// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::ast; use crate::ast::parse; use crate::ast::Location; use crate::ast::ParsedModule; use crate::file_fetcher::TextDocument; use crate::import_map::ImportMap; use crate::lockfile::Lockfile; use crate::media_type::MediaType; use crate::specifier_handler::CachedModule; use crate::specifier_handler::DependencyMap; use crate::specifier_handler::EmitMap; use crate::specifier_handler::EmitType; use crate::specifier_handler::FetchFuture; use crate::specifier_handler::SpecifierHandler; use crate::tsc_config::IgnoredCompilerOptions; use crate::tsc_config::TsConfig; use crate::version; use crate::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::stream::FuturesUnordered; use deno_core::futures::stream::StreamExt; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use regex::Regex; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Deserializer; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::rc::Rc; use std::result; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::time::Instant; use swc_ecmascript::dep_graph::DependencyKind; pub type BuildInfoMap = HashMap; lazy_static! { /// Matched the `@deno-types` pragma. static ref DENO_TYPES_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"(?i)^\s*@deno-types\s*=\s*(?:["']([^"']+)["']|(\S+))"#) .unwrap(); /// Matches a `/// ` comment reference. static ref TRIPLE_SLASH_REFERENCE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(?i)^/\s*").unwrap(); /// Matches a path reference, which adds a dependency to a module static ref PATH_REFERENCE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"(?i)\spath\s*=\s*["']([^"']*)["']"#).unwrap(); /// Matches a types reference, which for JavaScript files indicates the /// location of types to use when type checking a program that includes it as /// a dependency. static ref TYPES_REFERENCE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"(?i)\stypes\s*=\s*["']([^"']*)["']"#).unwrap(); } /// A group of errors that represent errors that can occur when interacting with /// a module graph. #[allow(unused)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum GraphError { /// A module using the HTTPS protocol is trying to import a module with an /// HTTP schema. InvalidDowngrade(ModuleSpecifier, Location), /// A remote module is trying to import a local module. InvalidLocalImport(ModuleSpecifier, Location), /// A remote module is trying to import a local module. InvalidSource(ModuleSpecifier, String), /// A module specifier could not be resolved for a given import. InvalidSpecifier(String, Location), /// An unexpected dependency was requested for a module. MissingDependency(ModuleSpecifier, String), /// An unexpected specifier was requested. MissingSpecifier(ModuleSpecifier), /// Snapshot data was not present in a situation where it was required. MissingSnapshotData, /// The current feature is not supported. NotSupported(String), } use GraphError::*; impl fmt::Display for GraphError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { InvalidDowngrade(ref specifier, ref location) => write!(f, "Modules imported via https are not allowed to import http modules.\n Importing: {}\n at {}:{}:{}", specifier, location.filename, location.line, location.col), InvalidLocalImport(ref specifier, ref location) => write!(f, "Remote modules are not allowed to import local modules.\n Importing: {}\n at {}:{}:{}", specifier, location.filename, location.line, location.col), InvalidSource(ref specifier, ref lockfile) => write!(f, "The source code is invalid, as it does not match the expected hash in the lock file.\n Specifier: {}\n Lock file: {}", specifier, lockfile), InvalidSpecifier(ref specifier, ref location) => write!(f, "Unable to resolve dependency specifier.\n Specifier: {}\n at {}:{}:{}", specifier, location.filename, location.line, location.col), MissingDependency(ref referrer, specifier) => write!( f, "The graph is missing a dependency.\n Specifier: {} from {}", specifier, referrer ), MissingSpecifier(ref specifier) => write!( f, "The graph is missing a specifier.\n Specifier: {}", specifier ), MissingSnapshotData => write!(f, "Snapshot data was not supplied, but required."), NotSupported(ref msg) => write!(f, "{}", msg), } } } impl Error for GraphError {} /// An enum which represents the parsed out values of references in source code. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] enum TypeScriptReference { Path(String), Types(String), } /// Determine if a comment contains a triple slash reference and optionally /// return its kind and value. fn parse_ts_reference(comment: &str) -> Option { if !TRIPLE_SLASH_REFERENCE_RE.is_match(comment) { None } else if let Some(captures) = PATH_REFERENCE_RE.captures(comment) { Some(TypeScriptReference::Path( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str().to_string(), )) } else if let Some(captures) = TYPES_REFERENCE_RE.captures(comment) { Some(TypeScriptReference::Types( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str().to_string(), )) } else { None } } /// Determine if a comment contains a `@deno-types` pragma and optionally return /// its value. fn parse_deno_types(comment: &str) -> Option { if let Some(captures) = DENO_TYPES_RE.captures(comment) { if let Some(m) = captures.get(1) { Some(m.as_str().to_string()) } else if let Some(m) = captures.get(2) { Some(m.as_str().to_string()) } else { panic!("unreachable"); } } else { None } } /// A hashing function that takes the source code, version and optionally a /// user provided config and generates a string hash which can be stored to /// determine if the cached emit is valid or not. fn get_version(source: &TextDocument, version: &str, config: &[u8]) -> String { crate::checksum::gen(&[ source.to_str().unwrap().as_bytes(), version.as_bytes(), config, ]) } /// A logical representation of a module within a graph. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Module { dependencies: DependencyMap, emits: EmitMap, is_dirty: bool, is_hydrated: bool, is_parsed: bool, maybe_import_map: Option>>, maybe_parsed_module: Option, maybe_types: Option<(String, ModuleSpecifier)>, maybe_version: Option, media_type: MediaType, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, source: TextDocument, } impl Default for Module { fn default() -> Self { Module { dependencies: HashMap::new(), emits: HashMap::new(), is_dirty: false, is_hydrated: false, is_parsed: false, maybe_import_map: None, maybe_parsed_module: None, maybe_types: None, maybe_version: None, media_type: MediaType::Unknown, specifier: ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/").unwrap(), source: TextDocument::new(Vec::new(), Option::<&str>::None), } } } impl Module { pub fn new( specifier: ModuleSpecifier, maybe_import_map: Option>>, ) -> Self { Module { specifier, maybe_import_map, ..Module::default() } } /// Return `true` if the current hash of the module matches the stored /// version. pub fn emit_valid(&self, config: &[u8]) -> bool { if let Some(version) = self.maybe_version.clone() { version == get_version(&self.source, version::DENO, config) } else { false } } pub fn hydrate(&mut self, cached_module: CachedModule) { self.media_type = cached_module.media_type; self.source = cached_module.source; if self.maybe_import_map.is_none() { if let Some(dependencies) = cached_module.maybe_dependencies { self.dependencies = dependencies; self.is_parsed = true; } } self.maybe_types = if let Some(ref specifier) = cached_module.maybe_types { Some(( specifier.clone(), self .resolve_import(&specifier, None) .expect("could not resolve module"), )) } else { None }; self.is_dirty = false; self.emits = cached_module.emits; self.maybe_version = cached_module.maybe_version; self.is_hydrated = true; } pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let parsed_module = parse(&self.specifier, &self.source.to_str()?, &self.media_type)?; // parse out any triple slash references for comment in parsed_module.get_leading_comments().iter() { if let Some(ts_reference) = parse_ts_reference(&comment.text) { let location: Location = parsed_module.get_location(&comment.span); match ts_reference { TypeScriptReference::Path(import) => { let specifier = self.resolve_import(&import, Some(location))?; let dep = self.dependencies.entry(import).or_default(); dep.maybe_code = Some(specifier); } TypeScriptReference::Types(import) => { let specifier = self.resolve_import(&import, Some(location))?; if self.media_type == MediaType::JavaScript || self.media_type == MediaType::JSX { // TODO(kitsonk) we need to specifically update the cache when // this value changes self.maybe_types = Some((import.clone(), specifier)); } else { let dep = self.dependencies.entry(import).or_default(); dep.maybe_type = Some(specifier); } } } } } // Parse out all the syntactical dependencies for a module let dependencies = parsed_module.analyze_dependencies(); for desc in dependencies .iter() .filter(|desc| desc.kind != DependencyKind::Require) { let location = Location { filename: self.specifier.to_string(), col: desc.col, line: desc.line, }; let specifier = self.resolve_import(&desc.specifier, Some(location.clone()))?; // Parse out any `@deno-types` pragmas and modify dependency let maybe_types_specifier = if !desc.leading_comments.is_empty() { let comment = desc.leading_comments.last().unwrap(); if let Some(deno_types) = parse_deno_types(&comment.text).as_ref() { Some(self.resolve_import(deno_types, Some(location))?) } else { None } } else { None }; let dep = self .dependencies .entry(desc.specifier.to_string()) .or_default(); if desc.kind == DependencyKind::ExportType || desc.kind == DependencyKind::ImportType { dep.maybe_type = Some(specifier); } else { dep.maybe_code = Some(specifier); } if let Some(types_specifier) = maybe_types_specifier { dep.maybe_type = Some(types_specifier); } } self.maybe_parsed_module = Some(parsed_module); Ok(()) } fn resolve_import( &self, specifier: &str, maybe_location: Option, ) -> Result { let maybe_resolve = if let Some(import_map) = self.maybe_import_map.clone() { import_map .borrow() .resolve(specifier, self.specifier.as_str())? } else { None }; let specifier = if let Some(module_specifier) = maybe_resolve { module_specifier } else { ModuleSpecifier::resolve_import(specifier, self.specifier.as_str())? }; let referrer_scheme = self.specifier.as_url().scheme(); let specifier_scheme = specifier.as_url().scheme(); let location = maybe_location.unwrap_or(Location { filename: self.specifier.to_string(), line: 0, col: 0, }); // Disallow downgrades from HTTPS to HTTP if referrer_scheme == "https" && specifier_scheme == "http" { return Err(InvalidDowngrade(specifier.clone(), location).into()); } // Disallow a remote URL from trying to import a local URL if (referrer_scheme == "https" || referrer_scheme == "http") && !(specifier_scheme == "https" || specifier_scheme == "http") { return Err(InvalidLocalImport(specifier.clone(), location).into()); } Ok(specifier) } /// Calculate the hashed version of the module and update the `maybe_version`. pub fn set_version(&mut self, config: &[u8]) { self.maybe_version = Some(get_version(&self.source, version::DENO, config)) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Stats(Vec<(String, u128)>); impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Stats { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> result::Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let items: Vec<(String, u128)> = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; Ok(Stats(items)) } } impl fmt::Display for Stats { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { for (key, value) in self.0.clone() { write!(f, "{}: {}", key, value)?; } Ok(()) } } /// A structure which provides options when transpiling modules. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct TranspileOptions { /// If `true` then debug logging will be output from the isolate. pub debug: bool, /// An optional string that points to a user supplied TypeScript configuration /// file that augments the the default configuration passed to the TypeScript /// compiler. pub maybe_config_path: Option, } /// A dependency graph of modules, were the modules that have been inserted via /// the builder will be loaded into the graph. Also provides an interface to /// be able to manipulate and handle the graph. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Graph2 { build_info: BuildInfoMap, handler: Rc>, modules: HashMap, roots: Vec, } impl Graph2 { /// Create a new instance of a graph, ready to have modules loaded it. /// /// The argument `handler` is an instance of a structure that implements the /// `SpecifierHandler` trait. /// pub fn new(handler: Rc>) -> Self { Graph2 { build_info: HashMap::new(), handler, modules: HashMap::new(), roots: Vec::new(), } } /// Update the handler with any modules that are marked as _dirty_ and update /// any build info if present. fn flush(&mut self, emit_type: &EmitType) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut handler = self.handler.borrow_mut(); for (_, module) in self.modules.iter_mut() { if module.is_dirty { let (code, maybe_map) = module.emits.get(emit_type).unwrap(); handler.set_cache( &module.specifier, &emit_type, code.clone(), maybe_map.clone(), )?; module.is_dirty = false; if let Some(version) = &module.maybe_version { handler.set_version(&module.specifier, version.clone())?; } } } for root_specifier in self.roots.iter() { if let Some(build_info) = self.build_info.get(&emit_type) { handler.set_build_info( root_specifier, &emit_type, build_info.to_owned(), )?; } } Ok(()) } /// Verify the subresource integrity of the graph based upon the optional /// lockfile, updating the lockfile with any missing resources. This will /// error if any of the resources do not match their lock status. pub fn lock( &self, maybe_lockfile: &Option>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if let Some(lf) = maybe_lockfile { let mut lockfile = lf.lock().unwrap(); for (ms, module) in self.modules.iter() { let specifier = module.specifier.to_string(); let code = module.source.to_string()?; let valid = lockfile.check_or_insert(&specifier, &code); if !valid { return Err( InvalidSource(ms.clone(), lockfile.filename.clone()).into(), ); } } } Ok(()) } /// Transpile (only transform) the graph, updating any emitted modules /// with the specifier handler. The result contains any performance stats /// from the compiler and optionally any user provided configuration compiler /// options that were ignored. /// /// # Arguments /// /// - `options` - A structure of options which impact how the code is /// transpiled. /// pub fn transpile( &mut self, options: TranspileOptions, ) -> Result<(Stats, Option), AnyError> { let start = Instant::now(); let emit_type = EmitType::Cli; let mut ts_config = TsConfig::new(json!({ "checkJs": false, "emitDecoratorMetadata": false, "jsx": "react", "jsxFactory": "React.createElement", "jsxFragmentFactory": "React.Fragment", })); let maybe_ignored_options = ts_config.merge_user_config(options.maybe_config_path)?; let compiler_options = ts_config.as_transpile_config()?; let check_js = compiler_options.check_js; let transform_jsx = compiler_options.jsx == "react"; let emit_options = ast::TranspileOptions { emit_metadata: compiler_options.emit_decorator_metadata, inline_source_map: true, jsx_factory: compiler_options.jsx_factory, jsx_fragment_factory: compiler_options.jsx_fragment_factory, transform_jsx, }; let mut emit_count: u128 = 0; for (_, module) in self.modules.iter_mut() { // TODO(kitsonk) a lot of this logic should be refactored into `Module` as // we start to support other methods on the graph. Especially managing // the dirty state is something the module itself should "own". // if the module is a Dts file we should skip it if module.media_type == MediaType::Dts { continue; } // if we don't have check_js enabled, we won't touch non TypeScript // modules if !(check_js || module.media_type == MediaType::TSX || module.media_type == MediaType::TypeScript) { continue; } let config = ts_config.as_bytes(); // skip modules that already have a valid emit if module.emits.contains_key(&emit_type) && module.emit_valid(&config) { continue; } if module.maybe_parsed_module.is_none() { module.parse()?; } let parsed_module = module.maybe_parsed_module.clone().unwrap(); let emit = parsed_module.transpile(&emit_options)?; emit_count += 1; module.emits.insert(emit_type.clone(), emit); module.set_version(&config); module.is_dirty = true; } self.flush(&emit_type)?; let stats = Stats(vec![ ("Files".to_string(), self.modules.len() as u128), ("Emitted".to_string(), emit_count), ("Total time".to_string(), start.elapsed().as_millis()), ]); Ok((stats, maybe_ignored_options)) } } /// A structure for building a dependency graph of modules. pub struct GraphBuilder2 { fetched: HashSet, graph: Graph2, maybe_import_map: Option>>, pending: FuturesUnordered, } impl GraphBuilder2 { pub fn new( handler: Rc>, maybe_import_map: Option, ) -> Self { let internal_import_map = if let Some(import_map) = maybe_import_map { Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(import_map))) } else { None }; GraphBuilder2 { graph: Graph2::new(handler), fetched: HashSet::new(), maybe_import_map: internal_import_map, pending: FuturesUnordered::new(), } } /// Request a module to be fetched from the handler and queue up its future /// to be awaited to be resolved. fn fetch(&mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if self.fetched.contains(&specifier) { return Ok(()); } self.fetched.insert(specifier.clone()); let future = self.graph.handler.borrow_mut().fetch(specifier.clone()); self.pending.push(future); Ok(()) } /// Visit a module that has been fetched, hydrating the module, analyzing its /// dependencies if required, fetching those dependencies, and inserting the /// module into the graph. fn visit(&mut self, cached_module: CachedModule) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let specifier = cached_module.specifier.clone(); let mut module = Module::new(specifier.clone(), self.maybe_import_map.clone()); module.hydrate(cached_module); if !module.is_parsed { let has_types = module.maybe_types.is_some(); module.parse()?; if self.maybe_import_map.is_none() { let mut handler = self.graph.handler.borrow_mut(); handler.set_deps(&specifier, module.dependencies.clone())?; if !has_types { if let Some((types, _)) = module.maybe_types.clone() { handler.set_types(&specifier, types)?; } } } } for (_, dep) in module.dependencies.iter() { if let Some(specifier) = dep.maybe_code.as_ref() { self.fetch(specifier)?; } if let Some(specifier) = dep.maybe_type.as_ref() { self.fetch(specifier)?; } } if let Some((_, specifier)) = module.maybe_types.as_ref() { self.fetch(specifier)?; } self.graph.modules.insert(specifier, module); Ok(()) } /// Insert a module into the graph based on a module specifier. The module /// and any dependencies will be fetched from the handler. The module will /// also be treated as a _root_ module in the graph. pub async fn insert( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.fetch(specifier)?; loop { let cached_module = self.pending.next().await.unwrap()?; self.visit(cached_module)?; if self.pending.is_empty() { break; } } if !self.graph.roots.contains(specifier) { self.graph.roots.push(specifier.clone()); } Ok(()) } /// Move out the graph from the builder to be utilized further. An optional /// lockfile can be provided, where if the sources in the graph do not match /// the expected lockfile, the method with error instead of returning the /// graph. /// /// TODO(@kitsonk) this should really be owned by the graph, but currently /// the lockfile is behind a mutex in global_state, which makes it really /// hard to not pass around as a reference, which if the Graph owned it, it /// would need lifetime parameters and lifetime parameters are 😭 pub fn get_graph( self, maybe_lockfile: &Option>, ) -> Result { self.graph.lock(maybe_lockfile)?; Ok(self.graph) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use deno_core::futures::future; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Mutex; /// This is a testing mock for `SpecifierHandler` that uses a special file /// system renaming to mock local and remote modules as well as provides /// "spies" for the critical methods for testing purposes. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct MockSpecifierHandler { pub fixtures: PathBuf, pub build_info: HashMap, pub build_info_calls: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, EmitType, TextDocument)>, pub cache_calls: Vec<( ModuleSpecifier, EmitType, TextDocument, Option, )>, pub deps_calls: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, DependencyMap)>, pub types_calls: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, String)>, pub version_calls: Vec<(ModuleSpecifier, String)>, } impl MockSpecifierHandler { fn get_cache( &self, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { let specifier_text = specifier .to_string() .replace(":///", "_") .replace("://", "_") .replace("/", "-"); let specifier_path = self.fixtures.join(specifier_text); let media_type = match specifier_path.extension().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() { "ts" => { if specifier_path.to_string_lossy().ends_with(".d.ts") { MediaType::Dts } else { MediaType::TypeScript } } "tsx" => MediaType::TSX, "js" => MediaType::JavaScript, "jsx" => MediaType::JSX, _ => MediaType::Unknown, }; let source = TextDocument::new(fs::read(specifier_path)?, Option::<&str>::None); Ok(CachedModule { source, specifier, media_type, ..CachedModule::default() }) } } impl SpecifierHandler for MockSpecifierHandler { fn fetch(&mut self, specifier: ModuleSpecifier) -> FetchFuture { Box::pin(future::ready(self.get_cache(specifier))) } fn get_build_info( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, _cache_type: &EmitType, ) -> Result, AnyError> { Ok(self.build_info.get(specifier).cloned()) } fn set_cache( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, cache_type: &EmitType, code: TextDocument, maybe_map: Option, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.cache_calls.push(( specifier.clone(), cache_type.clone(), code, maybe_map, )); Ok(()) } fn set_types( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, types: String, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.types_calls.push((specifier.clone(), types)); Ok(()) } fn set_build_info( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, cache_type: &EmitType, build_info: TextDocument, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self .build_info .insert(specifier.clone(), build_info.clone()); self.build_info_calls.push(( specifier.clone(), cache_type.clone(), build_info, )); Ok(()) } fn set_deps( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, dependencies: DependencyMap, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.deps_calls.push((specifier.clone(), dependencies)); Ok(()) } fn set_version( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, version: String, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { self.version_calls.push((specifier.clone(), version)); Ok(()) } } #[test] fn test_get_version() { let doc_a = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(42);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let version_a = get_version(&doc_a, "1.2.3", b""); let doc_b = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(42);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let version_b = get_version(&doc_b, "1.2.3", b""); assert_eq!(version_a, version_b); let version_c = get_version(&doc_a, "1.2.3", b"options"); assert_ne!(version_a, version_c); let version_d = get_version(&doc_b, "1.2.3", b"options"); assert_eq!(version_c, version_d); let version_e = get_version(&doc_a, "1.2.4", b""); assert_ne!(version_a, version_e); let version_f = get_version(&doc_b, "1.2.4", b""); assert_eq!(version_e, version_f); } #[test] fn test_module_emit_valid() { let source = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(42);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let maybe_version = Some(get_version(&source, version::DENO, b"")); let module = Module { source, maybe_version, ..Module::default() }; assert!(module.emit_valid(b"")); let source = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(42);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let old_source = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(43);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let maybe_version = Some(get_version(&old_source, version::DENO, b"")); let module = Module { source, maybe_version, ..Module::default() }; assert!(!module.emit_valid(b"")); let source = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(42);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let maybe_version = Some(get_version(&source, "0.0.0", b"")); let module = Module { source, maybe_version, ..Module::default() }; assert!(!module.emit_valid(b"")); let source = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(42);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let module = Module { source, ..Module::default() }; assert!(!module.emit_valid(b"")); } #[test] fn test_module_set_version() { let source = TextDocument::new(b"console.log(42);".to_vec(), Option::<&str>::None); let expected = Some(get_version(&source, version::DENO, b"")); let mut module = Module { source, ..Module::default() }; assert!(module.maybe_version.is_none()); module.set_version(b""); assert_eq!(module.maybe_version, expected); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_graph_transpile() { // This is a complex scenario of transpiling, where we have TypeScript // importing a JavaScript file (with type definitions) which imports // TypeScript, JavaScript, and JavaScript with type definitions. // For scenarios where we transpile, we only want the TypeScript files // to be actually emitted. // // This also exercises "@deno-types" and type references. let c = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); let fixtures = c.join("tests/module_graph"); let handler = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MockSpecifierHandler { fixtures, ..MockSpecifierHandler::default() })); let mut builder = GraphBuilder2::new(handler.clone(), None); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("file:///tests/main.ts") .expect("could not resolve module"); builder .insert(&specifier) .await .expect("module not inserted"); let mut graph = builder.get_graph(&None).expect("could not get graph"); let (stats, maybe_ignored_options) = graph.transpile(TranspileOptions::default()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stats.0.len(), 3); assert_eq!(maybe_ignored_options, None); let h = handler.borrow(); assert_eq!(h.cache_calls.len(), 2); assert_eq!(h.cache_calls[0].1, EmitType::Cli); assert!(h.cache_calls[0] .2 .to_string() .unwrap() .contains("# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,")); assert_eq!(h.cache_calls[0].3, None); assert_eq!(h.cache_calls[1].1, EmitType::Cli); assert!(h.cache_calls[1] .2 .to_string() .unwrap() .contains("# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,")); assert_eq!(h.cache_calls[0].3, None); assert_eq!(h.deps_calls.len(), 7); assert_eq!( h.deps_calls[0].0, ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("file:///tests/main.ts").unwrap() ); assert_eq!(h.deps_calls[0].1.len(), 1); assert_eq!( h.deps_calls[1].0, ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("https://deno.land/x/lib/mod.js") .unwrap() ); assert_eq!(h.deps_calls[1].1.len(), 3); assert_eq!( h.deps_calls[2].0, ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("https://deno.land/x/lib/mod.d.ts") .unwrap() ); assert_eq!(h.deps_calls[2].1.len(), 3, "should have 3 dependencies"); // sometimes the calls are not deterministic, and so checking the contents // can cause some failures assert_eq!(h.deps_calls[3].1.len(), 0, "should have no dependencies"); assert_eq!(h.deps_calls[4].1.len(), 0, "should have no dependencies"); assert_eq!(h.deps_calls[5].1.len(), 0, "should have no dependencies"); assert_eq!(h.deps_calls[6].1.len(), 0, "should have no dependencies"); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_graph_transpile_user_config() { let c = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); let fixtures = c.join("tests/module_graph"); let handler = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MockSpecifierHandler { fixtures: fixtures.clone(), ..MockSpecifierHandler::default() })); let mut builder = GraphBuilder2::new(handler.clone(), None); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("https://deno.land/x/transpile.tsx") .expect("could not resolve module"); builder .insert(&specifier) .await .expect("module not inserted"); let mut graph = builder.get_graph(&None).expect("could not get graph"); let (_, maybe_ignored_options) = graph .transpile(TranspileOptions { debug: false, maybe_config_path: Some("tests/module_graph/tsconfig.json".to_string()), }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( maybe_ignored_options.unwrap().items, vec!["target".to_string()], "the 'target' options should have been ignored" ); let h = handler.borrow(); assert_eq!(h.cache_calls.len(), 1, "only one file should be emitted"); // FIXME(bartlomieju): had to add space in `
`, probably a quirk in swc_ecma_codegen assert!( h.cache_calls[0] .2 .to_string() .unwrap() .contains("
Hello world!
"), "jsx should have been preserved" ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_graph_with_lockfile() { let c = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); let fixtures = c.join("tests/module_graph"); let lockfile_path = fixtures.join("lockfile.json"); let lockfile = Lockfile::new(lockfile_path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), false) .expect("could not load lockfile"); let maybe_lockfile = Some(Mutex::new(lockfile)); let handler = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MockSpecifierHandler { fixtures, ..MockSpecifierHandler::default() })); let mut builder = GraphBuilder2::new(handler.clone(), None); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("file:///tests/main.ts") .expect("could not resolve module"); builder .insert(&specifier) .await .expect("module not inserted"); builder .get_graph(&maybe_lockfile) .expect("could not get graph"); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_graph_with_lockfile_fail() { let c = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); let fixtures = c.join("tests/module_graph"); let lockfile_path = fixtures.join("lockfile_fail.json"); let lockfile = Lockfile::new(lockfile_path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), false) .expect("could not load lockfile"); let maybe_lockfile = Some(Mutex::new(lockfile)); let handler = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MockSpecifierHandler { fixtures, ..MockSpecifierHandler::default() })); let mut builder = GraphBuilder2::new(handler.clone(), None); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("file:///tests/main.ts") .expect("could not resolve module"); builder .insert(&specifier) .await .expect("module not inserted"); builder .get_graph(&maybe_lockfile) .expect_err("expected an error"); } }