// This test is executed as part of integration_test.go // But it can also be run manually: // ./deno tests.ts import { test, assert, assertEqual } from "./deno_testing/testing.ts"; import { readFileSync } from "deno"; test(async function tests_test() { assert(true); }); test(async function tests_readFileSync() { let data = readFileSync("package.json"); if (!data.byteLength) { throw Error( `Expected positive value for data.byteLength ${data.byteLength}` ); } const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); const json = decoder.decode(data); const pkg = JSON.parse(json); assertEqual(pkg.name, "deno"); }); test(async function tests_fetch() { const response = await fetch('http://localhost:4545/package.json'); const json = await response.json(); assertEqual(json.name, "deno"); });