// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::ast::transpile; use crate::ast::Diagnostics; use crate::ast::ImportsNotUsedAsValues; use crate::colors; use crate::lsp::ReplLanguageServer; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use deno_core::LocalInspectorSession; use deno_runtime::worker::MainWorker; static PRELUDE: &str = r#" Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_", { configurable: true, get: () => Deno[Deno.internal].lastEvalResult, set: (value) => { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_", { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); console.log("Last evaluation result is no longer saved to _."); }, }); Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_error", { configurable: true, get: () => Deno[Deno.internal].lastThrownError, set: (value) => { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_error", { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); console.log("Last thrown error is no longer saved to _error."); }, }); "#; pub enum EvaluationOutput { Value(String), Error(String), } impl std::fmt::Display for EvaluationOutput { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { EvaluationOutput::Value(value) => f.write_str(value), EvaluationOutput::Error(value) => f.write_str(value), } } } struct TsEvaluateResponse { ts_code: String, value: Value, } pub struct ReplSession { pub worker: MainWorker, session: LocalInspectorSession, pub context_id: u64, pub language_server: ReplLanguageServer, } impl ReplSession { pub async fn initialize(mut worker: MainWorker) -> Result { let language_server = ReplLanguageServer::new_initialized().await?; let mut session = worker.create_inspector_session().await; worker .with_event_loop( session.post_message("Runtime.enable", None).boxed_local(), ) .await?; // Enabling the runtime domain will always send trigger one executionContextCreated for each // context the inspector knows about so we grab the execution context from that since // our inspector does not support a default context (0 is an invalid context id). let mut context_id: u64 = 0; for notification in session.notifications() { let method = notification.get("method").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let params = notification.get("params").unwrap(); if method == "Runtime.executionContextCreated" { context_id = params .get("context") .unwrap() .get("id") .unwrap() .as_u64() .unwrap(); } } let mut repl_session = ReplSession { worker, session, context_id, language_server, }; // inject prelude repl_session.evaluate_expression(PRELUDE).await?; Ok(repl_session) } pub async fn is_closing(&mut self) -> Result { let closed = self .evaluate_expression("(this.closed)") .await? .get("result") .unwrap() .get("value") .unwrap() .as_bool() .unwrap(); Ok(closed) } pub async fn post_message_with_event_loop( &mut self, method: &str, params: Option, ) -> Result { self .worker .with_event_loop(self.session.post_message(method, params).boxed_local()) .await } pub async fn run_event_loop(&mut self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.worker.run_event_loop(true).await } pub async fn evaluate_line_and_get_output( &mut self, line: &str, ) -> Result { fn format_diagnostic(diagnostic: &deno_ast::Diagnostic) -> String { format!( "{}: {} at {}:{}", colors::red("parse error"), diagnostic.message(), diagnostic.display_position.line_number, diagnostic.display_position.column_number, ) } match self.evaluate_line_with_object_wrapping(line).await { Ok(evaluate_response) => { let evaluate_result = evaluate_response.value.get("result").unwrap(); let evaluate_exception_details = evaluate_response.value.get("exceptionDetails"); if evaluate_exception_details.is_some() { self.set_last_thrown_error(evaluate_result).await?; } else { self .language_server .commit_text(&evaluate_response.ts_code) .await; self.set_last_eval_result(evaluate_result).await?; } let value = self.get_eval_value(evaluate_result).await?; Ok(match evaluate_exception_details { Some(_) => EvaluationOutput::Error(format!("Uncaught {}", value)), None => EvaluationOutput::Value(value), }) } Err(err) => { // handle a parsing diagnostic match err.downcast_ref::() { Some(diagnostic) => { Ok(EvaluationOutput::Error(format_diagnostic(diagnostic))) } None => match err.downcast_ref::() { Some(diagnostics) => Ok(EvaluationOutput::Error( diagnostics .0 .iter() .map(format_diagnostic) .collect::>() .join("\n\n"), )), None => Err(err), }, } } } } async fn evaluate_line_with_object_wrapping( &mut self, line: &str, ) -> Result { // Expressions like { "foo": "bar" } are interpreted as block expressions at the // statement level rather than an object literal so we interpret it as an expression statement // to match the behavior found in a typical prompt including browser developer tools. let wrapped_line = if line.trim_start().starts_with('{') && !line.trim_end().ends_with(';') { format!("({})", &line) } else { line.to_string() }; let evaluate_response = self.evaluate_ts_expression(&wrapped_line).await; // If that fails, we retry it without wrapping in parens letting the error bubble up to the // user if it is still an error. if wrapped_line != line && (evaluate_response.is_err() || evaluate_response .as_ref() .unwrap() .value .get("exceptionDetails") .is_some()) { self.evaluate_ts_expression(line).await } else { evaluate_response } } async fn set_last_thrown_error( &mut self, error: &Value, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.post_message_with_event_loop( "Runtime.callFunctionOn", Some(json!({ "executionContextId": self.context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { Deno[Deno.internal].lastThrownError = object; }", "arguments": [ error, ], })), ).await?; Ok(()) } async fn set_last_eval_result( &mut self, evaluate_result: &Value, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.post_message_with_event_loop( "Runtime.callFunctionOn", Some(json!({ "executionContextId": self.context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { Deno[Deno.internal].lastEvalResult = object; }", "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], })), ).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn get_eval_value( &mut self, evaluate_result: &Value, ) -> Result { // TODO(caspervonb) we should investigate using previews here but to keep things // consistent with the previous implementation we just get the preview result from // Deno.inspectArgs. let inspect_response = self.post_message_with_event_loop( "Runtime.callFunctionOn", Some(json!({ "executionContextId": self.context_id, "functionDeclaration": r#"function (object) { try { return Deno[Deno.internal].inspectArgs(["%o", object], { colors: !Deno.noColor }); } catch (err) { return Deno[Deno.internal].inspectArgs(["%o", err]); } }"#, "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], })), ).await?; let inspect_result = inspect_response.get("result").unwrap(); let value = inspect_result.get("value").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); Ok(value.to_string()) } async fn evaluate_ts_expression( &mut self, expression: &str, ) -> Result { let parsed_module = deno_ast::parse_module(deno_ast::ParseParams { specifier: "repl.ts".to_string(), source: deno_ast::SourceTextInfo::from_string(expression.to_string()), media_type: deno_ast::MediaType::TypeScript, capture_tokens: false, maybe_syntax: None, scope_analysis: false, })?; let transpiled_src = transpile( &parsed_module, &crate::ast::EmitOptions { emit_metadata: false, source_map: false, inline_source_map: false, inline_sources: false, imports_not_used_as_values: ImportsNotUsedAsValues::Preserve, // JSX is not supported in the REPL transform_jsx: false, jsx_automatic: false, jsx_development: false, jsx_factory: "React.createElement".into(), jsx_fragment_factory: "React.Fragment".into(), jsx_import_source: None, repl_imports: true, }, )? .0; let value = self .evaluate_expression(&format!( "'use strict'; void 0;\n{}", transpiled_src )) .await?; Ok(TsEvaluateResponse { ts_code: expression.to_string(), value, }) } async fn evaluate_expression( &mut self, expression: &str, ) -> Result { self .post_message_with_event_loop( "Runtime.evaluate", Some(json!({ "expression": expression, "contextId": self.context_id, "replMode": true, })), ) .await } }