// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::args::DocFlags; use crate::args::DocHtmlFlag; use crate::args::DocSourceFileFlag; use crate::args::Flags; use crate::colors; use crate::display::write_json_to_stdout; use crate::display::write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe; use crate::factory::CliFactory; use crate::graph_util::graph_exit_lock_errors; use crate::tsc::get_types_declaration_file_text; use crate::util::fs::collect_specifiers; use deno_ast::diagnostics::Diagnostic; use deno_config::glob::FilePatterns; use deno_config::glob::PathOrPatternSet; use deno_core::anyhow::bail; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_doc as doc; use deno_doc::html::UrlResolveKind; use deno_graph::source::NullFileSystem; use deno_graph::GraphKind; use deno_graph::ModuleAnalyzer; use deno_graph::ModuleParser; use deno_graph::ModuleSpecifier; use doc::html::ShortPath; use doc::DocDiagnostic; use indexmap::IndexMap; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; async fn generate_doc_nodes_for_builtin_types( doc_flags: DocFlags, parser: &dyn ModuleParser, analyzer: &dyn ModuleAnalyzer, ) -> Result>, AnyError> { let source_file_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///lib.deno.d.ts").unwrap(); let content = get_types_declaration_file_text(); let loader = deno_graph::source::MemoryLoader::new( vec![( source_file_specifier.to_string(), deno_graph::source::Source::Module { specifier: source_file_specifier.to_string(), content, maybe_headers: None, }, )], Vec::new(), ); let mut graph = deno_graph::ModuleGraph::new(GraphKind::TypesOnly); graph .build( vec![source_file_specifier.clone()], &loader, deno_graph::BuildOptions { imports: Vec::new(), is_dynamic: false, passthrough_jsr_specifiers: false, workspace_members: &[], executor: Default::default(), file_system: &NullFileSystem, jsr_url_provider: Default::default(), locker: None, module_analyzer: analyzer, npm_resolver: None, reporter: None, resolver: None, }, ) .await; let doc_parser = doc::DocParser::new( &graph, parser, doc::DocParserOptions { diagnostics: false, private: doc_flags.private, }, )?; let nodes = doc_parser.parse_module(&source_file_specifier)?.definitions; Ok(IndexMap::from([(source_file_specifier, nodes)])) } pub async fn doc( flags: Arc, doc_flags: DocFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let factory = CliFactory::from_flags(flags); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; let module_info_cache = factory.module_info_cache()?; let parsed_source_cache = factory.parsed_source_cache(); let capturing_parser = parsed_source_cache.as_capturing_parser(); let analyzer = module_info_cache.as_module_analyzer(parsed_source_cache); let doc_nodes_by_url = match doc_flags.source_files { DocSourceFileFlag::Builtin => { generate_doc_nodes_for_builtin_types( doc_flags.clone(), &capturing_parser, &analyzer, ) .await? } DocSourceFileFlag::Paths(ref source_files) => { let module_graph_creator = factory.module_graph_creator().await?; let maybe_lockfile = cli_options.maybe_lockfile(); let module_specifiers = collect_specifiers( FilePatterns { base: cli_options.initial_cwd().to_path_buf(), include: Some( PathOrPatternSet::from_include_relative_path_or_patterns( cli_options.initial_cwd(), source_files, )?, ), exclude: Default::default(), }, cli_options.vendor_dir_path().map(ToOwned::to_owned), |_| true, )?; let graph = module_graph_creator .create_graph(GraphKind::TypesOnly, module_specifiers.clone()) .await?; if maybe_lockfile.is_some() { graph_exit_lock_errors(&graph); } let doc_parser = doc::DocParser::new( &graph, &capturing_parser, doc::DocParserOptions { private: doc_flags.private, diagnostics: doc_flags.lint, }, )?; let mut doc_nodes_by_url = IndexMap::with_capacity(module_specifiers.len()); for module_specifier in module_specifiers { let nodes = doc_parser.parse_with_reexports(&module_specifier)?; doc_nodes_by_url.insert(module_specifier, nodes); } if doc_flags.lint { let diagnostics = doc_parser.take_diagnostics(); check_diagnostics(&diagnostics)?; } doc_nodes_by_url } }; if let Some(html_options) = &doc_flags.html { let deno_ns = if doc_flags.source_files != DocSourceFileFlag::Builtin { let deno_ns = generate_doc_nodes_for_builtin_types( doc_flags.clone(), &capturing_parser, &analyzer, ) .await?; let (_, deno_ns) = deno_ns.into_iter().next().unwrap(); let short_path = Rc::new(ShortPath::new( ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///lib.deno.d.ts").unwrap(), None, None, None, )); deno_doc::html::compute_namespaced_symbols( &deno_ns .into_iter() .map(|node| deno_doc::html::DocNodeWithContext { origin: short_path.clone(), ns_qualifiers: Rc::new(vec![]), kind_with_drilldown: deno_doc::html::DocNodeKindWithDrilldown::Other(node.kind), inner: std::sync::Arc::new(node), drilldown_parent_kind: None, parent: None, }) .collect::>(), ) } else { Default::default() }; let rewrite_map = if let Some(config_file) = cli_options.start_dir.maybe_deno_json() { let config = config_file.to_exports_config()?; let rewrite_map = config .clone() .into_map() .into_keys() .map(|key| { Ok(( config.get_resolved(&key)?.unwrap(), key .strip_prefix('.') .unwrap_or(&key) .strip_prefix('/') .unwrap_or(&key) .to_owned(), )) }) .collect::, AnyError>>()?; Some(rewrite_map) } else { None }; generate_docs_directory( doc_nodes_by_url, html_options, deno_ns, rewrite_map, ) } else { let modules_len = doc_nodes_by_url.len(); let doc_nodes = doc_nodes_by_url.into_values().flatten().collect::>(); if doc_flags.json { write_json_to_stdout(&doc_nodes) } else if doc_flags.lint { // don't output docs if running with only the --lint flag log::info!( "Checked {} file{}", modules_len, if modules_len == 1 { "" } else { "s" } ); Ok(()) } else { print_docs_to_stdout(doc_flags, doc_nodes) } } } struct DocResolver { deno_ns: std::collections::HashSet>, strip_trailing_html: bool, } impl deno_doc::html::HrefResolver for DocResolver { fn resolve_path( &self, current: UrlResolveKind, target: UrlResolveKind, ) -> String { let path = deno_doc::html::href_path_resolve(current, target); if self.strip_trailing_html { if let Some(path) = path .strip_suffix("index.html") .or_else(|| path.strip_suffix(".html")) { return path.to_owned(); } } path } fn resolve_global_symbol(&self, symbol: &[String]) -> Option { if self.deno_ns.contains(symbol) { Some(format!( "https://deno.land/api@v{}?s={}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), symbol.join(".") )) } else { None } } fn resolve_import_href( &self, symbol: &[String], src: &str, ) -> Option { let mut url = ModuleSpecifier::parse(src).ok()?; if url.domain() == Some("deno.land") { url.set_query(Some(&format!("s={}", symbol.join(".")))); return Some(url.to_string()); } None } fn resolve_usage(&self, current_resolve: UrlResolveKind) -> Option { current_resolve.get_file().map(|file| file.path.to_string()) } fn resolve_source(&self, location: &deno_doc::Location) -> Option { Some(location.filename.clone()) } } struct DenoDocResolver(bool); impl deno_doc::html::HrefResolver for DenoDocResolver { fn resolve_path( &self, current: UrlResolveKind, target: UrlResolveKind, ) -> String { let path = deno_doc::html::href_path_resolve(current, target); if self.0 { if let Some(path) = path .strip_suffix("index.html") .or_else(|| path.strip_suffix(".html")) { return path.to_owned(); } } path } fn resolve_global_symbol(&self, _symbol: &[String]) -> Option { None } fn resolve_import_href( &self, _symbol: &[String], _src: &str, ) -> Option { None } fn resolve_usage(&self, _current_resolve: UrlResolveKind) -> Option { None } fn resolve_source(&self, _location: &deno_doc::Location) -> Option { None } } struct NodeDocResolver(bool); impl deno_doc::html::HrefResolver for NodeDocResolver { fn resolve_path( &self, current: UrlResolveKind, target: UrlResolveKind, ) -> String { let path = deno_doc::html::href_path_resolve(current, target); if self.0 { if let Some(path) = path .strip_suffix("index.html") .or_else(|| path.strip_suffix(".html")) { return path.to_owned(); } } path } fn resolve_global_symbol(&self, _symbol: &[String]) -> Option { None } fn resolve_import_href( &self, _symbol: &[String], _src: &str, ) -> Option { None } fn resolve_usage(&self, current_resolve: UrlResolveKind) -> Option { current_resolve .get_file() .map(|file| format!("node:{}", file.path)) } fn resolve_source(&self, _location: &deno_doc::Location) -> Option { None } } fn generate_docs_directory( doc_nodes_by_url: IndexMap>, html_options: &DocHtmlFlag, deno_ns: std::collections::HashSet>, rewrite_map: Option>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().context("Failed to get CWD")?; let output_dir_resolved = cwd.join(&html_options.output); let internal_env = std::env::var("DENO_INTERNAL_HTML_DOCS").ok(); let href_resolver: Rc = if internal_env .as_ref() .is_some_and(|internal_html_docs| internal_html_docs == "node") { Rc::new(NodeDocResolver(html_options.strip_trailing_html)) } else if internal_env .as_ref() .is_some_and(|internal_html_docs| internal_html_docs == "deno") || deno_ns.is_empty() { Rc::new(DenoDocResolver(html_options.strip_trailing_html)) } else { Rc::new(DocResolver { deno_ns, strip_trailing_html: html_options.strip_trailing_html, }) }; let category_docs = if let Some(category_docs_path) = &html_options.category_docs_path { let content = std::fs::read(category_docs_path)?; Some(deno_core::serde_json::from_slice(&content)?) } else { None }; let symbol_redirect_map = if let Some(symbol_redirect_map_path) = &html_options.symbol_redirect_map_path { let content = std::fs::read(symbol_redirect_map_path)?; Some(deno_core::serde_json::from_slice(&content)?) } else { None }; let default_symbol_map = if let Some(default_symbol_map_path) = &html_options.default_symbol_map_path { let content = std::fs::read(default_symbol_map_path)?; Some(deno_core::serde_json::from_slice(&content)?) } else { None }; let options = deno_doc::html::GenerateOptions { package_name: html_options.name.clone(), main_entrypoint: None, rewrite_map, href_resolver, usage_composer: None, composable_output: false, category_docs, disable_search: internal_env.is_some(), symbol_redirect_map, default_symbol_map, }; let files = deno_doc::html::generate(options, doc_nodes_by_url) .context("Failed to generate HTML documentation")?; let path = &output_dir_resolved; let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(path); std::fs::create_dir(path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to create directory {:?}", path))?; let no_of_files = files.len(); for (name, content) in files { let this_path = path.join(name); let prefix = this_path.parent().with_context(|| { format!("Failed to get parent path for {:?}", this_path) })?; std::fs::create_dir_all(prefix) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to create directory {:?}", prefix))?; std::fs::write(&this_path, content) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to write file {:?}", this_path))?; } log::info!( "{}", colors::green(format!( "Written {} files to {:?}", no_of_files, html_options.output )) ); Ok(()) } fn print_docs_to_stdout( doc_flags: DocFlags, mut doc_nodes: Vec, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { doc_nodes.retain(|doc_node| doc_node.kind != doc::DocNodeKind::Import); let details = if let Some(filter) = doc_flags.filter { let nodes = doc::find_nodes_by_name_recursively(doc_nodes, filter.clone()); if nodes.is_empty() { bail!("Node {} was not found!", filter); } format!( "{}", doc::DocPrinter::new(&nodes, colors::use_color(), doc_flags.private) ) } else { format!( "{}", doc::DocPrinter::new(&doc_nodes, colors::use_color(), doc_flags.private) ) }; write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe(details.as_bytes()).map_err(AnyError::from) } fn check_diagnostics(diagnostics: &[DocDiagnostic]) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if diagnostics.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } // group by location then by line (sorted) then column (sorted) let mut diagnostic_groups = IndexMap::new(); for diagnostic in diagnostics { diagnostic_groups .entry(diagnostic.location.filename.clone()) .or_insert_with(BTreeMap::new) .entry(diagnostic.location.line) .or_insert_with(BTreeMap::new) .entry(diagnostic.location.col) .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(diagnostic); } for (_, diagnostics_by_lc) in diagnostic_groups { for (_, diagnostics_by_col) in diagnostics_by_lc { for (_, diagnostics) in diagnostics_by_col { for diagnostic in diagnostics { log::error!("{}\n", diagnostic.display()); } } } } bail!( "Found {} documentation lint error{}.", colors::bold(diagnostics.len().to_string()), if diagnostics.len() == 1 { "" } else { "s" } ); }