// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { core, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; import { isatty } from "ext:runtime/40_tty.js"; import { stdin } from "ext:deno_io/12_io.js"; const { ArrayPrototypePush, StringPrototypeCharCodeAt, Uint8Array } = primordials; const LF = StringPrototypeCharCodeAt("\n", 0); const CR = StringPrototypeCharCodeAt("\r", 0); function alert(message = "Alert") { if (!isatty(stdin.rid)) { return; } core.print(`${message} [Enter] `, false); readLineFromStdinSync(); } function confirm(message = "Confirm") { if (!isatty(stdin.rid)) { return false; } core.print(`${message} [y/N] `, false); const answer = readLineFromStdinSync(); return answer === "Y" || answer === "y"; } function prompt(message = "Prompt", defaultValue) { defaultValue ??= null; if (!isatty(stdin.rid)) { return null; } if (defaultValue) { message += ` [${defaultValue}]`; } message += " "; // output in one shot to make the tests more reliable core.print(message, false); return readLineFromStdinSync() || defaultValue; } function readLineFromStdinSync() { const c = new Uint8Array(1); const buf = []; while (true) { const n = stdin.readSync(c); if (n === null || n === 0) { break; } if (c[0] === CR) { const n = stdin.readSync(c); if (c[0] === LF) { break; } ArrayPrototypePush(buf, CR); if (n === null || n === 0) { break; } } if (c[0] === LF) { break; } ArrayPrototypePush(buf, c[0]); } return core.decode(new Uint8Array(buf)); } export { alert, confirm, prompt };