// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. mod blob; mod compression; mod message_port; mod stream_resource; mod timers; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; pub use blob::BlobError; pub use compression::CompressionError; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::v8; use deno_core::ByteString; use deno_core::ToJsBuffer; use deno_core::U16String; use encoding_rs::CoderResult; use encoding_rs::Decoder; use encoding_rs::DecoderResult; use encoding_rs::Encoding; pub use message_port::MessagePortError; pub use stream_resource::StreamResourceError; use crate::blob::op_blob_create_object_url; use crate::blob::op_blob_create_part; use crate::blob::op_blob_from_object_url; use crate::blob::op_blob_read_part; use crate::blob::op_blob_remove_part; use crate::blob::op_blob_revoke_object_url; use crate::blob::op_blob_slice_part; pub use crate::blob::Blob; pub use crate::blob::BlobPart; pub use crate::blob::BlobStore; pub use crate::blob::InMemoryBlobPart; pub use crate::message_port::create_entangled_message_port; pub use crate::message_port::deserialize_js_transferables; use crate::message_port::op_message_port_create_entangled; use crate::message_port::op_message_port_post_message; use crate::message_port::op_message_port_recv_message; use crate::message_port::op_message_port_recv_message_sync; pub use crate::message_port::serialize_transferables; pub use crate::message_port::JsMessageData; pub use crate::message_port::MessagePort; pub use crate::message_port::Transferable; use crate::timers::op_defer; use crate::timers::op_now; use crate::timers::op_time_origin; pub use crate::timers::StartTime; pub use crate::timers::TimersPermission; deno_core::extension!(deno_web, deps = [ deno_webidl, deno_console, deno_url ], parameters = [P: TimersPermission], ops = [ op_base64_decode, op_base64_encode, op_base64_atob, op_base64_btoa, op_encoding_normalize_label, op_encoding_decode_single, op_encoding_decode_utf8, op_encoding_new_decoder, op_encoding_decode, op_encoding_encode_into, op_blob_create_part, op_blob_slice_part, op_blob_read_part, op_blob_remove_part, op_blob_create_object_url, op_blob_revoke_object_url, op_blob_from_object_url, op_message_port_create_entangled, op_message_port_post_message, op_message_port_recv_message, op_message_port_recv_message_sync, compression::op_compression_new, compression::op_compression_write, compression::op_compression_finish, op_now

, op_time_origin

, op_defer, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_allocate, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_allocate_sized, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_get_sink, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_write_error, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_write_buf, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_write_sync, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_close, stream_resource::op_readable_stream_resource_await_close, ], esm = [ "00_infra.js", "01_dom_exception.js", "01_mimesniff.js", "02_event.js", "02_structured_clone.js", "02_timers.js", "03_abort_signal.js", "04_global_interfaces.js", "05_base64.js", "06_streams.js", "08_text_encoding.js", "09_file.js", "10_filereader.js", "12_location.js", "13_message_port.js", "14_compression.js", "15_performance.js", "16_image_data.js", ], options = { blob_store: Arc, maybe_location: Option, }, state = |state, options| { state.put(options.blob_store); if let Some(location) = options.maybe_location { state.put(Location(location)); } state.put(StartTime::default()); } ); #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum WebError { #[error("Failed to decode base64")] Base64Decode, #[error("The encoding label provided ('{0}') is invalid.")] InvalidEncodingLabel(String), #[error("buffer exceeds maximum length")] BufferTooLong, #[error("Value too large to decode")] ValueTooLarge, #[error("Provided buffer too small")] BufferTooSmall, #[error("The encoded data is not valid")] DataInvalid, #[error(transparent)] DataError(#[from] v8::DataError), } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_base64_decode(#[string] input: String) -> Result { let mut s = input.into_bytes(); let decoded_len = forgiving_base64_decode_inplace(&mut s)?; s.truncate(decoded_len); Ok(s.into()) } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_base64_atob(#[serde] mut s: ByteString) -> Result { let decoded_len = forgiving_base64_decode_inplace(&mut s)?; s.truncate(decoded_len); Ok(s) } /// See #[inline] fn forgiving_base64_decode_inplace( input: &mut [u8], ) -> Result { let decoded = base64_simd::forgiving_decode_inplace(input) .map_err(|_| WebError::Base64Decode)?; Ok(decoded.len()) } #[op2] #[string] fn op_base64_encode(#[buffer] s: &[u8]) -> String { forgiving_base64_encode(s) } #[op2] #[string] fn op_base64_btoa(#[serde] s: ByteString) -> String { forgiving_base64_encode(s.as_ref()) } /// See #[inline] fn forgiving_base64_encode(s: &[u8]) -> String { base64_simd::STANDARD.encode_to_string(s) } #[op2] #[string] fn op_encoding_normalize_label( #[string] label: String, ) -> Result { let encoding = Encoding::for_label_no_replacement(label.as_bytes()) .ok_or(WebError::InvalidEncodingLabel(label))?; Ok(encoding.name().to_lowercase()) } #[op2] fn op_encoding_decode_utf8<'a>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, #[anybuffer] zero_copy: &[u8], ignore_bom: bool, ) -> Result, WebError> { let buf = &zero_copy; let buf = if !ignore_bom && buf.len() >= 3 && buf[0] == 0xef && buf[1] == 0xbb && buf[2] == 0xbf { &buf[3..] } else { buf }; // If `String::new_from_utf8()` returns `None`, this means that the // length of the decoded string would be longer than what V8 can // handle. In this case we return `RangeError`. // // For more details see: // - https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-textdecoder-decode // - https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/6649 // - https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/d68fb4733e39525f9ff0a9222107c02c28096e2a/include/v8.h#L3277-L3278 match v8::String::new_from_utf8(scope, buf, v8::NewStringType::Normal) { Some(text) => Ok(text), None => Err(WebError::BufferTooLong), } } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_encoding_decode_single( #[anybuffer] data: &[u8], #[string] label: String, fatal: bool, ignore_bom: bool, ) -> Result { let encoding = Encoding::for_label(label.as_bytes()) .ok_or(WebError::InvalidEncodingLabel(label))?; let mut decoder = if ignore_bom { encoding.new_decoder_without_bom_handling() } else { encoding.new_decoder_with_bom_removal() }; let max_buffer_length = decoder .max_utf16_buffer_length(data.len()) .ok_or(WebError::ValueTooLarge)?; let mut output = vec![0; max_buffer_length]; if fatal { let (result, _, written) = decoder.decode_to_utf16_without_replacement(data, &mut output, true); match result { DecoderResult::InputEmpty => { output.truncate(written); Ok(output.into()) } DecoderResult::OutputFull => Err(WebError::BufferTooSmall), DecoderResult::Malformed(_, _) => Err(WebError::DataInvalid), } } else { let (result, _, written, _) = decoder.decode_to_utf16(data, &mut output, true); match result { CoderResult::InputEmpty => { output.truncate(written); Ok(output.into()) } CoderResult::OutputFull => Err(WebError::BufferTooSmall), } } } #[op2] #[cppgc] fn op_encoding_new_decoder( #[string] label: &str, fatal: bool, ignore_bom: bool, ) -> Result { let encoding = Encoding::for_label(label.as_bytes()) .ok_or_else(|| WebError::InvalidEncodingLabel(label.to_string()))?; let decoder = if ignore_bom { encoding.new_decoder_without_bom_handling() } else { encoding.new_decoder_with_bom_removal() }; Ok(TextDecoderResource { decoder: RefCell::new(decoder), fatal, }) } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_encoding_decode( #[anybuffer] data: &[u8], #[cppgc] resource: &TextDecoderResource, stream: bool, ) -> Result { let mut decoder = resource.decoder.borrow_mut(); let fatal = resource.fatal; let max_buffer_length = decoder .max_utf16_buffer_length(data.len()) .ok_or(WebError::ValueTooLarge)?; let mut output = vec![0; max_buffer_length]; if fatal { let (result, _, written) = decoder.decode_to_utf16_without_replacement(data, &mut output, !stream); match result { DecoderResult::InputEmpty => { output.truncate(written); Ok(output.into()) } DecoderResult::OutputFull => Err(WebError::BufferTooSmall), DecoderResult::Malformed(_, _) => Err(WebError::DataInvalid), } } else { let (result, _, written, _) = decoder.decode_to_utf16(data, &mut output, !stream); match result { CoderResult::InputEmpty => { output.truncate(written); Ok(output.into()) } CoderResult::OutputFull => Err(WebError::BufferTooSmall), } } } struct TextDecoderResource { decoder: RefCell, fatal: bool, } impl deno_core::GarbageCollected for TextDecoderResource {} #[op2(fast(op_encoding_encode_into_fast))] fn op_encoding_encode_into( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, input: v8::Local, #[buffer] buffer: &mut [u8], #[buffer] out_buf: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), WebError> { let s = v8::Local::::try_from(input)?; let mut nchars = 0; out_buf[1] = s.write_utf8( scope, buffer, Some(&mut nchars), v8::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION | v8::WriteOptions::REPLACE_INVALID_UTF8, ) as u32; out_buf[0] = nchars as u32; Ok(()) } #[op2(fast)] fn op_encoding_encode_into_fast( #[string] input: Cow<'_, str>, #[buffer] buffer: &mut [u8], #[buffer] out_buf: &mut [u32], ) { // Since `input` is already UTF-8, we can simply find the last UTF-8 code // point boundary from input that fits in `buffer`, and copy the bytes up to // that point. let boundary = if buffer.len() >= input.len() { input.len() } else { let mut boundary = buffer.len(); // The maximum length of a UTF-8 code point is 4 bytes. for _ in 0..4 { if input.is_char_boundary(boundary) { break; } debug_assert!(boundary > 0); boundary -= 1; } debug_assert!(input.is_char_boundary(boundary)); boundary }; buffer[..boundary].copy_from_slice(input[..boundary].as_bytes()); // The `read` output parameter is measured in UTF-16 code units. out_buf[0] = match input { // Borrowed Cow strings are zero-copy views into the V8 heap. // Thus, they are guarantee to be SeqOneByteString. Cow::Borrowed(v) => v[..boundary].len() as u32, Cow::Owned(v) => v[..boundary].encode_utf16().count() as u32, }; out_buf[1] = boundary as u32; } pub fn get_declaration() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("lib.deno_web.d.ts") } pub struct Location(pub Url);