// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::error::AnyError; use crate::JsRuntime; use crate::Op; use crate::OpId; use crate::OpPayload; use crate::OpResponse; use crate::OpTable; use crate::PromiseId; use crate::ZeroCopyBuf; use rusty_v8 as v8; use serde::Serialize; use serde_v8::to_v8; use std::cell::Cell; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::io::{stdout, Write}; use std::option::Option; use url::Url; use v8::MapFnTo; lazy_static::lazy_static! { pub static ref EXTERNAL_REFERENCES: v8::ExternalReferences = v8::ExternalReferences::new(&[ v8::ExternalReference { function: print.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: recv.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: send.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: set_macrotask_callback.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: eval_context.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: queue_microtask.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: encode.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: decode.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: serialize.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: deserialize.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: get_promise_details.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: get_proxy_details.map_fn_to() }, v8::ExternalReference { function: memory_usage.map_fn_to(), }, ]); } pub fn script_origin<'a>( s: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, resource_name: v8::Local<'a, v8::String>, ) -> v8::ScriptOrigin<'a> { let source_map_url = v8::String::new(s, "").unwrap(); v8::ScriptOrigin::new( s, resource_name.into(), 0, 0, false, 123, source_map_url.into(), true, false, false, ) } pub fn module_origin<'a>( s: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, resource_name: v8::Local<'a, v8::String>, ) -> v8::ScriptOrigin<'a> { let source_map_url = v8::String::new(s, "").unwrap(); v8::ScriptOrigin::new( s, resource_name.into(), 0, 0, false, 123, source_map_url.into(), true, false, true, ) } pub fn initialize_context<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s, ()>, ) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::Context> { let scope = &mut v8::EscapableHandleScope::new(scope); let context = v8::Context::new(scope); let global = context.global(scope); let scope = &mut v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context); // global.Deno = { core: {} }; let deno_key = v8::String::new(scope, "Deno").unwrap(); let deno_val = v8::Object::new(scope); global.set(scope, deno_key.into(), deno_val.into()); let core_key = v8::String::new(scope, "core").unwrap(); let core_val = v8::Object::new(scope); deno_val.set(scope, core_key.into(), core_val.into()); // Bind functions to Deno.core.* set_func(scope, core_val, "print", print); set_func(scope, core_val, "recv", recv); set_func(scope, core_val, "send", send); set_func( scope, core_val, "setMacrotaskCallback", set_macrotask_callback, ); set_func(scope, core_val, "evalContext", eval_context); set_func(scope, core_val, "encode", encode); set_func(scope, core_val, "decode", decode); set_func(scope, core_val, "serialize", serialize); set_func(scope, core_val, "deserialize", deserialize); set_func(scope, core_val, "getPromiseDetails", get_promise_details); set_func(scope, core_val, "getProxyDetails", get_proxy_details); set_func(scope, core_val, "memoryUsage", memory_usage); // Direct bindings on `window`. set_func(scope, global, "queueMicrotask", queue_microtask); scope.escape(context) } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_func( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, obj: v8::Local, name: &'static str, callback: impl v8::MapFnTo, ) { let key = v8::String::new(scope, name).unwrap(); let tmpl = v8::FunctionTemplate::new(scope, callback); let val = tmpl.get_function(scope).unwrap(); obj.set(scope, key.into(), val.into()); } pub fn boxed_slice_to_uint8array<'sc>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'sc>, buf: Box<[u8]>, ) -> v8::Local<'sc, v8::Uint8Array> { assert!(!buf.is_empty()); let buf_len = buf.len(); let backing_store = v8::ArrayBuffer::new_backing_store_from_boxed_slice(buf); let backing_store_shared = backing_store.make_shared(); let ab = v8::ArrayBuffer::with_backing_store(scope, &backing_store_shared); v8::Uint8Array::new(scope, ab, 0, buf_len) .expect("Failed to create UintArray8") } pub extern "C" fn host_import_module_dynamically_callback( context: v8::Local, referrer: v8::Local, specifier: v8::Local, _import_assertions: v8::Local, ) -> *mut v8::Promise { let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(context) }; // NOTE(bartlomieju): will crash for non-UTF-8 specifier let specifier_str = specifier .to_string(scope) .unwrap() .to_rust_string_lossy(scope); let referrer_name = referrer.get_resource_name(); let referrer_name_str = referrer_name .to_string(scope) .unwrap() .to_rust_string_lossy(scope); // TODO(ry) I'm not sure what HostDefinedOptions is for or if we're ever going // to use it. For now we check that it is not used. This check may need to be // changed in the future. let host_defined_options = referrer.get_host_defined_options(); assert_eq!(host_defined_options.length(), 0); let resolver = v8::PromiseResolver::new(scope).unwrap(); let promise = resolver.get_promise(scope); let resolver_handle = v8::Global::new(scope, resolver); { let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); state.dyn_import_cb(resolver_handle, &specifier_str, &referrer_name_str); } // Map errors from module resolution (not JS errors from module execution) to // ones rethrown from this scope, so they include the call stack of the // dynamic import site. Error objects without any stack frames are assumed to // be module resolution errors, other exception values are left as they are. let map_err = |scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue| { let arg = args.get(0); if arg.is_native_error() { let message = v8::Exception::create_message(scope, arg); if message.get_stack_trace(scope).unwrap().get_frame_count() == 0 { let arg: v8::Local = arg.clone().try_into().unwrap(); let message_key = v8::String::new(scope, "message").unwrap(); let message = arg.get(scope, message_key.into()).unwrap(); let exception = v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message.try_into().unwrap()); scope.throw_exception(exception); return; } } scope.throw_exception(arg); }; let map_err = v8::FunctionTemplate::new(scope, map_err); let map_err = map_err.get_function(scope).unwrap(); let promise = promise.catch(scope, map_err).unwrap(); &*promise as *const _ as *mut _ } pub extern "C" fn host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback( context: v8::Local, module: v8::Local, meta: v8::Local, ) { let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(context) }; let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let state = state_rc.borrow(); let module_global = v8::Global::new(scope, module); let info = state .module_map .get_info(&module_global) .expect("Module not found"); let url_key = v8::String::new(scope, "url").unwrap(); let url_val = v8::String::new(scope, &info.name).unwrap(); meta.create_data_property(scope, url_key.into(), url_val.into()); let main_key = v8::String::new(scope, "main").unwrap(); let main_val = v8::Boolean::new(scope, info.main); meta.create_data_property(scope, main_key.into(), main_val.into()); } pub extern "C" fn promise_reject_callback(message: v8::PromiseRejectMessage) { let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(&message) }; let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); let promise = message.get_promise(); let promise_global = v8::Global::new(scope, promise); match message.get_event() { v8::PromiseRejectEvent::PromiseRejectWithNoHandler => { let error = message.get_value().unwrap(); let error_global = v8::Global::new(scope, error); state .pending_promise_exceptions .insert(promise_global, error_global); } v8::PromiseRejectEvent::PromiseHandlerAddedAfterReject => { state.pending_promise_exceptions.remove(&promise_global); } v8::PromiseRejectEvent::PromiseRejectAfterResolved => {} v8::PromiseRejectEvent::PromiseResolveAfterResolved => { // Should not warn. See #1272 } }; } pub(crate) unsafe fn get_backing_store_slice( backing_store: &v8::SharedRef, byte_offset: usize, byte_length: usize, ) -> &[u8] { let cells: *const [Cell] = &backing_store[byte_offset..byte_offset + byte_length]; let bytes = cells as *const [u8]; &*bytes } #[allow(clippy::mut_from_ref)] pub(crate) unsafe fn get_backing_store_slice_mut( backing_store: &v8::SharedRef, byte_offset: usize, byte_length: usize, ) -> &mut [u8] { let cells: *const [Cell] = &backing_store[byte_offset..byte_offset + byte_length]; let bytes = cells as *const _ as *mut [u8]; &mut *bytes } fn print( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let arg_len = args.length(); if !(0..=2).contains(&arg_len) { return throw_type_error(scope, "Expected a maximum of 2 arguments."); } let obj = args.get(0); let is_err_arg = args.get(1); let mut is_err = false; if arg_len == 2 { let int_val = match is_err_arg.integer_value(scope) { Some(v) => v, None => return throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid arugment. Argument 2 should indicate wheter or not to print to stderr."), }; is_err = int_val != 0; }; let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let str_ = match obj.to_string(tc_scope) { Some(s) => s, None => v8::String::new(tc_scope, "").unwrap(), }; if is_err { eprint!("{}", str_.to_rust_string_lossy(tc_scope)); stdout().flush().unwrap(); } else { print!("{}", str_.to_rust_string_lossy(tc_scope)); stdout().flush().unwrap(); } } fn recv( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); let cb = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(cb) => cb, Err(err) => return throw_type_error(scope, err.to_string()), }; let slot = match &mut state.js_recv_cb { slot @ None => slot, _ => return throw_type_error(scope, "Deno.core.recv() already called"), }; slot.replace(v8::Global::new(scope, cb)); } fn send<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); let op_id = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) .map(|l| l.value() as OpId) .map_err(AnyError::from) { Ok(op_id) => op_id, Err(err) => { throw_type_error(scope, format!("invalid op id: {}", err)); return; } }; // send(0) returns obj of all ops, handle as special case if op_id == 0 { // TODO: Serialize as HashMap when serde_v8 supports maps ... let ops = OpTable::op_entries(state.op_state.clone()); rv.set(to_v8(scope, ops).unwrap()); return; } // PromiseId let arg1 = args.get(1); let promise_id = if arg1.is_null_or_undefined() { Ok(0) // Accept null or undefined as 0 } else { // Otherwise expect int v8::Local::::try_from(arg1) .map(|l| l.value() as PromiseId) .map_err(AnyError::from) }; // Fail if promise id invalid (not null/undefined or int) let promise_id: PromiseId = match promise_id { Ok(promise_id) => promise_id, Err(err) => { throw_type_error(scope, format!("invalid promise id: {}", err)); return; } }; // Structured args let v = args.get(2); // Buf arg (optional) let arg3 = args.get(3); let buf: Option = if arg3.is_null_or_undefined() { None } else { match v8::Local::::try_from(arg3) .map(|view| ZeroCopyBuf::new(scope, view)) .map_err(AnyError::from) { Ok(buf) => Some(buf), Err(err) => { throw_type_error(scope, format!("Err with buf arg: {}", err)); return; } } }; let payload = OpPayload::new(scope, v, promise_id); let op = OpTable::route_op(op_id, state.op_state.clone(), payload, buf); match op { Op::Sync(resp) => match resp { OpResponse::Value(v) => { rv.set(v.to_v8(scope).unwrap()); } OpResponse::Buffer(buf) => { rv.set(boxed_slice_to_uint8array(scope, buf).into()); } }, Op::Async(fut) => { state.pending_ops.push(fut); state.have_unpolled_ops = true; } Op::AsyncUnref(fut) => { state.pending_unref_ops.push(fut); state.have_unpolled_ops = true; } Op::NotFound => { throw_type_error(scope, format!("Unknown op id: {}", op_id)); } } } fn set_macrotask_callback( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); let cb = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(cb) => cb, Err(err) => return throw_type_error(scope, err.to_string()), }; let slot = match &mut state.js_macrotask_cb { slot @ None => slot, _ => { return throw_type_error( scope, "Deno.core.setMacrotaskCallback() already called", ); } }; slot.replace(v8::Global::new(scope, cb)); } fn eval_context( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let source = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(s) => s, Err(_) => { throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid argument"); return; } }; let url = v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(1)) .map(|n| Url::from_file_path(n.to_rust_string_lossy(scope)).unwrap()); #[derive(Serialize)] struct Output<'s>(Option>, Option>); #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct ErrInfo<'s> { thrown: serde_v8::Value<'s>, is_native_error: bool, is_compile_error: bool, } let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let name = v8::String::new( tc_scope, url.as_ref().map_or(crate::DUMMY_SPECIFIER, Url::as_str), ) .unwrap(); let origin = script_origin(tc_scope, name); let maybe_script = v8::Script::compile(tc_scope, source, Some(&origin)); if maybe_script.is_none() { assert!(tc_scope.has_caught()); let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap(); let output = Output( None, Some(ErrInfo { thrown: exception.into(), is_native_error: exception.is_native_error(), is_compile_error: true, }), ); rv.set(to_v8(tc_scope, output).unwrap()); return; } let result = maybe_script.unwrap().run(tc_scope); if result.is_none() { assert!(tc_scope.has_caught()); let exception = tc_scope.exception().unwrap(); let output = Output( None, Some(ErrInfo { thrown: exception.into(), is_native_error: exception.is_native_error(), is_compile_error: false, }), ); rv.set(to_v8(tc_scope, output).unwrap()); return; } let output = Output(Some(result.unwrap().into()), None); rv.set(to_v8(tc_scope, output).unwrap()); } fn encode( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let text = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(s) => s, Err(_) => { throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid argument"); return; } }; let text_str = text.to_rust_string_lossy(scope); let text_bytes = text_str.as_bytes().to_vec().into_boxed_slice(); let buf = if text_bytes.is_empty() { let ab = v8::ArrayBuffer::new(scope, 0); v8::Uint8Array::new(scope, ab, 0, 0).expect("Failed to create UintArray8") } else { let buf_len = text_bytes.len(); let backing_store = v8::ArrayBuffer::new_backing_store_from_boxed_slice(text_bytes); let backing_store_shared = backing_store.make_shared(); let ab = v8::ArrayBuffer::with_backing_store(scope, &backing_store_shared); v8::Uint8Array::new(scope, ab, 0, buf_len) .expect("Failed to create UintArray8") }; rv.set(buf.into()) } fn decode( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let view = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(view) => view, Err(_) => { throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid argument"); return; } }; let backing_store = view.buffer(scope).unwrap().get_backing_store(); let buf = unsafe { get_backing_store_slice( &backing_store, view.byte_offset(), view.byte_length(), ) }; // Strip BOM let buf = if buf.len() >= 3 && buf[0] == 0xef && buf[1] == 0xbb && buf[2] == 0xbf { &buf[3..] } else { buf }; // If `String::new_from_utf8()` returns `None`, this means that the // length of the decoded string would be longer than what V8 can // handle. In this case we return `RangeError`. // // For more details see: // - https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-textdecoder-decode // - https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/6649 // - https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/d68fb4733e39525f9ff0a9222107c02c28096e2a/include/v8.h#L3277-L3278 match v8::String::new_from_utf8(scope, &buf, v8::NewStringType::Normal) { Some(text) => rv.set(text.into()), None => { let msg = v8::String::new(scope, "string too long").unwrap(); let exception = v8::Exception::range_error(scope, msg); scope.throw_exception(exception); } }; } struct SerializeDeserialize {} impl v8::ValueSerializerImpl for SerializeDeserialize { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn throw_data_clone_error<'s>( &mut self, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, message: v8::Local<'s, v8::String>, ) { let error = v8::Exception::error(scope, message); scope.throw_exception(error); } } impl v8::ValueDeserializerImpl for SerializeDeserialize {} fn serialize( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let serialize_deserialize = Box::new(SerializeDeserialize {}); let mut value_serializer = v8::ValueSerializer::new(scope, serialize_deserialize); match value_serializer.write_value(scope.get_current_context(), args.get(0)) { Some(true) => { let vector = value_serializer.release(); let buf = { let buf_len = vector.len(); let backing_store = v8::ArrayBuffer::new_backing_store_from_boxed_slice( vector.into_boxed_slice(), ); let backing_store_shared = backing_store.make_shared(); let ab = v8::ArrayBuffer::with_backing_store(scope, &backing_store_shared); v8::Uint8Array::new(scope, ab, 0, buf_len) .expect("Failed to create UintArray8") }; rv.set(buf.into()); } _ => { throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid argument"); } } } fn deserialize( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let view = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(view) => view, Err(_) => { throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid argument"); return; } }; let backing_store = view.buffer(scope).unwrap().get_backing_store(); let buf = unsafe { get_backing_store_slice( &backing_store, view.byte_offset(), view.byte_length(), ) }; let serialize_deserialize = Box::new(SerializeDeserialize {}); let mut value_deserializer = v8::ValueDeserializer::new(scope, serialize_deserialize, buf); let value = value_deserializer.read_value(scope.get_current_context()); match value { Some(deserialized) => rv.set(deserialized), None => { let msg = v8::String::new(scope, "string too long").unwrap(); let exception = v8::Exception::range_error(scope, msg); scope.throw_exception(exception); } }; } fn queue_microtask( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(f) => scope.enqueue_microtask(f), Err(_) => { throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid argument"); } }; } // Called by V8 during `Isolate::mod_instantiate`. pub fn module_resolve_callback<'s>( context: v8::Local<'s, v8::Context>, specifier: v8::Local<'s, v8::String>, _import_assertions: v8::Local<'s, v8::FixedArray>, referrer: v8::Local<'s, v8::Module>, ) -> Option> { let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(context) }; let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let state = state_rc.borrow(); let referrer_global = v8::Global::new(scope, referrer); let referrer_info = state .module_map .get_info(&referrer_global) .expect("ModuleInfo not found"); let referrer_name = referrer_info.name.to_string(); let specifier_str = specifier.to_rust_string_lossy(scope); let resolved_specifier = state .loader .resolve( state.op_state.clone(), &specifier_str, &referrer_name, false, ) .expect("Module should have been already resolved"); if let Some(id) = state.module_map.get_id(resolved_specifier.as_str()) { if let Some(handle) = state.module_map.get_handle(id) { return Some(v8::Local::new(scope, handle)); } } let msg = format!( r#"Cannot resolve module "{}" from "{}""#, specifier_str, referrer_name ); throw_type_error(scope, msg); None } // Returns promise details or throw TypeError, if argument passed isn't a Promise. // Promise details is a js_two elements array. // promise_details = [State, Result] // State = enum { Pending = 0, Fulfilled = 1, Rejected = 2} // Result = PromiseResult | PromiseError fn get_promise_details( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let promise = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(val) => val, Err(_) => { throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid argument"); return; } }; #[derive(Serialize)] struct PromiseDetails<'s>(u32, Option>); match promise.state() { v8::PromiseState::Pending => { rv.set(to_v8(scope, PromiseDetails(0, None)).unwrap()); } v8::PromiseState::Fulfilled => { let promise_result = promise.result(scope); rv.set( to_v8(scope, PromiseDetails(1, Some(promise_result.into()))).unwrap(), ); } v8::PromiseState::Rejected => { let promise_result = promise.result(scope); rv.set( to_v8(scope, PromiseDetails(2, Some(promise_result.into()))).unwrap(), ); } } } // Based on https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/1e470510ff74391d7d4ec382909ea8960d2d2fbc/src/node_util.cc // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. fn get_proxy_details( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { // Return undefined if it's not a proxy. let proxy = match v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)) { Ok(val) => val, Err(_) => { return; } }; let target = proxy.get_target(scope); let handler = proxy.get_handler(scope); let p: (serde_v8::Value, serde_v8::Value) = (target.into(), handler.into()); rv.set(to_v8(scope, p).unwrap()); } fn throw_type_error(scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, message: impl AsRef) { let message = v8::String::new(scope, message.as_ref()).unwrap(); let exception = v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message); scope.throw_exception(exception); } fn memory_usage( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, _args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let stats = get_memory_usage(scope); rv.set(to_v8(scope, stats).unwrap()); } // HeapStats stores values from a isolate.get_heap_statistics() call #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct MemoryUsage { rss: usize, heap_total: usize, heap_used: usize, external: usize, // TODO: track ArrayBuffers, would require using a custom allocator to track // but it's otherwise a subset of external so can be indirectly tracked // array_buffers: usize, } fn get_memory_usage(isolate: &mut v8::Isolate) -> MemoryUsage { let mut s = v8::HeapStatistics::default(); isolate.get_heap_statistics(&mut s); MemoryUsage { rss: s.total_physical_size(), heap_total: s.total_heap_size(), heap_used: s.used_heap_size(), external: s.external_memory(), } }