// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::sync::Arc; use deno_ast::diagnostics::Diagnostic; use deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticLevel; use deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticLocation; use deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticSnippet; use deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticSnippetHighlight; use deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticSnippetHighlightStyle; use deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticSourcePos; use deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticSourceRange; use deno_ast::ParsedSource; use deno_ast::SourceRange; use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo; use deno_ast::SourceTextProvider; use deno_ast::TextChange; use deno_core::anyhow; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_graph::DependencyDescriptor; use deno_graph::DynamicTemplatePart; use deno_graph::StaticDependencyKind; use deno_graph::TypeScriptReference; use deno_package_json::PackageJsonDepValue; use deno_package_json::PackageJsonDepWorkspaceReq; use deno_resolver::workspace::MappedResolution; use deno_resolver::workspace::PackageJsonDepResolution; use deno_resolver::workspace::WorkspaceResolver; use deno_runtime::deno_node::is_builtin_node_module; use deno_semver::Version; use deno_semver::VersionReq; use sys_traits::FsMetadata; use sys_traits::FsRead; use crate::sys::CliSys; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic { UnanalyzableDynamicImport { specifier: ModuleSpecifier, text_info: SourceTextInfo, range: SourceRange, }, ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { specifier: ModuleSpecifier, package_name: String, text_info: SourceTextInfo, range: SourceRange, reason: String, }, } impl Diagnostic for SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic { fn level(&self) -> DiagnosticLevel { match self { SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { .. } => { DiagnosticLevel::Warning } SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { .. } => { DiagnosticLevel::Error } } } fn code(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> { match self { Self::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { .. } => "unanalyzable-dynamic-import", Self::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { .. } => "npm-workspace-package", } .into() } fn message(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> { match self { Self::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { .. } => { "unable to analyze dynamic import".into() } Self::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { package_name, reason, .. } => format!( "failed resolving npm workspace package '{}': {}", package_name, reason ) .into(), } } fn location(&self) -> deno_ast::diagnostics::DiagnosticLocation { match self { SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { specifier, text_info, range, } => DiagnosticLocation::ModulePosition { specifier: Cow::Borrowed(specifier), text_info: Cow::Borrowed(text_info), source_pos: DiagnosticSourcePos::SourcePos(range.start), }, SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { specifier, text_info, range, .. } => DiagnosticLocation::ModulePosition { specifier: Cow::Borrowed(specifier), text_info: Cow::Borrowed(text_info), source_pos: DiagnosticSourcePos::SourcePos(range.start), }, } } fn snippet(&self) -> Option> { match self { SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { text_info, range, .. } => Some(DiagnosticSnippet { source: Cow::Borrowed(text_info), highlights: vec![DiagnosticSnippetHighlight { style: DiagnosticSnippetHighlightStyle::Warning, range: DiagnosticSourceRange { start: DiagnosticSourcePos::SourcePos(range.start), end: DiagnosticSourcePos::SourcePos(range.end), }, description: Some("the unanalyzable dynamic import".into()), }], }), SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { text_info, range, .. } => Some(DiagnosticSnippet { source: Cow::Borrowed(text_info), highlights: vec![DiagnosticSnippetHighlight { style: DiagnosticSnippetHighlightStyle::Warning, range: DiagnosticSourceRange { start: DiagnosticSourcePos::SourcePos(range.start), end: DiagnosticSourcePos::SourcePos(range.end), }, description: Some("the unresolved import".into()), }], }), } } fn hint(&self) -> Option> { match self { SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { .. } => { None } SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { .. } => Some( "make sure the npm workspace package is resolvable and has a version field in its package.json".into() ), } } fn snippet_fixed( &self, ) -> Option> { None } fn info(&self) -> Cow<'_, [Cow<'_, str>]> { match self { SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(&[ Cow::Borrowed("after publishing this package, imports from the local import map / package.json do not work"), Cow::Borrowed("dynamic imports that can not be analyzed at publish time will not be rewritten automatically"), Cow::Borrowed("make sure the dynamic import is resolvable at runtime without an import map / package.json") ]), SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { .. } => { Cow::Borrowed(&[]) }, } } fn docs_url(&self) -> Option> { None } } enum UnfurlSpecifierError { Workspace { package_name: String, reason: String, }, } pub struct SpecifierUnfurler { workspace_resolver: Arc>, bare_node_builtins: bool, } impl SpecifierUnfurler { pub fn new( workspace_resolver: Arc>, bare_node_builtins: bool, ) -> Self { debug_assert_eq!( workspace_resolver.pkg_json_dep_resolution(), PackageJsonDepResolution::Enabled ); Self { workspace_resolver, bare_node_builtins, } } pub fn unfurl_specifier_reporting_diagnostic( &self, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, specifier: &str, resolution_kind: deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind, text_info: &SourceTextInfo, range: &deno_graph::PositionRange, diagnostic_reporter: &mut dyn FnMut(SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic), ) -> Option { match self.unfurl_specifier(referrer, specifier, resolution_kind) { Ok(maybe_unfurled) => maybe_unfurled, Err(diagnostic) => match diagnostic { UnfurlSpecifierError::Workspace { package_name, reason, } => { let range = to_range(text_info, range); diagnostic_reporter( SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { specifier: referrer.clone(), package_name, text_info: text_info.clone(), range: SourceRange::new( text_info.start_pos() + range.start, text_info.start_pos() + range.end, ), reason, }, ); None } }, } } fn unfurl_specifier( &self, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, specifier: &str, resolution_kind: deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind, ) -> Result, UnfurlSpecifierError> { let resolved = if let Ok(resolved) = self .workspace_resolver .resolve(specifier, referrer, resolution_kind) { match resolved { MappedResolution::Normal { specifier, .. } => Some(specifier), MappedResolution::WorkspaceJsrPackage { pkg_req_ref, .. } => { Some(ModuleSpecifier::parse(&pkg_req_ref.to_string()).unwrap()) } MappedResolution::WorkspaceNpmPackage { target_pkg_json: pkg_json, pkg_name, sub_path, } => { // todo(#24612): consider warning or error when this is also a jsr package? ModuleSpecifier::parse(&format!( "npm:{}{}{}", pkg_name, pkg_json .version .as_ref() .map(|v| format!("@^{}", v)) .unwrap_or_default(), sub_path .as_ref() .map(|s| format!("/{}", s)) .unwrap_or_default() )) .ok() } MappedResolution::PackageJson { alias, sub_path, dep_result, .. } => match dep_result { Ok(dep) => match dep { PackageJsonDepValue::Req(pkg_req) => { // todo(#24612): consider warning or error when this is an npm workspace // member that's also a jsr package? ModuleSpecifier::parse(&format!( "npm:{}{}", pkg_req, sub_path .as_ref() .map(|s| format!("/{}", s)) .unwrap_or_default() )) .ok() } PackageJsonDepValue::Workspace(workspace_version_req) => { let version_req = match workspace_version_req { PackageJsonDepWorkspaceReq::VersionReq(version_req) => { Cow::Borrowed(version_req) } PackageJsonDepWorkspaceReq::Caret => { let version = self .find_workspace_npm_dep_version(alias) .map_err(|err| UnfurlSpecifierError::Workspace { package_name: alias.to_string(), reason: err.to_string(), })?; // version was validated, so ok to unwrap Cow::Owned( VersionReq::parse_from_npm(&format!("^{}", version)) .unwrap(), ) } PackageJsonDepWorkspaceReq::Tilde => { let version = self .find_workspace_npm_dep_version(alias) .map_err(|err| UnfurlSpecifierError::Workspace { package_name: alias.to_string(), reason: err.to_string(), })?; // version was validated, so ok to unwrap Cow::Owned( VersionReq::parse_from_npm(&format!("~{}", version)) .unwrap(), ) } }; // todo(#24612): warn when this is also a jsr package telling // people to map the specifiers in the import map ModuleSpecifier::parse(&format!( "npm:{}@{}{}", alias, version_req, sub_path .as_ref() .map(|s| format!("/{}", s)) .unwrap_or_default() )) .ok() } }, Err(err) => { log::warn!( "Ignoring failed to resolve package.json dependency. {:#}", err ); None } }, } } else { None }; let resolved = match resolved { Some(resolved) => resolved, None if self.bare_node_builtins && is_builtin_node_module(specifier) => { format!("node:{specifier}").parse().unwrap() } None => match ModuleSpecifier::options() .base_url(Some(referrer)) .parse(specifier) .ok() { Some(value) => value, None => return Ok(None), }, }; // TODO(lucacasonato): this requires integration in deno_graph first // let resolved = if let Ok(specifier) = // NpmPackageReqReference::from_specifier(&resolved) // { // if let Some(scope_name) = specifier.req().name.strip_prefix("@jsr/") { // let (scope, name) = scope_name.split_once("__")?; // let new_specifier = JsrPackageReqReference::new(PackageReqReference { // req: PackageReq { // name: format!("@{scope}/{name}"), // version_req: specifier.req().version_req.clone(), // }, // sub_path: specifier.sub_path().map(ToOwned::to_owned), // }) // .to_string(); // ModuleSpecifier::parse(&new_specifier).unwrap() // } else { // resolved // } // } else { // resolved // }; let relative_resolved = relative_url(&resolved, referrer); if relative_resolved == specifier { Ok(None) // nothing to unfurl } else { log::debug!( "Unfurled specifier: {} from {} -> {}", specifier, referrer, relative_resolved ); Ok(Some(relative_resolved)) } } fn find_workspace_npm_dep_version( &self, pkg_name: &str, ) -> Result { // todo(#24612): warn when this is also a jsr package telling // people to map the specifiers in the import map let pkg_json = self .workspace_resolver .package_jsons() .find(|pkg| pkg.name.as_deref() == Some(pkg_name)) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!("unable to find npm package in workspace") })?; if let Some(version) = &pkg_json.version { Ok(Version::parse_from_npm(version)?) } else { Err(anyhow::anyhow!( "missing version in package.json of npm package", )) } } /// Attempts to unfurl the dynamic dependency returning `true` on success /// or `false` when the import was not analyzable. fn try_unfurl_dynamic_dep( &self, module_url: &ModuleSpecifier, text_info: &SourceTextInfo, dep: &deno_graph::DynamicDependencyDescriptor, text_changes: &mut Vec, diagnostic_reporter: &mut dyn FnMut(SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic), ) -> bool { match &dep.argument { deno_graph::DynamicArgument::String(specifier) => { let range = to_range(text_info, &dep.argument_range); let maybe_relative_index = text_info.text_str()[range.start..range.end].find(specifier); let Some(relative_index) = maybe_relative_index else { return true; // always say it's analyzable for a string }; let maybe_unfurled = self.unfurl_specifier_reporting_diagnostic( module_url, specifier, deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Execution, // dynamic imports are always execution text_info, &dep.argument_range, diagnostic_reporter, ); if let Some(unfurled) = maybe_unfurled { let start = range.start + relative_index; text_changes.push(deno_ast::TextChange { range: start..start + specifier.len(), new_text: unfurled, }); } true } deno_graph::DynamicArgument::Template(parts) => match parts.first() { Some(DynamicTemplatePart::String { value: specifier }) => { // relative doesn't need to be modified let is_relative = specifier.starts_with("./") || specifier.starts_with("../"); if is_relative { return true; } if !specifier.ends_with('/') { return false; } let unfurled = self.unfurl_specifier_reporting_diagnostic( module_url, specifier, deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Execution, // dynamic imports are always execution text_info, &dep.argument_range, diagnostic_reporter, ); let Some(unfurled) = unfurled else { return true; // nothing to unfurl }; let range = to_range(text_info, &dep.argument_range); let maybe_relative_index = text_info.text_str()[range.start..].find(specifier); let Some(relative_index) = maybe_relative_index else { return false; }; let start = range.start + relative_index; text_changes.push(deno_ast::TextChange { range: start..start + specifier.len(), new_text: unfurled, }); true } Some(DynamicTemplatePart::Expr) => { false // failed analyzing } None => { true // ignore } }, deno_graph::DynamicArgument::Expr => { false // failed analyzing } } } pub fn unfurl_to_changes( &self, url: &ModuleSpecifier, parsed_source: &ParsedSource, module_info: &deno_graph::ModuleInfo, text_changes: &mut Vec, diagnostic_reporter: &mut dyn FnMut(SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic), ) { let text_info = parsed_source.text_info_lazy(); let analyze_specifier = |specifier: &str, range: &deno_graph::PositionRange, resolution_kind: deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind, text_changes: &mut Vec, diagnostic_reporter: &mut dyn FnMut(SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic)| { if let Some(unfurled) = self.unfurl_specifier_reporting_diagnostic( url, specifier, resolution_kind, text_info, range, diagnostic_reporter, ) { text_changes.push(deno_ast::TextChange { range: to_range(text_info, range), new_text: unfurled, }); } }; for dep in &module_info.dependencies { match dep { DependencyDescriptor::Static(dep) => { let resolution_kind = if parsed_source.media_type().is_declaration() { deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Types } else { match dep.kind { StaticDependencyKind::Export | StaticDependencyKind::Import | StaticDependencyKind::ExportEquals | StaticDependencyKind::ImportEquals => { deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Execution } StaticDependencyKind::ExportType | StaticDependencyKind::ImportType => { deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Types } } }; analyze_specifier( &dep.specifier, &dep.specifier_range, resolution_kind, text_changes, diagnostic_reporter, ); } DependencyDescriptor::Dynamic(dep) => { let success = self.try_unfurl_dynamic_dep( url, text_info, dep, text_changes, diagnostic_reporter, ); if !success { let start_pos = text_info.line_start(dep.argument_range.start.line) + dep.argument_range.start.character; let end_pos = text_info.line_start(dep.argument_range.end.line) + dep.argument_range.end.character; diagnostic_reporter( SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { specifier: url.to_owned(), range: SourceRange::new(start_pos, end_pos), text_info: text_info.clone(), }, ); } } } } for ts_ref in &module_info.ts_references { let specifier_with_range = match ts_ref { TypeScriptReference::Path(s) => s, TypeScriptReference::Types { specifier, .. } => specifier, }; analyze_specifier( &specifier_with_range.text, &specifier_with_range.range, deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Types, text_changes, diagnostic_reporter, ); } for jsdoc in &module_info.jsdoc_imports { analyze_specifier( &jsdoc.specifier.text, &jsdoc.specifier.range, deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Types, text_changes, diagnostic_reporter, ); } if let Some(specifier_with_range) = &module_info.jsx_import_source { analyze_specifier( &specifier_with_range.text, &specifier_with_range.range, deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Execution, text_changes, diagnostic_reporter, ); } if let Some(specifier_with_range) = &module_info.jsx_import_source_types { analyze_specifier( &specifier_with_range.text, &specifier_with_range.range, deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Types, text_changes, diagnostic_reporter, ); } } } fn relative_url( resolved: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> String { if resolved.scheme() == "file" { let relative = referrer.make_relative(resolved).unwrap(); if relative.is_empty() { let last = resolved.path_segments().unwrap().last().unwrap(); format!("./{last}") } else if relative.starts_with("../") { relative } else { format!("./{relative}") } } else { resolved.to_string() } } fn to_range( text_info: &SourceTextInfo, range: &deno_graph::PositionRange, ) -> std::ops::Range { let mut range = range .as_source_range(text_info) .as_byte_range(text_info.range().start); let text = &text_info.text_str()[range.clone()]; if text.starts_with('"') || text.starts_with('\'') { range.start += 1; } if text.ends_with('"') || text.ends_with('\'') { range.end -= 1; } range } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::sync::Arc; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_config::workspace::ResolverWorkspaceJsrPackage; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_graph::ParserModuleAnalyzer; use deno_resolver::workspace::SloppyImportsOptions; use deno_runtime::deno_node::PackageJson; use deno_semver::Version; use import_map::ImportMapWithDiagnostics; use indexmap::IndexMap; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use test_util::testdata_path; use super::*; use crate::sys::CliSys; fn parse_ast(specifier: &Url, source_code: &str) -> ParsedSource { let media_type = MediaType::from_specifier(specifier); deno_ast::parse_module(deno_ast::ParseParams { specifier: specifier.clone(), media_type, capture_tokens: false, maybe_syntax: None, scope_analysis: false, text: source_code.into(), }) .unwrap() } #[test] fn test_unfurling() { let cwd = testdata_path().join("unfurl").to_path_buf(); let deno_json_url = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(cwd.join("deno.json")).unwrap(); let value = json!({ "imports": { "express": "npm:express@5", "lib/": "./lib/", "fizz": "./fizz/mod.ts", "@std/fs": "npm:@jsr/std__fs@1", } }); let ImportMapWithDiagnostics { import_map, .. } = import_map::parse_from_value(deno_json_url, value).unwrap(); let package_json = PackageJson::load_from_value( cwd.join("package.json"), json!({ "dependencies": { "chalk": 5 } }), ); let workspace_resolver = WorkspaceResolver::new_raw( Arc::new(ModuleSpecifier::from_directory_path(&cwd).unwrap()), Some(import_map), vec![ResolverWorkspaceJsrPackage { is_patch: false, base: ModuleSpecifier::from_directory_path(cwd.join("jsr-package")) .unwrap(), name: "@denotest/example".to_string(), version: Some(Version::parse_standard("1.0.0").unwrap()), exports: IndexMap::from([(".".to_string(), "mod.ts".to_string())]), }], vec![Arc::new(package_json)], deno_resolver::workspace::PackageJsonDepResolution::Enabled, SloppyImportsOptions::Enabled, Default::default(), Default::default(), Default::default(), CliSys::default(), ); let unfurler = SpecifierUnfurler::new(Arc::new(workspace_resolver), true); // Unfurling TS file should apply changes. { let source_code = r#"import express from "express";" import foo from "lib/foo.ts"; import bar from "lib/bar.ts"; import fizz from "fizz"; import chalk from "chalk"; import baz from "./baz"; import b from "./b.js"; import b2 from "./b"; import "./mod.ts"; import { } from "./c"; import type { } from "./c"; import url from "url"; import "@denotest/example"; // TODO: unfurl these to jsr // import "npm:@jsr/std__fs@1/file"; // import "npm:@jsr/std__fs@1"; // import "npm:@jsr/std__fs"; // import "@std/fs"; const test1 = await import("lib/foo.ts"); const test2 = await import(`lib/foo.ts`); const test3 = await import(`lib/${expr}`); const test4 = await import(`./lib/${expr}`); const test5 = await import("./lib/something.ts"); const test6 = await import(`./lib/something.ts`); // will warn const warn1 = await import(`lib${expr}`); const warn2 = await import(`${expr}`); "#; let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(cwd.join("mod.ts")).unwrap(); let source = parse_ast(&specifier, source_code); let mut d = Vec::new(); let mut reporter = |diagnostic| d.push(diagnostic); let unfurled_source = unfurl(&unfurler, &specifier, &source, &mut reporter); assert_eq!(d.len(), 2); assert!( matches!( d[0], SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { .. } ), "{:?}", d[0] ); assert!( matches!( d[1], SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::UnanalyzableDynamicImport { .. } ), "{:?}", d[1] ); let expected_source = r#"import express from "npm:express@5";" import foo from "./lib/foo.ts"; import bar from "./lib/bar.ts"; import fizz from "./fizz/mod.ts"; import chalk from "npm:chalk@5"; import baz from "./baz/index.js"; import b from "./b.ts"; import b2 from "./b.ts"; import "./mod.ts"; import { } from "./c.js"; import type { } from "./c.d.ts"; import url from "node:url"; import "jsr:@denotest/example@^1.0.0"; // TODO: unfurl these to jsr // import "npm:@jsr/std__fs@1/file"; // import "npm:@jsr/std__fs@1"; // import "npm:@jsr/std__fs"; // import "@std/fs"; const test1 = await import("./lib/foo.ts"); const test2 = await import(`./lib/foo.ts`); const test3 = await import(`./lib/${expr}`); const test4 = await import(`./lib/${expr}`); const test5 = await import("./lib/something.ts"); const test6 = await import(`./lib/something.ts`); // will warn const warn1 = await import(`lib${expr}`); const warn2 = await import(`${expr}`); "#; assert_eq!(unfurled_source, expected_source); } // Unfurling .d.ts file should use types resolution. { let source_code = r#"import express from "express";" export type * from "./c"; "#; let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(cwd.join("mod.d.ts")).unwrap(); let source = parse_ast(&specifier, source_code); let mut d = Vec::new(); let mut reporter = |diagnostic| d.push(diagnostic); let unfurled_source = unfurl(&unfurler, &specifier, &source, &mut reporter); assert_eq!(d.len(), 0); let expected_source = r#"import express from "npm:express@5";" export type * from "./c.d.ts"; "#; assert_eq!(unfurled_source, expected_source); } } #[test] fn test_unfurling_npm_dep_workspace_specifier() { let cwd = testdata_path().join("unfurl").to_path_buf(); let pkg_json_add = PackageJson::load_from_value( cwd.join("add/package.json"), json!({ "name": "add", "version": "0.1.0", }), ); let pkg_json_subtract = PackageJson::load_from_value( cwd.join("subtract/package.json"), json!({ "name": "subtract", "version": "0.2.0", }), ); let pkg_json_publishing = PackageJson::load_from_value( cwd.join("publish/package.json"), json!({ "name": "@denotest/main", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "add": "workspace:~", "subtract": "workspace:^", "non-existent": "workspace:~", } }), ); let root_pkg_json = PackageJson::load_from_value( cwd.join("package.json"), json!({ "workspaces": ["./publish", "./subtract", "./add"] }), ); let sys = CliSys::default(); let workspace_resolver = WorkspaceResolver::new_raw( Arc::new(ModuleSpecifier::from_directory_path(&cwd).unwrap()), None, vec![ResolverWorkspaceJsrPackage { is_patch: false, base: ModuleSpecifier::from_directory_path( cwd.join("publish/jsr.json"), ) .unwrap(), name: "@denotest/main".to_string(), version: Some(Version::parse_standard("1.0.0").unwrap()), exports: IndexMap::from([(".".to_string(), "mod.ts".to_string())]), }], vec![ Arc::new(root_pkg_json), Arc::new(pkg_json_add), Arc::new(pkg_json_subtract), Arc::new(pkg_json_publishing), ], deno_resolver::workspace::PackageJsonDepResolution::Enabled, Default::default(), Default::default(), Default::default(), Default::default(), sys.clone(), ); let unfurler = SpecifierUnfurler::new(Arc::new(workspace_resolver), true); { let source_code = r#"import add from "add"; import subtract from "subtract"; console.log(add, subtract); "#; let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(cwd.join("publish").join("mod.ts")) .unwrap(); let source = parse_ast(&specifier, source_code); let mut d = Vec::new(); let mut reporter = |diagnostic| d.push(diagnostic); let unfurled_source = unfurl(&unfurler, &specifier, &source, &mut reporter); assert_eq!(d.len(), 0); // it will inline the version let expected_source = r#"import add from "npm:add@~0.1.0"; import subtract from "npm:subtract@^0.2.0"; console.log(add, subtract); "#; assert_eq!(unfurled_source, expected_source); } { let source_code = r#"import nonExistent from "non-existent"; console.log(nonExistent); "#; let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(cwd.join("publish").join("other.ts")) .unwrap(); let source = parse_ast(&specifier, source_code); let mut d = Vec::new(); let mut reporter = |diagnostic| d.push(diagnostic); let unfurled_source = unfurl(&unfurler, &specifier, &source, &mut reporter); assert_eq!(d.len(), 1); match &d[0] { SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic::ResolvingNpmWorkspacePackage { package_name, reason, .. } => { assert_eq!(package_name, "non-existent"); assert_eq!(reason, "unable to find npm package in workspace"); } _ => unreachable!(), } // won't make any changes, but the above will be a fatal error assert!(matches!(d[0].level(), DiagnosticLevel::Error)); assert_eq!(unfurled_source, source_code); } } fn unfurl( unfurler: &SpecifierUnfurler, url: &ModuleSpecifier, parsed_source: &ParsedSource, diagnostic_reporter: &mut dyn FnMut(SpecifierUnfurlerDiagnostic), ) -> String { let text_info = parsed_source.text_info_lazy(); let mut text_changes = Vec::new(); let module_info = ParserModuleAnalyzer::module_info(parsed_source); unfurler.unfurl_to_changes( url, parsed_source, &module_info, &mut text_changes, diagnostic_reporter, ); let rewritten_text = deno_ast::apply_text_changes(text_info.text_str(), text_changes); rewritten_text } }