// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::swc_common; use crate::swc_common::comments::CommentKind; use crate::swc_common::comments::Comments; use crate::swc_common::errors::Diagnostic; use crate::swc_common::errors::DiagnosticBuilder; use crate::swc_common::errors::Emitter; use crate::swc_common::errors::Handler; use crate::swc_common::errors::HandlerFlags; use crate::swc_common::FileName; use crate::swc_common::Globals; use crate::swc_common::SourceMap; use crate::swc_common::Span; use crate::swc_ecma_ast; use crate::swc_ecma_parser::lexer::Lexer; use crate::swc_ecma_parser::JscTarget; use crate::swc_ecma_parser::Parser; use crate::swc_ecma_parser::Session; use crate::swc_ecma_parser::SourceFileInput; use crate::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax; use crate::swc_ecma_parser::TsConfig; use swc_ecma_visit::Node; use swc_ecma_visit::Visit; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::RwLock; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SwcDiagnosticBuffer { pub diagnostics: Vec, } impl Error for SwcDiagnosticBuffer {} impl fmt::Display for SwcDiagnosticBuffer { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let msg = self .diagnostics .iter() .map(|d| d.message()) .collect::>() .join(","); f.pad(&msg) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SwcErrorBuffer(Arc>); impl SwcErrorBuffer { pub fn default() -> Self { Self(Arc::new(RwLock::new(SwcDiagnosticBuffer { diagnostics: vec![], }))) } } impl Emitter for SwcErrorBuffer { fn emit(&mut self, db: &DiagnosticBuilder) { self.0.write().unwrap().diagnostics.push((**db).clone()); } } impl From for SwcDiagnosticBuffer { fn from(buf: SwcErrorBuffer) -> Self { let s = buf.0.read().unwrap(); s.clone() } } /// Low-level utility structure with common AST parsing functions. /// /// Allows to build more complicated parser by providing a callback /// to `parse_module`. pub struct AstParser { pub buffered_error: SwcErrorBuffer, pub source_map: Arc, pub handler: Handler, pub comments: Comments, pub globals: Globals, } impl AstParser { pub fn new() -> Self { let buffered_error = SwcErrorBuffer::default(); let handler = Handler::with_emitter_and_flags( Box::new(buffered_error.clone()), HandlerFlags { dont_buffer_diagnostics: true, can_emit_warnings: true, ..Default::default() }, ); AstParser { buffered_error, source_map: Arc::new(SourceMap::default()), handler, comments: Comments::default(), globals: Globals::new(), } } pub fn parse_module( &self, file_name: &str, source_code: &str, callback: F, ) -> R where F: FnOnce(Result) -> R, { swc_common::GLOBALS.set(&self.globals, || { let swc_source_file = self.source_map.new_source_file( FileName::Custom(file_name.to_string()), source_code.to_string(), ); let buffered_err = self.buffered_error.clone(); let session = Session { handler: &self.handler, }; let mut ts_config = TsConfig::default(); ts_config.dynamic_import = true; let syntax = Syntax::Typescript(ts_config); let lexer = Lexer::new( session, syntax, JscTarget::Es2019, SourceFileInput::from(&*swc_source_file), Some(&self.comments), ); let mut parser = Parser::new_from(session, lexer); let parse_result = parser .parse_module() .map_err(move |mut err: DiagnosticBuilder| { err.cancel(); SwcDiagnosticBuffer::from(buffered_err) }); callback(parse_result) }) } pub fn get_span_location(&self, span: Span) -> swc_common::Loc { self.source_map.lookup_char_pos(span.lo()) } pub fn get_span_comments( &self, span: Span, ) -> Vec { let maybe_comments = self.comments.take_leading_comments(span.lo()); if let Some(comments) = maybe_comments { // clone the comments and put them back in map let to_return = comments.clone(); self.comments.add_leading(span.lo(), comments); to_return } else { vec![] } } } struct DependencyVisitor { dependencies: Vec, analyze_dynamic_imports: bool, } impl Visit for DependencyVisitor { fn visit_import_decl( &mut self, import_decl: &swc_ecma_ast::ImportDecl, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { let src_str = import_decl.src.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(src_str); } fn visit_named_export( &mut self, named_export: &swc_ecma_ast::NamedExport, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { if let Some(src) = &named_export.src { let src_str = src.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(src_str); } } fn visit_export_all( &mut self, export_all: &swc_ecma_ast::ExportAll, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { let src_str = export_all.src.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(src_str); } fn visit_call_expr( &mut self, call_expr: &swc_ecma_ast::CallExpr, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { if !self.analyze_dynamic_imports { return; } use swc_ecma_ast::Expr::*; use swc_ecma_ast::ExprOrSuper::*; let boxed_expr = match call_expr.callee.clone() { Super(_) => return, Expr(boxed) => boxed, }; match &*boxed_expr { Ident(ident) => { if &ident.sym.to_string() != "import" { return; } } _ => return, }; if let Some(arg) = call_expr.args.get(0) { match &*arg.expr { Lit(lit) => { if let swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(str_) = lit { let src_str = str_.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(src_str); } } _ => return, } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] enum DependencyKind { Import, DynamicImport, Export, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] struct DependencyDescriptor { span: Span, specifier: String, kind: DependencyKind, } struct NewDependencyVisitor { dependencies: Vec, } impl Visit for NewDependencyVisitor { fn visit_import_decl( &mut self, import_decl: &swc_ecma_ast::ImportDecl, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { let src_str = import_decl.src.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(DependencyDescriptor { specifier: src_str, kind: DependencyKind::Import, span: import_decl.span, }); } fn visit_named_export( &mut self, named_export: &swc_ecma_ast::NamedExport, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { if let Some(src) = &named_export.src { let src_str = src.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(DependencyDescriptor { specifier: src_str, kind: DependencyKind::Export, span: named_export.span, }); } } fn visit_export_all( &mut self, export_all: &swc_ecma_ast::ExportAll, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { let src_str = export_all.src.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(DependencyDescriptor { specifier: src_str, kind: DependencyKind::Export, span: export_all.span, }); } fn visit_ts_import_type( &mut self, ts_import_type: &swc_ecma_ast::TsImportType, _parent: &dyn Node, ) { // TODO(bartlomieju): possibly add separate DependencyKind let src_str = ts_import_type.arg.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(DependencyDescriptor { specifier: src_str, kind: DependencyKind::Import, span: ts_import_type.arg.span, }); } fn visit_call_expr( &mut self, call_expr: &swc_ecma_ast::CallExpr, parent: &dyn Node, ) { use swc_ecma_ast::Expr::*; use swc_ecma_ast::ExprOrSuper::*; swc_ecma_visit::visit_call_expr(self, call_expr, parent); let boxed_expr = match call_expr.callee.clone() { Super(_) => return, Expr(boxed) => boxed, }; match &*boxed_expr { Ident(ident) => { if &ident.sym.to_string() != "import" { return; } } _ => return, }; if let Some(arg) = call_expr.args.get(0) { match &*arg.expr { Lit(lit) => { if let swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(str_) = lit { let src_str = str_.value.to_string(); self.dependencies.push(DependencyDescriptor { specifier: src_str, kind: DependencyKind::DynamicImport, span: call_expr.span, }); } } _ => return, } } } } fn get_deno_types(parser: &AstParser, span: Span) -> Option { let comments = parser.get_span_comments(span); if comments.is_empty() { return None; } // @deno-types must directly prepend import statement - hence // checking last comment for span let last = comments.last().unwrap(); let comment = last.text.trim_start(); if comment.starts_with("@deno-types") { let split: Vec = comment.split('=').map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(); assert_eq!(split.len(), 2); let specifier_in_quotes = split.get(1).unwrap().to_string(); let specifier = specifier_in_quotes .trim_start_matches('\"') .trim_start_matches('\'') .trim_end_matches('\"') .trim_end_matches('\'') .to_string(); return Some(specifier); } None } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct ImportDescriptor { pub specifier: String, pub deno_types: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TsReferenceKind { Lib, Types, Path, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct TsReferenceDescriptor { pub kind: TsReferenceKind, pub specifier: String, } pub fn analyze_dependencies_and_references( source_code: &str, analyze_dynamic_imports: bool, ) -> Result< (Vec, Vec), SwcDiagnosticBuffer, > { let parser = AstParser::new(); parser.parse_module("root.ts", source_code, |parse_result| { let module = parse_result?; let mut collector = NewDependencyVisitor { dependencies: vec![], }; let module_span = module.span; collector.visit_module(&module, &module); let dependency_descriptors = collector.dependencies; // for each import check if there's relevant @deno-types directive let imports = dependency_descriptors .iter() .filter(|desc| { if analyze_dynamic_imports { return true; } desc.kind != DependencyKind::DynamicImport }) .map(|desc| { if desc.kind == DependencyKind::Import { let deno_types = get_deno_types(&parser, desc.span); ImportDescriptor { specifier: desc.specifier.to_string(), deno_types, } } else { ImportDescriptor { specifier: desc.specifier.to_string(), deno_types: None, } } }) .collect(); // analyze comment from beginning of the file and find TS directives let comments = parser .comments .take_leading_comments(module_span.lo()) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]); let mut references = vec![]; for comment in comments { if comment.kind != CommentKind::Line { continue; } // TODO(bartlomieju): you can do better than that... let text = comment.text.to_string(); let (kind, specifier_in_quotes) = if text.starts_with("/ ") .trim_end() .trim_start_matches('\"') .trim_start_matches('\'') .trim_end_matches('\"') .trim_end_matches('\'') .to_string(); references.push(TsReferenceDescriptor { kind, specifier }); } Ok((imports, references)) }) } #[test] fn test_analyze_dependencies_and_directives() { let source = r#" // This comment is placed to make sure that directives are parsed // even when they start on non-first line /// /// /// // @deno-types="./type_definitions/foo.d.ts" import { foo } from "./type_definitions/foo.js"; // @deno-types="./type_definitions/fizz.d.ts" import "./type_definitions/fizz.js"; /// import * as qat from "./type_definitions/qat.ts"; console.log(foo); console.log(fizz); console.log(qat.qat); "#; let (imports, references) = analyze_dependencies_and_references(source, true).expect("Failed to parse"); assert_eq!( imports, vec![ ImportDescriptor { specifier: "./type_definitions/foo.js".to_string(), deno_types: Some("./type_definitions/foo.d.ts".to_string()) }, ImportDescriptor { specifier: "./type_definitions/fizz.js".to_string(), deno_types: Some("./type_definitions/fizz.d.ts".to_string()) }, ImportDescriptor { specifier: "./type_definitions/qat.ts".to_string(), deno_types: None }, ] ); // According to TS docs (https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/triple-slash-directives.html) // directives that are not at the top of the file are ignored, so only // 3 references should be captured instead of 4. assert_eq!( references, vec![ TsReferenceDescriptor { specifier: "dom".to_string(), kind: TsReferenceKind::Lib, }, TsReferenceDescriptor { specifier: "./type_reference.d.ts".to_string(), kind: TsReferenceKind::Types, }, TsReferenceDescriptor { specifier: "./type_reference/dep.ts".to_string(), kind: TsReferenceKind::Path, }, ] ); }