// tslint:disable-next-line:no-reference /// import * as ts from "typescript"; import { flatbuffers } from "flatbuffers"; import { deno as fbs } from "./msg_generated"; import { assert } from "./util"; // import * as runtime from "./runtime"; const globalEval = eval; const window = globalEval("this"); function startMsg(): ArrayBuffer { const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const msg = fbs.Start.createStart(builder, 0); fbs.Base.startBase(builder); fbs.Base.addMsg(builder, msg); fbs.Base.addMsgType(builder, fbs.Any.Start); builder.finish(fbs.Base.endBase(builder)); return typedArrayToArrayBuffer(builder.asUint8Array()); } window["denoMain"] = () => { deno.print(`ts.version: ${ts.version}`); // First we send an empty "Start" message to let the privlaged side know we // are ready. The response should be a "StartRes" message containing the CLI // argv and other info. const res = deno.send("start", startMsg()); // TODO(ry) Remove this conditional once main.rs gets up to speed. if (res == null) { console.log(`The 'Start' message got a null response. Normally this would be an error but main.rs currently does this."); Exiting without error.`); return; } // Deserialize res into startResMsg. const bb = new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(new Uint8Array(res)); const base = fbs.Base.getRootAsBase(bb); assert(fbs.Any.StartRes === base.msgType()); const startResMsg = new fbs.StartRes(); assert(base.msg(startResMsg) != null); const cwd = startResMsg.cwd(); deno.print(`cwd: ${cwd}`); const argv: string[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < startResMsg.argvLength(); i++) { argv.push(startResMsg.argv(i)); } deno.print(`argv ${argv}`); /* TODO(ry) Uncomment to test further message passing. const inputFn = argv[0]; const mod = runtime.resolveModule(inputFn, `${cwd}/`); mod.compileAndRun(); */ }; function typedArrayToArrayBuffer(ta: Uint8Array): ArrayBuffer { return ta.buffer.slice( ta.byteOffset, ta.byteOffset + ta.byteLength ) as ArrayBuffer; }