import("//third_party/v8/gni/v8.gni") import("//third_party/v8/snapshot_toolchain.gni") import("//build_extra/flatbuffers/flatbuffer.gni") import("//build_extra/deno.gni") import("//build_extra/rust/rust.gni") config("deno_config") { include_dirs = [ "third_party/v8" ] # This allows us to v8/src/base/ libraries. configs = [ "third_party/v8:external_config" ] if (is_debug) { defines = [ "DEBUG" ] } } rust_executable("deno") { source_root = "src/" extern = [ ":libc" ] deps = [ ":libdeno", ] } rust_component("libc") { source_root = "third_party/rust_crates/libc/src/" cfg = [ "feature=\"default\"", "feature=\"use_std\"", ] } rust_component("handlers") { source_root = "src/" extern = [ ":libc" ] } rust_test("handlers_test") { source_root = "src/" extern = [ ":libc" ] } executable("deno_cc") { sources = [ "src/", ] deps = [ ":flatbufferjs", ":handlers", ":libdeno", ":msg_cpp", "//build_extra/rust:stdlib", ] configs += [ ":deno_config" ] } executable("mock_runtime_test") { testonly = true sources = [ "src/", "src/", "src/", ] deps = [ ":create_snapshot_mock_runtime", ":deno_nosnapshot", "//testing/gtest:gtest", ] defines = [ "DENO_MOCK_RUNTIME" ] configs += [ ":deno_config" ] } static_library("libdeno") { complete_static_lib = true sources = [ "src/", ] deps = [ ":create_snapshot_deno", ":deno_nosnapshot", ] configs += [ ":deno_config" ] } v8_source_set("deno_nosnapshot") { sources = [ "src/", "src/deno.h", "src/", "src/file_util.h", "src/internal.h", ] deps = [ "third_party/v8:v8_monolith", ] configs = [ ":deno_config" ] } executable("snapshot_creator") { sources = [ "src/", ] deps = [ ":deno_nosnapshot", ] configs += [ ":deno_config" ] } flatbuffer("msg_cpp") { sources = [ "src/msg.fbs", ] } run_node("bundle") { out_dir = "$target_gen_dir/bundle/" sources = [ "js/console.ts", "js/deno.d.ts", "js/dispatch.ts", "js/globals.ts", "js/main.ts", "js/msg_generated.ts", "js/os.ts", "js/runtime.ts", "js/types.ts", "js/util.ts", "package.json", # The `browserslist` field controls Babel behavior. ] outputs = [ out_dir + "main.js", ] deps = [ ":flatbufferjs", ":run_tsc", ] args = [ "./node_modules/parcel-bundler/bin/cli.js", "build", "--no-minify", "--out-dir", rebase_path(out_dir, root_build_dir), rebase_path("js/main.ts", root_build_dir), ] } # Due to bugs in Parcel we must run TSC independently in order to catch errors. # run_node("run_tsc") { main = "js/main.ts" tsconfig = "tsconfig.json" out_dir = "$target_gen_dir/tsc_dist/" sources = [ "js/msg_generated.ts", main, tsconfig, ] outputs = [ out_dir + "/main.js", ] deps = [ ":flatbufferjs", ] args = [ "./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc", "--project", rebase_path(tsconfig, root_build_dir), "--outDir", rebase_path(out_dir, root_build_dir), ] } # Generates flatbuffer TypeScript code. # TODO(ry) Ideally flatc output files should be written into # target_gen_dir, but its difficult to get this working in a way that the # bundler can resolve their location. (The bundler does not support NODE_PATH?) # Therefore this hack: write the msg_generated.ts output # into the js/ folder, and we check it into the repo. Hopefully this hack can # be removed at some point. If msg.fps is changed, commit changes to the # generated JS files. The stamp file is just to make gn work. action("flatbufferjs") { script = "//tools/" sources = [ "src/msg.fbs", ] outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/flatbufferjs_hack.stamp", ] args = [ rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/msg_generated.ts", root_build_dir), rebase_path("js/msg_generated.ts", root_build_dir), rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir), ] deps = [ ":msg_ts", ] } ts_flatbuffer("msg_ts") { sources = [ "src/msg.fbs", ] } # Generates $target_gen_dir/ create_snapshot("deno") { js = "$target_gen_dir/bundle/main.js" deps = [ ":bundle", ] } # Generates $target_gen_dir/ create_snapshot("mock_runtime") { testonly = true js = "js/mock_runtime.js" deps = [] }