// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::fmt::Display; use std::fmt::Formatter; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::sync::OnceLock; use wgpu_core::binding_model::CreateBindGroupError; use wgpu_core::binding_model::CreateBindGroupLayoutError; use wgpu_core::binding_model::CreatePipelineLayoutError; use wgpu_core::binding_model::GetBindGroupLayoutError; use wgpu_core::command::ClearError; use wgpu_core::command::CommandEncoderError; use wgpu_core::command::ComputePassError; use wgpu_core::command::CopyError; use wgpu_core::command::CreateRenderBundleError; use wgpu_core::command::QueryError; use wgpu_core::command::RenderBundleError; use wgpu_core::command::RenderPassError; use wgpu_core::device::queue::QueueSubmitError; use wgpu_core::device::queue::QueueWriteError; use wgpu_core::device::DeviceError; use wgpu_core::device::WaitIdleError; use wgpu_core::pipeline::CreateComputePipelineError; use wgpu_core::pipeline::CreateRenderPipelineError; use wgpu_core::pipeline::CreateShaderModuleError; use wgpu_core::present::ConfigureSurfaceError; use wgpu_core::resource::BufferAccessError; use wgpu_core::resource::CreateBufferError; use wgpu_core::resource::CreateQuerySetError; use wgpu_core::resource::CreateSamplerError; use wgpu_core::resource::CreateTextureError; use wgpu_core::resource::CreateTextureViewError; pub type ErrorHandler = std::sync::Arc; pub struct DeviceErrorHandler { pub is_lost: OnceLock<()>, lost_sender: Mutex>>, uncaptured_sender_is_closed: Mutex>>, pub uncaptured_sender: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, pub scopes: Mutex)>>, } impl Drop for DeviceErrorHandler { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(sender) = self.uncaptured_sender_is_closed.lock().unwrap().take() { let _ = sender.send(()); } } } impl DeviceErrorHandler { pub fn new( lost_sender: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>, uncaptured_sender: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, uncaptured_sender_is_closed: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>, ) -> Self { Self { is_lost: Default::default(), lost_sender: Mutex::new(Some(lost_sender)), uncaptured_sender, uncaptured_sender_is_closed: Mutex::new(Some( uncaptured_sender_is_closed, )), scopes: Mutex::new(vec![]), } } pub fn push_error>(&self, err: Option) { let Some(err) = err else { return; }; if self.is_lost.get().is_some() { return; } let err = err.into(); if matches!(err, GPUError::Lost) { let _ = self.is_lost.set(()); if let Some(sender) = self.lost_sender.lock().unwrap().take() { let _ = sender.send(()); } return; } let error_filter = match err { GPUError::Lost => unreachable!(), GPUError::Validation(_) => GPUErrorFilter::Validation, GPUError::OutOfMemory => GPUErrorFilter::OutOfMemory, GPUError::Internal => GPUErrorFilter::Internal, }; let mut scopes = self.scopes.lock().unwrap(); let scope = scopes .iter_mut() .rfind(|(filter, _)| filter == &error_filter); if let Some(scope) = scope { scope.1.push(err); } else { self.uncaptured_sender.send(err).unwrap(); } } } #[derive(deno_core::WebIDL, Eq, PartialEq)] #[webidl(enum)] pub enum GPUErrorFilter { Validation, OutOfMemory, Internal, } #[derive(Debug, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum GPUError { // TODO(@crowlKats): consider adding an unreachable value that uses unreachable!() #[class("UNREACHABLE")] Lost, #[class("GPUValidationError")] Validation(String), #[class("GPUOutOfMemoryError")] OutOfMemory, #[allow(dead_code)] #[class("GPUInternalError")] Internal, } impl Display for GPUError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { GPUError::Lost => Ok(()), GPUError::Validation(s) => f.write_str(s), GPUError::OutOfMemory => f.write_str("not enough memory left"), GPUError::Internal => Ok(()), } } } impl std::error::Error for GPUError {} fn fmt_err(err: &(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)) -> String { let mut output = err.to_string(); let mut e = err.source(); while let Some(source) = e { output.push_str(&format!(": {source}")); e = source.source(); } if output.is_empty() { output.push_str("validation error"); } output } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateBufferError) -> Self { match err { CreateBufferError::Device(err) => err.into(), CreateBufferError::AccessError(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: DeviceError) -> Self { match err { DeviceError::Lost => GPUError::Lost, DeviceError::OutOfMemory => GPUError::OutOfMemory, _ => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: BufferAccessError) -> Self { match err { BufferAccessError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateBindGroupLayoutError) -> Self { match err { CreateBindGroupLayoutError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreatePipelineLayoutError) -> Self { match err { CreatePipelineLayoutError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateBindGroupError) -> Self { match err { CreateBindGroupError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: RenderBundleError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateRenderBundleError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CopyError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CommandEncoderError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: QueryError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: ComputePassError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateComputePipelineError) -> Self { match err { CreateComputePipelineError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: GetBindGroupLayoutError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateRenderPipelineError) -> Self { match err { CreateRenderPipelineError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: RenderPassError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateSamplerError) -> Self { match err { CreateSamplerError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateShaderModuleError) -> Self { match err { CreateShaderModuleError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateTextureError) -> Self { match err { CreateTextureError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateTextureViewError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: CreateQuerySetError) -> Self { match err { CreateQuerySetError::Device(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: QueueSubmitError) -> Self { match err { QueueSubmitError::Queue(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: QueueWriteError) -> Self { match err { QueueWriteError::Queue(err) => err.into(), err => GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)), } } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: ClearError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: ConfigureSurfaceError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } } impl From for GPUError { fn from(err: WaitIdleError) -> Self { GPUError::Validation(fmt_err(&err)) } }