// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::OpState; use anyhow::Context as _; use anyhow::Error; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::task::Context; use v8::fast_api::FastFunction; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum ExtensionFileSourceCode { /// Source code is included in the binary produced. Either by being defined /// inline, or included using `include_str!()`. If you are snapshotting, this /// will result in two copies of the source code being included - one in the /// snapshot, the other the static string in the `Extension`. IncludedInBinary(&'static str), // Source code is loaded from a file on disk. It's meant to be used if the // embedder is creating snapshots. Files will be loaded from the filesystem // during the build time and they will only be present in the V8 snapshot. LoadedFromFsDuringSnapshot(PathBuf), } impl ExtensionFileSourceCode { pub fn load(&self) -> Result { match self { ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary(code) => Ok(code.to_string()), ExtensionFileSourceCode::LoadedFromFsDuringSnapshot(path) => { let msg = format!("Failed to read \"{}\"", path.display()); let code = std::fs::read_to_string(path).context(msg)?; Ok(code) } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ExtensionFileSource { pub specifier: &'static str, pub code: ExtensionFileSourceCode, } pub type OpFnRef = v8::FunctionCallback; pub type OpMiddlewareFn = dyn Fn(OpDecl) -> OpDecl; pub type OpStateFn = dyn FnOnce(&mut OpState); pub type OpEventLoopFn = dyn Fn(Rc>, &mut Context) -> bool; pub struct OpDecl { pub name: &'static str, pub v8_fn_ptr: OpFnRef, pub enabled: bool, pub is_async: bool, pub is_unstable: bool, pub is_v8: bool, pub fast_fn: Option>, } impl OpDecl { pub fn enabled(self, enabled: bool) -> Self { Self { enabled, ..self } } pub fn disable(self) -> Self { self.enabled(false) } } /// Declares a block of Deno `#[op]`s. The first parameter determines the name of the /// op declaration block, and is usually `deno_ops`. This block generates a function that /// returns a [`Vec`]. /// /// This can be either a compact form like: /// /// ```no_compile /// # use deno_core::*; /// #[op] /// fn op_xyz() {} /// /// deno_core::ops!(deno_ops, [ /// op_xyz /// ]); /// /// // Use the ops: /// deno_ops() /// ``` /// /// ... or a parameterized form like so that allows passing a number of type parameters /// to each `#[op]`: /// /// ```no_compile /// # use deno_core::*; /// #[op] /// fn op_xyz

() where P: Clone {} /// /// deno_core::ops!(deno_ops, /// parameters = [P: Clone], /// ops = [ /// op_xyz

/// ] /// ); /// /// // Use the ops, with `String` as the parameter `P`: /// deno_ops::() /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! ops { ($name:ident, parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ], ops = [ $( $(#[$m:meta])* $( $op:ident )::+ $( < $op_param:ident > )? ),+ $(,)? ]) => { pub(crate) fn $name < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > () -> Vec<$crate::OpDecl> { vec![ $( $( #[ $m ] )* $( $op )::+ :: decl $( :: <$op_param> )? () , )+ ] } }; ($name:ident, [ $( $(#[$m:meta])* $( $op:ident )::+ ),+ $(,)? ] ) => { pub(crate) fn $name() -> Vec<$crate::OpDecl> { vec![ $( $( #[ $m ] )* $( $op )::+ :: decl(), )+ ] } } } /// Defines a Deno extension. The first parameter is the name of the extension symbol namespace to create. This is the symbol you /// will use to refer to the extension. /// /// Most extensions will define a combination of ops and ESM files, like so: /// /// ```no_compile /// #[op] /// fn op_xyz() { /// } /// /// deno_core::extension!( /// my_extension, /// ops = [ op_xyz ], /// esm = [ "my_script.js" ], /// ); /// ``` /// /// The following options are available for the [`extension`] macro: /// /// * deps: a comma-separated list of module dependencies, eg: `deps = [ my_other_extension ]` /// * parameters: a comma-separated list of parameters and base traits, eg: `parameters = [ P: MyTrait ]` /// * ops: a comma-separated list of [`OpDecl`]s to provide, eg: `ops = [ op_foo, op_bar ]` /// * esm: a comma-separated list of ESM module filenames (see [`include_js_files`]), eg: `esm = [ dir "dir", "my_file.js" ]` /// * esm_setup_script: see [`ExtensionBuilder::esm_setup_script`] /// * js: a comma-separated list of JS filenames (see [`include_js_files`]), eg: `js = [ dir "dir", "my_file.js" ]` /// * config: a structure-like definition for configuration parameters which will be required when initializing this extension, eg: `config = { my_param: Option }` /// * middleware: an [`OpDecl`] middleware function with the signature `fn (OpDecl) -> OpDecl` /// * state: a state initialization function, with the signature `fn (&mut OpState, ...) -> ()`, where `...` are parameters matching the fields of the config struct /// * event_loop_middleware: an event-loop middleware function (see [`ExtensionBuilder::event_loop_middleware`]) #[macro_export] macro_rules! extension { ( $name:ident $(, deps = [ $( $dep:ident ),* ] )? $(, parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )? $(, ops_fn = $ops_symbol:ident $( < $ops_param:ident > )? )? $(, ops = [ $( $(#[$m:meta])* $( $op:ident )::+ $( < $op_param:ident > )? ),+ $(,)? ] )? $(, esm_entry_point = $esm_entry_point:literal )? $(, esm = [ $( dir $dir_esm:literal , )? $( $esm:literal ),* $(,)? ] )? $(, esm_setup_script = $esm_setup_script:expr )? $(, js = [ $( dir $dir_js:literal , )? $( $js:literal ),* $(,)? ] )? $(, options = { $( $options_id:ident : $options_type:ty ),* $(,)? } )? $(, middleware = $middleware_fn:expr )? $(, state = $state_fn:expr )? $(, event_loop_middleware = $event_loop_middleware_fn:ident )? $(, customizer = $customizer_fn:expr )? $(,)? ) => { /// Extension struct for #[doc = stringify!($name)] /// . #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub struct $name { } impl $name { #[inline(always)] fn ext() -> $crate::ExtensionBuilder { $crate::Extension::builder_with_deps(stringify!($name), &[ $( $( stringify!($dep) ),* )? ]) } /// If ESM or JS was specified, add those files to the extension. #[inline(always)] #[allow(unused_variables)] fn with_js(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder) { $( ext.esm( $crate::include_js_files!( $name $( dir $dir_esm , )? $( $esm , )* ) ); )? $( ext.esm(vec![ExtensionFileSource { specifier: "ext:setup", code: ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary($esm_setup_script), }]); )? $( ext.esm_entry_point($esm_entry_point); )? $( ext.js( $crate::include_js_files!( $name $( dir $dir_js , )? $( $js , )* ) ); )? } // If ops were specified, add those ops to the extension. #[inline(always)] #[allow(unused_variables)] fn with_ops $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )?(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder) { // If individual ops are specified, roll them up into a vector and apply them $( ext.ops(vec![ $( $( #[ $m ] )* $( $op )::+ :: decl $( :: <$op_param> )? () ),+ ]); )? // Otherwise use the ops_fn, if provided $crate::extension!(! __ops__ ext $( $ops_symbol $( < $ops_param > )? )? __eot__); } // Includes the state and middleware functions, if defined. #[inline(always)] #[allow(unused_variables)] fn with_state_and_middleware$( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )?(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder, $( $( $options_id : $options_type ),* )? ) { $crate::extension!(! __config__ ext $( parameters = [ $( $param : $type ),* ] )? $( config = { $( $options_id : $options_type ),* } )? $( state_fn = $state_fn )? ); $( ext.event_loop_middleware($event_loop_middleware_fn); )? $( ext.middleware($middleware_fn); )? } #[inline(always)] #[allow(unused_variables)] fn with_customizer(ext: &mut $crate::ExtensionBuilder) { $( ($customizer_fn)(ext); )? } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn init_js_only $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )? () -> $crate::Extension { let mut ext = Self::ext(); // If esm or JS was specified, add JS files Self::with_js(&mut ext); Self::with_ops $( ::<($( $param ),+)> )?(&mut ext); Self::with_customizer(&mut ext); ext.take() } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn init_ops_and_esm $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )? ( $( $( $options_id : $options_type ),* )? ) -> $crate::Extension { let mut ext = Self::ext(); // If esm or JS was specified, add JS files Self::with_js(&mut ext); Self::with_ops $( ::<($( $param ),+)> )?(&mut ext); Self::with_state_and_middleware $( ::<($( $param ),+)> )?(&mut ext, $( $( $options_id , )* )? ); Self::with_customizer(&mut ext); ext.take() } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn init_ops $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )? ( $( $( $options_id : $options_type ),* )? ) -> $crate::Extension { let mut ext = Self::ext(); Self::with_ops $( ::<($( $param ),+)> )?(&mut ext); Self::with_state_and_middleware $( ::<($( $param ),+)> )?(&mut ext, $( $( $options_id , )* )? ); Self::with_customizer(&mut ext); ext.take() } } }; // This branch of the macro generates a config object that calls the state function with itself. (! __config__ $ext:ident $( parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )? config = { $( $options_id:ident : $options_type:ty ),* } $( state_fn = $state_fn:expr )? ) => { { #[doc(hidden)] struct Config $( < $( $param : $type + 'static ),+ > )? { $( pub $options_id : $options_type , )* $( __phantom_data: ::std::marker::PhantomData<($( $param ),+)>, )? } let config = Config { $( $options_id , )* $( __phantom_data: ::std::marker::PhantomData::<($( $param ),+)>::default() )? }; let state_fn: fn(&mut $crate::OpState, Config $( < $( $param ),+ > )? ) = $( $state_fn )?; $ext.state(move |state: &mut $crate::OpState| { state_fn(state, config); }); } }; (! __config__ $ext:ident $( parameters = [ $( $param:ident : $type:ident ),+ ] )? $( state_fn = $state_fn:expr )? ) => { $( $ext.state($state_fn); )? }; (! __ops__ $ext:ident __eot__) => { }; (! __ops__ $ext:ident $ops_symbol:ident __eot__) => { $ext.ops($ops_symbol()) }; (! __ops__ $ext:ident $ops_symbol:ident < $ops_param:ident > __eot__) => { $ext.ops($ops_symbol::<$ops_param>()) }; } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Extension { js_files: Option>, esm_files: Option>, esm_entry_point: Option<&'static str>, ops: Option>, opstate_fn: Option>, middleware_fn: Option>, event_loop_middleware: Option>, initialized: bool, enabled: bool, name: &'static str, deps: Option<&'static [&'static str]>, } // Note: this used to be a trait, but we "downgraded" it to a single concrete type // for the initial iteration, it will likely become a trait in the future impl Extension { pub fn builder(name: &'static str) -> ExtensionBuilder { ExtensionBuilder { name, ..Default::default() } } pub fn builder_with_deps( name: &'static str, deps: &'static [&'static str], ) -> ExtensionBuilder { ExtensionBuilder { name, deps, ..Default::default() } } /// Check if dependencies have been loaded, and errors if either: /// - The extension is depending on itself or an extension with the same name. /// - A dependency hasn't been loaded yet. pub fn check_dependencies(&self, previous_exts: &[Extension]) { if let Some(deps) = self.deps { 'dep_loop: for dep in deps { if dep == &self.name { panic!("Extension '{}' is either depending on itself or there is another extension with the same name", self.name); } for ext in previous_exts { if dep == &ext.name { continue 'dep_loop; } } panic!("Extension '{}' is missing dependency '{dep}'", self.name); } } } /// returns JS source code to be loaded into the isolate (either at snapshotting, /// or at startup). as a vector of a tuple of the file name, and the source code. pub fn get_js_sources(&self) -> Option<&Vec> { self.js_files.as_ref() } pub fn get_esm_sources(&self) -> Option<&Vec> { self.esm_files.as_ref() } pub fn get_esm_entry_point(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { self.esm_entry_point } /// Called at JsRuntime startup to initialize ops in the isolate. pub fn init_ops(&mut self) -> Option> { // TODO(@AaronO): maybe make op registration idempotent if self.initialized { panic!("init_ops called twice: not idempotent or correct"); } self.initialized = true; let mut ops = self.ops.take()?; for op in ops.iter_mut() { op.enabled = self.enabled && op.enabled; } Some(ops) } /// Allows setting up the initial op-state of an isolate at startup. pub fn init_state(&mut self, state: &mut OpState) { if let Some(op_fn) = self.opstate_fn.take() { op_fn(state); } } /// init_middleware lets us middleware op registrations, it's called before init_ops pub fn init_middleware(&mut self) -> Option> { self.middleware_fn.take() } pub fn init_event_loop_middleware(&mut self) -> Option> { self.event_loop_middleware.take() } pub fn run_event_loop_middleware( &self, op_state_rc: Rc>, cx: &mut Context, ) -> bool { self .event_loop_middleware .as_ref() .map(|f| f(op_state_rc, cx)) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn enabled(self, enabled: bool) -> Self { Self { enabled, ..self } } pub fn disable(self) -> Self { self.enabled(false) } } // Provides a convenient builder pattern to declare Extensions #[derive(Default)] pub struct ExtensionBuilder { js: Vec, esm: Vec, esm_entry_point: Option<&'static str>, ops: Vec, state: Option>, middleware: Option>, event_loop_middleware: Option>, name: &'static str, deps: &'static [&'static str], } impl ExtensionBuilder { pub fn js(&mut self, js_files: Vec) -> &mut Self { self.js.extend(js_files); self } pub fn esm(&mut self, esm_files: Vec) -> &mut Self { self.esm.extend(esm_files); self } pub fn esm_entry_point(&mut self, entry_point: &'static str) -> &mut Self { self.esm_entry_point = Some(entry_point); self } pub fn ops(&mut self, ops: Vec) -> &mut Self { self.ops.extend(ops); self } pub fn state(&mut self, opstate_fn: F) -> &mut Self where F: FnOnce(&mut OpState) + 'static, { self.state = Some(Box::new(opstate_fn)); self } pub fn middleware(&mut self, middleware_fn: F) -> &mut Self where F: Fn(OpDecl) -> OpDecl + 'static, { self.middleware = Some(Box::new(middleware_fn)); self } pub fn event_loop_middleware(&mut self, middleware_fn: F) -> &mut Self where F: Fn(Rc>, &mut Context) -> bool + 'static, { self.event_loop_middleware = Some(Box::new(middleware_fn)); self } /// Consume the [`ExtensionBuilder`] and return an [`Extension`]. pub fn take(self) -> Extension { let js_files = Some(self.js); let esm_files = Some(self.esm); let ops = Some(self.ops); let deps = Some(self.deps); Extension { js_files, esm_files, esm_entry_point: self.esm_entry_point, ops, opstate_fn: self.state, middleware_fn: self.middleware, event_loop_middleware: self.event_loop_middleware, initialized: false, enabled: true, name: self.name, deps, } } pub fn build(&mut self) -> Extension { let js_files = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.js)); let esm_files = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.esm)); let ops = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.ops)); let deps = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.deps)); Extension { js_files, esm_files, esm_entry_point: self.esm_entry_point.take(), ops, opstate_fn: self.state.take(), middleware_fn: self.middleware.take(), event_loop_middleware: self.event_loop_middleware.take(), initialized: false, enabled: true, name: self.name, deps, } } } /// Helps embed JS files in an extension. Returns a vector of /// `ExtensionFileSource`, that represent the filename and source code. All /// specified files are rewritten into "ext:/". /// /// An optional "dir" option can be specified to prefix all files with a /// directory name. /// /// Example (for "my_extension"): /// ```ignore /// include_js_files!( /// "01_hello.js", /// "02_goodbye.js", /// ) /// // Produces following specifiers: /// - "ext:my_extension/01_hello.js" /// - "ext:my_extension/02_goodbye.js" /// /// /// Example with "dir" option (for "my_extension"): /// ```ignore /// include_js_files!( /// dir "js", /// "01_hello.js", /// "02_goodbye.js", /// ) /// // Produces following specifiers: /// - "ext:my_extension/js/01_hello.js" /// - "ext:my_extension/js/02_goodbye.js" /// ``` #[cfg(not(feature = "include_js_files_for_snapshotting"))] #[macro_export] macro_rules! include_js_files { ($name:ident dir $dir:literal, $($file:literal,)+) => { vec![ $($crate::ExtensionFileSource { specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file), code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary( include_str!(concat!($dir, "/", $file) )), },)+ ] }; ($name:ident $($file:literal,)+) => { vec![ $($crate::ExtensionFileSource { specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file), code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::IncludedInBinary( include_str!($file) ), },)+ ] }; } #[cfg(feature = "include_js_files_for_snapshotting")] #[macro_export] macro_rules! include_js_files { ($name:ident dir $dir:literal, $($file:literal,)+) => { vec![ $($crate::ExtensionFileSource { specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file), code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::LoadedFromFsDuringSnapshot( std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join($dir).join($file) ), },)+ ] }; ($name:ident $($file:literal,)+) => { vec![ $($crate::ExtensionFileSource { specifier: concat!("ext:", stringify!($name), "/", $file), code: $crate::ExtensionFileSourceCode::LoadedFromFsDuringSnapshot( std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join($file) ), },)+ ] }; }