// A simple runtime that doesn't involve typescript or protobufs to test // libdeno. Invoked by mock_runtime_test.cc const window = eval("this"); function assert(cond) { if (!cond) throw Error("mock_runtime.js assert failed"); } function typedArrayToArrayBuffer(ta) { return ta.buffer.slice(ta.byteOffset, ta.byteOffset + ta.byteLength); } function CanCallFunction() { deno_print("Hello world from foo"); return "foo"; } function PubSuccess() { deno_sub(msg => { deno_print("PubSuccess: ok"); }); } function PubByteLength() { deno_sub(msg => { assert(msg instanceof ArrayBuffer); assert(msg.byteLength === 3); }); } function SubReturnEmpty() { const ui8 = new Uint8Array("abc".split("").map(c => c.charCodeAt(0))); const ab = typedArrayToArrayBuffer(ui8); let r = deno_pub(ab); assert(r == null); r = deno_pub(ab); assert(r == null); } function SubReturnBar() { const ui8 = new Uint8Array("abc".split("").map(c => c.charCodeAt(0))); const ab = typedArrayToArrayBuffer(ui8); const r = deno_pub(ab); assert(r instanceof ArrayBuffer); assert(r.byteLength === 3); const rui8 = new Uint8Array(r); const rstr = String.fromCharCode(...rui8); assert(rstr === "bar"); }