// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. #[cfg(unix)] use std::cell::RefCell; #[cfg(unix)] use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::Error; #[cfg(windows)] use std::sync::Arc; use deno_core::op2; #[cfg(windows)] use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::OpState; #[cfg(unix)] use deno_core::ResourceId; #[cfg(windows)] use deno_io::WinTtyState; #[cfg(unix)] use nix::sys::termios; use rustyline::config::Configurer; use rustyline::error::ReadlineError; use rustyline::Cmd; use rustyline::Editor; use rustyline::KeyCode; use rustyline::KeyEvent; use rustyline::Modifiers; #[cfg(unix)] #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct TtyModeStore( std::rc::Rc>>, ); #[cfg(unix)] impl TtyModeStore { pub fn get(&self, id: ResourceId) -> Option { self.0.borrow().get(&id).map(ToOwned::to_owned) } pub fn take(&self, id: ResourceId) -> Option { self.0.borrow_mut().remove(&id) } pub fn set(&self, id: ResourceId, mode: termios::Termios) { self.0.borrow_mut().insert(id, mode); } } #[cfg(windows)] use winapi::shared::minwindef::DWORD; #[cfg(windows)] use winapi::um::wincon; deno_core::extension!( deno_tty, ops = [op_set_raw, op_console_size, op_read_line_prompt], state = |state| { #[cfg(unix)] state.put(TtyModeStore::default()); }, ); #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum TtyError { #[error(transparent)] Resource(deno_core::error::AnyError), #[error("{0}")] Io(#[from] std::io::Error), #[cfg(unix)] #[error(transparent)] Nix(nix::Error), #[error(transparent)] Other(deno_core::error::AnyError), } // ref: #[cfg(windows)] const COOKED_MODE: DWORD = // enable line-by-line input (returns input only after CR is read) wincon::ENABLE_LINE_INPUT // enables real-time character echo to console display (requires ENABLE_LINE_INPUT) | wincon::ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT // system handles CTRL-C (with ENABLE_LINE_INPUT, also handles BS, CR, and LF) and other control keys (when using `ReadFile` or `ReadConsole`) | wincon::ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT; #[cfg(windows)] fn mode_raw_input_on(original_mode: DWORD) -> DWORD { original_mode & !COOKED_MODE | wincon::ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT } #[cfg(windows)] fn mode_raw_input_off(original_mode: DWORD) -> DWORD { original_mode & !wincon::ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT | COOKED_MODE } #[op2(fast)] fn op_set_raw( state: &mut OpState, rid: u32, is_raw: bool, cbreak: bool, ) -> Result<(), TtyError> { let handle_or_fd = state .resource_table .get_fd(rid) .map_err(TtyError::Resource)?; // From https://github.com/kkawakam/rustyline/blob/master/src/tty/windows.rs // and https://github.com/kkawakam/rustyline/blob/master/src/tty/unix.rs // and https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm/blob/e35d4d2c1cc4c919e36d242e014af75f6127ab50/src/terminal/sys/windows.rs // Copyright (c) 2015 Katsu Kawakami & Rustyline authors. MIT license. // Copyright (c) 2019 Timon. MIT license. #[cfg(windows)] { use winapi::shared::minwindef::FALSE; use winapi::um::consoleapi; let handle = handle_or_fd; if cbreak { return Err(TtyError::Other(deno_core::error::not_supported())); } let mut original_mode: DWORD = 0; // SAFETY: winapi call if unsafe { consoleapi::GetConsoleMode(handle, &mut original_mode) } == FALSE { return Err(TtyError::Io(Error::last_os_error())); } let new_mode = if is_raw { mode_raw_input_on(original_mode) } else { mode_raw_input_off(original_mode) }; let stdin_state = state.borrow::>>(); let mut stdin_state = stdin_state.lock(); if stdin_state.reading { let cvar = stdin_state.cvar.clone(); /* Trick to unblock an ongoing line-buffered read operation if not already pending. See https://github.com/libuv/libuv/pull/866 for prior art */ if original_mode & COOKED_MODE != 0 && !stdin_state.cancelled { // SAFETY: Write enter key event to force the console wait to return. let record = unsafe { let mut record: wincon::INPUT_RECORD = std::mem::zeroed(); record.EventType = wincon::KEY_EVENT; record.Event.KeyEvent_mut().wVirtualKeyCode = winapi::um::winuser::VK_RETURN as u16; record.Event.KeyEvent_mut().bKeyDown = 1; record.Event.KeyEvent_mut().wRepeatCount = 1; *record.Event.KeyEvent_mut().uChar.UnicodeChar_mut() = '\r' as u16; record.Event.KeyEvent_mut().dwControlKeyState = 0; record.Event.KeyEvent_mut().wVirtualScanCode = winapi::um::winuser::MapVirtualKeyW( winapi::um::winuser::VK_RETURN as u32, winapi::um::winuser::MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC, ) as u16; record }; stdin_state.cancelled = true; // SAFETY: winapi call to open conout$ and save screen state. let active_screen_buffer = unsafe { /* Save screen state before sending the VK_RETURN event */ let handle = winapi::um::fileapi::CreateFileW( "conout$" .encode_utf16() .chain(Some(0)) .collect::>() .as_ptr(), winapi::um::winnt::GENERIC_READ | winapi::um::winnt::GENERIC_WRITE, winapi::um::winnt::FILE_SHARE_READ | winapi::um::winnt::FILE_SHARE_WRITE, std::ptr::null_mut(), winapi::um::fileapi::OPEN_EXISTING, 0, std::ptr::null_mut(), ); let mut active_screen_buffer = std::mem::zeroed(); winapi::um::wincon::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( handle, &mut active_screen_buffer, ); winapi::um::handleapi::CloseHandle(handle); active_screen_buffer }; stdin_state.screen_buffer_info = Some(active_screen_buffer); // SAFETY: winapi call to write the VK_RETURN event. if unsafe { winapi::um::wincon::WriteConsoleInputW(handle, &record, 1, &mut 0) } == FALSE { return Err(TtyError::Io(Error::last_os_error())); } /* Wait for read thread to acknowledge the cancellation to ensure that nothing interferes with the screen state. NOTE: `wait_while` automatically unlocks stdin_state */ cvar.wait_while(&mut stdin_state, |state: &mut WinTtyState| { state.cancelled }); } } // SAFETY: winapi call if unsafe { consoleapi::SetConsoleMode(handle, new_mode) } == FALSE { return Err(TtyError::Io(Error::last_os_error())); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] { fn prepare_stdio() { // SAFETY: Save current state of stdio and restore it when we exit. unsafe { use libc::atexit; use libc::tcgetattr; use libc::tcsetattr; use libc::termios; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; // Only save original state once. static ORIG_TERMIOS: OnceCell> = OnceCell::new(); ORIG_TERMIOS.get_or_init(|| { let mut termios = std::mem::zeroed::(); if tcgetattr(libc::STDIN_FILENO, &mut termios) == 0 { extern "C" fn reset_stdio() { // SAFETY: Reset the stdio state. unsafe { tcsetattr( libc::STDIN_FILENO, 0, &ORIG_TERMIOS.get().unwrap().unwrap(), ) }; } atexit(reset_stdio); return Some(termios); } None }); } } prepare_stdio(); let tty_mode_store = state.borrow::().clone(); let previous_mode = tty_mode_store.get(rid); // SAFETY: Nix crate requires value to implement the AsFd trait let raw_fd = unsafe { std::os::fd::BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(handle_or_fd) }; if is_raw { let mut raw = match previous_mode { Some(mode) => mode, None => { // Save original mode. let original_mode = termios::tcgetattr(raw_fd).map_err(TtyError::Nix)?; tty_mode_store.set(rid, original_mode.clone()); original_mode } }; raw.input_flags &= !(termios::InputFlags::BRKINT | termios::InputFlags::ICRNL | termios::InputFlags::INPCK | termios::InputFlags::ISTRIP | termios::InputFlags::IXON); raw.control_flags |= termios::ControlFlags::CS8; raw.local_flags &= !(termios::LocalFlags::ECHO | termios::LocalFlags::ICANON | termios::LocalFlags::IEXTEN); if !cbreak { raw.local_flags &= !(termios::LocalFlags::ISIG); } raw.control_chars[termios::SpecialCharacterIndices::VMIN as usize] = 1; raw.control_chars[termios::SpecialCharacterIndices::VTIME as usize] = 0; termios::tcsetattr(raw_fd, termios::SetArg::TCSADRAIN, &raw) .map_err(TtyError::Nix)?; } else { // Try restore saved mode. if let Some(mode) = tty_mode_store.take(rid) { termios::tcsetattr(raw_fd, termios::SetArg::TCSADRAIN, &mode) .map_err(TtyError::Nix)?; } } Ok(()) } } #[op2(fast)] fn op_console_size( state: &mut OpState, #[buffer] result: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), TtyError> { fn check_console_size( state: &mut OpState, result: &mut [u32], rid: u32, ) -> Result<(), TtyError> { let fd = state .resource_table .get_fd(rid) .map_err(TtyError::Resource)?; let size = console_size_from_fd(fd)?; result[0] = size.cols; result[1] = size.rows; Ok(()) } let mut last_result = Ok(()); // Since stdio might be piped we try to get the size of the console for all // of them and return the first one that succeeds. for rid in [0, 1, 2] { last_result = check_console_size(state, result, rid); if last_result.is_ok() { return last_result; } } last_result } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub struct ConsoleSize { pub cols: u32, pub rows: u32, } pub fn console_size( std_file: &std::fs::File, ) -> Result { #[cfg(windows)] { use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle; let handle = std_file.as_raw_handle(); console_size_from_fd(handle) } #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd; let fd = std_file.as_raw_fd(); console_size_from_fd(fd) } } #[cfg(windows)] fn console_size_from_fd( handle: std::os::windows::io::RawHandle, ) -> Result { // SAFETY: winapi calls unsafe { let mut bufinfo: winapi::um::wincon::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = std::mem::zeroed(); if winapi::um::wincon::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, &mut bufinfo) == 0 { return Err(Error::last_os_error()); } // calculate the size of the visible window // * use over/under-flow protections b/c MSDN docs only imply that srWindow components are all non-negative // * ref: @@ let cols = std::cmp::max( bufinfo.srWindow.Right as i32 - bufinfo.srWindow.Left as i32 + 1, 0, ) as u32; let rows = std::cmp::max( bufinfo.srWindow.Bottom as i32 - bufinfo.srWindow.Top as i32 + 1, 0, ) as u32; Ok(ConsoleSize { cols, rows }) } } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn console_size_from_fd( fd: std::os::unix::prelude::RawFd, ) -> Result { // SAFETY: libc calls unsafe { let mut size: libc::winsize = std::mem::zeroed(); if libc::ioctl(fd, libc::TIOCGWINSZ, &mut size as *mut _) != 0 { return Err(Error::last_os_error()); } Ok(ConsoleSize { cols: size.ws_col as u32, rows: size.ws_row as u32, }) } } #[cfg(all(test, windows))] mod tests { #[test] fn test_winos_raw_mode_transitions() { use crate::ops::tty::mode_raw_input_off; use crate::ops::tty::mode_raw_input_on; let known_off_modes = [0xf7 /* Win10/CMD */, 0x1f7 /* Win10/WinTerm */]; let known_on_modes = [0x2f0 /* Win10/CMD */, 0x3f0 /* Win10/WinTerm */]; // assert known transitions assert_eq!(known_on_modes[0], mode_raw_input_on(known_off_modes[0])); assert_eq!(known_on_modes[1], mode_raw_input_on(known_off_modes[1])); // assert ON-OFF round-trip is neutral assert_eq!( known_off_modes[0], mode_raw_input_off(mode_raw_input_on(known_off_modes[0])) ); assert_eq!( known_off_modes[1], mode_raw_input_off(mode_raw_input_on(known_off_modes[1])) ); } } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_read_line_prompt( #[string] prompt_text: &str, #[string] default_value: &str, ) -> Result, ReadlineError> { let mut editor = Editor::<(), rustyline::history::DefaultHistory>::new() .expect("Failed to create editor."); editor.set_keyseq_timeout(1); editor .bind_sequence(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Esc, Modifiers::empty()), Cmd::Interrupt); let read_result = editor.readline_with_initial(prompt_text, (default_value, "")); match read_result { Ok(line) => Ok(Some(line)), Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => { // SAFETY: Disable raw mode and raise SIGINT. unsafe { libc::raise(libc::SIGINT); } Ok(None) } Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => Ok(None), Err(err) => Err(err), } }