// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import sqlite, { DatabaseSync } from "node:sqlite"; import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows } from "@std/assert"; const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] in-memory databases", () => { const db1 = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); const db2 = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db1.exec("CREATE TABLE data(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);"); db1.exec("INSERT INTO data (key) VALUES (1);"); db2.exec("CREATE TABLE data(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);"); db2.exec("INSERT INTO data (key) VALUES (1);"); assertEquals(db1.prepare("SELECT * FROM data").all(), [{ key: 1, __proto__: null, }]); assertEquals(db2.prepare("SELECT * FROM data").all(), [{ key: 1, __proto__: null, }]); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] Errors originating from SQLite should be thrown", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec(` CREATE TABLE test( key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ) STRICT; `); const stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO test(key) VALUES(?)"); assertEquals(stmt.run(1), { lastInsertRowid: 1, changes: 1 }); assertThrows(() => stmt.run(1), Error); }); Deno.test( { permissions: { read: true, write: true }, name: "[node/sqlite] PRAGMAs are supported", }, () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(`${tempDir}/test.db`); assertEquals(db.prepare("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL").get(), { journal_mode: "wal", __proto__: null, }); db.close(); }, ); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] StatementSync bind bigints", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE data(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);"); const stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO data (key) VALUES (?)"); assertEquals(stmt.run(100n), { lastInsertRowid: 100, changes: 1 }); db.close(); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] StatementSync read bigints are supported", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE data(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);"); db.exec("INSERT INTO data (key) VALUES (1);"); const stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM data"); assertEquals(stmt.get(), { key: 1, __proto__: null }); stmt.setReadBigInts(true); assertEquals(stmt.get(), { key: 1n, __proto__: null }); assertEquals(stmt.sourceSQL, "SELECT * FROM data"); assertEquals(stmt.expandedSQL, "SELECT * FROM data"); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] createSession and changesets", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); const session = db.createSession(); db.exec("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)"); db.exec("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ('foo')"); assert(session.changeset() instanceof Uint8Array); assert(session.patchset() instanceof Uint8Array); assert(session.changeset().byteLength > 0); assert(session.patchset().byteLength > 0); session.close(); // Use after close shoud throw. assertThrows(() => session.changeset(), Error, "Session is already closed"); // Close after close should throw. assertThrows(() => session.close(), Error, "Session is already closed"); db.close(); assertThrows(() => session.close(), Error, "Database is already closed"); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] StatementSync integer too large", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE data(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);"); db.prepare("INSERT INTO data (key) VALUES (?)").run( Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1, ); assertThrows(() => db.prepare("SELECT * FROM data").get()); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] StatementSync blob are Uint8Array", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); const obj = db.prepare("select cast('test' as blob)").all(); assertEquals(obj.length, 1); const row = obj[0] as Record; assert(row["cast('test' as blob)"] instanceof Uint8Array); }); Deno.test({ name: "[node/sqlite] sqlite permissions", permissions: { read: false, write: false }, fn() { assertThrows(() => { new DatabaseSync("test.db"); }, Deno.errors.NotCapable); assertThrows(() => { new DatabaseSync("test.db", { readOnly: true }); }, Deno.errors.NotCapable); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "[node/sqlite] readOnly database", permissions: { read: true, write: true }, fn() { { const db = new DatabaseSync(`${tempDir}/test3.db`); db.exec("CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)"); db.close(); } { const db = new DatabaseSync(`${tempDir}/test3.db`, { readOnly: true }); assertThrows( () => { db.exec("CREATE TABLE test(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)"); }, Error, "attempt to write a readonly database", ); db.close(); } }, }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] applyChangeset across databases", () => { const sourceDb = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); const targetDb = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); sourceDb.exec("CREATE TABLE data(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)"); targetDb.exec("CREATE TABLE data(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)"); const session = sourceDb.createSession(); const insert = sourceDb.prepare( "INSERT INTO data (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)", ); insert.run(1, "hello"); insert.run(2, "world"); const changeset = session.changeset(); targetDb.applyChangeset(changeset, { filter: (e) => e === "data", // @ts-ignore: types are not up to date onConflict: () => sqlite.constants.SQLITE_CHANGESET_ABORT, }); const stmt = targetDb.prepare("SELECT * FROM data"); assertEquals(stmt.all(), [ { key: 1, value: "hello", __proto__: null }, { key: 2, value: "world", __proto__: null }, ]); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] exec should execute batch statements", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec(`CREATE TABLE one(id int PRIMARY KEY) STRICT; CREATE TABLE two(id int PRIMARY KEY) STRICT;`); const table = db.prepare( `SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'`, ).all(); assertEquals(table.length, 2); db.close(); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] query should handle mixed positional and named parameters", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec(`CREATE TABLE one(variable1 TEXT, variable2 INT, variable3 INT)`); db.exec( `INSERT INTO one (variable1, variable2, variable3) VALUES ("test", 1 , 2);`, ); const query = "SELECT * FROM one WHERE variable1=:var1 AND variable2=:var2 "; const result = db.prepare(query).all({ var1: "test", var2: 1 }); assertEquals(result, [{ __proto__: null, variable1: "test", variable2: 1, variable3: 2, }]); const result2 = db.prepare(query).all({ var2: 1, var1: "test" }); assertEquals(result2, [{ __proto__: null, variable1: "test", variable2: 1, variable3: 2, }]); const stmt = db.prepare(query); stmt.setAllowBareNamedParameters(false); assertThrows(() => { stmt.all({ var1: "test", var2: 1 }); }); db.close(); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] StatementSync#iterate", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); const stmt = db.prepare("SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3"); // @ts-ignore: types are not up to date const iter = stmt.iterate(); const result = []; for (const row of iter) { result.push(row); } assertEquals(result, stmt.all()); const { done, value } = iter.next(); assertEquals(done, true); assertEquals(value, undefined); db.close(); }); // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/28187 Deno.test("[node/sqlite] StatementSync for large integers", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); const result = db.prepare("SELECT 2147483648").get(); assertEquals(result, { "2147483648": 2147483648, __proto__: null }); db.close(); }); Deno.test("[node/sqlite] error message", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE foo (a text, b text NOT NULL, c text)"); assertThrows( () => { db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(a, b, c) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL)") .run(); }, Error, "NOT NULL constraint failed: foo.b", ); }); // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/28295 Deno.test("[node/sqlite] StatementSync reset guards don't lock db", () => { const db = new DatabaseSync(":memory:"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE foo(a integer, b text)"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE bar(a integer, b text)"); const stmt = db.prepare("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' "); assertEquals(stmt.get(), { name: "foo", __proto__: null }); db.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo"); });