// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_config::glob::PathGlobMatch; use deno_config::glob::PathOrPattern; use deno_config::glob::PathOrPatternSet; /// Checks if the path has an extension Deno supports for script execution. pub fn is_script_ext(path: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(ext) = get_extension(path) { matches!( ext.as_str(), "ts" | "tsx" | "js" | "jsx" | "mjs" | "mts" | "cjs" | "cts" ) } else { false } } /// Checks if the path has an extension Deno supports for importing. pub fn is_importable_ext(path: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(ext) = get_extension(path) { matches!( ext.as_str(), "ts" | "tsx" | "js" | "jsx" | "mjs" | "mts" | "cjs" | "cts" | "json" | "wasm" ) } else { false } } /// Get the extension of a file in lowercase. pub fn get_extension(file_path: &Path) -> Option { file_path .extension() .and_then(|e| e.to_str()) .map(|e| e.to_lowercase()) } /// TypeScript figures out the type of file based on the extension, but we take /// other factors into account like the file headers. The hack here is to map the /// specifier passed to TypeScript to a new specifier with the file extension. pub fn mapped_specifier_for_tsc( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, media_type: MediaType, ) -> Option { let ext_media_type = MediaType::from_specifier(specifier); if media_type != ext_media_type { // we can't just add on the extension because typescript considers // all .d.*.ts files as declaration files in TS 5.0+ if media_type != MediaType::Dts && media_type == MediaType::TypeScript && specifier .path() .split('/') .last() .map(|last| last.contains(".d.")) .unwrap_or(false) { let mut path_parts = specifier .path() .split('/') .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .collect::>(); let last_part = path_parts.last_mut().unwrap(); *last_part = last_part.replace(".d.", "$d$"); let mut specifier = specifier.clone(); specifier.set_path(&path_parts.join("/")); Some(format!("{}{}", specifier, media_type.as_ts_extension())) } else { Some(format!("{}{}", specifier, media_type.as_ts_extension())) } } else { None } } /// `from.make_relative(to)` but with fixes. pub fn relative_specifier( from: &ModuleSpecifier, to: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let is_dir = to.path().ends_with('/'); if is_dir && from == to { return Some("./".to_string()); } // workaround using parent directory until https://github.com/servo/rust-url/pull/754 is merged let from = if !from.path().ends_with('/') { if let Some(end_slash) = from.path().rfind('/') { let mut new_from = from.clone(); new_from.set_path(&from.path()[..end_slash + 1]); Cow::Owned(new_from) } else { Cow::Borrowed(from) } } else { Cow::Borrowed(from) }; // workaround for url crate not adding a trailing slash for a directory // it seems to be fixed once a version greater than 2.2.2 is released let mut text = from.make_relative(to)?; if is_dir && !text.ends_with('/') && to.query().is_none() { text.push('/'); } let text = if text.starts_with("../") || text.starts_with("./") { text } else { format!("./{text}") }; Some(to_percent_decoded_str(&text)) } #[cfg_attr(windows, allow(dead_code))] pub fn relative_path(from: &Path, to: &Path) -> Option { pathdiff::diff_paths(to, from) } /// Slightly different behaviour than the default matching /// where an exact path needs to be matched to be opted-in /// rather than just a partial directory match. /// /// This is used by the test and bench filtering. pub fn matches_pattern_or_exact_path( path_or_pattern_set: &PathOrPatternSet, path: &Path, ) -> bool { for p in path_or_pattern_set.inner().iter().rev() { match p { PathOrPattern::Path(p) => { if p == path { return true; } } PathOrPattern::NegatedPath(p) => { if path.starts_with(p) { return false; } } PathOrPattern::RemoteUrl(_) => {} PathOrPattern::Pattern(p) => match p.matches_path(path) { PathGlobMatch::Matched => return true, PathGlobMatch::MatchedNegated => return false, PathGlobMatch::NotMatched => {} }, } } false } /// For decoding percent-encodeing string /// could be used for module specifier string literal of local modules, /// or local file path to display `non-ASCII` characters correctly /// # Examples /// ``` /// use crate::util::path::to_percent_decoded_str; /// /// let str = to_percent_decoded_str("file:///Users/path/to/%F0%9F%A6%95.ts"); /// assert_eq!(str, "file:///Users/path/to/🦕.ts"); /// ``` pub fn to_percent_decoded_str(s: &str) -> String { match percent_encoding::percent_decode_str(s).decode_utf8() { Ok(s) => s.to_string(), // when failed to decode, return the original string Err(_) => s.to_string(), } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_is_script_ext() { assert!(!is_script_ext(Path::new("tests/subdir/redirects"))); assert!(!is_script_ext(Path::new("README.md"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("lib/typescript.d.ts"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("testdata/run/001_hello.js"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("testdata/run/002_hello.ts"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.jsx"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.tsx"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.TS"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.TSX"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.JS"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.JSX"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.mjs"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.mts"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.cjs"))); assert!(is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.cts"))); assert!(!is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.json"))); assert!(!is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.wasm"))); assert!(!is_script_ext(Path::new("foo.mjsx"))); } #[test] fn test_is_importable_ext() { assert!(!is_importable_ext(Path::new("tests/subdir/redirects"))); assert!(!is_importable_ext(Path::new("README.md"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("lib/typescript.d.ts"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("testdata/run/001_hello.js"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("testdata/run/002_hello.ts"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.jsx"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.tsx"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.TS"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.TSX"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.JS"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.JSX"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.mjs"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.mts"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.cjs"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.cts"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.json"))); assert!(is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.wasm"))); assert!(!is_importable_ext(Path::new("foo.mjsx"))); } #[test] fn test_relative_specifier() { let fixtures: Vec<(&str, &str, Option<&str>)> = vec![ ("file:///from", "file:///to", Some("./to")), ("file:///from", "file:///from/other", Some("./from/other")), ("file:///from", "file:///from/other/", Some("./from/other/")), ("file:///from", "file:///other/from", Some("./other/from")), ("file:///from/", "file:///other/from", Some("../other/from")), ("file:///from", "file:///other/from/", Some("./other/from/")), ( "file:///from", "file:///to/other.txt", Some("./to/other.txt"), ), ( "file:///from/test", "file:///to/other.txt", Some("../to/other.txt"), ), ( "file:///from/other.txt", "file:///to/other.txt", Some("../to/other.txt"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/d.ts", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c.ts", Some("./c.ts"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/d.ts", "https://deno.land/x/a/c.ts", Some("../c.ts"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/d.ts", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c/d.ts", Some("./c/d.ts"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c/", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c/d.ts", Some("./d.ts"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c/", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c/d/e.ts", Some("./d/e.ts"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c/f.ts", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c/d/e.ts", Some("./d/e.ts"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/d.ts", "https://deno.land/x/a/c.ts?foo=bar", Some("../c.ts?foo=bar"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/a/b/d.ts?foo=bar", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c.ts", Some("./c.ts"), ), ("file:///a/b/d.ts", "file:///a/b/c.ts", Some("./c.ts")), ("https://deno.land/x/a/b/c.ts", "file:///a/b/c.ts", None), ( "https://deno.land/", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c.ts", Some("./x/a/b/c.ts"), ), ( "https://deno.land/x/d/e/f.ts", "https://deno.land/x/a/b/c.ts", Some("../../a/b/c.ts"), ), ]; for (from_str, to_str, expected) in fixtures { let from = ModuleSpecifier::parse(from_str).unwrap(); let to = ModuleSpecifier::parse(to_str).unwrap(); let actual = relative_specifier(&from, &to); assert_eq!( actual.as_deref(), expected, "from: \"{from_str}\" to: \"{to_str}\"" ); } } #[test] fn test_to_percent_decoded_str() { let str = to_percent_decoded_str("%F0%9F%A6%95"); assert_eq!(str, "🦕"); } }