use crate::colors; use crate::flags::DenoSubcommand; use crate::flags::Flags; use crate::tokio_util; use crate::version; use deno_core::error::bail; use deno_core::error::type_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::error::Context; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde::Serialize; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::v8_set_flags; use deno_core::ModuleLoader; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_runtime::permissions::Permissions; use deno_runtime::worker::MainWorker; use deno_runtime::worker::WorkerOptions; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::env::current_exe; use std::fs::read; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Seek; use std::io::SeekFrom; use std::io::Write; use std::iter::once; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::pin::Pin; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Metadata { flags: Flags, ca_data: Option>, } const MAGIC_TRAILER: &[u8; 8] = b"d3n0l4nd"; /// This function will try to run this binary as a standalone binary /// produced by `deno compile`. It determines if this is a stanalone /// binary by checking for the magic trailer string `D3N0` at EOF-12. /// The magic trailer is followed by: /// - a u64 pointer to the JS bundle embedded in the binary /// - a u64 pointer to JSON metadata (serialized flags) embedded in the binary /// These are dereferenced, and the bundle is executed under the configuration /// specified by the metadata. If no magic trailer is present, this function /// exits with `Ok(())`. pub fn try_run_standalone_binary(args: Vec) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let current_exe_path = current_exe()?; let mut current_exe = File::open(current_exe_path)?; let trailer_pos =; let mut trailer = [0; 24]; current_exe.read_exact(&mut trailer)?; let (magic_trailer, rest) = trailer.split_at(8); if magic_trailer == MAGIC_TRAILER { let (bundle_pos, rest) = rest.split_at(8); let metadata_pos = rest; let bundle_pos = u64_from_bytes(bundle_pos)?; let metadata_pos = u64_from_bytes(metadata_pos)?; let bundle_len = metadata_pos - bundle_pos; let metadata_len = trailer_pos - metadata_pos;; let bundle = read_string_slice(&mut current_exe, bundle_pos, bundle_len) .context("Failed to read source bundle from the current executable")?; let metadata = read_string_slice(&mut current_exe, metadata_pos, metadata_len) .context("Failed to read metadata from the current executable")?; let mut metadata: Metadata = serde_json::from_str(&metadata).unwrap(); metadata.flags.argv.append(&mut args[1..].to_vec()); if let Err(err) = tokio_util::run_basic(run(bundle, metadata)) { eprintln!("{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), err.to_string()); std::process::exit(1); } std::process::exit(0); } else { Ok(()) } } fn u64_from_bytes(arr: &[u8]) -> Result { let fixed_arr: &[u8; 8] = arr .try_into() .context("Failed to convert the buffer into a fixed-size array")?; Ok(u64::from_be_bytes(*fixed_arr)) } fn read_string_slice( file: &mut File, pos: u64, len: u64, ) -> Result { let mut string = String::new();; file.take(len).read_to_string(&mut string)?; // TODO: check amount of bytes read Ok(string) } const SPECIFIER: &str = "file://$deno$/bundle.js"; struct EmbeddedModuleLoader(String); impl ModuleLoader for EmbeddedModuleLoader { fn resolve( &self, _op_state: Rc>, specifier: &str, _referrer: &str, _is_main: bool, ) -> Result { if specifier != SPECIFIER { return Err(type_error( "Self-contained binaries don't support module loading", )); } Ok(ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url(specifier)?) } fn load( &self, _op_state: Rc>, module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, _maybe_referrer: Option, _is_dynamic: bool, ) -> Pin> { let module_specifier = module_specifier.clone(); let code = self.0.to_string(); async move { if module_specifier.to_string() != SPECIFIER { return Err(type_error( "Self-contained binaries don't support module loading", )); } Ok(deno_core::ModuleSource { code, module_url_specified: module_specifier.to_string(), module_url_found: module_specifier.to_string(), }) } .boxed_local() } } async fn run(source_code: String, metadata: Metadata) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let Metadata { flags, ca_data } = metadata; let main_module = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url(SPECIFIER)?; let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&flags.clone().into()); let module_loader = Rc::new(EmbeddedModuleLoader(source_code)); let create_web_worker_cb = Arc::new(|_| { todo!("Worker are currently not supported in standalone binaries"); }); // Keep in sync with ``. v8_set_flags( once("UNUSED_BUT_NECESSARY_ARG0".to_owned()) .chain(flags.v8_flags.iter().cloned()) .collect::>(), ); // TODO(nayeemrmn): Unify this Flags -> WorkerOptions mapping with `deno run`. let options = WorkerOptions { apply_source_maps: false, args: flags.argv, debug_flag: flags.log_level.map_or(false, |l| l == log::Level::Debug), user_agent: crate::http_util::get_user_agent(), unstable: flags.unstable, ca_data, seed: flags.seed, js_error_create_fn: None, create_web_worker_cb, attach_inspector: false, maybe_inspector_server: None, should_break_on_first_statement: false, module_loader, runtime_version: version::deno(), ts_version: version::TYPESCRIPT.to_string(), no_color: !colors::use_color(), get_error_class_fn: Some(&crate::errors::get_error_class_name), location: flags.location, }; let mut worker = MainWorker::from_options(main_module.clone(), permissions, &options); worker.bootstrap(&options); worker.execute_module(&main_module).await?; worker.execute("window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))")?; worker.run_event_loop().await?; worker.execute("window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))")?; Ok(()) } /// This functions creates a standalone deno binary by appending a bundle /// and magic trailer to the currently executing binary. pub async fn create_standalone_binary( source_code: String, flags: Flags, output: PathBuf, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut source_code = source_code.as_bytes().to_vec(); let ca_data = match &flags.ca_file { Some(ca_file) => Some(read(ca_file)?), None => None, }; let metadata = Metadata { flags, ca_data }; let mut metadata = serde_json::to_string(&metadata)?.as_bytes().to_vec(); let original_binary_path = std::env::current_exe()?; let mut original_bin = tokio::fs::read(original_binary_path).await?; let bundle_pos = original_bin.len(); let metadata_pos = bundle_pos + source_code.len(); let mut trailer = MAGIC_TRAILER.to_vec(); trailer.write_all(&bundle_pos.to_be_bytes())?; trailer.write_all(&metadata_pos.to_be_bytes())?; let mut final_bin = Vec::with_capacity(original_bin.len() + source_code.len() + trailer.len()); final_bin.append(&mut original_bin); final_bin.append(&mut source_code); final_bin.append(&mut metadata); final_bin.append(&mut trailer); let output = if cfg!(windows) && output.extension().unwrap_or_default() != "exe" { PathBuf::from(output.display().to_string() + ".exe") } else { output }; if output.exists() { // If the output is a directory, throw error if output.is_dir() { bail!("Could not compile: {:?} is a directory.", &output); } // Make sure we don't overwrite any file not created by Deno compiler. // Check for magic trailer in last 24 bytes. let mut has_trailer = false; let mut output_file = File::open(&output)?; // This seek may fail because the file is too small to possibly be // `deno compile` output. if { let mut trailer = [0; 24]; output_file.read_exact(&mut trailer)?; let (magic_trailer, _) = trailer.split_at(8); has_trailer = magic_trailer == MAGIC_TRAILER; } if !has_trailer { bail!("Could not compile: cannot overwrite {:?}.", &output); } } tokio::fs::write(&output, final_bin).await?; #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; let perms = std::fs::Permissions::from_mode(0o777); tokio::fs::set_permissions(output, perms).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Transform the flags passed to `deno compile` to flags that would be used at /// runtime, as if `deno run` were used. /// - Flags that affect module resolution, loading, type checking, etc. aren't /// applicable at runtime so are set to their defaults like `false`. /// - Other flags are inherited. pub fn compile_to_runtime_flags( flags: Flags, baked_args: Vec, ) -> Result { // IMPORTANT: Don't abbreviate any of this to `..flags` or // `..Default::default()`. That forces us to explicitly consider how any // change to `Flags` should be reflected here. Ok(Flags { argv: baked_args, subcommand: DenoSubcommand::Run { script: "placeholder".to_string(), }, allow_env: flags.allow_env, allow_hrtime: flags.allow_hrtime, allow_net: flags.allow_net, allow_plugin: flags.allow_plugin, allow_read: flags.allow_read, allow_run: flags.allow_run, allow_write: flags.allow_write, cache_blocklist: vec![], ca_file: flags.ca_file, cached_only: false, config_path: None, coverage_dir: flags.coverage_dir, ignore: vec![], import_map_path: None, inspect: None, inspect_brk: None, location: flags.location, lock: None, lock_write: false, log_level: flags.log_level, no_check: false, no_prompts: flags.no_prompts, no_remote: false, reload: false, repl: false, seed: flags.seed, unstable: flags.unstable, v8_flags: flags.v8_flags, version: false, watch: false, }) }