// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { core, internals, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; const { isDate, } = core; const { op_fs_chdir, op_fs_chmod_async, op_fs_chmod_sync, op_fs_chown_async, op_fs_chown_sync, op_fs_copy_file_async, op_fs_copy_file_sync, op_fs_cwd, op_fs_fdatasync_async, op_fs_fdatasync_sync, op_fs_flock_async, op_fs_flock_sync, op_fs_fstat_async, op_fs_fstat_sync, op_fs_fsync_async, op_fs_fsync_sync, op_fs_ftruncate_async, op_fs_ftruncate_sync, op_fs_funlock_async, op_fs_funlock_sync, op_fs_futime_async, op_fs_futime_sync, op_fs_link_async, op_fs_link_sync, op_fs_lstat_async, op_fs_lstat_sync, op_fs_make_temp_dir_async, op_fs_make_temp_dir_sync, op_fs_make_temp_file_async, op_fs_make_temp_file_sync, op_fs_mkdir_async, op_fs_mkdir_sync, op_fs_open_async, op_fs_open_sync, op_fs_read_dir_async, op_fs_read_dir_sync, op_fs_read_file_async, op_fs_read_file_sync, op_fs_read_file_text_async, op_fs_read_file_text_sync, op_fs_read_link_async, op_fs_read_link_sync, op_fs_realpath_async, op_fs_realpath_sync, op_fs_remove_async, op_fs_remove_sync, op_fs_rename_async, op_fs_rename_sync, op_fs_seek_async, op_fs_seek_sync, op_fs_stat_async, op_fs_stat_sync, op_fs_symlink_async, op_fs_symlink_sync, op_fs_truncate_async, op_fs_truncate_sync, op_fs_umask, op_fs_utime_async, op_fs_utime_sync, op_fs_write_file_async, op_fs_write_file_sync, } = core.ensureFastOps(); const { op_cancel_handle, } = core.ensureFastOps(true); const { ArrayPrototypeFilter, Date, DatePrototypeGetTime, Error, Function, MathTrunc, ObjectEntries, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, ObjectValues, StringPrototypeSlice, StringPrototypeStartsWith, SymbolAsyncIterator, SymbolIterator, Uint32Array, } = primordials; import { read, readSync, write, writeSync } from "ext:deno_io/12_io.js"; import * as abortSignal from "ext:deno_web/03_abort_signal.js"; import { readableStreamForRid, ReadableStreamPrototype, writableStreamForRid, } from "ext:deno_web/06_streams.js"; import { pathFromURL, SymbolDispose } from "ext:deno_web/00_infra.js"; function chmodSync(path, mode) { op_fs_chmod_sync(pathFromURL(path), mode); } async function chmod(path, mode) { await op_fs_chmod_async(pathFromURL(path), mode); } function chownSync( path, uid, gid, ) { op_fs_chown_sync(pathFromURL(path), uid, gid); } async function chown( path, uid, gid, ) { await op_fs_chown_async( pathFromURL(path), uid, gid, ); } function copyFileSync( fromPath, toPath, ) { op_fs_copy_file_sync( pathFromURL(fromPath), pathFromURL(toPath), ); } async function copyFile( fromPath, toPath, ) { await op_fs_copy_file_async( pathFromURL(fromPath), pathFromURL(toPath), ); } function cwd() { return op_fs_cwd(); } function chdir(directory) { op_fs_chdir(pathFromURL(directory)); } function makeTempDirSync(options = {}) { return op_fs_make_temp_dir_sync( options.dir, options.prefix, options.suffix, ); } function makeTempDir(options = {}) { return op_fs_make_temp_dir_async( options.dir, options.prefix, options.suffix, ); } function makeTempFileSync(options = {}) { return op_fs_make_temp_file_sync( options.dir, options.prefix, options.suffix, ); } function makeTempFile(options = {}) { return op_fs_make_temp_file_async( options.dir, options.prefix, options.suffix, ); } function mkdirSync(path, options) { op_fs_mkdir_sync( pathFromURL(path), options?.recursive ?? false, options?.mode, ); } async function mkdir(path, options) { await op_fs_mkdir_async( pathFromURL(path), options?.recursive ?? false, options?.mode, ); } function readDirSync(path) { return op_fs_read_dir_sync(pathFromURL(path))[ SymbolIterator ](); } function readDir(path) { const array = op_fs_read_dir_async( pathFromURL(path), ); return { async *[SymbolAsyncIterator]() { const dir = await array; for (let i = 0; i < dir.length; ++i) { yield dir[i]; } }, }; } function readLinkSync(path) { return op_fs_read_link_sync(pathFromURL(path)); } function readLink(path) { return op_fs_read_link_async(pathFromURL(path)); } function realPathSync(path) { return op_fs_realpath_sync(pathFromURL(path)); } function realPath(path) { return op_fs_realpath_async(pathFromURL(path)); } function removeSync( path, options = {}, ) { op_fs_remove_sync( pathFromURL(path), !!options.recursive, ); } async function remove( path, options = {}, ) { await op_fs_remove_async( pathFromURL(path), !!options.recursive, ); } function renameSync(oldpath, newpath) { op_fs_rename_sync( pathFromURL(oldpath), pathFromURL(newpath), ); } async function rename(oldpath, newpath) { await op_fs_rename_async( pathFromURL(oldpath), pathFromURL(newpath), ); } // Extract the FsStat object from the encoded buffer. // See `runtime/ops/fs.rs` for the encoder. // // This is not a general purpose decoder. There are 4 types: // // 1. date // offset += 4 // 1/0 | extra padding | high u32 | low u32 // if date[0] == 1, new Date(u64) else null // // 2. bool // offset += 2 // 1/0 | extra padding // // 3. u64 // offset += 2 // high u32 | low u32 // // 4. ?u64 converts a zero u64 value to JS null on Windows. // ?bool converts a false bool value to JS null on Windows. function createByteStruct(types) { // types can be "date", "bool" or "u64". let offset = 0; let str = 'const unix = Deno.build.os === "darwin" || Deno.build.os === "linux" || Deno.build.os === "android" || Deno.build.os === "openbsd" || Deno.build.os === "freebsd"; return {'; const typeEntries = ObjectEntries(types); for (let i = 0; i < typeEntries.length; ++i) { let { 0: name, 1: type } = typeEntries[i]; const optional = StringPrototypeStartsWith(type, "?"); if (optional) type = StringPrototypeSlice(type, 1); if (type == "u64") { if (!optional) { str += `${name}: view[${offset}] + view[${offset + 1}] * 2**32,`; } else { str += `${name}: (unix ? (view[${offset}] + view[${ offset + 1 }] * 2**32) : (view[${offset}] + view[${ offset + 1 }] * 2**32) || null),`; } } else if (type == "date") { str += `${name}: view[${offset}] === 0 ? null : new Date(view[${ offset + 2 }] + view[${offset + 3}] * 2**32),`; offset += 2; } else { if (!optional) { str += `${name}: !!(view[${offset}] + view[${offset + 1}] * 2**32),`; } else { str += `${name}: (unix ? !!((view[${offset}] + view[${ offset + 1 }] * 2**32)) : !!((view[${offset}] + view[${ offset + 1 }] * 2**32)) || null),`; } } offset += 2; } str += "};"; // ...so you don't like eval huh? don't worry, it only executes during snapshot :) return [new Function("view", str), new Uint32Array(offset)]; } const { 0: statStruct, 1: statBuf } = createByteStruct({ isFile: "bool", isDirectory: "bool", isSymlink: "bool", size: "u64", mtime: "date", atime: "date", birthtime: "date", dev: "u64", ino: "?u64", mode: "?u64", nlink: "?u64", uid: "?u64", gid: "?u64", rdev: "?u64", blksize: "?u64", blocks: "?u64", isBlockDevice: "?bool", isCharDevice: "?bool", isFifo: "?bool", isSocket: "?bool", }); function parseFileInfo(response) { const unix = core.build.os === "darwin" || core.build.os === "linux" || core.build.os === "android" || core.build.os === "freebsd" || core.build.os === "openbsd"; return { isFile: response.isFile, isDirectory: response.isDirectory, isSymlink: response.isSymlink, size: response.size, mtime: response.mtimeSet === true ? new Date(response.mtime) : null, atime: response.atimeSet === true ? new Date(response.atime) : null, birthtime: response.birthtimeSet === true ? new Date(response.birthtime) : null, dev: response.dev, ino: unix ? response.ino : null, mode: unix ? response.mode : null, nlink: unix ? response.nlink : null, uid: unix ? response.uid : null, gid: unix ? response.gid : null, rdev: unix ? response.rdev : null, blksize: unix ? response.blksize : null, blocks: unix ? response.blocks : null, isBlockDevice: unix ? response.isBlockDevice : null, isCharDevice: unix ? response.isCharDevice : null, isFifo: unix ? response.isFifo : null, isSocket: unix ? response.isSocket : null, }; } function fstatSync(rid) { op_fs_fstat_sync(rid, statBuf); return statStruct(statBuf); } async function fstat(rid) { return parseFileInfo(await op_fs_fstat_async(rid)); } async function lstat(path) { const res = await op_fs_lstat_async(pathFromURL(path)); return parseFileInfo(res); } function lstatSync(path) { op_fs_lstat_sync(pathFromURL(path), statBuf); return statStruct(statBuf); } async function stat(path) { const res = await op_fs_stat_async(pathFromURL(path)); return parseFileInfo(res); } function statSync(path) { op_fs_stat_sync(pathFromURL(path), statBuf); return statStruct(statBuf); } function coerceLen(len) { if (len == null || len < 0) { return 0; } return len; } function ftruncateSync(rid, len) { op_fs_ftruncate_sync(rid, coerceLen(len)); } async function ftruncate(rid, len) { await op_fs_ftruncate_async(rid, coerceLen(len)); } function truncateSync(path, len) { op_fs_truncate_sync(path, coerceLen(len)); } async function truncate(path, len) { await op_fs_truncate_async(path, coerceLen(len)); } function umask(mask) { return op_fs_umask(mask); } function linkSync(oldpath, newpath) { op_fs_link_sync(oldpath, newpath); } async function link(oldpath, newpath) { await op_fs_link_async(oldpath, newpath); } function toUnixTimeFromEpoch(value) { if (isDate(value)) { const time = DatePrototypeGetTime(value); const seconds = MathTrunc(time / 1e3); const nanoseconds = MathTrunc(time - (seconds * 1e3)) * 1e6; return [ seconds, nanoseconds, ]; } const seconds = value; const nanoseconds = 0; return [ seconds, nanoseconds, ]; } function futimeSync( rid, atime, mtime, ) { const { 0: atimeSec, 1: atimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(atime); const { 0: mtimeSec, 1: mtimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(mtime); op_fs_futime_sync(rid, atimeSec, atimeNsec, mtimeSec, mtimeNsec); } async function futime( rid, atime, mtime, ) { const { 0: atimeSec, 1: atimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(atime); const { 0: mtimeSec, 1: mtimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(mtime); await op_fs_futime_async( rid, atimeSec, atimeNsec, mtimeSec, mtimeNsec, ); } function utimeSync( path, atime, mtime, ) { const { 0: atimeSec, 1: atimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(atime); const { 0: mtimeSec, 1: mtimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(mtime); op_fs_utime_sync( pathFromURL(path), atimeSec, atimeNsec, mtimeSec, mtimeNsec, ); } async function utime( path, atime, mtime, ) { const { 0: atimeSec, 1: atimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(atime); const { 0: mtimeSec, 1: mtimeNsec } = toUnixTimeFromEpoch(mtime); await op_fs_utime_async( pathFromURL(path), atimeSec, atimeNsec, mtimeSec, mtimeNsec, ); } function symlinkSync( oldpath, newpath, options, ) { op_fs_symlink_sync( pathFromURL(oldpath), pathFromURL(newpath), options?.type, ); } async function symlink( oldpath, newpath, options, ) { await op_fs_symlink_async( pathFromURL(oldpath), pathFromURL(newpath), options?.type, ); } function fdatasyncSync(rid) { internals.warnOnDeprecatedApi( "Deno.fdatasyncSync()", new Error().stack, "Use `file.dataSyncSync()` instead.", ); op_fs_fdatasync_sync(rid); } async function fdatasync(rid) { internals.warnOnDeprecatedApi( "Deno.fdatasync()", new Error().stack, "Use `await file.dataSync()` instead.", ); await op_fs_fdatasync_async(rid); } function fsyncSync(rid) { op_fs_fsync_sync(rid); } async function fsync(rid) { await op_fs_fsync_async(rid); } function flockSync(rid, exclusive) { op_fs_flock_sync(rid, exclusive === true); } async function flock(rid, exclusive) { await op_fs_flock_async(rid, exclusive === true); } function funlockSync(rid) { op_fs_funlock_sync(rid); } async function funlock(rid) { await op_fs_funlock_async(rid); } function seekSync( rid, offset, whence, ) { return op_fs_seek_sync(rid, offset, whence); } function seek( rid, offset, whence, ) { return op_fs_seek_async(rid, offset, whence); } function openSync( path, options, ) { if (options) checkOpenOptions(options); const rid = op_fs_open_sync( pathFromURL(path), options, ); return new FsFile(rid); } async function open( path, options, ) { if (options) checkOpenOptions(options); const rid = await op_fs_open_async( pathFromURL(path), options, ); return new FsFile(rid); } function createSync(path) { return openSync(path, { read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true, }); } function create(path) { return open(path, { read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true, }); } class FsFile { #rid = 0; #readable; #writable; constructor(rid) { this.#rid = rid; } get rid() { return this.#rid; } write(p) { return write(this.rid, p); } writeSync(p) { return writeSync(this.rid, p); } truncate(len) { return ftruncate(this.rid, len); } truncateSync(len) { return ftruncateSync(this.rid, len); } read(p) { return read(this.rid, p); } readSync(p) { return readSync(this.rid, p); } seek(offset, whence) { return seek(this.rid, offset, whence); } seekSync(offset, whence) { return seekSync(this.rid, offset, whence); } stat() { return fstat(this.rid); } statSync() { return fstatSync(this.rid); } async dataSync() { await op_fs_fdatasync_async(this.rid); } dataSyncSync() { op_fs_fdatasync_sync(this.rid); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } get readable() { if (this.#readable === undefined) { this.#readable = readableStreamForRid(this.rid); } return this.#readable; } get writable() { if (this.#writable === undefined) { this.#writable = writableStreamForRid(this.rid); } return this.#writable; } async sync() { await op_fs_fsync_async(this.rid); } syncSync() { op_fs_fsync_sync(this.rid); } [SymbolDispose]() { core.tryClose(this.rid); } } function checkOpenOptions(options) { if ( ArrayPrototypeFilter( ObjectValues(options), (val) => val === true, ).length === 0 ) { throw new Error("OpenOptions requires at least one option to be true"); } if (options.truncate && !options.write) { throw new Error("'truncate' option requires 'write' option"); } const createOrCreateNewWithoutWriteOrAppend = (options.create || options.createNew) && !(options.write || options.append); if (createOrCreateNewWithoutWriteOrAppend) { throw new Error( "'create' or 'createNew' options require 'write' or 'append' option", ); } } const File = FsFile; function readFileSync(path) { return op_fs_read_file_sync(pathFromURL(path)); } async function readFile(path, options) { let cancelRid; let abortHandler; if (options?.signal) { options.signal.throwIfAborted(); cancelRid = op_cancel_handle(); abortHandler = () => core.tryClose(cancelRid); options.signal[abortSignal.add](abortHandler); } try { const read = await op_fs_read_file_async( pathFromURL(path), cancelRid, ); return read; } finally { if (options?.signal) { options.signal[abortSignal.remove](abortHandler); // always throw the abort error when aborted options.signal.throwIfAborted(); } } } function readTextFileSync(path) { return op_fs_read_file_text_sync(pathFromURL(path)); } async function readTextFile(path, options) { let cancelRid; let abortHandler; if (options?.signal) { options.signal.throwIfAborted(); cancelRid = op_cancel_handle(); abortHandler = () => core.tryClose(cancelRid); options.signal[abortSignal.add](abortHandler); } try { const read = await op_fs_read_file_text_async( pathFromURL(path), cancelRid, ); return read; } finally { if (options?.signal) { options.signal[abortSignal.remove](abortHandler); // always throw the abort error when aborted options.signal.throwIfAborted(); } } } function writeFileSync( path, data, options = {}, ) { options.signal?.throwIfAborted(); op_fs_write_file_sync( pathFromURL(path), options.mode, options.append ?? false, options.create ?? true, options.createNew ?? false, data, ); } async function writeFile( path, data, options = {}, ) { let cancelRid; let abortHandler; if (options.signal) { options.signal.throwIfAborted(); cancelRid = op_cancel_handle(); abortHandler = () => core.tryClose(cancelRid); options.signal[abortSignal.add](abortHandler); } try { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ReadableStreamPrototype, data)) { const file = await open(path, { mode: options.mode, append: options.append ?? false, create: options.create ?? true, createNew: options.createNew ?? false, write: true, }); await data.pipeTo(file.writable, { signal: options.signal, }); } else { await op_fs_write_file_async( pathFromURL(path), options.mode, options.append ?? false, options.create ?? true, options.createNew ?? false, data, cancelRid, ); } } finally { if (options.signal) { options.signal[abortSignal.remove](abortHandler); // always throw the abort error when aborted options.signal.throwIfAborted(); } } } function writeTextFileSync( path, data, options = {}, ) { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); return writeFileSync(path, encoder.encode(data), options); } function writeTextFile( path, data, options = {}, ) { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ReadableStreamPrototype, data)) { return writeFile( path, data.pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream()), options, ); } else { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); return writeFile(path, encoder.encode(data), options); } } export { chdir, chmod, chmodSync, chown, chownSync, copyFile, copyFileSync, create, createSync, cwd, fdatasync, fdatasyncSync, File, flock, flockSync, FsFile, fstat, fstatSync, fsync, fsyncSync, ftruncate, ftruncateSync, funlock, funlockSync, futime, futimeSync, link, linkSync, lstat, lstatSync, makeTempDir, makeTempDirSync, makeTempFile, makeTempFileSync, mkdir, mkdirSync, open, openSync, readDir, readDirSync, readFile, readFileSync, readLink, readLinkSync, readTextFile, readTextFileSync, realPath, realPathSync, remove, removeSync, rename, renameSync, seek, seekSync, stat, statSync, symlink, symlinkSync, truncate, truncateSync, umask, utime, utimeSync, writeFile, writeFileSync, writeTextFile, writeTextFileSync, };