// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::error::anyhow; use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde::Serialize; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use dprint_plugin_typescript as dprint; use lspower::jsonrpc::Error as LspError; use lspower::jsonrpc::Result as LspResult; use lspower::lsp::request::*; use lspower::lsp::*; use lspower::Client; use regex::Regex; use serde_json::from_value; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::fs; use crate::deno_dir; use crate::import_map::ImportMap; use crate::tsc_config::parse_config; use crate::tsc_config::TsConfig; use super::analysis::ts_changes_to_edit; use super::analysis::CodeActionCollection; use super::analysis::CodeActionData; use super::analysis::CodeLensData; use super::analysis::CodeLensSource; use super::capabilities; use super::config::Config; use super::diagnostics; use super::diagnostics::DiagnosticCollection; use super::diagnostics::DiagnosticSource; use super::documents::DocumentCache; use super::performance::Performance; use super::sources; use super::sources::Sources; use super::text; use super::text::LineIndex; use super::tsc; use super::tsc::AssetDocument; use super::tsc::TsServer; use super::utils; lazy_static! { static ref EXPORT_MODIFIER: Regex = Regex::new(r"\bexport\b").unwrap(); } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct LanguageServer(Arc>); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct StateSnapshot { pub assets: HashMap>, pub documents: DocumentCache, pub sources: Sources, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Inner { /// Cached versions of "fixed" assets that can either be inlined in Rust or /// are part of the TypeScript snapshot and have to be fetched out. assets: HashMap>, /// The LSP client that this LSP server is connected to. client: Client, /// Configuration information. config: Config, /// A collection of diagnostics from different sources. diagnostics: DiagnosticCollection, /// The "in-memory" documents in the editor which can be updated and changed. documents: DocumentCache, /// An optional URL which provides the location of a TypeScript configuration /// file which will be used by the Deno LSP. maybe_config_uri: Option, /// An optional import map which is used to resolve modules. maybe_import_map: Option, /// The URL for the import map which is used to determine relative imports. maybe_import_map_uri: Option, /// A collection of measurements which instrument that performance of the LSP. performance: Performance, /// Cached sources that are read-only. sources: Sources, /// A memoized version of fixable diagnostic codes retrieved from TypeScript. ts_fixable_diagnostics: Vec, /// An abstraction that handles interactions with TypeScript. ts_server: TsServer, } impl LanguageServer { pub fn new(client: Client) -> Self { Self(Arc::new(tokio::sync::Mutex::new(Inner::new(client)))) } } impl Inner { fn new(client: Client) -> Self { let maybe_custom_root = env::var("DENO_DIR").map(String::into).ok(); let dir = deno_dir::DenoDir::new(maybe_custom_root) .expect("could not access DENO_DIR"); let location = dir.root.join("deps"); let sources = Sources::new(&location); Self { assets: Default::default(), client, config: Default::default(), diagnostics: Default::default(), documents: Default::default(), maybe_config_uri: Default::default(), maybe_import_map: Default::default(), maybe_import_map_uri: Default::default(), performance: Default::default(), sources, ts_fixable_diagnostics: Default::default(), ts_server: TsServer::new(), } } fn enabled(&self) -> bool { self.config.settings.enable } /// Searches assets, open documents and external sources for a line_index, /// which might be performed asynchronously, hydrating in memory caches for /// subsequent requests. pub(crate) async fn get_line_index( &mut self, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { let mark = self.performance.mark("get_line_index"); let result = if specifier.as_url().scheme() == "asset" { let maybe_asset = self.assets.get(&specifier).cloned(); if let Some(maybe_asset) = maybe_asset { if let Some(asset) = maybe_asset { Ok(asset.line_index) } else { Err(anyhow!("asset is missing: {}", specifier)) } } else { if let Some(asset) = self.get_asset(&specifier).await? { Ok(asset.line_index) } else { Err(anyhow!("asset is missing: {}", specifier)) } } } else if let Some(line_index) = self.documents.line_index(&specifier) { Ok(line_index) } else if let Some(line_index) = self.sources.get_line_index(&specifier) { Ok(line_index) } else { Err(anyhow!("Unable to find line index for: {}", specifier)) }; self.performance.measure(mark); result } /// Only searches already cached assets and documents for a line index. If /// the line index cannot be found, `None` is returned. fn get_line_index_sync( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let mark = self.performance.mark("get_line_index_sync"); let maybe_line_index = if specifier.as_url().scheme() == "asset" { if let Some(Some(asset)) = self.assets.get(specifier) { Some(asset.line_index.clone()) } else { None } } else { let documents = &self.documents; if documents.contains(specifier) { documents.line_index(specifier) } else { self.sources.get_line_index(specifier) } }; self.performance.measure(mark); maybe_line_index } async fn get_navigation_tree( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { if self.documents.contains(specifier) { let mark = self.performance.mark("get_navigation_tree"); if let Some(navigation_tree) = self.documents.navigation_tree(specifier) { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(navigation_tree) } else { let res = self .ts_server .request( self.snapshot(), tsc::RequestMethod::GetNavigationTree(specifier.clone()), ) .await .unwrap(); let navigation_tree: tsc::NavigationTree = serde_json::from_value(res).unwrap(); self .documents .set_navigation_tree(specifier, navigation_tree.clone())?; self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(navigation_tree) } } else { Err(custom_error( "NotFound", format!("The document \"{}\" was unexpectedly not found.", specifier), )) } } async fn prepare_diagnostics(&mut self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let (enabled, lint_enabled) = { let config = &self.config; (config.settings.enable, config.settings.lint) }; let lint = async { let mut diagnostics = None; if lint_enabled { let mark = self.performance.mark("prepare_diagnostics_lint"); diagnostics = Some( diagnostics::generate_lint_diagnostics( self.snapshot(), self.diagnostics.clone(), ) .await, ); self.performance.measure(mark); }; Ok::<_, AnyError>(diagnostics) }; let ts = async { let mut diagnostics = None; if enabled { let mark = self.performance.mark("prepare_diagnostics_ts"); diagnostics = Some( diagnostics::generate_ts_diagnostics( self.snapshot(), self.diagnostics.clone(), &self.ts_server, ) .await?, ); self.performance.measure(mark); }; Ok::<_, AnyError>(diagnostics) }; let deps = async { let mut diagnostics = None; if enabled { let mark = self.performance.mark("prepare_diagnostics_deps"); diagnostics = Some( diagnostics::generate_dependency_diagnostics( self.snapshot(), self.diagnostics.clone(), ) .await?, ); self.performance.measure(mark); }; Ok::<_, AnyError>(diagnostics) }; let (lint_res, ts_res, deps_res) = tokio::join!(lint, ts, deps); let mut disturbed = false; if let Some(diagnostics) = lint_res? { for (specifier, version, diagnostics) in diagnostics { self.diagnostics.set( specifier, DiagnosticSource::Lint, version, diagnostics, ); disturbed = true; } } if let Some(diagnostics) = ts_res? { for (specifier, version, diagnostics) in diagnostics { self.diagnostics.set( specifier, DiagnosticSource::TypeScript, version, diagnostics, ); disturbed = true; } } if let Some(diagnostics) = deps_res? { for (specifier, version, diagnostics) in diagnostics { self.diagnostics.set( specifier, DiagnosticSource::Deno, version, diagnostics, ); disturbed = true; } } if disturbed { self.publish_diagnostics().await?; } Ok(()) } async fn publish_diagnostics(&mut self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mark = self.performance.mark("publish_diagnostics"); let (maybe_changes, diagnostics_collection) = { let diagnostics_collection = &mut self.diagnostics; let maybe_changes = diagnostics_collection.take_changes(); (maybe_changes, diagnostics_collection.clone()) }; if let Some(diagnostic_changes) = maybe_changes { for specifier in diagnostic_changes { // TODO(@kitsonk) not totally happy with the way we collect and store // different types of diagnostics and offer them up to the client, we // do need to send "empty" vectors though when a particular feature is // disabled, otherwise the client will not clear down previous // diagnostics let mut diagnostics: Vec = if self.config.settings.lint { diagnostics_collection .diagnostics_for(&specifier, &DiagnosticSource::Lint) .cloned() .collect() } else { vec![] }; if self.enabled() { diagnostics.extend( diagnostics_collection .diagnostics_for(&specifier, &DiagnosticSource::TypeScript) .cloned(), ); diagnostics.extend( diagnostics_collection .diagnostics_for(&specifier, &DiagnosticSource::Deno) .cloned(), ); } let uri = specifier.as_url().clone(); let version = self.documents.version(&specifier); self .client .publish_diagnostics(uri, diagnostics, version) .await; } } self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(()) } fn snapshot(&self) -> StateSnapshot { StateSnapshot { assets: self.assets.clone(), documents: self.documents.clone(), sources: self.sources.clone(), } } pub async fn update_import_map(&mut self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mark = self.performance.mark("update_import_map"); let (maybe_import_map, maybe_root_uri) = { let config = &self.config; (config.settings.import_map.clone(), config.root_uri.clone()) }; if let Some(import_map_str) = &maybe_import_map { info!("Updating import map from: \"{}\"", import_map_str); let import_map_url = if let Ok(url) = Url::from_file_path(import_map_str) { Ok(url) } else if let Some(root_uri) = &maybe_root_uri { let root_path = root_uri .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Bad root_uri: {}", root_uri))?; let import_map_path = root_path.join(import_map_str); Url::from_file_path(import_map_path).map_err(|_| { anyhow!("Bad file path for import map: {:?}", import_map_str) }) } else { Err(anyhow!( "The path to the import map (\"{}\") is not resolvable.", import_map_str )) }?; let import_map_path = import_map_url .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Bad file path."))?; let import_map_json = fs::read_to_string(import_map_path).await.map_err(|err| { anyhow!( "Failed to load the import map at: {}. [{}]", import_map_url, err ) })?; let import_map = ImportMap::from_json(&import_map_url.to_string(), &import_map_json)?; self.maybe_import_map_uri = Some(import_map_url); self.maybe_import_map = Some(import_map); } else { self.maybe_import_map = None; } self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(()) } async fn update_tsconfig(&mut self) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mark = self.performance.mark("update_tsconfig"); let mut tsconfig = TsConfig::new(json!({ "allowJs": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "isolatedModules": true, "jsx": "react", "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window"], "module": "esnext", "noEmit": true, "strict": true, "target": "esnext", })); let (maybe_config, maybe_root_uri) = { let config = &self.config; if config.settings.unstable { let unstable_libs = json!({ "lib": ["deno.ns", "deno.window", "deno.unstable"] }); tsconfig.merge(&unstable_libs); } (config.settings.config.clone(), config.root_uri.clone()) }; if let Some(config_str) = &maybe_config { info!("Updating TypeScript configuration from: \"{}\"", config_str); let config_url = if let Ok(url) = Url::from_file_path(config_str) { Ok(url) } else if let Some(root_uri) = &maybe_root_uri { let root_path = root_uri .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Bad root_uri: {}", root_uri))?; let config_path = root_path.join(config_str); Url::from_file_path(config_path).map_err(|_| { anyhow!("Bad file path for configuration file: \"{}\"", config_str) }) } else { Err(anyhow!( "The path to the configuration file (\"{}\") is not resolvable.", config_str )) }?; let config_path = config_url .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Bad file path."))?; let config_text = fs::read_to_string(config_path.clone()) .await .map_err(|err| { anyhow!( "Failed to load the configuration file at: {}. [{}]", config_url, err ) })?; let (value, maybe_ignored_options) = parse_config(&config_text, &config_path)?; tsconfig.merge(&value); self.maybe_config_uri = Some(config_url); if let Some(ignored_options) = maybe_ignored_options { // TODO(@kitsonk) turn these into diagnostics that can be sent to the // client warn!("{}", ignored_options); } } self .ts_server .request(self.snapshot(), tsc::RequestMethod::Configure(tsconfig)) .await?; self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn document_version( &mut self, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self.documents.version(&specifier) } async fn get_asset( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mut state_snapshot = self.snapshot(); let maybe_asset = tsc::get_asset(&specifier, &self.ts_server, &mut state_snapshot).await?; self.assets.insert(specifier.clone(), maybe_asset.clone()); Ok(maybe_asset) } } // lspower::LanguageServer methods. This file's LanguageServer delegates to us. impl Inner { async fn initialize( &mut self, params: InitializeParams, ) -> LspResult { info!("Starting Deno language server..."); let mark = self.performance.mark("initialize"); let capabilities = capabilities::server_capabilities(¶ms.capabilities); let version = format!( "{} ({}, {})", crate::version::deno(), env!("PROFILE"), env!("TARGET") ); info!(" version: {}", version); let server_info = ServerInfo { name: "deno-language-server".to_string(), version: Some(version), }; if let Some(client_info) = params.client_info { info!( "Connected to \"{}\" {}", client_info.name, client_info.version.unwrap_or_default(), ); } { let config = &mut self.config; config.root_uri = params.root_uri; if let Some(value) = params.initialization_options { config.update(value)?; } config.update_capabilities(¶ms.capabilities); } if let Err(err) = self.update_tsconfig().await { warn!("Updating tsconfig has errored: {}", err); } if capabilities.code_action_provider.is_some() { let res = self .ts_server .request(self.snapshot(), tsc::RequestMethod::GetSupportedCodeFixes) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Unable to get fixable diagnostics: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; let fixable_diagnostics: Vec = from_value(res).map_err(|err| { error!("Unable to get fixable diagnostics: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; self.ts_fixable_diagnostics = fixable_diagnostics; } self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(InitializeResult { capabilities, server_info: Some(server_info), }) } async fn initialized(&mut self, _: InitializedParams) { // Check to see if we need to setup the import map if let Err(err) = self.update_import_map().await { self .client .show_message(MessageType::Warning, err.to_string()) .await; } if self .config .client_capabilities .workspace_did_change_watched_files { // we are going to watch all the JSON files in the workspace, and the // notification handler will pick up any of the changes of those files we // are interested in. let watch_registration_options = DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions { watchers: vec![FileSystemWatcher { glob_pattern: "**/*.json".to_string(), kind: Some(WatchKind::Change), }], }; let registration = Registration { id: "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles".to_string(), method: "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles".to_string(), register_options: Some( serde_json::to_value(watch_registration_options).unwrap(), ), }; if let Err(err) = self.client.register_capability(vec![registration]).await { warn!("Client errored on capabilities.\n{}", err); } } info!("Server ready."); } async fn shutdown(&self) -> LspResult<()> { Ok(()) } async fn did_open(&mut self, params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams) { let mark = self.performance.mark("did_open"); if params.text_document.uri.scheme() == "deno" { // we can ignore virtual text documents opening, as they don't need to // be tracked in memory, as they are static assets that won't change // already managed by the language service return; } let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri); self.documents.open( specifier.clone(), params.text_document.version, params.text_document.text, ); if let Err(err) = self .documents .analyze_dependencies(&specifier, &self.maybe_import_map) { error!("{}", err); } self.performance.measure(mark); // TODO(@kitsonk): how to better lazily do this? if let Err(err) = self.prepare_diagnostics().await { error!("{}", err); } } async fn did_change(&mut self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams) { let mark = self.performance.mark("did_change"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri); if let Err(err) = self.documents.change( &specifier, params.text_document.version, params.content_changes, ) { error!("{}", err); } if let Err(err) = self .documents .analyze_dependencies(&specifier, &self.maybe_import_map) { error!("{}", err); } self.performance.measure(mark); // TODO(@kitsonk): how to better lazily do this? if let Err(err) = self.prepare_diagnostics().await { error!("{}", err); } } async fn did_close(&mut self, params: DidCloseTextDocumentParams) { let mark = self.performance.mark("did_close"); if params.text_document.uri.scheme() == "deno" { // we can ignore virtual text documents opening, as they don't need to // be tracked in memory, as they are static assets that won't change // already managed by the language service return; } let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri); self.documents.close(&specifier); // TODO(@kitsonk): how to better lazily do this? if let Err(err) = self.prepare_diagnostics().await { error!("{}", err); } self.performance.measure(mark); } async fn did_save(&self, _params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams) { // nothing to do yet... cleanup things? } async fn did_change_configuration( &mut self, params: DidChangeConfigurationParams, ) { let mark = self.performance.mark("did_change_configuration"); let config = if self.config.client_capabilities.workspace_configuration { self .client .configuration(vec![ConfigurationItem { scope_uri: None, section: Some("deno".to_string()), }]) .await .map(|vec| vec.get(0).cloned()) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("failed to fetch the extension settings {:?}", err); None }) } else { params .settings .as_object() .map(|settings| settings.get("deno")) .flatten() .cloned() }; if let Some(config) = config { if let Err(err) = self.config.update(config) { error!("failed to update settings: {}", err); } if let Err(err) = self.update_import_map().await { self .client .show_message(MessageType::Warning, err.to_string()) .await; } if let Err(err) = self.update_tsconfig().await { self .client .show_message(MessageType::Warning, err.to_string()) .await; } } else { error!("received empty extension settings from the client"); } self.performance.measure(mark); } async fn did_change_watched_files( &mut self, params: DidChangeWatchedFilesParams, ) { let mark = self.performance.mark("did_change_watched_files"); // if the current import map has changed, we need to reload it if let Some(import_map_uri) = &self.maybe_import_map_uri { if params.changes.iter().any(|fe| *import_map_uri == fe.uri) { if let Err(err) = self.update_import_map().await { self .client .show_message(MessageType::Warning, err.to_string()) .await; } } } // if the current tsconfig has changed, we need to reload it if let Some(config_uri) = &self.maybe_config_uri { if params.changes.iter().any(|fe| *config_uri == fe.uri) { if let Err(err) = self.update_tsconfig().await { self .client .show_message(MessageType::Warning, err.to_string()) .await; } } } self.performance.measure(mark); } async fn formatting( &self, params: DocumentFormattingParams, ) -> LspResult>> { let mark = self.performance.mark("formatting"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri.clone()); let file_text = self .documents .content(&specifier) .map_err(|_| { LspError::invalid_params( "The specified file could not be found in memory.", ) })? .unwrap(); let line_index = self.documents.line_index(&specifier); let file_path = if let Ok(file_path) = params.text_document.uri.to_file_path() { file_path } else { PathBuf::from(params.text_document.uri.path()) }; // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error properly let text_edits = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let config = dprint::configuration::ConfigurationBuilder::new() .deno() .build(); // TODO(@kitsonk) this could be handled better in `cli/tools/fmt.rs` in the // future. match dprint::format_text(&file_path, &file_text, &config) { Ok(new_text) => { Some(text::get_edits(&file_text, &new_text, line_index)) } Err(err) => { warn!("Format error: {}", err); None } } }) .await .unwrap(); self.performance.measure(mark); if let Some(text_edits) = text_edits { if text_edits.is_empty() { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(text_edits)) } } else { self.client.show_message(MessageType::Warning, format!("Unable to format \"{}\". Likely due to unrecoverable syntax errors in the file.", specifier)).await; Ok(None) } } async fn hover(&mut self, params: HoverParams) -> LspResult> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("hover"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url( params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri, ); let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier) { line_index } else { return Err(LspError::invalid_params(format!( "An unexpected specifier ({}) was provided.", specifier ))); }; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetQuickInfo(( specifier, line_index.offset_tsc(params.text_document_position_params.position)?, )); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let res = self.ts_server.request(self.snapshot(), req).await.unwrap(); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let maybe_quick_info: Option = serde_json::from_value(res).unwrap(); if let Some(quick_info) = maybe_quick_info { let hover = quick_info.to_hover(&line_index); self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(hover)) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(None) } } async fn code_action( &mut self, params: CodeActionParams, ) -> LspResult> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("code_action"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri); let fixable_diagnostics: Vec<&Diagnostic> = params .context .diagnostics .iter() .filter(|d| match &d.source { Some(source) => match source.as_str() { "deno-ts" => match &d.code { Some(NumberOrString::String(code)) => { self.ts_fixable_diagnostics.contains(code) } Some(NumberOrString::Number(code)) => { self.ts_fixable_diagnostics.contains(&code.to_string()) } _ => false, }, // currently only processing `deno-ts` quick fixes _ => false, }, None => false, }) .collect(); if fixable_diagnostics.is_empty() { self.performance.measure(mark); return Ok(None); } let line_index = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier).unwrap(); let file_diagnostics: Vec = self .diagnostics .diagnostics_for(&specifier, &DiagnosticSource::TypeScript) .cloned() .collect(); let mut code_actions = CodeActionCollection::default(); for diagnostic in &fixable_diagnostics { let code = match &diagnostic.code.clone().unwrap() { NumberOrString::String(code) => code.to_string(), NumberOrString::Number(code) => code.to_string(), }; let codes = vec![code]; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetCodeFixes(( specifier.clone(), line_index.offset_tsc(diagnostic.range.start)?, line_index.offset_tsc(diagnostic.range.end)?, codes, )); let res = self .ts_server .request(self.snapshot(), req) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Error getting actions from TypeScript: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; let actions: Vec = from_value(res).map_err(|err| { error!("Cannot decode actions from TypeScript: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; for action in actions { code_actions .add_ts_fix_action(&action, diagnostic, self) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Unable to convert fix: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; if code_actions.is_fix_all_action( &action, diagnostic, &file_diagnostics, ) { code_actions.add_ts_fix_all_action(&action, &specifier, diagnostic); } } } code_actions.set_preferred_fixes(); let code_action_response = code_actions.get_response(); self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(code_action_response)) } async fn code_action_resolve( &mut self, params: CodeAction, ) -> LspResult { let mark = self.performance.mark("code_action_resolve"); let result = if let Some(data) = params.data.clone() { let code_action_data: CodeActionData = from_value(data).map_err(|err| { error!("Unable to decode code action data: {}", err); LspError::invalid_params("The CodeAction's data is invalid.") })?; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetCombinedCodeFix(( code_action_data.specifier, json!(code_action_data.fix_id.clone()), )); let res = self.ts_server.request(self.snapshot(), req).await.map_err( |err| { error!("Unable to get combined fix from TypeScript: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() }, )?; let combined_code_actions: tsc::CombinedCodeActions = from_value(res).map_err(|err| { error!("Cannot decode combined actions from TypeScript: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; if combined_code_actions.commands.is_some() { error!("Deno does not support code actions with commands."); Err(LspError::invalid_request()) } else { let mut code_action = params.clone(); code_action.edit = ts_changes_to_edit(&combined_code_actions.changes, self) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Unable to convert changes to edits: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; Ok(code_action) } } else { Err(LspError::invalid_params( "The CodeAction's data is missing.", )) }; self.performance.measure(mark); result } async fn code_lens( &mut self, params: CodeLensParams, ) -> LspResult>> { if !self.enabled() || !self.config.settings.enabled_code_lens() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("code_lens"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri); let line_index = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier).unwrap(); let navigation_tree = self.get_navigation_tree(&specifier).await.map_err(|err| { error!("Failed to retrieve nav tree: {:#?}", err); LspError::invalid_request() })?; // because we have to use this as a mutable in a closure, the compiler // can't be sure when the vector will be mutated, and so a RefCell is // required to "protect" the vector. let cl = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())); navigation_tree.walk(&|i, mp| { let mut code_lenses = cl.borrow_mut(); // TSC References Code Lens if self.config.settings.enabled_code_lens_references() { let source = CodeLensSource::References; if let Some(parent) = &mp { if parent.kind == tsc::ScriptElementKind::EnumElement { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens(&line_index, &specifier, &source)); } } match i.kind { tsc::ScriptElementKind::FunctionElement => { if self .config .settings .enabled_code_lens_references_all_functions() { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( &line_index, &specifier, &source, )); } } tsc::ScriptElementKind::ConstElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::LetElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::VariableElement => { if EXPORT_MODIFIER.is_match(&i.kind_modifiers) { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( &line_index, &specifier, &source, )); } } tsc::ScriptElementKind::ClassElement => { if i.text != "" { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( &line_index, &specifier, &source, )); } } tsc::ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::TypeElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::EnumElement => { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens(&line_index, &specifier, &source)); } tsc::ScriptElementKind::LocalFunctionElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberGetAccessorElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberSetAccessorElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::ConstructorImplementationElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::MemberVariableElement => { if let Some(parent) = &mp { if parent.spans[0].start != i.spans[0].start { match parent.kind { tsc::ScriptElementKind::ClassElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::InterfaceElement | tsc::ScriptElementKind::TypeElement => { code_lenses.push(i.to_code_lens( &line_index, &specifier, &source, )); } _ => (), } } } } _ => (), } } }); self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(Rc::try_unwrap(cl).unwrap().into_inner())) } async fn code_lens_resolve( &mut self, params: CodeLens, ) -> LspResult { let mark = self.performance.mark("code_lens_resolve"); if let Some(data) = params.data.clone() { let code_lens_data: CodeLensData = serde_json::from_value(data) .map_err(|err| LspError::invalid_params(err.to_string()))?; let code_lens = match code_lens_data.source { CodeLensSource::References => { let line_index = self.get_line_index_sync(&code_lens_data.specifier).unwrap(); let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetReferences(( code_lens_data.specifier.clone(), line_index.offset_tsc(params.range.start)?, )); let res = self.ts_server.request(self.snapshot(), req).await.map_err( |err| { error!("Error processing TypeScript request: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() }, )?; let maybe_references: Option> = serde_json::from_value(res).map_err(|err| { error!("Error deserializing response: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; if let Some(references) = maybe_references { let mut locations = Vec::new(); for reference in references { if reference.is_definition { continue; } let reference_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url( &reference.document_span.file_name, ) .map_err(|err| { error!("Invalid specifier returned from TypeScript: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; let line_index = self .get_line_index(reference_specifier) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Unable to get line index: {}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; locations.push(reference.to_location(&line_index)); } let command = if !locations.is_empty() { let title = if locations.len() > 1 { format!("{} references", locations.len()) } else { "1 reference".to_string() }; Command { title, command: "deno.showReferences".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![ serde_json::to_value(code_lens_data.specifier).unwrap(), serde_json::to_value(params.range.start).unwrap(), serde_json::to_value(locations).unwrap(), ]), } } else { Command { title: "0 references".to_string(), command: "".to_string(), arguments: None, } }; CodeLens { range: params.range, command: Some(command), data: None, } } else { let command = Command { title: "0 references".to_string(), command: "".to_string(), arguments: None, }; CodeLens { range: params.range, command: Some(command), data: None, } } } }; self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(code_lens) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Err(LspError::invalid_params( "Code lens is missing the \"data\" property.", )) } } async fn document_highlight( &mut self, params: DocumentHighlightParams, ) -> LspResult>> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("document_highlight"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url( params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri, ); let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier) { line_index } else { return Err(LspError::invalid_params(format!( "An unexpected specifier ({}) was provided.", specifier ))); }; let files_to_search = vec![specifier.clone()]; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetDocumentHighlights(( specifier, line_index.offset_tsc(params.text_document_position_params.position)?, files_to_search, )); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let res = self.ts_server.request(self.snapshot(), req).await.unwrap(); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let maybe_document_highlights: Option> = serde_json::from_value(res).unwrap(); if let Some(document_highlights) = maybe_document_highlights { let result = document_highlights .into_iter() .map(|dh| dh.to_highlight(&line_index)) .flatten() .collect(); self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(result)) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(None) } } async fn references( &mut self, params: ReferenceParams, ) -> LspResult>> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("references"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document_position.text_document.uri); let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier) { line_index } else { return Err(LspError::invalid_params(format!( "An unexpected specifier ({}) was provided.", specifier ))); }; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetReferences(( specifier, line_index.offset_tsc(params.text_document_position.position)?, )); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let res = self.ts_server.request(self.snapshot(), req).await.unwrap(); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let maybe_references: Option> = serde_json::from_value(res).unwrap(); if let Some(references) = maybe_references { let mut results = Vec::new(); for reference in references { if !params.context.include_declaration && reference.is_definition { continue; } let reference_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url(&reference.document_span.file_name) .unwrap(); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let line_index = self.get_line_index(reference_specifier).await.unwrap(); results.push(reference.to_location(&line_index)); } self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(results)) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(None) } } async fn goto_definition( &mut self, params: GotoDefinitionParams, ) -> LspResult> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("goto_definition"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url( params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri, ); let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier) { line_index } else { return Err(LspError::invalid_params(format!( "An unexpected specifier ({}) was provided.", specifier ))); }; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetDefinition(( specifier, line_index.offset_tsc(params.text_document_position_params.position)?, )); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let res = self.ts_server.request(self.snapshot(), req).await.unwrap(); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let maybe_definition: Option = serde_json::from_value(res).unwrap(); if let Some(definition) = maybe_definition { let results = definition.to_definition(&line_index, self).await; self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(results) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(None) } } async fn completion( &mut self, params: CompletionParams, ) -> LspResult> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("completion"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document_position.text_document.uri); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier) { line_index } else { return Err(LspError::invalid_params(format!( "An unexpected specifier ({}) was provided.", specifier ))); }; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetCompletions(( specifier, line_index.offset_tsc(params.text_document_position.position)?, tsc::UserPreferences { // TODO(lucacasonato): enable this. see https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/8651 include_completions_with_insert_text: Some(false), ..Default::default() }, )); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let res = self.ts_server.request(self.snapshot(), req).await.unwrap(); // TODO(lucacasonato): handle error correctly let maybe_completion_info: Option = serde_json::from_value(res).unwrap(); if let Some(completions) = maybe_completion_info { let results = completions.into_completion_response(&line_index); self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(results)) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(None) } } async fn goto_implementation( &mut self, params: GotoImplementationParams, ) -> LspResult> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("goto_implementation"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url( params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri, ); let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier) { line_index } else { return Err(LspError::invalid_params(format!( "An unexpected specifier ({}) was provided.", specifier ))); }; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::GetImplementation(( specifier, line_index.offset_tsc(params.text_document_position_params.position)?, )); let res = self .ts_server .request(self.snapshot(), req) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Failed to request to tsserver {:#?}", err); LspError::invalid_request() })?; let maybe_implementations = serde_json::from_value::>>(res) .map_err(|err| { error!("Failed to deserialized tsserver response to Vec {:#?}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; if let Some(implementations) = maybe_implementations { let mut results = Vec::new(); for impl_ in implementations { let document_span = impl_.document_span; let impl_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url(&document_span.file_name).unwrap(); let impl_line_index = &self.get_line_index(impl_specifier).await.unwrap(); if let Some(link) = document_span.to_link(impl_line_index, self).await { results.push(link); } } self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(GotoDefinitionResponse::Link(results))) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(None) } } async fn rename( &mut self, params: RenameParams, ) -> LspResult> { if !self.enabled() { return Ok(None); } let mark = self.performance.mark("rename"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document_position.text_document.uri); let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = self.get_line_index_sync(&specifier) { line_index } else { return Err(LspError::invalid_params(format!( "An unexpected specifier ({}) was provided.", specifier ))); }; let req = tsc::RequestMethod::FindRenameLocations(( specifier, line_index.offset_tsc(params.text_document_position.position)?, true, true, false, )); let res = self .ts_server .request(self.snapshot(), req) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Failed to request to tsserver {:#?}", err); LspError::invalid_request() })?; let maybe_locations = serde_json::from_value::< Option>, >(res) .map_err(|err| { error!( "Failed to deserialize tsserver response to Vec {:#?}", err ); LspError::internal_error() })?; if let Some(locations) = maybe_locations { let rename_locations = tsc::RenameLocations { locations }; let workspace_edits = rename_locations .into_workspace_edit(¶ms.new_name, self) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("Failed to get workspace edits: {:#?}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(Some(workspace_edits)) } else { self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(None) } } async fn request_else( &mut self, method: &str, params: Option, ) -> LspResult> { match method { "deno/cache" => match params.map(serde_json::from_value) { Some(Ok(params)) => Ok(Some( serde_json::to_value(self.cache(params).await?).map_err(|err| { error!("Failed to serialize cache response: {:#?}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?, )), Some(Err(err)) => Err(LspError::invalid_params(err.to_string())), None => Err(LspError::invalid_params("Missing parameters")), }, "deno/performance" => self.get_performance(), "deno/virtualTextDocument" => match params.map(serde_json::from_value) { Some(Ok(params)) => Ok(Some( serde_json::to_value(self.virtual_text_document(params).await?) .map_err(|err| { error!( "Failed to serialize virtual_text_document response: {:#?}", err ); LspError::internal_error() })?, )), Some(Err(err)) => Err(LspError::invalid_params(err.to_string())), None => Err(LspError::invalid_params("Missing parameters")), }, _ => { error!("Got a {} request, but no handler is defined", method); Err(LspError::method_not_found()) } } } } #[lspower::async_trait] impl lspower::LanguageServer for LanguageServer { async fn initialize( &self, params: InitializeParams, ) -> LspResult { self.0.lock().await.initialize(params).await } async fn initialized(&self, params: InitializedParams) { self.0.lock().await.initialized(params).await } async fn shutdown(&self) -> LspResult<()> { self.0.lock().await.shutdown().await } async fn did_open(&self, params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams) { self.0.lock().await.did_open(params).await } async fn did_change(&self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams) { self.0.lock().await.did_change(params).await } async fn did_close(&self, params: DidCloseTextDocumentParams) { self.0.lock().await.did_close(params).await } async fn did_save(&self, params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams) { self.0.lock().await.did_save(params).await } async fn did_change_configuration( &self, params: DidChangeConfigurationParams, ) { self.0.lock().await.did_change_configuration(params).await } async fn did_change_watched_files( &self, params: DidChangeWatchedFilesParams, ) { self.0.lock().await.did_change_watched_files(params).await } async fn formatting( &self, params: DocumentFormattingParams, ) -> LspResult>> { self.0.lock().await.formatting(params).await } async fn hover(&self, params: HoverParams) -> LspResult> { self.0.lock().await.hover(params).await } async fn code_action( &self, params: CodeActionParams, ) -> LspResult> { self.0.lock().await.code_action(params).await } async fn code_action_resolve( &self, params: CodeAction, ) -> LspResult { self.0.lock().await.code_action_resolve(params).await } async fn code_lens( &self, params: CodeLensParams, ) -> LspResult>> { self.0.lock().await.code_lens(params).await } async fn code_lens_resolve(&self, params: CodeLens) -> LspResult { self.0.lock().await.code_lens_resolve(params).await } async fn document_highlight( &self, params: DocumentHighlightParams, ) -> LspResult>> { self.0.lock().await.document_highlight(params).await } async fn references( &self, params: ReferenceParams, ) -> LspResult>> { self.0.lock().await.references(params).await } async fn goto_definition( &self, params: GotoDefinitionParams, ) -> LspResult> { self.0.lock().await.goto_definition(params).await } async fn completion( &self, params: CompletionParams, ) -> LspResult> { self.0.lock().await.completion(params).await } async fn goto_implementation( &self, params: GotoImplementationParams, ) -> LspResult> { self.0.lock().await.goto_implementation(params).await } async fn rename( &self, params: RenameParams, ) -> LspResult> { self.0.lock().await.rename(params).await } async fn request_else( &self, method: &str, params: Option, ) -> LspResult> { self.0.lock().await.request_else(method, params).await } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct CacheParams { text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct VirtualTextDocumentParams { text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier, } // These are implementations of custom commands supported by the LSP impl Inner { async fn cache(&mut self, params: CacheParams) -> LspResult { let mark = self.performance.mark("cache"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri); let maybe_import_map = self.maybe_import_map.clone(); sources::cache(specifier.clone(), maybe_import_map) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("{}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; if self.documents.contains(&specifier) { self.diagnostics.invalidate(&specifier); } self.prepare_diagnostics().await.map_err(|err| { error!("{}", err); LspError::internal_error() })?; self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(true) } fn get_performance(&self) -> LspResult> { let averages = self.performance.averages(); Ok(Some(json!({ "averages": averages }))) } async fn virtual_text_document( &mut self, params: VirtualTextDocumentParams, ) -> LspResult> { let mark = self.performance.mark("virtual_text_document"); let specifier = utils::normalize_url(params.text_document.uri); let url = specifier.as_url(); let contents = if url.as_str() == "deno:/status.md" { let mut contents = String::new(); contents.push_str(&format!( r#"# Deno Language Server Status - Documents in memory: {} "#, self.documents.len() )); contents.push_str("\n## Performance\n\n"); for average in self.performance.averages() { contents.push_str(&format!( " - {}: {}ms ({})\n", average.name, average.average_duration, average.count )); } Some(contents) } else { match url.scheme() { "asset" => { let maybe_asset = self.assets.get(&specifier).cloned(); if let Some(maybe_asset) = maybe_asset { if let Some(asset) = maybe_asset { Some(asset.text) } else { None } } else { if let Some(asset) = self .get_asset(&specifier) .await .map_err(|_| LspError::internal_error())? { Some(asset.text) } else { error!("Missing asset: {}", specifier); None } } } _ => { if let Some(text) = self.sources.get_text(&specifier) { Some(text) } else { error!("The cached sources was not found: {}", specifier); None } } } }; self.performance.measure(mark); Ok(contents) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::lsp::performance::PerformanceAverage; use lspower::jsonrpc; use lspower::ExitedError; use lspower::LspService; use std::fs; use std::task::Poll; use std::time::Instant; use tower_test::mock::Spawn; enum LspResponse where V: FnOnce(Value), { None, RequestAny, Request(u64, Value), RequestAssert(V), RequestFixture(u64, String), } type LspTestHarnessRequest = (&'static str, LspResponse); struct LspTestHarness { requests: Vec, service: Spawn, } impl LspTestHarness { pub fn new(requests: Vec) -> Self { let (service, _) = LspService::new(LanguageServer::new); let service = Spawn::new(service); Self { requests, service } } async fn run(&mut self) { for (req_path_str, expected) in self.requests.iter() { assert_eq!(self.service.poll_ready(), Poll::Ready(Ok(()))); let fixtures_path = test_util::root_path().join("cli/tests/lsp"); assert!(fixtures_path.is_dir()); let req_path = fixtures_path.join(req_path_str); let req_str = fs::read_to_string(req_path).unwrap(); let req: jsonrpc::Incoming = serde_json::from_str(&req_str).unwrap(); let response: Result, ExitedError> = self.service.call(req).await; match response { Ok(result) => match expected { LspResponse::None => assert_eq!(result, None), LspResponse::RequestAny => match result { Some(jsonrpc::Outgoing::Response(_)) => (), _ => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", result), }, LspResponse::Request(id, value) => match result { Some(jsonrpc::Outgoing::Response(resp)) => assert_eq!( resp, jsonrpc::Response::ok(jsonrpc::Id::Number(*id), value.clone()) ), _ => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", result), }, LspResponse::RequestAssert(assert) => match result { Some(jsonrpc::Outgoing::Response(resp)) => assert(json!(resp)), _ => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", result), }, LspResponse::RequestFixture(id, res_path_str) => { let res_path = fixtures_path.join(res_path_str); let res_str = fs::read_to_string(res_path).unwrap(); match result { Some(jsonrpc::Outgoing::Response(resp)) => assert_eq!( resp, jsonrpc::Response::ok( jsonrpc::Id::Number(*id), serde_json::from_str(&res_str).unwrap() ) ), _ => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", result), } } }, Err(err) => panic!("Error result: {}", err), } } } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_startup_shutdown() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_hover() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ( "hover_request.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!({ "contents": [ { "language": "typescript", "value": "const Deno.args: string[]" }, "Returns the script arguments to the program. If for example we run a\nprogram:\n\ndeno run --allow-read https://deno.land/std/examples/cat.ts /etc/passwd\n\nThen `Deno.args` will contain:\n\n[ \"/etc/passwd\" ]" ], "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 17 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 21 } } }), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_hover_disabled() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request_disabled.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("hover_request.json", LspResponse::Request(2, json!(null))), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_hover_unstable_disabled() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification_unstable.json", LspResponse::None), ( "hover_request.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!({ "contents": [ { "language": "typescript", "value": "any" } ], "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 17 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 28 } } }), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_hover_unstable_enabled() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request_unstable.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification_unstable.json", LspResponse::None), ( "hover_request.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!({ "contents": [ { "language": "typescript", "value": "const Deno.permissions: Deno.Permissions" }, "**UNSTABLE**: Under consideration to move to `navigator.permissions` to\nmatch web API. It could look like `navigator.permissions.query({ name: Deno.symbols.read })`." ], "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 17 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 28 } } }), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_hover_change_mbc() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification_mbc.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_change_notification_mbc.json", LspResponse::None), ( "hover_request_mbc.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!({ "contents": [ { "language": "typescript", "value": "const b: \"😃\"", }, "", ], "range": { "start": { "line": 2, "character": 13, }, "end": { "line": 2, "character": 14, }, } }), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_format_mbc() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification_mbc_fmt.json", LspResponse::None), ( "formatting_request_mbc_fmt.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!([ { "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 12 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 13, } }, "newText": "\"" }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 21 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 22 } }, "newText": "\";" }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 1, "character": 12, }, "end": { "line": 1, "character": 13, } }, "newText": "\"" }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 1, "character": 23, }, "end": { "line": 1, "character": 25, } }, "newText": "\");" } ]), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_large_doc_change() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification_large.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_change_notification_large.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_change_notification_large_02.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_change_notification_large_03.json", LspResponse::None), ("hover_request_large_01.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("hover_request_large_02.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("hover_request_large_03.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); let time = Instant::now(); harness.run().await; assert!( time.elapsed().as_millis() <= 15000, "the execution time exceeded 10000ms" ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_rename() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("rename_did_open_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ( "rename_request.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!({ "documentChanges": [{ "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///a/file.ts", "version": 1, }, "edits": [{ "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 4 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 12 } }, "newText": "variable_modified" }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 1, "character": 12 }, "end": { "line": 1, "character": 20 } }, "newText": "variable_modified" }] }] }), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_code_lens_request() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ( "did_open_notification_cl_references.json", LspResponse::None, ), ( "code_lens_request.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!([ { "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 6, }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 7, } }, "data": { "specifier": "file:///a/file.ts", "source": "references", }, }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 1, "character": 2, }, "end": { "line": 1, "character": 3, } }, "data": { "specifier": "file:///a/file.ts", "source": "references", } } ]), ), ), ( "code_lens_resolve_request.json", LspResponse::Request( 4, json!({ "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 6, }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 7, } }, "command": { "title": "1 reference", "command": "deno.showReferences", "arguments": [ "file:///a/file.ts", { "line": 0, "character": 6, }, [ { "uri": "file:///a/file.ts", "range": { "start": { "line": 12, "character": 14, }, "end": { "line": 12, "character": 15, } } } ], ] } }), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_code_actions() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification_code_action.json", LspResponse::None), ( "code_action_request.json", LspResponse::RequestFixture(2, "code_action_response.json".to_string()), ), ( "code_action_resolve_request.json", LspResponse::RequestFixture( 4, "code_action_resolve_request_response.json".to_string(), ), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct PerformanceAverages { averages: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct PerformanceResponse { result: PerformanceAverages, } #[tokio::test] async fn test_deno_performance_request() { let mut harness = LspTestHarness::new(vec![ ("initialize_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAny), ("initialized_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ("did_open_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ( "hover_request.json", LspResponse::Request( 2, json!({ "contents": [ { "language": "typescript", "value": "const Deno.args: string[]" }, "Returns the script arguments to the program. If for example we run a\nprogram:\n\ndeno run --allow-read https://deno.land/std/examples/cat.ts /etc/passwd\n\nThen `Deno.args` will contain:\n\n[ \"/etc/passwd\" ]" ], "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 17 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 21 } } }), ), ), ( "performance_request.json", LspResponse::RequestAssert(|value| { let resp: PerformanceResponse = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap(); assert_eq!(resp.result.averages.len(), 10); }), ), ( "shutdown_request.json", LspResponse::Request(3, json!(null)), ), ("exit_notification.json", LspResponse::None), ]); harness.run().await; } }