// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::code_lens; use super::config; use super::language_server; use super::language_server::StateSnapshot; use super::refactor::RefactorCodeActionData; use super::refactor::ALL_KNOWN_REFACTOR_ACTION_KINDS; use super::refactor::EXTRACT_CONSTANT; use super::refactor::EXTRACT_INTERFACE; use super::refactor::EXTRACT_TYPE; use super::semantic_tokens; use super::semantic_tokens::SemanticTokensBuilder; use super::text; use super::text::LineIndex; use super::urls::INVALID_SPECIFIER; use crate::config_file::TsConfig; use crate::fs_util::specifier_to_file_path; use crate::tsc; use crate::tsc::ResolveArgs; use deno_core::anyhow::anyhow; use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::located_script_name; use deno_core::op_sync; use deno_core::resolve_url; use deno_core::serde::de; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde::Serialize; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::JsRuntime; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_core::OpFn; use deno_core::RuntimeOptions; use deno_runtime::tokio_util::create_basic_runtime; use log::warn; use lspower::jsonrpc::Error as LspError; use lspower::jsonrpc::Result as LspResult; use lspower::lsp; use regex::Captures; use regex::Regex; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cmp; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use text_size::TextRange; use text_size::TextSize; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use tokio::sync::oneshot; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref BRACKET_ACCESSOR_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"^\[['"](.+)[\['"]\]$"#).unwrap(); static ref CAPTION_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(.*?)\s*\r?\n((?:\s|\S)*)").unwrap(); static ref CODEBLOCK_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"^\s*[~`]{3}").unwrap(); static ref EMAIL_MATCH_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(.+)\s<([-.\w]+@[-.\w]+)>").unwrap(); static ref JSDOC_LINKS_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(?i)\{@(link|linkplain|linkcode) (https?://[^ |}]+?)(?:[| ]([^{}\n]+?))?\}").unwrap(); static ref PART_KIND_MODIFIER_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r",|\s+").unwrap(); static ref PART_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(\S+)\s*-?\s*").unwrap(); static ref SCOPE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"scope_(\d)").unwrap(); } const FILE_EXTENSION_KIND_MODIFIERS: &[&str] = &[".d.ts", ".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".jsx", ".json"]; type Request = ( RequestMethod, Arc, oneshot::Sender>, ); #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct TsServer(mpsc::UnboundedSender); impl TsServer { pub fn new() -> Self { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); let _join_handle = thread::spawn(move || { let mut ts_runtime = load().expect("could not load tsc"); let runtime = create_basic_runtime(); runtime.block_on(async { let mut started = false; while let Some((req, state_snapshot, tx)) = rx.recv().await { if !started { // TODO(@kitsonk) need to reflect the debug state of the lsp here start(&mut ts_runtime, false, &state_snapshot) .expect("could not start tsc"); started = true; } let value = request(&mut ts_runtime, state_snapshot, req); if tx.send(value).is_err() { warn!("Unable to send result to client."); } } }) }); Self(tx) } pub(crate) async fn request( &self, snapshot: Arc, req: RequestMethod, ) -> Result where R: de::DeserializeOwned, { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::>(); if self.0.send((req, snapshot, tx)).is_err() { return Err(anyhow!("failed to send request to tsc thread")); } rx.await?.map(|v| serde_json::from_value::(v).unwrap()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct AssetDocumentInner { text: Arc, length: usize, line_index: Arc, maybe_navigation_tree: Option>, } /// An lsp representation of an asset in memory, that has either been retrieved /// from static assets built into Rust, or static assets built into tsc. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct AssetDocument(Arc); impl AssetDocument { pub fn new(text: impl AsRef) -> Self { let text = text.as_ref(); Self(Arc::new(AssetDocumentInner { text: Arc::new(text.to_string()), length: text.encode_utf16().count(), line_index: Arc::new(LineIndex::new(text)), maybe_navigation_tree: None, })) } pub fn with_navigation_tree( &self, tree: Arc, ) -> AssetDocument { AssetDocument(Arc::new(AssetDocumentInner { maybe_navigation_tree: Some(tree), ..(*self.0).clone() })) } pub fn text(&self) -> Arc { self.0.text.clone() } pub fn text_str(&self) -> &str { self.0.text.as_str() } pub fn length(&self) -> usize { self.0.length } pub fn line_index(&self) -> Arc { self.0.line_index.clone() } pub fn maybe_navigation_tree(&self) -> Option> { self.0.maybe_navigation_tree.clone() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Assets(HashMap>); impl Default for Assets { fn default() -> Self { let assets = tsc::STATIC_ASSETS .iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let url_str = format!("asset:///{}", k); let specifier = resolve_url(&url_str).unwrap(); let asset = AssetDocument::new(v); (specifier, Some(asset)) }) .collect(); Self(assets) } } impl Assets { pub fn contains_key(&self, k: &ModuleSpecifier) -> bool { self.0.contains_key(k) } pub fn get(&self, k: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option<&Option> { self.0.get(k) } pub fn insert( &mut self, k: ModuleSpecifier, v: Option, ) -> Option> { self.0.insert(k, v) } pub fn cache_navigation_tree( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, navigation_tree: Arc, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let maybe_doc = self .0 .get_mut(specifier) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing asset."))?; let doc = maybe_doc .as_mut() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Cannot get doc mutable"))?; *doc = doc.with_navigation_tree(navigation_tree); Ok(()) } } /// Optionally returns an internal asset, first checking for any static assets /// in Rust, then checking any previously retrieved static assets from the /// isolate, and then finally, the tsc isolate itself. pub(crate) async fn get_asset( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ts_server: &TsServer, state_snapshot: Arc, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let specifier_str = specifier.to_string().replace("asset:///", ""); if let Some(text) = tsc::get_asset(&specifier_str) { let maybe_asset = Some(AssetDocument::new(text)); Ok(maybe_asset) } else { let res = ts_server .request(state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetAsset(specifier.clone())) .await?; let maybe_text: Option = serde_json::from_value(res)?; let maybe_asset = maybe_text.map(AssetDocument::new); Ok(maybe_asset) } } fn display_parts_to_string(parts: &[SymbolDisplayPart]) -> String { parts .iter() .map(|p| p.text.to_string()) .collect::>() .join("") } fn get_tag_body_text(tag: &JsDocTagInfo) -> Option { tag.text.as_ref().map(|display_parts| { // TODO(@kitsonk) check logic in vscode about handling this API change in // tsserver let text = display_parts_to_string(display_parts); match tag.name.as_str() { "example" => { if CAPTION_RE.is_match(&text) { CAPTION_RE .replace(&text, |c: &Captures| { format!("{}\n\n{}", &c[1], make_codeblock(&c[2])) }) .to_string() } else { make_codeblock(&text) } } "author" => EMAIL_MATCH_RE .replace(&text, |c: &Captures| format!("{} {}", &c[1], &c[2])) .to_string(), "default" => make_codeblock(&text), _ => replace_links(&text), } }) } fn get_tag_documentation(tag: &JsDocTagInfo) -> String { match tag.name.as_str() { "augments" | "extends" | "param" | "template" => { if let Some(display_parts) = &tag.text { // TODO(@kitsonk) check logic in vscode about handling this API change // in tsserver let text = display_parts_to_string(display_parts); let body: Vec<&str> = PART_RE.split(&text).collect(); if body.len() == 3 { let param = body[1]; let doc = body[2]; let label = format!("*@{}* `{}`", tag.name, param); if doc.is_empty() { return label; } if doc.contains('\n') { return format!("{} \n{}", label, replace_links(doc)); } else { return format!("{} - {}", label, replace_links(doc)); } } } } _ => (), } let label = format!("*@{}*", tag.name); let maybe_text = get_tag_body_text(tag); if let Some(text) = maybe_text { if text.contains('\n') { format!("{} \n{}", label, text) } else { format!("{} - {}", label, text) } } else { label } } fn make_codeblock(text: &str) -> String { if CODEBLOCK_RE.is_match(text) { text.to_string() } else { format!("```\n{}\n```", text) } } /// Replace JSDoc like links (`{@link http://example.com}`) with markdown links fn replace_links(text: &str) -> String { JSDOC_LINKS_RE .replace_all(text, |c: &Captures| match &c[1] { "linkcode" => format!( "[`{}`]({})", if c.get(3).is_none() { &c[2] } else { c[3].trim() }, &c[2] ), _ => format!( "[{}]({})", if c.get(3).is_none() { &c[2] } else { c[3].trim() }, &c[2] ), }) .to_string() } fn parse_kind_modifier(kind_modifiers: &str) -> HashSet<&str> { PART_KIND_MODIFIER_RE.split(kind_modifiers).collect() } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged)] pub enum OneOrMany { One(T), Many(Vec), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ScriptElementKind { #[serde(rename = "")] Unknown, #[serde(rename = "warning")] Warning, #[serde(rename = "keyword")] Keyword, #[serde(rename = "script")] ScriptElement, #[serde(rename = "module")] ModuleElement, #[serde(rename = "class")] ClassElement, #[serde(rename = "local class")] LocalClassElement, #[serde(rename = "interface")] InterfaceElement, #[serde(rename = "type")] TypeElement, #[serde(rename = "enum")] EnumElement, #[serde(rename = "enum member")] EnumMemberElement, #[serde(rename = "var")] VariableElement, #[serde(rename = "local var")] LocalVariableElement, #[serde(rename = "function")] FunctionElement, #[serde(rename = "local function")] LocalFunctionElement, #[serde(rename = "method")] MemberFunctionElement, #[serde(rename = "getter")] MemberGetAccessorElement, #[serde(rename = "setter")] MemberSetAccessorElement, #[serde(rename = "property")] MemberVariableElement, #[serde(rename = "constructor")] ConstructorImplementationElement, #[serde(rename = "call")] CallSignatureElement, #[serde(rename = "index")] IndexSignatureElement, #[serde(rename = "construct")] ConstructSignatureElement, #[serde(rename = "parameter")] ParameterElement, #[serde(rename = "type parameter")] TypeParameterElement, #[serde(rename = "primitive type")] PrimitiveType, #[serde(rename = "label")] Label, #[serde(rename = "alias")] Alias, #[serde(rename = "const")] ConstElement, #[serde(rename = "let")] LetElement, #[serde(rename = "directory")] Directory, #[serde(rename = "external module name")] ExternalModuleName, #[serde(rename = "JSX attribute")] JsxAttribute, #[serde(rename = "string")] String, #[serde(rename = "link")] Link, #[serde(rename = "link name")] LinkName, #[serde(rename = "link test")] LinkText, } impl Default for ScriptElementKind { fn default() -> Self { Self::Unknown } } /// This mirrors the method `convertKind` in `completions.ts` in vscode impl From for lsp::CompletionItemKind { fn from(kind: ScriptElementKind) -> Self { match kind { ScriptElementKind::PrimitiveType | ScriptElementKind::Keyword => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::Keyword } ScriptElementKind::ConstElement | ScriptElementKind::LetElement | ScriptElementKind::VariableElement | ScriptElementKind::LocalVariableElement | ScriptElementKind::Alias | ScriptElementKind::ParameterElement => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::Variable } ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement | ScriptElementKind::MemberGetAccessorElement | ScriptElementKind::MemberSetAccessorElement => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::Field } ScriptElementKind::FunctionElement | ScriptElementKind::LocalFunctionElement => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::Function } ScriptElementKind::MemberFunctionElement | ScriptElementKind::ConstructSignatureElement | ScriptElementKind::CallSignatureElement | ScriptElementKind::IndexSignatureElement => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::Method } ScriptElementKind::EnumElement => lsp::CompletionItemKind::Enum, ScriptElementKind::EnumMemberElement => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::EnumMember } ScriptElementKind::ModuleElement | ScriptElementKind::ExternalModuleName => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::Module } ScriptElementKind::ClassElement | ScriptElementKind::TypeElement => { lsp::CompletionItemKind::Class } ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement => lsp::CompletionItemKind::Interface, ScriptElementKind::Warning => lsp::CompletionItemKind::Text, ScriptElementKind::ScriptElement => lsp::CompletionItemKind::File, ScriptElementKind::Directory => lsp::CompletionItemKind::Folder, ScriptElementKind::String => lsp::CompletionItemKind::Constant, _ => lsp::CompletionItemKind::Property, } } } /// This mirrors `fromProtocolScriptElementKind` in vscode impl From for lsp::SymbolKind { fn from(kind: ScriptElementKind) -> Self { match kind { ScriptElementKind::ModuleElement => Self::Module, // this is only present in `getSymbolKind` in `workspaceSymbols` in // vscode, but seems strange it isn't consistent. ScriptElementKind::TypeElement => Self::Class, ScriptElementKind::ClassElement => Self::Class, ScriptElementKind::EnumElement => Self::Enum, ScriptElementKind::EnumMemberElement => Self::EnumMember, ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement => Self::Interface, ScriptElementKind::IndexSignatureElement => Self::Method, ScriptElementKind::CallSignatureElement => Self::Method, ScriptElementKind::MemberFunctionElement => Self::Method, // workspaceSymbols in vscode treats them as fields, which does seem more // semantically correct while `fromProtocolScriptElementKind` treats them // as properties. ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement => Self::Field, ScriptElementKind::MemberGetAccessorElement => Self::Field, ScriptElementKind::MemberSetAccessorElement => Self::Field, ScriptElementKind::VariableElement => Self::Variable, ScriptElementKind::LetElement => Self::Variable, ScriptElementKind::ConstElement => Self::Variable, ScriptElementKind::LocalVariableElement => Self::Variable, ScriptElementKind::Alias => Self::Variable, ScriptElementKind::FunctionElement => Self::Function, ScriptElementKind::LocalFunctionElement => Self::Function, ScriptElementKind::ConstructSignatureElement => Self::Constructor, ScriptElementKind::ConstructorImplementationElement => Self::Constructor, ScriptElementKind::TypeParameterElement => Self::TypeParameter, ScriptElementKind::String => Self::String, _ => Self::Variable, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct TextSpan { pub start: u32, pub length: u32, } impl TextSpan { pub fn to_range(&self, line_index: Arc) -> lsp::Range { lsp::Range { start: line_index.position_tsc(self.start.into()), end: line_index.position_tsc(TextSize::from(self.start + self.length)), } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SymbolDisplayPart { text: String, kind: String, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct JsDocTagInfo { name: String, text: Option>, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct QuickInfo { kind: ScriptElementKind, kind_modifiers: String, text_span: TextSpan, display_parts: Option>, documentation: Option>, tags: Option>, } impl QuickInfo { pub fn to_hover(&self, line_index: Arc) -> lsp::Hover { let mut contents = Vec::::new(); if let Some(display_string) = self .display_parts .clone() .map(|p| display_parts_to_string(&p)) { contents.push(lsp::MarkedString::from_language_code( "typescript".to_string(), display_string, )); } if let Some(documentation) = self .documentation .clone() .map(|p| display_parts_to_string(&p)) { contents.push(lsp::MarkedString::from_markdown(documentation)); } if let Some(tags) = &self.tags { let tags_preview = tags .iter() .map(get_tag_documentation) .collect::>() .join(" \n\n"); if !tags_preview.is_empty() { contents.push(lsp::MarkedString::from_markdown(format!( "\n\n{}", tags_preview ))); } } lsp::Hover { contents: lsp::HoverContents::Array(contents), range: Some(self.text_span.to_range(line_index)), } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct DocumentSpan { text_span: TextSpan, pub file_name: String, original_text_span: Option, original_file_name: Option, context_span: Option, original_context_span: Option, } impl DocumentSpan { pub(crate) async fn to_link( &self, line_index: Arc, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Option { let target_specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.file_name).ok()?; let target_asset_or_doc = language_server .get_asset_or_document(&target_specifier) .await .ok()?; let target_line_index = target_asset_or_doc.line_index(); let target_uri = language_server .url_map .normalize_specifier(&target_specifier) .ok()?; let (target_range, target_selection_range) = if let Some(context_span) = &self.context_span { ( context_span.to_range(target_line_index.clone()), self.text_span.to_range(target_line_index), ) } else { ( self.text_span.to_range(target_line_index.clone()), self.text_span.to_range(target_line_index), ) }; let origin_selection_range = if let Some(original_context_span) = &self.original_context_span { Some(original_context_span.to_range(line_index)) } else { self .original_text_span .as_ref() .map(|original_text_span| original_text_span.to_range(line_index)) }; let link = lsp::LocationLink { origin_selection_range, target_uri, target_range, target_selection_range, }; Some(link) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub enum MatchKind { #[serde(rename = "exact")] Exact, #[serde(rename = "prefix")] Prefix, #[serde(rename = "substring")] Substring, #[serde(rename = "camelCase")] CamelCase, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct NavigateToItem { name: String, kind: ScriptElementKind, kind_modifiers: String, match_kind: MatchKind, is_case_sensitive: bool, file_name: String, text_span: TextSpan, container_name: Option, container_kind: ScriptElementKind, } impl NavigateToItem { pub(crate) async fn to_symbol_information( &self, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Option { let specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.file_name).ok()?; let asset_or_doc = language_server .get_asset_or_document(&specifier) .await .ok()?; let line_index = asset_or_doc.line_index(); let uri = language_server .url_map .normalize_specifier(&specifier) .ok()?; let range = self.text_span.to_range(line_index); let location = lsp::Location { uri, range }; let mut tags: Option> = None; let kind_modifiers = parse_kind_modifier(&self.kind_modifiers); if kind_modifiers.contains("deprecated") { tags = Some(vec![lsp::SymbolTag::Deprecated]); } // The field `deprecated` is deprecated but SymbolInformation does not have // a default, therefore we have to supply the deprecated deprecated // field. It is like a bad version of Inception. #[allow(deprecated)] Some(lsp::SymbolInformation { name: self.name.clone(), kind: self.kind.clone().into(), tags, deprecated: None, location, container_name: self.container_name.clone(), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct NavigationTree { pub text: String, pub kind: ScriptElementKind, pub kind_modifiers: String, pub spans: Vec, pub name_span: Option, pub child_items: Option>, } impl NavigationTree { pub fn to_code_lens( &self, line_index: Arc, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &code_lens::CodeLensSource, ) -> lsp::CodeLens { let range = if let Some(name_span) = &self.name_span { name_span.to_range(line_index) } else if !self.spans.is_empty() { let span = &self.spans[0]; span.to_range(line_index) } else { lsp::Range::default() }; lsp::CodeLens { range, command: None, data: Some(json!({ "specifier": specifier, "source": source })), } } pub fn collect_document_symbols( &self, line_index: Arc, document_symbols: &mut Vec, ) -> bool { let mut should_include = self.should_include_entry(); if !should_include && self.child_items.as_ref().map_or(true, |v| v.is_empty()) { return false; } let children = self .child_items .as_ref() .map_or(&[] as &[NavigationTree], |v| v.as_slice()); for span in self.spans.iter() { let range = TextRange::at(span.start.into(), span.length.into()); let mut symbol_children = Vec::::new(); for child in children.iter() { let should_traverse_child = child .spans .iter() .map(|child_span| { TextRange::at(child_span.start.into(), child_span.length.into()) }) .any(|child_range| range.intersect(child_range).is_some()); if should_traverse_child { let included_child = child .collect_document_symbols(line_index.clone(), &mut symbol_children); should_include = should_include || included_child; } } if should_include { let mut selection_span = span; if let Some(name_span) = self.name_span.as_ref() { let name_range = TextRange::at(name_span.start.into(), name_span.length.into()); if range.contains_range(name_range) { selection_span = name_span; } } let name = match self.kind { ScriptElementKind::MemberGetAccessorElement => { format!("(get) {}", self.text) } ScriptElementKind::MemberSetAccessorElement => { format!("(set) {}", self.text) } _ => self.text.clone(), }; let mut tags: Option> = None; let kind_modifiers = parse_kind_modifier(&self.kind_modifiers); if kind_modifiers.contains("deprecated") { tags = Some(vec![lsp::SymbolTag::Deprecated]); } let children = if !symbol_children.is_empty() { Some(symbol_children) } else { None }; // The field `deprecated` is deprecated but DocumentSymbol does not have // a default, therefore we have to supply the deprecated deprecated // field. It is like a bad version of Inception. #[allow(deprecated)] document_symbols.push(lsp::DocumentSymbol { name, kind: self.kind.clone().into(), range: span.to_range(line_index.clone()), selection_range: selection_span.to_range(line_index.clone()), tags, children, detail: None, deprecated: None, }) } } should_include } fn should_include_entry(&self) -> bool { if let ScriptElementKind::Alias = self.kind { return false; } !self.text.is_empty() && self.text != "" && self.text != "" } pub fn walk(&self, callback: &F) where F: Fn(&NavigationTree, Option<&NavigationTree>), { callback(self, None); if let Some(child_items) = &self.child_items { for child in child_items { child.walk_child(callback, self); } } } fn walk_child(&self, callback: &F, parent: &NavigationTree) where F: Fn(&NavigationTree, Option<&NavigationTree>), { callback(self, Some(parent)); if let Some(child_items) = &self.child_items { for child in child_items { child.walk_child(callback, self); } } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ImplementationLocation { #[serde(flatten)] pub document_span: DocumentSpan, // ImplementationLocation props kind: ScriptElementKind, display_parts: Vec, } impl ImplementationLocation { pub(crate) fn to_location( &self, line_index: Arc, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> lsp::Location { let specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.document_span.file_name) .unwrap_or_else(|_| ModuleSpecifier::parse("deno://invalid").unwrap()); let uri = language_server .url_map .normalize_specifier(&specifier) .unwrap_or_else(|_| ModuleSpecifier::parse("deno://invalid").unwrap()); lsp::Location { uri, range: self.document_span.text_span.to_range(line_index), } } pub(crate) async fn to_link( &self, line_index: Arc, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Option { self .document_span .to_link(line_index, language_server) .await } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct RenameLocation { #[serde(flatten)] document_span: DocumentSpan, // RenameLocation props prefix_text: Option, suffix_text: Option, } pub struct RenameLocations { pub locations: Vec, } impl RenameLocations { pub(crate) async fn into_workspace_edit( self, new_name: &str, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Result { let mut text_document_edit_map: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for location in self.locations.iter() { let specifier = normalize_specifier(&location.document_span.file_name)?; let uri = language_server.url_map.normalize_specifier(&specifier)?; let asset_or_doc = language_server.get_asset_or_document(&specifier).await?; // ensure TextDocumentEdit for `location.file_name`. if text_document_edit_map.get(&uri).is_none() { text_document_edit_map.insert( uri.clone(), lsp::TextDocumentEdit { text_document: lsp::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { uri: uri.clone(), version: asset_or_doc.document_lsp_version(), }, edits: Vec::>::new(), }, ); } // push TextEdit for ensured `TextDocumentEdit.edits`. let document_edit = text_document_edit_map.get_mut(&uri).unwrap(); document_edit.edits.push(lsp::OneOf::Left(lsp::TextEdit { range: location .document_span .text_span .to_range(asset_or_doc.line_index()), new_text: new_name.to_string(), })); } Ok(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { change_annotations: None, changes: None, document_changes: Some(lsp::DocumentChanges::Edits( text_document_edit_map.values().cloned().collect(), )), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub enum HighlightSpanKind { #[serde(rename = "none")] None, #[serde(rename = "definition")] Definition, #[serde(rename = "reference")] Reference, #[serde(rename = "writtenReference")] WrittenReference, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct HighlightSpan { file_name: Option, is_in_string: Option, text_span: TextSpan, context_span: Option, kind: HighlightSpanKind, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct DefinitionInfo { kind: ScriptElementKind, name: String, container_kind: Option, container_name: Option, #[serde(flatten)] pub document_span: DocumentSpan, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan { pub definitions: Option>, text_span: TextSpan, } impl DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan { pub(crate) async fn to_definition( &self, line_index: Arc, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Option { if let Some(definitions) = &self.definitions { let mut location_links = Vec::::new(); for di in definitions { if let Some(link) = di .document_span .to_link(line_index.clone(), language_server) .await { location_links.push(link); } } Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Link(location_links)) } else { None } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct DocumentHighlights { file_name: String, highlight_spans: Vec, } impl DocumentHighlights { pub fn to_highlight( &self, line_index: Arc, ) -> Vec { self .highlight_spans .iter() .map(|hs| lsp::DocumentHighlight { range: hs.text_span.to_range(line_index.clone()), kind: match hs.kind { HighlightSpanKind::WrittenReference => { Some(lsp::DocumentHighlightKind::Write) } _ => Some(lsp::DocumentHighlightKind::Read), }, }) .collect() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct TextChange { pub span: TextSpan, pub new_text: String, } impl TextChange { pub fn as_text_edit( &self, line_index: Arc, ) -> lsp::OneOf { lsp::OneOf::Left(lsp::TextEdit { range: self.span.to_range(line_index), new_text: self.new_text.clone(), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct FileTextChanges { pub file_name: String, pub text_changes: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub is_new_file: Option, } impl FileTextChanges { pub(crate) async fn to_text_document_edit( &self, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Result { let specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.file_name)?; let asset_or_doc = language_server.get_asset_or_document(&specifier).await?; let edits = self .text_changes .iter() .map(|tc| tc.as_text_edit(asset_or_doc.line_index())) .collect(); Ok(lsp::TextDocumentEdit { text_document: lsp::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { uri: specifier.clone(), version: asset_or_doc.document_lsp_version(), }, edits, }) } pub(crate) async fn to_text_document_change_ops( &self, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mut ops = Vec::::new(); let specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.file_name)?; let maybe_asset_or_document = if !self.is_new_file.unwrap_or(false) { let asset_or_doc = language_server.get_asset_or_document(&specifier).await?; Some(asset_or_doc) } else { None }; let line_index = maybe_asset_or_document .as_ref() .map(|d| d.line_index()) .unwrap_or_else(|| Arc::new(LineIndex::new(""))); if self.is_new_file.unwrap_or(false) { ops.push(lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Op(lsp::ResourceOp::Create( lsp::CreateFile { uri: specifier.clone(), options: Some(lsp::CreateFileOptions { ignore_if_exists: Some(true), overwrite: None, }), annotation_id: None, }, ))); } let edits = self .text_changes .iter() .map(|tc| tc.as_text_edit(line_index.clone())) .collect(); ops.push(lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Edit(lsp::TextDocumentEdit { text_document: lsp::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { uri: specifier.clone(), version: maybe_asset_or_document .map(|d| d.document_lsp_version()) .flatten(), }, edits, })); Ok(ops) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct Classifications { spans: Vec, } impl Classifications { pub fn to_semantic_tokens( &self, line_index: Arc, ) -> LspResult { let token_count = self.spans.len() / 3; let mut builder = SemanticTokensBuilder::new(); for i in 0..token_count { let src_offset = 3 * i; let offset = self.spans[src_offset]; let length = self.spans[src_offset + 1]; let ts_classification = self.spans[src_offset + 2]; let token_type = Classifications::get_token_type_from_classification(ts_classification); let token_modifiers = Classifications::get_token_modifier_from_classification( ts_classification, ); let start_pos = line_index.position_tsc(offset.into()); let end_pos = line_index.position_tsc(TextSize::from(offset + length)); if start_pos.line == end_pos.line && start_pos.character <= end_pos.character { builder.push( start_pos.line, start_pos.character, end_pos.character - start_pos.character, token_type, token_modifiers, ); } else { log::error!( "unexpected positions\nstart_pos: {:?}\nend_pos: {:?}", start_pos, end_pos ); return Err(LspError::internal_error()); } } Ok(builder.build(None)) } fn get_token_type_from_classification(ts_classification: u32) -> u32 { assert!(ts_classification > semantic_tokens::MODIFIER_MASK); (ts_classification >> semantic_tokens::TYPE_OFFSET) - 1 } fn get_token_modifier_from_classification(ts_classification: u32) -> u32 { ts_classification & semantic_tokens::MODIFIER_MASK } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct RefactorActionInfo { name: String, description: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] not_applicable_reason: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] kind: Option, } impl RefactorActionInfo { pub fn get_action_kind(&self) -> lsp::CodeActionKind { if let Some(kind) = &self.kind { kind.clone().into() } else { let maybe_match = ALL_KNOWN_REFACTOR_ACTION_KINDS .iter() .find(|action| action.matches(&self.name)); maybe_match .map_or(lsp::CodeActionKind::REFACTOR, |action| action.kind.clone()) } } pub fn is_preferred(&self, all_actions: &[RefactorActionInfo]) -> bool { if EXTRACT_CONSTANT.matches(&self.name) { let get_scope = |name: &str| -> Option { if let Some(captures) = SCOPE_RE.captures(name) { captures[1].parse::().ok() } else { None } }; return if let Some(scope) = get_scope(&self.name) { all_actions .iter() .filter(|other| { !std::ptr::eq(&self, other) && EXTRACT_CONSTANT.matches(&other.name) }) .all(|other| { if let Some(other_scope) = get_scope(&other.name) { scope < other_scope } else { true } }) } else { false }; } if EXTRACT_TYPE.matches(&self.name) || EXTRACT_INTERFACE.matches(&self.name) { return true; } false } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ApplicableRefactorInfo { name: String, description: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] inlineable: Option, actions: Vec, } impl ApplicableRefactorInfo { pub fn to_code_actions( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, range: &lsp::Range, ) -> Vec { let mut code_actions = Vec::::new(); // All typescript refactoring actions are inlineable for action in self.actions.iter() { code_actions .push(self.as_inline_code_action(action, specifier, range, &self.name)); } code_actions } fn as_inline_code_action( &self, action: &RefactorActionInfo, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, range: &lsp::Range, refactor_name: &str, ) -> lsp::CodeAction { let disabled = action.not_applicable_reason.as_ref().map(|reason| { lsp::CodeActionDisabled { reason: reason.clone(), } }); lsp::CodeAction { title: action.description.to_string(), kind: Some(action.get_action_kind()), is_preferred: Some(action.is_preferred(&self.actions)), disabled, data: Some( serde_json::to_value(RefactorCodeActionData { specifier: specifier.clone(), range: *range, refactor_name: refactor_name.to_owned(), action_name: action.name.clone(), }) .unwrap(), ), ..Default::default() } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct RefactorEditInfo { edits: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub rename_location: Option, } impl RefactorEditInfo { pub(crate) async fn to_workspace_edit( &self, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mut all_ops = Vec::::new(); for edit in self.edits.iter() { let ops = edit.to_text_document_change_ops(language_server).await?; all_ops.extend(ops); } Ok(Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { document_changes: Some(lsp::DocumentChanges::Operations(all_ops)), ..Default::default() })) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CodeAction { description: String, changes: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] commands: Option>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CodeFixAction { pub description: String, pub changes: Vec, // These are opaque types that should just be passed back when applying the // action. #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub commands: Option>, pub fix_name: String, // It appears currently that all fixIds are strings, but the protocol // specifies an opaque type, the problem is that we need to use the id as a // hash key, and `Value` does not implement hash (and it could provide a false // positive depending on JSON whitespace, so we deserialize it but it might // break in the future) #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub fix_id: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub fix_all_description: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CombinedCodeActions { pub changes: Vec, pub commands: Option>, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ReferenceEntry { is_write_access: bool, pub is_definition: bool, is_in_string: Option, #[serde(flatten)] pub document_span: DocumentSpan, } impl ReferenceEntry { pub(crate) fn to_location( &self, line_index: Arc, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, ) -> lsp::Location { let specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.document_span.file_name) .unwrap_or_else(|_| INVALID_SPECIFIER.clone()); let uri = language_server .url_map .normalize_specifier(&specifier) .unwrap_or_else(|_| INVALID_SPECIFIER.clone()); lsp::Location { uri, range: self.document_span.text_span.to_range(line_index), } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CallHierarchyItem { name: String, kind: ScriptElementKind, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] kind_modifiers: Option, file: String, span: TextSpan, selection_span: TextSpan, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] container_name: Option, } impl CallHierarchyItem { pub(crate) async fn try_resolve_call_hierarchy_item( &self, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, maybe_root_path: Option<&Path>, ) -> Option { let target_specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.file).ok()?; let target_asset_or_doc = language_server .get_asset_or_document(&target_specifier) .await .ok()?; Some(self.to_call_hierarchy_item( target_asset_or_doc.line_index(), language_server, maybe_root_path, )) } pub(crate) fn to_call_hierarchy_item( &self, line_index: Arc, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, maybe_root_path: Option<&Path>, ) -> lsp::CallHierarchyItem { let target_specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.file) .unwrap_or_else(|_| INVALID_SPECIFIER.clone()); let uri = language_server .url_map .normalize_specifier(&target_specifier) .unwrap_or_else(|_| INVALID_SPECIFIER.clone()); let use_file_name = self.is_source_file_item(); let maybe_file_path = if uri.scheme() == "file" { specifier_to_file_path(&uri).ok() } else { None }; let name = if use_file_name { if let Some(file_path) = maybe_file_path.as_ref() { file_path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string() } else { uri.to_string() } } else { self.name.clone() }; let detail = if use_file_name { if let Some(file_path) = maybe_file_path.as_ref() { // TODO: update this to work with multi root workspaces let parent_dir = file_path.parent().unwrap(); if let Some(root_path) = maybe_root_path { parent_dir .strip_prefix(root_path) .unwrap_or(parent_dir) .to_string_lossy() .to_string() } else { parent_dir.to_string_lossy().to_string() } } else { String::new() } } else { self.container_name.as_ref().cloned().unwrap_or_default() }; let mut tags: Option> = None; if let Some(modifiers) = self.kind_modifiers.as_ref() { let kind_modifiers = parse_kind_modifier(modifiers); if kind_modifiers.contains("deprecated") { tags = Some(vec![lsp::SymbolTag::Deprecated]); } } lsp::CallHierarchyItem { name, tags, uri, detail: Some(detail), kind: self.kind.clone().into(), range: self.span.to_range(line_index.clone()), selection_range: self.selection_span.to_range(line_index), data: None, } } fn is_source_file_item(&self) -> bool { self.kind == ScriptElementKind::ScriptElement || self.kind == ScriptElementKind::ModuleElement && self.selection_span.start == 0 } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CallHierarchyIncomingCall { from: CallHierarchyItem, from_spans: Vec, } impl CallHierarchyIncomingCall { pub(crate) async fn try_resolve_call_hierarchy_incoming_call( &self, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, maybe_root_path: Option<&Path>, ) -> Option { let target_specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.from.file).ok()?; let target_asset_or_doc = language_server .get_asset_or_document(&target_specifier) .await .ok()?; Some(lsp::CallHierarchyIncomingCall { from: self.from.to_call_hierarchy_item( target_asset_or_doc.line_index(), language_server, maybe_root_path, ), from_ranges: self .from_spans .iter() .map(|span| span.to_range(target_asset_or_doc.line_index())) .collect(), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CallHierarchyOutgoingCall { to: CallHierarchyItem, from_spans: Vec, } impl CallHierarchyOutgoingCall { pub(crate) async fn try_resolve_call_hierarchy_outgoing_call( &self, line_index: Arc, language_server: &mut language_server::Inner, maybe_root_path: Option<&Path>, ) -> Option { let target_specifier = normalize_specifier(&self.to.file).ok()?; let target_asset_or_doc = language_server .get_asset_or_document(&target_specifier) .await .ok()?; Some(lsp::CallHierarchyOutgoingCall { to: self.to.to_call_hierarchy_item( target_asset_or_doc.line_index(), language_server, maybe_root_path, ), from_ranges: self .from_spans .iter() .map(|span| span.to_range(line_index.clone())) .collect(), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CompletionEntryDetails { name: String, kind: ScriptElementKind, kind_modifiers: String, display_parts: Vec, documentation: Option>, tags: Option>, code_actions: Option>, source: Option>, } impl CompletionEntryDetails { pub fn as_completion_item( &self, original_item: &lsp::CompletionItem, ) -> lsp::CompletionItem { let detail = if original_item.detail.is_some() { original_item.detail.clone() } else if !self.display_parts.is_empty() { Some(replace_links(&display_parts_to_string(&self.display_parts))) } else { None }; let documentation = if let Some(parts) = &self.documentation { let mut value = display_parts_to_string(parts); if let Some(tags) = &self.tags { let tag_documentation = tags .iter() .map(get_tag_documentation) .collect::>() .join(""); value = format!("{}\n\n{}", value, tag_documentation); } Some(lsp::Documentation::MarkupContent(lsp::MarkupContent { kind: lsp::MarkupKind::Markdown, value, })) } else { None }; // TODO(@kitsonk) add `self.code_actions` // TODO(@kitsonk) add `use_code_snippet` lsp::CompletionItem { data: None, detail, documentation, ..original_item.clone() } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CompletionInfo { entries: Vec, is_global_completion: bool, is_member_completion: bool, is_new_identifier_location: bool, metadata: Option, optional_replacement_span: Option, } impl CompletionInfo { pub fn as_completion_response( &self, line_index: Arc, settings: &config::CompletionSettings, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, position: u32, ) -> lsp::CompletionResponse { let items = self .entries .iter() .map(|entry| { entry.as_completion_item( line_index.clone(), self, settings, specifier, position, ) }) .collect(); let is_incomplete = self .metadata .clone() .map(|v| { v.as_object() .unwrap() .get("isIncomplete") .unwrap_or(&json!(false)) .as_bool() .unwrap() }) .unwrap_or(false); lsp::CompletionResponse::List(lsp::CompletionList { is_incomplete, items, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CompletionItemData { pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, pub position: u32, pub name: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub source: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub data: Option, pub use_code_snippet: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CompletionEntry { name: String, kind: ScriptElementKind, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] kind_modifiers: Option, sort_text: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] insert_text: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] replacement_span: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] has_action: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] source: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] is_recommended: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] is_from_unchecked_file: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] data: Option, } impl CompletionEntry { fn get_commit_characters( &self, info: &CompletionInfo, settings: &config::CompletionSettings, ) -> Option> { if info.is_new_identifier_location { return None; } let mut commit_characters = vec![]; match self.kind { ScriptElementKind::MemberGetAccessorElement | ScriptElementKind::MemberSetAccessorElement | ScriptElementKind::ConstructSignatureElement | ScriptElementKind::CallSignatureElement | ScriptElementKind::IndexSignatureElement | ScriptElementKind::EnumElement | ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement => { commit_characters.push("."); commit_characters.push(";"); } ScriptElementKind::ModuleElement | ScriptElementKind::Alias | ScriptElementKind::ConstElement | ScriptElementKind::LetElement | ScriptElementKind::VariableElement | ScriptElementKind::LocalVariableElement | ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement | ScriptElementKind::ClassElement | ScriptElementKind::FunctionElement | ScriptElementKind::MemberFunctionElement | ScriptElementKind::Keyword | ScriptElementKind::ParameterElement => { commit_characters.push("."); commit_characters.push(","); commit_characters.push(";"); if !settings.complete_function_calls { commit_characters.push("("); } } _ => (), } if commit_characters.is_empty() { None } else { Some(commit_characters.into_iter().map(String::from).collect()) } } fn get_filter_text(&self) -> Option { if self.name.starts_with('#') { if let Some(insert_text) = &self.insert_text { if insert_text.starts_with("this.#") { return Some(insert_text.replace("this.#", "")); } else { return Some(insert_text.clone()); } } else { return Some(self.name.replace("#", "")); } } if let Some(insert_text) = &self.insert_text { if insert_text.starts_with("this.") { return None; } if insert_text.starts_with('[') { return Some( BRACKET_ACCESSOR_RE .replace(insert_text, |caps: &Captures| format!(".{}", &caps[1])) .to_string(), ); } } self.insert_text.clone() } pub fn as_completion_item( &self, line_index: Arc, info: &CompletionInfo, settings: &config::CompletionSettings, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, position: u32, ) -> lsp::CompletionItem { let mut label = self.name.clone(); let mut kind: Option = Some(self.kind.clone().into()); let sort_text = if self.source.is_some() { Some(format!("\u{ffff}{}", self.sort_text)) } else { Some(self.sort_text.clone()) }; let preselect = self.is_recommended; let use_code_snippet = settings.complete_function_calls && (kind == Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::Function) || kind == Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::Method)); // TODO(@kitsonk) missing from types: https://github.com/gluon-lang/lsp-types/issues/204 let _commit_characters = self.get_commit_characters(info, settings); let mut insert_text = self.insert_text.clone(); let range = self.replacement_span.clone(); let mut filter_text = self.get_filter_text(); let mut tags = None; let mut detail = None; if let Some(kind_modifiers) = &self.kind_modifiers { let kind_modifiers = parse_kind_modifier(kind_modifiers); if kind_modifiers.contains("optional") { if insert_text.is_none() { insert_text = Some(label.clone()); } if filter_text.is_none() { filter_text = Some(label.clone()); } label += "?"; } if kind_modifiers.contains("deprecated") { tags = Some(vec![lsp::CompletionItemTag::Deprecated]); } if kind_modifiers.contains("color") { kind = Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::Color); } if self.kind == ScriptElementKind::ScriptElement { for ext_modifier in FILE_EXTENSION_KIND_MODIFIERS { if kind_modifiers.contains(ext_modifier) { detail = if self.name.to_lowercase().ends_with(ext_modifier) { Some(self.name.clone()) } else { Some(format!("{}{}", self.name, ext_modifier)) }; break; } } } } let text_edit = if let (Some(text_span), Some(new_text)) = (range, &insert_text) { let range = text_span.to_range(line_index); let insert_replace_edit = lsp::InsertReplaceEdit { new_text: new_text.clone(), insert: range, replace: range, }; Some(insert_replace_edit.into()) } else { None }; let tsc = CompletionItemData { specifier: specifier.clone(), position, name: self.name.clone(), source: self.source.clone(), data: self.data.clone(), use_code_snippet, }; lsp::CompletionItem { label, kind, sort_text, preselect, text_edit, filter_text, insert_text, detail, tags, data: Some(json!({ "tsc": tsc, })), ..Default::default() } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub enum OutliningSpanKind { #[serde(rename = "comment")] Comment, #[serde(rename = "region")] Region, #[serde(rename = "code")] Code, #[serde(rename = "imports")] Imports, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct OutliningSpan { text_span: TextSpan, hint_span: TextSpan, banner_text: String, auto_collapse: bool, kind: OutliningSpanKind, } const FOLD_END_PAIR_CHARACTERS: &[u8] = &[b'}', b']', b')', b'`']; impl OutliningSpan { pub fn to_folding_range( &self, line_index: Arc, content: &[u8], line_folding_only: bool, ) -> lsp::FoldingRange { let range = self.text_span.to_range(line_index.clone()); lsp::FoldingRange { start_line: range.start.line, start_character: if line_folding_only { None } else { Some(range.start.character) }, end_line: self.adjust_folding_end_line( &range, line_index, content, line_folding_only, ), end_character: if line_folding_only { None } else { Some(range.end.character) }, kind: self.get_folding_range_kind(&self.kind), } } fn adjust_folding_end_line( &self, range: &lsp::Range, line_index: Arc, content: &[u8], line_folding_only: bool, ) -> u32 { if line_folding_only && range.end.line > 0 && range.end.character > 0 { let offset_end: usize = line_index.offset(range.end).unwrap().into(); let fold_end_char = content[offset_end - 1]; if FOLD_END_PAIR_CHARACTERS.contains(&fold_end_char) { return cmp::max(range.end.line - 1, range.start.line); } } range.end.line } fn get_folding_range_kind( &self, span_kind: &OutliningSpanKind, ) -> Option { match span_kind { OutliningSpanKind::Comment => Some(lsp::FoldingRangeKind::Comment), OutliningSpanKind::Region => Some(lsp::FoldingRangeKind::Region), OutliningSpanKind::Imports => Some(lsp::FoldingRangeKind::Imports), _ => None, } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SignatureHelpItems { items: Vec, applicable_span: TextSpan, selected_item_index: u32, argument_index: u32, argument_count: u32, } impl SignatureHelpItems { pub fn into_signature_help(self) -> lsp::SignatureHelp { lsp::SignatureHelp { signatures: self .items .into_iter() .map(|item| item.into_signature_information()) .collect(), active_parameter: Some(self.argument_index), active_signature: Some(self.selected_item_index), } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SignatureHelpItem { is_variadic: bool, prefix_display_parts: Vec, suffix_display_parts: Vec, separator_display_parts: Vec, parameters: Vec, documentation: Vec, tags: Vec, } impl SignatureHelpItem { pub fn into_signature_information(self) -> lsp::SignatureInformation { let prefix_text = display_parts_to_string(&self.prefix_display_parts); let params_text = self .parameters .iter() .map(|param| display_parts_to_string(¶m.display_parts)) .collect::>() .join(", "); let suffix_text = display_parts_to_string(&self.suffix_display_parts); let documentation = display_parts_to_string(&self.documentation); lsp::SignatureInformation { label: format!("{}{}{}", prefix_text, params_text, suffix_text), documentation: Some(lsp::Documentation::MarkupContent( lsp::MarkupContent { kind: lsp::MarkupKind::Markdown, value: documentation, }, )), parameters: Some( self .parameters .into_iter() .map(|param| param.into_parameter_information()) .collect(), ), active_parameter: None, } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SignatureHelpParameter { name: String, documentation: Vec, display_parts: Vec, is_optional: bool, } impl SignatureHelpParameter { pub fn into_parameter_information(self) -> lsp::ParameterInformation { let documentation = display_parts_to_string(&self.documentation); lsp::ParameterInformation { label: lsp::ParameterLabel::Simple(display_parts_to_string( &self.display_parts, )), documentation: Some(lsp::Documentation::MarkupContent( lsp::MarkupContent { kind: lsp::MarkupKind::Markdown, value: documentation, }, )), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SelectionRange { text_span: TextSpan, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] parent: Option>, } impl SelectionRange { pub fn to_selection_range( &self, line_index: Arc, ) -> lsp::SelectionRange { lsp::SelectionRange { range: self.text_span.to_range(line_index.clone()), parent: self.parent.as_ref().map(|parent_selection| { Box::new(parent_selection.to_selection_range(line_index)) }), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] struct Response { id: usize, data: Value, } struct State<'a> { last_id: usize, response: Option, state_snapshot: Arc, snapshots: HashMap<(ModuleSpecifier, Cow<'a, str>), String>, specifiers: HashMap, } impl<'a> State<'a> { fn new(state_snapshot: Arc) -> Self { Self { last_id: 1, response: None, state_snapshot, snapshots: HashMap::default(), specifiers: HashMap::default(), } } /// If a normalized version of the specifier has been stored for tsc, this /// will "restore" it for communicating back to the tsc language server, /// otherwise it will just convert the specifier to a string. fn denormalize_specifier(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> String { let specifier_str = specifier.to_string(); self .specifiers .get(&specifier_str) .unwrap_or(&specifier_str) .to_string() } /// In certain situations, tsc can request "invalid" specifiers and this will /// normalize and memoize the specifier. fn normalize_specifier>( &mut self, specifier: S, ) -> Result { let specifier_str = specifier.as_ref().replace(".d.ts.d.ts", ".d.ts"); if specifier_str != specifier.as_ref() { self .specifiers .insert(specifier_str.clone(), specifier.as_ref().to_string()); } ModuleSpecifier::parse(&specifier_str).map_err(|err| err.into()) } } /// If a snapshot is missing from the state cache, add it. fn cache_snapshot( state: &mut State, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, version: String, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if !state .snapshots .contains_key(&(specifier.clone(), version.clone().into())) { let content = state .state_snapshot .documents .get(specifier) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("Specifier unexpectedly doesn't exist: {}", specifier) })? .content(); state .snapshots .insert((specifier.clone(), version.into()), content.to_string()); } Ok(()) } fn normalize_specifier>( specifier: S, ) -> Result { resolve_url(specifier.as_ref().replace(".d.ts.d.ts", ".d.ts").as_str()) .map_err(|err| err.into()) } // buffer-less json_sync ops fn op(op_fn: F) -> Box where F: Fn(&mut State, V) -> Result + 'static, V: de::DeserializeOwned, R: Serialize + 'static, { op_sync(move |s, args, _: ()| { let state = s.borrow_mut::(); op_fn(state, args) }) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct SourceSnapshotArgs { specifier: String, version: String, } /// The language service is dropping a reference to a source file snapshot, and /// we can drop our version of that document. fn op_dispose( state: &mut State, args: SourceSnapshotArgs, ) -> Result { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_dispose", Some(&args)); let specifier = state.normalize_specifier(&args.specifier)?; state.snapshots.remove(&(specifier, args.version.into())); state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); Ok(true) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct SpecifierArgs { specifier: String, } fn op_exists(state: &mut State, args: SpecifierArgs) -> Result { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_exists", Some(&args)); let specifier = state.normalize_specifier(args.specifier)?; let result = state .state_snapshot .documents .contains_specifier(&specifier); state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); Ok(result) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct GetChangeRangeArgs { specifier: String, old_length: u32, old_version: String, version: String, } /// The language service wants to compare an old snapshot with a new snapshot to /// determine what source has changed. fn op_get_change_range( state: &mut State, args: GetChangeRangeArgs, ) -> Result { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_get_change_range", Some(&args)); let specifier = state.normalize_specifier(&args.specifier)?; cache_snapshot(state, &specifier, args.version.clone())?; let r = if let Some(current) = state .snapshots .get(&(specifier.clone(), args.version.clone().into())) { if let Some(prev) = state .snapshots .get(&(specifier, args.old_version.clone().into())) { Ok(text::get_range_change(prev, current)) } else { let new_length = current.encode_utf16().count(); // when a local file is opened up in the editor, the compiler might // already have a snapshot of it in memory, and will request it, but we // now are working off in memory versions of the document, and so need // to tell tsc to reset the whole document Ok(json!({ "span": { "start": 0, "length": args.old_length, }, "newLength": new_length, })) } } else { Err(custom_error( "MissingSnapshot", format!( "The current snapshot version is missing.\n Args: \"{:?}\"", args ), )) }; state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); r } fn op_get_length( state: &mut State, args: SourceSnapshotArgs, ) -> Result { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_get_length", Some(&args)); let specifier = state.normalize_specifier(args.specifier)?; let r = if let Some(Some(asset)) = state.state_snapshot.assets.get(&specifier) { Ok(asset.length()) } else { cache_snapshot(state, &specifier, args.version.clone())?; let content = state .snapshots .get(&(specifier, args.version.into())) .unwrap(); Ok(content.encode_utf16().count()) }; state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); r } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct GetTextArgs { specifier: String, version: String, start: usize, end: usize, } fn op_get_text( state: &mut State, args: GetTextArgs, ) -> Result { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_get_text", Some(&args)); let specifier = state.normalize_specifier(args.specifier)?; let content = if let Some(Some(content)) = state.state_snapshot.assets.get(&specifier) { content.text_str() } else { cache_snapshot(state, &specifier, args.version.clone())?; state .snapshots .get(&(specifier, args.version.into())) .unwrap() }; state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); Ok(text::slice(content, args.start..args.end).to_string()) } fn op_load( state: &mut State, args: SpecifierArgs, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_load", Some(&args)); let specifier = state.normalize_specifier(args.specifier)?; let document = state.state_snapshot.documents.get(&specifier); state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); Ok(document.map(|d| d.content().to_string())) } fn op_resolve( state: &mut State, args: ResolveArgs, ) -> Result>, AnyError> { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_resolve", Some(&args)); let referrer = state.normalize_specifier(&args.base)?; let result = if let Some(resolved) = state .state_snapshot .documents .resolve(args.specifiers, &referrer) { Ok( resolved .into_iter() .map(|o| { o.map(|(s, mt)| (s.to_string(), mt.as_ts_extension().to_string())) }) .collect(), ) } else { Err(custom_error( "NotFound", format!( "Error resolving. Referring specifier \"{}\" was not found.", args.base ), )) }; state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); result } fn op_respond(state: &mut State, args: Response) -> Result { state.response = Some(args); Ok(true) } fn op_script_names( state: &mut State, _args: Value, ) -> Result, AnyError> { Ok( state .state_snapshot .documents .documents(true, true) .into_iter() .map(|d| d.specifier().clone()) .collect(), ) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct ScriptVersionArgs { specifier: String, } fn op_script_version( state: &mut State, args: ScriptVersionArgs, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mark = state .state_snapshot .performance .mark("op_script_version", Some(&args)); let specifier = state.normalize_specifier(args.specifier)?; let r = if specifier.scheme() == "asset" { if state.state_snapshot.assets.contains_key(&specifier) { Ok(Some("1".to_string())) } else { Ok(None) } } else { let script_version = state .state_snapshot .documents .get(&specifier) .map(|d| d.script_version()); Ok(script_version) }; state.state_snapshot.performance.measure(mark); r } /// Create and setup a JsRuntime based on a snapshot. It is expected that the /// supplied snapshot is an isolate that contains the TypeScript language /// server. fn load() -> Result { let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions { startup_snapshot: Some(tsc::compiler_snapshot()), ..Default::default() }); { let op_state = runtime.op_state(); let mut op_state = op_state.borrow_mut(); op_state.put(State::new(Arc::new(StateSnapshot::default()))); } runtime.register_op("op_dispose", op(op_dispose)); runtime.register_op("op_exists", op(op_exists)); runtime.register_op("op_get_change_range", op(op_get_change_range)); runtime.register_op("op_get_length", op(op_get_length)); runtime.register_op("op_get_text", op(op_get_text)); runtime.register_op("op_load", op(op_load)); runtime.register_op("op_resolve", op(op_resolve)); runtime.register_op("op_respond", op(op_respond)); runtime.register_op("op_script_names", op(op_script_names)); runtime.register_op("op_script_version", op(op_script_version)); runtime.sync_ops_cache(); Ok(runtime) } /// Instruct a language server runtime to start the language server and provide /// it with a minimal bootstrap configuration. fn start( runtime: &mut JsRuntime, debug: bool, state_snapshot: &StateSnapshot, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let root_uri = state_snapshot .config .root_uri .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| Url::parse("cache:///").unwrap()); let init_config = json!({ "debug": debug, "rootUri": root_uri }); let init_src = format!("globalThis.serverInit({});", init_config); runtime.execute_script(&located_script_name!(), &init_src)?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum QuotePreference { Auto, Double, Single, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum ImportModuleSpecifierPreference { Auto, Relative, NonRelative, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum ImportModuleSpecifierEnding { Auto, Minimal, Index, Js, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum IncludePackageJsonAutoImports { Auto, On, Off, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions { #[serde(flatten)] pub user_preferences: UserPreferences, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub trigger_character: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct UserPreferences { #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub disable_suggestions: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub quote_preference: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub include_completions_for_module_exports: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub include_completions_for_import_statements: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub include_completions_with_snippet_text: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub include_automatic_optional_chain_completions: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub include_completions_with_insert_text: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub allow_incomplete_completions: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub import_module_specifier_preference: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub import_module_specifier_ending: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub allow_text_changes_in_new_files: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub provide_prefix_and_suffix_text_for_rename: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub include_package_json_auto_imports: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub provide_refactor_not_applicable_reason: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SignatureHelpItemsOptions { #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub trigger_reason: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] pub enum SignatureHelpTriggerKind { #[serde(rename = "characterTyped")] CharacterTyped, #[serde(rename = "invoked")] Invoked, #[serde(rename = "retrigger")] Retrigger, } impl From for SignatureHelpTriggerKind { fn from(kind: lsp::SignatureHelpTriggerKind) -> Self { match kind { lsp::SignatureHelpTriggerKind::Invoked => Self::Invoked, lsp::SignatureHelpTriggerKind::TriggerCharacter => Self::CharacterTyped, lsp::SignatureHelpTriggerKind::ContentChange => Self::Retrigger, } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SignatureHelpTriggerReason { pub kind: SignatureHelpTriggerKind, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub trigger_character: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct GetCompletionDetailsArgs { pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, pub position: u32, pub name: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub source: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub data: Option, } impl From for GetCompletionDetailsArgs { fn from(item_data: CompletionItemData) -> Self { Self { specifier: item_data.specifier, position: item_data.position, name: item_data.name, source: item_data.source, data: item_data.data, } } } /// Methods that are supported by the Language Service in the compiler isolate. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum RequestMethod { /// Configure the compilation settings for the server. Configure(TsConfig), /// Get rename locations at a given position. FindRenameLocations { specifier: ModuleSpecifier, position: u32, find_in_strings: bool, find_in_comments: bool, provide_prefix_and_suffix_text_for_rename: bool, }, /// Retrieve the text of an assets that exists in memory in the isolate. GetAsset(ModuleSpecifier), /// Retrieve the possible refactor info for a range of a file. GetApplicableRefactors((ModuleSpecifier, TextSpan, String)), /// Retrieve the refactor edit info for a range. GetEditsForRefactor((ModuleSpecifier, TextSpan, String, String)), /// Retrieve code fixes for a range of a file with the provided error codes. GetCodeFixes((ModuleSpecifier, u32, u32, Vec)), /// Get completion information at a given position (IntelliSense). GetCompletions((ModuleSpecifier, u32, GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions)), /// Get details about a specific completion entry. GetCompletionDetails(GetCompletionDetailsArgs), /// Retrieve the combined code fixes for a fix id for a module. GetCombinedCodeFix((ModuleSpecifier, Value)), /// Get declaration information for a specific position. GetDefinition((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), /// Return diagnostics for given file. GetDiagnostics(Vec), /// Return document highlights at position. GetDocumentHighlights((ModuleSpecifier, u32, Vec)), /// Get semantic highlights information for a particular file. GetEncodedSemanticClassifications((ModuleSpecifier, TextSpan)), /// Get implementation information for a specific position. GetImplementation((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), /// Get "navigate to" items, which are converted to workspace symbols GetNavigateToItems { search: String, max_result_count: Option, file: Option, }, /// Get a "navigation tree" for a specifier. GetNavigationTree(ModuleSpecifier), /// Get outlining spans for a specifier. GetOutliningSpans(ModuleSpecifier), /// Return quick info at position (hover information). GetQuickInfo((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), /// Get document references for a specific position. GetReferences((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), /// Get signature help items for a specific position. GetSignatureHelpItems((ModuleSpecifier, u32, SignatureHelpItemsOptions)), /// Get a selection range for a specific position. GetSmartSelectionRange((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), /// Get the diagnostic codes that support some form of code fix. GetSupportedCodeFixes, /// Get the type definition information for a specific position. GetTypeDefinition { specifier: ModuleSpecifier, position: u32, }, /// Resolve a call hierarchy item for a specific position. PrepareCallHierarchy((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), /// Resolve incoming call hierarchy items for a specific position. ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), /// Resolve outgoing call hierarchy items for a specific position. ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls((ModuleSpecifier, u32)), } impl RequestMethod { fn to_value(&self, state: &State, id: usize) -> Value { match self { RequestMethod::Configure(config) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "configure", "compilerOptions": config, }), RequestMethod::FindRenameLocations { specifier, position, find_in_strings, find_in_comments, provide_prefix_and_suffix_text_for_rename, } => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "findRenameLocations", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, "findInStrings": find_in_strings, "findInComments": find_in_comments, "providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename": provide_prefix_and_suffix_text_for_rename }) } RequestMethod::GetAsset(specifier) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getAsset", "specifier": specifier, }), RequestMethod::GetApplicableRefactors((specifier, span, kind)) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getApplicableRefactors", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "range": { "pos": span.start, "end": span.start + span.length }, "kind": kind, }), RequestMethod::GetEditsForRefactor(( specifier, span, refactor_name, action_name, )) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getEditsForRefactor", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "range": { "pos": span.start, "end": span.start + span.length}, "refactorName": refactor_name, "actionName": action_name, }), RequestMethod::GetCodeFixes(( specifier, start_pos, end_pos, error_codes, )) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getCodeFixes", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "startPosition": start_pos, "endPosition": end_pos, "errorCodes": error_codes, }), RequestMethod::GetCombinedCodeFix((specifier, fix_id)) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getCombinedCodeFix", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "fixId": fix_id, }), RequestMethod::GetCompletionDetails(args) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getCompletionDetails", "args": args }), RequestMethod::GetCompletions((specifier, position, preferences)) => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "getCompletions", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, "preferences": preferences, }) } RequestMethod::GetDefinition((specifier, position)) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getDefinition", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, }), RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(specifiers) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getDiagnostics", "specifiers": specifiers.iter().map(|s| state.denormalize_specifier(s)).collect::>(), }), RequestMethod::GetDocumentHighlights(( specifier, position, files_to_search, )) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getDocumentHighlights", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, "filesToSearch": files_to_search, }), RequestMethod::GetEncodedSemanticClassifications((specifier, span)) => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "getEncodedSemanticClassifications", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "span": span, }) } RequestMethod::GetImplementation((specifier, position)) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getImplementation", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, }), RequestMethod::GetNavigateToItems { search, max_result_count, file, } => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getNavigateToItems", "search": search, "maxResultCount": max_result_count, "file": file, }), RequestMethod::GetNavigationTree(specifier) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getNavigationTree", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), }), RequestMethod::GetOutliningSpans(specifier) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getOutliningSpans", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), }), RequestMethod::GetQuickInfo((specifier, position)) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getQuickInfo", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, }), RequestMethod::GetReferences((specifier, position)) => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getReferences", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, }), RequestMethod::GetSignatureHelpItems((specifier, position, options)) => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "getSignatureHelpItems", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position, "options": options, }) } RequestMethod::GetSmartSelectionRange((specifier, position)) => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "getSmartSelectionRange", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position }) } RequestMethod::GetSupportedCodeFixes => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getSupportedCodeFixes", }), RequestMethod::GetTypeDefinition { specifier, position, } => json!({ "id": id, "method": "getTypeDefinition", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position }), RequestMethod::PrepareCallHierarchy((specifier, position)) => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "prepareCallHierarchy", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position }) } RequestMethod::ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls(( specifier, position, )) => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position }) } RequestMethod::ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls(( specifier, position, )) => { json!({ "id": id, "method": "provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls", "specifier": state.denormalize_specifier(specifier), "position": position }) } } } } /// Send a request into a runtime and return the JSON value of the response. pub(crate) fn request( runtime: &mut JsRuntime, state_snapshot: Arc, method: RequestMethod, ) -> Result { let performance = state_snapshot.performance.clone(); let request_params = { let op_state = runtime.op_state(); let mut op_state = op_state.borrow_mut(); let state = op_state.borrow_mut::(); state.state_snapshot = state_snapshot; state.last_id += 1; let id = state.last_id; method.to_value(state, id) }; let mark = performance.mark("request", Some(request_params.clone())); let request_src = format!("globalThis.serverRequest({});", request_params); runtime.execute_script(&located_script_name!(), &request_src)?; let op_state = runtime.op_state(); let mut op_state = op_state.borrow_mut(); let state = op_state.borrow_mut::(); performance.measure(mark); if let Some(response) = state.response.clone() { state.response = None; Ok(response.data) } else { Err(custom_error( "RequestError", "The response was not received for the request.", )) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::http_cache::HttpCache; use crate::http_util::HeadersMap; use crate::lsp::documents::Documents; use crate::lsp::documents::LanguageId; use crate::lsp::text::LineIndex; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use tempfile::TempDir; fn mock_state_snapshot( fixtures: &[(&str, &str, i32, LanguageId)], location: &Path, ) -> StateSnapshot { let mut documents = Documents::new(location); for (specifier, source, version, language_id) in fixtures { let specifier = resolve_url(specifier).expect("failed to create specifier"); documents.open( specifier.clone(), *version, language_id.clone(), Arc::new(source.to_string()), ); } StateSnapshot { documents, ..Default::default() } } fn setup( debug: bool, config: Value, sources: &[(&str, &str, i32, LanguageId)], ) -> (JsRuntime, Arc, PathBuf) { let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("could not create temp dir"); let location = temp_dir.path().join("deps"); let state_snapshot = Arc::new(mock_state_snapshot(sources, &location)); let mut runtime = load().expect("could not start server"); start(&mut runtime, debug, &state_snapshot) .expect("could not start server"); let ts_config = TsConfig::new(config); assert_eq!( request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot.clone(), RequestMethod::Configure(ts_config) ) .expect("failed request"), json!(true) ); (runtime, state_snapshot, location) } #[test] fn test_replace_links() { let actual = replace_links(r"test {@link http://deno.land/x/mod.ts} test"); assert_eq!( actual, r"test [http://deno.land/x/mod.ts](http://deno.land/x/mod.ts) test" ); let actual = replace_links(r"test {@link http://deno.land/x/mod.ts a link} test"); assert_eq!(actual, r"test [a link](http://deno.land/x/mod.ts) test"); let actual = replace_links(r"test {@linkcode http://deno.land/x/mod.ts a link} test"); assert_eq!(actual, r"test [`a link`](http://deno.land/x/mod.ts) test"); } #[test] fn test_project_configure() { setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "noEmit": true, }), &[], ); } #[test] fn test_project_reconfigure() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "noEmit": true, }), &[], ); let ts_config = TsConfig::new(json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "noEmit": true, "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.worker"] })); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::Configure(ts_config), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(response, json!(true)); } #[test] fn test_get_diagnostics() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#"console.log("hello deno");"#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [ { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0, }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 7 }, "fileName": "file:///a.ts", "messageText": "Cannot find name 'console'. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing the \'lib\' compiler option to include 'dom'.", "sourceLine": "console.log(\"hello deno\");", "category": 1, "code": 2584 } ] }) ); } #[test] fn test_get_diagnostics_lib() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "jsx": "react", "lib": ["esnext", "dom", "deno.ns"], "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#"console.log(document.location);"#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [] })); } #[test] fn test_module_resolution() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#" import { B } from "https://deno.land/x/b/mod.ts"; const b = new B(); console.log(b); "#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [] })); } #[test] fn test_bad_module_specifiers() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#" import { A } from "."; "#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [{ "start": { "line": 1, "character": 8 }, "end": { "line": 1, "character": 30 }, "fileName": "file:///a.ts", "messageText": "\'A\' is declared but its value is never read.", "sourceLine": " import { A } from \".\";", "category": 2, "code": 6133, "reportsUnnecessary": true, }] }) ); } #[test] fn test_remote_modules() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#" import { B } from "https://deno.land/x/b/mod.ts"; const b = new B(); console.log(b); "#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [] })); } #[test] fn test_partial_modules() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#" import { Application, Context, Router, Status, } from "https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.3.2/mod.ts"; import * as test from "#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [{ "start": { "line": 1, "character": 8 }, "end": { "line": 6, "character": 55, }, "fileName": "file:///a.ts", "messageText": "All imports in import declaration are unused.", "sourceLine": " import {", "category": 2, "code": 6192, "reportsUnnecessary": true }, { "start": { "line": 8, "character": 29 }, "end": { "line": 8, "character": 29 }, "fileName": "file:///a.ts", "messageText": "Expression expected.", "sourceLine": " import * as test from", "category": 1, "code": 1109 }] }) ); } #[test] fn test_no_debug_failure() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#"const url = new URL("b.js", import."#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [ { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 35, }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 35 }, "fileName": "file:///a.ts", "messageText": "Identifier expected.", "sourceLine": "const url = new URL(\"b.js\", import.", "category": 1, "code": 1003, } ] }) ); } #[test] fn test_request_asset() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[], ); let specifier = resolve_url("asset:///lib.esnext.d.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetAsset(specifier), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response: Option = serde_json::from_value(result.unwrap()).unwrap(); assert!(response.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_modify_sources() { let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, location) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[( "file:///a.ts", r#" import * as a from "https://deno.land/x/example/a.ts"; if (a.a === "b") { console.log("fail"); } "#, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript, )], ); let cache = HttpCache::new(&location); let specifier_dep = resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/example/a.ts").unwrap(); cache .set( &specifier_dep, HeadersMap::default(), b"export const b = \"b\";\n", ) .unwrap(); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").unwrap(); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot.clone(), RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [ { "start": { "line": 2, "character": 16, }, "end": { "line": 2, "character": 17 }, "fileName": "file:///a.ts", "messageText": "Property \'a\' does not exist on type \'typeof import(\"https://deno.land/x/example/a\")\'.", "sourceLine": " if (a.a === \"b\") {", "code": 2339, "category": 1, } ] }) ); cache .set( &specifier_dep, HeadersMap::default(), b"export const b = \"b\";\n\nexport const a = \"b\";\n", ) .unwrap(); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").unwrap(); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( response, json!({ "file:///a.ts": [] }) ); } #[test] fn test_completion_entry_filter_text() { let fixture = CompletionEntry { kind: ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement, name: "['foo']".to_string(), insert_text: Some("['foo']".to_string()), ..Default::default() }; let actual = fixture.get_filter_text(); assert_eq!(actual, Some(".foo".to_string())); let fixture = CompletionEntry { kind: ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement, name: "#abc".to_string(), ..Default::default() }; let actual = fixture.get_filter_text(); assert_eq!(actual, Some("abc".to_string())); let fixture = CompletionEntry { kind: ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement, name: "#abc".to_string(), insert_text: Some("this.#abc".to_string()), ..Default::default() }; let actual = fixture.get_filter_text(); assert_eq!(actual, Some("abc".to_string())); } #[test] fn test_completions() { let fixture = r#" import { B } from "https://deno.land/x/b/mod.ts"; const b = new B(); console. "#; let line_index = LineIndex::new(fixture); let position = line_index .offset_tsc(lsp::Position { line: 5, character: 16, }) .unwrap(); let (mut runtime, state_snapshot, _) = setup( false, json!({ "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "noEmit": true, }), &[("file:///a.ts", fixture, 1, LanguageId::TypeScript)], ); let specifier = resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("could not resolve url"); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot.clone(), RequestMethod::GetDiagnostics(vec![specifier.clone()]), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot.clone(), RequestMethod::GetCompletions(( specifier.clone(), position, GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions { user_preferences: UserPreferences { include_completions_with_insert_text: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, trigger_character: Some(".".to_string()), }, )), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response: CompletionInfo = serde_json::from_value(result.unwrap()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(response.entries.len(), 19); let result = request( &mut runtime, state_snapshot, RequestMethod::GetCompletionDetails(GetCompletionDetailsArgs { specifier, position, name: "log".to_string(), source: None, data: None, }), ); assert!(result.is_ok()); let response = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( response, json!({ "name": "log", "kindModifiers": "declare", "kind": "method", "displayParts": [ { "text": "(", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": "method", "kind": "text" }, { "text": ")", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": " ", "kind": "space" }, { "text": "Console", "kind": "interfaceName" }, { "text": ".", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": "log", "kind": "methodName" }, { "text": "(", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": "...", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": "data", "kind": "parameterName" }, { "text": ":", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": " ", "kind": "space" }, { "text": "any", "kind": "keyword" }, { "text": "[", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": "]", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": ")", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": ":", "kind": "punctuation" }, { "text": " ", "kind": "space" }, { "text": "void", "kind": "keyword" } ], "documentation": [] }) ); } }