// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */ /// /// declare namespace Deno { // @url js/os.d.ts /** The current process id of the runtime. */ export let pid: number; /** Reflects the NO_COLOR environment variable: https://no-color.org/ */ export let noColor: boolean; /** Check if running in terminal. * * console.log(Deno.isTTY().stdout); */ export function isTTY(): { stdin: boolean; stdout: boolean; stderr: boolean; }; /** Exit the Deno process with optional exit code. */ export function exit(code?: number): never; /** Returns a snapshot of the environment variables at invocation. Mutating a * property in the object will set that variable in the environment for * the process. The environment object will only accept `string`s * as values. * * const myEnv = Deno.env(); * console.log(myEnv.SHELL); * myEnv.TEST_VAR = "HELLO"; * const newEnv = Deno.env(); * console.log(myEnv.TEST_VAR == newEnv.TEST_VAR); */ export function env(): { [index: string]: string; }; /** * Returns the current user's home directory. * Requires the `--allow-env` flag. */ export function homeDir(): string; /** * Returns the path to the current deno executable. * Requires the `--allow-env` flag. */ export function execPath(): string; // @url js/dir.d.ts /** * `cwd()` Return a string representing the current working directory. * If the current directory can be reached via multiple paths * (due to symbolic links), `cwd()` may return * any one of them. * throws `NotFound` exception if directory not available */ export function cwd(): string; /** * `chdir()` Change the current working directory to path. * throws `NotFound` exception if directory not available */ export function chdir(directory: string): void; // @url js/io.d.ts export const EOF: null; export type EOF = null; export enum SeekMode { SEEK_START = 0, SEEK_CURRENT = 1, SEEK_END = 2 } export interface Reader { /** Reads up to p.byteLength bytes into `p`. It resolves to the number * of bytes read (`0` < `n` <= `p.byteLength`) and rejects if any error encountered. * Even if `read()` returns `n` < `p.byteLength`, it may use all of `p` as * scratch space during the call. If some data is available but not * `p.byteLength` bytes, `read()` conventionally returns what is available * instead of waiting for more. * * When `read()` encounters end-of-file condition, it returns EOF symbol. * * When `read()` encounters an error, it rejects with an error. * * Callers should always process the `n` > `0` bytes returned before * considering the EOF. Doing so correctly handles I/O errors that happen * after reading some bytes and also both of the allowed EOF behaviors. * * Implementations must not retain `p`. */ read(p: Uint8Array): Promise; } export interface SyncReader { readSync(p: Uint8Array): number | EOF; } export interface Writer { /** Writes `p.byteLength` bytes from `p` to the underlying data * stream. It resolves to the number of bytes written from `p` (`0` <= `n` <= * `p.byteLength`) and any error encountered that caused the write to stop * early. `write()` must return a non-null error if it returns `n` < * `p.byteLength`. write() must not modify the slice data, even temporarily. * * Implementations must not retain `p`. */ write(p: Uint8Array): Promise; } export interface SyncWriter { writeSync(p: Uint8Array): number; } export interface Closer { close(): void; } export interface Seeker { /** Seek sets the offset for the next `read()` or `write()` to offset, * interpreted according to `whence`: `SeekStart` means relative to the start * of the file, `SeekCurrent` means relative to the current offset, and * `SeekEnd` means relative to the end. Seek returns the new offset relative * to the start of the file and an error, if any. * * Seeking to an offset before the start of the file is an error. Seeking to * any positive offset is legal, but the behavior of subsequent I/O operations * on the underlying object is implementation-dependent. */ seek(offset: number, whence: SeekMode): Promise; } export interface SyncSeeker { seekSync(offset: number, whence: SeekMode): void; } export interface ReadCloser extends Reader, Closer {} export interface WriteCloser extends Writer, Closer {} export interface ReadSeeker extends Reader, Seeker {} export interface WriteSeeker extends Writer, Seeker {} export interface ReadWriteCloser extends Reader, Writer, Closer {} export interface ReadWriteSeeker extends Reader, Writer, Seeker {} /** Copies from `src` to `dst` until either `EOF` is reached on `src` * or an error occurs. It returns the number of bytes copied and the first * error encountered while copying, if any. * * Because `copy()` is defined to read from `src` until `EOF`, it does not * treat an `EOF` from `read()` as an error to be reported. */ export function copy(dst: Writer, src: Reader): Promise; /** Turns `r` into async iterator. * * for await (const chunk of toAsyncIterator(reader)) { * console.log(chunk) * } */ export function toAsyncIterator(r: Reader): AsyncIterableIterator; // @url js/files.d.ts /** Open a file and return an instance of the `File` object * synchronously. * * const file = Deno.openSync("/foo/bar.txt"); */ export function openSync(filename: string, mode?: OpenMode): File; /** Open a file and return an instance of the `File` object. * * (async () => { * const file = await Deno.open("/foo/bar.txt"); * })(); */ export function open(filename: string, mode?: OpenMode): Promise; /** Read synchronously from a file ID into an array buffer. * * Return `number | EOF` for the operation. * * const file = Deno.openSync("/foo/bar.txt"); * const buf = new Uint8Array(100); * const nread = Deno.readSync(file.rid, buf); * const text = new TextDecoder().decode(buf); * */ export function readSync(rid: number, p: Uint8Array): number | EOF; /** Read from a file ID into an array buffer. * * Resolves with the `number | EOF` for the operation. * * (async () => { * const file = await Deno.open("/foo/bar.txt"); * const buf = new Uint8Array(100); * const nread = await Deno.read(file.rid, buf); * const text = new TextDecoder().decode(buf); * })(); */ export function read(rid: number, p: Uint8Array): Promise; /** Write synchronously to the file ID the contents of the array buffer. * * Resolves with the number of bytes written. * * const encoder = new TextEncoder(); * const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n"); * const file = Deno.openSync("/foo/bar.txt"); * Deno.writeSync(file.rid, data); */ export function writeSync(rid: number, p: Uint8Array): number; /** Write to the file ID the contents of the array buffer. * * Resolves with the number of bytes written. * * (async () => { * const encoder = new TextEncoder(); * const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n"); * const file = await Deno.open("/foo/bar.txt"); * await Deno.write(file.rid, data); * })(); * */ export function write(rid: number, p: Uint8Array): Promise; /** Seek a file ID synchronously to the given offset under mode given by `whence`. * * const file = Deno.openSync("/foo/bar.txt"); * Deno.seekSync(file.rid, 0, 0); */ export function seekSync(rid: number, offset: number, whence: SeekMode): void; /** Seek a file ID to the given offset under mode given by `whence`. * * (async () => { * const file = await Deno.open("/foo/bar.txt"); * await Deno.seek(file.rid, 0, 0); * })(); */ export function seek( rid: number, offset: number, whence: SeekMode ): Promise; /** Close the file ID. */ export function close(rid: number): void; /** The Deno abstraction for reading and writing files. */ export class File implements Reader, SyncReader, Writer, SyncWriter, Seeker, SyncSeeker, Closer { readonly rid: number; constructor(rid: number); write(p: Uint8Array): Promise; writeSync(p: Uint8Array): number; read(p: Uint8Array): Promise; readSync(p: Uint8Array): number | EOF; seek(offset: number, whence: SeekMode): Promise; seekSync(offset: number, whence: SeekMode): void; close(): void; } /** An instance of `File` for stdin. */ export const stdin: File; /** An instance of `File` for stdout. */ export const stdout: File; /** An instance of `File` for stderr. */ export const stderr: File; export type OpenMode = | "r" /** Read-write. Start at beginning of file. */ | "r+" /** Write-only. Opens and truncates existing file or creates new one for * writing only. */ | "w" /** Read-write. Opens and truncates existing file or creates new one for * writing and reading. */ | "w+" /** Write-only. Opens existing file or creates new one. Each write appends * content to the end of file. */ | "a" /** Read-write. Behaves like "a" and allows to read from file. */ | "a+" /** Write-only. Exclusive create - creates new file only if one doesn't exist * already. */ | "x" /** Read-write. Behaves like `x` and allows to read from file. */ | "x+"; // @url js/buffer.d.ts /** A Buffer is a variable-sized buffer of bytes with read() and write() * methods. Based on https://golang.org/pkg/bytes/#Buffer */ export class Buffer implements Reader, SyncReader, Writer, SyncWriter { private buf; private off; constructor(ab?: ArrayBuffer); /** bytes() returns a slice holding the unread portion of the buffer. * The slice is valid for use only until the next buffer modification (that * is, only until the next call to a method like read(), write(), reset(), or * truncate()). The slice aliases the buffer content at least until the next * buffer modification, so immediate changes to the slice will affect the * result of future reads. */ bytes(): Uint8Array; /** toString() returns the contents of the unread portion of the buffer * as a string. Warning - if multibyte characters are present when data is * flowing through the buffer, this method may result in incorrect strings * due to a character being split. */ toString(): string; /** empty() returns whether the unread portion of the buffer is empty. */ empty(): boolean; /** length is a getter that returns the number of bytes of the unread * portion of the buffer */ readonly length: number; /** Returns the capacity of the buffer's underlying byte slice, that is, * the total space allocated for the buffer's data. */ readonly capacity: number; /** truncate() discards all but the first n unread bytes from the buffer but * continues to use the same allocated storage. It throws if n is negative or * greater than the length of the buffer. */ truncate(n: number): void; /** reset() resets the buffer to be empty, but it retains the underlying * storage for use by future writes. reset() is the same as truncate(0) */ reset(): void; /** _tryGrowByReslice() is a version of grow for the fast-case * where the internal buffer only needs to be resliced. It returns the index * where bytes should be written and whether it succeeded. * It returns -1 if a reslice was not needed. */ private _tryGrowByReslice; private _reslice; /** readSync() reads the next len(p) bytes from the buffer or until the buffer * is drained. The return value n is the number of bytes read. If the * buffer has no data to return, eof in the response will be true. */ readSync(p: Uint8Array): number | EOF; read(p: Uint8Array): Promise; writeSync(p: Uint8Array): number; write(p: Uint8Array): Promise; /** _grow() grows the buffer to guarantee space for n more bytes. * It returns the index where bytes should be written. * If the buffer can't grow it will throw with ErrTooLarge. */ private _grow; /** grow() grows the buffer's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for * another n bytes. After grow(n), at least n bytes can be written to the * buffer without another allocation. If n is negative, grow() will panic. If * the buffer can't grow it will throw ErrTooLarge. * Based on https://golang.org/pkg/bytes/#Buffer.Grow */ grow(n: number): void; /** readFrom() reads data from r until EOF and appends it to the buffer, * growing the buffer as needed. It returns the number of bytes read. If the * buffer becomes too large, readFrom will panic with ErrTooLarge. * Based on https://golang.org/pkg/bytes/#Buffer.ReadFrom */ readFrom(r: Reader): Promise; /** Sync version of `readFrom` */ readFromSync(r: SyncReader): number; } /** Read `r` until EOF and return the content as `Uint8Array`. */ export function readAll(r: Reader): Promise; /** Read synchronously `r` until EOF and return the content as `Uint8Array`. */ export function readAllSync(r: SyncReader): Uint8Array; /** Write all the content of `arr` to `w`. */ export function writeAll(w: Writer, arr: Uint8Array): Promise; /** Write synchronously all the content of `arr` to `w`. */ export function writeAllSync(w: SyncWriter, arr: Uint8Array): void; // @url js/mkdir.d.ts /** Creates a new directory with the specified path synchronously. * If `recursive` is set to true, nested directories will be created (also known * as "mkdir -p"). * `mode` sets permission bits (before umask) on UNIX and does nothing on * Windows. * * Deno.mkdirSync("new_dir"); * Deno.mkdirSync("nested/directories", true); */ export function mkdirSync( path: string, recursive?: boolean, mode?: number ): void; /** Creates a new directory with the specified path. * If `recursive` is set to true, nested directories will be created (also known * as "mkdir -p"). * `mode` sets permission bits (before umask) on UNIX and does nothing on * Windows. * * await Deno.mkdir("new_dir"); * await Deno.mkdir("nested/directories", true); */ export function mkdir( path: string, recursive?: boolean, mode?: number ): Promise; // @url js/make_temp_dir.d.ts export interface MakeTempDirOptions { dir?: string; prefix?: string; suffix?: string; } /** makeTempDirSync is the synchronous version of `makeTempDir`. * * const tempDirName0 = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); * const tempDirName1 = Deno.makeTempDirSync({ prefix: 'my_temp' }); */ export function makeTempDirSync(options?: MakeTempDirOptions): string; /** makeTempDir creates a new temporary directory in the directory `dir`, its * name beginning with `prefix` and ending with `suffix`. * It returns the full path to the newly created directory. * If `dir` is unspecified, tempDir uses the default directory for temporary * files. Multiple programs calling tempDir simultaneously will not choose the * same directory. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the directory * when no longer needed. * * const tempDirName0 = await Deno.makeTempDir(); * const tempDirName1 = await Deno.makeTempDir({ prefix: 'my_temp' }); */ export function makeTempDir(options?: MakeTempDirOptions): Promise; // @url js/chmod.d.ts /** Changes the permission of a specific file/directory of specified path * synchronously. * * Deno.chmodSync("/path/to/file", 0o666); */ export function chmodSync(path: string, mode: number): void; /** Changes the permission of a specific file/directory of specified path. * * await Deno.chmod("/path/to/file", 0o666); */ export function chmod(path: string, mode: number): Promise; // @url js/chown.d.ts /** * Change owner of a regular file or directory synchronously. Unix only at the moment. * @param path path to the file * @param uid user id of the new owner * @param gid group id of the new owner */ export function chownSync(path: string, uid: number, gid: number): void; /** * Change owner of a regular file or directory asynchronously. Unix only at the moment. * @param path path to the file * @param uid user id of the new owner * @param gid group id of the new owner */ export function chown(path: string, uid: number, gid: number): Promise; // @url js/utime.d.ts /** Synchronously changes the access and modification times of a file system * object referenced by `filename`. Given times are either in seconds * (Unix epoch time) or as `Date` objects. * * Deno.utimeSync("myfile.txt", 1556495550, new Date()); */ export function utimeSync( filename: string, atime: number | Date, mtime: number | Date ): void; /** Changes the access and modification times of a file system object * referenced by `filename`. Given times are either in seconds * (Unix epoch time) or as `Date` objects. * * await Deno.utime("myfile.txt", 1556495550, new Date()); */ export function utime( filename: string, atime: number | Date, mtime: number | Date ): Promise; // @url js/remove.d.ts export interface RemoveOption { recursive?: boolean; } /** Removes the named file or directory synchronously. Would throw * error if permission denied, not found, or directory not empty if `recursive` * set to false. * `recursive` is set to false by default. * * Deno.removeSync("/path/to/dir/or/file", {recursive: false}); */ export function removeSync(path: string, options?: RemoveOption): void; /** Removes the named file or directory. Would throw error if * permission denied, not found, or directory not empty if `recursive` set * to false. * `recursive` is set to false by default. * * await Deno.remove("/path/to/dir/or/file", {recursive: false}); */ export function remove(path: string, options?: RemoveOption): Promise; // @url js/rename.d.ts /** Synchronously renames (moves) `oldpath` to `newpath`. If `newpath` already * exists and is not a directory, `renameSync()` replaces it. OS-specific * restrictions may apply when `oldpath` and `newpath` are in different * directories. * * Deno.renameSync("old/path", "new/path"); */ export function renameSync(oldpath: string, newpath: string): void; /** Renames (moves) `oldpath` to `newpath`. If `newpath` already exists and is * not a directory, `rename()` replaces it. OS-specific restrictions may apply * when `oldpath` and `newpath` are in different directories. * * await Deno.rename("old/path", "new/path"); */ export function rename(oldpath: string, newpath: string): Promise; // @url js/read_file.d.ts /** Read the entire contents of a file synchronously. * * const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); * const data = Deno.readFileSync("hello.txt"); * console.log(decoder.decode(data)); */ export function readFileSync(filename: string): Uint8Array; /** Read the entire contents of a file. * * const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); * const data = await Deno.readFile("hello.txt"); * console.log(decoder.decode(data)); */ export function readFile(filename: string): Promise; // @url js/file_info.d.ts /** A FileInfo describes a file and is returned by `stat`, `lstat`, * `statSync`, `lstatSync`. */ export interface FileInfo { /** The size of the file, in bytes. */ len: number; /** The last modification time of the file. This corresponds to the `mtime` * field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastWriteTime` on Windows. This may not * be available on all platforms. */ modified: number | null; /** The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `atime` * field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastAccessTime` on Windows. This may not * be available on all platforms. */ accessed: number | null; /** The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `birthtime` * field from `stat` on Unix and `ftCreationTime` on Windows. This may not * be available on all platforms. */ created: number | null; /** The underlying raw st_mode bits that contain the standard Unix permissions * for this file/directory. TODO Match behavior with Go on windows for mode. */ mode: number | null; /** The file or directory name. */ name: string | null; /** Returns whether this is info for a regular file. This result is mutually * exclusive to `FileInfo.isDirectory` and `FileInfo.isSymlink`. */ isFile(): boolean; /** Returns whether this is info for a regular directory. This result is * mutually exclusive to `FileInfo.isFile` and `FileInfo.isSymlink`. */ isDirectory(): boolean; /** Returns whether this is info for a symlink. This result is * mutually exclusive to `FileInfo.isFile` and `FileInfo.isDirectory`. */ isSymlink(): boolean; } // @url js/read_dir.d.ts /** Reads the directory given by path and returns a list of file info * synchronously. * * const files = Deno.readDirSync("/"); */ export function readDirSync(path: string): FileInfo[]; /** Reads the directory given by path and returns a list of file info. * * const files = await Deno.readDir("/"); */ export function readDir(path: string): Promise; // @url js/copy_file.d.ts /** Copies the contents of a file to another by name synchronously. * Creates a new file if target does not exists, and if target exists, * overwrites original content of the target file. * * It would also copy the permission of the original file * to the destination. * * Deno.copyFileSync("from.txt", "to.txt"); */ export function copyFileSync(from: string, to: string): void; /** Copies the contents of a file to another by name. * * Creates a new file if target does not exists, and if target exists, * overwrites original content of the target file. * * It would also copy the permission of the original file * to the destination. * * await Deno.copyFile("from.txt", "to.txt"); */ export function copyFile(from: string, to: string): Promise; // @url js/read_link.d.ts /** Returns the destination of the named symbolic link synchronously. * * const targetPath = Deno.readlinkSync("symlink/path"); */ export function readlinkSync(name: string): string; /** Returns the destination of the named symbolic link. * * const targetPath = await Deno.readlink("symlink/path"); */ export function readlink(name: string): Promise; // @url js/stat.d.ts interface StatResponse { isFile: boolean; isSymlink: boolean; len: number; modified: number; accessed: number; created: number; mode: number; hasMode: boolean; name: string | null; } /** Queries the file system for information on the path provided. If the given * path is a symlink information about the symlink will be returned. * * const fileInfo = await Deno.lstat("hello.txt"); * assert(fileInfo.isFile()); */ export function lstat(filename: string): Promise; /** Queries the file system for information on the path provided synchronously. * If the given path is a symlink information about the symlink will be * returned. * * const fileInfo = Deno.lstatSync("hello.txt"); * assert(fileInfo.isFile()); */ export function lstatSync(filename: string): FileInfo; /** Queries the file system for information on the path provided. `stat` Will * always follow symlinks. * * const fileInfo = await Deno.stat("hello.txt"); * assert(fileInfo.isFile()); */ export function stat(filename: string): Promise; /** Queries the file system for information on the path provided synchronously. * `statSync` Will always follow symlinks. * * const fileInfo = Deno.statSync("hello.txt"); * assert(fileInfo.isFile()); */ export function statSync(filename: string): FileInfo; // @url js/link.d.ts /** Synchronously creates `newname` as a hard link to `oldname`. * * Deno.linkSync("old/name", "new/name"); */ export function linkSync(oldname: string, newname: string): void; /** Creates `newname` as a hard link to `oldname`. * * await Deno.link("old/name", "new/name"); */ export function link(oldname: string, newname: string): Promise; // @url js/symlink.d.ts /** Synchronously creates `newname` as a symbolic link to `oldname`. The type * argument can be set to `dir` or `file` and is only available on Windows * (ignored on other platforms). * * Deno.symlinkSync("old/name", "new/name"); */ export function symlinkSync( oldname: string, newname: string, type?: string ): void; /** Creates `newname` as a symbolic link to `oldname`. The type argument can be * set to `dir` or `file` and is only available on Windows (ignored on other * platforms). * * await Deno.symlink("old/name", "new/name"); */ export function symlink( oldname: string, newname: string, type?: string ): Promise; // @url js/write_file.d.ts /** Options for writing to a file. * `perm` would change the file's permission if set. * `create` decides if the file should be created if not exists (default: true) * `append` decides if the file should be appended (default: false) */ export interface WriteFileOptions { perm?: number; create?: boolean; append?: boolean; } /** Write a new file, with given filename and data synchronously. * * const encoder = new TextEncoder(); * const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n"); * Deno.writeFileSync("hello.txt", data); */ export function writeFileSync( filename: string, data: Uint8Array, options?: WriteFileOptions ): void; /** Write a new file, with given filename and data. * * const encoder = new TextEncoder(); * const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n"); * await Deno.writeFile("hello.txt", data); */ export function writeFile( filename: string, data: Uint8Array, options?: WriteFileOptions ): Promise; // @url js/error_stack.d.ts interface Location { /** The full url for the module, e.g. `file://some/file.ts` or * `https://some/file.ts`. */ filename: string; /** The line number in the file. It is assumed to be 1-indexed. */ line: number; /** The column number in the file. It is assumed to be 1-indexed. */ column: number; } /** Given a current location in a module, lookup the source location and * return it. * * When Deno transpiles code, it keep source maps of the transpiled code. This * function can be used to lookup the original location. This is automatically * done when accessing the `.stack` of an error, or when an uncaught error is * logged. This function can be used to perform the lookup for creating better * error handling. * * **Note:** `line` and `column` are 1 indexed, which matches display * expectations, but is not typical of most index numbers in Deno. * * An example: * * const orig = Deno.applySourceMap({ * location: "file://my/module.ts", * line: 5, * column: 15 * }); * console.log(`${orig.filename}:${orig.line}:${orig.column}`); * */ export function applySourceMap(location: Location): Location; // @url js/errors.d.ts /** A Deno specific error. The `kind` property is set to a specific error code * which can be used to in application logic. * * try { * somethingThatMightThrow(); * } catch (e) { * if ( * e instanceof Deno.DenoError && * e.kind === Deno.ErrorKind.Overflow * ) { * console.error("Overflow error!"); * } * } * */ export class DenoError extends Error { readonly kind: T; constructor(kind: T, msg: string); } export enum ErrorKind { NoError = 0, NotFound = 1, PermissionDenied = 2, ConnectionRefused = 3, ConnectionReset = 4, ConnectionAborted = 5, NotConnected = 6, AddrInUse = 7, AddrNotAvailable = 8, BrokenPipe = 9, AlreadyExists = 10, WouldBlock = 11, InvalidInput = 12, InvalidData = 13, TimedOut = 14, Interrupted = 15, WriteZero = 16, Other = 17, UnexpectedEof = 18, BadResource = 19, CommandFailed = 20, EmptyHost = 21, IdnaError = 22, InvalidPort = 23, InvalidIpv4Address = 24, InvalidIpv6Address = 25, InvalidDomainCharacter = 26, RelativeUrlWithoutBase = 27, RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase = 28, SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl = 29, Overflow = 30, HttpUser = 31, HttpClosed = 32, HttpCanceled = 33, HttpParse = 34, HttpOther = 35, TooLarge = 36, InvalidUri = 37, InvalidSeekMode = 38, OpNotAvailable = 39, WorkerInitFailed = 40, UnixError = 41, NoAsyncSupport = 42, NoSyncSupport = 43, ImportMapError = 44, InvalidPath = 45, ImportPrefixMissing = 46, UnsupportedFetchScheme = 47, TooManyRedirects = 48, Diagnostic = 49, JSError = 50 } // @url js/permissions.d.ts /** Permissions as granted by the caller */ export interface Permissions { read: boolean; write: boolean; net: boolean; env: boolean; run: boolean; hrtime: boolean; } export type Permission = keyof Permissions; /** Inspect granted permissions for the current program. * * if (Deno.permissions().read) { * const file = await Deno.readFile("example.test"); * // ... * } */ export function permissions(): Permissions; /** Revoke a permission. When the permission was already revoked nothing changes * * if (Deno.permissions().read) { * const file = await Deno.readFile("example.test"); * Deno.revokePermission('read'); * } * Deno.readFile("example.test"); // -> error or permission prompt */ export function revokePermission(permission: Permission): void; // @url js/truncate.d.ts /** Truncates or extends the specified file synchronously, updating the size of * this file to become size. * * Deno.truncateSync("hello.txt", 10); */ export function truncateSync(name: string, len?: number): void; /** * Truncates or extends the specified file, updating the size of this file to * become size. * * await Deno.truncate("hello.txt", 10); */ export function truncate(name: string, len?: number): Promise; // @url js/net.d.ts type Network = "tcp"; interface Addr { network: Network; address: string; } /** A Listener is a generic network listener for stream-oriented protocols. */ export interface Listener extends AsyncIterator { /** Waits for and resolves to the next connection to the `Listener`. */ accept(): Promise; /** Close closes the listener. Any pending accept promises will be rejected * with errors. */ close(): void; /** Return the address of the `Listener`. */ addr(): Addr; [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator; } export interface Conn extends Reader, Writer, Closer { /** The local address of the connection. */ localAddr: string; /** The remote address of the connection. */ remoteAddr: string; /** The resource ID of the connection. */ rid: number; /** Shuts down (`shutdown(2)`) the reading side of the TCP connection. Most * callers should just use `close()`. */ closeRead(): void; /** Shuts down (`shutdown(2)`) the writing side of the TCP connection. Most * callers should just use `close()`. */ closeWrite(): void; } /** Listen announces on the local network address. * * The network must be `tcp`, `tcp4`, `tcp6`, `unix` or `unixpacket`. * * For TCP networks, if the host in the address parameter is empty or a literal * unspecified IP address, `listen()` listens on all available unicast and * anycast IP addresses of the local system. To only use IPv4, use network * `tcp4`. The address can use a host name, but this is not recommended, * because it will create a listener for at most one of the host's IP * addresses. If the port in the address parameter is empty or `0`, as in * `` or `[::1]:0`, a port number is automatically chosen. The * `addr()` method of `Listener` can be used to discover the chosen port. * * See `dial()` for a description of the network and address parameters. */ export function listen(network: Network, address: string): Listener; /** Dial connects to the address on the named network. * * Supported networks are only `tcp` currently. * * TODO: `tcp4` (IPv4-only), `tcp6` (IPv6-only), `udp`, `udp4` (IPv4-only), * `udp6` (IPv6-only), `ip`, `ip4` (IPv4-only), `ip6` (IPv6-only), `unix`, * `unixgram` and `unixpacket`. * * For TCP and UDP networks, the address has the form `host:port`. The host must * be a literal IP address, or a host name that can be resolved to IP addresses. * The port must be a literal port number or a service name. If the host is a * literal IPv6 address it must be enclosed in square brackets, as in * `[2001:db8::1]:80` or `[fe80::1%zone]:80`. The zone specifies the scope of * the literal IPv6 address as defined in RFC 4007. The functions JoinHostPort * and SplitHostPort manipulate a pair of host and port in this form. When using * TCP, and the host resolves to multiple IP addresses, Dial will try each IP * address in order until one succeeds. * * Examples: * * dial("tcp", "golang.org:http") * dial("tcp", "") * dial("tcp", "") * dial("udp", "[2001:db8::1]:domain") * dial("udp", "[fe80::1%lo0]:53") * dial("tcp", ":80") */ export function dial(network: Network, address: string): Promise; /** **RESERVED** */ export function connect(_network: Network, _address: string): Promise; // @url js/metrics.d.ts export interface Metrics { opsDispatched: number; opsCompleted: number; bytesSentControl: number; bytesSentData: number; bytesReceived: number; } /** Receive metrics from the privileged side of Deno. * * > console.table(Deno.metrics()) * ┌──────────────────┬────────┐ * │ (index) │ Values │ * ├──────────────────┼────────┤ * │ opsDispatched │ 9 │ * │ opsCompleted │ 9 │ * │ bytesSentControl │ 504 │ * │ bytesSentData │ 0 │ * │ bytesReceived │ 856 │ * └──────────────────┴────────┘ */ export function metrics(): Metrics; // @url js/resources.d.ts interface ResourceMap { [rid: number]: string; } /** Returns a map of open _file like_ resource ids along with their string * representation. */ export function resources(): ResourceMap; // @url js/process.d.ts /** How to handle subprocess stdio. * * "inherit" The default if unspecified. The child inherits from the * corresponding parent descriptor. * * "piped" A new pipe should be arranged to connect the parent and child * subprocesses. * * "null" This stream will be ignored. This is the equivalent of attaching the * stream to /dev/null. */ type ProcessStdio = "inherit" | "piped" | "null"; export interface RunOptions { args: string[]; cwd?: string; env?: { [key: string]: string; }; stdout?: ProcessStdio | number; stderr?: ProcessStdio | number; stdin?: ProcessStdio | number; } /** Send a signal to process under given PID. Unix only at this moment. * If pid is negative, the signal will be sent to the process group identified * by -pid. * Requires the `--allow-run` flag. */ export function kill(pid: number, signo: number): void; export class Process { readonly rid: number; readonly pid: number; readonly stdin?: WriteCloser; readonly stdout?: ReadCloser; readonly stderr?: ReadCloser; status(): Promise; /** Buffer the stdout and return it as Uint8Array after EOF. * You must set stdout to "piped" when creating the process. * This calls close() on stdout after its done. */ output(): Promise; /** Buffer the stderr and return it as Uint8Array after EOF. * You must set stderr to "piped" when creating the process. * This calls close() on stderr after its done. */ stderrOutput(): Promise; close(): void; kill(signo: number): void; } export interface ProcessStatus { success: boolean; code?: number; signal?: number; } /** * Spawns new subprocess. * * Subprocess uses same working directory as parent process unless `opt.cwd` * is specified. * * Environmental variables for subprocess can be specified using `opt.env` * mapping. * * By default subprocess inherits stdio of parent process. To change that * `opt.stdout`, `opt.stderr` and `opt.stdin` can be specified independently - * they can be set to either `ProcessStdio` or `rid` of open file. */ export function run(opt: RunOptions): Process; enum LinuxSignal { SIGHUP = 1, SIGINT = 2, SIGQUIT = 3, SIGILL = 4, SIGTRAP = 5, SIGABRT = 6, SIGBUS = 7, SIGFPE = 8, SIGKILL = 9, SIGUSR1 = 10, SIGSEGV = 11, SIGUSR2 = 12, SIGPIPE = 13, SIGALRM = 14, SIGTERM = 15, SIGSTKFLT = 16, SIGCHLD = 17, SIGCONT = 18, SIGSTOP = 19, SIGTSTP = 20, SIGTTIN = 21, SIGTTOU = 22, SIGURG = 23, SIGXCPU = 24, SIGXFSZ = 25, SIGVTALRM = 26, SIGPROF = 27, SIGWINCH = 28, SIGIO = 29, SIGPWR = 30, SIGSYS = 31 } enum MacOSSignal { SIGHUP = 1, SIGINT = 2, SIGQUIT = 3, SIGILL = 4, SIGTRAP = 5, SIGABRT = 6, SIGEMT = 7, SIGFPE = 8, SIGKILL = 9, SIGBUS = 10, SIGSEGV = 11, SIGSYS = 12, SIGPIPE = 13, SIGALRM = 14, SIGTERM = 15, SIGURG = 16, SIGSTOP = 17, SIGTSTP = 18, SIGCONT = 19, SIGCHLD = 20, SIGTTIN = 21, SIGTTOU = 22, SIGIO = 23, SIGXCPU = 24, SIGXFSZ = 25, SIGVTALRM = 26, SIGPROF = 27, SIGWINCH = 28, SIGINFO = 29, SIGUSR1 = 30, SIGUSR2 = 31 } /** Signals numbers. This is platform dependent. */ export const Signal: typeof MacOSSignal | typeof LinuxSignal; export {}; // @url js/console.d.ts type ConsoleOptions = Partial<{ showHidden: boolean; depth: number; colors: boolean; indentLevel: number; }>; /** A symbol which can be used as a key for a custom method which will be called * when `Deno.inspect()` is called, or when the object is logged to the console. */ export const customInspect: unique symbol; /** * `inspect()` converts input into string that has the same format * as printed by `console.log(...)`; */ export function inspect(value: unknown, options?: ConsoleOptions): string; // @url js/build.d.ts export type OperatingSystem = "mac" | "win" | "linux"; export type Arch = "x64" | "arm64"; /** Build related information */ interface BuildInfo { /** The CPU architecture. */ arch: Arch; /** The operating system. */ os: OperatingSystem; } export const build: BuildInfo; // @url js/version.d.ts interface Version { deno: string; v8: string; typescript: string; } export const version: Version; export {}; // @url js/deno.d.ts export const args: string[]; } // @url js/globals.ts declare interface Window { window: Window & typeof globalThis; atob: typeof textEncoding.atob; btoa: typeof textEncoding.btoa; fetch: typeof fetchTypes.fetch; clearTimeout: typeof timers.clearTimeout; clearInterval: typeof timers.clearInterval; console: consoleTypes.Console; setTimeout: typeof timers.setTimeout; setInterval: typeof timers.setInterval; location: domTypes.Location; onload: Function | undefined; crypto: Crypto; Blob: typeof blob.DenoBlob; File: domTypes.DomFileConstructor; CustomEvent: typeof customEvent.CustomEvent; Event: typeof event.Event; EventTarget: typeof eventTarget.EventTarget; URL: typeof url.URL; URLSearchParams: typeof urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams; Headers: domTypes.HeadersConstructor; FormData: domTypes.FormDataConstructor; TextEncoder: typeof textEncoding.TextEncoder; TextDecoder: typeof textEncoding.TextDecoder; Request: domTypes.RequestConstructor; Response: typeof fetchTypes.Response; performance: performanceUtil.Performance; onmessage: (e: { data: any }) => void; workerMain: typeof workers.workerMain; workerClose: typeof workers.workerClose; postMessage: typeof workers.postMessage; Worker: typeof workers.WorkerImpl; addEventListener: ( type: string, callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null, options?: boolean | domTypes.AddEventListenerOptions | undefined ) => void; dispatchEvent: (event: domTypes.Event) => boolean; removeEventListener: ( type: string, callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null, options?: boolean | domTypes.EventListenerOptions | undefined ) => void; queueMicrotask: (task: () => void) => void; Deno: typeof Deno; } declare const window: Window & typeof globalThis; declare const atob: typeof textEncoding.atob; declare const btoa: typeof textEncoding.btoa; declare const fetch: typeof fetchTypes.fetch; declare const clearTimeout: typeof timers.clearTimeout; declare const clearInterval: typeof timers.clearInterval; declare const console: consoleTypes.Console; declare const setTimeout: typeof timers.setTimeout; declare const setInterval: typeof timers.setInterval; declare const location: domTypes.Location; declare const onload: Function | undefined; declare const crypto: Crypto; declare const Blob: typeof blob.DenoBlob; declare const File: domTypes.DomFileConstructor; declare const CustomEventInit: typeof customEvent.CustomEventInit; declare const CustomEvent: typeof customEvent.CustomEvent; declare const EventInit: typeof event.EventInit; declare const Event: typeof event.Event; declare const EventListener: typeof eventTarget.EventListener; declare const EventTarget: typeof eventTarget.EventTarget; declare const URL: typeof url.URL; declare const URLSearchParams: typeof urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams; declare const Headers: domTypes.HeadersConstructor; declare const FormData: domTypes.FormDataConstructor; declare const TextEncoder: typeof textEncoding.TextEncoder; declare const TextDecoder: typeof textEncoding.TextDecoder; declare const Request: domTypes.RequestConstructor; declare const Response: typeof fetchTypes.Response; declare const performance: performanceUtil.Performance; declare let onmessage: (e: { data: any }) => void; declare const workerMain: typeof workers.workerMain; declare const workerClose: typeof workers.workerClose; declare const postMessage: typeof workers.postMessage; declare const Worker: typeof workers.WorkerImpl; declare const addEventListener: ( type: string, callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null, options?: boolean | domTypes.AddEventListenerOptions | undefined ) => void; declare const dispatchEvent: (event: domTypes.Event) => boolean; declare const removeEventListener: ( type: string, callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null, options?: boolean | domTypes.EventListenerOptions | undefined ) => void; declare type Blob = domTypes.Blob; declare type Body = domTypes.Body; declare type File = domTypes.DomFile; declare type CustomEventInit = domTypes.CustomEventInit; declare type CustomEvent = domTypes.CustomEvent; declare type EventInit = domTypes.EventInit; declare type Event = domTypes.Event; declare type EventListener = domTypes.EventListener; declare type EventTarget = domTypes.EventTarget; declare type URL = url.URL; declare type URLSearchParams = domTypes.URLSearchParams; declare type Headers = domTypes.Headers; declare type FormData = domTypes.FormData; declare type TextEncoder = textEncoding.TextEncoder; declare type TextDecoder = textEncoding.TextDecoder; declare type Request = domTypes.Request; declare type Response = domTypes.Response; declare type Worker = workers.Worker; declare interface ImportMeta { url: string; main: boolean; } declare interface Crypto { readonly subtle: null; getRandomValues: < T extends | Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array >( typedArray: T ) => T; } declare namespace domTypes { // @url js/dom_types.d.ts export type BufferSource = ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer; export type HeadersInit = | Headers | Array<[string, string]> | Record; export type URLSearchParamsInit = | string | string[][] | Record; type BodyInit = | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream | string; export type RequestInfo = Request | string; type ReferrerPolicy = | "" | "no-referrer" | "no-referrer-when-downgrade" | "origin-only" | "origin-when-cross-origin" | "unsafe-url"; export type BlobPart = BufferSource | Blob | string; export type FormDataEntryValue = DomFile | string; export interface DomIterable { keys(): IterableIterator; values(): IterableIterator; entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; forEach( callback: (value: V, key: K, parent: this) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; } type EndingType = "transparent" | "native"; export interface BlobPropertyBag { type?: string; ending?: EndingType; } interface AbortSignalEventMap { abort: ProgressEvent; } export enum NodeType { ELEMENT_NODE = 1, TEXT_NODE = 3, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11 } export const eventTargetHost: unique symbol; export const eventTargetListeners: unique symbol; export const eventTargetMode: unique symbol; export const eventTargetNodeType: unique symbol; export interface EventTarget { [eventTargetHost]: EventTarget | null; [eventTargetListeners]: { [type in string]: EventListener[] }; [eventTargetMode]: string; [eventTargetNodeType]: NodeType; addEventListener( type: string, callback: (event: Event) => void | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions ): void; dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean; removeEventListener( type: string, callback?: (event: Event) => void | null, options?: EventListenerOptions | boolean ): void; } export interface ProgressEventInit extends EventInit { lengthComputable?: boolean; loaded?: number; total?: number; } export interface URLSearchParams { /** * Appends a specified key/value pair as a new search parameter. */ append(name: string, value: string): void; /** * Deletes the given search parameter, and its associated value, * from the list of all search parameters. */ delete(name: string): void; /** * Returns the first value associated to the given search parameter. */ get(name: string): string | null; /** * Returns all the values association with a given search parameter. */ getAll(name: string): string[]; /** * Returns a Boolean indicating if such a search parameter exists. */ has(name: string): boolean; /** * Sets the value associated to a given search parameter to the given value. * If there were several values, delete the others. */ set(name: string, value: string): void; /** * Sort all key/value pairs contained in this object in place * and return undefined. The sort order is according to Unicode * code points of the keys. */ sort(): void; /** * Returns a query string suitable for use in a URL. */ toString(): string; /** * Iterates over each name-value pair in the query * and invokes the given function. */ forEach( callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: URLSearchParams) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; } export interface EventListener { handleEvent(event: Event): void; readonly callback: (event: Event) => void | null; readonly options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions; } export interface EventInit { bubbles?: boolean; cancelable?: boolean; composed?: boolean; } export interface CustomEventInit extends EventInit { detail?: any; } export enum EventPhase { NONE = 0, CAPTURING_PHASE = 1, AT_TARGET = 2, BUBBLING_PHASE = 3 } export interface EventPath { item: EventTarget; itemInShadowTree: boolean; relatedTarget: EventTarget | null; rootOfClosedTree: boolean; slotInClosedTree: boolean; target: EventTarget | null; touchTargetList: EventTarget[]; } export interface Event { readonly type: string; target: EventTarget | null; currentTarget: EventTarget | null; composedPath(): EventPath[]; eventPhase: number; stopPropagation(): void; stopImmediatePropagation(): void; readonly bubbles: boolean; readonly cancelable: boolean; preventDefault(): void; readonly defaultPrevented: boolean; readonly composed: boolean; isTrusted: boolean; readonly timeStamp: Date; dispatched: boolean; readonly initialized: boolean; inPassiveListener: boolean; cancelBubble: boolean; cancelBubbleImmediately: boolean; path: EventPath[]; relatedTarget: EventTarget | null; } export interface CustomEvent extends Event { readonly detail: any; initCustomEvent( type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean, detail?: any | null ): void; } export interface DomFile extends Blob { readonly lastModified: number; readonly name: string; } export interface DomFileConstructor { new ( bits: BlobPart[], filename: string, options?: FilePropertyBag ): DomFile; prototype: DomFile; } export interface FilePropertyBag extends BlobPropertyBag { lastModified?: number; } interface ProgressEvent extends Event { readonly lengthComputable: boolean; readonly loaded: number; readonly total: number; } export interface EventListenerOptions { capture: boolean; } export interface AddEventListenerOptions extends EventListenerOptions { once: boolean; passive: boolean; } interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget { readonly aborted: boolean; onabort: ((this: AbortSignal, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null; addEventListener( type: K, listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions ): void; addEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListener, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions ): void; removeEventListener( type: K, listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions ): void; removeEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListener, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions ): void; } export interface ReadableStream { readonly locked: boolean; cancel(): Promise; getReader(): ReadableStreamReader; tee(): [ReadableStream, ReadableStream]; } export interface ReadableStreamReader { cancel(): Promise; read(): Promise; releaseLock(): void; } export interface FormData extends DomIterable { append(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void; delete(name: string): void; get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null; getAll(name: string): FormDataEntryValue[]; has(name: string): boolean; set(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void; } export interface FormDataConstructor { new (): FormData; prototype: FormData; } /** A blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data. */ export interface Blob { /** The size, in bytes, of the data contained in the `Blob` object. */ readonly size: number; /** A string indicating the media type of the data contained in the `Blob`. * If the type is unknown, this string is empty. */ readonly type: string; /** Returns a new `Blob` object containing the data in the specified range of * bytes of the source `Blob`. */ slice(start?: number, end?: number, contentType?: string): Blob; } export interface Body { /** A simple getter used to expose a `ReadableStream` of the body contents. */ readonly body: ReadableStream | null; /** Stores a `Boolean` that declares whether the body has been used in a * response yet. */ readonly bodyUsed: boolean; /** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise * that resolves with an `ArrayBuffer`. */ arrayBuffer(): Promise; /** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise * that resolves with a `Blob`. */ blob(): Promise; /** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise * that resolves with a `FormData` object. */ formData(): Promise; /** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise * that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON. */ json(): Promise; /** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise * that resolves with a `USVString` (text). */ text(): Promise; } export interface Headers extends DomIterable { /** Appends a new value onto an existing header inside a `Headers` object, or * adds the header if it does not already exist. */ append(name: string, value: string): void; /** Deletes a header from a `Headers` object. */ delete(name: string): void; /** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs * contained in this Headers object. The both the key and value of each pairs * are ByteString objects. */ entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>; /** Returns a `ByteString` sequence of all the values of a header within a * `Headers` object with a given name. */ get(name: string): string | null; /** Returns a boolean stating whether a `Headers` object contains a certain * header. */ has(name: string): boolean; /** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys contained in * this Headers object. The keys are ByteString objects. */ keys(): IterableIterator; /** Sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds * the header if it does not already exist. */ set(name: string, value: string): void; /** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values contained in * this Headers object. The values are ByteString objects. */ values(): IterableIterator; forEach( callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; /** The Symbol.iterator well-known symbol specifies the default * iterator for this Headers object */ [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>; } export interface HeadersConstructor { new (init?: HeadersInit): Headers; prototype: Headers; } type RequestCache = | "default" | "no-store" | "reload" | "no-cache" | "force-cache" | "only-if-cached"; type RequestCredentials = "omit" | "same-origin" | "include"; type RequestDestination = | "" | "audio" | "audioworklet" | "document" | "embed" | "font" | "image" | "manifest" | "object" | "paintworklet" | "report" | "script" | "sharedworker" | "style" | "track" | "video" | "worker" | "xslt"; type RequestMode = "navigate" | "same-origin" | "no-cors" | "cors"; type RequestRedirect = "follow" | "error" | "manual"; type ResponseType = | "basic" | "cors" | "default" | "error" | "opaque" | "opaqueredirect"; export interface RequestInit { body?: BodyInit | null; cache?: RequestCache; credentials?: RequestCredentials; headers?: HeadersInit; integrity?: string; keepalive?: boolean; method?: string; mode?: RequestMode; redirect?: RequestRedirect; referrer?: string; referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy; signal?: AbortSignal | null; window?: any; } export interface ResponseInit { headers?: HeadersInit; status?: number; statusText?: string; } export interface RequestConstructor { new (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Request; prototype: Request; } export interface Request extends Body { /** Returns the cache mode associated with request, which is a string * indicating how the the request will interact with the browser's cache when * fetching. */ readonly cache?: RequestCache; /** Returns the credentials mode associated with request, which is a string * indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, * or only when sent to a same-origin URL. */ readonly credentials?: RequestCredentials; /** Returns the kind of resource requested by request, (e.g., `document` or * `script`). */ readonly destination?: RequestDestination; /** Returns a Headers object consisting of the headers associated with * request. * * Note that headers added in the network layer by the user agent * will not be accounted for in this object, (e.g., the `Host` header). */ readonly headers: Headers; /** Returns request's subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic * hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes * separated by whitespace. [SRI] */ readonly integrity?: string; /** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a history * navigation (a.k.a. back-forward navigation). */ readonly isHistoryNavigation?: boolean; /** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a reload * navigation. */ readonly isReloadNavigation?: boolean; /** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request can outlive the global * in which it was created. */ readonly keepalive?: boolean; /** Returns request's HTTP method, which is `GET` by default. */ readonly method: string; /** Returns the mode associated with request, which is a string indicating * whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin * URLs. */ readonly mode?: RequestMode; /** Returns the redirect mode associated with request, which is a string * indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. * * A request will follow redirects by default. */ readonly redirect?: RequestRedirect; /** Returns the referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if * explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and * `about:client` when defaulting to the global's default. * * This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` * header of the request being made. */ readonly referrer?: string; /** Returns the referrer policy associated with request. This is used during * fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer. */ readonly referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy; /** Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object * indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event * handler. */ readonly signal?: AbortSignal; /** Returns the URL of request as a string. */ readonly url: string; clone(): Request; } export interface Response extends Body { /** Contains the `Headers` object associated with the response. */ readonly headers: Headers; /** Contains a boolean stating whether the response was successful (status in * the range 200-299) or not. */ readonly ok: boolean; /** Indicates whether or not the response is the result of a redirect; that * is, its URL list has more than one entry. */ readonly redirected: boolean; /** Contains the status code of the response (e.g., `200` for a success). */ readonly status: number; /** Contains the status message corresponding to the status code (e.g., `OK` * for `200`). */ readonly statusText: string; readonly trailer: Promise; /** Contains the type of the response (e.g., `basic`, `cors`). */ readonly type: ResponseType; /** Contains the URL of the response. */ readonly url: string; /** Creates a clone of a `Response` object. */ clone(): Response; } export interface Location { /** * Returns a DOMStringList object listing the origins of the ancestor browsing * contexts, from the parent browsing context to the top-level browsing * context. */ readonly ancestorOrigins: string[]; /** * Returns the Location object's URL's fragment (includes leading "#" if * non-empty). * Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed fragment (ignores * leading "#"). */ hash: string; /** * Returns the Location object's URL's host and port (if different from the * default port for the scheme). Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with * a changed host and port. */ host: string; /** * Returns the Location object's URL's host. Can be set, to navigate to the * same URL with a changed host. */ hostname: string; /** * Returns the Location object's URL. Can be set, to navigate to the given * URL. */ href: string; /** Returns the Location object's URL's origin. */ readonly origin: string; /** * Returns the Location object's URL's path. * Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed path. */ pathname: string; /** * Returns the Location object's URL's port. * Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed port. */ port: string; /** * Returns the Location object's URL's scheme. * Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed scheme. */ protocol: string; /** * Returns the Location object's URL's query (includes leading "?" if * non-empty). Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed query * (ignores leading "?"). */ search: string; /** * Navigates to the given URL. */ assign(url: string): void; /** * Reloads the current page. */ reload(): void; /** @deprecated */ reload(forcedReload: boolean): void; /** * Removes the current page from the session history and navigates to the * given URL. */ replace(url: string): void; } } declare namespace blob { // @url js/blob.d.ts export const bytesSymbol: unique symbol; export const blobBytesWeakMap: WeakMap; export class DenoBlob implements domTypes.Blob { private readonly [bytesSymbol]; readonly size: number; readonly type: string; /** A blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data. */ constructor( blobParts?: domTypes.BlobPart[], options?: domTypes.BlobPropertyBag ); slice(start?: number, end?: number, contentType?: string): DenoBlob; } } declare namespace consoleTypes { // @url js/console.d.ts type ConsoleOptions = Partial<{ showHidden: boolean; depth: number; colors: boolean; indentLevel: number; }>; export class CSI { static kClear: string; static kClearScreenDown: string; } const isConsoleInstance: unique symbol; export class Console { private printFunc; indentLevel: number; [isConsoleInstance]: boolean; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ log: (...args: unknown[]) => void; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ debug: (...args: unknown[]) => void; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ info: (...args: unknown[]) => void; /** Writes the properties of the supplied `obj` to stdout */ dir: ( obj: unknown, options?: Partial<{ showHidden: boolean; depth: number; colors: boolean; indentLevel: number; }> ) => void; /** From MDN: * Displays an interactive tree of the descendant elements of * the specified XML/HTML element. If it is not possible to display * as an element the JavaScript Object view is shown instead. * The output is presented as a hierarchical listing of expandable * nodes that let you see the contents of child nodes. * * Since we write to stdout, we can't display anything interactive * we just fall back to `console.dir`. */ dirxml: ( obj: unknown, options?: Partial<{ showHidden: boolean; depth: number; colors: boolean; indentLevel: number; }> ) => void; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ warn: (...args: unknown[]) => void; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ error: (...args: unknown[]) => void; /** Writes an error message to stdout if the assertion is `false`. If the * assertion is `true`, nothing happens. * * ref: https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#assert */ assert: (condition?: boolean, ...args: unknown[]) => void; count: (label?: string) => void; countReset: (label?: string) => void; table: (data: unknown, properties?: string[] | undefined) => void; time: (label?: string) => void; timeLog: (label?: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void; timeEnd: (label?: string) => void; group: (...label: unknown[]) => void; groupCollapsed: (...label: unknown[]) => void; groupEnd: () => void; clear: () => void; trace: (...args: unknown[]) => void; static [Symbol.hasInstance](instance: Console): boolean; } /** A symbol which can be used as a key for a custom method which will be called * when `Deno.inspect()` is called, or when the object is logged to the console. */ export const customInspect: unique symbol; /** * `inspect()` converts input into string that has the same format * as printed by `console.log(...)`; */ export function inspect(value: unknown, options?: ConsoleOptions): string; } declare namespace event { // @url js/event.d.ts export const eventAttributes: WeakMap; export class EventInit implements domTypes.EventInit { bubbles: boolean; cancelable: boolean; composed: boolean; constructor({ bubbles, cancelable, composed }?: { bubbles?: boolean | undefined; cancelable?: boolean | undefined; composed?: boolean | undefined; }); } export class Event implements domTypes.Event { isTrusted: boolean; private _canceledFlag; private _dispatchedFlag; private _initializedFlag; private _inPassiveListenerFlag; private _stopImmediatePropagationFlag; private _stopPropagationFlag; private _path; constructor(type: string, eventInitDict?: domTypes.EventInit); readonly bubbles: boolean; cancelBubble: boolean; cancelBubbleImmediately: boolean; readonly cancelable: boolean; readonly composed: boolean; currentTarget: domTypes.EventTarget; readonly defaultPrevented: boolean; dispatched: boolean; eventPhase: number; readonly initialized: boolean; inPassiveListener: boolean; path: domTypes.EventPath[]; relatedTarget: domTypes.EventTarget; target: domTypes.EventTarget; readonly timeStamp: Date; readonly type: string; /** Returns the event’s path (objects on which listeners will be * invoked). This does not include nodes in shadow trees if the * shadow root was created with its ShadowRoot.mode closed. * * event.composedPath(); */ composedPath(): domTypes.EventPath[]; /** Cancels the event (if it is cancelable). * See https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#set-the-canceled-flag * * event.preventDefault(); */ preventDefault(): void; /** Stops the propagation of events further along in the DOM. * * event.stopPropagation(); */ stopPropagation(): void; /** For this particular event, no other listener will be called. * Neither those attached on the same element, nor those attached * on elements which will be traversed later (in capture phase, * for instance). * * event.stopImmediatePropagation(); */ stopImmediatePropagation(): void; } } declare namespace customEvent { // @url js/custom_event.d.ts export const customEventAttributes: WeakMap; export class CustomEventInit extends event.EventInit implements domTypes.CustomEventInit { detail: any; constructor({ bubbles, cancelable, composed, detail }: domTypes.CustomEventInit); } export class CustomEvent extends event.Event implements domTypes.CustomEvent { constructor(type: string, customEventInitDict?: domTypes.CustomEventInit); readonly detail: any; initCustomEvent( type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean, detail?: any ): void; readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string; } } declare namespace eventTarget { // @url js/event_target.d.ts export class EventListenerOptions implements domTypes.EventListenerOptions { _capture: boolean; constructor({ capture }?: { capture?: boolean | undefined }); readonly capture: boolean; } export class AddEventListenerOptions extends EventListenerOptions implements domTypes.AddEventListenerOptions { _passive: boolean; _once: boolean; constructor({ capture, passive, once }?: { capture?: boolean | undefined; passive?: boolean | undefined; once?: boolean | undefined; }); readonly passive: boolean; readonly once: boolean; } export class EventListener implements domTypes.EventListener { allEvents: domTypes.Event[]; atEvents: domTypes.Event[]; bubbledEvents: domTypes.Event[]; capturedEvents: domTypes.Event[]; private _callback; private _options; constructor( callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null, options: boolean | domTypes.AddEventListenerOptions ); handleEvent(event: domTypes.Event): void; readonly callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null; readonly options: domTypes.AddEventListenerOptions | boolean; } export const eventTargetAssignedSlot: unique symbol; export const eventTargetHasActivationBehavior: unique symbol; export class EventTarget implements domTypes.EventTarget { [domTypes.eventTargetHost]: domTypes.EventTarget | null; [domTypes.eventTargetListeners]: { [type in string]: domTypes.EventListener[] }; [domTypes.eventTargetMode]: string; [domTypes.eventTargetNodeType]: domTypes.NodeType; private [eventTargetAssignedSlot]; private [eventTargetHasActivationBehavior]; addEventListener( type: string, callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null, options?: domTypes.AddEventListenerOptions | boolean ): void; removeEventListener( type: string, callback: (event: domTypes.Event) => void | null, options?: domTypes.EventListenerOptions | boolean ): void; dispatchEvent(event: domTypes.Event): boolean; readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string; } } declare namespace io { // @url js/io.d.ts export const EOF: null; export type EOF = null; export enum SeekMode { SEEK_START = 0, SEEK_CURRENT = 1, SEEK_END = 2 } export interface Reader { /** Reads up to p.byteLength bytes into `p`. It resolves to the number * of bytes read (`0` < `n` <= `p.byteLength`) and rejects if any error encountered. * Even if `read()` returns `n` < `p.byteLength`, it may use all of `p` as * scratch space during the call. If some data is available but not * `p.byteLength` bytes, `read()` conventionally returns what is available * instead of waiting for more. * * When `read()` encounters end-of-file condition, it returns EOF symbol. * * When `read()` encounters an error, it rejects with an error. * * Callers should always process the `n` > `0` bytes returned before * considering the EOF. Doing so correctly handles I/O errors that happen * after reading some bytes and also both of the allowed EOF behaviors. * * Implementations must not retain `p`. */ read(p: Uint8Array): Promise; } export interface SyncReader { readSync(p: Uint8Array): number | EOF; } export interface Writer { /** Writes `p.byteLength` bytes from `p` to the underlying data * stream. It resolves to the number of bytes written from `p` (`0` <= `n` <= * `p.byteLength`) and any error encountered that caused the write to stop * early. `write()` must return a non-null error if it returns `n` < * `p.byteLength`. write() must not modify the slice data, even temporarily. * * Implementations must not retain `p`. */ write(p: Uint8Array): Promise; } export interface SyncWriter { writeSync(p: Uint8Array): number; } export interface Closer { close(): void; } export interface Seeker { /** Seek sets the offset for the next `read()` or `write()` to offset, * interpreted according to `whence`: `SeekStart` means relative to the start * of the file, `SeekCurrent` means relative to the current offset, and * `SeekEnd` means relative to the end. Seek returns the new offset relative * to the start of the file and an error, if any. * * Seeking to an offset before the start of the file is an error. Seeking to * any positive offset is legal, but the behavior of subsequent I/O operations * on the underlying object is implementation-dependent. */ seek(offset: number, whence: SeekMode): Promise; } export interface SyncSeeker { seekSync(offset: number, whence: SeekMode): void; } export interface ReadCloser extends Reader, Closer {} export interface WriteCloser extends Writer, Closer {} export interface ReadSeeker extends Reader, Seeker {} export interface WriteSeeker extends Writer, Seeker {} export interface ReadWriteCloser extends Reader, Writer, Closer {} export interface ReadWriteSeeker extends Reader, Writer, Seeker {} /** Copies from `src` to `dst` until either `EOF` is reached on `src` * or an error occurs. It returns the number of bytes copied and the first * error encountered while copying, if any. * * Because `copy()` is defined to read from `src` until `EOF`, it does not * treat an `EOF` from `read()` as an error to be reported. */ export function copy(dst: Writer, src: Reader): Promise; /** Turns `r` into async iterator. * * for await (const chunk of toAsyncIterator(reader)) { * console.log(chunk) * } */ export function toAsyncIterator(r: Reader): AsyncIterableIterator; } declare namespace fetchTypes { // @url js/fetch.d.ts class Body implements domTypes.Body, domTypes.ReadableStream, io.ReadCloser { private rid; readonly contentType: string; bodyUsed: boolean; private _bodyPromise; private _data; readonly locked: boolean; readonly body: null | Body; constructor(rid: number, contentType: string); private _bodyBuffer; arrayBuffer(): Promise; blob(): Promise; formData(): Promise; json(): Promise; text(): Promise; read(p: Uint8Array): Promise; close(): void; cancel(): Promise; getReader(): domTypes.ReadableStreamReader; tee(): [domTypes.ReadableStream, domTypes.ReadableStream]; [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator; } export class Response implements domTypes.Response { readonly url: string; readonly status: number; statusText: string; readonly type = "basic"; readonly redirected: boolean; headers: domTypes.Headers; readonly trailer: Promise; bodyUsed: boolean; readonly body: Body; constructor( url: string, status: number, headersList: Array<[string, string]>, rid: number, redirected_: boolean, body_?: null | Body ); arrayBuffer(): Promise; blob(): Promise; formData(): Promise; json(): Promise; text(): Promise; readonly ok: boolean; clone(): domTypes.Response; } /** Fetch a resource from the network. */ export function fetch( input: domTypes.Request | string, init?: domTypes.RequestInit ): Promise; } declare namespace textEncoding { // @url js/text_encoding.d.ts export function atob(s: string): string; /** Creates a base-64 ASCII string from the input string. */ export function btoa(s: string): string; export interface TextDecodeOptions { stream?: false; } export interface TextDecoderOptions { fatal?: boolean; ignoreBOM?: false; } export class TextDecoder { private _encoding; /** Returns encoding's name, lowercased. */ readonly encoding: string; /** Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ readonly fatal: boolean; /** Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ readonly ignoreBOM = false; constructor(label?: string, options?: TextDecoderOptions); /** Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ decode(input?: domTypes.BufferSource, options?: TextDecodeOptions): string; readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string; } interface TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult { read: number; written: number; } export class TextEncoder { /** Returns "utf-8". */ readonly encoding = "utf-8"; /** Returns the result of running UTF-8's encoder. */ encode(input?: string): Uint8Array; encodeInto(input: string, dest: Uint8Array): TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult; readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string; } } declare namespace timers { // @url js/timers.d.ts export type Args = unknown[]; /** Sets a timer which executes a function once after the timer expires. */ export function setTimeout( cb: (...args: Args) => void, delay?: number, ...args: Args ): number; /** Repeatedly calls a function , with a fixed time delay between each call. */ export function setInterval( cb: (...args: Args) => void, delay?: number, ...args: Args ): number; export function clearTimeout(id?: number): void; export function clearInterval(id?: number): void; } declare namespace urlSearchParams { // @url js/url_search_params.d.ts export class URLSearchParams { private params; private url; constructor(init?: string | string[][] | Record); private updateSteps; /** Appends a specified key/value pair as a new search parameter. * * searchParams.append('name', 'first'); * searchParams.append('name', 'second'); */ append(name: string, value: string): void; /** Deletes the given search parameter and its associated value, * from the list of all search parameters. * * searchParams.delete('name'); */ delete(name: string): void; /** Returns all the values associated with a given search parameter * as an array. * * searchParams.getAll('name'); */ getAll(name: string): string[]; /** Returns the first value associated to the given search parameter. * * searchParams.get('name'); */ get(name: string): string | null; /** Returns a Boolean that indicates whether a parameter with the * specified name exists. * * searchParams.has('name'); */ has(name: string): boolean; /** Sets the value associated with a given search parameter to the * given value. If there were several matching values, this method * deletes the others. If the search parameter doesn't exist, this * method creates it. * * searchParams.set('name', 'value'); */ set(name: string, value: string): void; /** Sort all key/value pairs contained in this object in place and * return undefined. The sort order is according to Unicode code * points of the keys. * * searchParams.sort(); */ sort(): void; /** Calls a function for each element contained in this object in * place and return undefined. Optionally accepts an object to use * as this when executing callback as second argument. * * searchParams.forEach((value, key, parent) => { * console.log(value, key, parent); * }); * */ forEach( callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: URLSearchParams) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; /** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys contained * in this object. * * for (const key of searchParams.keys()) { * console.log(key); * } */ keys(): Iterable; /** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values contained * in this object. * * for (const value of searchParams.values()) { * console.log(value); * } */ values(): Iterable; /** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value * pairs contained in this object. * * for (const [key, value] of searchParams.entries()) { * console.log(key, value); * } */ entries(): Iterable<[string, string]>; /** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value * pairs contained in this object. * * for (const [key, value] of searchParams[Symbol.iterator]()) { * console.log(key, value); * } */ [Symbol.iterator](): Iterable<[string, string]>; /** Returns a query string suitable for use in a URL. * * searchParams.toString(); */ toString(): string; private _handleStringInitialization; private _handleArrayInitialization; } } declare namespace url { // @url js/url.d.ts export const blobURLMap: Map; export class URL { private _parts; private _searchParams; private _updateSearchParams; hash: string; host: string; hostname: string; href: string; readonly origin: string; password: string; pathname: string; port: string; protocol: string; search: string; username: string; readonly searchParams: urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams; constructor(url: string, base?: string | URL); toString(): string; toJSON(): string; static createObjectURL(b: domTypes.Blob): string; static revokeObjectURL(url: string): void; } } declare namespace workers { // @url js/workers.d.ts export function encodeMessage(data: any): Uint8Array; export function decodeMessage(dataIntArray: Uint8Array): any; export let onmessage: (e: { data: any }) => void; export function postMessage(data: any): void; export function getMessage(): Promise; export let isClosing: boolean; export function workerClose(): void; export function workerMain(): Promise; export interface Worker { onerror?: () => void; onmessage?: (e: { data: any }) => void; onmessageerror?: () => void; postMessage(data: any): void; closed: Promise; } export interface WorkerOptions {} /** Extended Deno Worker initialization options. * `noDenoNamespace` hides global `window.Deno` namespace for * spawned worker and nested workers spawned by it (default: false). */ export interface DenoWorkerOptions extends WorkerOptions { noDenoNamespace?: boolean; } export class WorkerImpl implements Worker { private readonly rid; private isClosing; private readonly isClosedPromise; onerror?: () => void; onmessage?: (data: any) => void; onmessageerror?: () => void; constructor(specifier: string, options?: DenoWorkerOptions); readonly closed: Promise; postMessage(data: any): void; private run; } } declare namespace performanceUtil { // @url js/performance.d.ts export class Performance { /** Returns a current time from Deno's start in milliseconds. * * Use the flag --allow-hrtime return a precise value. * * const t = performance.now(); * console.log(`${t} ms since start!`); */ now(): number; } } // @url js/lib.web_assembly.d.ts // This follows the WebIDL at: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/js-api/ // And follow on WebIDL at: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/web-api/ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ declare namespace WebAssembly { interface WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource { module: Module; instance: Instance; } /** Compiles a `WebAssembly.Module` from WebAssembly binary code. This * function is useful if it is necessary to a compile a module before it can * be instantiated (otherwise, the `WebAssembly.instantiate()` function * should be used). */ function compile(bufferSource: domTypes.BufferSource): Promise; /** Compiles a `WebAssembly.Module` directly from a streamed underlying * source. This function is useful if it is necessary to a compile a module * before it can be instantiated (otherwise, the * `WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming()` function should be used). */ function compileStreaming( source: Promise ): Promise; /** Takes the WebAssembly binary code, in the form of a typed array or * `ArrayBuffer`, and performs both compilation and instantiation in one step. * The returned `Promise` resolves to both a compiled `WebAssembly.Module` and * its first `WebAssembly.Instance`. */ function instantiate( bufferSource: domTypes.BufferSource, importObject?: object ): Promise; /** Takes an already-compiled `WebAssembly.Module` and returns a `Promise` * that resolves to an `Instance` of that `Module`. This overload is useful if * the `Module` has already been compiled. */ function instantiate( module: Module, importObject?: object ): Promise; /** Compiles and instantiates a WebAssembly module directly from a streamed * underlying source. This is the most efficient, optimized way to load wasm * code. */ function instantiateStreaming( source: Promise, importObject?: object ): Promise; /** Validates a given typed array of WebAssembly binary code, returning * whether the bytes form a valid wasm module (`true`) or not (`false`). */ function validate(bufferSource: domTypes.BufferSource): boolean; type ImportExportKind = "function" | "table" | "memory" | "global"; interface ModuleExportDescriptor { name: string; kind: ImportExportKind; } interface ModuleImportDescriptor { module: string; name: string; kind: ImportExportKind; } class Module { constructor(bufferSource: domTypes.BufferSource); /** Given a `Module` and string, returns a copy of the contents of all * custom sections in the module with the given string name. */ static customSections( moduleObject: Module, sectionName: string ): ArrayBuffer; /** Given a `Module`, returns an array containing descriptions of all the * declared exports. */ static exports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleExportDescriptor[]; /** Given a `Module`, returns an array containing descriptions of all the * declared imports. */ static imports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleImportDescriptor[]; } class Instance { constructor(module: Module, importObject?: object); /** An object containing as its members all the functions exported from the * WebAssembly module instance, to allow them to be accessed and used by * JavaScript. */ readonly exports: T; } interface MemoryDescriptor { initial: number; maximum?: number; } class Memory { constructor(descriptor: MemoryDescriptor); /** An accessor property that returns the buffer contained in the memory. */ readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer; /** Increases the size of the memory instance by a specified number of * WebAssembly pages (each one is 64KB in size). */ grow(delta: number): number; } type TableKind = "anyfunc"; interface TableDescriptor { element: TableKind; initial: number; maximum?: number; } class Table { constructor(descriptor: TableDescriptor); /** Returns the length of the table, i.e. the number of elements. */ readonly length: number; /** Accessor function — gets the element stored at a given index. */ get(index: number): (...args: any[]) => any; /** Increases the size of the Table instance by a specified number of * elements. */ grow(delta: number): number; /** Sets an element stored at a given index to a given value. */ set(index: number, value: (...args: any[]) => any): void; } interface GlobalDescriptor { value: string; mutable?: boolean; } /** Represents a global variable instance, accessible from both JavaScript and * importable/exportable across one or more `WebAssembly.Module` instances. * This allows dynamic linking of multiple modules. */ class Global { constructor(descriptor: GlobalDescriptor, value?: any); /** Old-style method that returns the value contained inside the global * variable. */ valueOf(): any; /** The value contained inside the global variable — this can be used to * directly set and get the global's value. */ value: any; } /** Indicates an error during WebAssembly decoding or validation */ class CompileError extends Error { constructor(message: string, fileName?: string, lineNumber?: string); } /** Indicates an error during module instantiation (besides traps from the * start function). */ class LinkError extends Error { constructor(message: string, fileName?: string, lineNumber?: string); } /** Is thrown whenever WebAssembly specifies a trap. */ class RuntimeError extends Error { constructor(message: string, fileName?: string, lineNumber?: string); } } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */