// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import { core, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; import { op_otel_log, op_otel_log_foreign, op_otel_metric_attribute3, op_otel_metric_observable_record0, op_otel_metric_observable_record1, op_otel_metric_observable_record2, op_otel_metric_observable_record3, op_otel_metric_observation_done, op_otel_metric_record0, op_otel_metric_record1, op_otel_metric_record2, op_otel_metric_record3, op_otel_metric_wait_to_observe, op_otel_span_add_link, op_otel_span_attribute1, op_otel_span_attribute2, op_otel_span_attribute3, op_otel_span_update_name, OtelMeter, OtelSpan, OtelTracer, } from "ext:core/ops"; import { Console } from "ext:deno_console/01_console.js"; const { ArrayIsArray, ArrayPrototypePush, DatePrototype, DatePrototypeGetTime, Error, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectEntries, ObjectKeys, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, ReflectApply, SafeIterator, SafeMap, SafePromiseAll, SafeSet, SafeWeakSet, SymbolFor, TypeError, } = primordials; const { AsyncVariable, setAsyncContext } = core; export let TRACING_ENABLED = false; export let METRICS_ENABLED = false; // Note: These start at 0 in the JS library, // but start at 1 when serialized with JSON. enum SpanKind { INTERNAL = 0, SERVER = 1, CLIENT = 2, PRODUCER = 3, CONSUMER = 4, } interface TraceState { set(key: string, value: string): TraceState; unset(key: string): TraceState; get(key: string): string | undefined; serialize(): string; } interface SpanContext { traceId: string; spanId: string; isRemote?: boolean; traceFlags: number; traceState?: TraceState; } enum SpanStatusCode { UNSET = 0, OK = 1, ERROR = 2, } interface SpanStatus { code: SpanStatusCode; message?: string; } type AttributeValue = | string | number | boolean | Array | Array | Array; interface Attributes { [attributeKey: string]: AttributeValue | undefined; } type SpanAttributes = Attributes; type TimeInput = [number, number] | number | Date; interface SpanOptions { kind?: SpanKind; attributes?: Attributes; links?: Link[]; startTime?: TimeInput; root?: boolean; } interface Link { context: SpanContext; attributes?: SpanAttributes; droppedAttributesCount?: number; } interface IArrayValue { values: IAnyValue[]; } interface IAnyValue { stringValue?: string | null; boolValue?: boolean | null; intValue?: number | null; doubleValue?: number | null; arrayValue?: IArrayValue; kvlistValue?: IKeyValueList; bytesValue?: Uint8Array; } interface IKeyValueList { values: IKeyValue[]; } interface IKeyValue { key: string; value: IAnyValue; } function hrToMs(hr: [number, number]): number { return (hr[0] * 1e3 + hr[1] / 1e6); } export function enterSpan(span: Span): Context | undefined { if (!span.isRecording()) return undefined; const context = (CURRENT.get() ?? ROOT_CONTEXT).setValue(SPAN_KEY, span); return CURRENT.enter(context); } export function restoreContext(context: Context): void { setAsyncContext(context); } function isDate(value: unknown): value is Date { return ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(value, DatePrototype); } interface OtelTracer { __key: "tracer"; // deno-lint-ignore no-misused-new new (name: string, version?: string, schemaUrl?: string): OtelTracer; startSpan( parent: OtelSpan | undefined, name: string, spanKind: SpanKind, startTime: number | undefined, attributeCount: number, ): OtelSpan; startSpanForeign( parentTraceId: string, parentSpanId: string, name: string, spanKind: SpanKind, startTime: number | undefined, attributeCount: number, ): OtelSpan; } interface OtelSpan { __key: "span"; spanContext(): SpanContext; setStatus(status: SpanStatusCode, errorDescription: string): void; dropEvent(): void; end(endTime: number): void; } interface TracerOptions { schemaUrl?: string; } class TracerProvider { constructor() { throw new TypeError("TracerProvider can not be constructed"); } static getTracer( name: string, version?: string, options?: TracerOptions, ): Tracer { const tracer = new OtelTracer(name, version, options?.schemaUrl); return new Tracer(tracer); } } class Tracer { #tracer: OtelTracer; constructor(tracer: OtelTracer) { this.#tracer = tracer; } startActiveSpan unknown>( name: string, fn: F, ): ReturnType; startActiveSpan unknown>( name: string, options: SpanOptions, fn: F, ): ReturnType; startActiveSpan unknown>( name: string, options: SpanOptions, context: Context, fn: F, ): ReturnType; startActiveSpan unknown>( name: string, optionsOrFn: SpanOptions | F, fnOrContext?: F | Context, maybeFn?: F, ) { let options; let context; let fn; if (typeof optionsOrFn === "function") { options = undefined; fn = optionsOrFn; } else if (typeof fnOrContext === "function") { options = optionsOrFn; fn = fnOrContext; } else if (typeof maybeFn === "function") { options = optionsOrFn; context = fnOrContext; fn = maybeFn; } else { throw new Error("startActiveSpan requires a function argument"); } if (options?.root) { context = ROOT_CONTEXT; } else { context = context ?? CURRENT.get() ?? ROOT_CONTEXT; } const span = this.startSpan(name, options, context); const ctx = CURRENT.enter(context.setValue(SPAN_KEY, span)); try { return ReflectApply(fn, undefined, [span]); } finally { setAsyncContext(ctx); } } startSpan(name: string, options?: SpanOptions, context?: Context): Span { if (options?.root) { context = undefined; } else { context = context ?? CURRENT.get(); } let startTime = options?.startTime; if (startTime && ArrayIsArray(startTime)) { startTime = hrToMs(startTime); } else if (startTime && isDate(startTime)) { startTime = DatePrototypeGetTime(startTime); } const parentSpan = context?.getValue(SPAN_KEY) as | Span | { spanContext(): SpanContext } | undefined; const attributesCount = options?.attributes ? ObjectKeys(options.attributes).length : 0; const parentOtelSpan: OtelSpan | null | undefined = parentSpan !== undefined ? getOtelSpan(parentSpan) ?? undefined : undefined; let otelSpan: OtelSpan; if (parentOtelSpan || !parentSpan) { otelSpan = this.#tracer.startSpan( parentOtelSpan, name, options?.kind ?? 0, startTime, attributesCount, ); } else { const spanContext = parentSpan.spanContext(); otelSpan = this.#tracer.startSpanForeign( spanContext.traceId, spanContext.spanId, name, options?.kind ?? 0, startTime, attributesCount, ); } const span = new Span(otelSpan); if (options?.links) span.addLinks(options?.links); if (options?.attributes) span.setAttributes(options?.attributes); return span; } } const SPAN_KEY = SymbolFor("OpenTelemetry Context Key SPAN"); let getOtelSpan: (span: object) => OtelSpan | null | undefined; class Span { #otelSpan: OtelSpan | null; #spanContext: SpanContext | undefined; static { // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials getOtelSpan = (span) => (#otelSpan in span ? span.#otelSpan : undefined); } constructor(otelSpan: OtelSpan | null) { this.#otelSpan = otelSpan; } spanContext() { if (!this.#spanContext) { if (this.#otelSpan) { this.#spanContext = this.#otelSpan.spanContext(); } else { this.#spanContext = { traceId: "00000000000000000000000000000000", spanId: "0000000000000000", traceFlags: 0, }; } } return this.#spanContext; } addEvent( _name: string, _attributesOrStartTime?: Attributes | TimeInput, _startTime?: TimeInput, ): Span { this.#otelSpan?.dropEvent(); return this; } addLink(link: Link): Span { const droppedAttributeCount = (link.droppedAttributesCount ?? 0) + (link.attributes ? ObjectKeys(link.attributes).length : 0); const valid = op_otel_span_add_link( this.#otelSpan, link.context.traceId, link.context.spanId, link.context.traceFlags, link.context.isRemote ?? false, droppedAttributeCount, ); if (!valid) return this; return this; } addLinks(links: Link[]): Span { for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { this.addLink(links[i]); } return this; } end(endTime?: TimeInput): void { if (endTime && ArrayIsArray(endTime)) { endTime = hrToMs(endTime); } else if (endTime && isDate(endTime)) { endTime = DatePrototypeGetTime(endTime); } this.#otelSpan?.end(endTime || NaN); } isRecording(): boolean { return this.#otelSpan !== undefined; } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any recordException(_exception: any, _time?: TimeInput): Span { this.#otelSpan?.dropEvent(); return this; } setAttribute(key: string, value: AttributeValue): Span { if (!this.#otelSpan) return this; op_otel_span_attribute1(this.#otelSpan, key, value); return this; } setAttributes(attributes: Attributes): Span { if (!this.#otelSpan) return this; const attributeKvs = ObjectEntries(attributes); let i = 0; while (i < attributeKvs.length) { if (i + 2 < attributeKvs.length) { op_otel_span_attribute3( this.#otelSpan, attributeKvs[i][0], attributeKvs[i][1], attributeKvs[i + 1][0], attributeKvs[i + 1][1], attributeKvs[i + 2][0], attributeKvs[i + 2][1], ); i += 3; } else if (i + 1 < attributeKvs.length) { op_otel_span_attribute2( this.#otelSpan, attributeKvs[i][0], attributeKvs[i][1], attributeKvs[i + 1][0], attributeKvs[i + 1][1], ); i += 2; } else { op_otel_span_attribute1( this.#otelSpan, attributeKvs[i][0], attributeKvs[i][1], ); i += 1; } } return this; } setStatus(status: SpanStatus): Span { this.#otelSpan?.setStatus(status.code, status.message ?? ""); return this; } updateName(name: string): Span { if (!this.#otelSpan) return this; op_otel_span_update_name(this.#otelSpan, name); return this; } } const CURRENT = new AsyncVariable(); class Context { // @ts-ignore __proto__ is not supported in TypeScript #data: Record = { __proto__: null }; constructor(data?: Record | null | undefined) { // @ts-ignore __proto__ is not supported in TypeScript this.#data = { __proto__: null, ...data }; } getValue(key: symbol): unknown { return this.#data[key]; } setValue(key: symbol, value: unknown): Context { const c = new Context(this.#data); c.#data[key] = value; return c; } deleteValue(key: symbol): Context { const c = new Context(this.#data); delete c.#data[key]; return c; } } // TODO(lucacasonato): @opentelemetry/api defines it's own ROOT_CONTEXT const ROOT_CONTEXT = new Context(); // Context manager for opentelemetry js library class ContextManager { constructor() { throw new TypeError("ContextManager can not be constructed"); } static active(): Context { return CURRENT.get() ?? ROOT_CONTEXT; } static with ReturnType>( context: Context, fn: F, thisArg?: ThisParameterType, ...args: A ): ReturnType { const ctx = CURRENT.enter(context); try { return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); } finally { setAsyncContext(ctx); } } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any static bind any>( context: Context, target: T, ): T { return ((...args) => { const ctx = CURRENT.enter(context); try { return ReflectApply(target, this, args); } finally { setAsyncContext(ctx); } }) as T; } static enable() { return this; } static disable() { return this; } } // metrics interface MeterOptions { schemaUrl?: string; } interface MetricOptions { description?: string; unit?: string; valueType?: ValueType; advice?: MetricAdvice; } enum ValueType { INT = 0, DOUBLE = 1, } interface MetricAdvice { /** * Hint the explicit bucket boundaries for SDK if the metric is been * aggregated with a HistogramAggregator. */ explicitBucketBoundaries?: number[]; } interface OtelMeter { __key: "meter"; createCounter(name: string, description?: string, unit?: string): Instrument; createUpDownCounter( name: string, description?: string, unit?: string, ): Instrument; createGauge(name: string, description?: string, unit?: string): Instrument; createHistogram( name: string, description?: string, unit?: string, explicitBucketBoundaries?: number[], ): Instrument; createObservableCounter( name: string, description?: string, unit?: string, ): Instrument; createObservableUpDownCounter( name: string, description?: string, unit?: string, ): Instrument; createObservableGauge( name: string, description?: string, unit?: string, ): Instrument; } class MeterProvider { constructor() { throw new TypeError("MeterProvider can not be constructed"); } static getMeter( name: string, version?: string, options?: MeterOptions, ): Meter { const meter = new OtelMeter(name, version, options?.schemaUrl); return new Meter(meter); } } type MetricAttributes = Attributes; type Instrument = { __key: "instrument" }; let batchResultHasObservables: ( res: BatchObservableResult, observables: Observable[], ) => boolean; class BatchObservableResult { #observables: WeakSet; constructor(observables: WeakSet) { this.#observables = observables; } static { batchResultHasObservables = (cb, observables) => { for (const observable of new SafeIterator(observables)) { if (!cb.#observables.has(observable)) return false; } return true; }; } observe( metric: Observable, value: number, attributes?: MetricAttributes, ): void { if (!this.#observables.has(metric)) return; getObservableResult(metric).observe(value, attributes); } } const BATCH_CALLBACKS = new SafeMap< BatchObservableCallback, BatchObservableResult >(); const INDIVIDUAL_CALLBACKS = new SafeMap>(); class Meter { #meter: OtelMeter; constructor(meter: OtelMeter) { this.#meter = meter; } createCounter(name: string, options?: MetricOptions): Counter { if (options?.valueType !== undefined && options?.valueType !== 1) { throw new Error("Only valueType: DOUBLE is supported"); } if (!METRICS_ENABLED) return new Counter(null, false); const instrument = this.#meter.createCounter( name, // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials options?.description, options?.unit, ) as Instrument; return new Counter(instrument, false); } createUpDownCounter(name: string, options?: MetricOptions): Counter { if (options?.valueType !== undefined && options?.valueType !== 1) { throw new Error("Only valueType: DOUBLE is supported"); } if (!METRICS_ENABLED) return new Counter(null, true); const instrument = this.#meter.createUpDownCounter( name, // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials options?.description, options?.unit, ) as Instrument; return new Counter(instrument, true); } createGauge(name: string, options?: MetricOptions): Gauge { if (options?.valueType !== undefined && options?.valueType !== 1) { throw new Error("Only valueType: DOUBLE is supported"); } if (!METRICS_ENABLED) return new Gauge(null); const instrument = this.#meter.createGauge( name, // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials options?.description, options?.unit, ) as Instrument; return new Gauge(instrument); } createHistogram(name: string, options?: MetricOptions): Histogram { if (options?.valueType !== undefined && options?.valueType !== 1) { throw new Error("Only valueType: DOUBLE is supported"); } if (!METRICS_ENABLED) return new Histogram(null); const instrument = this.#meter.createHistogram( name, // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials options?.description, options?.unit, options?.advice?.explicitBucketBoundaries, ) as Instrument; return new Histogram(instrument); } createObservableCounter(name: string, options?: MetricOptions): Observable { if (options?.valueType !== undefined && options?.valueType !== 1) { throw new Error("Only valueType: DOUBLE is supported"); } if (!METRICS_ENABLED) new Observable(new ObservableResult(null, true)); const instrument = this.#meter.createObservableCounter( name, // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials options?.description, options?.unit, ) as Instrument; return new Observable(new ObservableResult(instrument, true)); } createObservableUpDownCounter( name: string, options?: MetricOptions, ): Observable { if (options?.valueType !== undefined && options?.valueType !== 1) { throw new Error("Only valueType: DOUBLE is supported"); } if (!METRICS_ENABLED) new Observable(new ObservableResult(null, false)); const instrument = this.#meter.createObservableUpDownCounter( name, // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials options?.description, options?.unit, ) as Instrument; return new Observable(new ObservableResult(instrument, false)); } createObservableGauge(name: string, options?: MetricOptions): Observable { if (options?.valueType !== undefined && options?.valueType !== 1) { throw new Error("Only valueType: DOUBLE is supported"); } if (!METRICS_ENABLED) new Observable(new ObservableResult(null, false)); const instrument = this.#meter.createObservableGauge( name, // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials options?.description, options?.unit, ) as Instrument; return new Observable(new ObservableResult(instrument, false)); } addBatchObservableCallback( callback: BatchObservableCallback, observables: Observable[], ): void { if (!METRICS_ENABLED) return; const result = new BatchObservableResult(new SafeWeakSet(observables)); startObserving(); BATCH_CALLBACKS.set(callback, result); } removeBatchObservableCallback( callback: BatchObservableCallback, observables: Observable[], ): void { if (!METRICS_ENABLED) return; const result = BATCH_CALLBACKS.get(callback); if (result && batchResultHasObservables(result, observables)) { BATCH_CALLBACKS.delete(callback); } } } type BatchObservableCallback = ( observableResult: BatchObservableResult, ) => void | Promise; function record( instrument: Instrument | null, value: number, attributes?: MetricAttributes, ) { if (instrument === null) return; if (attributes === undefined) { op_otel_metric_record0(instrument, value); } else { const attrs = ObjectEntries(attributes); if (attrs.length === 0) { op_otel_metric_record0(instrument, value); } let i = 0; while (i < attrs.length) { const remaining = attrs.length - i; if (remaining > 3) { op_otel_metric_attribute3( instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1], attrs[i + 1][0], attrs[i + 1][1], attrs[i + 2][0], attrs[i + 2][1], ); i += 3; } else if (remaining === 3) { op_otel_metric_record3( instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1], attrs[i + 1][0], attrs[i + 1][1], attrs[i + 2][0], attrs[i + 2][1], ); i += 3; } else if (remaining === 2) { op_otel_metric_record2( instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1], attrs[i + 1][0], attrs[i + 1][1], ); i += 2; } else if (remaining === 1) { op_otel_metric_record1(instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1]); i += 1; } } } } function recordObservable( instrument: Instrument | null, value: number, attributes?: MetricAttributes, ) { if (instrument === null) return; if (attributes === undefined) { op_otel_metric_observable_record0(instrument, value); } else { const attrs = ObjectEntries(attributes); if (attrs.length === 0) { op_otel_metric_observable_record0(instrument, value); } let i = 0; while (i < attrs.length) { const remaining = attrs.length - i; if (remaining > 3) { op_otel_metric_attribute3( instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1], attrs[i + 1][0], attrs[i + 1][1], attrs[i + 2][0], attrs[i + 2][1], ); i += 3; } else if (remaining === 3) { op_otel_metric_observable_record3( instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1], attrs[i + 1][0], attrs[i + 1][1], attrs[i + 2][0], attrs[i + 2][1], ); i += 3; } else if (remaining === 2) { op_otel_metric_observable_record2( instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1], attrs[i + 1][0], attrs[i + 1][1], ); i += 2; } else if (remaining === 1) { op_otel_metric_observable_record1( instrument, value, attrs[i][0], attrs[i][1], ); i += 1; } } } } class Counter { #instrument: Instrument | null; #upDown: boolean; constructor(instrument: Instrument | null, upDown: boolean) { this.#instrument = instrument; this.#upDown = upDown; } add(value: number, attributes?: MetricAttributes, _context?: Context): void { if (value < 0 && !this.#upDown) { throw new Error("Counter can only be incremented"); } record(this.#instrument, value, attributes); } } class Gauge { #instrument: Instrument | null; constructor(instrument: Instrument | null) { this.#instrument = instrument; } record( value: number, attributes?: MetricAttributes, _context?: Context, ): void { record(this.#instrument, value, attributes); } } class Histogram { #instrument: Instrument | null; constructor(instrument: Instrument | null) { this.#instrument = instrument; } record( value: number, attributes?: MetricAttributes, _context?: Context, ): void { record(this.#instrument, value, attributes); } } type ObservableCallback = ( observableResult: ObservableResult, ) => void | Promise; let getObservableResult: (observable: Observable) => ObservableResult; class Observable { #result: ObservableResult; constructor(result: ObservableResult) { this.#result = result; } static { getObservableResult = (observable) => observable.#result; } addCallback(callback: ObservableCallback): void { const res = INDIVIDUAL_CALLBACKS.get(this); if (res) res.add(callback); else INDIVIDUAL_CALLBACKS.set(this, new SafeSet([callback])); startObserving(); } removeCallback(callback: ObservableCallback): void { const res = INDIVIDUAL_CALLBACKS.get(this); if (res) res.delete(callback); if (res?.size === 0) INDIVIDUAL_CALLBACKS.delete(this); } } class ObservableResult { #instrument: Instrument | null; #isRegularCounter: boolean; constructor(instrument: Instrument | null, isRegularCounter: boolean) { this.#instrument = instrument; this.#isRegularCounter = isRegularCounter; } observe( this: ObservableResult, value: number, attributes?: MetricAttributes, ): void { if (this.#isRegularCounter) { if (value < 0) { throw new Error("Observable counters can only be incremented"); } } recordObservable(this.#instrument, value, attributes); } } async function observe(): Promise { const promises: Promise[] = []; // Primordials are not needed, because this is a SafeMap. // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials for (const { 0: observable, 1: callbacks } of INDIVIDUAL_CALLBACKS) { const result = getObservableResult(observable); // Primordials are not needed, because this is a SafeSet. // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials for (const callback of callbacks) { // PromiseTry is not in primordials? // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials ArrayPrototypePush(promises, Promise.try(callback, result)); } } // Primordials are not needed, because this is a SafeMap. // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials for (const { 0: callback, 1: result } of BATCH_CALLBACKS) { // PromiseTry is not in primordials? // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials ArrayPrototypePush(promises, Promise.try(callback, result)); } await SafePromiseAll(promises); } let isObserving = false; function startObserving() { if (!isObserving) { isObserving = true; (async () => { while (true) { const promise = op_otel_metric_wait_to_observe(); core.unrefOpPromise(promise); const ok = await promise; if (!ok) break; await observe(); op_otel_metric_observation_done(); } })(); } } const otelConsoleConfig = { ignore: 0, capture: 1, replace: 2, }; function otelLog(message: string, level: number) { const currentSpan = CURRENT.get()?.getValue(SPAN_KEY); const otelSpan = currentSpan !== undefined ? getOtelSpan(currentSpan) : undefined; if (otelSpan || currentSpan === undefined) { op_otel_log(message, level, otelSpan); } else { const spanContext = currentSpan.spanContext(); op_otel_log_foreign( message, level, spanContext.traceId, spanContext.spanId, spanContext.traceFlags, ); } } let builtinTracerCache: Tracer; export function builtinTracer(): Tracer { if (!builtinTracerCache) { builtinTracerCache = new Tracer(OtelTracer.builtin()); } return builtinTracerCache; } // We specify a very high version number, to allow any `@opentelemetry/api` // version to load this module. This does cause @opentelemetry/api to not be // able to register anything itself with the global registration methods. const OTEL_API_COMPAT_VERSION = "1.999.999"; export function bootstrap( config: [ 0 | 1, 0 | 1, (typeof otelConsoleConfig)[keyof typeof otelConsoleConfig], 0 | 1, ], ): void { const { 0: tracingEnabled, 1: metricsEnabled, 2: consoleConfig } = config; TRACING_ENABLED = tracingEnabled === 1; METRICS_ENABLED = metricsEnabled === 1; switch (consoleConfig) { case otelConsoleConfig.capture: core.wrapConsole(globalThis.console, new Console(otelLog)); break; case otelConsoleConfig.replace: ObjectDefineProperty( globalThis, "console", core.propNonEnumerable(new Console(otelLog)), ); break; default: break; } if (TRACING_ENABLED || METRICS_ENABLED) { const otel = globalThis[SymbolFor("opentelemetry.js.api.1")] ??= { version: OTEL_API_COMPAT_VERSION, }; if (TRACING_ENABLED) { otel.trace = TracerProvider; otel.context = ContextManager; } if (METRICS_ENABLED) { otel.metrics = MeterProvider; } } } export const telemetry = { tracerProvider: TracerProvider, contextManager: ContextManager, meterProvider: MeterProvider, };