// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::Path; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_ast::ParsedSource; use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_graph::ModuleGraph; use deno_lint::diagnostic::LintDiagnostic; use deno_lint::linter::LintConfig as DenoLintConfig; use deno_lint::linter::LintFileOptions; use deno_lint::linter::Linter as DenoLintLinter; use deno_lint::linter::LinterOptions; use deno_path_util::fs::atomic_write_file_with_retries; use super::rules::FileOrPackageLintRule; use super::rules::PackageLintRule; use super::ConfiguredRules; use crate::sys::CliSys; use crate::util::fs::specifier_from_file_path; pub struct CliLinterOptions { pub configured_rules: ConfiguredRules, pub fix: bool, pub deno_lint_config: DenoLintConfig, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CliLinter { fix: bool, package_rules: Vec>, linter: DenoLintLinter, deno_lint_config: DenoLintConfig, } impl CliLinter { pub fn new(options: CliLinterOptions) -> Self { let rules = options.configured_rules.rules; let mut deno_lint_rules = Vec::with_capacity(rules.len()); let mut package_rules = Vec::with_capacity(rules.len()); for rule in rules { match rule.into_file_or_pkg_rule() { FileOrPackageLintRule::File(rule) => { deno_lint_rules.push(rule); } FileOrPackageLintRule::Package(rule) => { package_rules.push(rule); } } } Self { fix: options.fix, package_rules, linter: DenoLintLinter::new(LinterOptions { rules: deno_lint_rules, all_rule_codes: options.configured_rules.all_rule_codes, custom_ignore_file_directive: None, custom_ignore_diagnostic_directive: None, }), deno_lint_config: options.deno_lint_config, } } pub fn has_package_rules(&self) -> bool { !self.package_rules.is_empty() } pub fn lint_package( &self, graph: &ModuleGraph, entrypoints: &[ModuleSpecifier], ) -> Vec { let mut diagnostics = Vec::new(); for rule in &self.package_rules { diagnostics.extend(rule.lint_package(graph, entrypoints)); } diagnostics } pub fn lint_with_ast( &self, parsed_source: &ParsedSource, ) -> Vec { self .linter .lint_with_ast(parsed_source, self.deno_lint_config.clone()) } pub fn lint_file( &self, file_path: &Path, source_code: String, ext: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<(ParsedSource, Vec), AnyError> { let specifier = specifier_from_file_path(file_path)?; let media_type = if let Some(ext) = ext { MediaType::from_str(&format!("placeholder.{ext}")) } else if file_path.extension().is_none() { MediaType::TypeScript } else { MediaType::from_specifier(&specifier) }; if self.fix { self.lint_file_and_fix(&specifier, media_type, source_code, file_path) } else { self .linter .lint_file(LintFileOptions { specifier, media_type, source_code, config: self.deno_lint_config.clone(), }) .map_err(AnyError::from) } } fn lint_file_and_fix( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, media_type: MediaType, source_code: String, file_path: &Path, ) -> Result<(ParsedSource, Vec), deno_core::anyhow::Error> { // initial lint let (source, diagnostics) = self.linter.lint_file(LintFileOptions { specifier: specifier.clone(), media_type, source_code, config: self.deno_lint_config.clone(), })?; // Try applying fixes repeatedly until the file has none left or // a maximum number of iterations is reached. This is necessary // because lint fixes may overlap and so we can't always apply // them in one pass. let mut source = source; let mut diagnostics = diagnostics; let mut fix_iterations = 0; loop { let change = apply_lint_fixes_and_relint( specifier, media_type, &self.linter, self.deno_lint_config.clone(), source.text_info_lazy(), &diagnostics, )?; match change { Some(change) => { source = change.0; diagnostics = change.1; } None => { break; } } fix_iterations += 1; if fix_iterations > 5 { log::warn!( concat!( "Reached maximum number of fix iterations for '{}'. There's ", "probably a bug in Deno. Please fix this file manually.", ), specifier, ); break; } } if fix_iterations > 0 { // everything looks good and the file still parses, so write it out atomic_write_file_with_retries( &CliSys::default(), file_path, source.text().as_bytes(), crate::cache::CACHE_PERM, ) .context("Failed writing fix to file.")?; } Ok((source, diagnostics)) } } fn apply_lint_fixes_and_relint( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, media_type: MediaType, linter: &DenoLintLinter, config: DenoLintConfig, text_info: &SourceTextInfo, diagnostics: &[LintDiagnostic], ) -> Result)>, AnyError> { let Some(new_text) = apply_lint_fixes(text_info, diagnostics) else { return Ok(None); }; linter .lint_file(LintFileOptions { specifier: specifier.clone(), source_code: new_text, media_type, config, }) .map(Some) .context( "An applied lint fix caused a syntax error. Please report this bug.", ) } fn apply_lint_fixes( text_info: &SourceTextInfo, diagnostics: &[LintDiagnostic], ) -> Option { if diagnostics.is_empty() { return None; } let file_start = text_info.range().start; let mut quick_fixes = diagnostics .iter() // use the first quick fix .filter_map(|d| d.details.fixes.first()) .flat_map(|fix| fix.changes.iter()) .map(|change| deno_ast::TextChange { range: change.range.as_byte_range(file_start), new_text: change.new_text.to_string(), }) .collect::>(); if quick_fixes.is_empty() { return None; } let mut import_fixes = HashSet::new(); // remove any overlapping text changes, we'll circle // back for another pass to fix the remaining quick_fixes.sort_by_key(|change| change.range.start); for i in (1..quick_fixes.len()).rev() { let cur = &quick_fixes[i]; let previous = &quick_fixes[i - 1]; // hack: deduplicate import fixes to avoid creating errors if previous.new_text.trim_start().starts_with("import ") { import_fixes.insert(previous.new_text.trim().to_string()); } let is_overlapping = cur.range.start <= previous.range.end; if is_overlapping || (cur.new_text.trim_start().starts_with("import ") && import_fixes.contains(cur.new_text.trim())) { quick_fixes.remove(i); } } let new_text = deno_ast::apply_text_changes(text_info.text_str(), quick_fixes); Some(new_text) }