// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// // deno-lint-ignore-file no-undef // This module is the entry point for "compiler" isolate, ie. the one // that is created when Deno needs to type check TypeScript, and in some // instances convert TypeScript to JavaScript. // Removes the `__proto__` for security reasons. // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-get-object.prototype.__proto__ delete Object.prototype.__proto__; ((/** @type {any} */ window) => { /** @type {DenoCore} */ const core = window.Deno.core; const ops = core.ops; let logDebug = false; let logSource = "JS"; // The map from the normalized specifier to the original. // TypeScript normalizes the specifier in its internal processing, // but the original specifier is needed when looking up the source from the runtime. // This map stores that relationship, and the original can be restored by the // normalized specifier. // See: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/9277#issuecomment-769653834 /** @type {Map} */ const normalizedToOriginalMap = new Map(); /** @type {ReadonlySet} */ const unstableDenoProps = new Set([ "AtomicOperation", "DatagramConn", "Kv", "KvListIterator", "KvU64", "UnixConnectOptions", "UnixListenOptions", "listen", "listenDatagram", "openKv", ]); const unstableMsgSuggestion = "If not, try changing the 'lib' compiler option to include 'deno.unstable' " + "or add a triple-slash directive to the top of your entrypoint (main file): " + '/// '; /** * @param {unknown} value * @returns {value is ts.CreateSourceFileOptions} */ function isCreateSourceFileOptions(value) { return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "languageVersion" in value; } /** * @param {ts.ScriptTarget | ts.CreateSourceFileOptions | undefined} versionOrOptions * @returns {ts.CreateSourceFileOptions} */ function getCreateSourceFileOptions(versionOrOptions) { return isCreateSourceFileOptions(versionOrOptions) ? versionOrOptions : { languageVersion: versionOrOptions ?? ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext }; } /** * @param debug {boolean} * @param source {string} */ function setLogDebug(debug, source) { logDebug = debug; if (source) { logSource = source; } } /** @param msg {string} */ function printStderr(msg) { core.print(msg, true); } /** @param args {any[]} */ function debug(...args) { if (logDebug) { const stringifiedArgs = args.map((arg) => typeof arg === "string" ? arg : JSON.stringify(arg) ).join(" "); printStderr(`DEBUG ${logSource} - ${stringifiedArgs}\n`); } } /** @param args {any[]} */ function error(...args) { const stringifiedArgs = args.map((arg) => typeof arg === "string" || arg instanceof Error ? String(arg) : JSON.stringify(arg) ).join(" "); printStderr(`ERROR ${logSource} = ${stringifiedArgs}\n`); } class AssertionError extends Error { /** @param msg {string} */ constructor(msg) { super(msg); this.name = "AssertionError"; } } /** @param cond {boolean} */ function assert(cond, msg = "Assertion failed.") { if (!cond) { throw new AssertionError(msg); } } class SpecifierIsCjsCache { /** @type {Set} */ #cache = new Set(); /** @param {[string, ts.Extension]} param */ maybeAdd([specifier, ext]) { if (ext === ".cjs" || ext === ".d.cts" || ext === ".cts") { this.#cache.add(specifier); } } add(specifier) { this.#cache.add(specifier); } /** @param specifier {string} */ has(specifier) { return this.#cache.has(specifier); } } // In the case of the LSP, this will only ever contain the assets. /** @type {Map} */ const sourceFileCache = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const sourceTextCache = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const sourceRefCounts = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const scriptVersionCache = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const isNodeSourceFileCache = new Map(); const isCjsCache = new SpecifierIsCjsCache(); // Maps asset specifiers to the first scope that the asset was loaded into. /** @type {Map} */ const assetScopes = new Map(); /** @type {number | null} */ let projectVersionCache = null; /** @type {string | null} */ let lastRequestMethod = null; /** @type {string | null} */ let lastRequestScope = null; const ChangeKind = { Opened: 0, Modified: 1, Closed: 2, }; /** * @param {ts.CompilerOptions | ts.MinimalResolutionCacheHost} settingsOrHost * @returns {ts.CompilerOptions} */ function getCompilationSettings(settingsOrHost) { if (typeof settingsOrHost.getCompilationSettings === "function") { return settingsOrHost.getCompilationSettings(); } return /** @type {ts.CompilerOptions} */ (settingsOrHost); } // We need to use a custom document registry in order to provide source files // with an impliedNodeFormat to the ts language service /** @type {Map} */ const documentRegistrySourceFileCache = new Map(); const { getKeyForCompilationSettings } = ts.createDocumentRegistry(); // reuse this code /** @type {ts.DocumentRegistry} */ const documentRegistry = { acquireDocument( fileName, compilationSettingsOrHost, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, sourceFileOptions, ) { const key = getKeyForCompilationSettings( getCompilationSettings(compilationSettingsOrHost), ); return this.acquireDocumentWithKey( fileName, /** @type {ts.Path} */ (fileName), compilationSettingsOrHost, key, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, sourceFileOptions, ); }, acquireDocumentWithKey( fileName, path, _compilationSettingsOrHost, key, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, sourceFileOptions, ) { const mapKey = path + key; let sourceFile = documentRegistrySourceFileCache.get(mapKey); if (!sourceFile || sourceFile.version !== version) { sourceFile = ts.createLanguageServiceSourceFile( fileName, scriptSnapshot, { ...getCreateSourceFileOptions(sourceFileOptions), impliedNodeFormat: isCjsCache.has(fileName) ? ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS : ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, // in the lsp we want to be able to show documentation jsDocParsingMode: ts.JSDocParsingMode.ParseAll, }, version, true, scriptKind, ); documentRegistrySourceFileCache.set(mapKey, sourceFile); } const sourceRefCount = sourceRefCounts.get(fileName) ?? 0; sourceRefCounts.set(fileName, sourceRefCount + 1); return sourceFile; }, updateDocument( fileName, compilationSettingsOrHost, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, sourceFileOptions, ) { const key = getKeyForCompilationSettings( getCompilationSettings(compilationSettingsOrHost), ); return this.updateDocumentWithKey( fileName, /** @type {ts.Path} */ (fileName), compilationSettingsOrHost, key, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, sourceFileOptions, ); }, updateDocumentWithKey( fileName, path, compilationSettingsOrHost, key, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, sourceFileOptions, ) { const mapKey = path + key; let sourceFile = documentRegistrySourceFileCache.get(mapKey) ?? this.acquireDocumentWithKey( fileName, path, compilationSettingsOrHost, key, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, sourceFileOptions, ); if (sourceFile.version !== version) { sourceFile = ts.updateLanguageServiceSourceFile( sourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptSnapshot.getChangeRange( /** @type {ts.IScriptSnapshot} */ (sourceFile.scriptSnapShot), ), ); documentRegistrySourceFileCache.set(mapKey, sourceFile); } return sourceFile; }, getKeyForCompilationSettings(settings) { return getKeyForCompilationSettings(settings); }, releaseDocument( fileName, compilationSettings, scriptKind, impliedNodeFormat, ) { const key = getKeyForCompilationSettings(compilationSettings); return this.releaseDocumentWithKey( /** @type {ts.Path} */ (fileName), key, scriptKind, impliedNodeFormat, ); }, releaseDocumentWithKey(path, key, _scriptKind, _impliedNodeFormat) { const sourceRefCount = sourceRefCounts.get(path) ?? 1; if (sourceRefCount <= 1) { sourceRefCounts.delete(path); // We call `cleanupSemanticCache` for other purposes, don't bust the // source cache in this case. if (lastRequestMethod != "cleanupSemanticCache") { const mapKey = path + key; documentRegistrySourceFileCache.delete(mapKey); sourceTextCache.delete(path); ops.op_release(path); } } else { sourceRefCounts.set(path, sourceRefCount - 1); } }, reportStats() { return "[]"; }, }; ts.deno.setIsNodeSourceFileCallback((sourceFile) => { const fileName = sourceFile.fileName; let isNodeSourceFile = isNodeSourceFileCache.get(fileName); if (isNodeSourceFile == null) { const result = ops.op_is_node_file(fileName); isNodeSourceFile = /** @type {boolean} */ (result); isNodeSourceFileCache.set(fileName, isNodeSourceFile); } return isNodeSourceFile; }); /** * @param msg {string} * @param code {number} */ function formatMessage(msg, code) { switch (code) { case 2304: { if (msg === "Cannot find name 'Deno'.") { msg += " Do you need to change your target library? " + "Try changing the 'lib' compiler option to include 'deno.ns' " + "or add a triple-slash directive to the top of your entrypoint " + '(main file): /// '; } return msg; } case 2339: { const property = getProperty(); if (property && unstableDenoProps.has(property)) { return `${msg} 'Deno.${property}' is an unstable API. ${unstableMsgSuggestion}`; } return msg; } default: { const property = getProperty(); if (property && unstableDenoProps.has(property)) { const suggestion = getMsgSuggestion(); if (suggestion) { return `${msg} 'Deno.${property}' is an unstable API. Did you mean '${suggestion}'? ${unstableMsgSuggestion}`; } } return msg; } } function getProperty() { return /Property '([^']+)' does not exist on type 'typeof Deno'/ .exec(msg)?.[1]; } function getMsgSuggestion() { return / Did you mean '([^']+)'\?/.exec(msg)?.[1]; } } /** @param {ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation} diagnostic */ function fromRelatedInformation({ start, length, file, messageText: msgText, ...ri }) { let messageText; let messageChain; if (typeof msgText === "object") { messageChain = msgText; } else { messageText = formatMessage(msgText, ri.code); } if (start !== undefined && length !== undefined && file) { const startPos = file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(start); const sourceLine = file.getFullText().split("\n")[startPos.line]; const fileName = file.fileName; return { start: startPos, end: file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(start + length), fileName, messageChain, messageText, sourceLine, ...ri, }; } else { return { messageChain, messageText, ...ri, }; } } /** @param {readonly ts.Diagnostic[]} diagnostics */ function fromTypeScriptDiagnostics(diagnostics) { return diagnostics.map(({ relatedInformation: ri, source, ...diag }) => { /** @type {any} */ const value = fromRelatedInformation(diag); value.relatedInformation = ri ? ri.map(fromRelatedInformation) : undefined; value.source = source; return value; }); } // Using incremental compile APIs requires that all // paths must be either relative or absolute. Since // analysis in Rust operates on fully resolved URLs, // it makes sense to use the same scheme here. const ASSETS_URL_PREFIX = "asset:///"; const CACHE_URL_PREFIX = "cache:///"; /** Diagnostics that are intentionally ignored when compiling TypeScript in * Deno, as they provide misleading or incorrect information. */ const IGNORED_DIAGNOSTICS = [ // TS1452: 'resolution-mode' assertions are only supported when `moduleResolution` is `node16` or `nodenext`. // We specify the resolution mode to be CommonJS for some npm files and this // diagnostic gets generated even though we're using custom module resolution. 1452, // TS2306: File '.../index.d.ts' is not a module. // We get this for `x-typescript-types` declaration files which don't export // anything. We prefer to treat these as modules with no exports. 2306, // TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for '...'. // We ignore because type definition files can end with '.ts'. 2688, // TS2792: Cannot find module. Did you mean to set the 'moduleResolution' // option to 'node', or to add aliases to the 'paths' option? 2792, // TS5009: Cannot find the common subdirectory path for the input files. 5009, // TS5055: Cannot write file // 'http://localhost:4545/subdir/mt_application_x_javascript.j4.js' // because it would overwrite input file. 5055, // TypeScript is overly opinionated that only CommonJS modules kinds can // support JSON imports. Allegedly this was fixed in // Microsoft/TypeScript#26825 but that doesn't seem to be working here, // so we will ignore complaints about this compiler setting. 5070, // TS7016: Could not find a declaration file for module '...'. '...' // implicitly has an 'any' type. This is due to `allowJs` being off by // default but importing of a JavaScript module. 7016, ]; const SNAPSHOT_COMPILE_OPTIONS = { esModuleInterop: true, jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React, module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, noEmit: true, strict: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext, lib: ["lib.deno.window.d.ts"], }; // todo(dsherret): can we remove this and just use ts.OperationCanceledException? /** Error thrown on cancellation. */ class OperationCanceledError extends Error { } /** * This implementation calls into Rust to check if Tokio's cancellation token * has already been canceled. * @implements {ts.CancellationToken} */ class CancellationToken { isCancellationRequested() { return ops.op_is_cancelled(); } throwIfCancellationRequested() { if (this.isCancellationRequested()) { throw new OperationCanceledError(); } } } /** @typedef {{ * ls: ts.LanguageService & { [k:string]: any }, * compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, * }} LanguageServiceEntry */ /** @type {{ unscoped: LanguageServiceEntry, byScope: Map }} */ const languageServiceEntries = { // @ts-ignore Will be set later. unscoped: null, byScope: new Map(), }; /** @type {{ unscoped: string[], byScope: Map } | null} */ let scriptNamesCache = null; /** An object literal of the incremental compiler host, which provides the * specific "bindings" to the Deno environment that tsc needs to work. * * @type {ts.CompilerHost & ts.LanguageServiceHost} */ const host = { fileExists(specifier) { if (logDebug) { debug(`host.fileExists("${specifier}")`); } // TODO(bartlomieju): is this assumption still valid? // this is used by typescript to find the libs path // so we can completely ignore it return false; }, readFile(specifier) { if (logDebug) { debug(`host.readFile("${specifier}")`); } return ops.op_load(specifier)?.data; }, getCancellationToken() { // createLanguageService will call this immediately and cache it return new CancellationToken(); }, getProjectVersion() { if ( projectVersionCache ) { debug(`getProjectVersion cache hit : ${projectVersionCache}`); return projectVersionCache; } const projectVersion = ops.op_project_version(); projectVersionCache = projectVersion; debug(`getProjectVersion cache miss : ${projectVersionCache}`); return projectVersion; }, // @ts-ignore Undocumented method. getModuleSpecifierCache() { return moduleSpecifierCache; }, // @ts-ignore Undocumented method. getCachedExportInfoMap() { return exportMapCache; }, getGlobalTypingsCacheLocation() { return undefined; }, // @ts-ignore Undocumented method. toPath(fileName) { // @ts-ignore Undocumented function. ts.toPath( fileName, this.getCurrentDirectory(), this.getCanonicalFileName.bind(this), ); }, // @ts-ignore Undocumented method. watchNodeModulesForPackageJsonChanges() { return { close() {} }; }, getSourceFile( specifier, languageVersion, _onError, // this is not used by the lsp because source // files are created in the document registry _shouldCreateNewSourceFile, ) { if (logDebug) { debug( `host.getSourceFile("${specifier}", ${ ts.ScriptTarget[ getCreateSourceFileOptions(languageVersion).languageVersion ] })`, ); } // Needs the original specifier specifier = normalizedToOriginalMap.get(specifier) ?? specifier; let sourceFile = sourceFileCache.get(specifier); if (sourceFile) { return sourceFile; } /** @type {{ data: string; scriptKind: ts.ScriptKind; version: string; isCjs: boolean }} */ const fileInfo = ops.op_load(specifier); if (!fileInfo) { return undefined; } let { data, scriptKind, version, isCjs } = fileInfo; assert( data != null, `"data" is unexpectedly null for "${specifier}".`, ); // use the cache for non-lsp if (isCjs == null) { isCjs = isCjsCache.has(specifier); } else if (isCjs) { isCjsCache.add(specifier); } sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile( specifier, data, { ...getCreateSourceFileOptions(languageVersion), impliedNodeFormat: isCjs ? ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS : ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, // no need to parse docs for `deno check` jsDocParsingMode: ts.JSDocParsingMode.ParseForTypeErrors, }, false, scriptKind, ); sourceFile.moduleName = specifier; sourceFile.version = version; if (specifier.startsWith(ASSETS_URL_PREFIX)) { sourceFile.version = "1"; } sourceFileCache.set(specifier, sourceFile); scriptVersionCache.set(specifier, version); return sourceFile; }, getDefaultLibFileName() { return `${ASSETS_URL_PREFIX}lib.esnext.d.ts`; }, getDefaultLibLocation() { return ASSETS_URL_PREFIX; }, writeFile(fileName, data, _writeByteOrderMark, _onError, _sourceFiles) { if (logDebug) { debug(`host.writeFile("${fileName}")`); } return ops.op_emit( data, fileName, ); }, getCurrentDirectory() { if (logDebug) { debug(`host.getCurrentDirectory()`); } return CACHE_URL_PREFIX; }, getCanonicalFileName(fileName) { return fileName; }, useCaseSensitiveFileNames() { return true; }, getNewLine() { return "\n"; }, resolveTypeReferenceDirectives( typeDirectiveNames, containingFilePath, redirectedReference, options, containingFileMode, ) { return typeDirectiveNames.map((arg) => { /** @type {ts.FileReference} */ const fileReference = typeof arg === "string" ? { pos: -1, end: -1, fileName: arg, } : arg; if (fileReference.fileName.startsWith("npm:")) { /** @type {[string, ts.Extension] | undefined} */ const resolved = ops.op_resolve( containingFilePath, isCjsCache.has(containingFilePath), [fileReference.fileName], )?.[0]; if (resolved) { isCjsCache.maybeAdd(resolved); return { primary: true, resolvedFileName: resolved[0], }; } else { return undefined; } } else { return ts.resolveTypeReferenceDirective( fileReference.fileName, containingFilePath, options, host, redirectedReference, undefined, containingFileMode ?? fileReference.resolutionMode, ).resolvedTypeReferenceDirective; } }); }, resolveModuleNames(specifiers, base) { if (logDebug) { debug(`host.resolveModuleNames()`); debug(` base: ${base}`); debug(` specifiers: ${specifiers.join(", ")}`); } /** @type {Array<[string, ts.Extension] | undefined>} */ const resolved = ops.op_resolve( base, isCjsCache.has(base), specifiers, ); if (resolved) { const result = resolved.map((item) => { if (item) { isCjsCache.maybeAdd(item); const [resolvedFileName, extension] = item; return { resolvedFileName, extension, isExternalLibraryImport: false, }; } return undefined; }); result.length = specifiers.length; return result; } else { return new Array(specifiers.length); } }, createHash(data) { return ops.op_create_hash(data); }, // LanguageServiceHost getCompilationSettings() { if (logDebug) { debug("host.getCompilationSettings()"); } return (lastRequestScope ? languageServiceEntries.byScope.get(lastRequestScope)?.compilerOptions : null) ?? languageServiceEntries.unscoped.compilerOptions; }, getScriptFileNames() { if (logDebug) { debug("host.getScriptFileNames()"); } if (!scriptNamesCache) { const { unscoped, byScope } = ops.op_script_names(); scriptNamesCache = { unscoped, byScope: new Map(Object.entries(byScope)), }; } return (lastRequestScope ? scriptNamesCache.byScope.get(lastRequestScope) : null) ?? scriptNamesCache.unscoped; }, getScriptVersion(specifier) { if (logDebug) { debug(`host.getScriptVersion("${specifier}")`); } if (specifier.startsWith(ASSETS_URL_PREFIX)) { return "1"; } // tsc requests the script version multiple times even though it can't // possibly have changed, so we will memoize it on a per request basis. if (scriptVersionCache.has(specifier)) { return scriptVersionCache.get(specifier); } const scriptVersion = ops.op_script_version(specifier); scriptVersionCache.set(specifier, scriptVersion); return scriptVersion; }, getScriptSnapshot(specifier) { if (logDebug) { debug(`host.getScriptSnapshot("${specifier}")`); } const sourceFile = sourceFileCache.get(specifier); if (sourceFile) { if (!assetScopes.has(specifier)) { assetScopes.set(specifier, lastRequestScope); } // This case only occurs for assets. return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(sourceFile.text); } let sourceText = sourceTextCache.get(specifier); if (sourceText == undefined) { /** @type {{ data: string, version: string, isCjs: boolean }} */ const fileInfo = ops.op_load(specifier); if (!fileInfo) { return undefined; } if (fileInfo.isCjs) { isCjsCache.add(specifier); } sourceTextCache.set(specifier, fileInfo.data); scriptVersionCache.set(specifier, fileInfo.version); sourceText = fileInfo.data; } return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(sourceText); }, }; // @ts-ignore Undocumented function. const moduleSpecifierCache = ts.server.createModuleSpecifierCache(host); // @ts-ignore Undocumented function. const exportMapCache = ts.createCacheableExportInfoMap(host); // override the npm install @types package diagnostics to be deno specific ts.setLocalizedDiagnosticMessages((() => { const nodeMessage = "Cannot find name '{0}'."; // don't offer any suggestions const jqueryMessage = "Cannot find name '{0}'. Did you mean to import jQuery? Try adding `import $ from \"npm:jquery\";`."; return { "Cannot_find_name_0_Do_you_need_to_install_type_definitions_for_node_Try_npm_i_save_dev_types_Slashno_2580": nodeMessage, "Cannot_find_name_0_Do_you_need_to_install_type_definitions_for_node_Try_npm_i_save_dev_types_Slashno_2591": nodeMessage, "Cannot_find_name_0_Do_you_need_to_install_type_definitions_for_jQuery_Try_npm_i_save_dev_types_Slash_2581": jqueryMessage, "Cannot_find_name_0_Do_you_need_to_install_type_definitions_for_jQuery_Try_npm_i_save_dev_types_Slash_2592": jqueryMessage, }; })()); /** @type {Array<[string, number]>} */ const stats = []; let statsStart = 0; function performanceStart() { stats.length = 0; statsStart = Date.now(); ts.performance.enable(); } /** * @param {{ program: ts.Program | ts.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram, fileCount?: number }} options */ function performanceProgram({ program, fileCount }) { if (program) { if ("getProgram" in program) { program = program.getProgram(); } stats.push(["Files", program.getSourceFiles().length]); stats.push(["Nodes", program.getNodeCount()]); stats.push(["Identifiers", program.getIdentifierCount()]); stats.push(["Symbols", program.getSymbolCount()]); stats.push(["Types", program.getTypeCount()]); stats.push(["Instantiations", program.getInstantiationCount()]); } else if (fileCount != null) { stats.push(["Files", fileCount]); } const programTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Program"); const bindTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Bind"); const checkTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Check"); const emitTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Emit"); stats.push(["Parse time", programTime]); stats.push(["Bind time", bindTime]); stats.push(["Check time", checkTime]); stats.push(["Emit time", emitTime]); stats.push( ["Total TS time", programTime + bindTime + checkTime + emitTime], ); } function performanceEnd() { const duration = Date.now() - statsStart; stats.push(["Compile time", duration]); return stats; } /** * @typedef {object} Request * @property {Record} config * @property {boolean} debug * @property {string[]} rootNames * @property {boolean} localOnly */ /** * Checks the normalized version of the root name and stores it in * `normalizedToOriginalMap`. If the normalized specifier is already * registered for the different root name, it throws an AssertionError. * * @param {string} rootName */ function checkNormalizedPath(rootName) { const normalized = ts.normalizePath(rootName); const originalRootName = normalizedToOriginalMap.get(normalized); if (typeof originalRootName === "undefined") { normalizedToOriginalMap.set(normalized, rootName); } else if (originalRootName !== rootName) { // The different root names are normalizd to the same path. // This will cause problem when looking up the source for each. throw new AssertionError( `The different names for the same normalized specifier are specified: normalized=${normalized}, rootNames=${originalRootName},${rootName}`, ); } } /** @param {Record} config */ function normalizeConfig(config) { // the typescript compiler doesn't know about the precompile // transform at the moment, so just tell it we're using react-jsx if (config.jsx === "precompile") { config.jsx = "react-jsx"; } if (config.jsxPrecompileSkipElements) { delete config.jsxPrecompileSkipElements; } return config; } /** @param {Record} config */ function lspTsConfigToCompilerOptions(config) { const normalizedConfig = normalizeConfig(config); const { options, errors } = ts .convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(normalizedConfig, ""); Object.assign(options, { allowNonTsExtensions: true, allowImportingTsExtensions: true, }); if (errors.length > 0 && logDebug) { debug(ts.formatDiagnostics(errors, host)); } return options; } /** The API that is called by Rust when executing a request. * @param {Request} request */ function exec({ config, debug: debugFlag, rootNames, localOnly }) { setLogDebug(debugFlag, "TS"); performanceStart(); config = normalizeConfig(config); if (logDebug) { debug(">>> exec start", { rootNames }); debug(config); } rootNames.forEach(checkNormalizedPath); const { options, errors: configFileParsingDiagnostics } = ts .convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(config, ""); // The `allowNonTsExtensions` is a "hidden" compiler option used in VSCode // which is not allowed to be passed in JSON, we need it to allow special // URLs which Deno supports. So we need to either ignore the diagnostic, or // inject it ourselves. Object.assign(options, { allowNonTsExtensions: true }); const program = ts.createIncrementalProgram({ rootNames, options, host, configFileParsingDiagnostics, }); const checkFiles = localOnly ? rootNames .filter((n) => !n.startsWith("http")) .map((checkName) => { const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(checkName); if (sourceFile == null) { throw new Error("Could not find source file for: " + checkName); } return sourceFile; }) : undefined; if (checkFiles != null) { // When calling program.getSemanticDiagnostics(...) with a source file, we // need to call this code first in order to get it to invalidate cached // diagnostics correctly. This is what program.getSemanticDiagnostics() // does internally when calling without any arguments. const checkFileNames = new Set(checkFiles.map((f) => f.fileName)); while ( program.getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile( undefined, /* ignoreSourceFile */ (s) => !checkFileNames.has(s.fileName), ) ) { // keep going until there are no more affected files } } const diagnostics = [ ...program.getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics(), ...(checkFiles == null ? program.getSyntacticDiagnostics() : ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics( checkFiles.map((s) => program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(s)).flat(), )), ...program.getOptionsDiagnostics(), ...program.getGlobalDiagnostics(), ...(checkFiles == null ? program.getSemanticDiagnostics() : ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics( checkFiles.map((s) => program.getSemanticDiagnostics(s)).flat(), )), ].filter((diagnostic) => !IGNORED_DIAGNOSTICS.includes(diagnostic.code)); // emit the tsbuildinfo file // @ts-ignore: emitBuildInfo is not exposed (https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/49871) program.emitBuildInfo(host.writeFile); performanceProgram({ program }); ops.op_respond({ diagnostics: fromTypeScriptDiagnostics(diagnostics), stats: performanceEnd(), }); debug("<<< exec stop"); } /** * @param {any} e * @returns {e is (OperationCanceledError | ts.OperationCanceledException)} */ function isCancellationError(e) { return e instanceof OperationCanceledError || e instanceof ts.OperationCanceledException; } function getAssets() { /** @type {{ specifier: string; text: string; }[]} */ const assets = []; for (const sourceFile of sourceFileCache.values()) { if (sourceFile.fileName.startsWith(ASSETS_URL_PREFIX)) { assets.push({ specifier: sourceFile.fileName, text: sourceFile.text, }); } } return assets; } /** * @param {number} _id * @param {any} data * @param {string | null} error */ // TODO(bartlomieju): this feels needlessly generic, both type checking // and language server use it with inefficient serialization. Id is not used // anyway... function respond(_id, data = null, error = null) { if (error) { ops.op_respond( "error", error, ); } else { ops.op_respond(JSON.stringify(data), ""); } } /** @typedef {[[string, number][], number, [string, any][]] } PendingChange */ /** * @template T * @typedef {T | null} Option */ /** @returns {Promise<[number, string, any[], string | null, Option] | null>} */ async function pollRequests() { return await ops.op_poll_requests(); } let hasStarted = false; /** @param {boolean} enableDebugLogging */ async function serverMainLoop(enableDebugLogging) { if (hasStarted) { throw new Error("The language server has already been initialized."); } hasStarted = true; languageServiceEntries.unscoped = { ls: ts.createLanguageService( host, documentRegistry, ), compilerOptions: lspTsConfigToCompilerOptions({ "allowJs": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "experimentalDecorators": false, "isolatedModules": true, "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window", "deno.unstable"], "module": "esnext", "moduleDetection": "force", "noEmit": true, "resolveJsonModule": true, "strict": true, "target": "esnext", "useDefineForClassFields": true, "jsx": "react", "jsxFactory": "React.createElement", "jsxFragmentFactory": "React.Fragment", }), }; setLogDebug(enableDebugLogging, "TSLS"); debug("serverInit()"); while (true) { const request = await pollRequests(); if (request === null) { break; } try { serverRequest( request[0], request[1], request[2], request[3], request[4], ); } catch (err) { error(`Internal error occurred processing request: ${err}`); } } } /** * @param {any} error * @param {any[] | null} args */ function formatErrorWithArgs(error, args) { let errorString = "stack" in error ? error.stack.toString() : error.toString(); if (args) { errorString += `\nFor request: [${ args.map((v) => JSON.stringify(v)).join(", ") }]`; } return errorString; } /** * @param {number} id * @param {string} method * @param {any[]} args * @param {string | null} scope * @param {PendingChange | null} maybeChange */ function serverRequest(id, method, args, scope, maybeChange) { if (logDebug) { debug(`serverRequest()`, id, method, args, scope, maybeChange); } if (maybeChange !== null) { const changedScripts = maybeChange[0]; const newProjectVersion = maybeChange[1]; const newConfigsByScope = maybeChange[2]; if (newConfigsByScope) { isNodeSourceFileCache.clear(); assetScopes.clear(); /** @type { typeof languageServiceEntries.byScope } */ const newByScope = new Map(); for (const [scope, config] of newConfigsByScope) { lastRequestScope = scope; const oldEntry = languageServiceEntries.byScope.get(scope); const ls = oldEntry ? oldEntry.ls : ts.createLanguageService(host, documentRegistry); const compilerOptions = lspTsConfigToCompilerOptions(config); newByScope.set(scope, { ls, compilerOptions }); languageServiceEntries.byScope.delete(scope); } for (const oldEntry of languageServiceEntries.byScope.values()) { oldEntry.ls.dispose(); } languageServiceEntries.byScope = newByScope; } projectVersionCache = newProjectVersion; let opened = false; let closed = false; for (const { 0: script, 1: changeKind } of changedScripts) { if (changeKind === ChangeKind.Opened) { opened = true; } else if (changeKind === ChangeKind.Closed) { closed = true; } scriptVersionCache.delete(script); sourceTextCache.delete(script); } if (newConfigsByScope || opened || closed) { scriptNamesCache = null; } } // For requests pertaining to an asset document, we make it so that the // passed scope is just its own specifier. We map it to an actual scope here // based on the first scope that the asset was loaded into. if (scope?.startsWith(ASSETS_URL_PREFIX)) { scope = assetScopes.get(scope) ?? null; } lastRequestMethod = method; lastRequestScope = scope; const ls = (scope ? languageServiceEntries.byScope.get(scope)?.ls : null) ?? languageServiceEntries.unscoped.ls; switch (method) { case "$getSupportedCodeFixes": { return respond( id, ts.getSupportedCodeFixes(), ); } case "$getAssets": { return respond(id, getAssets()); } case "$getDiagnostics": { const projectVersion = args[1]; // there's a possibility that we receive a change notification // but the diagnostic server queues a `$getDiagnostics` request // with a stale project version. in that case, treat it as cancelled // (it's about to be invalidated anyway). if (projectVersionCache && projectVersion !== projectVersionCache) { return respond(id, {}); } try { /** @type {Record} */ const diagnosticMap = {}; for (const specifier of args[0]) { diagnosticMap[specifier] = fromTypeScriptDiagnostics([ ...ls.getSemanticDiagnostics(specifier), ...ls.getSuggestionDiagnostics(specifier), ...ls.getSyntacticDiagnostics(specifier), ].filter(({ code }) => !IGNORED_DIAGNOSTICS.includes(code))); } return respond(id, diagnosticMap); } catch (e) { if ( !isCancellationError(e) ) { return respond( id, {}, formatErrorWithArgs(e, [id, method, args, scope, maybeChange]), ); } return respond(id, {}); } } default: if (typeof ls[method] === "function") { // The `getCompletionEntryDetails()` method returns null if the // `source` is `null` for whatever reason. It must be `undefined`. if (method == "getCompletionEntryDetails") { args[4] ??= undefined; } try { return respond(id, ls[method](...args)); } catch (e) { if (!isCancellationError(e)) { return respond( id, null, formatErrorWithArgs(e, [id, method, args, scope, maybeChange]), ); } return respond(id); } } throw new TypeError( // @ts-ignore exhausted case statement sets type to never `Invalid request method for request: "${method}" (${id})`, ); } } // A build time only op that provides some setup information that is used to // ensure the snapshot is setup properly. /** @type {{ buildSpecifier: string; libs: string[]; nodeBuiltInModuleNames: string[] }} */ const { buildSpecifier, libs, nodeBuiltInModuleNames } = ops.op_build_info(); ts.deno.setNodeBuiltInModuleNames(nodeBuiltInModuleNames); // list of globals that should be kept in Node's globalThis ts.deno.setNodeOnlyGlobalNames([ // when bumping the @types/node version we should check if // anything needs to be updated here "NodeRequire", "RequireResolve", "RequireResolve", "process", "console", "__filename", "__dirname", "require", "module", "exports", "gc", "BufferEncoding", "BufferConstructor", "WithImplicitCoercion", "Buffer", "Console", "ImportMeta", "setTimeout", "setInterval", "setImmediate", "Global", "AbortController", "AbortSignal", "Blob", "BroadcastChannel", "MessageChannel", "MessagePort", "Event", "EventTarget", "performance", "TextDecoder", "TextEncoder", "URL", "URLSearchParams", ]); for (const lib of libs) { const specifier = `lib.${lib}.d.ts`; // we are using internal APIs here to "inject" our custom libraries into // tsc, so things like `"lib": [ "deno.ns" ]` are supported. if (!ts.libs.includes(lib)) { ts.libs.push(lib); ts.libMap.set(lib, `lib.${lib}.d.ts`); } // we are caching in memory common type libraries that will be re-used by // tsc on when the snapshot is restored assert( !!host.getSourceFile( `${ASSETS_URL_PREFIX}${specifier}`, ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext, ), `failed to load '${ASSETS_URL_PREFIX}${specifier}'`, ); } // this helps ensure as much as possible is in memory that is re-usable // before the snapshotting is done, which helps unsure fast "startup" for // subsequent uses of tsc in Deno. const TS_SNAPSHOT_PROGRAM = ts.createProgram({ rootNames: [buildSpecifier], options: SNAPSHOT_COMPILE_OPTIONS, host, }); assert( ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(TS_SNAPSHOT_PROGRAM).length === 0, "lib.d.ts files have errors", ); // remove this now that we don't need it anymore for warming up tsc sourceFileCache.delete(buildSpecifier); // exposes the functions that are called by `tsc::exec()` when type // checking TypeScript. /** @type {any} */ const global = globalThis; global.exec = exec; global.getAssets = getAssets; // exposes the functions that are called when the compiler is used as a // language service. global.serverMainLoop = serverMainLoop; })(this);