transformAlgorithm, flushAlgorithm, ) { assert(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(TransformStreamPrototype, stream)); assert(stream[_controller] === undefined); controller[_stream] = stream; stream[_controller] = controller; controller[_transformAlgorithm] = transformAlgorithm; controller[_flushAlgorithm] = flushAlgorithm; } /** * @template I * @template O * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {Transformer} transformer * @param {Transformer} transformerDict */ function setUpTransformStreamDefaultControllerFromTransformer( stream, transformer, transformerDict, ) { /** @type {TransformStreamDefaultController} */ const controller = webidl.createBranded(TransformStreamDefaultController); /** @type {(chunk: O, controller: TransformStreamDefaultController) => Promise} */ let transformAlgorithm = (chunk) => { try { transformStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk); } catch (e) { return PromiseReject(e); } return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); }; /** @type {(controller: TransformStreamDefaultController) => Promise} */ let flushAlgorithm = () => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); if (transformerDict.transform !== undefined) { transformAlgorithm = (chunk, controller) => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( transformerDict.transform, [chunk, controller], transformer, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'transformAlgorithm' on 'TransformStreamDefaultController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } if (transformerDict.flush !== undefined) { flushAlgorithm = (controller) => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( transformerDict.flush, [controller], transformer, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'flushAlgorithm' on 'TransformStreamDefaultController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } setUpTransformStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, transformAlgorithm, flushAlgorithm, ); } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {(controller: WritableStreamDefaultController) => Promise} startAlgorithm * @param {(chunk: W, controller: WritableStreamDefaultController) => Promise} writeAlgorithm * @param {() => Promise} closeAlgorithm * @param {(reason?: any) => Promise} abortAlgorithm * @param {number} highWaterMark * @param {(chunk: W) => number} sizeAlgorithm */ function setUpWritableStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ) { assert(isWritableStream(stream)); assert(stream[_controller] === undefined); controller[_stream] = stream; stream[_controller] = controller; resetQueue(controller); controller[_signal] = newSignal(); controller[_started] = false; controller[_strategySizeAlgorithm] = sizeAlgorithm; controller[_strategyHWM] = highWaterMark; controller[_writeAlgorithm] = writeAlgorithm; controller[_closeAlgorithm] = closeAlgorithm; controller[_abortAlgorithm] = abortAlgorithm; const backpressure = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure( controller, ); writableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure); const startResult = startAlgorithm(controller); const startPromise = resolvePromiseWith(startResult); uponPromise(startPromise, () => { assert(stream[_state] === "writable" || stream[_state] === "erroring"); controller[_started] = true; writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); }, (r) => { assert(stream[_state] === "writable" || stream[_state] === "erroring"); controller[_started] = true; writableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, r); }); } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {UnderlyingSink} underlyingSink * @param {UnderlyingSink} underlyingSinkDict * @param {number} highWaterMark * @param {(chunk: W) => number} sizeAlgorithm */ function setUpWritableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSink( stream, underlyingSink, underlyingSinkDict, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ) { const controller = webidl.createBranded(WritableStreamDefaultController); /** @type {(controller: WritableStreamDefaultController) => any} */ let startAlgorithm = () => undefined; /** @type {(chunk: W, controller: WritableStreamDefaultController) => Promise} */ let writeAlgorithm = () => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); let closeAlgorithm = () => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); /** @type {(reason?: any) => Promise} */ let abortAlgorithm = () => resolvePromiseWith(undefined); if (underlyingSinkDict.start !== undefined) { startAlgorithm = () => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSinkDict.start, [controller], underlyingSink, webidl.converters.any, { prefix: "Failed to call 'startAlgorithm' on 'WritableStreamDefaultController'", }, ); } if (underlyingSinkDict.write !== undefined) { writeAlgorithm = (chunk) => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSinkDict.write, [chunk, controller], underlyingSink, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'writeAlgorithm' on 'WritableStreamDefaultController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } if (underlyingSinkDict.close !== undefined) { closeAlgorithm = () => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSinkDict.close, [], underlyingSink, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'closeAlgorithm' on 'WritableStreamDefaultController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } if (underlyingSinkDict.abort !== undefined) { abortAlgorithm = (reason) => webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( underlyingSinkDict.abort, [reason], underlyingSink, webidl.converters["Promise"], { prefix: "Failed to call 'abortAlgorithm' on 'WritableStreamDefaultController'", returnsPromise: true, }, ); } setUpWritableStreamDefaultController( stream, controller, startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ); } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @param {WritableStream} stream */ function setUpWritableStreamDefaultWriter(writer, stream) { if (isWritableStreamLocked(stream) === true) { throw new TypeError("The stream is already locked."); } writer[_stream] = stream; stream[_writer] = writer; const state = stream[_state]; if (state === "writable") { if ( writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === false && stream[_backpressure] === true ) { writer[_readyPromise] = new Deferred(); } else { writer[_readyPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_readyPromise].resolve(undefined); } writer[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); } else if (state === "erroring") { writer[_readyPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_readyPromise].reject(stream[_storedError]); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer[_readyPromise].promise); writer[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); } else if (state === "closed") { writer[_readyPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_readyPromise].resolve(undefined); writer[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_closedPromise].resolve(undefined); } else { assert(state === "errored"); const storedError = stream[_storedError]; writer[_readyPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_readyPromise].reject(storedError); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer[_readyPromise].promise); writer[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_closedPromise].reject(storedError); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer[_closedPromise].promise); } } /** @param {TransformStreamDefaultController} controller */ function transformStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller[_transformAlgorithm] = undefined; controller[_flushAlgorithm] = undefined; } /** * @template O * @param {TransformStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {O} chunk */ function transformStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk) { const stream = controller[_stream]; const readableController = stream[_readable][_controller]; if ( readableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ readableController, ) === false ) { throw new TypeError("Readable stream is unavailable."); } try { readableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ readableController, chunk, ); } catch (e) { transformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, e); throw stream[_readable][_storedError]; } const backpressure = readableStreamDefaultcontrollerHasBackpressure( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ readableController, ); if (backpressure !== stream[_backpressure]) { assert(backpressure === true); transformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, true); } } /** * @param {TransformStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {any=} e */ function transformStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e) { transformStreamError(controller[_stream], e); } /** * @template O * @param {TransformStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {any} chunk * @returns {Promise} */ function transformStreamDefaultControllerPerformTransform(controller, chunk) { const transformPromise = controller[_transformAlgorithm](chunk, controller); return transformPromiseWith(transformPromise, undefined, (r) => { transformStreamError(controller[_stream], r); throw r; }); } /** @param {TransformStreamDefaultController} controller */ function transformStreamDefaultControllerTerminate(controller) { const stream = controller[_stream]; const readableController = stream[_readable][_controller]; readableStreamDefaultControllerClose( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ readableController, ); const error = new TypeError("The stream has been terminated."); transformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, error); } /** * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {any=} reason * @returns {Promise} */ function transformStreamDefaultSinkAbortAlgorithm(stream, reason) { transformStreamError(stream, reason); return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } /** * @template I * @template O * @param {TransformStream} stream * @returns {Promise} */ function transformStreamDefaultSinkCloseAlgorithm(stream) { const readable = stream[_readable]; const controller = stream[_controller]; const flushPromise = controller[_flushAlgorithm](controller); transformStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); return transformPromiseWith(flushPromise, () => { if (readable[_state] === "errored") { throw readable[_storedError]; } readableStreamDefaultControllerClose( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ readable[_controller], ); }, (r) => { transformStreamError(stream, r); throw readable[_storedError]; }); } /** * @template I * @template O * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {I} chunk * @returns {Promise} */ function transformStreamDefaultSinkWriteAlgorithm(stream, chunk) { assert(stream[_writable][_state] === "writable"); const controller = stream[_controller]; if (stream[_backpressure] === true) { const backpressureChangePromise = stream[_backpressureChangePromise]; assert(backpressureChangePromise !== undefined); return transformPromiseWith(backpressureChangePromise.promise, () => { const writable = stream[_writable]; const state = writable[_state]; if (state === "erroring") { throw writable[_storedError]; } assert(state === "writable"); return transformStreamDefaultControllerPerformTransform( controller, chunk, ); }); } return transformStreamDefaultControllerPerformTransform(controller, chunk); } /** * @param {TransformStream} stream * @returns {Promise} */ function transformStreamDefaultSourcePullAlgorithm(stream) { assert(stream[_backpressure] === true); assert(stream[_backpressureChangePromise] !== undefined); transformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, false); return stream[_backpressureChangePromise].promise; } /** * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {any=} e */ function transformStreamError(stream, e) { readableStreamDefaultControllerError( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ stream[_readable][ _controller ], e, ); transformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, e); } /** * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {any=} e */ function transformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, e) { transformStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(stream[_controller]); writableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded( stream[_writable][_controller], e, ); if (stream[_backpressure] === true) { transformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, false); } } /** * @param {TransformStream} stream * @param {boolean} backpressure */ function transformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, backpressure) { assert(stream[_backpressure] !== backpressure); if (stream[_backpressureChangePromise] !== undefined) { stream[_backpressureChangePromise].resolve(undefined); } stream[_backpressureChangePromise] = new Deferred(); stream[_backpressure] = backpressure; } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {any=} reason * @returns {Promise} */ function writableStreamAbort(stream, reason) { const state = stream[_state]; if (state === "closed" || state === "errored") { return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } stream[_controller][_signal][signalAbort](reason); if (state === "closed" || state === "errored") { return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } if (stream[_pendingAbortRequest] !== undefined) { return stream[_pendingAbortRequest].deferred.promise; } assert(state === "writable" || state === "erroring"); let wasAlreadyErroring = false; if (state === "erroring") { wasAlreadyErroring = true; reason = undefined; } /** Deferred */ const deferred = new Deferred(); stream[_pendingAbortRequest] = { deferred, reason, wasAlreadyErroring, }; if (wasAlreadyErroring === false) { writableStreamStartErroring(stream, reason); } return deferred.promise; } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @returns {Promise} */ function writableStreamAddWriteRequest(stream) { assert(isWritableStreamLocked(stream) === true); assert(stream[_state] === "writable"); /** @type {Deferred} */ const deferred = new Deferred(); ArrayPrototypePush(stream[_writeRequests], deferred); return deferred.promise; } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @returns {Promise} */ function writableStreamClose(stream) { const state = stream[_state]; if (state === "closed" || state === "errored") { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("Writable stream is closed or errored."), ); } assert(state === "writable" || state === "erroring"); assert(writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === false); /** @type {Deferred} */ const deferred = new Deferred(); stream[_closeRequest] = deferred; const writer = stream[_writer]; if ( writer !== undefined && stream[_backpressure] === true && state === "writable" ) { writer[_readyPromise].resolve(undefined); } writableStreamDefaultControllerClose(stream[_controller]); return deferred.promise; } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @returns {boolean} */ function writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) { if ( stream[_closeRequest] === undefined && stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] === undefined ) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {any=} error */ function writableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error) { const state = stream[_state]; if (state === "writable") { writableStreamStartErroring(stream, error); return; } assert(state === "erroring"); writableStreamFinishErroring(stream); } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller) { const stream = controller[_stream]; if (controller[_started] === false) { return; } if (stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] !== undefined) { return; } const state = stream[_state]; assert(state !== "closed" && state !== "errored"); if (state === "erroring") { writableStreamFinishErroring(stream); return; } if (controller[_queue].length === 0) { return; } const value = peekQueueValue(controller); if (value === _close) { writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessClose(controller); } else { writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessWrite(controller, value); } } function writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller[_writeAlgorithm] = undefined; controller[_closeAlgorithm] = undefined; controller[_abortAlgorithm] = undefined; controller[_strategySizeAlgorithm] = undefined; } /** @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerClose(controller) { enqueueValueWithSize(controller, _close, 0); writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {any} error */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, error) { const stream = controller[_stream]; assert(stream[_state] === "writable"); writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); writableStreamStartErroring(stream, error); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {any} error */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, error) { if (controller[_stream][_state] === "writable") { writableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, error); } } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @returns {boolean} */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(controller) { const desiredSize = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize( controller, ); return desiredSize <= 0; } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {W} chunk * @returns {number} */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerGetChunkSize(controller, chunk) { let value; try { value = controller[_strategySizeAlgorithm](chunk); } catch (e) { writableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, e); return 1; } return value; } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @returns {number} */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(controller) { return controller[_strategyHWM] - controller[_queueTotalSize]; } /** @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessClose(controller) { const stream = controller[_stream]; writableStreamMarkCloseRequestInFlight(stream); dequeueValue(controller); assert(controller[_queue].length === 0); const sinkClosePromise = controller[_closeAlgorithm](); writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); uponPromise(sinkClosePromise, () => { writableStreamFinishInFlightClose(stream); }, (reason) => { writableStreamFinishInFlightCloseWithError(stream, reason); }); } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {W} chunk */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerProcessWrite(controller, chunk) { const stream = controller[_stream]; writableStreamMarkFirstWriteRequestInFlight(stream); const sinkWritePromise = controller[_writeAlgorithm](chunk, controller); uponPromise(sinkWritePromise, () => { writableStreamFinishInFlightWrite(stream); const state = stream[_state]; assert(state === "writable" || state === "erroring"); dequeueValue(controller); if ( writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === false && state === "writable" ) { const backpressure = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure( controller, ); writableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure); } writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); }, (reason) => { if (stream[_state] === "writable") { writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); } writableStreamFinishInFlightWriteWithError(stream, reason); }); } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStreamDefaultController} controller * @param {W} chunk * @param {number} chunkSize */ function writableStreamDefaultControllerWrite(controller, chunk, chunkSize) { try { enqueueValueWithSize(controller, chunk, chunkSize); } catch (e) { writableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, e); return; } const stream = controller[_stream]; if ( writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === false && stream[_state] === "writable" ) { const backpressure = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure( controller, ); writableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure); } writableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @param {any=} reason * @returns {Promise} */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterAbort(writer, reason) { const stream = writer[_stream]; assert(stream !== undefined); return writableStreamAbort(stream, reason); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @returns {Promise} */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterClose(writer) { const stream = writer[_stream]; assert(stream !== undefined); return writableStreamClose(stream); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @returns {Promise} */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterCloseWithErrorPropagation(writer) { const stream = writer[_stream]; assert(stream !== undefined); const state = stream[_state]; if ( writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === true || state === "closed" ) { return resolvePromiseWith(undefined); } if (state === "errored") { return PromiseReject(stream[_storedError]); } assert(state === "writable" || state === "erroring"); return writableStreamDefaultWriterClose(writer); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @param {any=} error */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureClosedPromiseRejected( writer, error, ) { if (writer[_closedPromise].state === "pending") { writer[_closedPromise].reject(error); } else { writer[_closedPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_closedPromise].reject(error); } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer[_closedPromise].promise); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @param {any=} error */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected( writer, error, ) { if (writer[_readyPromise].state === "pending") { writer[_readyPromise].reject(error); } else { writer[_readyPromise] = new Deferred(); writer[_readyPromise].reject(error); } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer[_readyPromise].promise); } /** * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @returns {number | null} */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterGetDesiredSize(writer) { const stream = writer[_stream]; const state = stream[_state]; if (state === "errored" || state === "erroring") { return null; } if (state === "closed") { return 0; } return writableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(stream[_controller]); } /** @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterRelease(writer) { const stream = writer[_stream]; assert(stream !== undefined); assert(stream[_writer] === writer); const releasedError = new TypeError( "The writer has already been released.", ); writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected( writer, releasedError, ); writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureClosedPromiseRejected( writer, releasedError, ); stream[_writer] = undefined; writer[_stream] = undefined; } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} writer * @param {W} chunk * @returns {Promise} */ function writableStreamDefaultWriterWrite(writer, chunk) { const stream = writer[_stream]; assert(stream !== undefined); const controller = stream[_controller]; const chunkSize = writableStreamDefaultControllerGetChunkSize( controller, chunk, ); if (stream !== writer[_stream]) { return PromiseReject(new TypeError("Writer's stream is unexpected.")); } const state = stream[_state]; if (state === "errored") { return PromiseReject(stream[_storedError]); } if ( writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === true || state === "closed" ) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("The stream is closing or is closed."), ); } if (state === "erroring") { return PromiseReject(stream[_storedError]); } assert(state === "writable"); const promise = writableStreamAddWriteRequest(stream); writableStreamDefaultControllerWrite(controller, chunk, chunkSize); return promise; } /** @param {WritableStream} stream */ function writableStreamFinishErroring(stream) { assert(stream[_state] === "erroring"); assert(writableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight(stream) === false); stream[_state] = "errored"; stream[_controller][_errorSteps](); const storedError = stream[_storedError]; for (const writeRequest of stream[_writeRequests]) { writeRequest.reject(storedError); } stream[_writeRequests] = []; if (stream[_pendingAbortRequest] === undefined) { writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); return; } const abortRequest = stream[_pendingAbortRequest]; stream[_pendingAbortRequest] = undefined; if (abortRequest.wasAlreadyErroring === true) { abortRequest.deferred.reject(storedError); writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); return; } const promise = stream[_controller][_abortSteps](abortRequest.reason); uponPromise(promise, () => { abortRequest.deferred.resolve(undefined); writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); }, (reason) => { abortRequest.deferred.reject(reason); writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); }); } /** @param {WritableStream} stream */ function writableStreamFinishInFlightClose(stream) { assert(stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] !== undefined); stream[_inFlightCloseRequest].resolve(undefined); stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] = undefined; const state = stream[_state]; assert(state === "writable" || state === "erroring"); if (state === "erroring") { stream[_storedError] = undefined; if (stream[_pendingAbortRequest] !== undefined) { stream[_pendingAbortRequest].deferred.resolve(undefined); stream[_pendingAbortRequest] = undefined; } } stream[_state] = "closed"; const writer = stream[_writer]; if (writer !== undefined) { writer[_closedPromise].resolve(undefined); } assert(stream[_pendingAbortRequest] === undefined); assert(stream[_storedError] === undefined); } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {any=} error */ function writableStreamFinishInFlightCloseWithError(stream, error) { assert(stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] !== undefined); stream[_inFlightCloseRequest].reject(error); stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] = undefined; assert(stream[_state] === "writable" || stream[_state] === "erroring"); if (stream[_pendingAbortRequest] !== undefined) { stream[_pendingAbortRequest].deferred.reject(error); stream[_pendingAbortRequest] = undefined; } writableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error); } /** @param {WritableStream} stream */ function writableStreamFinishInFlightWrite(stream) { assert(stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] !== undefined); stream[_inFlightWriteRequest].resolve(undefined); stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] = undefined; } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {any=} error */ function writableStreamFinishInFlightWriteWithError(stream, error) { assert(stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] !== undefined); stream[_inFlightWriteRequest].reject(error); stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] = undefined; assert(stream[_state] === "writable" || stream[_state] === "erroring"); writableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error); } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @returns {boolean} */ function writableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight(stream) { if ( stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] === undefined && stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] === undefined ) { return false; } return true; } /** @param {WritableStream} stream */ function writableStreamMarkCloseRequestInFlight(stream) { assert(stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] === undefined); assert(stream[_closeRequest] !== undefined); stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] = stream[_closeRequest]; stream[_closeRequest] = undefined; } /** * @template W * @param {WritableStream} stream */ function writableStreamMarkFirstWriteRequestInFlight(stream) { assert(stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] === undefined); assert(stream[_writeRequests].length); const writeRequest = stream[_writeRequests].shift(); stream[_inFlightWriteRequest] = writeRequest; } /** @param {WritableStream} stream */ function writableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream) { assert(stream[_state] === "errored"); if (stream[_closeRequest] !== undefined) { assert(stream[_inFlightCloseRequest] === undefined); stream[_closeRequest].reject(stream[_storedError]); stream[_closeRequest] = undefined; } const writer = stream[_writer]; if (writer !== undefined) { writer[_closedPromise].reject(stream[_storedError]); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer[_closedPromise].promise); } } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {any=} reason */ function writableStreamStartErroring(stream, reason) { assert(stream[_storedError] === undefined); assert(stream[_state] === "writable"); const controller = stream[_controller]; assert(controller !== undefined); stream[_state] = "erroring"; stream[_storedError] = reason; const writer = stream[_writer]; if (writer !== undefined) { writableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected(writer, reason); } if ( writableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight(stream) === false && controller[_started] === true ) { writableStreamFinishErroring(stream); } } /** * @param {WritableStream} stream * @param {boolean} backpressure */ function writableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure) { assert(stream[_state] === "writable"); assert(writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === false); const writer = stream[_writer]; if (writer !== undefined && backpressure !== stream[_backpressure]) { if (backpressure === true) { writer[_readyPromise] = new Deferred(); } else { assert(backpressure === false); writer[_readyPromise].resolve(undefined); } } stream[_backpressure] = backpressure; } /** * @template T * @param {T} value * @param {boolean} done * @returns {IteratorResult} */ function createIteratorResult(value, done) { const result = ObjectCreate(null); ObjectDefineProperties(result, { value: { value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }, done: { value: done, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }, }); return result; } /** @type {AsyncIterator} */ const asyncIteratorPrototype = ObjectGetPrototypeOf( ObjectGetPrototypeOf(async function* () {}).prototype, ); /** @type {AsyncIterator} */ const readableStreamAsyncIteratorPrototype = ObjectSetPrototypeOf({ /** @returns {Promise>} */ next() { /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} */ const reader = this[_reader]; if (reader[_stream] === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError( "Cannot get the next iteration result once the reader has been released.", ), ); } /** @type {Deferred>} */ const promise = new Deferred(); /** @type {ReadRequest} */ const readRequest = { chunkSteps(chunk) { promise.resolve(createIteratorResult(chunk, false)); }, closeSteps() { readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(reader); promise.resolve(createIteratorResult(undefined, true)); }, errorSteps(e) { readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(reader); promise.reject(e); }, }; readableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest); return promise.promise; }, /** * @param {unknown} arg * @returns {Promise>} */ async return(arg) { /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} */ const reader = this[_reader]; if (reader[_stream] === undefined) { return createIteratorResult(undefined, true); } assert(reader[_readRequests].length === 0); if (this[_preventCancel] === false) { const result = readableStreamReaderGenericCancel(reader, arg); readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(reader); await result; return createIteratorResult(arg, true); } readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(reader); return createIteratorResult(undefined, true); }, }, asyncIteratorPrototype); class ByteLengthQueuingStrategy { /** @param {{ highWaterMark: number }} init */ constructor(init) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'ByteLengthQueuingStrategy'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); init = webidl.converters.QueuingStrategyInit(init, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; this[_globalObject] = window; this[_highWaterMark] = init.highWaterMark; } /** @returns {number} */ get highWaterMark() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ByteLengthQueuingStrategyPrototype); return this[_highWaterMark]; } /** @returns {(chunk: ArrayBufferView) => number} */ get size() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ByteLengthQueuingStrategyPrototype); initializeByteLengthSizeFunction(this[_globalObject]); return WeakMapPrototypeGet(byteSizeFunctionWeakMap, this[_globalObject]); } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ByteLengthQueuingStrategyPrototype, this, ), keys: [ "highWaterMark", "size", ], })); } } webidl.configurePrototype(ByteLengthQueuingStrategy); const ByteLengthQueuingStrategyPrototype = ByteLengthQueuingStrategy.prototype; /** @type {WeakMap number>} */ const byteSizeFunctionWeakMap = new WeakMap(); function initializeByteLengthSizeFunction(globalObject) { if (WeakMapPrototypeHas(byteSizeFunctionWeakMap, globalObject)) { return; } const size = (chunk) => chunk.byteLength; WeakMapPrototypeSet(byteSizeFunctionWeakMap, globalObject, size); } class CountQueuingStrategy { /** @param {{ highWaterMark: number }} init */ constructor(init) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'CountQueuingStrategy'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); init = webidl.converters.QueuingStrategyInit(init, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; this[_globalObject] = window; this[_highWaterMark] = init.highWaterMark; } /** @returns {number} */ get highWaterMark() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CountQueuingStrategyPrototype); return this[_highWaterMark]; } /** @returns {(chunk: any) => 1} */ get size() { webidl.assertBranded(this, CountQueuingStrategyPrototype); initializeCountSizeFunction(this[_globalObject]); return WeakMapPrototypeGet(countSizeFunctionWeakMap, this[_globalObject]); } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( CountQueuingStrategyPrototype, this, ), keys: [ "highWaterMark", "size", ], })); } } webidl.configurePrototype(CountQueuingStrategy); const CountQueuingStrategyPrototype = CountQueuingStrategy.prototype; /** @type {WeakMap 1>} */ const countSizeFunctionWeakMap = new WeakMap(); /** @param {typeof globalThis} globalObject */ function initializeCountSizeFunction(globalObject) { if (WeakMapPrototypeHas(countSizeFunctionWeakMap, globalObject)) { return; } const size = () => 1; WeakMapPrototypeSet(countSizeFunctionWeakMap, globalObject, size); } const _maybeRid = Symbol("[[maybeRid]]"); /** @template R */ class ReadableStream { /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController | ReadableByteStreamController} */ [_controller]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_detached]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_disturbed]; /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader | ReadableStreamBYOBReader} */ [_reader]; /** @type {"readable" | "closed" | "errored"} */ [_state]; /** @type {any} */ [_storedError]; /** @type {number | null} */ [_maybeRid] = null; /** * @param {UnderlyingSource=} underlyingSource * @param {QueuingStrategy=} strategy */ constructor(underlyingSource = undefined, strategy = {}) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'ReadableStream'"; if (underlyingSource !== undefined) { underlyingSource = webidl.converters.object(underlyingSource, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); } strategy = webidl.converters.QueuingStrategy(strategy, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; if (underlyingSource === undefined) { underlyingSource = null; } const underlyingSourceDict = webidl.converters.UnderlyingSource( underlyingSource, { prefix, context: "underlyingSource" }, ); initializeReadableStream(this); if (underlyingSourceDict.type === "bytes") { if (strategy.size !== undefined) { throw new RangeError( `${prefix}: When underlying source is "bytes", strategy.size must be undefined.`, ); } const highWaterMark = extractHighWaterMark(strategy, 0); setUpReadableByteStreamControllerFromUnderlyingSource( // @ts-ignore cannot easily assert this is ReadableStream this, underlyingSource, underlyingSourceDict, highWaterMark, ); } else { assert(!(ReflectHas(underlyingSourceDict, "type"))); const sizeAlgorithm = extractSizeAlgorithm(strategy); const highWaterMark = extractHighWaterMark(strategy, 1); setUpReadableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSource( this, underlyingSource, underlyingSourceDict, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ); } } /** @returns {boolean} */ get locked() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamPrototype); return isReadableStreamLocked(this); } /** * @param {any=} reason * @returns {Promise} */ cancel(reason = undefined) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamPrototype); if (reason !== undefined) { reason = webidl.converters.any(reason); } } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (isReadableStreamLocked(this)) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("Cannot cancel a locked ReadableStream."), ); } return readableStreamCancel(this, reason); } /** * @param {ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions=} options * @returns {ReadableStreamDefaultReader | ReadableStreamBYOBReader} */ getReader(options = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'getReader' on 'ReadableStream'"; options = webidl.converters.ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions(options, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); if (options.mode === undefined) { return acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(this); } else { assert(options.mode === "byob"); return acquireReadableStreamBYOBReader(this); } } /** * @template T * @param {{ readable: ReadableStream, writable: WritableStream }} transform * @param {PipeOptions=} options * @returns {ReadableStream} */ pipeThrough(transform, options = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'pipeThrough' on 'ReadableStream'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); transform = webidl.converters.ReadableWritablePair(transform, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); options = webidl.converters.StreamPipeOptions(options, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const { readable, writable } = transform; const { preventClose, preventAbort, preventCancel, signal } = options; if (isReadableStreamLocked(this)) { throw new TypeError("ReadableStream is already locked."); } if (isWritableStreamLocked(writable)) { throw new TypeError("Target WritableStream is already locked."); } const promise = readableStreamPipeTo( this, writable, preventClose, preventAbort, preventCancel, signal, ); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(promise); return readable; } /** * @param {WritableStream} destination * @param {PipeOptions=} options * @returns {Promise} */ pipeTo(destination, options = {}) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'pipeTo' on 'ReadableStream'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); destination = webidl.converters.WritableStream(destination, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); options = webidl.converters.StreamPipeOptions(options, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } const { preventClose, preventAbort, preventCancel, signal } = options; if (isReadableStreamLocked(this)) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("ReadableStream is already locked."), ); } if (isWritableStreamLocked(destination)) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("destination WritableStream is already locked."), ); } return readableStreamPipeTo( this, destination, preventClose, preventAbort, preventCancel, signal, ); } /** @returns {[ReadableStream, ReadableStream]} */ tee() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamPrototype); return readableStreamTee(this, false); } // TODO(lucacasonato): should be moved to webidl crate /** * @param {ReadableStreamIteratorOptions=} options * @returns {AsyncIterableIterator} */ values(options = {}) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'values' on 'ReadableStream'"; options = webidl.converters.ReadableStreamIteratorOptions(options, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); /** @type {AsyncIterableIterator} */ const iterator = ObjectCreate(readableStreamAsyncIteratorPrototype); const reader = acquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(this); iterator[_reader] = reader; iterator[_preventCancel] = options.preventCancel; return iterator; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect({ locked: this.locked })}`; } } // TODO(lucacasonato): should be moved to webidl crate ReadableStream.prototype[SymbolAsyncIterator] = ReadableStream.prototype.values; ObjectDefineProperty(ReadableStream.prototype, SymbolAsyncIterator, { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, }); webidl.configurePrototype(ReadableStream); const ReadableStreamPrototype = ReadableStream.prototype; function errorReadableStream(stream, e) { readableStreamDefaultControllerError(stream[_controller], e); } /** @template R */ class ReadableStreamDefaultReader { /** @type {Deferred} */ [_closedPromise]; /** @type {ReadableStream | undefined} */ [_stream]; /** @type {ReadRequest[]} */ [_readRequests]; /** @param {ReadableStream} stream */ constructor(stream) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'ReadableStreamDefaultReader'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); stream = webidl.converters.ReadableStream(stream, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; setUpReadableStreamDefaultReader(this, stream); } /** @returns {Promise>} */ read() { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultReaderPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("Reader has no associated stream."), ); } /** @type {Deferred>} */ const promise = new Deferred(); /** @type {ReadRequest} */ const readRequest = { chunkSteps(chunk) { promise.resolve({ value: chunk, done: false }); }, closeSteps() { promise.resolve({ value: undefined, done: true }); }, errorSteps(e) { promise.reject(e); }, }; readableStreamDefaultReaderRead(this, readRequest); return promise.promise; } /** @returns {void} */ releaseLock() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultReaderPrototype); if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return; } readableStreamDefaultReaderRelease(this); } get closed() { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultReaderPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } return this[_closedPromise].promise; } /** * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ cancel(reason = undefined) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultReaderPrototype); if (reason !== undefined) { reason = webidl.converters.any(reason); } } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("Reader has no associated stream."), ); } return readableStreamReaderGenericCancel(this, reason); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect({ closed: this.closed })}`; } } webidl.configurePrototype(ReadableStreamDefaultReader); const ReadableStreamDefaultReaderPrototype = ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype; /** @template R */ class ReadableStreamBYOBReader { /** @type {Deferred} */ [_closedPromise]; /** @type {ReadableStream | undefined} */ [_stream]; /** @type {ReadIntoRequest[]} */ [_readIntoRequests]; /** @param {ReadableStream} stream */ constructor(stream) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); stream = webidl.converters.ReadableStream(stream, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; setUpReadableStreamBYOBReader(this, stream); } /** * @param {ArrayBufferView} view * @returns {Promise} */ read(view) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamBYOBReaderPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'read' on 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader'"; view = webidl.converters.ArrayBufferView(view, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (view.byteLength === 0) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("view must have non-zero byteLength"), ); } if (view.buffer.byteLength === 0) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("view's buffer must have non-zero byteLength"), ); } if (isDetachedBuffer(view.buffer)) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("view's buffer has been detached"), ); } if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("Reader has no associated stream."), ); } /** @type {Deferred} */ const promise = new Deferred(); /** @type {ReadIntoRequest} */ const readIntoRequest = { chunkSteps(chunk) { promise.resolve({ value: chunk, done: false }); }, closeSteps(chunk) { promise.resolve({ value: chunk, done: true }); }, errorSteps(e) { promise.reject(e); }, }; readableStreamBYOBReaderRead(this, view, readIntoRequest); return promise.promise; } /** @returns {void} */ releaseLock() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamBYOBReaderPrototype); if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return; } readableStreamBYOBReaderRelease(this); } get closed() { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamBYOBReaderPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } return this[_closedPromise].promise; } /** * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ cancel(reason = undefined) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamBYOBReaderPrototype); if (reason !== undefined) { reason = webidl.converters.any(reason); } } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("Reader has no associated stream."), ); } return readableStreamReaderGenericCancel(this, reason); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect({ closed: this.closed })}`; } } webidl.configurePrototype(ReadableStreamBYOBReader); const ReadableStreamBYOBReaderPrototype = ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype; class ReadableStreamBYOBRequest { /** @type {ReadableByteStreamController} */ [_controller]; /** @type {ArrayBufferView | null} */ [_view]; /** @returns {ArrayBufferView | null} */ get view() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamBYOBRequestPrototype); return this[_view]; } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } respond(bytesWritten) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamBYOBRequestPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'respond' on 'ReadableStreamBYOBRequest'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); bytesWritten = webidl.converters["unsigned long long"](bytesWritten, { enforceRange: true, prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); if (this[_controller] === undefined) { throw new TypeError("This BYOB request has been invalidated"); } if (isDetachedBuffer(this[_view].buffer)) { throw new TypeError( "The BYOB request's buffer has been detached and so cannot be used as a response", ); } assert(this[_view].byteLength > 0); assert(this[_view].buffer.byteLength > 0); readableByteStreamControllerRespond(this[_controller], bytesWritten); } respondWithNewView(view) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamBYOBRequestPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'respondWithNewView' on 'ReadableStreamBYOBRequest'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); view = webidl.converters.ArrayBufferView(view, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); if (this[_controller] === undefined) { throw new TypeError("This BYOB request has been invalidated"); } if (isDetachedBuffer(view.buffer)) { throw new TypeError( "The given view's buffer has been detached and so cannot be used as a response", ); } readableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(this[_controller], view); } } webidl.configurePrototype(ReadableStreamBYOBRequest); const ReadableStreamBYOBRequestPrototype = ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype; class ReadableByteStreamController { /** @type {number | undefined} */ [_autoAllocateChunkSize]; /** @type {ReadableStreamBYOBRequest | null} */ [_byobRequest]; /** @type {(reason: any) => Promise} */ [_cancelAlgorithm]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_closeRequested]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_pullAgain]; /** @type {(controller: this) => Promise} */ [_pullAlgorithm]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_pulling]; /** @type {PullIntoDescriptor[]} */ [_pendingPullIntos]; /** @type {ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry[]} */ [_queue]; /** @type {number} */ [_queueTotalSize]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_started]; /** @type {number} */ [_strategyHWM]; /** @type {ReadableStream} */ [_stream]; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** @returns {ReadableStreamBYOBRequest | null} */ get byobRequest() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype); return readableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest(this); } /** @returns {number | null} */ get desiredSize() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype); return readableByteStreamControllerGetDesiredSize(this); } /** @returns {void} */ close() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype); if (this[_closeRequested] === true) { throw new TypeError("Closed already requested."); } if (this[_stream][_state] !== "readable") { throw new TypeError( "ReadableByteStreamController's stream is not in a readable state.", ); } readableByteStreamControllerClose(this); } /** * @param {ArrayBufferView} chunk * @returns {void} */ enqueue(chunk) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'enqueue' on 'ReadableByteStreamController'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); const arg1 = "Argument 1"; chunk = webidl.converters.ArrayBufferView(chunk, { prefix, context: arg1, }); if (chunk.byteLength === 0) { throw webidl.makeException(TypeError, "length must be non-zero", { prefix, context: arg1, }); } if (chunk.buffer.byteLength === 0) { throw webidl.makeException( TypeError, "buffer length must be non-zero", { prefix, context: arg1 }, ); } if (this[_closeRequested] === true) { throw new TypeError( "Cannot enqueue chunk after a close has been requested.", ); } if (this[_stream][_state] !== "readable") { throw new TypeError( "Cannot enqueue chunk when underlying stream is not readable.", ); } return readableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(this, chunk); } /** * @param {any=} e * @returns {void} */ error(e = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype); if (e !== undefined) { e = webidl.converters.any(e); } readableByteStreamControllerError(this, e); } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype, this, ), keys: ["desiredSize"], })); } /** * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ [_cancelSteps](reason) { readableByteStreamControllerClearPendingPullIntos(this); resetQueue(this); const result = this[_cancelAlgorithm](reason); readableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(this); return result; } /** * @param {ReadRequest} readRequest * @returns {void} */ [_pullSteps](readRequest) { /** @type {ReadableStream} */ const stream = this[_stream]; assert(readableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream)); if (this[_queueTotalSize] > 0) { assert(readableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) === 0); readableByteStreamControllerFillReadRequestFromQueue(this, readRequest); return; } const autoAllocateChunkSize = this[_autoAllocateChunkSize]; if (autoAllocateChunkSize !== undefined) { let buffer; try { buffer = new ArrayBuffer(autoAllocateChunkSize); } catch (e) { readRequest.errorSteps(e); return; } /** @type {PullIntoDescriptor} */ const pullIntoDescriptor = { buffer, bufferByteLength: autoAllocateChunkSize, byteOffset: 0, byteLength: autoAllocateChunkSize, bytesFilled: 0, elementSize: 1, viewConstructor: Uint8Array, readerType: "default", }; ArrayPrototypePush(this[_pendingPullIntos], pullIntoDescriptor); } readableStreamAddReadRequest(stream, readRequest); readableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(this); } [_releaseSteps]() { if (this[_pendingPullIntos].length !== 0) { /** @type {PullIntoDescriptor} */ const firstPendingPullInto = this[_pendingPullIntos][0]; firstPendingPullInto.readerType = "none"; this[_pendingPullIntos] = [firstPendingPullInto]; } } } webidl.configurePrototype(ReadableByteStreamController); const ReadableByteStreamControllerPrototype = ReadableByteStreamController.prototype; /** @template R */ class ReadableStreamDefaultController { /** @type {(reason: any) => Promise} */ [_cancelAlgorithm]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_closeRequested]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_pullAgain]; /** @type {(controller: this) => Promise} */ [_pullAlgorithm]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_pulling]; /** @type {Array>} */ [_queue]; /** @type {number} */ [_queueTotalSize]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_started]; /** @type {number} */ [_strategyHWM]; /** @type {(chunk: R) => number} */ [_strategySizeAlgorithm]; /** @type {ReadableStream} */ [_stream]; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** @returns {number | null} */ get desiredSize() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype); return readableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(this); } /** @returns {void} */ close() { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype); if (readableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(this) === false) { throw new TypeError("The stream controller cannot close or enqueue."); } readableStreamDefaultControllerClose(this); } /** * @param {R} chunk * @returns {void} */ enqueue(chunk = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype); if (chunk !== undefined) { chunk = webidl.converters.any(chunk); } if (readableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(this) === false) { throw new TypeError("The stream controller cannot close or enqueue."); } readableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(this, chunk); } /** * @param {any=} e * @returns {void} */ error(e = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, ReadableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype); if (e !== undefined) { e = webidl.converters.any(e); } readableStreamDefaultControllerError(this, e); } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype, this, ), keys: ["desiredSize"], })); } /** * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ [_cancelSteps](reason) { resetQueue(this); const result = this[_cancelAlgorithm](reason); readableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(this); return result; } /** * @param {ReadRequest} readRequest * @returns {void} */ [_pullSteps](readRequest) { const stream = this[_stream]; if (this[_queue].length) { const chunk = dequeueValue(this); if (this[_closeRequested] && this[_queue].length === 0) { readableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(this); readableStreamClose(stream); } else { readableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(this); } readRequest.chunkSteps(chunk); } else { readableStreamAddReadRequest(stream, readRequest); readableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(this); } } [_releaseSteps]() { return; } } webidl.configurePrototype(ReadableStreamDefaultController); const ReadableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype = ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype; /** * @template I * @template O */ class TransformStream { /** @type {boolean} */ [_backpressure]; /** @type {Deferred} */ [_backpressureChangePromise]; /** @type {TransformStreamDefaultController} */ [_controller]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_detached]; /** @type {ReadableStream} */ [_readable]; /** @type {WritableStream} */ [_writable]; /** * @param {Transformer} transformer * @param {QueuingStrategy} writableStrategy * @param {QueuingStrategy} readableStrategy */ constructor( transformer = undefined, writableStrategy = {}, readableStrategy = {}, ) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'TransformStream'"; if (transformer !== undefined) { transformer = webidl.converters.object(transformer, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); } writableStrategy = webidl.converters.QueuingStrategy(writableStrategy, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); readableStrategy = webidl.converters.QueuingStrategy(readableStrategy, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; if (transformer === undefined) { transformer = null; } const transformerDict = webidl.converters.Transformer(transformer, { prefix, context: "transformer", }); if (transformerDict.readableType !== undefined) { throw new RangeError( `${prefix}: readableType transformers not supported.`, ); } if (transformerDict.writableType !== undefined) { throw new RangeError( `${prefix}: writableType transformers not supported.`, ); } const readableHighWaterMark = extractHighWaterMark(readableStrategy, 0); const readableSizeAlgorithm = extractSizeAlgorithm(readableStrategy); const writableHighWaterMark = extractHighWaterMark(writableStrategy, 1); const writableSizeAlgorithm = extractSizeAlgorithm(writableStrategy); /** @type {Deferred} */ const startPromise = new Deferred(); initializeTransformStream( this, startPromise, writableHighWaterMark, writableSizeAlgorithm, readableHighWaterMark, readableSizeAlgorithm, ); setUpTransformStreamDefaultControllerFromTransformer( this, transformer, transformerDict, ); if (transformerDict.start) { startPromise.resolve( webidl.invokeCallbackFunction( transformerDict.start, [this[_controller]], transformer, webidl.converters.any, { prefix: "Failed to call 'start' on 'TransformStreamDefaultController'", }, ), ); } else { startPromise.resolve(undefined); } } /** @returns {ReadableStream} */ get readable() { webidl.assertBranded(this, TransformStreamPrototype); return this[_readable]; } /** @returns {WritableStream} */ get writable() { webidl.assertBranded(this, TransformStreamPrototype); return this[_writable]; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ readable: this.readable, writable: this.writable }) }`; } } webidl.configurePrototype(TransformStream); const TransformStreamPrototype = TransformStream.prototype; /** @template O */ class TransformStreamDefaultController { /** @type {(controller: this) => Promise} */ [_flushAlgorithm]; /** @type {TransformStream} */ [_stream]; /** @type {(chunk: O, controller: this) => Promise} */ [_transformAlgorithm]; constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** @returns {number | null} */ get desiredSize() { webidl.assertBranded(this, TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype); const readableController = this[_stream][_readable][_controller]; return readableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize( /** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultController} */ readableController, ); } /** * @param {O} chunk * @returns {void} */ enqueue(chunk = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype); if (chunk !== undefined) { chunk = webidl.converters.any(chunk); } transformStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(this, chunk); } /** * @param {any=} reason * @returns {void} */ error(reason = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype); if (reason !== undefined) { reason = webidl.converters.any(reason); } transformStreamDefaultControllerError(this, reason); } /** @returns {void} */ terminate() { webidl.assertBranded(this, TransformStreamDefaultControllerPrototype); transformStreamDefaultControllerTerminate(this); } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype, this, ), keys: ["desiredSize"], })); } } webidl.configurePrototype(TransformStreamDefaultController); const TransformStreamDefaultControllerPrototype = TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype; /** @template W */ class WritableStream { /** @type {boolean} */ [_backpressure]; /** @type {Deferred | undefined} */ [_closeRequest]; /** @type {WritableStreamDefaultController} */ [_controller]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_detached]; /** @type {Deferred | undefined} */ [_inFlightWriteRequest]; /** @type {Deferred | undefined} */ [_inFlightCloseRequest]; /** @type {PendingAbortRequest | undefined} */ [_pendingAbortRequest]; /** @type {"writable" | "closed" | "erroring" | "errored"} */ [_state]; /** @type {any} */ [_storedError]; /** @type {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} */ [_writer]; /** @type {Deferred[]} */ [_writeRequests]; /** * @param {UnderlyingSink=} underlyingSink * @param {QueuingStrategy=} strategy */ constructor(underlyingSink = undefined, strategy = {}) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'WritableStream'"; if (underlyingSink !== undefined) { underlyingSink = webidl.converters.object(underlyingSink, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); } strategy = webidl.converters.QueuingStrategy(strategy, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; if (underlyingSink === undefined) { underlyingSink = null; } const underlyingSinkDict = webidl.converters.UnderlyingSink( underlyingSink, { prefix, context: "underlyingSink" }, ); if (underlyingSinkDict.type != null) { throw new RangeError( `${prefix}: WritableStream does not support 'type' in the underlying sink.`, ); } initializeWritableStream(this); const sizeAlgorithm = extractSizeAlgorithm(strategy); const highWaterMark = extractHighWaterMark(strategy, 1); setUpWritableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSink( this, underlyingSink, underlyingSinkDict, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm, ); } /** @returns {boolean} */ get locked() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamPrototype); return isWritableStreamLocked(this); } /** * @param {any=} reason * @returns {Promise} */ abort(reason = undefined) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (reason !== undefined) { reason = webidl.converters.any(reason); } if (isWritableStreamLocked(this)) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError( "The writable stream is locked, therefore cannot be aborted.", ), ); } return writableStreamAbort(this, reason); } /** @returns {Promise} */ close() { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (isWritableStreamLocked(this)) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError( "The writable stream is locked, therefore cannot be closed.", ), ); } if (writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(this) === true) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("The writable stream is already closing."), ); } return writableStreamClose(this); } /** @returns {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} */ getWriter() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamPrototype); return acquireWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this); } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect({ locked: this.locked })}`; } } webidl.configurePrototype(WritableStream); const WritableStreamPrototype = WritableStream.prototype; /** @template W */ class WritableStreamDefaultWriter { /** @type {Deferred} */ [_closedPromise]; /** @type {Deferred} */ [_readyPromise]; /** @type {WritableStream} */ [_stream]; /** * @param {WritableStream} stream */ constructor(stream) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'WritableStreamDefaultWriter'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); stream = webidl.converters.WritableStream(stream, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; setUpWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this, stream); } /** @returns {Promise} */ get closed() { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } return this[_closedPromise].promise; } /** @returns {number} */ get desiredSize() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype); if (this[_stream] === undefined) { throw new TypeError( "A writable stream is not associated with the writer.", ); } return writableStreamDefaultWriterGetDesiredSize(this); } /** @returns {Promise} */ get ready() { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } return this[_readyPromise].promise; } /** * @param {any} reason * @returns {Promise} */ abort(reason = undefined) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (reason !== undefined) { reason = webidl.converters.any(reason); } if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("A writable stream is not associated with the writer."), ); } return writableStreamDefaultWriterAbort(this, reason); } /** @returns {Promise} */ close() { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype); } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } const stream = this[_stream]; if (stream === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("A writable stream is not associated with the writer."), ); } if (writableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) === true) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("The associated stream is already closing."), ); } return writableStreamDefaultWriterClose(this); } /** @returns {void} */ releaseLock() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype); const stream = this[_stream]; if (stream === undefined) { return; } assert(stream[_writer] !== undefined); writableStreamDefaultWriterRelease(this); } /** * @param {W} chunk * @returns {Promise} */ write(chunk = undefined) { try { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype); if (chunk !== undefined) { chunk = webidl.converters.any(chunk); } } catch (err) { return PromiseReject(err); } if (this[_stream] === undefined) { return PromiseReject( new TypeError("A writable stream is not associate with the writer."), ); } return writableStreamDefaultWriterWrite(this, chunk); } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype, this, ), keys: [ "closed", "desiredSize", "ready", ], })); } } webidl.configurePrototype(WritableStreamDefaultWriter); const WritableStreamDefaultWriterPrototype = WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype; /** @template W */ class WritableStreamDefaultController { /** @type {(reason?: any) => Promise} */ [_abortAlgorithm]; /** @type {() => Promise} */ [_closeAlgorithm]; /** @type {ValueWithSize[]} */ [_queue]; /** @type {number} */ [_queueTotalSize]; /** @type {boolean} */ [_started]; /** @type {number} */ [_strategyHWM]; /** @type {(chunk: W) => number} */ [_strategySizeAlgorithm]; /** @type {WritableStream} */ [_stream]; /** @type {(chunk: W, controller: this) => Promise} */ [_writeAlgorithm]; /** @type {AbortSignal} */ [_signal]; get signal() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype); return this[_signal]; } constructor() { webidl.illegalConstructor(); } /** * @param {any=} e * @returns {void} */ error(e = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, WritableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype); if (e !== undefined) { e = webidl.converters.any(e); } const state = this[_stream][_state]; if (state !== "writable") { return; } writableStreamDefaultControllerError(this, e); } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype, this, ), keys: [], })); } /** * @param {any=} reason * @returns {Promise} */ [_abortSteps](reason) { const result = this[_abortAlgorithm](reason); writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(this); return result; } [_errorSteps]() { resetQueue(this); } } webidl.configurePrototype(WritableStreamDefaultController); const WritableStreamDefaultControllerPrototype = WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype; /** * @param {ReadableStream} stream */ function createProxy(stream) { return stream.pipeThrough(new TransformStream()); } webidl.converters.ReadableStream = webidl .createInterfaceConverter("ReadableStream", ReadableStream.prototype); webidl.converters.WritableStream = webidl .createInterfaceConverter("WritableStream", WritableStream.prototype); webidl.converters.ReadableStreamType = webidl.createEnumConverter( "ReadableStreamType", ["bytes"], ); webidl.converters.UnderlyingSource = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("UnderlyingSource", [ { key: "start", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "pull", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "cancel", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "type", converter: webidl.converters.ReadableStreamType, }, { key: "autoAllocateChunkSize", converter: (V, opts) => webidl.converters["unsigned long long"](V, { ...opts, enforceRange: true, }), }, ]); webidl.converters.UnderlyingSink = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("UnderlyingSink", [ { key: "start", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "write", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "close", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "abort", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "type", converter: webidl.converters.any, }, ]); webidl.converters.Transformer = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("Transformer", [ { key: "start", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "transform", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "flush", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, { key: "readableType", converter: webidl.converters.any, }, { key: "writableType", converter: webidl.converters.any, }, ]); webidl.converters.QueuingStrategy = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("QueuingStrategy", [ { key: "highWaterMark", converter: webidl.converters["unrestricted double"], }, { key: "size", converter: webidl.converters.Function, }, ]); webidl.converters.QueuingStrategyInit = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("QueuingStrategyInit", [ { key: "highWaterMark", converter: webidl.converters["unrestricted double"], required: true, }, ]); webidl.converters.ReadableStreamIteratorOptions = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("ReadableStreamIteratorOptions", [ { key: "preventCancel", defaultValue: false, converter: webidl.converters.boolean, }, ]); webidl.converters.ReadableStreamReaderMode = webidl .createEnumConverter("ReadableStreamReaderMode", ["byob"]); webidl.converters.ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions", [{ key: "mode", converter: webidl.converters.ReadableStreamReaderMode, }]); webidl.converters.ReadableWritablePair = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("ReadableWritablePair", [ { key: "readable", converter: webidl.converters.ReadableStream, required: true, }, { key: "writable", converter: webidl.converters.WritableStream, required: true, }, ]); webidl.converters.StreamPipeOptions = webidl .createDictionaryConverter("StreamPipeOptions", [ { key: "preventClose", defaultValue: false, converter: webidl.converters.boolean, }, { key: "preventAbort", defaultValue: false, converter: webidl.converters.boolean, }, { key: "preventCancel", defaultValue: false, converter: webidl.converters.boolean, }, { key: "signal", converter: webidl.converters.AbortSignal }, ]); window.__bootstrap.streams = { // Non-Public _state, isReadableStreamDisturbed, errorReadableStream, createProxy, writableStreamClose, readableStreamClose, readableStreamDisturb, readableStreamForRid, getReadableStreamRid, Deferred, // Exposed in global runtime scope ByteLengthQueuingStrategy, CountQueuingStrategy, ReadableStream, ReadableStreamPrototype, ReadableStreamDefaultReader, TransformStream, WritableStream, WritableStreamDefaultWriter, WritableStreamDefaultController, ReadableByteStreamController, ReadableStreamBYOBReader, ReadableStreamBYOBRequest, ReadableStreamDefaultController, TransformStreamDefaultController, }; })(this);