// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::pin::Pin; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicI32; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed; use std::sync::Arc; use std::task::Context; use std::task::Poll; use deno_broadcast_channel::InMemoryBroadcastChannel; use deno_cache::CreateCache; use deno_cache::SqliteBackedCache; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::error::JsError; use deno_core::futures::Future; use deno_core::located_script_name; use deno_core::v8; use deno_core::CompiledWasmModuleStore; use deno_core::Extension; use deno_core::FsModuleLoader; use deno_core::GetErrorClassFn; use deno_core::JsRuntime; use deno_core::LocalInspectorSession; use deno_core::ModuleId; use deno_core::ModuleLoader; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_core::RuntimeOptions; use deno_core::SharedArrayBufferStore; use deno_core::Snapshot; use deno_core::SourceMapGetter; use deno_node::RequireNpmResolver; use deno_tls::rustls::RootCertStore; use deno_web::BlobStore; use log::debug; use crate::inspector_server::InspectorServer; use crate::js; use crate::ops; use crate::ops::io::Stdio; use crate::permissions::PermissionsContainer; use crate::BootstrapOptions; pub type FormatJsErrorFn = dyn Fn(&JsError) -> String + Sync + Send; #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct ExitCode(Arc); impl ExitCode { pub fn get(&self) -> i32 { self.0.load(Relaxed) } pub fn set(&mut self, code: i32) { self.0.store(code, Relaxed); } } /// This worker is created and used by almost all /// subcommands in Deno executable. /// /// It provides ops available in the `Deno` namespace. /// /// All `WebWorker`s created during program execution /// are descendants of this worker. pub struct MainWorker { pub js_runtime: JsRuntime, should_break_on_first_statement: bool, should_wait_for_inspector_session: bool, exit_code: ExitCode, } pub struct WorkerOptions { pub bootstrap: BootstrapOptions, /// JsRuntime extensions, not to be confused with ES modules. /// Only ops registered by extensions will be initialized. If you need /// to execute JS code from extensions, use `extensions_with_js` options /// instead. pub extensions: Vec, /// JsRuntime extensions, not to be confused with ES modules. /// Ops registered by extensions will be initialized and JS code will be /// executed. If you don't need to execute JS code from extensions, use /// `extensions` option instead. /// /// This is useful when creating snapshots, in such case you would pass /// extensions using `extensions_with_js`, later when creating a runtime /// from the snapshot, you would pass these extensions using `extensions` /// option. pub extensions_with_js: Vec, /// V8 snapshot that should be loaded on startup. pub startup_snapshot: Option, pub unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors: Option>, pub root_cert_store: Option, pub seed: Option, /// Implementation of `ModuleLoader` which will be /// called when V8 requests to load ES modules. /// /// If not provided runtime will error if code being /// executed tries to load modules. pub module_loader: Rc, pub npm_resolver: Option>, // Callbacks invoked when creating new instance of WebWorker pub create_web_worker_cb: Arc, pub web_worker_preload_module_cb: Arc, pub web_worker_pre_execute_module_cb: Arc, pub format_js_error_fn: Option>, /// Source map reference for errors. pub source_map_getter: Option>, pub maybe_inspector_server: Option>, // If true, the worker will wait for inspector session and break on first // statement of user code. Takes higher precedence than // `should_wait_for_inspector_session`. pub should_break_on_first_statement: bool, // If true, the worker will wait for inspector session before executing // user code. pub should_wait_for_inspector_session: bool, /// Allows to map error type to a string "class" used to represent /// error in JavaScript. pub get_error_class_fn: Option, pub cache_storage_dir: Option, pub origin_storage_dir: Option, pub blob_store: BlobStore, pub broadcast_channel: InMemoryBroadcastChannel, /// The store to use for transferring SharedArrayBuffers between isolates. /// If multiple isolates should have the possibility of sharing /// SharedArrayBuffers, they should use the same [SharedArrayBufferStore]. If /// no [SharedArrayBufferStore] is specified, SharedArrayBuffer can not be /// serialized. pub shared_array_buffer_store: Option, /// The store to use for transferring `WebAssembly.Module` objects between /// isolates. /// If multiple isolates should have the possibility of sharing /// `WebAssembly.Module` objects, they should use the same /// [CompiledWasmModuleStore]. If no [CompiledWasmModuleStore] is specified, /// `WebAssembly.Module` objects cannot be serialized. pub compiled_wasm_module_store: Option, pub stdio: Stdio, } impl Default for WorkerOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self { web_worker_preload_module_cb: Arc::new(|_| { unimplemented!("web workers are not supported") }), web_worker_pre_execute_module_cb: Arc::new(|_| { unimplemented!("web workers are not supported") }), create_web_worker_cb: Arc::new(|_| { unimplemented!("web workers are not supported") }), module_loader: Rc::new(FsModuleLoader), seed: None, unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors: Default::default(), should_break_on_first_statement: Default::default(), should_wait_for_inspector_session: Default::default(), compiled_wasm_module_store: Default::default(), shared_array_buffer_store: Default::default(), maybe_inspector_server: Default::default(), format_js_error_fn: Default::default(), get_error_class_fn: Default::default(), origin_storage_dir: Default::default(), cache_storage_dir: Default::default(), broadcast_channel: Default::default(), source_map_getter: Default::default(), root_cert_store: Default::default(), npm_resolver: Default::default(), blob_store: Default::default(), extensions: Default::default(), extensions_with_js: Default::default(), startup_snapshot: Default::default(), bootstrap: Default::default(), stdio: Default::default(), } } } impl MainWorker { pub fn bootstrap_from_options( main_module: ModuleSpecifier, permissions: PermissionsContainer, options: WorkerOptions, ) -> Self { let bootstrap_options = options.bootstrap.clone(); let mut worker = Self::from_options(main_module, permissions, options); worker.bootstrap(&bootstrap_options); worker } pub fn from_options( main_module: ModuleSpecifier, permissions: PermissionsContainer, mut options: WorkerOptions, ) -> Self { // Permissions: many ops depend on this let unstable = options.bootstrap.unstable; let enable_testing_features = options.bootstrap.enable_testing_features; let perm_ext = Extension::builder("deno_permissions_worker") .state(move |state| { state.put::(permissions.clone()); state.put(ops::UnstableChecker { unstable }); state.put(ops::TestingFeaturesEnabled(enable_testing_features)); Ok(()) }) .build(); let exit_code = ExitCode(Arc::new(AtomicI32::new(0))); let create_cache = options.cache_storage_dir.map(|storage_dir| { let create_cache_fn = move || SqliteBackedCache::new(storage_dir.clone()); CreateCache(Arc::new(create_cache_fn)) }); // Internal modules let mut extensions: Vec = vec![ // Web APIs deno_webidl::init(), deno_console::init(), deno_url::init(), deno_web::init::( options.blob_store.clone(), options.bootstrap.location.clone(), ), deno_fetch::init::(deno_fetch::Options { user_agent: options.bootstrap.user_agent.clone(), root_cert_store: options.root_cert_store.clone(), unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors: options .unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors .clone(), file_fetch_handler: Rc::new(deno_fetch::FsFetchHandler), ..Default::default() }), deno_cache::init::(create_cache), deno_websocket::init::( options.bootstrap.user_agent.clone(), options.root_cert_store.clone(), options.unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors.clone(), ), deno_webstorage::init(options.origin_storage_dir.clone()), deno_broadcast_channel::init(options.broadcast_channel.clone(), unstable), deno_crypto::init(options.seed), deno_webgpu::init(unstable), // ffi deno_ffi::init::(unstable), // Runtime ops ops::runtime::init(main_module.clone()), ops::worker_host::init( options.create_web_worker_cb.clone(), options.web_worker_preload_module_cb.clone(), options.web_worker_pre_execute_module_cb.clone(), options.format_js_error_fn.clone(), ), ops::spawn::init(), ops::fs_events::init(), ops::fs::init(), ops::io::init(), ops::io::init_stdio(options.stdio), deno_tls::init(), deno_net::init::( options.root_cert_store.clone(), unstable, options.unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors.clone(), ), deno_napi::init::(), deno_node::init::(options.npm_resolver), ops::os::init(exit_code.clone()), ops::permissions::init(), ops::process::init(), ops::signal::init(), ops::tty::init(), deno_http::init(), deno_flash::init::(unstable), ops::http::init(), // Permissions ext (worker specific state) perm_ext, ]; extensions.extend(std::mem::take(&mut options.extensions)); let mut js_runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { module_loader: Some(options.module_loader.clone()), startup_snapshot: Some( options .startup_snapshot .unwrap_or_else(js::deno_isolate_init), ), source_map_getter: options.source_map_getter, get_error_class_fn: options.get_error_class_fn, shared_array_buffer_store: options.shared_array_buffer_store.clone(), compiled_wasm_module_store: options.compiled_wasm_module_store.clone(), extensions, extensions_with_js: options.extensions_with_js, inspector: options.maybe_inspector_server.is_some(), is_main: true, ..Default::default() }); if let Some(server) = options.maybe_inspector_server.clone() { server.register_inspector( main_module.to_string(), &mut js_runtime, options.should_break_on_first_statement || options.should_wait_for_inspector_session, ); // Put inspector handle into the op state so we can put a breakpoint when // executing a CJS entrypoint. let op_state = js_runtime.op_state(); let inspector = js_runtime.inspector(); op_state.borrow_mut().put(inspector); } Self { js_runtime, should_break_on_first_statement: options.should_break_on_first_statement, should_wait_for_inspector_session: options .should_wait_for_inspector_session, exit_code, } } pub fn bootstrap(&mut self, options: &BootstrapOptions) { let script = format!("bootstrap.mainRuntime({})", options.as_json()); self .execute_script(&located_script_name!(), &script) .expect("Failed to execute bootstrap script"); } /// See [JsRuntime::execute_script](deno_core::JsRuntime::execute_script) pub fn execute_script( &mut self, script_name: &str, source_code: &str, ) -> Result, AnyError> { self.js_runtime.execute_script(script_name, source_code) } /// Loads and instantiates specified JavaScript module as "main" module. pub async fn preload_main_module( &mut self, module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { self .js_runtime .load_main_module(module_specifier, None) .await } /// Loads and instantiates specified JavaScript module as "side" module. pub async fn preload_side_module( &mut self, module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { self .js_runtime .load_side_module(module_specifier, None) .await } /// Executes specified JavaScript module. pub async fn evaluate_module( &mut self, id: ModuleId, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.wait_for_inspector_session(); let mut receiver = self.js_runtime.mod_evaluate(id); tokio::select! { // Not using biased mode leads to non-determinism for relatively simple // programs. biased; maybe_result = &mut receiver => { debug!("received module evaluate {:#?}", maybe_result); maybe_result.expect("Module evaluation result not provided.") } event_loop_result = self.run_event_loop(false) => { event_loop_result?; let maybe_result = receiver.await; maybe_result.expect("Module evaluation result not provided.") } } } /// Loads, instantiates and executes specified JavaScript module. pub async fn execute_side_module( &mut self, module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let id = self.preload_side_module(module_specifier).await?; self.evaluate_module(id).await } /// Loads, instantiates and executes specified JavaScript module. /// /// This module will have "import.meta.main" equal to true. pub async fn execute_main_module( &mut self, module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let id = self.preload_main_module(module_specifier).await?; self.evaluate_module(id).await } fn wait_for_inspector_session(&mut self) { if self.should_break_on_first_statement { self .js_runtime .inspector() .borrow_mut() .wait_for_session_and_break_on_next_statement(); } else if self.should_wait_for_inspector_session { self.js_runtime.inspector().borrow_mut().wait_for_session(); } } /// Create new inspector session. This function panics if Worker /// was not configured to create inspector. pub async fn create_inspector_session(&mut self) -> LocalInspectorSession { self.js_runtime.maybe_init_inspector(); self.js_runtime.inspector().borrow().create_local_session() } pub fn poll_event_loop( &mut self, cx: &mut Context, wait_for_inspector: bool, ) -> Poll> { self.js_runtime.poll_event_loop(cx, wait_for_inspector) } pub async fn run_event_loop( &mut self, wait_for_inspector: bool, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.js_runtime.run_event_loop(wait_for_inspector).await } /// A utility function that runs provided future concurrently with the event loop. /// /// Useful when using a local inspector session. pub async fn with_event_loop<'a, T>( &mut self, mut fut: Pin + 'a>>, ) -> T { loop { tokio::select! { biased; result = &mut fut => { return result; } _ = self.run_event_loop(false) => {} }; } } /// Return exit code set by the executed code (either in main worker /// or one of child web workers). pub fn exit_code(&self) -> i32 { self.exit_code.get() } /// Dispatches "load" event to the JavaScript runtime. /// /// Does not poll event loop, and thus not await any of the "load" event handlers. pub fn dispatch_load_event( &mut self, script_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.execute_script( script_name, // NOTE(@bartlomieju): not using `globalThis` here, because user might delete // it. Instead we're using global `dispatchEvent` function which will // used a saved reference to global scope. "dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))", )?; Ok(()) } /// Dispatches "unload" event to the JavaScript runtime. /// /// Does not poll event loop, and thus not await any of the "unload" event handlers. pub fn dispatch_unload_event( &mut self, script_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.execute_script( script_name, // NOTE(@bartlomieju): not using `globalThis` here, because user might delete // it. Instead we're using global `dispatchEvent` function which will // used a saved reference to global scope. "dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))", )?; Ok(()) } /// Dispatches "beforeunload" event to the JavaScript runtime. Returns a boolean /// indicating if the event was prevented and thus event loop should continue /// running. pub fn dispatch_beforeunload_event( &mut self, script_name: &str, ) -> Result { let value = self.js_runtime.execute_script( script_name, // NOTE(@bartlomieju): not using `globalThis` here, because user might delete // it. Instead we're using global `dispatchEvent` function which will // used a saved reference to global scope. "dispatchEvent(new Event('beforeunload', { cancelable: true }));", )?; let local_value = value.open(&mut self.js_runtime.handle_scope()); Ok(local_value.is_false()) } }